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Please see this post for more details.

Member Appreciation Thread


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Caustizer - Well, what can I say, he's been very helpful in criticizing and suggesting ideas for Twilight Valley. Not to mention his AMAZING science fiction rendition of Twilight Valley.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I'd like to thank:

Caustizer for providing me with some helpful tips on writing Sharptooth Valley II.

Cancerian Tiger for our discussions on the Saw-based topics.


  • Cera
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I want to send another appreciation to Petrie. A couple of weeks ago, a pretentious user was kind of harassing me over PM's here, looking to steal my Youtube account that I hadn't updated for a long time. I knew immediately who this kid was but I didn't know who to turn to. Petrie was there to listen to my worries and assured me that he was doing everything in his power to try and minimize the harassment this kid was doing to everybody. So I want to say thank you Petrie for being so devoted to keeping the users of this board safe from hackers and kids who wanted full high quality copies of the LBT movies.

Two more that I want to thank even though I already kind of thanked them in the last post but I feel like mentioning them now. I'm doing them both for the same reason. Cancerian Tiger and Rat Lady. This kind of branches off of the reason I thanked them in my last post. When I was having issues with my room mate they were always here to give their support. I'm not the only person to have received such kindness on GOF. These two must be some of the nicest people I have ever had the chance of talking with on an internet board, even nicer than the people I know in real life. I just wanted to say thank you to both of you for your unconditional kindness and support not just for me but for everybody else on the board.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Here's a shout out to The Chronicler and Noname, two users who stuck with the Geography Game for I don't know how long, and helping make it the LONGEST GAME in the Party Room! Great job guys! It wouldn't have happened without you!

Special mention to LBTfan and Serris, as well as anyone else who ever posted in that game, and lbt/cty_lover for creating it!


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Quote from: LBTFan13,Oct 7 2009 on  10:02 PM
I want to send another appreciation to Petrie. A couple of weeks ago, a pretentious user was kind of harassing me over PM's here, looking to steal my Youtube account that I hadn't updated for a long time. I knew immediately who this kid was but I didn't know who to turn to. Petrie was there to listen to my worries and assured me that he was doing everything in his power to try and minimize the harassment this kid was doing to everybody. So I want to say thank you Petrie for being so devoted to keeping the users of this board safe from hackers and kids who wanted full high quality copies of the LBT movies.

Two more that I want to thank even though I already kind of thanked them in the last post but I feel like mentioning them now. I'm doing them both for the same reason. Cancerian Tiger and Rat Lady. This kind of branches off of the reason I thanked them in my last post. When I was having issues with my room mate they were always here to give their support. I'm not the only person to have received such kindness on GOF. These two must be some of the nicest people I have ever had the chance of talking with on an internet board, even nicer than the people I know in real life. I just wanted to say thank you to both of you for your unconditional kindness and support not just for me but for everybody else on the board.
Wow, I haven't seen this thread in awhile. :bang

Thank you for your compliment LBTFan13. ^^

I want to thank Pangea and CT for speaking with me and chatting with me here. I appriciate your replies and chats with me. :) :yes

I also want to thank Noname for trying to understand me instead of just tossing me out, which I am guilty of doing to him I realize. I was being paranoid I guess. :p Because again, I have had my fair share of losers that tried to take advantage of me, use me, and trick me. I still STRONGLY disagree with some of your views, but that doesn't mean either one of us is a bad person. We're just different. :)

I realize you aren't what I thought you were and I apologize for the judgements.

So thank you guys.

I also want to thank Lillefot for the nice compliment in the TPAM thread. :)


  • Cera
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Well I had to put this here :D

A big mention to GreatValleyGuardian for a truly amazing depiction of my OC Zaine. You guys probably remember, or maybe you don't, but when the 2009 GOF Awards were in session I was very upset that I didn't receive an award or many nominations for that matter because I felt that despite all I did (RP's, Fanfic, Singing...) I wasn't appreciated enough and not getting the recognition I thought I deserved. Of course, I realized the error of my judgment quickly before I could make too much of an impression on the rest of the board. I never expected anybody to do anything and dedicate it to me and I was fine with that. When I first saw GVG's drawing of Zaine, I was stunned. Not only had somebody taken their time to draw my character, but they made him perfect to every detail. At that moment, I felt blessed to know somebody who would do something like that for me, and even if he didn't intend for that in the first place. I know I've said it before but I will say it again, GVG thank you so much for that drawing. I couldn't have asked for a better depiction of Zaine, and I know I probably couldn't have drawn a better one myself.


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A biig big thanks to Tim. I speak directly to you if you allow :) Thanks for all the answers to my questions I had the last time, and thanks that you never got bothered of it. Thank you alot. I will pay it back when I get the chance ;)


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It’s been entirely too long since I’ve posted in this thread. I admit that I am shy about doing so, due to the awkwardness I feel when expressing appreciation, and the concern that I am not giving everyone their proper dues (thoughóin keeping with the purpose of this threadóI intend nothing remotely resembling favoritism). At the same time, however, I feel an obligation to reciprocate the gratitude expressed by others toward me, and I definitely feel that I am deeply indebted to everyone on the GOF. So I decided that there was no better way to commemorate my 1,000th post than by thanking the members on this forum who have made me feel welcome, comfortable, accepted, and useful here.
Cancerian Tiger: This is an individual I have immense admiration for, particularly for her confidence and her habit of straightforwardly speaking her mind (something I am chronically shy about). In addition to being terrifically fun to RP with, I feel that she does much to brighten the GOF. I have to say that have become quite attached to her, despite having not spoken to her directly that much. I also suspect she may be at least partly responsible for instilling a fondness for Cera in me. :p

Rat_lady7: Another member with many qualities I admire. Among these is her initiative in starting new topics, including this one, “Dinosonas”, “What are you thinking about?”, “How are you feeling?”, and, of course, “Ask me anything”, the thread that became a trend. Furthermore, there is her RP, “In The Land Before Time”, which I have enjoyed so much that more than a tenth of my current posts are located there. I greatly enjoy conversing and RPing with her, and consider her to be another member that the GOF just wouldn’t be the same without.

Caustizer: This member continually astounds me with his skill and prolificacy at story writing. But what really justifies his inclusion here is the fact that he repeatedly comes to me for ideas and feedback, and the credence he gives me for my (as far as I consider it) humble service.

Darkhououmon: On top of being an outstanding artist and writer, Kacie provides some very insightful and intellectually stimulating perspectives on certain topics, in a manner that is objective and straightforward yet also considerate. Not to mention that she has been engaging me in fascinating and fulfilling PM discussions since the beginning of my participation on this forum.

Malte279: Another individual on this forum whom I greatly look up to. An astonishing writer who time and again amazes and inspires me with the analyticity, practicality, and thoroughness of his posts. While my direct conversations with him so far have been limited, I have enjoyed them greatly as well.

Nimrod: I regret that I do not know Patrick very well, but he strikes me as a very friendly person who I would like to converse with more often. He was one of the first to contact me by PM when I openly joined the GOF, with a very warm and polite greeting that immediately made me feel welcome.

Saft: Another very kind member who contacted me early on, whom I have since spoken with again on a few occasions, but not enough to really know that well. As a fellow Aspie, Saft immediately understood my insecurities regarding social situations, and despite the brevity of our initial chat, I think she did a lot to help me feel comfortable here.

The Friendly Sharptooth: I have only recently had an opportunity to chat with this member, and it proved to be every bit the enjoyable experience I hoped it would be. He truly lives up to his username (well, the first part of it, anyway :p), and I daresay that his concern about being polite and non-bothersome to other members exceeds my own. :lol While his activity on the forum is sporadic, I hope that we will have more chances to converse in the future.

Almaron: This member does not seem to have been very active lately, which is a shame, because he has been responsible for some extremely interesting and thought-provoking posts. I have tremendously enjoyed my discussions with him in the “An Attempted Map Of The Lands” thread. Almaron also deserves credit for initiating the thread that led to the creation of the LBT Glossary (which, as you know, I am in charge of).

Finally, I’d like to put in a few words for Pikkutassu. This member informed the GOF that he owned a video recording of the original The Land Before Time that included scenes that had been cut from most releases. He went to a lot of effort to share this material with the rest of us, and when it turned out that, sadly, the recording had been lost, he promptly told us so. (In my view, that was very brave of him, to be the bearer of such severely disappointing news, after getting so many members’ hopes up that he would come forward with the lost footage.) And after that, he contacted the TV stations that had originally broadcast the footage, in the hopes that they could do so again. And even though we did not (or if we do not) get to see the missing scenes, we now know, thanks to Pikkutassu, that they were not all discarded before the film’s release, as we previously believed. Whether the scenes still exist somewhere, we don’t know, but now we at least have hope that they do.

Thank you, all of you (everyone I have mentioned, and many who I have not.) :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Littlefoot Fan

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I would like to thank Tim and Iris for being great friends to me.

I would also like to thank Malte for taking a lot of time to talk to me about stuff.


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I would like to talk to you more often as well Pangaea. Thing is that I barely see you online. :(


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I want to thank everyone here for their kindness and patience. Seriously, you guys are great. I know I'm not really much of a contributor to the site, but you guys still act like I'm part of the group, which is awesome, because this is a cool group to be in. I haven't really been on the past few months, but I'm going to change that and return as a GOF regular, like I used to be. You guys have given a lot to this community, and I'm going to try to pull my weight, too.

I'd also like to apologize to Serris, The Chronicler, LettuceBacon&Tomato, and anyone else who's helped with my fanfic over the last year or so. You guys are such a great help, and I feel like I've screwed you over a bit by not continuing the story. Rest assured, that will not be the case for long.


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Wow. First call out to EVERYONE. Good call. I'd like to thank metadude, Chiletrek, and everyone else who is in the RPs I have started, as they have contributed mightily to the roleplay section of the forum (yes, this means you too, GVG and JitteryDragon)


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I has a shoutout to everyone on here.  So far, nothing but warm welcomes and friendliness, been much appreciated and I feel oh so loved :lol:


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It¥s about time to thank some very special persons here on the forum:

Gustav: How should I start. You came to this forum and I noticed immediatly that you and I understand each other like we would have been best friends forever. I can talk with you about all I want and you always understand my point of view. It¥s just awesome that I met you. Just because of that I want to thank you for everything, and that you showed me your great country sweden and the country that lies next to it: Norway :p I never has been to this  countries before and it¥s just awesome to be together with you and have fun with. Really, thanks for everything :)

Malte: Almost the same like Gustav. First I have been a bit scared about this guy, because of his looong posts about history and his detailed explanations :p But after some time, I really started to like it and I also started to like history alot more than I did before I met him. The meetings we had together has been really awesome. And thank you a thousend to show me your town and being a good friend I can talk with when I need it :)

Iris: This girl. I just say wow :blink: . Even if we don¥t chat that often as we did before, you still amaze me with your kindness for everyone here. You are also a person I can talk very freely to and about everything I want to. Thanks for being there for me in hard times, when I need it and for helping me with my troubles :)

Darkhououmon: Is that written right? Anyway, this girl (woman), will always be a mystery to me. But a mystery that amazes me alot. You are very helpful with all kind of stuff that has to do with computers. And your advices has been helping me alot in the past. Even if we don¥t talk much together, you do inspire me alot. And I hope to be able to talk with you again as soon as possible :)

Tim: This guy is just awesome. He is a happy guy in every sense of word and a great person to talk to. And he likes to say maybe lol.^^ Anyway, I really enjoyed the conversations we did have in the past and I appreciate all your advices about music stuff you gave to me. Thanks for being there when I need help :)

LIttlefoot1616 (Jason): Just five words about him: This guy is totally awesome!!! Never sad, always happy, also a very nice guy to chat with and to play Resi V. I was very happy to meet you at Gustavs place, and there I started to like you alot more then I ever did in MSN or in the GOF :p I really hope to meet ya again. :)

Landbeforetimelover:: I really have to give a very big thanks to you Austin. You have been the one, who almost gave a whole day to explain me everything about the GOF, PCs, and who did sent me alot of LBT thingies. You even tried to understand my crappy english about skype and you didn¥t give up til I did understand everything. Really, thank you alot for it :)

Rat_Lady 7: I also want to give my credits to you Rat_Lady. Because of all the nice chats we did have in the past and because we both like Avatar so much  :D Really, a huge thanks :)

There are many more I want to thank, but that¥s it for now. Others will follow. And thanks to the whole forum for being such a nice and great community. :)


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I want to thank Caustizer for being an awesome fanfiction writer. :yes
He actually brought me back to LBT when he first asked for artworks which were lost for a long time. I nearly lost my interest, but thanks to him, I'm total into it again. ^_^

My thanks goes also to Iris for creating the LBT fanclub on DeviantArt.
I really hope that more people will join the group. :lol:


And now... I want to apologize. Apologize to everyone if I somehow offended you. :unsure:
I have this strange feeling whenever I post something... a feeling like, I was not appreciated or not welcomed and... I'm really sorry... =/


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Sky, you're awesome! You've got nothing to be sorry about!  :D


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Quote from: jedi472,Jan 5 2010 on  10:32 PM
Sky, you're awesome! You've got nothing to be sorry about!  :D
I totally agree on that one!

You're an awesome person and artist sky. I really enjoy having you around :)


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That¥s true Sky. You are really an awesome guy. I have the feeling sometimes myself, but I think that¥s normal ;)


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I think all humans have this sixth sense of "What if they all really hate me and they are faking that they like me" and "oh no shes not responding to my messages she must be mad at me now".  

I admit it gets me from time to time too, but I don't dwell on it too much anymore.


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I'd like to thank Caustizer for reviewing Sharptooth Valley II (Which I'm hoping to continue soon) and giving me some constructive criticism.