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Finally Together Again/Into the Mysterious Beyond

LBTFan13 · 330 · 25639


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"Hmm. That in the hands of evil would be no good for sure. Grant your wishes, and give powers." She shivered. "That stone seems pretty scary to me! We should get there earlier than Ozzy..."


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"I agree, yes I do." Ducky said nodding.

"Petrie agree." He said nodding also

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail sighed and mutted "I'm not too crazy about the whole magic rock idea, but I do believe in spirits and the afterlife." Then a thought crossed his mind and he spoke up so everyone would hear him "Hey, what do we do, if we find the stone, and it gives us more than one wish?"


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"I think Zaine should get the first wish, but if there is more wishes that can be made that would take some thinking." Littlefoot said.

Mim nods, "A wish is a very large thing to wish and it may have, effects far beyond what you may think it would have." Mim said.


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Zaine nodded. "I'm sure we would work something out. My guess would be to wish that the stone were destroyed so that no evil could get a hold of it."

"But Zaine!" Chomper replied. "Then you wouldn't be able to wish your parents back!"

Zaine glared at him. "Chomper, that's a personal matter, and I don't want to talk about it."

Chomper nodded. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

Zaine sighed. "I know you didn't mean any harm." He had to admit, he couldn't hide how much he wanted to see his parents again, but he was torn between that or the safety of the Great Valley. I can't be selfish enough to use the stone for myself, but this could be my only chance to see my mom and dad.

Strut curiously listened in on the conversation. "What do you mean?"

"Mind your own business!" Chomper shot back.

"So that's why you want the stone so badly. You want to bring your-"

"What part of mind your own business don't you get?" Zaine yelled out loud.

"Are you really willing to risk your friends lives for your own desires?"

"Shut up," Zaine couldn't take any more of this.

"You know, you aren't any different than my brother-"

"Don't you dare compare me to your brother!" Now Zaine was pissed off.

"Why not? You know it's true-"

"SHUT UP!" With that, Zaine lunged towards Strut and rammed him into a nearby tree. Chomper couldn't believe what he was seeing, and the others had mixed reactions as well. "DON'T EVER TALK TO ME ABOUT MY PARENTS OR YOUR BROTHER AGAIN, GOT IT?" He then pulled back and rammed Strut's stomach again, and then again, and then again. Finally, Strut coughed out, and a spot of blood splashed onto Zaine's face. Horrified, he realized what he had just done, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was he began to realize that Strut was right. What am I doing?


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"Maybe you can wish first for," Littlefoot started then seeing the fight was startled for a moment, not expecting it to happen.  "What are you doing?" Littlefoot asked shocked at what Zaine was doing.  Ducky hugged Littlfoot tigher and hid her face in his neck.

"What go on?" Petrie asked looking around at the sound.  

"Zaine, do you know what you are doing?" Mim asked as she moved to try to separate Zaine and Strut.


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Mitch jumped forward, placing himself between Zaine and Strut.
He looked at Zaine, both with anger and understanding.
"Zaine! Hey Zaine! That's enough!"

He then looked at Strut with a look of disgust, then at everybody else.

"Now, can we please stop fighting!?"
"Look, I know everyone here has her/his personal reasons to get to this stone!"
"We all have dreams that we wan't to fulfill!"
"I for one have to!" "But, I also know one important thing, arguing and fighting WON'T lead us ANYWHERE!"
"Besides, we all here tend to use the stone for good reasons, right?
he looked serious at all of them.
"Well, from what this guy (he glared at Strut) has told us... trust him or not..."
He nooded of in a direction.
"There's someone, and maybe more out there who doesn't! And if we don't get our minds togheter, that one will suceed! And we, and I know much more, will not be able to even dream about this stone!"

He stopped. Breathing...
Then said with a calm voice.

"So, shall we settle this like the good friends I know we really are?"
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Zaine slowly backed away from the group, still horrified with what he had just done. What have I done? I'm becoming insane! He stared at Strut, but the egg eater only replied with a small smirk. He knew he was right, and Zaine couldn't bear to admit it. He then slowly started heading towards the back of the group, but then quickened his pace. He didn't want anybody to see him like this, but it was already too late. Zaine kept in the back, and began to cry a little.

Chomper wanted to do something to cheer him up, but at this point he figured Zaine wanted to be alone. "I feel so bad for him," he sai out loud, but in a lower tone so Zaine couldn't hear him. "I can't imagine what's going through his mind right now." He then looked towards the others. "We should keep moving. This place seems to only bring out the ugly in us. The sooner we find my parents the better." He then glared at Strut. "You keep away from him or I kill you."

"As you wish."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail was surprised at Zaines outburst, but he personally considered Strut lucky. He accidently said aloud "If that had been me, I might've killed him without a second thought."

Longtail then smiled and thought 'Well, that wasn't the smartest idea.'

Cyrix turned to face his nephew and said "I'm surprised at you Longtail! You should know better than that by now!"

Cyrix then turned to face Zaine and simply gave the young longneck an understanding nod, as dealing with Longtail had taught him a thing or two about being angry. He knew Zaine would want to be alone, but he said "Zaine, I am proud that you found the will to stop. That is the difference in knowing who to trust and befriend."


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"I don't trust him, and I especially don't want him as a friend," he replied. Then he realized he was getting out of control with his rage. He calmed down and sighed. "The worst part is he's right. All this time I've been wanting to get the stone for my parents. Longtail and Littlefoot were kidnapped and I was almost murdered. I'm risking everyone in this group to find the stone, and I shouldn't."

Chomper grew very worried about Zaine. I hope he turns out ok soon. We all need him now more than ever.

Strut only watched everything that was happening. He then glared at Longtail. "I am grateful then that it wasn't you," he sneered.


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Mim smiled a bit at Zaine.  "Before you are to hard on yourself, consider, that you did stop.  Some people would not have stopped." She said.

"I can think of some that would not have stopped, I can." Ducky said.

"We hurry to Chomper's parents before other sharpteeth find us." Petrie said a bit afraid of being out here.

"That does sound like a good idea, what do the rest of you think?" Mim asked.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix smiled and said to Zaine "But everyone here is willing to help you. If our lives are given up to help one we care about, then it would all be worth it. Longtail and I know this...and I'm sure everyone else does as well."

Longtail however heard Sturt muttering something, and was sure it was about him, Longtail then jumped in front of the egg stealer and bared his teeth and claws and shouted "Do you want to die? Cause I'm sure the others wouldn't mind if I got my claws dirty!"


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Virgil and Dante had also stepped in on Strut, claws levelled at his throat.
"In my time, I sent many souls to the afterlife.  I would have no qualms about adding one more to that total..."
Vigil said menacingly, while Dante added...
"I hate killing...but if you even think about hurting my friends, rest assured that I won't hesitate to take your sorry life..."


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Zaine sighed. "I guess you're right. Thanks Mr. Cyrix." Then he noticed everybody threatening Strut. "That's enough! Everybody back off! This is just what he wants us to do!" He then walked over to Strut and glared at him. "I know what you're up to. You haven't changed at all. Ozzy sent you to destroy his threat from the inside didn't he?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about! I came here on my own!"

"We'll see about that," Chomper replied. "You're going to be watched very closely from now on."

"If you give any of us a sense of danger, we will kill you without second thought."

"Very well."

Suddenly Chomper stopped abruptly and sniffed the air. A worried look grew on his face. "Uhh guys, we might have a problem."

"What's wrong?" Zaine asked.


"Is it your parents?"

"No. These are definitely not my parents."

Zaine gre extremely worried. "Damn, and we were doing so well. Everybody stay together!"


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"I'd guess they were sent by the other egg eater." Mim said.  

Ducky got a look of fear on her face, "That is bad, yep, yep, yep." She said.

Petrie flew up into the air.  Mim picked up Ducky.  

The Great Valley Guardian

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Upon hearing the words 'Sharpteeth' and 'Not my parents' from Chomper, Longtail immediately jumped and using Struts head like a spring board jumped up and joined Petrie in the sky, and began using his eyes to scan the land before him, looking for the sharpteeth that Chomper had mentioned, and now he could smell them too.

"Guys...Over there!" shouted Longtail and he tried to point with his tai. He then flapped his wings lowering himself to the ground, so when he attacked they wouldn't see it coming.

Cyrix stepped next to Longtail and said "I'm ready, everyone else do as Zaine said and stick close together."


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Petrie went pretty high and started to circle around looking for the sharpteeth. Once he found some he started to circle around, "They here and look nasty.  Almost as scary as Cera's dad." Petrie called out very loudly, not sure if his friends could hear or not.


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"How many are there?"
Dante asked, twirling his staff nervously...

"They might have others in reserve, so keep careful."
Virgil added

"They draw close.  Be ready"
Motochika said, shifting to his ready stance...


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"My brother must have sent them," Strut concluded.

"That's impossible!" Chomper replied. "How could Ozzy form an alliance with sharpteeth. If anything, they would tear him apart!"

"He's more cunning then you think. I wouldn't be surprised if he bribed them."

"I don't care what he's done!" Zaine interrupted. "We have to take care of these sharpteeth now before they can do even more damage." He tried to stand firm, but he winced from his legs.

Chomper looked worried. "Guys, we need to protect Zaine at all cost!"

"Here they come!" Just as Strut called it out, two fast biters jumped out and surrounded Zaine. "Oh no you don't!" Strut lunged towards one fast biter and clawed at its eyes, blinding it. He then grabbed it and threw it against a tree. "Zaine run!"

"Easy for you to say!" Zaine countered. While the first fast biter was down, the other glared at him. Oh great. Zaine tried running the opposite direction, but his legs hindered him. He limped as fast as he could, but the fast biter kept up the chase.

Chomper leaped into the air and sank his teeth into the fast biters back. It screamed out in pain and tried to shake him off, but Chomper kept strong. Eventually, Chomper let go and landed on his feet. The fast bitr tripped and fell onto the ground. This gave Zaine the chance to smash his foot on its face, crushing and killing it "Zaine, are you ok?"

"I am for now! Thanks Chomper!" Just then, a huge group of fast biters, most likely the rest of them, appeared out of nowhere. You've got to be kidding me. Two of them sepearated Zaine from the others.

"Zaine!" Chomper cried out.

"Chomper! Stay with the others!" Zaine began to limp the other way, hoping to lead the fast biters away from the group.

Strut observed Zaine's movements. That's just what Ozzy wants him to do.


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Mitch managed to make his way trough between Zaine and some of the fastbiters.
"You stay right where you are, you pathetic cowards!"
he said with anger, attempting to hinder some of the fastbiters, giving Zaine a better chance.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.