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  • Chomper
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I liked this one a little better than X, but the plot yet again needs work. When will they ever develop a non-tv style plot? I noticed they have been trying to develop Cera's character a bit. I think she is getting way too much attention. They need to work on Ducky, Petrie, and Spikes characters more.  I was kind of disappointed when the raptors attacked. Is it even possible to have a LBT sequel without going back to the same old enemies over and over again? The animation is good, but a little dodgy in some spots. I am not a real big fan of 3-d pans in 2-d films. They get annoying.

Ok. 6.5/10 The little dinos were cute. :DD


  • The Circle
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It is a funny coincidence that despite our different possibilities to get hold of LBT 11 we watched it almost exactly by the same time Jojo. I watched it yesterday evening. The movie has not yet been released in Germany, but a friend and fellow LBT fan from Australia sent it to me as a birthday present. I've been too lazy so far to put down my thoughts on it, but it is high time that a discussion on LBT XI is started, as even though most people here have seen it hardly anything has been said about it (which was of course a benefit for me as I got no spoilers beforehand ;)).
First of all I am happy to say that I agree with you! :)
LBT 11 is better than LBT 10. It is not one of the best LBT movies, but as far as I am concerned it is not a bad LBT movie either. I was happy that there were no conflicts with earlier land before time movies (though it might have been appropriate to say something about what happened to Cera's mum). They did have some good ideas for LBT; they could have done better. As for sharpteeth, I don't have any problem with them appearing in LBT. They are an important element in the land before time, but they should be more threatening. The idea of the little dinosaurs tickling them seems somewhat unrealistc (though not nearly as unrealistic as the idea of Shorty tripping a sharptooth by crawling under its foot). I agree that Ducky, Spike, and Petrie could get a little more attention, but I don't think they were neglected in LBT 11. Littlefoot has always been the main character and Cera has always been the "loudest" of the others. However they have been focused on a little more in the sequels 7 and 8.
As for the music of LBT XI; there was no song I will hold dear, but neither was there a song I couldn't stand at all. Altogether I am relieved after watching LBT XI. My impression was not "not as bad as it could have been" but "This one is okay".


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My contribution, but that was sort of our LBT 11 discussion right after it came out.  -_-

Malte, I'm very surprised you went right up the middle when writing your critique...I thought you would have followed suit with me once you saw it.  Guess I was wrong.


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I must have somehow forgotten about your review Arvens, or maybe I just didn't read the part you said contained spoilers. Everyone knows I'm not hesitant to critizice LBT movies I dislike, but if I can I am more willing to see the good in them. So don't you be too disappointed about me disagreeing with you concerning LBT 11. I forgot to mention the voice of Littlefoot, which I agree is a serious drawback. No offense meant against Aaron Spann who has an interesting voice, but he just doesn't sound like Littlefoot.
Still Arvens I think you wrote yourself in rage when you wrote your review. Many of your comments are somewhat unfair or even simply wrong. For example:
I guess their fun underground (yes the ground under most of the Great Valley is apparently hollow so don't ask why it doesn't cave in because I don't have that answer).
All we ever get to see in the movie is that the tinysaurs live in a large cavern below the Great Wall. There is an underground river that may well have washed out that cave (apart from providing a watersupply for the tinysauruses). There is never any indication of their cave stretching out below the Great Valley. On the contrary I got the impression that only the entrance of their cave is inside the Wall.
The decision to make the tinysauruses longnecks was certainly not a lucky one. I think the smallest actual sauropod (longneck) that has yet been found was about 15 meters long (not exactly tiny). With a bit of fantasy and tolerance one might consider them Mussauruses, or Thecodontosauruses both species of prosauropods (ancestors of longnecks) who could probably walk either on two or four legs. In case of the first the largest skeleton that was ever found was only 37 centimeters long. It was a hatchling though. The grownups can't have been much larger than two meters. I know this is still too large but your statement of them being mutations seems a little exaggerated Arvens. If they adapted to their circumstances (evolution) perhaps living in that cave for generations they may well have shrunk a little.
Really Petrie, I didn't find this sequel too bad.


  • Chomper
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Ah, yes. Littlefoot's voice. I forgot about that. Is it me or is Ducky's voice getting lower and Littlefoot's getting higher?  

So the little longnecks aren't a real species??? I hate fantasy elements being in this series. :angry:


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I don't like any fantasy elements in the series either. However, those tiny longnecks are not totally implausible. I have no books at hand to check it out, but there may be more and better possibilities. If thinking of tiny dinosaurs I would have chosen a different species (tiny sharpteeth to be precise), but it was not something of limit as the rainbowfaces. Ducky's voice is actually one of the most constant in the series. Ever since LBT 5 she is spoken by Aria Noelle Curzon. Littlefoot had two voice changes of lately. Neither sounded very much like Thomas Dekker whose voice I suppose became too dark when he grew older.


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There could of been tiny longnecks but only proofs that they are real could be small and hard to see in rocks... it like looking at a tiny toy looking longneck dinosaur those things if you take it account of the bone size they must be tiny like hell.

So there could be such thing as tiny longnecks that the proof disappeared through out time and now a tiny object in the rocks you can't even find there is a possble to the impossible when it comes to dinosaurs.

Like on the other day I heard that scientists think T-Rexes had feathers... seriously they say this cause they found T-Rex bones that had feather outlines on where the scales was. that what i heard from a program called T-Rex in Hollywood talking about the first time the Rex was named till present day.

You can see the possible isn't far from impossible facts that do with dinosaurs there could of been millions of kinds of dinosaurs that totally vanished from the planet bonesa and all gone in a flash from that rock that hit 65 million years.

So when it comes to dinosaurs... fantasy is the only thing you can use to get a idea WHAT a dinosaur would look like. it impossible to know what they really look like without recreating a dinosaur with DNA to see it for yourself.


  • Chomper
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Then why make up something that doesn't exist?


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How can you be sure tiny dinosaurs didn't exist? no one can be sure if they do or not. all you know there could be something about these in a book. they do look through tons of dinosaur books so they could of find one.


  • Chomper
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That's the point. They have bones as proof for the other dinosaurs, but I don't know if they do for the tinysauruses.


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I shall check out once I get past my pile of dinosaur books next time. Altogether the possibilities I named so far are close enough to the tinysauruses to consider them an exaggeration (or in terms of size an understatement) in the worst case. Not too bad. Other kinds of tiny dinosaurs might have provided more too tell. I still like the idea of tiny sharpteeth (plenty tiny kinds there) living at the outskirts of the Great Valley. Even though they would probably be insect hunters or scavengers (not any more dangerous than Chomper) they would probably give a more realistic target for the Valley dinosaurs anger. The story I had in mind was about Littlefoot and the others running into them by accident and the tiny sharpteeth trying to keep them in order to prevent them from telling their parents about their existence. Everything under a motive such as "Sometimes when we think we are threatened we are a threat to others ourselves".

PS: Jojo, you too are writing fanfictions, don't you?


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I found yet another kind that may qualify for the Tinysauruses. Anchisaurus. Another prosauropod of about 2,5 meters. I think the Tinysauruses are within a tolerable range.
Do you write fanfictions Jojo?


  • Chomper
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I never wrote a fanfiction before. It is too complicated for me.


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I completed one and working on another at the moment



  • Ruby
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So, I'm bringing this thread out of obscurity. I'm of a different mind than you on this movie, Malte. This was one of my least favourite movies of the series. I didn't think it was awful, just boring. It's strictly toddler material- perhaps as a result of a deliberate attempt to build up the TV show's viewership. I didn't mind the fantasy element, but the main plot felt incredibly contrived. Unless I'm wrong, the Great Valley's residents' only reason to go after the tinysauruses was that they ate all the special tree-flowers. But so what? It's not as if they were rapidly consuming all the foliage in the Great Valley, like locusts. Where did the "creepy crawlie" hysteria come from? The "Littlefoot wishes he were bigger" subplot felt equally contrived. Being small hasn't remotely bothered him since LBT II, so why did the issue crop up now? And why didn't any of Littlefoot's friends notice that they haven't grown at all either? Also, the stakes are know all along that if the tinysauruses get busted they won't get forced out of the Great Valley, because Littlefoot will come clean. Watching this movie, I found myself missing "LBT II", "LBT III", "LBT IV", and "LBT VIII" where the protagonists had real dangers to overcome. On top of that, none of the tinysauruses are given any personality, except for Big Daddy and Lizzie. Therefore it was very difficult to get invested in them. LBT X, for all its faults, at least gave us an intriguing and somewhat enigmatic character in the form of Bron (though you could argue it only did so by accident). This movie can't even manage that.


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I suppose back then in 2005 I was mostly relieved that I didn't find LBT XI as bad as LBT X (I have stated my reasons why I detest Bron in the LBT X thread, but I don't mean to argue about him since it is far from my mind to try to "convert" anyone who could enjoy LBT X more than I did).
There was a lot that could and should have been better in LBT XI (some information on the fate of Cera's mother, a better explanation for the obsession of the adults (I'm sure with a little creativity it would have been possible to come up with a plot in which the tinysaurs were perceived as an actual threat giving a little more credibility to the adults actions), sharpteeth that came across as more of a threat etc. I still consider LBT XI a weak but not horribly bad LBT movie.

PS: It is very nice to see such old threads being brought back from obscurity :)


  • Ruby
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Quote from: Malte279,Jun 16 2016 on  11:47 PM
I suppose back then in 2005 I was mostly relieved that I didn't find LBT XI as bad as LBT X (I have stated my reasons why I detest Bron in the LBT X thread, but I don't mean to argue about him since it is far from my mind to try to "convert" anyone who could enjoy LBT X more than I did).
There was a lot that could and should have been better in LBT XI (some information on the fate of Cera's mother, a better explanation for the obsession of the adults (I'm sure with a little creativity it would have been possible to come up with a plot in which the tinysaurs were perceived as an actual threat giving a little more credibility to the adults actions), sharpteeth that came across as more of a threat etc. I still consider LBT XI a weak but not horribly bad LBT movie.

PS: It is very nice to see such old threads being brought back from obscurity :)
Yeah, I read your comments on Bron in the LBT X thread. Very thought-provoking stuff. That's what got me thinking that Bron is an intriguing and enigmatic character, only in an accidental manner. By this I mean that the way he's written- especially his backstory- invites a lot of scrutiny for older viewers. And I'm pretty sure this wasn't intentional, since none of the characters attempt to poke holes in Bron's backstory following the heart-to-heart scene. Plus, even the latter scene is bungled: Littlefoot instantly forgives Bron when he learns he's the leader of a herd (a herd which isn't present at the crater, btw). But I digress- not that I have much more to say on LBT XI.


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I must admit that LBT 11 never really catches my interest as much as most of the other sequels and I'm not exactly sure why that is. I'm probably going to review all LBT sequels sometime soon but let me just write a few things here.
The one really good thing about LBT 11 was the introduction of Tria and the whole plot around Cera and her family that continued into LBT 12 (no plothole there, that's very positive ;)). It really added a lot of conflict to both movies. I couldn't pick anything that's really bad, the Tinysaurusses just didn't catch my interest as much as other guest characters.
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I would like to read what you guys want to REBUILD in each of LBT sequel (saving general elements and basic plot elements, but changing scenes, general atmosphere, etc.)

How do you see good LBT movie. :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  I would like to read what you guys want to REBUILD in each of LBT sequel (saving general elements and basic plot elements, but changing scenes, general atmosphere, etc.)

How do you see good LBT movie. :)

Well, I have to admit that it's much easier to point out what wasn't all that good in a movie than suggest how to do things instead. Take my previous statement for example.

I couldn't pick anything that's really bad, the Tinysaurusses just didn't catch my interest as much as other guest characters.
Let's say I wanted to change the movie by removing the Tinysaurs (I don't, it's just an example), would that still be LBT 11? It'd undoubtedly turn into a completely new movie. Some movies have a stronger and better plot than others. Details can be changed (e.g. making the Sharpteeth more dangerous and less... ridiculous in LBT 11) but you can't change the overall idea of the movie without turning it into a completely new one. ^^spike
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