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i need to get this off my chest

mcr mad · 56 · 6709


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Bingo! Also forgot to mention
Lani (Surf's Up)
and Midna!


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I never really liked Saphira.  I thought that the computer animation in Eragon was cheesy and cheap.  Sorta like they only had 1.2million to make the movie or something (which, when ya think about it, that's not a lot of money to hire all the actors, hire the computer animists, stuff like that.)  I didn't like her voice very much either.  She sounds like my mother! :lol

As for a romantic love for fictional characters, that isn't really likely for me because I'm not gay and I obsess about the male characters usually.  I love Littlefoot and Inuyasha, but never romantically.  I may be obsessed about the characters, but I would never develop a romantic love for a male character, no matter how obsessed with them I became.

As for the female characters, I really like Cera.  Could I go romantic with her?  I don't want to.  I wouldn't want that to happen to me.  I would much rather just keep it a liking than a crush personally.  That's not going to be tough either because I don't want to have romantic feelings for a fictional character.  I just don't see the point.  Why would one wish to develop feelings for someone they could never meet or be with?  If it just happens, that's one thing, but I think trying to fall in love with a fictional character isn't a good idea.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Feb 28 2008 on  09:11 AM
I never really liked Saphira.  I thought that the computer animation in Eragon was cheesy and cheap.
It didn't look so cheap and easy to me. Animation in general is never easy, from what I understand.


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I assume it takes a lot of computer power and time to animate.


  • Ducky
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Yes, I also have some kind of crush on certain cartoon and video game characters, specifically these ones:

-Tricia (gotta love that cute hatchling!)
-Loofah & Doofah (LBT XIII)
-Link (specifically the "wind waker" designed)
-Guido (LBT XII)
-The Lumas (Super Mario Galaxy)

Call me weirdo, but this I must express here.

Cancerian Tiger

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Y'all ain't weird, not even Lain_EX.  It's great to know one is not alone in this manner.  "Normal" people do not exist, so the definition of a normal person is an open-ended answer.  BTW, I failed to mention my most recent crush: Taven.  He is the main character in MK: Armageddon.

CT: Great topic, y'all!

Shao Kahn:  Outstanding!

 :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol


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I used to have A LOT of cartoon crushes when I was younger. Like I used to have a crush on Pterano, Sierra, Petrie, and some other characters from other shows.

Then I had crushes on REAL people, but now, I'm taking a break from all of that stuff. :p

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Woah, serious deja vu. Just this morning I was thinking of this discussion back from February, and wondering what happened to it. And poof! There it is!  :o  :o  :o


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Hm, now that I'm looking at this topic, I saw a picture on deviantart that rekindled my love for this character, of course, it only lasted 10 seconds. :p

Also I just want to say the only reason why I've had crushes on some of these characters was because I had a hard time socializing with people of the opposite gender. I had no friends of the opposite gender. :p And well, I just wasn't interested in anyone because I was more focused on looks then personality. But then it completely changed over time.

The Great Valley Guardian

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As I previously stated in the "Who's most attractive" poll..I've recently developed a crush on Ruby from the TV series...among several other cartoon characters including several pokemon.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Since everyone thinks a bit differently, this could be risky since your mindset could greatly differ from what I have in mind, but I'll try to give my best opinion based on someone else that has the same feelings, which are not wrong in any way. If this guy and you are similar, than what I have to say should involve you as well. This is my analysis, not official textbook information, so I can't prove this. But this advice seemed right before, so I'll tell you too. There are two ways for an attraction to start. There is the quick way: outer attraction, which has a smaller success rate of being something more in reality. This simply involves taking one glance at someone, and being physically drawn to their appearance, which, if you are like the other person who was drawn to non human animation, this method seems very unlikely. In order for this to be the case, you would have had to immediately fall for her after seeing her just once, without actually seeing how she acts in any way, which might give off things like increased heart rate, warm sensation in the facial tissue, increased perspiration, and the like. While that is slightly possible, I prefer to lean toward the option that is much more likely: the slow way it starts: inner attatraction, which has a high success rate of ending up serious in real life. This involves getting to know what someone is like. How they think and act. If they are optimistic or a little more negative. How they treat others and listen to those around them. How they value friends and if they can be trusted. These things take time. Now this kind of attraction doesn't automatically mean you think they're ugly, just not flashy enough to reel you in just from looking. I believe you are drawn to her personality. And after that happens, just looking at her picture will subconsciously remind you of her personality and activate that warm feeling inside you, giving you the impression that it's her body you really like.

If Ducky didn't exist, you would probably have found another character with similar attributes. In Ducky's case, it would be things like innocence, optimism, loyalty, compassion, friendlyness, and the like. But this situation is actually a wonderful thing. It's not that human girls aren't right for you, it's just that you haven't yet found a the girl who matches your fine taste. But this is where the good part comes in: now finding the right girlfriend has just become easier. Since you like a character for what she symbolizes, you can now know what it is you prefer in a relationship, and therefore can look for girl who shares the qualites Ducky has. But be warned. Since Ducky was created through imagination, some of her qualities have been perfected, far more than what you'd usually find in human. So while I doubt you'll find a perfect match, knowing what to look for can lead to the closest thing possible. Consider this a blessing. You are probably curious how I came up for this theory for the other guy I had mentioned. Well, let's just say it's a great deal easier when you try to understand something through personal experience rather than observing some other individual first. So I can emphasize, not just sympathize with this kind of experience. Who was it for me? Hehe. I am very sorry StarfallRaptor. I hope the fact that we must fight for the same girl's affection won't come between us. Only time will tell who she likes more. I love you Cynder!

PS: But maybe we had better wait a bit. We need a plan to get Spyro out of the picture because he'll totally get in our way. Something about spewing infernos from his mouth makes me a bit uneasy. Any ideas?


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dont worry I have a MASSIVE crush on Guido hes soooo atractive and Id love to be his girfriend !

but i saw what his voice actor looks like...... weird very very weird!  :o  :o

Bruton the Iguanodon

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That's really sweet! I really like Ducky and can totally understand. I admit I had a sort of crush on Cera as a kid, during summer/spring 2002, the year I got into LBT.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Guys, the user that made this thread was banned years ago.


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I had a crush on Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars the Clone Wars.


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*Double post, sorry... I posted it n the wrong tab xD*

Although, since we're on topic... I have kind of a crush for Rita the Cat (Animaniacs!). I can't help it, her design and voice are beautiful.