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Land Before Time: The Stone of Light

Threehorn · 695 · 44150

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail looked over in the direction of the sound as Ruby said "I wonder if that is us, coming to meet us?" Longtail, however just smiled and said "It had better be us...I can't take anymore surprises today!" His uncle Cyrix just laughed and said "Don't worry my nephew, everything will be okay!"


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the ship came in closer and as it flys over the Great Valley they saw how really big the starship was as it slows and moves over the Great Wall slowly dropping from the sky. "Wow... that... is... really... big... flying... thing" Cera said with her mouth dropped seeing it could easily take up 1/12 of the Great Valley as it lands outside the Great Wall in the desert area. dust could be seen blowing up into the sky a little from the landing.

"It bigger then the other flying thingy... oh yes yes yes" Ducky was very much startled by the size and shape of the Cretaceous as it disappear from view behind the Great Wall


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Guido nods to what the others said as he watched it, "It is a big, flier thing.  But I guess it has many people it carries and has to be big." He said.  He saw what he thought was a nice looking stone and picked it up.  It was small and fit his hand and had some flicks of color from another type of stone in it.  He thought it would make a good gift, though a quickly chosen one.


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"A crew of about 750" Andrew said about how many are on board the ship. "Well should we start walking? Or transporter which be seconds?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail smiled as he said "I think I'd rather fly to it...after all there's nothing better than dropping in on another version of you!" Cyrix laughed at his nephews response as he countered "Well if it would be faster I way we use that teleport thing of yours Andrew."

Ruby and Chomper exchanged a glance at each other and Chomper said "I think I'll walk." And Ruby nodded her head in agreement as she replied "Yes, walking there only makes you walk faster."

Dash The Longneck

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"Me think I'm with Chomper and Ruby on this one. Me had to many adventures today as it is"Petrie said. "I have never flown in a trasporter before count me in Andrew"Littlefoot said.


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"The teleporter seems interesting, and we would meet ourselves faster, but I guess you'd be leaving faster if we did all use that." Guido said a bit unsure which way to go, walk or use the teleport thing.


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"I gather the transporter it is" Andrew tap his badge "Baxio, 13 to beam up"

"Aye sir" Ensign Baxio replied and activate the transporter lock and transport them to Transporter 2 in a flash they all was standing in the transporter room.

Lt. Commander Bai’ka Lako was standing before them and turn to Longtail "I gather your Longtail, I am Bai'ka and before you wonder about my ridges on my forehead, I am a Klingon. Now please come with me, your counterpart is in the Sublight Stream drive enegineering" Bai'ka introducted herself and got to the point straight away.


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Guido looks at the klingon smiling a bit, "Klingon, then you are the ones who have that great tasting food that I think is called Gark or something like that, great type of food." He said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail shuddered for a moment as he felt the effects of the transporter wearing off..."I will never get used to that!" After hearing his name Longtail looked up and saw Bai'ka speaking to him. Still holding the rock Andrew had given him from his other self in his tail Longtail nodded his head and replied "Yes I am...I'll follow you."


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Bai'ka nods to Guildo and walks to the door it opens automatically and Longtail follows into a corridor then they turn left walking to a set of doors just a bit away "I been briefed on the paradox that happened and why there is now two of you in one temporal Plain." Bai'ka said to Longtail as they enter a small room that wasn't even that big the doors shut. "Sublight Stream Energineering" for a second it felt a joint then the hum of it moving.

"This is a Turbo Lift, it will get us there in a few moments." Bai'ka explained. "Your that flying type right? so how does it feel to fly through the wind? on your own power? I never got a chance to ask your counterpart since he choice to just ask all about the sublight engines and systems."


Captain turn to Guildo "Bai'ka might be Kilngon but she hates their trodisations and don't want anything to do with their food, their life style, nothing. that is her way and I leave it as that."

Baxio then spoke "Captain Shall we take them to Holo Deck 1? the others all waiting there for them. Also you'd need to get ready sir, I believe you did promise to do the Dinobeam yourself into a primal Triceratops"

"Ensign your correct" Andrew smiled. "I will see you all there. Malo will take you all there"

"Yes Captain" Malo nods and move to the door "Please follow me children, and Saurian commander officers"


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"Sure." Guido said.  Not understanding certain words but guessing he'd see some of those in action and would understand the stuff then.

[OOC: The gang on the ship could be an interesting rp thread at some point.]


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(Guess it could :) )

"The Transporter is on the same deck as the Holodeck so will have a short walk to the Halodeck" Malo explained to them

The Great Valley Guardian

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As the turbo lift moved towards the Sublight engine room the initial jolt and lack of gravity caused him to float in the air for a moment and he was astonished! "So this is what technology can" said Longtail aloud still amazed at what was possible. Once he over came the original movement of the turbolift and his feet were touching the ground again.

Longtail then carefully chose his answer to Bai'ka "Think of it like waking up in the morning, and stepping out of your sleeping place and being able to see the entire world blow you...and you can go anywhere you want."


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"A form of freedom. freedom to sale the airs of the world." Bai'ka smiled "A sense of ones freedom to move in the skies above. Thank you Longtail" Bai'ka spoke then the turbo lift comes to a stop and the doors open they entering into a large room with a dome like case that has a metal covering over it with a upper floor and with at least 10 people working inside room with the cheif engineer of this enegine and Longtail beside him at a console.

Bai'ka saw him then look at the one beside her "Almost looking into a reflection isn't it? but instead this one can talk and touch you back" Bai'ka joked a little

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Longtail blinked several times to make sure he wasn't having another sleep story and then he answered "Yes...yes it is." to Bai'ka question. He then walked forward until he was right behind himself, and finally decided the best way to get his own attention was to bite his tail, but as he went to do so, his other self said "I know that's you behind me."

The only difference in his other self however and the way to tell the two apart was a scar that ran down the right side of his face. 'I wonder how I got that scar?' asked Longtail to himself. Longtail turned around and said "Now you are wondering how we...I mean I got this scar on my face right?" Longtail nodded his head in reply. "Well that's a story for your friends to hear as well when we are done talking."

Longtail looked a little stunned and his other self said "Still trying to get used to the fact that you are talking to yourself right?" again Longtail just nodded his head and said "You rescued the stone...thank you."

His other self then noticed something "It's glowing...what did you do?" Longtail then spoke up to himself by saying "I didn't do anything, when Andrew gave it to me it just started glowing...I was hoping maybe you'd know why." Longtail then got an idea as he looked up to the chief of engineering and said "This stone is supposed do something when the time is right, but I..." he then looked at his other self and said "We don't know what that something is and when one of us holds this rock it glows, so what does it mean?"


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Guido walked along with the others following along as he looked around at the various sights behind, in front of and around him.    

"Wow," He said.


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Fluiax pull out a triquarter and runs a scan over the stone. "It is remains of a timeline that no longer exsisted part from you, the captain and the others. The touch must have something to do with the temporal shockwave released at the point of sealing the sublight Tear." Fluiax smiled then turn to the controls and back again "It the orginal sublight stone that was on board the shuttle. When it came into contact with you it must of abasobed the traces of temporal sublight energy."

"We know how to use it but what it made of is still full of questions and this one adds more to what in the Sublight Stream" Fluiax continued speaking then pause "I'm over explaining again. Sorry for that. ONce I get started I want to speak out the details to the last tiny micro" Fluiax laughed with a cheerful look on his face. "But with Malo back on board she can make that scar go away and you'll look as heathy as you always do"


Malo turn to Guildo and the others "We almost there, don't strain, you'll get easily lost on board this ship." Malo spoke to them all as they kept on walking.

"What with the hard cold floor?" Cera asked

"We didn't expect to have dinosaurs walking berefoot on the ship, so you'll just to get use to it" Malo said back to Cera

"I guess..." Cera muttered as they walked on to Holodeck 1

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Both Longtail's blinked trying to understand what Fluiax had just said and both just happen to ask at the same time... "So...does this mean as long as we have the stone with us we can...I don't know, travel through time, or something?" Both flyers looked at each other and started laughing as they realized what just happened.


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"No no, nothing like that, the sublight stone somehow it was recharged" Fluiax try to explain to them. "But why don't you two go to that door there and talk in private, I got some finishing dignoises to do on the primary systems." Fluiax points to the door and told them that he got to finish off his work.