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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

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I'm sure most of us have experienced a similar situation in the past. I'm generally not very active myself and usually just quickly glance through the forum every day. (Or I look at stuff on my phone which removes the "new" tag on posts then I forget about them later in the day :p ).

Like Stardust said, sometimes you may need to be a little patient with replies. When people are busy they may see your post but may need to find another time to actually sit down and make a proper reply (especially when it comes to reviews)

Now I don't visit the fanfiction section as it's not my cup of tea but as I do participate in the fanart section I've always lived by the idea that if you want people to comment on your work you should make sure to comment on everyone elses as well (if possible that is. It's much easier to do so with fanart then the really active fanfiction section). Just like Stardust I'm not trying to criticize either, just throwing some food for thought out there. :smile


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I don't think anyone is deliberately ignoring you. Keep in mind that you've only posted one story/chapter so far, and it was only yesterday. Sometimes it just takes time to gain interest and feedback. As well, you haven't yet commented on anyone else's stories. That isn't meant as an accusation or anything (as I haven't been very active in the fanfic section myself, although I would like to be), but all the same, if you're looking for story feedback, then I'm sure you'll get it in return if you're willing to give other authors feedback as well.

As for your posts in the character pages, it's just a reality of the forum that not every post a person makes will necessarily generate a direct response. It happens to me as well sometimes. You've only been with us for a week and you've only made 11 posts thus far, which isn't a lot to go off. Just hang around long enough and you'll slowly start to build up interest and conversations with the other members.

and look I don't want this to be misread, I understand all of what your saying. I understand I'm new here, but this is an ongoing thing that tends to keep on happening to me whenever I do try a new place. So it's a little hard to stay paitent when it's happened to me before. I'm not saying people are actually ignoring me here, but it's just how it can feel. I'm also 25 years old, and anything I put my time and effort into I want to be sure will be worth it from now on. I love the Land before Time and I do want to be here, this is just how I feel and expressing that now was just really important. I bottle things up way too much.


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To build off of what everyone else has said, you have only posted in three sections so far: The Welcome Center, LBT Fanfiction, and Character Discussion. This already has flaws that I would like to point out to you. First of all, you aren’t posting in enough areas of the forum. Before going into these specific areas of the forum, I suggest that you go out and spark discussions on common interests, and develop friendships to connect closer to people. The best place to do this would be in sections such as The Party Room, It’s Party Time!, The Fridge, and more General LBT sections of the forum. Even if it’s just small talk, people do appreciate the social interaction and the willingness to participate in the community. Once they become more familiar with you, I’m sure they would exhibit more interest in anything you have to offer as well. Simply posting and expecting someone to reply, especially on a thread that hasn’t been discussed for awhile or in a section that usually has little interest, it will lead you to disappointment. In fact, I’ve had those moments many times, but you just have to let it go and move on.

Also, can I ask you this? Is your fanfiction thread getting views? If it is, then congratulations! People are interested enough to even click on it and view what it has to offer. Keep in mind that not everyone will leave a review or even a simple comment, but don’t believe for a second that you are ignored by everyone, because you’re not. And plus, people here leave actual constructive feedback, so it may take a bit of time for people to fully analyze what you have written and give the proper positives and negatives to help you improve your writing skills.

So overall, I sympathize with your cause, but you haven’t really posted anywhere else except the sections that most people don’t frequent that much at all. I would love to engage in meaningful discussion with you, so don’t give up on the forum just yet.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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@ImpracticalDino now I think telling someone that they haven't posted enough is something that you shouldn't say. Everyone has to decide for themselves how (in-) active they want to be...

I'll be honest, I didn't even know yet that you have posted a story. Not all folks review the stories that they read. I typically do but I'm quite busy. I'll check it out as soon as I can (hopefully this weekend) okay?

Edit: I didn't have time for a long response earlier so here's some more I wanted to say

I don't know what other places you have been to. This community and Fandom is rather small compared to big Fandoms like Star Wars, Lion King or My little Pony but it is the biggest place to go to if you're a fan of the series. We're in a rather active state at the moment, often it's much quieter. So chances are higher than usual that someone will reply to your posts. Fanfiction is generally a bit more tricky as not everyone likes to write lengthy reviews but we have a few members who are quite passionate about reviewing the work of their fellow writers. Hardly anything goes ignored on here in the fanfiction sub-forum.

One thing though is that you shouldn't say things that because it has a bit of a bad vibe when you're basically asking for attention. It might rather achieve the opposite as some folks might be put off by such behavior. I'm just saying, no harm done  :^^spike

« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 07:32:21 AM by Ducky123 »
Inactive, probably forever.


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I'm just being honest about how I feel why is that attention seeking? Again this has happened to me before, I'll put my effort into connecting with people on a forum, but eventually they just don't reply and I just end up feeling like crap. I'm just tired of that. I don't want to give up on this place quickly, I want to give it time to see what happens but the pattern is really irritating.


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You'll need to give it some time. There are only about 10-15 people online here daily, and most of those will just check in to the place quickly, perhaps on topics that they follow. Almost all of us either work full-time or are in school. Activity usually goes up over the weekend. Not everyone is interested in fanfiction either *raises hand*. We're a forum for a reason - slow posts that you can check at your own pace. You should not take that personally.


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I agree with Mumbling. I'm one of the more active members here, but even then, sometimes it takes a while for a thread I've posted in to recieve another response. Sometimes a reply doesn't come at all. It happens to all of us. Occasionally a thread will die out, or go through a period of inactivity. As Ducky said earlier, it's entirely your choice how active or inactive you want to be, and either choice is fine. But I just feel like you're expecting too much to happen too soon. Just give it time and participate in the forum at your own pace, and eventually you'll find your groove here. This is a good community full of a lot of nice people, but ultimately, the forum is just one of several pastimes for us.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 04:26:23 PM by StardustSoldier »


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It sounds like you expect people on these forums you join to be your friends right away with minimal effort. That isn't the way it works. If you want to build connections, you have to work for it. Post in more areas. Engage people in more topics other than LBT. Nobody here made connections from a few posts in a few areas in a short amount of time.


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It sounds like you expect people on these forums you join to be your friends right away with minimal effort. That isn't the way it works. If you want to build connections, you have to work for it. Post in more areas. Engage people in more topics other than LBT. Nobody here made connections from a few posts in a few areas in a short amount of time.

Not what I was saying but thanks for assuming things about me, also I was just getting ready to relax this issue and drop it. But good job showing why I felt the need to even make those feelings known in the first place.

edit- and you know what I've decided I'm done, this isn't worth it and people constantly talking down to me is irritating. You people are every bit as snooty and stuck up as I though during my first impression of this place.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 06:31:36 PM by Cloud5001 »


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It sounds like you expect people on these forums you join to be your friends right away with minimal effort. That isn't the way it works. If you want to build connections, you have to work for it. Post in more areas. Engage people in more topics other than LBT. Nobody here made connections from a few posts in a few areas in a short amount of time.

Not what I was saying but thanks for assuming things about me, also I was just getting ready to relax this issue and drop it. But good job showing why I felt the need to even make those feelings known in the first place.

edit- and you know what I've decided I'm done, this isn't worth it and people constantly talking down to me is irritating. You people are every bit as snooty and stuck up as I though during my first impression of this place.

I wasn't assuming anything about you. I was just pointing out how you were coming across. Then I offered you advice just as the others have. You expressed frustration that no one was replying to you after a very short amount of time and yes that does come across as attention seeking. This is frustrating to others because it can come off as trying to guilt people into replying to you, even if that isn't what you intended.

And excuse me? We're snooty? I've been part of this community for a long time and I can tell you that it wouldn't have lasted this long if we were all 'snooty'. People here have tried to help you out and you are coming across as ungrateful with this response of yours. You say that I assumed things about you. Guess what? You just assumed things about us by calling us 'snooty' just because we were trying to help you. That is hypocritical and isn't going to win you any friends, here or anywhere.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 07:03:05 PM by DarkHououmon »


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now I think telling someone that they haven't posted enough is something that
you shouldn't say. Everyone has to decide for themselves how (in-) active they want to be...

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I wasn't really talking about the amount of activity, but moreso where the activity ends up taking place. I was merely making a suggestion towards him so that he can better connect with people here.

Also, as I soon as a saw your post in the morning Ducky123, I had a feeling that this situation was going to escalate. And indeed it did. I really wanted to post this morning to rectify and confirm any misunderstandings Cloud5001 may have with me, but too bad I had school to attend for the day.

@Cloud5001: I do apologize if it felt like me or anyone else was too condescending against you. But do realize that everyone here was trying their best to help you feel included and not ignored, even if you thought the opposite that. You were probably getting tired of everyone repeating the same thing towards you over and over, so that I can understand. I have another suggestion to offer, something similar to the one I presented in an earlier post of mine. Instead of posting in secluded or old threads that hasn't seen any activity in awhile, it is better to spark discussion in more recent threads, or better yet you can make your own topic concerning anything LBT related or non-LBT related as well, even if it has been something already discussed in the past or something similar. And secondly, ask questions! Many, and lots of questions. There's a lot you can learn and derive just by being curious about people and things. It's an almost guaranteed way of getting a desired response from someone, and both participants end up benefiting from the experience most of the time. The Ask Me section is perfect for this, as the section is literally designated for asking questions! Anyway, hopefully this helped you and cleared any confusion that was presented earlier. :)

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Some people are very active, but don't visit certain sections of the forum. And often times topics are read, but not commented on.
I had two role play idea topics up for 2 months before people started to take interest in them. It can take a while for topics to get noticed. One was up for 3 days short of 2 months before it had any replies.

I also know that there are people who read fanfics and leave reviews, people who don't read the fanfics at all, and then there are also people like me...who read fanfics but don't leave reviews.

Another thing is that there have been a few authors of longer fanfics who have released new chapters recently - and if the people who are the frequent reviewers are anything like me they'll be more likely to read and review those fanfics first.

Here's my advice:
Try to have as much patience as you can - being in a rush won't be helpful on this forum. I'm pretty sure that there's no "speed games" currently going on (the Hangman & LBT Hangman are probably the closest to speed games currently...and they're not really even fast paced). :lol  :)

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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I'm sorry you misunderstood us. Reading the intention behind digital messages can be very difficult and is a skill everyone has to learn. It seems that you are only responding to cherry-picked comments and ignoring the more positive ones, Cloud. But really none of us has negative intentions and calling us 'snooty' or 'stuck-up' is unwarranted. This is one of the most friendly and welcoming communities you could find on the Internet, but sadly your expectations are not in line with what we can provide.

Since you have expressed a desire to leave, I am going to lock this topic and let the matter rest. Sometimes people are simply incompatible, and it's time we all learned that not everyone can be friends. I wish you all the best in future endeavors.
