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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Member Appreciation Thread


  • Petrie
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i would like to thank compy for putting up with me in wtjp, i know i can be a handfull sometimes. i would also like to thank ct for her advice in paintball and talking out battle stratageies


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I would like to thank Serris for lending me the courage to help me announce my entrance into furry-dom, because if it weren't for you, who was also proud of your choice, I would never have let it out.


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It has been a while since I last posted in this really important thread.

I want to thank Kacie / DarkHououmont for our many chats and for providing me with the Dink movies which are absolutely unavailable over here but of great interest to LBT fans (I'm really amazed how obviously some of them served as an inspiration (no ripping of though) for some of the LBT sequels).

There are two members whom I really appreciate a lot for the really interesting chats I'm having with them and for the no less interesting messages the post at the GOF. Both have not been around much on the GOF recently and I woefully miss both The Friendly Sharptooth and Saft, but I'm looking forward to see them again here.

Last but far from least I want to thank one of our newer members, Pangea, who also wrote some really interesting posts here on the GOF. Moreover he has become the second to ever read my unfinished and longwinded story Old Threehorns and provided me with some really helpful feedback not just on this story but on my older story the Cold Time as well.
By the way, do you happen to have an MSN account? I would really love to chat with you. My address there is

PS: Yes, yes, I know I always show a rather sober and uninspired attitude when it comes to post count matters, but just for the record, this was my post number 10 000.


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I would like to update this again.

I'd like to give some appreciation for these two members that once I was uneasy with,(even to the point of being scared) now both have a special place in my heart.

Malte:, I just want to thank you for trying to understand my view and where I was coming from. I'm glad we are able to talk about certain things. Though sometimes I understand your POV and you may not understand mine, but our discussions are still interesting. :) I sometimes don't understand what he is saying because to me, his way of writing is a bit to "wordy", but I guess I was getting a taste of what people sometimes think of my writing too. Malte, you have become a close friend of mine and he seems to be a very energetic, very positive, and very confident. :)

Petrie: Basically I'm going to say the same thing I said about Malte. We haven't spoken very much, my fault mostly, but our last talk I thought both of our opinions came through and both of our sides were heard. He tries to be calm, but I can see when he seems tired or frustrated with the other person. To me it's just easy to tell.
We have our differences definitely, but I think we are similar too. I remember him saying that he saw himself when he was younger in me. I remember talking to him on a pm awhile ago and I understand his point of view a bit more. I also give him kudos for hanging in there with the adolescents at his job. It's seems very frustrating to him at times. Still, like I said in his "Ask ze Boss anything" thread, just from someone with LDs, I think that's cool that he does that. :) He's doing a good thing.

So, thank you both. :)


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Petrie: Basically I'm going to say the same thing I said about Malte. We haven't spoken very much, my fault mostly, but our last talk I thought both of our opinions came through and both of our sides were heard. He tries to be calm, but I can see when he seems tired or frustrated with the other person. To me it's just easy to tell.
We have our differences definitely, but I think we are similar too. I remember him saying that he saw himself when he was younger in me. I remember talking to him on a pm awhile ago and I understand his point of view a bit more. I also give him kudos for hanging in there with the adolescents at his job. It's seems very frustrating to him at times. Still, like I said in his "Ask ze Boss anything" thread, just from someone with LDs, I think that's cool that he does that. smile.gif He's doing a good thing.

I'm very pleased to hear we have reached this stage. :)  I know my no-nonsense, don't-get-on-my-bad-side attitude hasn't sat well with you in many cases, but I can see that you're more comfortable with it due to the fact it keeps a lot of crap out of this board, and you really do enjoy it here because of the atmosphere.  Like I said, its good to know that we can casually chat without friction. :)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Yay, revived!

I kinda burned myself out in the last appreciation post I made, but some of them need to be expanded. Consider these additions to the previously -written thank yous.

First of all, a big thanks to everyone for accepting me back instantly. I don't feel like I ever left, more like I was on hiatus and welcome to return whenever I wanted to.

Second of all, to jedi472, for deserving to be on the last appreciation post, but I forgot to add him. I've already apologized for this, but you deserved top mention this time.

Serris, thanks for jumping me back into the DS sequel, no questions asked. It felt like I was really part of the team, both in-universe and out.

To Serris, Starfall, Cautizer, and f-22, thanks for reading my Darwin's Soldiers expansion stories. Having a target audience of about five users, these stories could easily have faded into obscurity, but you kept reading and critiquing them, motivating me to finish them regardless.

I don't know if anyone else is reading my stories, but if you are, thank you, and I'd love to know that you are!

Rat_Lady: for coming up with the "Ask Me" idea, which half the GOF has since emulated. It gives us a unique opportunity to learn about each other in a way PMs and non-user specific threads couldn't do. Great idea!

Mumbling: Of all the users I thanked a few months ago, Iris is the one I think I've gotten to know the most compared to my April self (not sure if I made that clear. I didn't know her well in April, know her better now.) On the RPG, you've started devoting almost as much time as Tim, and are doing a great job organizing non-coding stuff, like a website and multiplayer times. In addition, I finally found out why you're considered the most helpful member of the GOF when you offered to find for me an obscure computer game soundtrack. I'm not sure if I would even be willing to spend all that time for somebody I didn't know.

This is a god lead in to action, aka Tim, who's keeping this RPG going much longer and farther than, to be honest, I thought it would go. Great job, and we're all behind you!

Mumbling's post actually leads in well to landbeforetimelover and Alex, too. Both of you also helped me find a way to get my soundtrack as well, and I see both of you giving advice to other users all over the GOF. landbeforetimelover, you're still an extremely helpful user who's done more for me in the real world than any other. Alex, you proved me wrong when I thought you were going to be one of those users who how up for a week, and then disappear. I'm glad I didn't miss your debut on the forum! (Actually, I did miss your debut, didn't I? Oops. Well, your continued contributions, then)

Petrie and the admins: For the Rock Circle! I feel like I'm making real contributions to the forum when I discuss policy changes and section additions with the other users. You don't know how cool it felt when I proposed a section for all the Ask Me threads, and then POOF it was made! Thanks for giving us users the chance to be more involved. We'll make it worthwhile.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Aug 13 2009 on  07:15 PM
Alex, you proved me wrong when I thought you were going to be one of those users who how up for a week, and then disappear. I'm glad I didn't miss your debut on the forum! (Actually, I did miss your debut, didn't I? Oops. Well, your continued contributions, then)
Why thank you, I'm honored that you mentioned me.

I'm glad you came back, myself. I saw earlier posts you had done and noticed you didn't come on the GOF any longer. I was happy when you came back, happy I got to meet you, your sandwich makes a thread brighter.  ;)


  • Hatchling
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Petrie and the admins: For the Rock Circle! I feel like I'm making real contributions to the forum when I discuss policy changes and section additions with the other users. You don't know how cool it felt when I proposed a section for all the Ask Me threads, and then POOF it was made! Thanks for giving us users the chance to be more involved. We'll make it worthwhile.

Yes, this is the purpose we'd hoped to share when creating the section.  However, most things will not (at least I don't believe so) be decided that quickly.  There was an immediate need, and it wasn't severly altering the board in any way.  Most things will likely require a lot more approval from other staff (who all took a once :rolleyes :lol ).

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'd also like to thank f-22 and Cautizer for reading and suggesting ideas for my Card of Ten story. I've added you to the above post!


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I just wanted to give my appreciation to Alex.

He keeps asking questions on my thread and I'm glad there's others that want to know about me and what I do and think. :) I guess I am sounding arrogant, but I just sometimes need to be reminded that I valued and needed. So thank you Alex, for asking me your questions on my "ask me" topic. :)


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LettuceBacon&Tomato: Thank you for asking multiple questions about Darwin's Soldiers on my ask me thread. It helped me gain some insight on the actual RP as well as the decisions I made regarding the RP.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Same to you, Serris, regarding your questions on my additional stories. I put a lot of work into them, and it's nice to show that people are noticing the inside references or are interested in the chosen titles. Thank you!

Also a callout to Cautizer for joining the most awesome sci-fi/furry RP on the site!


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I would like to show my apprictiation for:

Jedi472: he was the one who told me about this forum.

Rat_lady7:she has one of the best RPs on the GOF.

and.......Noname: he's has another good RP and has helped me out of some tight spots.



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I wanna show appreciation to Rat_Lady7.

She answers all my questions. ;)
She made the cool Ask Me trend. ;)
She indirectly taught me how to spell 'appreciation'. ;)
She made this thread, and put me in it. ;);)
Her cat has the best name ever. ;)

I'll stop there. Gotta leave room for everyone else.


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I appreciate Metadude, Chiletrek, Belmont, and all those who are in the second RP. In a short time, most of them have gone from beginners to veterans, and we've had a lot of fun together.

P.S. I know that favoritism isn't intended, but a thread like this could be easily abused. Just an observation.


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There a few members worthy of special appreciation from me:

I would like to thank Serris for allowing me to link fan fics as well as commenting on my map-work. Thank you!

Specially I want to mention Sky for his inspiring artwork. When I first joined the GoF I found that nothing effected me more then his extensive art files. I couldn't believe that the character he drew in such detail - Sky - did not have an equally epic story behind him to back it up, so I decided to do my own.

Thank you Sky for inspiring me to write Far Away Home.


Perhaps the member most worthy of my thanks though is Pangaea. Through the entire summer he always came online and reviewed my story Rise of Storm Tide, handing out both praise and critizism, things an author desires, and making the somewhat questionable expendature of my time worth while.

I raise my glass, for without him Rise of Storm Tide would never have been finished.

I also thank him for continuing his support of my authouring and reviewing Far Away Home.

Thank you Pangaea!



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I am long overdue for posting in this thread. I find it difficult to translate my emotions into words, and for that reason expressing gratitude (and specifically why I am grateful) presents a challenge for me. But I feel it is extremely important to give credit where it is due, and sincerely hope that my efforts to do so here successfully convey at least a fragment of the level of appreciation I have for the constituent citizens of the community that has become such a significant part of my life in the last three months.

I feel I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who has so much as bothered to speak to me on this forum. Becoming an active member of the GOF was probably the biggest social step I have ever taken, and I first introduced myself, I had considerable doubts over whether I would fit in or feel comfortable posting. The unexpectedly immense number of friendly welcomes I received downright steamrolled those concerns, and my subsequent interactions with other members on this forum has made this one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. If you have responded to a post of mine, asked me a question in my personal “Ask Me” thread, or contacted me via PM of your own volition, consider yourself included in this post. ;)

There are, of course, a number of members to whom I owe particular thanks, and feel obligated to mention by name:

Malte279: For sending me what he has written so far of his (awesome) LBT story “Old Threehorns”, as well as for the appreciation he indicated for the comments and feedback I have given him on his fanfictions. (Few things please me more than the knowledge that I have been helpful to someone or made someone else happy. It’s something I continually strive for.)

DarkHououmon: For the great number of absorbing, thought-provoking, and downright enjoyable e-mail discussions we have had.

Kor and Petrie: For commenting on the photos I posted from my Washington, D.C. trip. Additionally, I owe Petrie my thanks for putting up with me through the numerous blunders I have made in my attempts to learn how and where to post certain things on this board. :oops

Rat_lady7: I have not interacted with this member as closely as most of the others mentioned here, but have nonetheless developed an enormous amount of respect and appreciation for her. Furthermore, I am enormously thankful for her allowing me to participate in her RP “In the Land Before Time”, in spite of my late and impromptu arrival, and my previous doubts that I would ever post in an RP at all. Reason enough, I felt, to warrant specific mention.

Caustizer: Another author of an excellent LBT fanfic (“Rise of Storm Tide”) on which I have left extensive feedback (as I continue to do on his new story: “Far Away Home”). Given his prominent mention of me in his recent post in this thread, it was the least I could do to return the gesture. ;)

Oh, and this also happens to be my 400th post. But I assure you all that I never would have gotten this far (not in three months, anyway) without all of your help. :)

EDIT: Had to repost this, as it was moved accidentally.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I just had to go back and name all of the people in the free-form fantasy RP whom I neglected to name. I appreciate you all giving your time to the new game. babidikrakenguard, Caustizer, Mirumoto_Kenjiro, lbt/cty_lover, StarfallRaptor, NeoGenesis005, and Nick22.

Thanks for playing!


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Caustizer: For providing an EXTREMELY detailed review on Twilight Valley. Thank you for giving me valuable feedback on the story. I keep forgetting to read and review your latest story but I will eventually.

Cancerian Tiger: Well, I don't know what to say. Your captions are hilarious and you are very approachable and easy to talk to.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I want to thank TFS(The Friendly Sharptooth) for that heart felt and encouraging pm that one time when I felt like leaving here, he really does write eloquently and lovingly, though there may be a few things I disagree with him with, he seems to be very neat person to know and talk to. I hope to chat with him over pm or email one day. :yes

Malte, I feel we have gotten closer to the point where I believe that we ARE friends. I still REALLY want to keep having philosophical discussions with him and he just seems to be a very interesting and loving individual. So thank you Malte for those few emails. :) He's VERY funny also, but you have to really read and pay attention to understand his jokes. :D

I want to thank Darkhououmon for sending me a link to this forum back in the year 2006, though I didn't join at that time. I want to thank her for still sending me a few things and trying to keep a friendship with me, which I am honored that she still does.

Noname, I want to thank you for those encouraging pms in the past also, words really do have power over people and words from Noname and a few others have helped me quite a bit. So thanks Noname. :)

Pangea, I want to thank for joining the rp and adding all of this interesting perceptions to certain things. I must apologize though that I really thought you were a woman when I first saw you post. I'm not sure why I thought that, I just mistook you for that. <.< :lol

Petrie, I want to thank you also for that pm in the past and for making this forum. It's amazing how this community came to be. And you have done beautiful work here. :)

landbeforetimelover-We seem to butt heads quite a bit and he definitely has made me mad many times. However, I want to thank him for his honesty about anything, (though it can get REALLY brutal, of course, I'm one talk. :lol) his mad computer skizlles(:lol), which made this forum have a nice sleek look. :)

Nick22, I want to thank you for that pm back when I felt like leaving here. You encouraged me as well as everyone else that sent me pms or posted in the "I'm Leaving" topic. I unfortunately don't talk to this admin as I would like to, but I would like to. :)

Last but not least, Cancerian Tiger, or Anna, she really has become the big sister that I have come to love. She has encouraged me greatly through the months and I love her funny, honest, sensitive, and sometimes wacky input about certain things. Her humor is VERY funny and maybe a bit out there, but heck, I love that type of humor. :lol Keep laughing CT, because you sure make me laugh. :D