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The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups

Nick22 · 2097 · 100892


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"Guys I hate to admit uit, but where stuck here. We move out from this table, we're ging to get hit and cut up really bad. I, probably more than the rest of you There are drawbacks to being big." Ali said.
_ Nick turned the ring, once, twice tree times.  T\the phone rang and a female sopunding voice answered. "Fran;s Pizza delivery! How many pizzas do you want. We deliver in 5 minutes or its free!" Nick shook his head. "I need to talk to Stripetail, we're in a bit of situation ahere. "wait a minute please, 'll go get him him. " the voice said and there was a brief pause Soon a strong masculine voice came on. "Hello Nick, What seems to be the problem?'
"We have a raguing storm in the Cafe. Itss raining mIthril!"
"Raining mithril? Stripetail sounded slighly amused. "Look just get your magicky butt down here, before the tables collaspse and I''m faced with 50 lawsuits for injury and trauma from all my customers who got banged up and cut by mithril." Nick said tensely. he hoped Stripetail wouldn't make him regret speaking to him like this but things were desperate.
_ stripetail's voice changed slightly in tone. "Nick, I'll get there as fast as I can.ands its the Insane Cafe for a reason, stuff like this can happen. " There was a click and a few minutes later the figure of a large squirrell appeared in the fromt of tghe resteraunt. Stripetail ducked as the torent of mithril to continued to fall."Shieldus" He commanded he was enveloped in a clear shield. the mithril bounced off the shield harmlessy and richoted away.
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"Maybe, but we may still have to make a run for it.  Maybe better to get cuts while getting to a place safer then staying here and being squisheded." Ducky said.

"Me agree.  Me no want get squished, nor cut, but me hate squished more then cut." Petrie said.


Skitter had sneaked away from Big Daddy to explore some of the caves.  He had found some that were more unusual then the others.  He was going to go back to ask Lizzie or the twins if they wanted to explore them with him when he heard an odd sound and went  there to look to see what it was.  He saw an opening and some sort of unusual looking rock with sharp edges.  

He carefully grasp this in his mouth, being careful to not cut himself and carried it farther into the cave.  He'd show it to Lizzie and his friends later.  He peeked out of the small hole while staying inside and saw a large area with many more of the stones falling.  He decided he'd stay where he was.  It'd be silly to go out there with all those falling stones.


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Stripetail gestured and spoke. "Compundus silvetre,, finis instantuatum! he commanded. at his words, the mitril stopped falling, finally. The Dining room looked like a war zone. the mitril had piled up it places to several feet, completely inundationg tables and trapping customers underneath them. parts of the floor had given way, and some of the holes were more than two feet across. "where did you get all this mithril?" He queried, loking at Niick and Aves intently..
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Ducky looked up, "It seems the falling rocks have stopped, it does.  That is good." Ducky said.

Petrie nodded, "We no get squished." He said.


Skitter peeked out since it sounded like the falling rocks had stopped.  He could see it was a large looking cave with strange looking things in it, amid many piles of rocks like the one he had found earlier.   What is this place, it can't be in the great valley.  He thought to himself.


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Ali smiled, and breathed a deep sigh of relief. It was finally over, now the tough part was getting out. "Let's start digging out guys. just be careful not to cut yourselves.' she said as she moved towards the stones.
"I think its stooped" Lilo said.asa Smile grew across Shaaggy's face. 'Man! I'm glad that's finally over. "  Nani grinned "Ok, you couples, you can klet go of each other now" She said with a slight note of humor in her voice.. Scooby and Dixie quickly broke apart, while Stitch and Angel were slower to do so. "So we're not going to die! Hooray! Pleekly squeaked. "And I had just found way to create forcefield... it required magna cannon and 17 pairs of earth shoes" Jummba said, a little down. It was then, that Stripetail blasted a opening throughh the rockpile that surrounded the table, just big enoughfor them to crawl out.. "Everyone out" stripetail said. Scooby and Dixie where the first ones out. "Why didn'y you use your rings' He said giving thenmm a piercing glsance. Dixie's dress had been torn at the top, and she wrapped her arms around herself. She hoped that it would not disintegrate in front of Scooby , or for that matter, anyone. If it did, it would be very embarrassing. "They don't know how to to use them": shaggy said upon crawling out., a note of accusation in his voice. "I just didn't want to wear that armor again." Dixie said in a small voice. Scooby patted her on the shoulder. "I didn't want to wear it either." He said gruffily trying to defend his cousin.
Stripetail sighed. "THe armor inside the ring is only part of its power. The armor will conform to your bodies after a few uses. You simply have to get used to them. And Now, I'm going to MAKE you get used to them. The rings can create magical shields, like the one I'm in. you could have gotten yourselves abnd your group out if you had so chosen." he said with a scowl.
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Ducky nods, "Best of we move first since you are larger and more likely to be cut, and we have hands that can move the rocks."  She carefully reached out and started trying to move some of the rocks aside so she could get out.  She then looked at Petrie, "You stay here, your wings are thin and easy to cut, yes they are." She said.

"Petrie help." He said shaking his hands.  Both of them worked on carefully moving the stones, and getting a hole large enough for Petrie to get out, both getting some cuts in the process.  

Petrie squeezed himself out, being slightly smaller, and thinner, then Ducky.  He stood up and looked around for something to help with moving the stones so Ducky and the others would not be cut.  "You stay me see something to use." He said as he pushed a chair, grunting in the effort till he could tip it enough for the stones to all fall off.  Then he picked it up, fairly awkward, and started using it as a clumsy shovel to move some of the stones from the table.  

Soon the hole was large enough Ducky to squeeze out (getting a few cuts), "Good idea Petrie, I'll use one also." She said, being followed by Snoopy.  He saw what Petrie was doing and he and both of then got a chair, tipping it to spill off the stones and started working on clearing out enough stones off the table so it would not break and fall on Ali, then from around the table and an area for her to stand in so she could get out, and any stones that were on her or other items used to shield her.  


A curious Skitter peeked out and took a few steps out.  Two of the figures looked somewhat familiar, but larger then the Ducky and Petrie that he knew.  He thought they may be relatives of theirs.


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Ali slowly began to squeze her way out from underneath the table. It was sklow going. as she was much larger than Petrie , Ducky or Snoopy. the stones felt hard against her skin as she pushed through, her large body pushed aside the mounds of rocks in either direction, leaving a large gap. She slowly got to her feet. the cuts on her body stung, and she winced as she moved. she turned and looked at the table that had protected them from the rocks. It was battered a chiped, and thre were large cracks running through iit. They had ben VERY close to disaster, anothe few minutes and the table would have broken apart completely..
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"Looks like we got out just in time, yep, yep, yep." Ducky said looking at the table and nodding.  

"Me just glad everyone ok," Petrie said, wincing at some cuts, "ok, except for cuts." He said.

Snoopy nodded, thinking the war was never like this before.


Seeing things were mainly safe, and hearing the familiar voices Skitter came out farther into the opening.  

Ducky was looking around to see what else had happened and pointed, "Look Petrie, one of the tinysauruces." Ducky waved, "Hello," She went down on one knee to get closer to the floor and get a better look, "You are Skitter right?  Are the others here with you."

Petrie looked and smiled, "Hello, me not see you for few risings of bright circle, how you been?" He asked.

Skitter was a bit confused.  "How do you know my name?" He looked at Ducky, "Are you one related to Ducky, and aunt?" He asked then looked at Petrie, "Are you Pterano, I heard Petrie mention him and his stories." He said.

"I am Ducky, and this is Petrie, she is Ali and he is Mr. Ace." Ducky said indicating each person.  Snoopy and Petrie waved as Ducky said their names.

Skitter shook his head, "I know Ducky and Petrie, their not as large as you are." He said.  

Petrie shook his head confused.  "Petrie confused by this, is this new game?" He asked, wondering if it was some new game that Skitter, or the other Tinysauruces had invented.  

Skitter shook his head, "No, not a new game, the only new game I heard of were from those yellowbellies that are in the valley.  I'm not sure of their names," Skitter said pausing as he thought trying to remember their names, "Something like moofa, oofah, oopie.  I'm not sure since with Big Daddy has forbidden us to go anywhere near them, they act to silly he says, though some of us have snuck away to have a closer look.  They say they can't find Berry valley where the rest of them are.  "

Petrie listend and was more confused, "Loofah, Doofah and Foobie, and not know where Berry Valley is, but that happen long time ago, over 5 cold times ago.  Me know because me uncle Ptyrano only just returned."  

Ducky nodded, "Yes, I remember, how can it be happening where you are, but the past for us.  I do not understand, no I do not."  Ducky said a bit confused.

Skitter was a bit confused also, "You two talk and act like Ducky and Petrie, but their not much larger then me." He said as confused as the other 2 were.   Snoopy just listened, pretending he knew what was going on.  He assumed weird things were normal around here and decided to just go with the flow.

(OOC: I've not seen much of 11 or any of 13 so there are bound to be mistakes.  Also sorry about the length.  Didn't know it would be this long till I posted it.))


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(and there would have to be some space between the hole and the building. Let's just say the hole was really a portal.. that makes more sense)
What are Tinysairs?' ali asked, having never met one before. this one looked kinda cute..skitter, or whatever his name was.
 "Armor up" Stripetail said, and in a twinklingh, Scooby and dixie were wearing  a suit of glowing armor. "rust reat. rui re raf ro rear rhis stuff arain?" Scooby muttered. "Because you didn't wwear them after I gave them to you. These are powerful magical objects, I don't just give them out to anyone" stripetail said sternly. "Now, yiou will not be permitted to take them off until I say so."
Cool!" Lillo and Stitch both said. "These Earth Dogs keep getting weirder and weirder, must be custom on Eaarth "Jummba said. "So those rings are REALLY magic? Where can I get one. I could use one to convince my boss to give me a raise" Nani said. "Manipulating the minds of others for purely selfish gain is not what these rings are meant for" Stripetail replied "they only work if you have need of them and activate them. These two have been slacking.Which is why I'm forcing them to wear them."
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Ducky looked at Ali, "A tinysaures are tiny long necks.  They moved into the Great Valley." Ducky said.

Petrie nodded, "They very nice, and some can tickle you good." Petrie said remembering how a certain one did.  

Snoopy looked at Skitter, thinking that he was rather cute, not unlike his friend Woodstock in that way.  

"I was just exploring some caves and found my way here." Skitter said making his way carefully closer to where the others were.  He was still a bit confused his friends Ducky and Petrie were so large and older now.  But strange things did seem to happen around Littlefoot and his friends and maybe this was just the latest.


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"tiny longnecks?' Ali was still a bit confused. "you guys sure meet a lot of interesting people.  She smiled at skitter. "Hi, I'm Ali" She said warmly. "pleased to meet you.." she stuck out her right foot to him, waiting for him to shake it.
"Alright you two" Stripetail said  "Let the retraining commence." He had Scooby and Dixie standing to attention in the middle of the dinning room. Angel and Stitch had made themselves a pile of mitril to sit on, their bodies seemed to be  more resistant to the mithril than most.  Stitch has sneakede ibnto the kitchen and grabbed a pkllate of food from off the  stove. It was stil warm, and would serve as snacking while they watched theses twio in action. "will we have to pay for that food?' Nani asked Nick nervously. "No, all the food we served and were going to serve today is a loss anyway. they can eat as they please" Nick shrugged.
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Skitter walked closer and shook her foot.  "Hi, I"m Skitter, as you heard, I'm glad to meet any friend of a friend."  

Ducky nods, "We've met many interesting people.  Rainbowfaces, the first 2 talk in riddles but the other 2 that live in the valley do not.  And the Yellowbellies." she laughed at remembering how silly they were.  "They are silly but fun to be with."

Petrie nodded, "They silly, fun silly."

Snoopy found a chair in fairly good condition that they had used to scoop some mithril and turned it so he could sit down.


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Lilo  and Pleekly pulled out chairs that looked usuable and sat down it them. They creaked, otherwise were ok.
First, I want you to draw your swords and hack" Stripetail gestured and a wooden dummy appeared" At this target. "Dixie you go first. just picture it as someone you don't like.." Dixie, drew her sword abnnd rushed the target. She wasn't particularly fond of Robbie the butler. For some reason, the robot ticked her off.. the sword flashed and the dummy was sliced in half. it was a clean cut, and  the pieces toppled over . a few seconds later, they vanished, and we replasced by a new one. 'scoobrrt, you're next" Scooby rushed forward, in his mind the dummy took the form of Dr Phibes, who was constantly trying to kill him and Shaggy... two quick slices and the dummy collaspsed in pieces.
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Snoopy looked around and saw what some others were doing and paid half his attention to the others and part of it to what Scooby and the others over there were doing.

Ducky looked around, "What do you guys want to do?" She asked looking around at the others.

"Me not sure," Petrie said, "How about you Ali" He asked looking to her.


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let's go whjhat what those two guys are doing. I think they are some sort of .. what do you call it.. geesh what do you call it, pretending, acting.. wer.."Ali was trying to say "performers" but couldn't think of the word at the moment.
 Meanwhile Stripetail had them go through a few more dummies, and now had them facing each other. "Now you wil face each other" 'ro re rave ro?' Scooby asked piifully. he didn't want to fight Dixie, he could hurt her. He was larger and stronger than she was. "Scoobert, put aside any thoughts of love for kin or mate you may have for Dixie, for the moment. in battle, a moment's hesitation, coulld mean the difference between life and death. the sane goes for you dixie. put aside your feelings for your cousin, however real they may be" Stripetail said sagely. begin!'
 Dixie made the first move thrusting her blade at Scooby's leg. Scooby stumbled back trying to avoid her thrust "Cousin, don't go easy on me" Dixie said plainlu through her helmet. "We can;t hold back, otherwise he'll make us keep doing this until he's satisfied. you can;t hold back either" She swung her blade and struck on the left side. its didn't harm him but the blaee made a dull clanging sound as metal met armor. Scooby made a halfhearted thrust, but Dixie dodged. She was using her smaller size to her advantage, plus she was quicker than her cousin.  Scooby dug in his feet into a pile of mitril and flung himself at her with a growl. Dixie slid to a crouching position, put up her legs and stooped his monetum with her feet, and with reflexs gained over years of informal acting on her showboat, tossed him over her head, headlong into a pile of rocks.
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Ducky nods, "Do you want to watch over here or go closer?  It looks dangerous what they are doing with those, whatever you call them." She said, not sure what to call items she had not even the concept for where she was from.  

"Some kind of long stone claw they have." Petrie said, giving the closest term he could think of.  

"Maybe it's safer over here." SKitter said.


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Haru shook his head, ducking under another table, and smiling at Ducky and Petrie.
"Need help?"  He asked...


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Ducky looks over at Haru, "Not now, but it is nice that you ask. We only have small cuts,  Though Ali's may be worster then ours are." She said.  "You can come out, it seems the falling rocks have stopped falling.  At least until the next time they start falling again." She said from the chair she was sitting in.  

Petrie nods, "Me glad that over." He said from the chair he was sitting in.    

Skitter tried to climb a chair to get a better look at things.  Ducky got up and cleared stuff off of a nearby table and reached down to pick up Skitter and put him on the table.  "Here, you have more room and can see more from here." She said then went back to her chair which was nearby.  

"Thanks." He said and looked over at what Scooby and the others were doing.


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Stripetail smiled. "you're getting your tail handed to you Scooby.' he called out as Scooby clibed off the mithril pile and brushed himself off. hethen charged again. this earned him another flight into a rockpile. "cousin, I could do this all day... you need to change your strategy' Dixie said, chuckling slightly gettinmg up off the ground. scooby then, drooped his word and cast it aside, rushed toward Dixie, andtackled her like a defensive end sacks a quarterback. her sword flew out of her paw on impact and flew off into the distance.  the momentum carried them into a ile of rocks. Dixie trued to force Scooby off of her, but he had her pinned tight. He outweighed her by several pounds. 'cousin, get off me, please! This isn't fair!' dixie complained "this is cheating, you're not allowed to use brute strength! Get off Scooby! please! " Her pleas fell on deaf ears, as Scooby  was not getting off of her.
Enough" stripetail said, and gestured, an invisible force, pulled Scooby off of Dixie and she got to her feet. "he cheated. We were supposed to use the blades!' She barked ticked at the low blow. "Actually, what he did was legal, underhanded, but legal. you showed a lot og fight in you Dixie. Quite impressive. You should be proud. " Dixie smiled slightly. "Scooby, you were far too much on the defensive. In real battle you cannot hold back. And brute strength can only get you so far. it may have worked on your cousin, but it would not wiork on a Shurlup" Stripetail said. "Go take off your helmets and take ten minutes to rest."
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Scooby nodded.  and undid the straps on his helmet "Rorry Rixie..." He began, but the look she gave him stopped him cold. She was in no mood for an apology right now. "leave me alone cousin. " She said abruptly, taking off her helmet, and tucking it under her arm. "I asked you to get off me, I begged you to get off me! you didn't...I don't know what you were thinking ., and I don't want to, now that I think about it..." She said, walking over  into the corner to look for her sword. Scooby found his and put it away.He sat down on the floor and sighed. she was ticked at him, and he couldn't blame her.. "R'm rorry" he said As Stripetail came over by him. "ri rion't row rhat ri was rhinking. Ri Rurt rer>" "only her feelings. You hit below the belt so to speak. But this dustup will pass. You're partners, you need each other too much to be ticked at each other for too long." stripetail replied RI Rove..' Scooby began but Stripetail held up a paw. "you have to tell her that...that's between the two of you..."
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