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Sleep and Remember II

F-14 Ace · 531 · 32129

F-14 Ace

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The rules: Yes there are rules, sadly.

1. No killing another person's character/s without their direct permission or unless they imply that it is what they want you to do.
2. No controlling another person's character without their permission.

3. No god-moding.  In other words, no characters that never takes a hit or something during a fight.  Nobody is invincible.

4. No cussing at all.  Also, no being mean or rude to other players in an OCC way.
(I don't think we'll have a problem with this.)

5. Try to keep within the boundries of LBT.  No magic or anything like that.  What happened in the last RP is acceptable though because it wasn't magic.

6. If you're going to join, stay active.  Don't disappear for long periods of time.  Few things annoy me more than that.

7. Try to use proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.  Also, please don't type in script format.  It looks much better in a story format.

8. Above all, just have fun.  That's what this is all about.

Now that this is out of the way, I'll begine.

The swimmer rested on his back in a shallow stream with his head propped against a rock, lounging in the mid-morning sun.  The dropplets of water clinged to his greyish colored skin like drops of dew on the morning grass.  Snork took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet, fresh air.  This place was turely paradise.  Two weeks had passed since Snork had arrived in the Great Valley with his friends.  A few months earlier, his life had no meaning.  His so called "father" cared nothing about him, using him for nothing more than predator bait.  However, after the great earthquake, Snork had met his friends.  Together, they had traveled through the worst conditions inagimable and all arrived alive in spite of it all.  A shadow appeared over Snork and he looked up to see Strafe, the iguanodon, standing over him.  
"So how are things going with kaga?" he asked.

"Everything is fine.  Kaga went off to look around some more though.  I decided to stay home." replied Strafe.

Snork rolled over and climbed out of the water.
He said, "I've been wondering, when are we going to get together and meet the locals?  We've talked to hardly anybody since we came here."

Strafe nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah.  If this is going to be out home, we'll need to know our neighbors.  So when are we going to go?"

Snork answered, "We could do it now, if you'd like.  Let's go get the others."
With that, he walked off to find the others.


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"Yo!  Strafe! Snork! What's up?"
Dante yelled cheerfully, dropping down off of a nearby branch and landing next to the pair, grinning widely.  He too was glad to have found the place he now called home.  A few short months ago, he had been an exile taken in by another outcast, then left alone.  Now, he was here, surrounded by friends.  Especially his best friend Longtail and the love of his life, Hunter.  
"Where're you two headed?" he asked, strolling along beside them, smiling the whole time...

(OOC: Told ya I'd post second :DD
And you know I agree with the rules)

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter stepped from behind Dante and smiled brightly as she said "Well good morning you two. So what's the plan for today? I assume we are going to meet our fellow valley residents." Although Hunter wouldn't admit it a while back she was all alone and by herself...although with the exception of the occasional sharptooth attacks wasn't so bad. But having a new home...and friends...and a mate only made her smile brighter as she looked around a little still taking in the beauty of the valley.

"Hey Dante, I thought Longtail was with you?" asked Hunter as she took a drink from the shallow stream.


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(simple rules, simple rules, been assorted into my mind before this rp was made,
anyways, do you guys mind me jumping in?)

stone the flyer was quietly soreing the skys, wondering too himself
about his never ending jorney.

stone: so.......i been hearing much about the so called "great vally".
i just relly hope find it someday........


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Dante looked around for a moment, then said...
"That's odd... He was here a minute ago.  But, then again, this is Longtail we're talking about, huh?  He's probably around here somewhere. "
Dante mused, scanning the nearby trees for his friend...


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Deep in the very heart of the Great Valley, in a nearly impenetrable stand of ancient trees, a lithe form was slowly working its way through the foliage. It had taken Sy nearly two weeks to find it, and now he wasted no time getting inside.
Inside the grove, the trees blocked most light, but where the sun's rays broke through, they revealed ancient stones that rippled with weather-worn patterns. In other places, tiny brooks snaked their way across the moss-covered ground. There was a silence about the place; not of death or gloom, but of reverence, as if the world were listening to hear what it had to say.
Sy could feel the age held within the trees, the memories they carried, the millennia they had stood there, watching silently as things came and went. The life pulsed through them, and through him, just as it had for so many years.
In the center of the grove, he came to a group of mounds scattered over a small area. Upon closer inspection, they revealed themselves to be great boulders, covered in moss. He knelt by one and carefully scraped a patch of moss off of it. Beneath the moss was a symbol, carved into the rock; there were few capable of reading it, but to him, the name was all too familiar.
He left the grave of his brother Enns and examined the other boulders. Spectrum... Kyson... Phantom... Ghost... But where was she...?
He stopped at the last grave, his hands shaking as he scraped away the moss. The symbol shone in a ray of sunlight.
He could still see her sparkling emerald eyes. Hear her soft peals of laughter. Feel her cool breath caressing his cheek.
And he could still remember the night that she died, all those many years ago...
A glint of color caught his eye, and he knelt down to examine a small blue flower that stood beside the grave, its head bowed. Carefully coaxing it from the soil, he placed it in a depression in the rock, above the name, where the sun would nurture it. The light passing through it made his lover's name glow pale blue.
Sy left the grove, a single tear sliding from his missing right eye.


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stone: quite sure im close.......wait, maby thats it?!
he begins to see many mountainous shapes, suprised,
he quickly turned and began flying twords them


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Mim (the female rainbowface) was by herself eating a mix of tree stars and some crawlers, away from where the plant eaters could not see her and be grossed out.  She examined some sticks she had put in the ground.  She had noticed that the bright circle did not rise or set in the exact spot in her travels, but slowly moved along a pattern.  She talked to herself quietly while no one was nearby.   She had not been in the great valley long so the sticks were not exact where the bright circle rose or fell but very rough approximations of how the bright circle moved.

(OOC: I assume the basic natural stuff works the same in LBT as it does on earth)

 "Warmer weather it tended to rise around here and go away around here, and as the cold time draws near it tends to rise around here and go away here.   But why does it do this, and why?" She said quietly to herself.  She often when by herself thought about things she had observed and traveling alone she got into a habit of talking quietly to herself.  She also tended to think about certain things that others found odd for one to think about and never told anyone else about.    "Maybe I'll figure it out someday." She said to herself.

She finished her eating of what was in her hand and looked around at some of the nearby plants, taking note of not just the edible plants, but also some that were good for this or that purpose, reduce pain, help reduce swelling ect.  She did this to keep her knowledge still fresh as she walked around eating a bit here and there, often leaves but some crawlers with leaves as well.


Diver (one of Ducky's siblings who looks exactly like her) was near her mother's nest area playing in the water with her siblings.  She had dived and swam under one if them, surprising them as she rise under the sibling.  

"hehehe." She giggled after she had risen to the surface.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter was actually right...Longtail had been with Dante, but in the spur of the moment he had jumped into a nearby tree and within moments was fast asleep. However he had only one real problem. he was starting to slip from the branch he was sleeping on. As such as he snoozed quietly his body and gravity did the hard work and pulled him down to the ground...head first...which wouldn't have been to bad, if he hadn't landed on Dante's head, and hard.

However Longtail wasn't the least bit affected as he continued to sleep without a care. This of course made Hunter laugh with delight as she said "Well..looks like he found you!"

F-14 Ace

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(OCC: Kor, nice first post.  ingster, just some constructive criticizm.  Please use proper capitalization and punctuation.  It looks a lot better and is easier to understand.  Also, don't write in script format please.  It sounds better if it is in story format.)

Snork replied to Dante and Hunter, "We're on our way to meet the locals.  It is time to get aquainted with our neighbors."

Strafe added, "Yeah.  I just hope they're friendly."
She was nervous about meeting strangers.

Snork reassured her, "Don't worry, Strafe.  I'm sure they're nice."

They headed out into the meadows near the lake, heading toward the herd.


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(Well, this is gunna be rather diffacult changeig styles....But I guess Ill try it)

"So.....there it is,the Great i can rest."
Stone mumbled to himself,
he looks down and around at the mountains a bit and eventully see's
the Great Vally itself, after some time he landed near a fair sized lake
and started to take a drink. Not noticeing anyone around.


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(OOC: Thanks)

Mim finished a tree star she had in her hand and decided to head to the nearby body of water to get a drink.  She would get to see what the various other inhabitants were doing and perhaps meet or converse with a few and see what the others were up to.  She had not been here to long, but had managed to meet some of them, most of them friendly.  She did wonder what they were up to today, and watching some of the youngsters playing was always fun also.


Diver continued playing with her siblings, pausing for a bit while the rest decided to rest or eat.  She went to the slightly deeper part of the water and dived down to get some underwater green food, coming up with a handful to eat as she sat down beside the water.  She always preferred underwater green food for the most part over land food, though some like treesweets tasted as good or better to her.


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Dante laughed, rubbing his head a little as he picked up Longtail, holding him up.
"Heheh.  Yeah, he did.  And..."
He looked at Hunter, smirking, then became serious.
"We should probably hang back.  The people here may be of us.  After all, we are sharpteeth..."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter smiled and said "Well, he's really more of a flyer on the outside...and beside, we all eat green food anyway. I'm sure the locals will understand about us." She then frowned and said at a whisper "If they let us explain that is."

Longtail then stopped snoring and opened one eye and smiled as he said "Nice of you to show...hunter...what kept ya so long." Hunter scowled and said "Excuse me for wanting to look presentable to our new neighbors!"


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Dante smiled at Hunter, blushing a little as he said...
"You always look beautiful, Hunter. And..yeah.  I hope they give us the chance to introduce ourselves...<sigh>"
He then ran a hand along his head before saying...
"Well, here goes nothing..."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail nodded and followed Dante and Hunter as they joined Snork and Strafe walking into the clearing to meet the valley residents. 'To say the should prove a theory I've been thinking about lately.' thought Longtail as he stepped into the light of the day.


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(No problem)

"I think im gunna like this place......"
He grabs a few treestars and begins eating them,
at the same time, looking around at the residents.


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Mim arrived at the body of water.  She could see some of the kids playing not to far off, mainly young swimmers.  She knelt down to use one of her hands to get some water and drink that way, learning this allowed her to remain more alert in the mysterious beyond where she had lived much of her life.   It took longer to finish getting a drink, but one could look around and listen more easily while one did drink.

Diver was still sitting with her feet in the water as she finished eating her bit of underwater green food that she held in her hand.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail was the first to step out of the foliage, and the first person he saw, had their back towards him, but with the markings and colors caused him to stop for a moment and think. 'A rainbow face? I thought...that they only lived in packs of their own kind?' He then took a tentative step forward as he asked "E-Excuse me...sir...or miss...can you help me?"


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Mim finished swallowing water then turned around to see who was talking.  She smiled as she saw Longtail, "Hello there. How are you doing? Want some water, it's very good?"
She said  indicating the water with one hand as she mentioned it.

"My name is Mim, I'm always happy to meet a new person."   She had not seen this flyer before, but she had not met everyone since the valley was so large she assumed one could likely live their entire lives here and perhaps never meet some people, or at least not for a long time.