The Gang of Five
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Playable characters and their abilities


  • General of the Great Valley
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I know this is not gonna fly but I still want to put it out here.

Combat: (Yes, I know combat will be very rare, but it still occurs in the LBT universe)

Perhaps the two-footers would be better at grappling and the four-footers would be better at striking?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Combat: (Yes, I know combat will be very rare, but it still occurs in the LBT universe)
Yes, combat will exist in the game; not very much but I do expect it will appear on rare occasions.

as for recovering energy, some larger folks, like Littlefoot may have more, but it takes him longer to fill his then Petrie or Ducky, but he can go longer without eating to refill his, so neither small or large has a clear advantage over this, since both have advantages. 1 leaf may be enough for Petrie or Ducky to be full of energy, but they'd have to eat more often, whereas the larger gang members have to eat more, but not as often.
I really like this idea. :) I'm pretty sure we'll end up doing something like this in the game. :)
2 footers: punching, tieing knots, maybe being more effective in using healing plants and such since they can apply more easily then 4 footers can, throwing things, carrying things in their hands,

Flyer types: dropping objects from a height, Swoop attack, pecking, Maybe better distance vision since they are use to being high up and looking at the ground,

Swimmers: Maybe seeing better underwater then non swimmers who know how to swim, have a higher skill then non swimmers who know how to swim, even without putting points into it, though they can if they wish,
These are neat ideas, I like the concept of dropping things from midair.  I'm sure we could find some use for that!  We'll see. :)

I also thought that maybe the Threehorn and Spiketail class can take more punishment (higher HP) than the other classes.

Longnecks can have an inherently greater vision range because of their height.

Flyers can only recieve a vision boost if they are flying (See Petrie's size compared to Littlefoot).

Then comes the question of how will vision be shown in the game?  Will we use a 'fog' to limit view distance?  Typically, I'd rather use fog as a weather effect or way to control game performance/framerate.  How could we use vision in the actual game?  Fog would probably just look weird if it is used purely to limit vision due to character stats/limitations.  I'd also rather not blur the screen for characters who have poorer vision (that's a nice way to make a character that will never get played! :p :lol )


  • General of the Great Valley
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I think vision could be represented as a "radar" range extension.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Gang of Five
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A few ability ideas of my own (some of these may have already been suggested by others)

Swimming: Character can move through water as well as her or she could move through land.

Flying: Character can move through the air.

Balance: Character can stand on one leg; only usable by bipeds (can give advantage when walking across narrow surface, or having to balance on moving surface.)

Scent: Enables character to track other characters, enabling them to follow them a certain distance (only works for predators.)

Climb: This character can climb trees.

Plains-walker: This character uses less stamina when crossing flat, open terrain (like a Triceratops)

Swamp-walker: This character uses less stamina when crossing marshy terrain (like a Saurolophus)



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I like the idea that certain types like a longneck may be able to see farther then other types of quadrapeds, though I am not sure if this is an easily coded ability or one that is best ignored.  Though flyers will have the ability to see farthest by flying up, and can see around as well.  

I think someone mentioned before that the energy use for small characters may stop if they are carried by a larger character.  Which fits and may explain why Petrie is not flying a lot in the movies & episodes.  Ducky's doing the same may be due to this and also do to her small legs she moves far slower then her larger friends.  Though if this is done this may mean less folks would want to play smaller characters who can't fly like Ducky.


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  • Cera
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Just a quick idea i had for a skill for the spiketail type class. The skill is passive and allows the the user to keep eating after the spiketail has full stamina, allowing the spiketail to temporarily have a boost in energy. Lets say that with the skill you can get up to 125% stamina. During this time, all skills effects are increased by a certain amount. But your stamina will lower quicker then usual until it drops back down too 100%, then the skills will be back to normal effect and the stamina decrease will be back to normal. More points into the skill could increase the bonus to skills or lower the rate of stamina decrease (max being standard stamina decrease).


  • The Circle
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I like the idea :)
It would mean however that Spiketails would perform best in green spots of the world while their performance may be diminished in more arid places. To a certain degree flyers and swimmers will also perform best in specific surroundings (water) or under specific conditions ("bad weather for flying!"). Perhaps it would be interesting to see if there are ways for the other species to benefit / suffer from particular kinds of terrain / circumstances more than others?


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I think fr fastrunners a bumpy area would be kind of annoying since they might trip. But I'm not sure how they would perform better at some places. As for threehorns and longnecks... I'm not sure yet.


  • The Circle
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To keep things fair if some have bonuses in certain areas & minuses in others, then everyone should have, to keep things fair.  One way to get ideas is to look at the characteristics that longnecks and three horns have.  We've seen that threehorns can smash rocks, at least smallish ones & Cera's dad pushing large ones and logs around.  Lonenecks can go into some areas others would find it hard to breath since their necks are so long.  They can also reach food easier then others, though threehorns and others can smash into a tree to try to knock down some food, longnecks, if they are large enough, can reach it.