The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

When nothing goes right.

Manny Cav

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I was wrapping up for the night (it was like 11:30 PM or something), and about to head for bed. I needed to use a video converting program to manufacture a good set of JPG images from a 22-something minute long AVI file that was 270 MB. I just needed a few screenshots, but to do that, I had to convert the entire thing, which is about a 8 or 10 minute process. So, I started the program up and opened the file up in the software. Now, I didn't want my desktop getting bombed (as it has before), so I created a simply named folder on the Desktop and directed the program to convert to that folder. I had it start the converting process, and I went off to brush my teeth. I later came back to find, to my horror, that the program didn't convert to my folder as it was instructed to; it converted straight to my desktop. My desktop got hit with over 40,000 JPG images that were around 10 KB each and totaled 450-something MB. My RAM was starting to get sucked dry.

I had done this before, but it was with a 3 or 5 minute AVI that only produced a few thousand images, not tens-of-thousands.

It was late, and I wanted the mess to end NOW. To clean the mess up as quickly as posssible, I decided to move all of my "important" files to the "C:\" directory and make a new Desktop folder in C:\Documents and Settings\"Manny"\. I renamed "Desktop" to "Desktopj" and quickly created a new folder named "Desktop," This is when things got stupid. It continued to think that Desktopj was the real desktop, but it wouldn't let me delete Desktop because Windows XP also thought that was the real Desktop, so I had two different Desktops. I had to reset the computer (which was a belated process) to delete Desktop and be able to rename Desktopj back to Desktop. When I did, I decided to go with the long task of creating drag windows and deleting the files that way, since I could find a cheap way to dispose of the garbage that didn't involve outright deleting the folder Desktop (I didn't want to find out what would happen if I did). I found that it dragged quicker if I reduced the window height to almost nil and moved the folder windows to the very top of the screen. I would create a drag box as close as I could to the top, then move the mouse all the way down. It was dragging pretty fast, and whenever it got slow, I would just delete what I had dragged (usually around 6000 to 10000 files) up to that point. The more I had gotten rid of, the quicker the computer was and the quicker the folder navigating process was (I liked to monitor how many files it was actually removing since it never told me directly). When I had gotten rid of it, I loaded the program up again and once again set it to convert to my specialized folder, which it actually did this time (it was still a 8-10 minute process converting, though). When it had finished, I seached around in the mass of JPG images, found the 3 images I wanted, and spent around 9 or 10 minutes recycling the rest (you know, it takes much more time to recycle two 250 MB files than it does 40,000 10 KB files). When all was finsihed and the computer was shut down and I got to bed, it had to be at least 1:30 AM here. Ugh.

Don't you just love computer troubles that keep you up late (or early, whatever) in the morning? Have you ever had weird computer troubles like this? (I also recently had an antivirtus program situation that keep me up to am even later 2:30 or 3:00 AM, and got me up at 5:00 when I realized the computer was still on and that I had fallen to sleep admist the process)


  • The Circle
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Wow, sounds like some huge troubles you had.  I had some that kept me up later then I liked since if I saved it till the next morning it would nag me and keep me up unable to sleep.  Hope you got your problem all fixed and straightened out.

Manny Cav

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Quote from: Kor,Nov 24 2007 on  09:31 AM
Wow, sounds like some huge troubles you had.  I had some that kept me up later then I liked since if I saved it till the next morning it would nag me and keep me up unable to sleep.  Hope you got your problem all fixed and straightened out.
Well, as I stated in the latter end of my post, I found the images I wanted and was able to recycle the rest, so I was able to resolve my problem. :D


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Next time, right click the start menu, go to explore and click desktop.  Then hold down the ctrl key and press A.  Then, keep holding down the ctrl key and deselect the items you don't want to remove by clicking them.  After that, simply let go of the ctrl key and right click a highlighted icon and click delete.  Then confirm when it says to delete 41,385 itemsl :P: Very simple solution.  It would've taken you less than 2 minutes. :rolleyes:

(I also recently had an antivirtus program situation that keep me up to am even later 2:30 or 3:00 AM

It's cuz you got norton. :rolleyes:

Manny Cav

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Remember? That incident was when I got rid of Norton and installed AVG and Spybot Search & Destroy. I no longer use Norton. :rolleyes:


  • Hatchling
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This might help too for future reference and maybe it will save some hassle: don't tell it to save in folders that sit on the desktop.  C:\My Pictures\converted\ (as an example)  I'd avoid system folders created by Microsoft and the OS and make your own.


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Didn't the program ask you which folder you wanted to save to? You could have just went into My Documents and stuck the images in there, or in a folder there, instead of one on the desktop.

Manny Cav

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I instructed the program to convert to a folder "sitting on the desktop" that I had created. The system didn't actually create the folder, but as I'm sure Petrie suggested, it DID create "Desktop." When I ran the program the second time, it did convert to my new folder as requested, but not the first time. No, the first time, my desktop got hit with spagmot.


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Whenever I use a program that outputs any type of file to a directory, I always make a new folder on the desktop and tell it to convert or output there.  I've never had any problems, of course, I always double and triple check where the file/files are going before I start the process. B)

Manny Cav

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There's a long history behind my use of that word. I use it WAY out of context, but I say it to mean "garbled junk."

The word "spaghetti" (which is a type of food), used in the SimCity series, refers to building large areas of roads touching each other (like running two two-lane roads next to each other, thus, creating multiple intersections; this is called spaghetti).

I use "spagmot" with similar meaning. I've heard it refer to a type of food, but I use it most commonly to refer to when a lot of wires gets tangled up. Do you know how you have a lot of game systems next to each other and a lot of wired controllers hooked in that get tangled together? I call that spagmot. Putting a lot of video game system contollers into a single box will cause an especially bad case of spagmot. I'll also use it to refer to a huge bumbling mess, such as over 41,000 (I think it was like 41,323 or something) JPG images accumulating on your desktop.

When I say spagmot, it generally isn't a good thing.

EDIT: That's what I did, landbeforetimelover. I created a new folder on the Desktop and told the program to convert to there. It did it right the second time, but not the first.