The computer is not working. And it is due to a mistake on my part.
See, I had used EasyCleaner to wipe out most of the duplicate files on the computer, but this had corrupted both Photoshop CS2 and Sony Vegas 7.0. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Vegas, but it still was not working.
So I tried a System Restore to bring the computer back to how it was yesterday. But something went wrong. When it tried to boot up, an error message came up, stating that some file is missing and to reboot.
The file in question is responsible for the comp's ability to boot and according to what Clint found, the message means the computer is trying to load from someplace it should not, or the file is missing or corrupted.
We have performed the tests in System Recovery but none detected a failed system anywhere.
Clint tried this morning to fix it with no luck. If it comes down to it we will have to reformat the computer. Hopefully we will have it up and running soon. Until then I will be absent with the exception of using the Wii, which is how I am typing this message.
After this experience, I don't think I can trust EasyCleaner again, and I definitely don't trust myself with System Restore either.