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Link to my Total Drama Valley fanfic


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 16: Fear Facers

One night after Ducky’s elimination, the final 8 were gathered around the bonfire, just having chats.  “Man, I never thought I would have made it this far,” Rory smiled. Everyone agreed with him here, they realized that TDV was nearing it’s end.  “Yeah,” Petrie added, “Me never thought me would make it this far.”


Cera: I made it to the final eight? No surprise there.


Tippy:  Tippy’s proud of herself for making it this far, Tippy just hopes Tippy can beat Cera….

That night, a small but cold breeze was blowing throughout the valley.  Petrie, Ali, and Chomper shivered. “What’s a matter?” Cera laughed. “Afraid of a little wind?”  “No,” the 3 dinos replied.  Rory then thought of a good question. “I’m wondering…what are your guys’ greatest fears?” he asked. “That’s kind of rude Rory,” Ali replied, but Tippy went, “No, Tippy’s curious.”

Petrie sighed and went first. “Me biggest fear is sharpteeth,” Petrie admitted. Chomper, Rory, and Rita looked at the flyer. “Not you three,” he reassured.  “Being away from Chomper is my biggest fear,” laughed Rita, though she was serious.


Ali: Rita’s nice, and so is Chomper, but anyone else think Rita’s kind of obsessed with him?

“Being around others who I’m not as tough as,” Shorty then confessed.  Ali decided to go next. “Ever since I was a hatchling, my greatest fear has been falling off of a cliff,” she explained, having memories she wasn’t too fond of of the challenge back in Episode 2. Cera went next, and surprisingly her biggest fear was heavy winds. (Tornadoes.)


Rory: Wow, I’m surprised. That’s not a weird fear.

Tippy: Tippy would have guessed that Cera’s biggest fear was losing.

Chomper then admitted his greatest fear was Doc, the Lone Dinosaur.  Tippy’s greatest fear was drowning, and Rory’s was enclosed spaces.


Chomper:  It was a little fun finding out what everyone was afraid of. At least it won’t affect us in anyway…

Little did they know, even though they should’ve known, was that they were being watched by Chris and Chef…..


Chris: Oh it will Chomper, it will dude. (Snickers evilly.)


The Final Eight woke up in their cabins. “Race you guys to breakfast,” Chomper laughed to the boys, getting a head start. “Get back here,” Shorty called back.  The girls were slowly awakening back in their cabin. “I don’t want to get up,” Cera yawned.  Ali and Tippy looked a bit annoyed. “Cera was mean to her friends before, the least she can do is get up on time,” Tippy muttered. Cera sighed angrily and got up. “Tippy, can’t you talk normally,” the threehorn muttered.  Tippy humped and walked outside following Ali and Rita.  But when the entered the Mess Hall, they noticed something odd. Chris and Chef weren’t there.

Soon, Rory noticed something. What’s this?” he asked picking up a small electronic device on the ground. “I think Chris mentioned that,” Ali said, “It’s called a….um “tap….re-curder?” she said, getting the name wrong.  “Me think we’re supposed to hit that button,” Petrie commented, noticing a button labeled “Play.”  


Tippy: Tippy’s mad at Cera, but Tippy will admit…Tippy wonders if Tippy can use the word “I”.

Rory hit the button, and Chris voice began playing, but he was talking in a weird tone. “Hello final Eight, I wanna play a game…….  For the past 15 episodes we’ve been driving you to your wits’ end, but you still haven’t gave up yet. But myself and the interns have watched camera footage from last night. And now I ask the question….will you face your greatest fears to win individual invincibility?”  (You HAVE to get that movie reference.)  “What was that?” Chomper asked confused.

Chris and Chef soon appeared. “Ok, what was I thinking, or course thew dinos wouldn’t get it,” Chris sighed. “So what’s the challenge?” Shorty asked. “Before I tell you bros that, let me introduce another former TDI camper……Harold!”  But who emerged from the time machine was a teenage male with green hair, a unibrow, and a skull on his shirt. “Duncan? Why are you here?” Chris said befuddled.

“Er…..I ran into Harold and he seemed bored, so I decided to take his place for him.” Duncan said. Chris gave a look at him that asked “Really?” Duncan sighed. “Ok, I was running from the police and I saw this was my only way out so I pushed the nerd out of the time machine, alright?” Duncan admitted. “While dude, since you’re here, you have to help the dinos in today’s challenge.” “But what’s the challenge?” Shorty asked now annoyed.

“We all heard you’re confessions last night, so we know what each of your greatest fears are. Here’s the challenge: Each of you has to individually face your biggest fear, and if you pass, you’ll have the chance to become invincible. If you fail, you won’t necessarily be eliminated, but if you’re not voted off, as punishment for being a chicken, you have to spend the night in Dark Dark Cavern.” Petrie, Cera, Ali, and Tippy looked nervous. “What’s that place?” Chomper asked confused. “It’s a place near the Mysterious Beyond….where several dinosaurs went in one night long ago, and when the next morning, they all had vanished, never to be seen again,” Ali explained. “Me very scared of it,” Petrie panicked.  “It’s true, dinosaurs really are relatives of chickens,” Duncan laughed.

Chris went up to Ali. “Ali, you’re up first, follow me everyone.”


Chris brought everyone o the top of the cliff from episode 2. “This is your game Ali,” he laughed. “We set up a safe spot on the ground for you to  land on.”  Back on the ground, Chef had dropped a little old mattress with a red “x” painted on it.  “You can choose to wimp out, remember that.”   The girl longneck looked down. “It…sure is a long fall,” she said nervously.


Ali: I didn’t know if I would be able to do it. I just couldn’t give up though…

Ali looked back at the other players. Chomper, Rita, Shorty, Petrie, Tippy, Rory, and heck even Duncan looked concerned for her, but then she took a deciding gulp. “I’ll do it,” she said to Chris. She stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down. “Can’t believe I’m doing this..” she muttered under her breath. She looked down and aimed at the mattress, and jumped…

“YAH!” Ali screamed, the ground getting closer and closer. “This is bad..” muttered Duncan. But Ali managed to move herself into position and had a correct landing.


The dinos walked into a room that interns had set up and according to Chris, 4 died in the process. “Tippy can’t wait to see this,” the spiketail laughed.  But this entire time Tippy was trying to improve her grammar. “Ok Cera, step inside,” Chris instructed. Cera gulped and obliged.  “What’s this room for?” Duncan asked, carving a rock with his pocket knife. “This,” Chris chuckled, and flipped a switch. Suddenly, the room Cera was in began getting all windy. Violent winds, to be more precise. “This is bad!” Cera yelled.


Duncan: And I thought my fear of Celine Dion music store standees was dumb.

Cera was being violently blown around the room by the practically tornado-level winds. “Ready to give up?” Chris called. “NO WAY! I’M A THREEHORN!” Cera yelled back.  After about 5 minutes, the wind-causing device eventually settled down. “Congrats Cera, you won a shot at invincibility.” Cera smiled a bit, but quickly put her head down and puked.


Then they heard heavy footsteps outside. “What’s that noise?” Chomper asked. “Your challenge dude,” Chris replied.


Chomper looked very scared at the big longneck standing in front of him. “We had our interns track down Doc,” Chris explained to the rest of the players and Duncan.  “Chomper, to win, you just have to make one attack towards Doc.” Doc looked down at Chomper. “Scared kid?” the mighty longneck laughed.  Chomper gulped, he knew how badly Doc could hurt him.  But he didn’t want sharpteeth to seem like cowards, so he decided to try. “Here we go,” he said boldly.


Rita: I can’t believe Chomper decided to take Doc on! He’s the bravest sharptooth I ever met!

Chomper got into a “mean” sharptooth stance, even though he would never become a mean one in reality.  He began charging when Doc lifted up his tail, and swung. “Chomper!” all his friends yelled. But when the dust cleared, Chomper had managed to safely jump out of the way. The little sharptooth then ran up to one of Doc’s legs and lightly swiped it, creating a small bruise but nothing more. Doc would’ve attacked Chomper, but he had met him before and knew the little guy meant no harm. “You’re tough kid,” Doc smiled. “Thanks Doc,” Chomper smiled.


As Doc proceeded to leave, his tail, when he turned in the opposite direction, accidentally knocked Chomper against one of the cabin walls. “Oh crap, is he hurt?” Duncan asked. Rita ran up to Chomper, and sighed relieved. “It’s ok, he just got knocked asleep,” she said, in great relief. “Someone take him back to the cabin,” Chris said. “I have nothing better to do,” Duncan volunteered, clearly bored. He carried the little rex, which was still heavy to a human, to the boys’ cabin. “Eh, this is close enough,” he shrugged, gently setting Chomper down on the stairs.


Tippy and Ali walked over to Petrie, seeing that he looked very scared. “What’s wrong Petrie?” Ali asked kindly. “Me don’t know if me can do this. And if me fail…Me have to sleep in…in…” Petrie was practically in tears about it. Suddenly, they heard more big footsteps. “Who could that be?” Cera asked confused. They soon got their answer: it was Redclaw!

“REDCLAW!” All the flatteeth screamed, but Rory said “Guys, it’s ok, calm down.” Rory said. “He’s Chomper’s uncle, he wouldn’t hurt you.” “HIS UNCLE?!” Petrie, Ali, Cera, Tippy, and Shorty screamed. “Yeah,” Rita began to explain, “Sometime after Chomper left the Great Valley Redclaw discovered Chomper and him had similar scents, so they figured out they were related. (Author’s Note: I’m not sure if this is a real way of determining being related when it comes to dinos, but just roll with it please.)

“Ok Petrie, to win, you just have to fly up and give Redclaw one good bop on the nose. Can you do that?” Petrie looked up at Redclaw. Redclaw let out a roar, he didn’t intend to hurt Petrie, but he knew he was required to look like he was going to. He let out a mighty roar, and then there was a few seconds of silence. “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Petrie shrieked, the flyer taking off towards his cabin faster than you can imagine. “Epic fail,” Chef said silently. Petrie was flying towards the boys’ cabin with his eyes shut in fear that he failed to see what he was headed for.


Soon Petrie woke up when he hit something. “Me safe,” he breathed. But he couldn’t figure out where he was.  Meanwhile, Chomper was beginning to wake up. He felt something weird, and a little tasty….in his throat. “Me hear water,” Petrie said.  “Huh?” Chomper muttered, not knowing what was going on. “Wait a minute…” Petrie began to realize, feeling the warmth of where he was…. “ME INSIDE A SHARPTOOTH!”  Petrie managed to avoid Chomper’s stomach acids, and safely flew out the mouth. “You were in there?!” Chomper yelled shocked. “Yes!” Petrie cried, flying back into the cabin.


Chomper: I’m glad he didn’t get hurt! Petrie didn’t taste yucky though…


“Ok Rita, your challenge is simple. Just spend 2 hours away from Chomper and you win a shot at invincibility.”  “I can do this,” Rita said. But after 5 minutes of not seeing Chomper, she began to get nervous. “You can do this Rita, you can do this…” she kept saying to herself.


 Back at the group, Petrie flew back. “You smell worse than most people from juvie,” Duncan said, holding his nose. “What’s juvie?” Ali asked. “Never mind,” replied Duncan. “Rory, you’re next bro.” “This’ll be awesome!” Rory cheered.


The interns had managed to gather a small box. “Get inside Rory,” Chris said. Rory noticed how small the box was. “Something that small?” the fast biter asked scared. “I…can’t do it…”  “Wimpy dude, but no hard feelings.” Chris said.



Rory: I just hope others don’t call me a wimp. I just want to make friends here.


“Hey Shorty,” a few longnecks called. “You got to be kidding me…” Shorty muttered in disbelief. 3 longnecks named Bigneck, Hansel, and Roughtail (A few OCs) showed up.  “Friends of yours Shorty?” Ali asked. “More like foes…” Shorty muttered angrily.  Tippy was meanwhile trying to change her words. “Tip….I…” she practiced. “Well Tippy, you’re getting better,” Ali smiled. “Thanks Ali,” Tippy replied.


Tippy: Tippy, Tippy means, …I will prove to Cera that….I can talk normally.

“LISTEN! LEAVE  ME ALONE!” Shorty yelled to the bully longnecks. Hansel looked a bit nervous. “We should go guys,” he suggested, and they took off. “Congrats Shorty, that was awesome,” Chris complimented.


The final challenge of the game was Tippy’s.  “Geez, is the day over yet? I want to get back to the future already,” complained Duncan.


Ali: Duncan’s really mean, I’m surprised he made it so far back in TDI.

“Tippy, would you be willing to stay underwater for 30 seconds?” Chris asked. “Tippy will try,” the spiketail said, using her old type of speaking. She held he breath and got under the H20. “Be careful…” Ali advised nervously. “Yeah, don’t want to lose so quickly,” Cera taunted. Tippy hmphed and dived down. Just then, the two-hour time limit Chris set for Rita went up. “Rita, you won your challenge, you can see Chomper again.” “YAY!” cheered Rita, dashing to Chomper and giving him a hug. “Glad to see you happy,” Chomper smiled.


The 30 second time limit had run out. “Thank goodness,” Tippy thought, and began to surface, when she felt vines stuck her leg, keeping her under. Oh no!” she panicked mentally.  Meanwhile, her friends noticed Tippy was struggling to get back up. “Oh no, she could drown!” Ali panicked. Even cera looked scared for Tippy, she didn’t want to see the others hurt. Ali, Cera, Chomper, Rory, and Rita dived into the water. “How are we gonna brake the vines?!” Chomper called. “Leave it to me!” Duncan yelled, suddenly diving underwater, wielding his pocket knife. He cut the vines holding Tippy down, and took her safely back up to the surface. “Thanks…..Duncan,” Tippy coughed, managing to avoid drowning.


Duncan: Look, I don’t like seeing others hurt, Ok? But don’t think I’m a stupid softy.


Chris came up to everyone.  “Ok dudes, here’s a wheel with the names of the 6 players who completed their challenges. We’ll spin it twice, and those two players will have individual invincibility.”


Cera: Ha!  Invincibility 4 times in a row, here I come!

“The two invincible players are….” Chris said, spinning the wheel “Ali and Shorty!” “What?!” Cera screamed nervously. “Alright!” the longnecks cheered.


It was almost the bonfire ceremony. Duncan had returned to 2008. “Tippy and Ali can finally vote Cera off!” Tippy cheered, not quite used to saying “I.”  Suddenly, they saw Chris walk past with Petrie following him, begging hard. “Please!” the flyer screamed, “Don’t let me stay in Dark Dark Cavern! Me can’t do it!” he cried, never showing so much fear before. “Sorry dude, unless you are voted off, there’s no way to avoid it,” Chris responded. Ali and Tippy looked at Petrie sadly. “I wish there was a way we could get him out of this,” Tippy said in correct grammar again. Ali nodded, then she looked at the CC. “Well, there is….one way to do it,” she said somberly.


Chris came out with a plate of 5 sweet bubbles. Shorty and Ali stood off to the side. “You’ve all cast your ballots in the confession cam. If I do not call your name, you have to proceed to the Tunnel of Shame, and you can’t come back, ever.” There was a gulp. “The first sweet bubble goes to Tippy.” The spiketail happily collected her snack. “Rita….Rory….Chomper.” The two rexes and 1 fast biter grabbed their SBs, but threw them away. “Cera, Petrie, down to you.” Cera gulped. This could be it for her. “The final sweet bubble of the night goes to………………………………Cera.” “Yeah,” Cera bragged, she was still in the game. Ali looked at Petrie. “Sorry Petrie, we just thought this would save you from going into Dark Dark Canyon.” Petrie left out a happy smile. “Really? Thanks Ali,” the flyer smiled.

A few moments later, everyone except Cera who wanted to get some sleep (Even though Ali could tell she wasn’t tired) gathered to say goodbye to Petrie. “Bye Petrie,” Chomper waved. “Yeah, me see you guys around,” the flyer smiled, a little bit uncomfortable after the nearly being eaten incident. “See you around,” Shorty, Ali, Tippy, Rory, and Rita said. Petrie turned and happily flew down the Tunnel of Shame.

(Read and Review.)

Next time: The Final Seven all discover the sharptooth within them when they have to track down baby dinos and return them unharmed, Shorty decides he needs an alliance, and the meal of your choice prize is on the line.


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 17: The Hunted Hath Become The Hunter

As everyone was getting ready to sleep that night, they were starting to all have a similar realization: there was only 7 players left in the game, Total Drama Valley would be ending soon.  In the boys’ cabin, Shorty was deciding what he should do next.


Shorty:  Ok, I realize I probably would need an alliance if I want to make it to the end.  But who would want to make it to the Final Two with me?

In the girls’ cabin, Ali, Cera, Rita, and Tippy were having a pillow fight. Ali said it was a free-for-all, but it turned into a 3-on-Cera brawl. “No fair,” the threehorn complained. “You want not fair?” Ali grinned mischievously, “Think about how you’ve been playing the game.”


Cera:  I’ll prove to all of them that threehorns are the best…I’ll just need a little help. With Ducky gone, I could use a new alliance member.

Cera did have a problem.  It was clear she wasn’t going to get Rita, Ali, or Tippy on her side.  So who?


As the Final Seven were snoozing in peacefully, Chris decided to use his jet to wake them up yet again.  “Hey, I need some laughs too dudes,” he explained to the audience. The jet’s engines activated, letting out a loud whine.  Everyone was soon up. “My ears!” Chomper yelled, covering them.  Chris soon landed the plane.


Chomper: Why does he always have to do that?!

“Ok Chris, that was not cool,” complained Ali, having practically received a headache from the noise. “Whatever dude,” Chris replied. “Why do you even have that thing anyway?” Cera questioned angrily. “Because I can,” Chris responded.

Chris let out another laugh, but than proceeded to explain today’s challenge. “Today’s challenge will begin after breakfast, so I’ll tell you about it in the Mess Hall. Everyone head there now.”  The Final Seven were happy to be about to eat something, but not fully happy because it was Chef’s food.

Chef served the remaining dinosaurs that morning’s breakfast:  Frozen tree sweets for the leafeaters and a bigmouth corpse for the sharpteeth.  “Man, you’re no good with food!” Shorty taunted to Chef. “Well than you can have nothing soldier!” he retorted, taking Shorty’s plate away. “Nothing still tastes better!” Shorty insulted.


Ali:  Sure, Shorty can be rude sometimes, but he’s not “Cera-rude.”

“Well if you hate the food, do I have good news for you dudes!” Chris smiled in his creepy way. “What do you mean?” Rita asked, taking a bite of the bigmouth.  “Simple,” Chris replied, “The winner of the next challenge, although he or she doesn’t receive invincibility, wins a prize I’m sure you all want: Dinner of your choice, prepared the way you would like it!”


Tippy:  Tippy, I mean I….am so hungry for something good.


Rory:  Finally, something good. (Stomach rumbles noisily.) You’ll get something soon.

“But what’s the challenge?” asked Rory. “Glad you asked that question bro,” Chris responded. “The interns and I were starting to run out of ways to torture you guys for entertainment, so decided to somewhat recycle a concept from an earlier episode. Remember episode 9 when you dudes had to move all those eggs?” “Yeah,” replied Ali.

“While since then, some of those eggs have hatched. The interns set up a pen…” “What’s a pen?” Chomper asked curiously. “A little thing designed for holding creatures in,” Chris explained, “With the parents’ permission of course…


Chris: Without the parents’ permission of course. Heh heh.

“Several of the young dinos have been put in another section of the valley. Here’s the contest: You will each be randomly assigned a type of baby dino, and using any means necessary, you must bring it back to the pen unharmed.”  “Sweet, this sounds cool,” said Rory, who was a good hunter back in the Mysterious Beyond. Shorty, Tippy, ali, and cera looked a bit creeped out at the fast biter.

Rory:  Ok, I know my sharptooth ways can accidentally scare them, I’m not meaning to though.


Ali:  Rory’s nice, but he should be more careful with the hunting mentionings and the like.

“Ok everyone, pick a type of dino from these shreds of paper!” Chris called. Everyone reached a hand or foot in, and here’s what they picked.

TDV Hunting and Returning Challenge Assisgments:

Cera-Belly Dragger
Tippy-Fast Biter

“Belly dragger?!” Cera said in anger. Sure, it would be a baby one, but that would still be pretty big. “Sure, I can do this if I had another threehorn corpse of if you covered me in some tasty sauce!” she added sarcastically. “You can borrow my key,” Rory said honestly. “Be quiet Rory,” Cera muttered.

“Ok, everyone is aware of what they have to look for, the challenge will officially begin in 5 minutes. The first player to return their baby dinosaur unhurt safely to the pen wins whatever they want for dinner!” The dinos had a seven-way lip-licking in hunger, but then they realized they had to come up with their game plans.

“I’m a sharptooth, I can just scare a little threehorn into the pen,” Rita said to Chomper. “Good luck Rita,” Rita’s boyfriend/Chomper encouraged.  “Thanks Chomper,” Rita replied.  Shorty was having some trouble thinking of a way to lure his dino back to the pen: if the flyer could fly, how could he catch it?


Shorty:  One thing I started to realize today was that flying is one really useful ability when it comes to avoiding being caught. This sucks kind of.

Chris and Chef showed everyone the pen. “Chef and myself will just wait by here well you dudes go off and attempt your challenge. Now, get your butts going!

After being explained what that saying meant, the Final Seven quickly ran out of the main TDV area, Cera still grumbling.
“See ya Cera!” Ali laughed a bit, taking off into the section of the valley where the recently hatched dinos were.  They all went in separate directions, even though they currently had no idea which directions to go in.

Chomper was the first to notice what he was looking for. He caught a glimpse of a baby longneck happily chewing on some leaves. Chomper thought that the best way to do this was to not look scary at all. “Hi there,” Chomper gently called in flattooth.  The baby bronto looked at Chomper, and only let out a little smile. Chomper went over to it slowly, but the longneck laughed playfully and started running off. “This may not be so easy,” Chomper thought to himself.

Just then, Chris flew overhead in the TDV helicopter. “One thing we forgot to tell you players,” he called with the megaphone. “If you fail to return with the dinosaur you need to catch, you will have a little punishment:  You have to clean up the kitchen after dinner tonight, and all three meals tomorrow.” This caused a panic among the players, that kitchen was always a mess!


Rita:  The kitchen, that’s disgusting! YUCK! Do you know how gross it would be to clean up that green food?!

Ali was the next to track down the baby dinosaur she was looking for. But when she saw the little baby sharptooth, she noticed something weird. It looked very scared, and it stood there just by itself by a tree. “I’ve never seen any baby this scared before,” Ali said. Every step Ali took to get closer to it bet the baby rex start to get more scared by the second.

Elsewhere, Shorty noticed a baby flyer who had recently was able to fly, fly in the sky near an edge over a swamp. “Here we go,” Shorty said to himself, noticing a path up the wall’s side.  As he was running up, Cera was quietly walking around the swamp below. “Um…is there a belly dragger here?” she asked, even though she knew that if there was, it wouldn’t be able to understand her.  She noticed a figure move under the water, and she hoped (or maybe she didn’t) that she could get it’s attention…

Meanwhile, Rita’s sniffer was acting up.  “Is that a threehorn?” she asked herself. She saw some movement coming from some bushes. “there you are,” Rita laughed silently. She got in a stalking position, not intention of hurting the dino of course, but maybe just a pounce. She ran towards the bush, but when she pounced…she landed on Tippy! “Agh! Get off Tippy,” the spiketail called, not seeing that it was Rita. “Sorry, sorry, my bad!” Rita apologized nervously. Tippy had been following a baby fast biter, but Rita messed it up.


Tippy:  Rita’s not bad, but she can be a little wild sometimes. That can bother Tippy.

Rita:  Hey, threehorns and spiketails smell similar. That’s not my fault.

Shorty had reached the Cliffside where the baby flyer was gently flying around in the breeze. “Come to Shorty,” he called, trying to grab it with his two front feet. This would be enough to catch it, though there was one fact Shorty did not realize. When he managed to catch it, the flyer still had plenty of energy in him, and moved around, pulling Shorty off the cliff! “LOOK OUT BELOW!” Shorty called, landing in the muddy pond. The impact scared off the baby belly dragger and the flyer slipped away.

Chomper kept following the baby longneck, though it’s clear the little kid was full of spunk.  The longneck walked into a log, and Chomper soon followed. But he noticed one thing: the log was full of sticky sap.


Chomper:  Ugh, sticky stuff. It makes my hands sticky, and I don’t like that.

Then the baby longneck began rolling the log. “Be careful!” Chomper called. “We’re on a hill!” But it was too late. The log began tumbling down with the two dinosaurs inside it. “WHOA!” called Chomper, dizzy. Eventually the log got to the bottom and stopped. True Chomper was dizzy, but the baby logneck was dizzier. This was just the chance he needed. He carefully picked up the little longneck with his hands. “Gotta get back to the pen!” he smiled to himself.

Ali was trying to calm the baby sharptooth down, she didn’t know why it was so scared. But then she figured it out. “You miss your mom, right?” she asked, and leaned in close, not being afraid of getting bitten. She nuzzled the little rex, and it started to smile. “Don’t worry, when this stupid game is over, I’ll make sure you get back to your mommy.” She picked him up by her neck, and the rex held on happily. “Maybe Rory can even get you a bite to eat from the kit…..chen.”  She then paused at that word. “Which I hope I don’t have to clean up!” she said, getting a running start.

Cera looked angry at Shorty. “Great! Now my only chance of not cleaning up that gross cooking place is gone!” Shorty and Cera looked at each other, than they started to make a realization.


Shorty/Cera (Footage edited together.): Say, Shorty/Cera could be just who I am looking for. Someone tough enough to get me the Final Three, then I can just ditch him/her.

“I could help ya if you want,” Shorty muttered. “Why would I want you helping me?” Cera asked. “Well first, no one else likes you here, and I’m physically strong, and I’m pretty much your last chance at an alliance,” Shorty smirked confidently.  “Hmm….ok,” Cera muttered.

Rory meanwhile, managed to find a baby spiketail running around. “How to lure it back to the pen?” Rory thought to himself. Then the idea hit him. “Of course,” he smiled. He walked up to the spiketail and stared at it’s face. E then let out a big ROAR and the spiketail simply passed out from the panic. “Too easy,” he smiled, and carefully put the spiketail on his back.


Rory:  I’ll never be a mean sharptooth, but pretending to be mean can come in handy sometimes.

Tippy was trying her best to keep up with the baby fast biter. Like their next suggested, even for a baby, it was REALLY fast! “Tippy’s getting no where,” she panted to herself. Just when she was about to give up, the baby fast biter….smiled and lied down and went to sleep! “Tippy doesn’t believe that,” she said, taking a moment to catch her breath. Tippy scooped it up and put it on her back. “Hope I can still win the food,” she said in correct grammar.

Ali neared the pen. “Hang on, we’re almost there,” she smiled to the baby sharptooth. Suddenly, she saw Chomper, Rory, and Tippy. The four players took that comedic pause and just stared at each other silently for a few seconds, then dashed for the pen! It was a very close race. Chris and chef had to jump out of the way of the approaching dinos. Everyone dashed into the pen, dust went around the area. When the dust cleared, they couldn’t tell who finished first. “Who won?” asked Rory. “Let’s check the footage,” Chris said.

A cameraman played back his footage. “Looks like the winner of the dinner is…….Ali!” Chris announced. “Yeah!” cheered Ali. “Aw man,” Chomper, Rory, and Tippy went. The baby rex licked Ali a bit, but she only smiled. “Don’t worry, you’ll be home soon.” She said to him.  Chris looked at his watch. “Only 10 minutes left. Looks like Cera, Rita, and Shorty might be stuck with cleaning duty.

Rita was getting nervous, she hadn’t found a baby threehorn yet. But then he sniffer acted up. It was a threehorn in the distance, but that’s all she could tell. “Gotta find it,” she said. Then she remembered the incident with Tippy. “Better not jump at it, better just get it’s attention,” Rita deduced. She picked up a rock, and looked in the direction where the threehorn was. “This’ll get it’s attention,” she grinned. But she accidently threw the rock too hard. “Whoops!” she panicked, walking through the bush, and here’s what she saw:

Shorty was just staring at what he saw, trying to hold in a laugh. Rita’s rock had hit Cera in the forehead! Don’t worry, she wasn’t bleeding or hurt, she was just having a hard time standing up right. “Sorry…” Rita apologized. Cera looked at Rita, vERY dizzy. “Down…..Going…..You’re.” She said, the order of her words mixed up.

Shorty: (Few seconds of silence, then…) Heh….heh…HA HA HA!


Ali had finished her favorite meal of treestars, much to the minor jealously of the other players. Shorty looked at Cera. “Chris said what you have is called a concussion, you sure you don’t want to get some rest?” Shorty asked. “Until not……Down Rita goes,” Cera replied, her head still spinning. Chris walked up with a plate of 6 sweet bubbles. “You’ve all cast your ballots and made your decision. If I do not call your name, you must walk down the Tunnel of Shame, and the time when you’ll be allowed back is never.” The players gulped.

“The first sweet bubble of the night goes to Rory.” Chris announced. Rory grinned and collected his prize. “Tippy…..Chomper.”  The spiketail and t-rex collected their treats, Chomper letting Tippy eat his too. “Shorty……Cera.”  Chris had to throw Cera’s sweet bubble to her, as she couldn’t focus properly right now. “Only one sweet bubble buble is left, and Ali or Rita, one of you is about to go down the Tunnel.” Ali and Rita gulped.

“It just give………Already Ali to,” Cera said, her words mixed up. “Eh, whatever,” Chris said, tossing the final sweet bubble to Ali. Rita looked around. “Eh, I’m glad I made it this far,” she said.  She walked over to Chomper. “Win this one for me Chomper,” she grinned, giving him a kiss. “Sure Rita,” Chomper blushed. Rita then walked down the Tunnel of Shame.

Chris grinned at Cera and Shorty. “I believe you two have a task to complete,” he grinned.


Cera and Shorty grumbled as they began cleaning the kitchen, holding mops in their mouths. Cera had recovered by this point.


Cera/Shorty: (Footage edited together) I can’t believe I thought working with Shorty/Cera was a good idea.

(Read and Review!)


Only 6 players remain:

The action, the contests, the humor, and of course…..the drama heats up. Who will win it all? Who will go home next?

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY: The Final Five Episodes



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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 18: Triple Threat

Around this point so late in the competition, every player realized how close they are to victory.    At the start of this episode, Chris walked up to one of the cameras to explain something.  “Our 6 finalists have recorded some recent thoughts in the confession cam. Take a listen:”

CC   (All the following  confessions are played consecutively.)

Shorty: Ok, Final Six, not bad at all. But seriously, this place can drive you crazy sometimes.

Cera:  I’m made it to the Final Six, no surprise there.  And with Shorty on my side, until I dump him of course, I’ll be the winner for sure!

Chomper:  Wow, this is fun! I never thought I would make it this far!

Rory:  I had a great time here, it was fun, exciting, and I made a few friends. What more can a fast biter ask for?

Tippy:  Tippy hopes every back in Tippy’s herd is watching. Only 5 more players to go……even though Tippy likes Ali, Chomper, and Rory.

Ali:  I must admit, after several weeks here…..I’m surprised we haven’t gone insane.

Since breakfast wasn’t going to start for a while, the Final Six decided to just hang around and play in the TDV area.  Cera decided to catch up on her sleep, all-night arguments with Ali and Tippy can do that to you.

Shorty and Rory were playing a game of Toss the Seed. “Try to catch this!” Shorty called, a[inning around very fast and flinging it out of his mouth very hard.  “Oh I will,” Rory smirked catching it.


Rory: Ah, hands. Quite handy. Get the pun?

Ali, Tippy, and Chomper were just walking around, looking to see if they could find any weird or cool things just lying around.  Then, Chomper had an idea. “Maybe there’s something buried in the sand,” he smiled, leading the spiketail and longneck towards it.  “Good idea Chomper,” smiled Ali.

In the sand, the 3 friends were digging through it, and Tippy eventually called: “Hey! Tippy found something!” Ali and Chomper came over. “Uh….that’s a rock Tippy,” Ali laughed. “Darn it,” Tippy laughed also, throwing it away.

Ali was the next one to make a discovery, but she couldn’t tell what it was.  “What’s this?” she asked, confused. Chomper and Tippy looked at it. It wasn’t a rock, they could figure.  It was narrow, and a bit pointy, and dirty from the sand. “Ali can keep it,” Tippy smiled. Ali quickly took it back to the cabin.


Ali: There’s many things in this world that we don’t know about, and I like discovering what they are.

Chris picked up his megaphone. “Breakfast players! Gather in the Mess Hall and I’ll explain your challenge for today!” Soon, Cera grumbled and woke up, still a bit tired.  She, Ali, Tippy, Chomper, Shorty, and Rory all were served breakfast by Chef, as disgustingly prepared as ever.

Luckily, their stomachs were used to this junk now. “If I win those wishes I’m gonna use one to make sure you never make food again Chef,” taunted Shorty.  Chef shot Shorty a nasty look, but Shorty only laughed.


Chef:  That bantering bronto gets on my last nerve!


Shorty:  That Chef has some serious anger problems.

Ali watched Chomper and Rory eat the dino bodies they were given from the “Already Dead So It Doesn’t Count” fridge.  By this point, Ali had stopped being bothered by it. She had accepted the fact that meat eaters had an important role in this world.  She had learned you have to accept other’s differences instead of forcing your beliefs on them.


Tippy was eating some frozen tree sweets. “Tippy would rather eat just ice,” she commented about the taste, and she and Ali shared a laugh. Chris came into the room. “Players, before I tell you of your next challenge, I have some news about the final challenge of the final episode I’m sure you’ll want to hear.”

“What do you mean?” Cera asked, always needing a plan.


Cera:  The key to winning is knowing everything ahead of time always.

“When we get down to the Final Two players, the game will essentially become a popularity contest,” Chris explained, “The twenty losers will choose which of the final two players they want to help win the Final Challenge.  So, essentially, in a way, the last episode will be a popularity contest.” Everyone looked surprised.

“A popularity contest?” asked Ali.  “Correct sister,” replied Chris.


Ali: Ok, I know I’m not related to him. I don’t get that comment.

“Anyways, let’s talk about today’s game,” Chris grinned.  “The producers, Chef, and myself were running out of ways to drive you dudes totally insane, so we eventually came up with another one. Today’s challenge will be done by two pre-selected  teams of three.”

“So who will be on what team?” Shorty asked. “Good question dude,” replied Chris. “Here’s the rub:


Ali, Chomper, and Rory.


Cera, Shorty, and Tippy.

“You will each be given three challenges.  Each of your teammates can only do one challenge each, so each of you only does one challenge each essentially.  Winning teammates each get invincibility.”

“Cool,” smiled Rory. “What, the chance at invincibility?” asked Ali. “No, being on a team,” smiled Rory. “It’ll be just like the earlier episodes.”


Rory: I don’t really care about winning, I just like playing games. Bring it on!

Chris led the players outside, and led them along the side of the nearby fast water.  There were two big piles of rocks blocking the water at two different points.  “The first challenge,” Chris began, “Is competitive rock-clearing. The first player to unblock their rocks wins a point for their team. Teams, please select who will attempt this challenge.

“I’ll go for us,” Chomper smiled to Ali and Rory.  “Ok Chomper, if you want to,” Ali smiled.   Meanwhile, Team 2 wasn’t being so decisive.   “This requires someone tough, and that’s me,” Shorty grinned.

Everyone on Team 2 was a four-legged dinosaur, so their chances of each teammate winning was about equal.  “No, Tippy will go,” the spiketail said.


Tippy: Tippy just wants to do something like this so Cera will stop calling Tippy weak.

“Ok, fine, you can go,” Shorty said annoyed.  Cera had no objections, because even if they lost, there was still two challenges remaining, and it would be a nother chance to tease Tippy!


Cera: That whole “popularity contest” thing concerns me.  I think to win, I need to think about who I’m gonna vote off….

Chomper and Tippy jumped into the water.  Chris pulled out his starting gun, but remembering the past incidents involving that, said “Eh, screw it. Just go.”

Tippy, having 4 legs was better at navigating through water. She charged into her pile, knocking several of the rocks apart, but not into the area she needed to move them.

As the game went on, Rory came up to Ali. “Hi Ali, how’s your day been?” he asked with a smile.  “Um, fine,” Ali replied. Ali wasn’t as winning-obsessed as Cera was, but she still hoped Chomper would win this challenge.  “I just want to be your friend,” Rory replied, noticing an odd tone in Ali’s response.

“Look, I know we may not see each other again after this whole show’s over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends now.”


Ali: Rory’s really nice, but he has a point. After TDV, we probably won’t be able to play together again.

Chomper was doing better at pulling out individual rocks much faster, but he could move them less at a time compared to Tippy.  It was a close race, but the overall winner was….

“Tippy has scored a point for Team 2!” Chris called at the end of the game.  “Aw man,” said Chomper, a little disappointed, but nothing severe.  “Teams, please select who’ll compete in the second challenge: a log-pushing race.”

“This is my game!” Shorty bragged.  “Sure, if you want,” Cera said to her alliance member.  Tippy looked surprised at Shoty. “You joined her alliance?” Tippy asked in correct grammar. Shorty motioned to another place so he could talk to Tippy.


Shorty: Like I said, I’m only helping Cera until I don’t need her anymore, I may have great brawn, but I also have brains.

Shorty explained his motives behind helping Cera to Tippy.  “Tippy’s impressed,” she said. “As least your not as bad as Cera.”  “Thanks,” Shorty grinned.

Back on Team 1, Rory volunteered for the log pushing race.  “Me and my sharpteeth friends did races like these back in the Mysterious Beyond,” Rory explained, and Chomper nodded in agreement.  “Sure, you can do it Rory,” Ali smiled.

But this entire time, Ali was thinking about the thing she discovered in the sand earlier today.


Aliy: Ok, I know I’ve seen what I found in the sand somewhere before, but I can’t remember where…..

Shorty and Rory were led about 110 feet away from where the rest of the dinos were.  “Ok bros, the challenge is this: You must push your respective logs back to your team, and when your besides your teammates, push it into the water, then that’ll determine the winner.”

“May the best dinosaur win,” Rory smiled to Shorty. “Don’t worry, I will,” Shorty laughed in reply.  Rory didn’t mind, he knew Shorty was just being competitive. The fast biter and the longneck began pushing their logs.

Back with Team 2, Cera walked over to Tippy. “I got a question,” the threehorn asked. “What?” Tippy replied, not looking at Cera eye-to-eye.  “Do you want to win Total Drama Valley?” she asked.


Cera: Even though I doubt I can get Tippy in my alliance, I think I can get her to vote with me.
“Tippy’s not going to cheat or anything,” she replied.  “Not cheat, don’t worry,” Cera responded. “Just….increase your chances of winning.”

Rory and Shorty, meanwhile, were straining as they pushed their logs.  “This…isn’t…..too…..hard,” Shorty grunted, focusing all on his power on moving the fallen small tree.  Rory, though he was having a little hard time too, grinned. “Time to show you how the “fast” part of “Fast biter” comes in handy,” he smirked. Rory began moving his feet as fast as possible, taking the lead over Shorty.  “You’re not getting away,” Shorty taunted, the longneck speeding up.

Back with Tippy and Cera, Cera was explaining her logic. “Chris said the winner would come down to a popularity contest mostly, right?” “Yes,” Tippy replied, not quite getting what Cera was getting at.  “If you want to have a better chance of winning, you would want to make sure your opponent isn’t someone who the others all like, right?” Tippy thought for a second.


Tippy: Tippy hates to admit it, and Tippy means REALLY hates to admit it, but Cera…..has  a point.

“Go Rory!” Ali and Chomper cheered. “Go Shorty!” Cera and Tippy cheered on.  It was a close race that was about to end.  It was close. But luckily for Team 1, Rory gained speed just enough to get the lead over Shorty. The fast biter managed to push his log into the water first.

“Rory scores a point for Team 1!” Chris called with his megaphone. “We’re standing right here,” Chomper commented, holding his ears. “You don’t have to use that.”

Chris ignored the little sharptooth’s comment. “Anyways, the final challenge will be Ali vs. Cera. You girls better get prepared.”

As Ali was doing some stretches, Rory walked to her. “I was thinking….if I ever saw your herd in the Mysterious Beyond, would you want to like come over and play?” he asked.

Ali thought Rory was joking.  “But wouldn’t your other friends try to eat me?” she laughed. “No, I would tell them not to,” Rory said honestly, “I mean, I have a crush on Myra, but you’re nice Ali and I’d like to be friends with you.”

Ali looked seriously flattered, when Chris came out with two buckets, and set them on the logs that were in the water.


Chomper: That looked fun. Wish I waited until this challenge.

“Ok, Ali, Cera, each of you hop on a log.” The threehorn and longneck nodded and jumped on.  “What are these squishy things in the buckets Chris?” Ali asked. “Water balloons,” Chris replied.  “What’s a balloon?” asked Cera.


Chris: I gotta stop having challenges involving things dinos haven’t heard of.

After 5 minutes of explaining balloons, Chris explained that the objective of the challenge was to try to knock the other player off their log and into the water.  “You’re going down Ali,” Cera taunted.


Ali: I wouldn’t mind losing normally, but losing to Cera…..ugh.

“Now………begin!” Chris called.  Ali and Cera tried their best to keep their balance.  Ali picked up the tip of one of the water balloons with her mouth (Not having hands after all), and flung it at Cera.  “Whoa!” commented Cera, just barely managing to avoid it. The log rolled slightly, but Cera didn’t fall off and she managed to hold onto the bucket.

Shorty, Chomper, Tippy, and Rory were watching the game from the sidelines. “That looks cool,” Shorty commented.  “Yeah, we should try that too after today,” Rory agreed.

“Yeah, Tippy agrees,” Tippy said, looking at Rory oddly.  

Chris and Chef were watching the game and looking rather bored. “My jobs in prison have been more entertaining than watching this dumb game,” Chef muttered. “When it airs we can just have the producers add cool background music and sound effects,” said Chris.

The water balloon war between Cera and Ali raged on. The movement of the water was adding to the difficulty of the game.   The two players than noticed that they each had only one balloon left each.  This was it.  They picked the tips up with their mouths, and fired…..

Each balloon hit head-on……both Ali and Cera were knocked off.  “Who won?” they asked in unison.  “Let’s check the footage,” Chris replied.

When the Final Six were shown the footage by the cameramen, it was determined that the hitting the water time difference between Ali and Cera was: 0.00   “It’s a draw dudes!” Chris laughed. “Looks like no one has invincibility tonight, and anyone get voted off. Make your choice dudes.”

Cera: I know I’m not going home tonight, Shorty’s already in my alliance, and I think I’ve convinced Tippy who she should vote off if she wants to win. Heh heh.


That night at dinner, Rory and Chomper were talking.  “The food here isn’t too bad,” Chomper said, chewing on a flyer corpse Chef got from the fridge. “Agreed, but it sometimes gets stuck in my teeth,” Rory replied.

Then it finally hit Ali.


The Final Six, soon to become the Final Five, were gathered around the bonfire.  “Today was fun,” Chomper smiled.  “You’re right there Chomper,” Shorty agreed, not being too serious for once.  Eventually, Chris came out, with the standard plate of five sweet bubbles.

“6 players, but only 5 sweet bubbles. You’ve all cast your votes and made your decision. If I do not call your name, it means you must walk down the Tunnel of Shame and become the seventeenth loser.”  There was a 5-way gulp, Cera not seeming nervous.


Tippy: Cera had a point about the popularity thing, that’s why Tippy voted off…..(Footage cuts off.)

Chris picked up a sweet bubble. “The first sweet bubble goes to Shorty.” The male longneck grinned and got his prize. “Second, Tippy.”  Ali, Cera, Chomper, and Rory remained.

Chris looked at the players. “Cera………Chomper.” The threehorn and sharptooth got their treats, Chomper giving his to Tippy to eat. Realizing their was only 1 SB left, Ali and Rory frowned.


Ali:  I thought that for sure they had to have liked Rory more than me.

“Ali, Rory, down to you.” The longneck and fast biter gulped. “The final sweet bubble goes to………………….Ali.”  “Huh?” said Ali confused. She was happy she was still in the game, but why Rory?

“Why would you guys vote Rory off?” she asked, “Because he’s too popular,” Cera grinned.  Rory didn’t look mad in the slightest. “Don’t worry guys, I’m not upset,” he said.  He then proceeded to walk towards the Tunnel of Shame.
Ali quickly ran into the girls’ cabin. She came out with the object she found this morning. “Rory wait!” she called.  The fast biter turned around, and Ali dropped something at his feet. “I think this is yours,” she smiled friendly.  “My lucky tooth!” Rory said. (It was swiped by Guido back in episode 11.)  “Where did you find it?”  “On the beach,” replied Ali.

“See you around,” Rory waved to the Final Five, and walked out.

(Read and Review. I know I said the last 5 eps wouldn’t come till January, but I decided to give you one earlier.)

NEXT TIME: As the Final Five do a little challenge, we find out what the losers have been up to, as well as find out the thoughts of some former TDI campers on TDV.


  • Ducky
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Just wante to post here to make sure people see this post, not to brag about anything.


  • Ducky
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Not to be a pest, but can I be Pm'd by you every time your story is updated?


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  • Ducky
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I'll give you another advice, just track the topics you want to see. There's an option for that on top of the page.

Dark Pterano

  • Chomper
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Hey Chomper4, you keep saying that your sorry and that your also patient. Look I don't mean to be rude or anything, but you need to really start trying a little harder to be patient?

Which means you need to stop telling us that your sorry as well as trying to not bug Brek about updates, I like fast updates too, but I know I have to wait. In fact there's some stories on that I like and haven't been updated in a year and a half, maybe even longer then that!


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Yeah Chomper4, we know you're sorry already.

My computer's fixed, but I haven't gotten my Microsoft word yet, and don't ask me when I'll get it, because I. DON'T. KNOW.

You have to give other people time.

I don't have to devote my time to writing my stories, I do have more important things to do, ya know.  Appreciate the fact I'll still update TDV in the future


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Guys, this time I'm confident when I say I'll have my word processor up again this weekend.

I have not given up on TDV, don't worry, I've just never had the chance to type the final four episodes on a school computer.

And next week is my Spring Break, so I'll have more time to write.  
It's down to 5: Ali, Cera, Chomper, Shorty, Tippy. Who will win it all?

Find out soon....

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY: The final 4 Episodes:
Coming Spring 2009


  • Ducky
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I can see them now doing these crazy events the game show puts together.


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I am glad that our waiting is going to pay off soon. :)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Some bad news TDV fans:  I did not get my word processor back, and I don't know when I will.

However, like I said, I haven't given up on the story. I will type the final 4 eps on a school computer. Ep 19 will be up before April's end.


  • Petrie
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dude that sucks, I was looking forward to the next ep.  Oh well, take your time, I understand its beyond your control.


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Just a random questions for TDV fans: What is/are your favorite TDV episode/s?