The Gang of Five
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My fanfic


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While, here's the proluge of my fanfic. I don't know how long it'll take me to post the whole thing.


"I got it! I got it!" Roarey (pronounced like Rory) called. Chomper had tossed a pinecone to him for a game the two sharpteeth were playing against two more of their friends.  "Not yet you guys," simultaneously called Myra and Rita, two little girl sharpteeth. Rory was heading for the goal, but Myra pounced him and the pinecone fell.  "Hah! My turn," laughed Rita who quickly grabbed it her mouth and ran toward the opposite team's goal.

"It's not over yet," Chomper laughed, and went to tackle Rita, but she gave him a look that he couldn't resist: she gave him a very fancy smile, and Chomper stopped running with a blush on his face. Just as he stopped, Rita crossed the goal. "We won!" called Myra, and she and Rita did a high-5.  

"That's the same thing every time Chomper," Rory said slightly annoyed. "She justs has to smile at you and you'll do eveything she wants." "It's not my fault," replied Chomper. "You know I think she's....cute," he whispered to Rory. "Maybe if our teams were bigger someone would'nt be able to fall for her looks."  Chomper sighed at that comment.

After spending several months in the Great Valley, the grownups decided Chomper was getting slightly bigger and that he should leave. Chomper obliged, and reuniteed with his parents at the exit.  The thing Chomper missed most was his friends. He had lots in the GV, but he knew when he got older he probably wouldn't be able to see them again.  It was hard to find friends in the MB, due to Redclaw always causes separation of sharpteeth herds. He did meet Rory, a fastbiter when they tried hunting the same prey unkowningly at the same time, and Myra, a girl fastbiter Rory likes, and then there was Rita...

Rita was a t-rex who lost her parents when a big longneck tried to kill her to prevent another sharptooth from growing up. He parents tried to save her, and payed the price. She managed to escape and met Chomper's parents. They adopted her, and chomper liked her. But he never thought of her as a sister, always someting more..

Rita came up to Chomper. "You aren't as tough as you look," she laughed, still bragging of her victory.  "That's OK<' Chomper replied. "I can always outhunt you," he laughed.  " I just wish there were more sharpteeth are age around, our games would be funner if there were more friends to play them with." "You can't help that," Rita replied. "With Redclaw and all the other big meanies after all.." Rita walked off. "I'm heading home." "Tell mom and dad I'll get my own dinner, I want to spend some time to myself." "OK!" she replied running off.

Chomper walked over to a spot he found one day that hardly anyone knew about. It was a small cave with a weird shaped and colored rock in it.  He was tired, so he lent up against the stone. "Man, I wish I had more sharpteeth friends," he said tired, as he fell asleep, not realizing the stone behind him began to glow...

That's the prolouge, what do you guys think?  (I hope people will accept the fact that I want the gang to remain as sharpteeth, I don't want my story to be a repat of The Lonenly JKourney, if that's OK with you guys.)

(Ahead of time, just so you know, it's NOT going to be a dream sequence.)

(And, in case that's the majority opinion, I have an ending in mine that will satisfy both me and some of you.)


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looks interesting, keep it going :).

to comment on it, i'd just say that when explaining whats going on, try to use a bit more detail in describing whats happening during the event, it makes a world of difference :).



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Here's the first chapter, comments and suggestions are highly encouraged!

"The Land Before Time: Sharptooth Valley."

Chapter 1: Something New and Something Familar

Chomper started to wake up. He felt like he had been asleep for quite a while. He roared a little as he woke up, and then he noticed something odd. His parents were there, sleeping right next to him, but he knew that he had fallen asleep in his secret spot. "Must've sleep-walled," Chomper thought with a chuckle.  His parents' eyes opened up. "Good morning son," his father said tired.  "Morning dad," Chomper replied. "I'm gonna go play with my friends. "You do that," Papa Sharptooth replied. "And by the way, tell that belly dragger friend of yours to stop swiping our food."

"Belly dragger?" Chomper thought to himself. "None of my sharpteeth friends are belly-draggers."  He took a few steps out of the cave his family was sleeping in, then he noticed something. "What the..?!" he gasped. He, along was his family, were in the Great Valley! He also saw that there were no other dinosaurs in sight. Actually, there were no leeafeaters, just various sharpteeth!  He also noticed that unlike before, there were multiple passages into the Mysterious Beyond. "Don't tell me they got into the valley and ate everybody!" Chomper panicked, running further into the valley.

But Chomper noticed something else. All the sharpteeth seemed to be having fun and getting along. Young rexes, fast biters, and others all seemed to be playing together, playing cames like the pinecone game and hide-and-go-seek (Or as sharpteeth called it, Hide and go Hunt.)  Chomper sniffed the air, and realized that there was not a trace of leafeater nearby, as if they were hardly ever here.  Suddenly he heard a familiar voice. "Hi Chomper!" called the voice of....Littlefoot?! There was another weird thing: It was Littlefoot's voice, but it was spoken in sharptooth language. Chomper turned around, and saw another rex, same type as him but more of a gray color and slightly taller than him came up to him. "Did you sleep well, you look confused."

Chomper didn't know what to say. "Probably just a weird sleep story," he laughed mentally, and decided to play along. "I slept good, just bumped my head," Chomper laughed in reply. "So what's everyone doing?" Chomper asked. "While, Ducky's been winning all these races in the waterhole, Petrie's flying all crazy, Cera and Ruby are still trying to figure out who's better." "Same old stuf, huh?" Chomper said, though he had no idea to how this "sleep story" was going on.

Suddenly, two fastbiters were approaching Chomper and Littlefoot, apparentally in the middle of a race. One fast biter was orange, another was a dark, almost "ruby-ish" red. They stopped in front of the two rexes. "Yeah, I beat you Cerea, Cera, I beat you," said the fast biter,,with Ruby's voice. "No, I won!" bragged the fast biter with Cera's voice. "Oh not this again," Littefoot laughed.

"This is the weirdest sleep-story I ever had," Chomper laughed. "This iosn't a sleep story," replied a confused Littlefoot. "Oh never mind," replied Chomper.  Then, a young belly dragger walked up, chewing on a flattooth flyer it had caught, and seemed to be very untalkative. "Hey...Spike," Chomper guessed, hoping he guessed correctly.  Spike of course couldn't reply, so Ruby spoke up. "So what are we gonna do todsay." "I heard Mr. Belly Dragger (Mr. Thicknose) is going to tell us a story," Littlefoot replied.

Chomper laughed a little. "Probably time to wake up. I've probably missed dinner." he thought. He took his claw, and pinched his arm. "Ow," he said as he felt the pinch. Then he realized. "This isn't a sleep story, it's real!"

(Here's a thought I have about the sharptooth language: Even though all the roars and stuff sound the same to the viewer, I think to other sharpteeth the sounds sound different, that's why the sharpteeth versions of the gang sound like the leafeater versions, just speaking the other language.)

Reviews?comments encouraged! :)


  • Ducky
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I like the start of it! Really good introduction.

You did a good start with it, especially with the dream part. It's very good, keep going.

Ah, just a little something... You would probably consider putting a small indication of who talks. Just a small comment from me.

Either ways, its great. Keep going! :yes


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Chapter 2: The Sharptooth Valley.

Chomper didn't know what to think.  Over the course of one nap, apparentally history had been rewritten so all his flattooth friends were now sharpteeth, as well as all the other Great Valley residents!  He needed to figure out what had happened, and he figured his new/old friends could probably tell him. "Hey, I forgot how all of us sharpteeth eneded up in this Valley, how did that happen again?" he asked.

"You're younger than us, so you weren't there," Ruby began. "But before now, we all lived in the Mysterious Beyond, where food was scarce."  "But then the biggest sharptooth of them all (The one from the original) figured out what the problem was," Littlefoot continued. "Sharpteeth back then were too self-centered and unwilling to share.  He figured if every type of sharpteeth came together, we could stop starvation problems."

"So the big sharptooth and some of the other grown ups found this valley and drove the flatteath out of it." Cera than commented. "To bad you weren't born yet, you missed a great buffet." she added with a laugh.  "so now," Littlefoot continued "All of the main sharpteeth herds live together in this valley, and we have exits to the Mysterious Beyond whenever it comes time for hunts." "Cool," Chomper said, quite impressesd.  

Because of what he wished, Chomper deduced, he know had worldwide peace between all the sharpteeth herds. "And now I have more sharpteeth friends," he smiled.  But it seemed weird that he couldn't see Rory, Rita, or Myra anywhere. "They're probably just in another part of the valley," Chomper figured.  All of a sudden, he heard another familiar voice yell "LOOK OUT BELOW!"

Chomper looked up, and saw a flying sharptooth (Imagine the ones we saw in 5) falling from the sky, and he recognized the voice. "Petrie! Be careful!" Chomper and Ruby called.  When Petrie was only about a foot above the ground, he quickly went into flight mode and glided gently throughout the air. "Surry guys, you knew I love doing that." "Well, that scared me Petrie," Chomper began, and suddenly realized "Did you just say "I"?"  Chomper never knew the flyer to have correct grammar, but he suddenly did now.

"Of course, I've been saying I since I could speak," Petrie replied. Chomper had now noticed that his wish must've affected their personalities, but he didn't know what granted his wish.  "So what do you guys wanna do next?" chomper asked. "Hunting? Playing?"

"Like I said, Mr. Belly Dragger is going to tell a story to us kids," Littlefoot said. "Cool," replied Chomper. "For a storyteller, he's not bad," added Cera. "For a non-fast biter."  Chomper sighed happily. Some things never change, no matter what....

That's chapter 2. Unlike most fanfic writers, my chapters aren't that long, but I hope you enjoy them. Currently, my idea is about 10 more chapters long, unless I get more ideas or come up with more.

Again, comments/suggestions appreciated


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Not bad, my friend.  I like the Idea.  Keep up the good work! :yes


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Chapter 3: The Power of the Stone

Chomper, Littlefoot, Cera, Ruby, Spike, and Petrie walked around the Great Valley until they found Mr. Belly Dragger. Chomper loked all around him to see the full effects of his wish. "Wow..." he said under his breath so his friends wouldn't hear him. Chomper saw some other young flyers evidently practicing for the sharptooth equivalent of "The Great Day of the Flyers."  A large swimming sharptooth was een doing amazing flips in the no larger waterhole. "That's right, sswimming sharpteeth can't stay on land like flatteeth swimmers," Chomper remembered.

But along the way, a rex, fast biter, and belly dragger blocked their path. "Get out of our way Hyp," Littefoot complained. "Yeah, what're you little biters going to do about it?" Hyp and Nod replied. Chomper grunted angirly. Back in the previous reality, mean sharpteeth kept calling him that name and it hurt his feelings.  "Don't call us that," Chomper said angrily, sensative about his size. Even though they were now all sharpteeth, he was still the smallest in size.

"Little biter!" they kept repaeating. Chomper got angry. He roared, and pounced Hyp. "DON"T CALL ME LITTLE!" he yelled. Cera joined in, hating the bullies just as much as the next guy, but Littefoot said "We should just go guys, they're not worth our time." "Geez, let's get outta here!" yelled Hyp, and his trio ran off. "Sorry bout that," Chomper said to his friends. "Don't worry, it's good that you want to stand up for yourself," Littlefoot said. "But violence just isn't the best way to do it."

"There's Mr. Belly Dragger, mr. Belly Dragger is there," Ruby pointed out, pointing to a spot near the waterhole. "Oh boy," said the whole gang and ran up to join the other little ones for the old dinosaur's story.  As they were running towards the show, Chomper looked at Ruby. He never told her this, but in the past reality, he found her kind of...cute. Although Chomper liked Rita now, he doesn't know if she liked him back, and since Ruby wasn't a sharptooth then, it would've been weird to say what he felt, but since she was a fast biter now, he didn't know how to act.

The kids gathered around in a circle to listen to the story. "Young ones, I'm going to tell you the story of The Stone of Cold Fire." "I didn't know fire could be cold," Petrei said. Everyone else laughed. "That's not what it literally means Petrie," Mr. Belly Dragger laughed "It's a stone that landed on our planet several cold times ago. It was colored silverish-purple." Chomper suddenly had a thought. "That sounds like..."  "And the stone has a magical power," Mr. Belly Dragger continued. "What is it?" all the kids asked in unison. "The power to grant wishes," Mr. Belly Dragger concluded.

"Now it all makes sense," Chomper realized in his mind. "Yesterday when I wished for more sharpteeth friends I was leaning against that weird stone, it was actually the Stone of Cold Fire and it granted my wish!"  "Any questions?" the teacher asked the group. Chomper raised a claw. "Can it really grant wishes?" he asked. "Who knows Chomper," Mr. Belly Dragger replied "No one's seen it." "Except me.." Chomper whispered.

Littefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ruby, Spike and Chomper began walking again. "It's a hot day, we should go cool off in the waterhole," suggested Littlefoot. "I'll race ya!" yelled Cera who got a running start. "You won't beat me," Chomper said, he was now laughing and having fun. He had changed the world, so he might as well enjoy it.

You know the drill: Comment? make suggestion


  • The Circle
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Interesting story so far.  I for one prefer shorter chapters then the multi screen ones most folks seem to prefer.  A very interesting and original idea.

The Chronicler

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Not bad, so far. I've recently been having an interest for stories that include an alternate universe. I doubt that's what you had in mind when you thought of this story, but that's the way I see it here. One character (in this case Chomper) being transported to an alternate universe, where most things are still the same but a few changes had happened.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Chapter 4: Waterhole Antics

It was a close race.  Currently, the position of the friends, from first to last, was: Cera, Chomper, Ruby, Littefoot, Petrie, and Spike.  The waterhole was in sight. "I told you fast biters were the best!" taunted Cera.  "You just may be wrong Cera," smirked Littlefoot, who saw something she hadn't.  Chomper started a stalking-like run, and took the front position. "Wah-hoo!" Chomper cheered as he took a cannonball into the waterhole.  But unlike before, Chomper wasn't at a risk of drowning, in the past reality Ducky gave him swimming lessons before he left the Great Valley.  "What a blast!" Chomper cheered.

One by one, Littefoot, Cera, Spike, and Ruby also jumped into the body of water. Due to the fact swimming sharpteeth were more bound to water, the waterholes in this Great Valley were more bigger and widespread.  Chomper noticed Petrie had suddenly left the group. "Where'd Petrie go?" Chomper asked, not knowing where he went. "You'll see soon," Replied Ruby, who along with the rest of the gang knew the answer to the question.

While they were chatting, Cera took a claw and splashed a big amount of water on Ruby. "What was that for?!" Ruby said, spitting out some of the water. "Thinking you could beat me," Cera replied with a smirk. "So, a water fight eh," Ruby replied."There's five of us, let's get into two teams." Littefoot and Chomper joined Ruby while Spike got on Cera's team. "Let's go!" said Littlefoot, sounding like a referee.  Ruby made the first move by diving underwater than jumping back up, causing a massive splash on Cera and Spike. Spike already had a plan, he spun around, and his belly dragger tail caused a massive splash to hit the opposite team.

As the kids kept up the water fight, Chomper's parents came by and lied down by the waterhole. "The bright circle is extra bright today," said Papa Sharptooth. "The perfect day for a nap." Chomper's mother laughed. "Again, lazy bones?"  Chomper overhearing this laughed.  His father: whenever he wasn't being a loving father or a vicious predator, he was a lazy biter.  Chomper noticed something else. "Hey Ruby, where's Ducky?" he asked Ruby. "You'll soon see," she said in response. Under the water, a swimming sharptooth saw the gang's feet and began ascending upwards.

(Insert theme from Jaws here.)

A swimming sharptooth (Let's just imagine Mo's species) jumped up and did a flip in the air before landing in water. "Wow Ducky," Chomper said, recognizing her colors. "That was awesome!"  "Thank you Chomper, that was cool, it was, it was," Chomper was happy to see that despite the new language, she had the same speaking habit.  At this point the game had ended and everyone was now just playfully splashing. Spike looked up and made a noise to attract attention. When he looked up, Littefoot said. "Oh boy, here it comes..."

Petrie was standing on the edge of a cliff right above the waterhole. "Here I come! Take cover!" he yelled to anyone below, and jumped down, falling towards the water.   When he landed head first, he made a decent size splashed which some of the water splashed Chomper's dad. "And I was just getting some sleep too," he grumbled. "Why does he do things like that?" Chomper asked. "Oh, Petrie just likes doing crazy things," Littefoot smiled back. Chomper laughed, the sharptooth Petrie was very different from the flattooth one.

(At this point, the gang would sing the Good Times, Good Friends song but I'm not gonna type that.   :DD )

You know what to do


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(If you like my story so far, good news: I've decided to come up with more chapters than I originally planned and I've planned to make it a trilogy, or a series if I can think of that much stuff.)


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(Before you start reading the next chapter, here's a little note: This chapter is a 2-part sotryline, and two possible conclusions for the next chapter, and I'll let you guys decide which one you prefer.) (oh yeah, if it seems like a lot of the chapters don't advance the plot, that's kinda the point. The main plot won't really kick into high gear until the second half, I want to see how many normal stories I can get in this one befor the sequel.)

Chapter 5: The Sharptooth Games Part 1

The gang was still swimming in the waterhole.  "Hey, look what I found," the sharptooth Ducky called from under the water. Chomper, Cera, and Ruby all dived under, though Ducky came up showing what she found.  "Wow!" they all awed in unison. "A shiny stone!"  "You going to keep that Ducky?" Littefoot asked. "Not really, I won't get much use out of it, I won't I won't" replied Ducky.  The gang looked st the stone admirably. Any dinosaur, flattooth or sharptooth liked owning a shiny stone. "So who gets it?" Cera suddenly said. There was about a 10-second pause, then everyone began swimming for it, trying to get thier claws on it.

Mama Sharptooth saw what the kids were doing and let out a sigh. "These kids today and their shiny stones."  She walked over to the waterhole and picked it up with her massive claw, so it was out of the young ones' reaches.  "How about this," she began speaking to the friends. "We'll have a few games, two teams of 3. Whoever wins 2 out of the games wins."  "But I want it," Cera whined. "You'll have to win it little biter," Mama Sharptooth replied.  The kids began taking teams. "Littefoot, will you be on my team?" Chomper asked. "Sure I will Chomper," replied Littefoot. Just like in the previous reality, Littefoot was especially close to Chomper. "So will I Chomper," added Ruby.

"So, everyone, meet back here in one hour," Chomper's mom said. ( I don't know if TLBT characters have words for all the time increments.)  "OK," replied everyone.  Everyone went to go get ready. Ruby and cera were doing a lot of running, so did Littefoot and Chomper after a little snack of some meat the grownups caught.  Petrie was flying as hard as he could.  Spike was doing the sharptooth equivalent of push-ups.  Chomper's as well as the other gang's parents were watching them. "Good to see them working out," Mama Flyer said.  "Yeah, Spike should get out of the waterhole more," Ducky's mom said. (In this reality, Spike and Chucky's connection was the same.)  "Well, my Cera's in great shape." Veli said. (Topsy.) "You sure you're not just having a big ego?" Cira (Tria) said.  "I mean, I'm rooting for Cera and everything, but still.."

The time came. Chomper, Littefoot, and Ruby lined up on one side, Cera, Spike, and Petrie on the other.  Mama Sharptooth, Grandpa Sharptooth (Littlefoot's Grandpa) and Mama Flyer were working as the judges. "The first event," said Mama Sharptooth "Is a game of Pinecone."  Chomper smiled, remembering how many times he played this with Myra, Rita, and Rory out in the Mysterious Beyond.  "The first team to five points wins the first event." The friends nodded at the rules. "Good luck," the parents called to their children.  

Mamas Flyer and Sharptooth let out a big roar to signal the start of the game.  "Here I go!" Petrie cheered and flew to the pinecone and scooped it up. Chomper and Ruby tried to grab him but he managed to reach the goal. "First point, Cera's team!" Grandpa Sharptooth said. When the second round started, Ruby quickly pounced on Petrie so he couldn't fly and Chomper grabbed the pine cone and ran for the goal. He nearly got knocked over when Spike swung his tail, but he regained his balance and managed to the get a point. "So far, the teams are tied," Mama Sharptooth said.

The game went on, and soon it was tied 4-4.  "Final point!" Mama Flyer called and the last round began. Littefoot got it, but when he saw Cera running towards him, he passed it to Ruby. Ruby almost made it but Spike tripped her and he scooped up the pine cone in his mouth and began dashing towards the goal. "It's not over yet Spike," Chomper laughed. When Spike was just inches from the goal, Chomper pounced him, but the impact of it caused the pine cone to shoot out of Spike's mouth...and across the goal.

"First game completed!" said Grandpa Sharptooth. "Winner: Cera's team!"  At that point, Cera came over to gloat while Spike and Petrie were not the bragging type and respectively stayed behind. "See, I told youy fast biters are better." "Hey genius, I'm a fast biter," Ruby said in a matter-of-fact voice.  "Why do you want the shiny stone so much anyway Cera?" Littefoot asked. Cera's face went from a bragging smile to a slightly nervous look. "Well, actually.." she began to say then suddenly walked off.  Cera wanted to win the shiny stone for her parents as a gift, and Spike and Petrie would respect this fact, she wasn't THAT selfish.

Meanwhile, Chomper wanted to win for the same reason.  In the previous universe, his mom always wanted to have her own shiny stone but they were scarce in the Mysterious Beyond. Chomper knew this was his chance to make her dream come true.  Grandpa Sharptooth had come up with the next game. "A game of ide-and-go-Prey."  (Despite the title, there is no actually harming or eating, the kids just came up with that name since it seemed like hunting.)  "Each team will have two members hide, and the remaining member from the opposite team must track them. The first player to return with the other team's hiders wins!" "Chomper, you and me hide," Ruby smiled. "OK," Chomper blushed. "Littefoot, we're counting on you."

Cera's team was still deciding. "Ok, Spike should hide, but who would be the better seeker?" "You have the better sniffer, but I can cover more ground Cera" Petrie said.  "Hm..." Cera pondered.

You know what to do. Comments/suggestions, and who do you think should win?

The Great Valley Guardian

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I've got to say, now that I have had the time to stop and fully read this is highly entertaining. I'd always wanted to see an alternate universe for the gang, and this story brings it out very well, and the attention to detail is impressive! I will personally be keeping an eye on this story for future updates. :yes


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Here's the next chapter. Like I said before, the chapters will start becoming filler chapters, for lack of a better word. I want the new gang to have a few normal adventures before the storyline heats up.

Chapter 6: The Sharptooth Games Part 2

Cera's group had made up their mind. "Spike, you and I'll die while Petrie, you find Chomper and Ruby." "Got it," Replied Petrie. "Hiders will have a 5-minute head start." Mama Shaptooth called. "Let's go Chomper, Chomper let's go," Ruby said as she and Chomper took off into the valley.  "Sure" replied Chomper, smiling at the fast biter's face.  "We should split up, don't want them catching both of us at once," Ruby said. "Got it," replied Chomper and took off in a n opposite direction. Meanwile Cera and Spike were finding their hiding places. "Littefoot will never find me up there," Cera smiled, looking at Petrie's family's nest.  Spike meanwhile had found a marsh to hide in, also the body of a swimmer there for him to snack on.

Ruby found an entrance to a cave. "I know this place," she smiled. "And I'm sure Petrie isn't a good finderer when it comes to big places like this."  A short distance away, Chomper, unknowingly, found another entrance to the same cave. "It's light enough to see, better go in," he smiled. Chomper and Ruby began navigating the cave till they got to a point where they would stop.  "Finders, go!" Called the judges, and Littlefoot and Petrie took off.  "Gotta win this," Littefoot muttered. "If not, Cera's team wins the shiny stone." His sniffer, started acting up "Hmm.. Spike?" He said, following the scent.

Petrie was flying all over the GV trying to track down Ruby and Chomper. "There moved a lot, this might prove tricky," he commented.  Back in the caves, Chomper noticed something sticking out from the ceiling. "Ooh, a ground crawler!" he smiled. (In this reality, even though meat is the main source of food, bugs would also be eaten. To use a metaphor, leaf eaters would be the cheeseburger and bugs would be the fries.)  "Whoa," Chomper said. He satanding on an edge of about a five-foot fall. "Better be careful," he said. Unfortunately for him, the ground crawler was sticking out a little bit over the edge. So he had to try.

Ruby meanwhile was entering the spot of the cave right under Chomper and the ground crawler, but they didn't see each other. "Just..a..few..more," Chomper said, sticking his mouth out to grab the bug but he suddenyl fell...right on top of Ruby. "Whoa!" they said in unison. Now what made this weird was that when Chomper fell, his and Ruby's faces hit together, and they lips had touched... Chomper quickly got off, and both were laughing. "Well, uh hey, ya see," they said, not knowing what to say. "Just then, they heard Petrie cry. "I heard you guys!" "Oh no," said Chomper.

After Petrie brought Chomper and Ruby back, they saw.. that Littefoot had already found Cera and Spike. "Point for Chomper's team!" announced Mama Flyer. "Good work son," Chomper's mom smiled.  "The final event," said Grandpa Sharptooth "Is a quarter of a mile race around the track the other grownups made. The first team who has all 3 racers cross the finish line wins!"  "Just my kind of event," Cera bragged to the others.  "We can do this guys," Chomper said to Ruby and Littefoot. "I really wanna give my parents that stone." Chomper was nervous beacause he wasn't the fastest due to his little legs.

All 6 of the friends gathered at the starting line. "At the sound of my roar," Mama Sharptooth called. "3..2..1..ROAR!"  Everyone took off. Cera and ruby were the fastest, followed by Littlefoot and Petrie, then Chomper and Spike for the slowest. "That stone is ours," Cera taunted, charging at full speed. "Don't count your hatchlings before they hatch Cera," Ruby called back. At the back of the pack, chomper was getting tired. "This is getting hard," he panted. After a little bit, the two fast biters crossed the finish line, Petrie soon following.  Littefoot was about to cross when he looked back and saw Chomper struggling to keep running. He then started running back towards him. "Littefoot, what are you doing?!" called Ruby. "Don't worry, we'll still win," the sharptooth called back.

Littlefoot ran back to Chomper. "Need a ride?" he smiled, leening down. Chomper nodded happily and jumped on Littlefoot's shoulders, then Littefoot ran back towards the hfinish line. In the previous reality, all the leafeaters said that Chomper and Littefoot seemed like brothers. Now because of the appearance similarity, you would've guessed they actually were.  Littefoot crossed the finish line with Chomper just in time to beat Spike.  "WE WON!" Chomper, Ruby, and Littefoot cheered. Cera sighed a little, but she accepted defeat.  Chomper's team was given the shiny stone, then Chompe turned to his parents.

" I want you guys to have this." "Oh Chomper, really? That's so nice," Mama Sharptooth smiled, holding the stone in her claws. "You did good boy, so did you two," Papa Sharptooth said. "Thank you," replied Littefoot. Chomper smiled, this was the beginning (technically) of beautiful friendships.

(You know the drill, comments/suggestions. Hope you liked the ChomperxRuby moment, there will be much more :smile )

(By the way, the next chapter will be yours, the reader, to decide. Since I'm not continuing the main storyline for a bit, the filler chapters can be told in any order, I'll let you pick from these ideas:

1. Cera and Ruby's rivalry reaches a climax when the rest of the gang gets annoyed by their occasional bickering, so they have a contest to decide who's the better fast biter.

2. A LBT-version of "Scream." One night, after telling a scary story, one by one the gang starts going missing, and it's up to Petrie and Ducky to solve everything.

3. After putting up with their children's antics for a while, the gang's mothers decide to take a "Girl's Night Out" in the valley, and the gang follows in secret.

4.  When the cold time hits the great valley, several of the shapteeth get snow bound after a MASSIVE snow storm. The gang tries to get rid of the snow and crack the ice when Ducky's trapped under it.)

So, what idea sounds best for the next chapter?

The Great Valley Guardian

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This chapter did indeed remind me of Chomper and Littlefoot's brotherly bond with each other. It also amuses me how Cera is still the same even in this parallel valley.

As for plot options, I'd have to choose #2 it just sounds like the cutest option for those two in particular.


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(Here, it comes, the horror-movie chapter.)

Chapter 7: Hook, Line, and Screamer Part 1

It had been a week since Chomper made his wish, and things in the new sharptooth Great Valley were going pretty good. Pretty soon Chomper would go on his first hunt with his parents, so he was anticipating that.  But tonight was scary-story telling night, and all the gang was looking forward to it. The gang was going to gather near the waterhole so Ducky could join and tell scary stories for a while. But the one everyone couldn't wait to hear was Ruby's. She was a great storyteller. The gang gathered at the spot, Littefoot and Ruby getting a ride from Grandpa Sharptooth

"And then, the two fast biters who were kissing in the cave, were slowly being followed by The Sharptooth Slasher, and then.." Ruby said, her audience waiting for the conclusiocn, "HE GOT THEM!" the gang gasped and jumped back in shock, except for Petrie and Cera. "Big whoop, all these scary stories are the same dumb thing," she scoffed. "They're always about some dumb teenage sharpteeth getting hunted by some psycho leaf eater or canibal sharptooth, who never dies despite everything the good guys do."  "Oh come on, I remember the Hidden Runner incident," Ruby chuckled as a reply. (In this universe, that adventure did happen also.) "I know you can get scared, fraidy biter." "I am not a fraidy biter!" she replied "I'm going to bed, see you guys tomarrow."  "Wait Cera!" called Ruby.

"Don't go Cera," added Ducky. "You know how windy it is tonight," "It's just like in the story before the Sharptooth Slasher would get his victim," Ruby continued in a spooky voice. "Oh come on," Cera scoffed. "You actually think I'll fall for that?" she said, and walked off. "Ooh, and the loudmouth one seals her fate," chuckled Petrie. "Wjhat do you mean Petrie?" asked Littefoot and Chomper. "You mean you've never heard the rules of a scary story?" Petrie replied, he flew in front of the group to gather their attention. "There are certain rules you must listen to if you wanna survive a scary story." "Like what?" Chomper, Ducky, Ruby, Littlefoot, and Spike (Non-verbally of course) replied. "Rule number 1: Never go off on your own. Rule number 2: Never be mean. Rule number 3: Never kiss anyone, and Rule Number 4: Never assume the bad guy is dead."

Meanwhile, Cera was walking back to her parents place, still thinking about what just happened.  "Stupid them, thinking I'd get scared by a scary story...OOF!" she yelled when she suddenly fell down a hole. "Where'd this hole come from?" she said, she knew it wasn't there before. "Must've been a dumb joke by the guys." She also noticed several branches of trees in the hole with her. "What're these for?" she asked, noticing they were fruit trees. Suddenly, she heard a big dinosaur above her. "Hey, could you help me outta here.." she called. Suddenly, the dino roared loudly. "Who are you?!" Cera yelled.

Meanwhile at the group, they thought they heard a noise. "What was that?" Chomper asked. "Heh, maybe the Sharptooth Slasher got Cera," Ruby teased. "That's not funny Ruby," Littefoot replied. "Ok, I'll go look for her, how bout that?" Ruby responded. "Ill go with you," chomper added. "Guys wait!" Petrie yelled. "Don't you remember the rules?" "It's not a real-life scary story Petrie," Ruby said. "We have nothing to worry about, unless there was something to worry about." Chomper and Ruby smiled at each other, then walked off. "Didn't they say they accidently kissed when you played Hide and Go Prey? They did, they did," Ducky said. Petrie looked nervous.

"Cera? Cera?" Ruby and Chomper called. No reply. "She might already be asleep," Chomper suggested. "We won't give up just yet, you look over there by the Secret Caverns Chomper," Ruby pointed. "Sure Ruby," Chomper replied.  Chomper went up to the entrance. "Cera?" he called again, but of course the fast biter could'nt heard him. "I might as well go back," he began when suddenly a pair of claws grabbed him! "Ruby! HELP!" Chomper cried as he was pulled into the shadows. Ruby heard his voice and came up into the secret caverns. "Chomper? Where are you?" she asked. "Probably just playing a trick on me," she laughed when she heard a big footstep. She turned around, and...

Back at the waterhole, the gang was getting very concerned. "Ok this is weird: Chomper, Ruby and Cera have't come back for a while guys," Littlefoot said nervously. The wind kept getting worse and worse. "Maybe Ruby was right when she said the story of the Sharptooth Slasher was true..." Ducky and Spike were noticably shaking in fear. "You know what this means guys," Petrie said. "Someone's out there, and we have to stop this psycho before he kills them or us!" he said. "Agreed," the remaining members of the gang said, and put their claws together.


(Ooh, a cliffhanger. Read and review/comment on.)


  • Ducky
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oh, crappy cliffhangers,

especialy the last one was good,

The Great Valley Guardian

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Okay...that was an exeptionally good chapter. I can't wait to see how the gang is going to get out of this one! It's quiet possibly their scariest adventure yet! :yes


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(Here comes the resolution, hope you like it.)

Chapter 8: Hook, Line, and Screamer Part 2

As the group was thinking about what to do, Petrie suddenly commented. "You know guys, I've been thinking.." "What is it Petrie?" Littelfoot asked. "In the Sharptooth Slasher story, we find out at the end that it was the fast biter's mate, not just some random psycho right?" the sharptooth flyer began. "How do we know the psycho isn';t someone we know?" "During one of your stunts, you must've bumped your head PEtrie," Littlefoot said. "That's crazy, we don't even know if there's any slasher on the loose, let alone someone we know." "You never know..." Petrie said. Spike looked scared.

Just then, Cira (Tria), Grandpa Sharptooth, and Hyp came by.  Petrie decided this was his chance. "How you seen Cera anywhere?" Cira asked. "Me and Veli haven't since she left to go play with you guys." "The little biter probably got lost," Hyp taunted. Littefoot and Spike grunted. "Hey, where have all of you been?" Petrie questioned, not trying to sound suspicious. "I've been with Veli all night," Cira responed. "Why?" "No reason," Petrie replied. "Ive been with Nod and Mutt," Hyp replied. "And I've been hunting with the other grownups," Grandpa Sharptooth replied. "Littlefoot, you and your friends should head home soon," "OK Grandpa," Littlefoot replied. "Just a little while longer."

"I don't trust them," Petrie said as they walked off. "Are your crazy Petrie?" Littlefoot asked. "Look, me and Spike will go find everyone and we'll never split up like your rules." The belly dragger looked nervous but decided to follow Littlefoot anyway. "Isn't it weird Ducky?" Petrie asked "What Petrie?" she asked. "Ever since today, some of the the branches of the fruit trees have been torn down, wonder if that has anything to do with the slasher." "You're smart Petrie, you are you are," Ducky commented. Petrie blushed at this comment.

Littlefoot and Spike had sniffed Chomper and Ruby's scents to the entrance of the Secret Caverns. "Chomper! Ruby! You guys here?" Littlefoot called. No reply. "But it's weird, the trail keeps going into the caverns. Spike looked more scared than ever. "Ok Spike, we can leave if you want to," he said. He sniffed "Wait a minute isn't that.." All of a sudden..a figure from the shadows grabbed Spike's tail! "Spike!" Littlefoot yelled, and raced to help his friend. He tried to hold onto Spike's claws, but whoever was pulling was too strong for them. "I won't give up Spike!" Littlefoot yelled, but the figure got a burst of stregnth and pulkled the rex and belly dragger down into the caverns.

Ducky and Petrie didn't know what to do. "This is getting bad Ducky," Petrie said. "I think the Sharptooth Slasher really IS on the loose." "I'm scared Petrie," Ducky commented. "I am, I am." "Don't worry Ducky," Petrie said, trying to comfort her. But he was very worried. He was the only member of the gang who could look for the others now. Luckily, he was braver than most of his friends.  "I gotta go find everybody," Petrie explained. "If I'm not back in 20 minutes, go to the deepest end of the water and don't come back out until morning." "Ok Petrie,"replied Ducky, and the flyer flew off. As he left, Ducky could hear someone approaching behind her. She turned around, and...

Petrie arrived at the Secret Caverns. "Here goes nothing," he sighed, and flew inside quietly. "No psycho is going to get me," he whispered. He flew swiftly thre the tunnels so no one would be able to hear or see him. He soon noticed a weird smell. "Phew, it smells like dead leaf eater," he said.  He kept flying. "I'm getting near the Cave of Many Voices," he thought. Then he heard a weird noise. It was a deep rumble, but it didn't sound like a roar. PEtrie was getting seriously freaked out. "I have to keep going, for my friends' sakes." He kept going till he reached the Cave of Many Voices, looked inside, and saw something shocking..

Littlefoot, Chomper, Ruby, Spike, and Cera were all lying on the ground not moving! Worst still, they were covered in blood! "Oh no!" Petrie yelled, and rushed to his friends' sides. Cera, Chomper, Spike, and Littefoot's bodies had blood all over, but Petrie didn't want to touch them. Ruby's body only had blood  on her stomach. "This is VERY VERY VERY bad," Petrie thought. He looked at Ruby's body, when a thought started entering hhis head. All of a sudden, he heard a MASSIVE roar! Petrie screamed "Yah!" and flew out of the Cave as fast as he could. He had to find Ducky before it was too late.

After what seemed like forever, Petrie managed to get out of the Secret Caverns. "Dubky! Ducky!" he roared at the top of his breath, racing towards the waterhole. "What is it?" Ducky asked panicked.  "Everyone's dead!" Petrie yelled. Ducky gasped. But then her eyes widened. "Petrie..behind you," she said, barely able to speak. Petrie turned around, aand noticed a mysterious big dinosaur in the shadows! He shut his eyes, as he heard the Sharptooth Slasher's laugh. It was menacing, but he also heard..someone else's laugh? His eyes opened happily. He looked at the shadows with a victorious smile. "You can come out guys," he laughed.

Chomper, Ruby, Spike, Cera, and Littlefoot all came out. "Good job Petrie," Littlefoot asked. "How did you know it was us?" Petrie laughed. "The blood, or should I say tree sweet sap," Petrie laughed. "That's why all the branches were down. But I knew it wasn't all of you together at first, it was just you...RUBY!!" Ruby laughed. "Nice work Petrie," she said. "But how could I have done this by myself? I was with you when cera "disappeared." "I knew you couldn't have been by yourslef from the start, so you had someone help you that we didn't know about." The flyer looked at the shadows. "Littlefoot's grandpa, you can come out of there.

Grandpa Sharptooth chuckled, and came out. "Why'd you suspect me?" he asked happily. "You said you went hunting." Petrie replied. "In the Cave of Many Voices, you hid dead and slightly eaten leafeaters to make the fake smell of blood and trick me, because you knew the tree sweet sap wouldn't be enough to fool me. Plus, Ruby arrived being escorted by you, that's when she gave you the idea, right?" Grandpa Sharptooth nodded. "Plus, Ruby put the sap on everyone in the Cave of Many Voices. The sap was only on one side of her, because she couldn't reach her back by herself. Oh by the way, that rumble in the caverns, that was you burping right? From when you took a bite?" Grandpa nodded again.

"But why did you o it Ruby?" he asked. "Well, I had this planned for a while," Ruby laughed. "At first, I wanted to scare Cera for being bossy sometimes, but the Hidden Runner thing did that for me." Cera grunted angrily. "So I thought you Petrie, since you like scary stories. Hope you're not mad." "Don't worry," replied Petrie. "But we should be going to bed. I want a good sleep story now."

"Goodnight!" everyone called to each other, and went back to their parents. Chomper smiled, in the previous reality, he remembered Ruby mentioning something like this once. Back at his family's cave, he saw his parents sleeping calmly, they probably had a peace ful night. "Goodnight mom and dad," Chomper said, nuzzling their faces, then went to sleep.

(So, what did you think? Review/Suggestions are open now!)