The Gang of Five
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Journey To Longneck Island

Nick22 · 1604 · 101928


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RipRap went after Archer "Well it was enbeded in the ceiling of that place you and the kids was in. summoning a new guardian. that thing from what I rend is the sixth gem of those five already in there. something about the holder of that gem must be in the middle of those five gems with the five other holders. those kids, then it activates sometype of mega white magic but only when this and my dimension is threatened by the darknessest of all life when the clash of dimensions happen. Magic wizards from my and Stripetail's dimension on route to come and aid since a attack will begin in 7 days. attacks of millions of shadow creautes all level 4 magic levels to try and distory this place they no longer after you guardians they now planing to destroy my and this dimension" RipRap told Archer


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Archer looks back at RipRap.  "The gateway could only be opened by those found found it, there has not been any one else who was there when it was opened.  I know, because I was there when I came here through the gate.  All I saw were five little dinosaurs."

Ari watches them in shock.  At the doorway, he sees a normal-looking man and some sort of humanoid raptor that's speaking perfect English!  With his renewed strength, he jumped out of bed and raises his fists, ready to fight.  "Who...What are you people?  Why am I here?  I heard enough to know that I did not come here accidently."

Archer turns back to the man, who looked ten times better than just a few minutes ago.  He sets his bow aside and raises his hands out open.  "We're not going to harm you.  You and I are both chosen and taken here for a reason.  My name's Archer and..."

"Save it, man!" Ari interrupted, his fists still raised.  "I just took down ten armed creeps, and I'm not going to stay here against my will and let you and that overgrown iguana tell me what to do!"


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"Well believe it or not they was standing on fiver gems  Hope - Pureness - Trust - Kindness - Bravery. All match each of them. Trust is Ducky, Hope is Petrie, Bravery is Cera, Pureness is Littlefoot and Kindness is Spike. with those five help using those gems they was able to summon him and you. I know because I looked into this." RipRap said to him then looked at Ari

"Don't say a word at the moment this involves all dimensions... not only this and the one I am from, this evil if wins in this dimension and mine will not stop it will go on to another and another and another dimension destroying everything in it's path." RipRap said to them then looked back at Archer

"and it also not only a gate way. it a weapon as well, a weapon of good. It the ONLY thing that will stop that darkness. Eva seen the possible furture and without that place with the sixth holder the one that was hatched right on the point of clash of dimensions almost 16 years ago. All 6 has to be there within 10 minutes of the clash in 3 weeks or we all face death and all is lost for all dimensions" RipRap said to Archer almost in a sneer.

"Don't say you don't know anything about it because your invisable friend should know because those gems are connected to him! I am not even joking this is a serious trouble and your hidden voice talking friend should clear things up about this. We need to know how to get that gate trasfered into a weapon with that sixth gem. It wasn't enbedded in that blasted ceilling for a reason it been there all that time and you didn't notice it there! look back in that room and you will see 5 gems on the ground enbedded in there and when the kids brought him here" RipRap points at Ari "I saw those five gems glow. they are connected to the kids somehow"


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Archer turns to face RipRap.  "You're telling me that all you needed was some other person to turn what was supposed to be a gate into a weapon?!  Then what does it have to do with us!?  Is there truly no point for Guardians to come here if that weapon of yours could destroy the darkness!?"  His fists begin to clench tighter than Ari's.  "We were taken from our time, our homes, our lives to this place, being told that we were to take some type of test against evil when the time comes after all of the Guardians are here!"

Ari lowers his fists slowly, listening.

Archer continues.  "We were told that we are the ones who can defend this world from evil!  But if all you need was someone else to save your damned dimension, then there is no need for us!"  He shoves past RipRap out the door.  "For all I'm concerned, YOU should find this sixth holder!  I'm going to find a way back home!"  He looks to Ari, his voice lowered.  "If you want to go home too, then follow me.  I have someone to really talk to about this..."  He storms through the hall and out the sanctuary.

Ari cautiously walks around RipRap out of the room, moving past Terra and Littlefoot along the way, but pauses to look back at Littlefoot, the only somewhat normal-looking dinosaur here, before he heads out of the sanctuary to catch up with Archer.  "Hold it!  What you said back there...that I was chosen to protect this place?  Why me?  And how come I heard everything sounding the exact opposite of what you were told?"

Archer does not look back, but slows down a little to help Ari keep pace.  "That's exactly what I'm going to find out."


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As soon as the Guardians reach the crevice, they both hear a familiar voice (to Archer anyway).  "Enter, Guardians.  We have much to talk about."

Archer and Ari enters the crevice and then the chamber, seeing a bit of debris on the floor.  Archer curses when he sees this under his breath, too quiet for Ari to hear.  They soon both stand before the giant ring, which began to glow.

"Oracle," Archer began, "Is what we hear true?"

The voice echoes through the chamber.  "I do not know anymore, Guardian.  Time and space has been distorted too much in such a short time.  The past, present, and future can no longer be read, even in my sight.  I am afraid that my power may be at an end..."

Archer lowers his head.  "We had our lives taken away from us...for nothing.  Is there no way for us to return home?"

"I can not be certain.  I have created this gate with what I can only be able to do with lack of a foothold in any physical plane, which I can be able to use my power to try and bring you here, and to give you a fragment of my power for you to use for your test.  But now I may have lost complete control over what I have created..."

Ari steps forward.  "Why were we here in the first place?"

"I brought you here because I saw potential in both of you, and the many others that were supposed to be chosen to join you, to fight against the evil that threatens this world and your own.  The test for you was to defend this foreign land and its inhabitants with the fragment of power I gave you, and the power you have inside all along.  But because I no longer see the test in the future, the test may have been undone..."


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"Hahahaha because I've strike the first blow. I knew the Guardians power was strong and might have the power beyond many of the weak wizards yet to come. I have started the war on the Valley and now you Oracle has no power my dark drain has worked. You was blinded by protecting that you didn't know that my darkness has already begun. I almost killed the sixth holder" the dark evil voice echoed through out the place.

another voice entered "His the key with their help to open a strong enough gate way and restore your power Oracle I... ahhhhhh" the voice cried and faded

"No one interfers with the darkness to take life. not even Zero Point Energy. Purest of all energy in any dimension. the holder of this gift will be destroyed and so will all the guardians and you Oracle. The war has begun. my dark forces will begain the attack on this valley... you can't win. muhhahahaha, my elite dark souls attack the guardins" the dark evil voice died down and faded away and two dark figures appered in the chamber.

suddenly before the dark creatures could attack RipRap yet again appeared out of no where and strike both creatues with two kicks sending them backwards a bit "Sorry for that outburst Archer, get out of here. I will deal with these two creatures. Wayne is the sixth! I figured it out, with the Zero Point energy he has it was formed in him on the day of his hatching. he was born on the day of the first clash" RipRap paused as the creatues attacked he quickly jumped out of the way and smashed his fist into one sending it into the other into the wall.

"He needs to be in the middle with the kids where they usually are it will form some type of energy ring that will give the Oracle his energy back and maybe more, the ones that made the gems was destroyed by this darkness and the last put them here to make sure that there is a chance against darkness. Oracle didn't form this place without knownledge. somehow he felt he was needed here to send you and Ari, you two should feel the same thing a reason being here." RipRap pauses again as he used magical move blasting the attackers with fire balls knocking them back for a moment.

"These things won't be affected by that move again, your bow might hit once but a second time they have defences against it. As for the kids they felt a reason to enter here. it all part of the Eilte Acient Guardians of this place. 10 million years ago there was Guardians to protect this valley they defeating the evil that struke, this is going to be the next try but with the help of the darkness between dimensions can't enter in normal means, two clashes of two dimensions is needed to rip a hole for them to enter. these things from histroy of deep past the forgotton past will just destroy everything in their path nothing can stop them but this place... without Oracle knowing the first guardians had a layout already to use and it was sent into Oracle unknowningly. he created this place as the acient Guardians planned it to be. Look at that marking just on that wall using a magic spell called Revilier it will show you the acient writing in your native words. It will tell and show you what this place look like now!" RipRap yet again paused kicking and punching the two again enough to give him time to finish

"They knew of two possible futures of this world. the end and the winning! Oracle when get this new power must summon at least 3 more guardians right away as the six kids are in position! don't agure with me about this I only because I've read the markings hidden in the rock. Not even the Oracle known about it. This problem needs 5 guardians to protect the valley with the wizards that coming, they won't be enough to hold the attackers part for 2 weeks when it begins they will fall to the darkness within 11 days into the attack, you 2 and the other 3 yet to come will beable to help giving the time needed to hold the dark forces back. Or we all die! darkness with destory everything!" RipRap finished then about to take on the creatures when both put their hands out and fired two black fireballs smashing into him sending him flying right passed them landing on his back he got up with smoke on his chest with burns on it.

"Agh they got me good... you two have to fight them... destroy them before they destroy the kids... that their mission... it to... agh... damn... it to remove the threat that will destroy them once and for all..."RipRap said to Archer and Ari as the dark creatures start to move toward them. "Stripetail if you hear me don't try to stop these things, let Archer and Ari deal with them, if you show yourself they will start the attack earily... they don't know your there so keeping quiet is the best thing" RipRap said mentally


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As Stripetail Turned away, he ran into ALi. 'Oh Sorry, MR. Stripetail." Ali said sheepishly. ' Come with me Ali, we haven't a moment to lose" Stripetail said. As she followed him, he broke out into a run towards the cave.In his mind he saw the Dark figures closing in on the Guardians. Then , the Oracle suddenly appeared in his mind."Ali" He said, "Go ahead of me to the cave and help the Guardians. The spell you need is called "Flioa Versiano". Hurry!' Ali nodded and dashed off ahead of him, while he waited for the Oracle to Speak.
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Trin their dimension travelled a short way to his office when a shadow creature appeared "So your after me hmm? well here is one suprise for you" Trin pulled a spear off the wall and throw it killing the creature, he takes to the comm "Clear up crew to the main hall, dead creature inpaled on the wall" Trin said then walked into this office. "Ah nice to see you Stripetail (level 2 one). how did the council go?"


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"We haven't held it yet. As you know there as been a build-up of energy inbetween this dimenson on the dinosaurs dimension. We will postpone the meeting to deal with the threat. If enough of us survive, then we will hold the Council." Stripetail said. "There is only one wizard in existence who is powerful enough to destroy this darkness and that is my counterpart."
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"Well we can't be sure of that... this darkness is sealed between dimensions it takes from what we know two clashes of two dimensions to create enough of a hole to realease this evil... RipRap has told me from that dimension of sometype of weapon in the Great Valley which only 6 kids can activate and destory this darkness only once it been let out from the tear... it like letting it cut a hole to find the source. ONce it found this so called weapon would from RipRap's words seal the hole and destroy the darkness within the between of all dimesions wiping out that darkness for good... So it up to you wizards to defend that Great Valley while us in the Tri-Foundation Alliance will group up every ship we have to the point of the opening in 3 weeks to hold back the darkness long as possible before it hits this planet. We believe we could hold it back for only 9 minutes... after that 1 minute before it reach this planet. So you now know of the trouble we have..." Trin told the trouble that is coming and the problems invovled.


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'I'll head there right away." Stripetail replied."the Great Valley residents will need all the help they can get." He vanished, leaving Trin alone.
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Trin looked at the star map seeing the massive number of ships moving towards the location. "Only time will tell what will happen" Trin muttered.


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Ali Raced toward the Cave. As she made the entrance she heard  grunting and yells.  She raced inside and saw Archer and Ari pinned against the wall. 2 dark clouds were closing in on them. "leave them alone," she yelled. They turned to face her, and her face turned pale "Stay out of this, simple creature, or you will feel our wrath.' They hissed, and turned back towards the Guardians. Ali pointed a foot at them. " I mean it! I have magical powers!" They turned back to look at her again. "you don't threaten us. We are here to destroy these fools. But since you insist on hastening your destruction we'll be glad to oblige." They hissed as they moved toward her.
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  • Cera
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(Ok.  Now I'm drawing the line here.  If you two want to continue this thread, then you'll do it without me and my characters.)


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Sorry Kenji. Please continue. I 'll delete the last post if you want.
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(sorry... if things getting out of control... just to say this is a rpg that anything could have you just have to adpat to the story line as it progress. if it is getting out of hand for you then I apploize... don't mean to do it if it not making you feel like rpging anymore Kenjiro...)


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Yeah, we get carried away sometimes. We don't do it on purpose. I'll edit my last post
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(I can't continue.  It's true that anything can happen, but I will not adapt to changes in my own story base.  I made a hastey mistake of adding my Guardian Chronicles characters in without finishing one of my stories first, then perhaps you can understand my base in this RPG.)


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I see, here's what we'll do. we'll edit our last few posts, or delete them entirely. We don't want to lose you Kenji. Having only two people playing kind of gets stale after a while. I'll delete my posts past when Ari came through the portal.
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(If you can do the same with my posts. you have the power to do that I believe. I appolize for that side step I made)