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Link to my Total Drama Valley fanfic


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Since I doubt I could get an RP, I decided to make a fanfic out of this. The updates will not be as frequent as my Sharptooth Valley fanfic, but I got the plot and eliminations all planned out.

Hope ya like it

Author’s note: I don’t own The Land Before Time or Total Drama Island, but I’d love it if I did.


An overly-smiling guy in his mid thirties walked over to the camera. “Hello viewer, Chris MacLane here. You probably know me as the host of Total drama Island, and it’s sequel, Total Drama Action. While, after the musical third season we began running out of ideas. But then I accidentally got my hands on a secret government time machine, and I figured out the most AW-SOME use for it! I traveled back to 65,000,000 BC when I just happened to meet several dinosaurs who somehow were able to speak English. Shocking, eh? Anyways, I introduced my self to them and taught them about human culture. I then realized this could be a ratings bonanza! I told them about the concept of my show, and how I’d need 22 younger dinosaurs to compete in the challenges, and when I needed to come up with a prize worth playing for, I heard about this “Stone of Cold Fire”, so the final player will be allowed to make 2 wishes because of it’s magical mumbo-jumbo. Oh yeah, Chef Hatchet’s back also. Before the contestants arrive, let me tell you what I’ve heard about them.

Littlefoot- A longneck (coughbrontocough) who seems like a nice fellow. Let’s just hope that doesn’t prove to be his downfall.

Ducky- A young swimmer, with a habit of repeating herself, and boy does this girl need to be less positive.

Cera- Didn’t get a chance to meet her because of her pushy father, she’ll probably be the mean ratings-earner

Petrie- A flyer who’s as brave as he is big, he’ll probably be one of the comic reliefs.

Spike- My interview with him didn’t go well, he wouldn’t answer any of my questions…

Ruby- A young runner who is nice and will probably have a relationship during the show (Or in the fanfics the crazed fans write after the show’s over.)

Ali- Another longneck, probably has the most sense out of them all. It takes all sorts of people to make a reality show, after all..

Rory (One of MY Ocs.)- A fast biter who’s learned English, but don’t let his voice fool you, he can be pretty tough.

Guido- A…flying..thing. Seems to be a chicken sometimes. Oh well.

Hyp-Hey, the rules of a reality show state you have to hire multiple people everyone hates.

Chomper-A sharptooth who’s also nice, but I don’t like the way he looked at me during the interview..

Tippy- A spiketail who talks in the 3rd person often. We’ve offered her help, but she declined.

Rhett- Another longneck who’s a big phony. Just the kind of dino we need.

Rita- (Another OC.) A sharptooth who Chomper seems to like, ooh, more relationships!

Nod- Hey, every bully needs his goons.

Mutt-Same here.

Shorty- Yet another longneck, and he’s apparentally Littlefoot’s step-brother. Will there be a family feud?

Myra- (OC.) A fast biter who we allowed to join because of her already existing relationship with Rory.

Tricia- Cera’s sister and the token always good girl. (In this fanfiction, she’s about Chomper’s age.)

Itchy (OC.)- A feathery flyer with something seriously weird about his voice. Maybe hormones, don’t know

Mo- A swimmer with the unfortunate handicap of being bound o water. Sucks for him..

Tera- (OC.) A freaky flyer who I swear has some problems in the head.

SO, who will win? Who will make (and break) alliances? Who will have a love life?

Found out when my new series premieres, TOTAL…..DRAMA…..VALLEY!

(Read and review, I’ll try to update the episodes when I can. Who do you think should win by the way?)

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY: Episode 1: Before the Dinos Get Sore.

Chris walked up to the camera and smiled. “Now that everyone knows the rules, the contestants are about to arrive!” The main area was a small section of the Great Valley that was separate from everywhere else by a tunnel. Then, a swimmer riding a spiketail arrived. “Let’s meet our first arrivals, Ducky and Spike!”

“I’m excited to be here Chris, I am, I am. This is gonna be fun!” Spike made a noise suggesting approval also.

“Well, don’t get too excited yet, we have to wait for everyone else.”

A nervous-looking feathery flyer arrived. “Hi…I’m Itchy,” he said. He noticed the cameras. “Keep those out of my face!” he panicked. “Camera shy huh?” Chris responded. “Sucks to be you.”

A pink Runner was the next to join the frey. “Hello, guys, Guys hello.” Ruby smiled. “Ruby! I did not expect to see you here,” said Ducky.

A big longneck was dropping off two players. “Shorty, Littlefoot, just remember to have fun and make friends,” “Sure dad,” they responded, though Shorty sounded sarcastic.

Littlefoot and Ducky got a look at the next 3 contestants. “Oh no..” they said in unison. Hyp, Nod, and Mutt showed up. “What’s up losers?” Hyp laughed. “Knock it off Hyp,” Littlefoot replied. “Yeah,” Nod added, he didn’t listen to Hyp all the time. “Quiet you,” replied Hyp.

A two threehorns were being dropped off next. “Cera, Tricia, be sure to try your hardest and have fun,” Tria smiled. “OK mom, the two siblings replied. “And remember, you are threehorns, I just know one of you is going to win.” Topsy said. “Topsy..” Tria said slightly annoyed. “Don’t worry dad, I will,” Cera smiled confidentally.

Another spiketail arrived. “It’s Tippy!” said Ducky. “Spike! Tippy’s glad to see you,” Tippy called. The two spiketails ran around, playing with each other.

Then, a t-rex came through the tunnel. “Chomper” called Littlefoot. “Hey Littlefoot, haven’t seen you in a while.” Chomper smiled, hugging the longneck. “My parents heard about this, and they wanted a sharptooth in the games.” Cera gave a relieved laugh. “Well, they should know you’re the only sharptooth in the game.” Chomper suddenly chuckled nervously. “Not exactly….”

Shortly following in the tunnels was another rex and two fast biters. “Everybody run!” called Cera. Chomper laughed. “Don’t worry guys, these are my friends I met in the Mysterious Beyond.” The boy fast biter spoke up. “I’m Rory,” he said. “And I like playing games, so I figured this would be awesome. “It’s nice to meet you Rory, it is, it is” Ducky said, a little unsure.

“I’m Myra,” the girl fast biter smiled. “I go wherever Rory goes.” “And I’m Rita,” the girl sharptooth smiled, hugging Chomper slightly. Chomper blushed.

Water splashed nearby. “Mo!” said Ruby and Ducky. “Hello again mud brothers!” The friends laughed, although Mo had a problem: he was bound to the water, which, luckily, was all around the area that Total drama Valley was being held. “I doubt he’ll win,” Cera said.

A longneck known as Old One dropped off the next two players. “Ali, Rhett, I just want you to try your hardest.” “We will Old One.,” Ali replied. “And don’t worry Ali,” Rhett smiled. “If you’re ever in any trouble, I’ll help you out.” “Oh Rhett,” Ali chuckled, remembering the incident when they met Chomper.

A flyer was the next to arrive. “Me hope I’m not late,” said Petrie. “Don’t worry Petrie dud, you’re not,” Chris said.

Another flyer showed up next. “Guido,” Littlefoot laughed. “You entered too?” “Sure I did, I have nothing better to do,” Guido explained. He saw Rory. “AHH!!” he screamed, and jumped back. “Ha ha, scaredy egg!” Shorty taunted. “Don’t laugh!” yelled Guido.

The 22nd and final player arrived. Another flyer, Guido’s age, but Petrie’s species and Petrie’s mom’s colors. “I’m Tera,” she said. Suddenly a rock fell from the sky and knocked her on the head. “You OK?” Petrie asked. Tera seemed unfazed. “Yeah, don’t worry,” she replied, even though she sounded dizzy.

Chris clapped to get everyone’s attention. “OK, now that all 22 of you have met each other, it’s time to explain a few more of the rules. You see those weird square things, those are confession cams. You can go in just to say your private thoughts….which the viewers back home will see.” “Got it,” replied Tricia. “And before we go to the mess hall for lunch..” Rory licked his lips. “We have to divide you into 2 teams of 11. After every challenge, the losing team will have to vote off 1 team member, who will then walk….The Tunnel of Shame. And that loser can’t come back…ever. Some of the dinos gulp. “I have reviewed your interviews and decided how to divide up the teams…”


The Fighting Flatteeth- Littlefoot, Petrie, Nod, Itchy, Rita, Myra, Cera, Ducky, Chomper, Tippy, and Ali.

The Super Sharpteeth- Mo, Ruby, Hyp, Mutt, Rory, Tera, Spike, Shorty, Rhett, Tricia, and Guido.

The 22 players all met in the Mess Hall, which they learned meant “Place where you eat.” Chef Hatchet served the 18 leafeaters fruits and plants and the 4 sharpteeth meat. Shorty looked grossed out by eat, but he was even further grossed out when he tried the leaves Chef had gotten. “Eww.. did you get this stuff from someone else’s stomach, these are terrible!”

“You got a problem with my food?!” Chef yelled. “No, he doesn’t Ruby replied for him. “Shorty, do you really want to make an enemy on the first day?!”

Chris walked to the front of the mess hall. “Hope you all enjoyed your lunch, because your first challenge starts IMMEDIATELY after.” “All right,” cheered Rory. “Oh come on, right away?” complained Hyp. “”We haven’t even been here 2 hours.” “I know. Sucks, doesn’t it?” Chris replied.

“Don’t worry Hyp, the first game couldn’t possibly be anything bad.” Littlefoot smiled. Chris chuckled

CUT TO: Bottom of a large cliff.

“Me think you should rethink that Littlefoot,” Petrie said nervously.

NEXT TIME: The 22 players compete in an epic rock climbing challenge, and the first person will be voted off. Who will it be
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The 22 dinos gulped looking up at he massive cliff above them. “You dudes realize to expect these things when you signed up,” Chris reminded them.

CC (Confession Cam.)

Cera: They weren’t actually going to put our lives on the line,, were they?


Chomper: This sounds fun…except for the potentital pain part. I just wanna prove to everyone that sharpteeth are not stupid.


“Here’s the challenge,” Chris explained. “!0 of you will play. 5 players from each team will have to climb to the top of the cliff, while the other 5 help them climb up the rocks using these what humans called ropes.” “Sounds easy,” commented Guido. “Flying is considered illegal in this challenge Guido man,” Chris replied. Guido sighed.

Petrie flew up to Chris. “Hey Chris, could me switch teams?” he asked. Chris checked his rule book. “Sure dude, but it says someone from the Super Sharpteeth would be willing to take your place.” “I will,” laughed Hyp. “Your team has too many little ones, you’ll never win, so I’ll guess I’ll lend you a hand.” Littlefoot, Ducky and Chomper looked mad. “Knock it off Hyp,” said Littlefoot.

Spike looked at Ducky, and made a noise. “Spike wants to switch teams too, he does, he does,” Ducky said. Itchy volunteered to switch teams, again sounding nervous.


The Fighting Flatteeth: Cera, Ducky, Spike, Ali, Littlefoot, Tippy, Chomper, Rita, Myra, Hyp, and Nod.

The Super Sharpteeth: Shorty, Petrie, Mutt, Ruby, Rory, Guido, Tera, Itchy, Mo, Tricia, and Rhett.

“Now, it’s time to get ready!” Chris called.

The FF team was deciding their strategy. “Ok, the climbers will be me, the swimmer, the sharpteeth, and Ali,” Hyp said. “Who made you the boss of the team?” complained Ali. “Myself, little kid,” replied Hyp.

The SS team: “I’ll go, also with Tera, Ruby, Rory, and Rhett,” Shorty strategize. “Mo, sorry, you’ll have to sit this one out,” Ruby said. Mo wouldn’t be able to help at most of these challenges. “That’s OK mud-brother,” Mo replied.


Shorty: I mean, Littlefoot’s tough and everything, but he can’t beat my team.

Littlefoot was helping Ali get the rope around her waist. “Thanks Littlefoot,” Ali said. “Hey, it’s the least I can do. I mean I rarely see you now,” Littlefoot replied. Chomper and Rita were helping each other get the ropes together. Rita accidently slipped on one, and landed with her face on Chomper’s. The two rexes blushed and got back to work.

Tera flew over to Petrie. “Why did you want to switch teams Petrie?” she asked. “Well Tera, me..” Petrie began to say but Chris interrupted them with his megaphone. “Two minutes till the challenge starts players, everyone better be prepared.” Ali, Hyp, Ducky, Chomper, and Rita got all roped up, as well as Tera, Ruby, Rhett, Rory, and Shorty.


Rhett: I know Ali thinks Littlefoot is cool but when she sees me climb those rocks she’ll be impressed.

The ropes were connected to hooks at the top of the cliff. Littlefoot was helping Ali. Spike was helping Ducky, Myra was helping Rita, Tippy was helping Chomper, and Nod was helping Hyp.

Meanwhile, Petrie was helping Tera, Guido was helping Shorty (Because Shorty forced him), Tricia was helping Rhett, Itchy was helping Ruby, and Mutt was helping Rory. “We can do this team,” the fast biter said. “If we don’t suck,” Shorty said under his breath.

Hyp meanwhile was taking charge of his team again. “OK everybody, since I’m the biggest, strongest, and smartest, just follow my lead.” “Why should Tippy or the rest us?” Tippy complained. “I just said why,” Hyp retorted.

Ducky looked up at the cliff nervously. “I don’t think I cn do this, I can’t I can’t.” But it was too late to back out now.

Chirs took out the starting gun. “At the sound of the bang, GO! 3…2….1…BANG!” A random dead flyer suddenly fell from the sky. “Hope no on saw that..” Chris muttered.

The 10 climbers rushed to the wall. Hyp, Tera, Ruby, Shorty, Ali and Rory weren’t having much trouble, but Chomper, Rita, Rhett, and Ducky were struggling. “You’re too little swimmer,” Hyp called, he was currently in the lead. “The first team to have all 5 players reach the top wins,” Chris called from his signature helicopter.

“I’m trying Hyp, I am, I am,” Ducky huffed. Meanwhile, Cera was watching from the ground below, trying to come up with an idea how to win….not her team winning the challenge, but how she herself could be the final winner!


Cera: I figured if want to win, I need an alliance. My sister’s on the sharpteeth team, so that rules her out.

“Careful Rhett!” Tricia called from the ground level, supporting his rope. “Don’t worry,” the longneck called. “Hey Ali, watch thi…WOAH!” Ali turned her head just in time to see what slip and get tangled up in his rope. Ali chuckled. “You’re funny Rhett.”


Rhett: See said I’m funny (faints.)


Ali: Rhett’s one of my friends, but I don’t like him, just so you know.

Cera walked over to Myra. “Hey Myra,” she said. “What is it Cera,” Myra huffed, supporting the rope that was holding Rita up. “Winning those wishes from the Stone of Cold Fire sounds awesome doesn’t it?” She asked. “I guess,” she said, trying to not let her friend fall. “I was thinking, maybe you and me should form an alliance, make it to the final 2.” “Yeah right, I doubt I’ll make it,” Myra replied. “Suit yourself,” replied Cera, walking off.

Along the cliff’s edge, Shorty, Tera, and Rory had caught up with each other. “We can do this guys,” Shorty encouraged. “I’ve done this before in the Mysterious Beyond,” said Rory. “I love life-threatening situations,” Tera smiled. Shorty and Rory looked at the flyer awkwardly. “ok…” said Shorty, and began using his paws to help himself up further.

Hyp had reached the top first. “Ha, see! When you’re big, you’re always the best!” “Be quiet Hyp!” Tippy yelled from the ground level. Back on the Super Sharpteeth’s area, Tricia’s rope began slipping. “Oh no!” she said, and caught it in her mouth. “Hurry Rhett!” she called without letting go. Rhett meanwhile had managed to get himself untangled and he was able to reach the top.

“Two players up, 4 remaning for each team!” Chris called.

“We can do this Chomper!” Rita cheered, eating a dragonfly that passed by. “I can’t go on,” Chomper huffed. “I’m sure you can do it,” Rita said, and kissed Chomper. Chomper suddenly got a burst of energy and managed to make it all the way up to the top of the cliff.


Rita: Yeah, I met Chomper when my family met his. He’s simply the COOLEST sharptooth ever!

Shorty was the next to get to the top. “There it was,” he smiled. He looked down, getting slight vertigo from the sight. “Ok Tera, Rory, and Ruby, you can do this!” he said. Rita had reached the top at this point.

Ali was making her way up the final feet. “My team’s counting on me..” she said mentally. She took a pause for a few breaths, then made it. “Only Ducky needs to reach the top for the Flatteeth team to win!” Chris called. “But will she make it in time?”

Rory and Ruby showed up next. “That was hard, hard it was,” Ruby sighed. It was now Ducky Vs. Tera, and it was anyone’s game. “You can do this little swimmer!” Hyp called. Ducky was losing breath. “I can’t make it, I can’t..” she huffed just as Tera reached the top of the cliff.

“Tera has finished! The Super Sharpteeth win the first challenge of Total Drama Valley!” Chris called. “ALL RIGHT!” Guido, Rhett, Tera, Rory, and Tricia called. “And for winning, they get to have a reward: Spend 3 hours in the nearby Hot Spring!” All the dinos looked excited. “Me love this place!” Petrie said, flying towards the water.

“Last one in’s a rotten hatchling,” Mutt called.

Chris looked at the Fighting Flatteeth team. ”Ok FF, since you lost, you have to vote someone off the team tonight.” And then he walked off.


Hyp: I can’t believe that little swimmer made us lose. She’s so off the team!

Night came. Chris and Chef had the bonfire ready. Chris had prepared a plate with one of the flatteeth’s favorite treats: Sweet bubbles. But there were only 10 of them

“You’ve all cast your ballots in the confession cam. If I do not cll your name, you will be the first player eliminated!’

All the team looked nervous. Chris began:

“Tippy..” Tippy walked up and ate the sweet bubble happily. “Ali…” Ali walked up and did the same thing. “Littlefoot..” The longneck walked up and he and Ali did a high-five motion with their paws. “Cera..” Cera smiled confidentally and collected hers. “Chomper..” Chomper got his, but he threw it away because it tasted awful to sharpteeth. “Rita…” Rita did what Chomper did. “Myra…” Myra got her sweet bubble, but she didn’t throw it away. “Spike…” Spike walked up, but as he collected his, Chris had to remind him. “Only 1 per dinosaur dude,” “Nod….” Nod looked nervously at Hyp and got his invincibility.

“Players, only 1 sweet bubble remains. And either Hyp or Ducky is going home.” Ducky looked nervours, Hyp looked confident. “The final sweet bubble of the night goes to………….Ducky!’

“Oh yay!” Ducky cheered as she collected hers. “But why would you vote me off?!” complained Hyp. “Because you’re a meanie Hyp,” Tippy laughed. “Hyp, the Tunnel of Shame awaits..” Chris said, pointing down a tunnel.

Chris looked at the rest of the team. “The rest of you are safe…for now.” “Goodnight everyone,” Chomper said, walking back to the sleeping places prepared for the competitors that the humans called “Cabins.”

NEXT EPISODE: The teams are put into a race through a labyrinth of caves. Alliances are formed within both teams, and another player will be voted off
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The Chronicler

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Yeah, I guess it was obvious that it wasn't popular enough to be made into an RP. At least this will still be interesting to read. Perhaps I could even provide a few ideas.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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The link to the latest episode!  :DD

Brekclub85 presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY EPISODE 3: Una-Maze-ing Developments.

The 21 remaining dinos were resting up before the next challenge. Littlefoot and Ali were having odd dreams, because for some reason, they were in each other’s. “Oh Ali..” Littlefoot said in his dream. “Yeah,” she replied.


Littlefoot, Ali, Rory, Chomper, Cera, Ducky, Shorty, and Guido all received a rood awakening from Chris’ air horn. The remaining 13 had already awoke. “Kudos to you for making the series premiere the highest-rated program in the Great Valley,” Chris commented.

“It’s the only show in the Great Valley,” Cera mutter angrily.

“Anways, you all follow me to your next challenge,” Chris said. The young dinosaurs followed Chris all the way to the hole Redclaw made in the side of the Secret Caverns long ago. “Here’s the challenge: Each team takes one path through the labyrinth of caves of the Secret Caverns. First team to get out of the other side wins invincibility.”

Ducky gulped “But haven’t other dinos never come out of the Secret Caverns sometimes, they haven’;t they haven’t.”


Tippy: Tippy knows they aren’t going to let us die…….right?

Chris blew his whistle. “Get going players!” The teams entered their paths. “This is spooky,” Petrie said on the Super Sharpteeth team. “This is nothing,” replied Shorty. Although Shorty isn’t as tough as he looks, he can still be pretty touch.


Shorty: I’m as tough as I look.

Meanwhile on the Fighting Flatteeth team, some water was leaking from the stalagtites. “Tippy doesn’t like cold water,” Tippy said. “But I do,” replied Ducky. “But Ducky, you’re a swimmer,” she replied. Ducky chuckled a little while Spike was giving her a ride.

Cera walked up to Ducky. “What Hyp said to you was mean,” Cera said. “It was, it was,” Ducky replied, trying to forget about it. “I was thinking: even though he was voted off, it would really show him if you one those wishes, huh?” “Oh, I just want to have fun, I do, I do,” replied Ducky. “But maybe we should form an alliance, so you can at least get far,” Cera suggested.

“Ok, ok,” Ducky smiled. Myra walked up to Cera. “Even though I don’t care about winning,” the fast biter said “I don’t want to be voted off early, so yeah, I’ll take your offer.”


Cera: Great. Now with 2 other players on my side, I’ll never get voted off now.

On the Super Sharpteeth team, Rory remembered something. “Careful, I heard rocks fall from the ceiling here.” “Me got it,” Petrie replied, flying low to the ground. Suddenly, a rather big one was falling straight towards Ruby! “Look out!” Mutt cried, and dove to save her, but missed.

“AGH!” yelled Ruby, but Rory managed to push her out of the way just in time. “Wow, thanks Rory,” Ruby breathed. “Yeah, for a sharptooth you’re not half bad.” Shorty added. Rory felt proud, and Mutt looked embarrassed.

Tricia still looked nervous. “Daddy told me not to trust sharpteeth,” she said. “You can’t believe verything your dad says Tricia,” Tera smiled. She hadn’t really met anyone here before, so she wanted to make a good impression.

In the FF’s maze, they came to a dark tunnel. “I’ve heard of this part, you just got to keep walking forward,” Ali advised. “And everyone hold hands/paws.” Littlefoot took Ali’s paw, and Ali blushed. Rita took Chomper’s. “I’m not letting you go, cutie biter,” she complimented. Chomper also blushed. Spike and Ducky held on, as well as Cera and Myra, and Nod and Tippy.

Spike began sniffing the air. “I bet he smells treesweets,” Littlefoot smiled, everyone vanishing in the darkness, “He’s always like this when he smells food back home.” “It’s probably better than anything Chef made,” Cera commented. Everyone agreed on that.

The Super Sharpteeth reached a room where a small current was going down the center. “Anyone want to take a slide?” Tera asked. “Me not so sure,” Petrie gulped nervously, but Tera grabbed him, and they began riding the waves, followed by Guido, Tricia, Itchy, Shorty, Rory, Ruby, Mutt, and Rhett. Again, Mo couldn’t compete in this challenge.


Petrie: Me think Tera’s crazy. Me like her.


Rory: So, it seems I’m getting along with everyone, that’s good.

As the team kept going on, Itchy kept avoiding being directly in the cameras. “Is there something wrong with you dude?” Shorty asked. “No, nothing at all,” Itchy replied nervously. Shorty and the rest had an odd feeling about him.

The Fighting Flatteeth got to a fork in the road. “Which way do we go?” asked Ducky. Chomper and Rita grinned. “Chris said they sent people to find the correct path through the Secret Caverns, right?” Chomper asked. “Yeah?” replied Littlefoot. “Then me, Rita, and Myra can just sniff the trail they left behind.”

“Good idea,” complimented Cera. “That’s using that harder than a shiny stone skull.” Chomper sighed a bit at that comment, but le his team on.

Meanwhile, Rory had come up with the same idea for his team, but they accidentally walked down a dead end that the interns had went before going the right way. “Darn it,” muttered Rory.

“No surprise, you’re just a stupid sharptooth,” Mutt commented. Rory gasped at that comment.

“I’m not stupid you dumb jerk,” Rory complained. “Yeah Mutt, that was low, low that was,” added Ruby. Shorty and Petrie also supported Rory.


Tricia: What can I say, I have to agree with Mutt here.

Meanwhilt, the FF were walking down a spiral cavern. “We’re getting closer to the end!” Cera commented. “This is what I call teamwork!”


Cera: If I’m going to get those wishes, I need everyone on my side. No one’s gonna stop me.

Ali looked at Littlefoot. “Today’s been fun,” she smiled at him. “Lack of something tasty, but fun.” “Yeah, that’s right,” Littlefoot replied.


Littlefoot: Ali and I, we just no each other well, that’s why we work together well.

On the FF team, Guido was flying ahead of everybody. “Hey Rory, I got an idea,” Shorty whispered in his ear. Rory listened to what the longneck had to say, and nodded. He got into stalking mode, and began sneaking up on Guido. Soon, he let out a large roar and landed right behind the flyer. “WAH!!” screamed Guido, while the rest of the team laughed.


Guido: Ok, I’ve been teased enough already, if we lose, I’m voting Rory off.

Both team’s mazes ended at a rather large cavern with two exits for the end. Both teams arrived in these tunnels at the same time. “Hey look! The finish line!” Rita and Shorty called at the same times. There was a brief moment of silence as each player turned their heads to see that the opposing team was at this point already. Eventually, Cera broke the silence by yelling “RUN FOR IT!”

Chris and Chef were waiting at the end, watching the 21 dinos scramble for it. “Tis is SO bringing in good ratings dude,” he laughed. It was neck and neck, longneck and longneck, sharptooth and sharptooth, and so on. Eventually, the players began crossing the exit. “First team to have all members exit wins!” Chris reminded the young dinosaurs.” The mad dash caused a massive cloud of dust to enter the air, when it cleared, they noticed that…

“THE FIGHTING FLATTEETH WIN!” Chris cheered. The FF team rejoiced. Chomper and Rita held each other’s hands, and jumped up and down happily. Ali and Littlefoot did the same thing.


Myra: I just don’t hope Rory goes, I really like him.

Ruby walked up to Mutt. “That was really mean what you said to Rory, Mutt,” she commented. “But he’s a sharptooth, all of them are dumb.” Mutt retorted. Ruby put her hand to her face. “You just don’t get it, do you?” Ruby sighed, and walked off. Chris walked in front of everyone.

“OK, Super Sharpteeth dudes, you gotta vote someone off at that bonfire ceremony tonight.” The team nodded at those rules.


Mutt: Rory’s going down for sure.


Rory: Mutt’s going down for sure.


Chris looked at the team. “You’ve all cat your ballots and made your decision. There are only 10 sweet bubbles on this plate. If you do not receive a sweet bubble, you must walk the Tunnel of Shame, and you can’t come back, EVER.

Some of the players gulped. “The first name I’m going to call is….Petrie,” Petrie smiled and collected his. “Shorty, Itchy, and Tera, you’re safe. The 3 smiled and collected their invincibility, and Shorty gobbled his up. “Tricia and Ruby, you both are safe.” They did a Hi-5 and got their sweet bubbles. “Mo.” Called Chris, and tossed the sweet bubble into the water, and Mo collected it. “Guido,” Chris said next. “And Rhett,” both smiled and went up.

Only Mutt and Rory remained. Both looked panicked. “The final sweet bubble of the night goes to……………….Rory.” The fast biter smiled and collected his invincibility, and Mutt looked sad. “You can’t just insult every sharptooth,” Ruby reminded Mutt as he walked down the tunnel of Shame depressed.

“Well, have a good night everybody,” Chris said.

NEXT TIME: The dinos are introduced to the game of Volleyball, and 1 team realizes something they should’ve from the beginning of the game.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I have to admit...the introduction chapter was great! And Chapter 1 promises to be just as good if not better! I am so faving this when I review it later today! :yes


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The next episode, hope you like the action, laughs, and....drama!

Brekclub85 presents…
TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 4: Volley Battle

That night, at the Fighting Flateeth team’s Girls’ Cabin, Ali, Rita, and Tippy were snoozing, while Cera was explaining the rules of her alliance to Myra and Ducky. “Rule number 1: All 3 of us vote the same person off. Rule number 2: NO betraying this alliance. Rule Number 3: No forming or joining any other alliances.” Cera explained sternly, but then “Follow these and I’m sure we’ll make it to the Final Three.”


Myra: Ok, I don’t really like Cera, but hey, I still want to make it far.


Ducky: Cera hasn’t lied to be before, so I can trust her, I do, I do.

Meanwhile, at the Super Sharpteeth Boys cabin, Rory, Shorty, and Petrie were planning something. “You got the ground crawlers?” Shorty asked Rory. “I do,” the fast biter replied. “I’ll do it,” Petrie silently laughed. Shorty and Rory noticed how easily Guido gets scared, so they decided to prank him. Petrie dropped the creepy crawlies on the feathered flyer’s face. “Guido, wake up,” Rory laughed silently, nudging him. “Wah, is it time for the next… AGH!” Guido screamed, which was so loud it woke up Rhett, Mo (who was in the water across from the cabins), and Itchy. “Not funny!”


Breakfast was being served to the players. Again, the dinos didn’t exactly trust Chef’s cooking skills. Shorty, Littlefoot, Cera, and Ruby were not liking his Treestar Salad, and meanwhile Chomper, Rory, Rita, and Myra even thought the spiketail carcass the production crew got from their “Already Dead When We Found It” stash was a little too rotten.


Chomper: Ok, how come anywhere else, these things taste ok, but here, they taste as bad as green food?

Chris walked into the Mess Hall. “Ok campers, follow me to today’s challenge. There are 20 of you here now. After tonight, only 19 will remain.” Every young dinosaur gulped. They wouldn’t know who would be next. Cera smiled confidentally, she just had a feeling she wouldn’t go yet.

Chris led the dinos to the beach, where in the sand, the camera crew had set it up like a volleyball field, with a net, and all. “What’s this Chris?” Littlefoot asked. “This is volleyball,” Chris replied. “What’s volleyball?” everyone asked in unison.

Chris explained the rules. “Each team has 5 people play at a time. The objective is to hit over that white thing called a net to the other team’s side. Your team gets a point if it hits the ground on the opposite side. You can only score if you’re serving. If you serve but your team fails to miss it, the other team gets to serve.” Chris went on to explain about the various types of serves, and their was a little confusion resulting in a speech about the difference between “Spike”, the spiketail, and a “spike” a way to hit the ball. Each team was deciding to go first. “Best 2 out of 3 wins the game, and we play to 7 points,” Chris explained.


Fighting Flatteeth: Rita, Ducky, Littlefoot, Nod, and Tippy.

“You guys can do it!” Chomper called. Rita grinned. “When you’re sure I can do something Chomper, I know I can do it,” Rita replied.


Rita: Chomper rules!

Meanwhile, on the Super Sharpteeth team..

“I’m sorry mud brothers, I can’t do this challenge either,” Mo apologized. “That’s ok by me Mo,” Petrie replied, but Rory, Rhett, and Shorty felt different. “This is the 3rd consecutive challenge Mo hasn’t been able to do anything in,” Rhett whispered. “We can still do this,” Tera smiled. She wanted to make as many friends as possible, so she might as well start with her teammates.

Super Sharpteeth: Rory, Tera, Petrie, Tricia, and Itchy.

“Let’s do this thing!” Chris called, and blew his whistle. Rita was the first to serve….

After the ball deflated, Chris had to advise the sharpteeth not to try to serve with their mouths, Rita got it and prepared to serve with her hands.


Rita: Whoops, anyway, it’s just that I’m so used to using my mouth for doing stuff. (Opens mouth wide and brings it close to camera) You see that tooth on the far right? I caught my first longneck with that…

Petrie saw the ball coming. “Me got it!” he yelled. The ball was a little heavy, but Petrie managed to summon all of his strength to hit it back over the net. “Me did it! Me did it!” he cheered happily. But then, Tippy, Rita, and Nod managed to get it back to their side, and it hit Petrie and then the ground, scoring the Fighting Flatteeth the first point of the game.


Petrie: Me glad they have cold stuff to put on my back.

“You did good Petrie,” Tera smiled, trying to improve their mood. She knew that Petrie was already her friend. Since the episode would take to long if we showed everything, the camera crew decided to just edit together a montage of clips from the remaining portion of the first game, which the result was the FF team winning. The Super Sharpteeth team looked nervous.

“Ok, that was a bad start, but we can still do this,” Shorty said. “Yeah, I know my mud brothers can do anything,” Mo cheered “Aw, be quiet Mo,” Shorty said under his breath. Shorty, of course, wasn’t the most positive longneck there was.


Fighting Flatteeth: Ali, Cera, Myra, Chomper, and Spike.

Super Sharpteeth: Ruby, Rory, Rhett, Guido, and Shorty.

“SPIKE!” Cera called, serving the ball with her head. Spike misunderstood this calling, and tried to hit the ball, resulting in a penalty for the FF team, so the SS team got to serve. Guido looked nervous, as it was his turn to serve. “Hi-ya!” He cried as he used all his might, but the ball didn’t even make it over the net. The team looked mad at wimp. “What a wimp,” Shorty said.

“Whoa, now that was bad,” Nod commented. Littlefoot could only agree with the nodasaurus now.

Midway through the game, Rhett was going up to serve. “Ali, watch this!’ he smiled. Rory slapped his own face. “She’s not even on our team doofus,” the fast biter complained. Rhett served a perfect serve…except for the fact it went straight to Ali, and she hit it, accompanied by Cera and Chomper.


Ali: Rhett’s not a bad guy, but man, he tries too hard.


Rhett: Please, Ali, if you’re watching this, notice me!


Myra: Ok, Cera is far from the weakest competitor. I just hope this alliance doesn’t come back to bite me.

Despite Rhett’s mistake, the next montage of clips occurred. The super Sharpteeth won this game. “All right!” Ruby said, happily jumping up and down. “This round we won, we won this round!’ She, Rorry, Tera, and Petrie did a hi-5. “This is awesome!” Shorty said. “Now if you can excuse me for a minute..”


Shorty: (Looks angrily at camera) Could you turn the camera off please?! I really have to go…”

Littlefoot went up to congratulate Ali. “You did awesome Ali!” he complimented. “Thank you Littlefoot,” responded Ali. “Ah, a couple, the reality show requirement,” Chris said, walking past. “We’re not a couple!” they both yelled in unison. “Man, that guy gets on my nerves,” Ali muttered. “Just ignore him,” Littlefoot replied. “After all, this show allowed us to see each other again, I mean, we haven’t since the whole Rhett incident.” “Good point,” Ali replied. Cera, meanwhile was talking with Ducky and Myra.

“Ok, this alliance is standing strong. Just one more game, and our team wins.!” “Yeah, we’ll win, we will, we will!” Ducky said happily. Cera noticed some sweet bubbles in a tree. “Ducky, could you get me those sweet bubbles please?” she asked. “Sure Cera,” Ducky replied, and went to climb the tree. “Why didn’t you just get them yourself?” Myra asked. “That’s what alliances are for,” Cera replied.


Fighting Flatteeth: Cera, Myra, Ducky, Chomper, and Littlefoot

Super Sharpteeth: Tera, Guido, Ruby, Itchy, and Shorty.

This time around, the game was a close struggle. “Man, these dino dudes are ssure some fierece competitors!” Chris said, giving commentary. “What do you say, Chef?” “Eh I don’t care,” the creepy looking cook replied. “Whatever man,” replied Chris, and resumed watching the game.

Soon, the game was tied at 5-5. Chomper was serving. This would decide victory, or defeat for the Fighting Flatteeth. “You can do it you little biter!” Cera commented, forgetting how Chomper hated to be called that. “I’m not little!” Chomper yelled, and put all his muscles into hitting the ball. It flew over the net……started falling towards Guido….Guido went for it….but it hit him head on and scored the FF team the point, the game, and invincibility!

“The Fighting Flatteeth win!” Chris called. “You did it Chomper!!!” Rita cheered, and hugged him hard. “Thanks Rita,” Chomper blushed.


Shorty: OK, Guido’s a loser, but Mo hasn’t actually been of assistance to us aat all.


Chris came out with a plate of sweet bubbles. “You’ve all cast your ballots and made your decision. There are only 9 sweet bubbles on this plate. If I don’t call your name, you must walk the Tunnel of Shame, and you can’t come back, Ever. “ The 10 dinosaurs gulped. “The first SB of the night goes to Tera.” The pterodactyl smiled and collected her treat.

“Shorty.” Shorty grinned and grabbed his. “Itchy.” The flyer did, but looked nervous. “Rory.” “All right,” he smiled, and got his. “Ruby.” Ruby got hers. “Tricia.” The pink threehorn quickly ran up and took hers, gobbling it up. “Petrie.” As Petrie got his, Tera gave him a smile.

Only Rhett, Mo, and Guido remained. All of them knew the team had a reason to vote one of them off. “The next sweet bubble goes to…..Rhett.” Chris announced. The longneck look relieved and got his treat. “Guido, Mo, down to you.” Guido and Mo looked like they could explode from the nervousness. “The final sweet bubble of the night goes to………………Guido.” Guido huffed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his feathers.

Mo frowned. “We’re sorry Mo, but you just weren’t able to help us,” Tera tried to explain. “That’s ok mud brothers,” Mo replied. “See you all some other day,” Mo called, and swam out the “Canal of Shame.”

“Night everyone,” said Chris.

Next time: The dinosaur’s singing skills are but to the test, and enemies are formed among the Fighting Flatteeth team. You’ll be surprised who goes home…


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Episode 5, and perhaps the first surprising elimination

Brekclub85 presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 5: Music Won’t Soothe These Savage Beasts

That night in the Fighting Flatteeth Girls’ cabin, Cera, Myra, Rita, Tippy, Ali, and Ducky were playing a little game. “Tippy will now say the rules,” Tippy explained. “Everyone hear, since we now know how to do what the humans call “writing”, we each write down a secret, and share it with only ONE other person, the person who we give it to, and if you reveal the secret to ANYONE else, you have to spend the entire next night covered in dirty mud.” Everyone made an “ugh” noise at that.


Ali: I’m glad to be getting along with everyone. I already know Ducky and Cera, and Tippy’s pretty cool too, and even though they’re sharpteeth, Rita and Myra seem nice. I’m sure this game won’t hurt our friendships in anyway.

Everyone wrote down their secrets…while, Ducky, Myra, and Rita had no problems, but Cera, Ali, and Tippy, being four-legged dinos, were having massive problems. “Keep the cameras off us,” Rita called.

Everyone wrote down their secrets, and dropped it in a pile in the center. “Tippy tells you take only one secret, and you must keep it personal,” the spiketail instructed. Ducky grabbed the rock that somebody had written “I’m in love with Chomper.” Ducky wondered who that could be from. Tippy read the secret she grabbed. “I like setting things on fire.”


Tippy: Tippy wants to know if we can find a way to stop fire from being made now.

Cera read the one she grabbed. It read: “A think a certain longneck here is pretty cute.” Cera grinned, she KNEW whose this was.


Cera: Heh heh. Blackmail material…


All of the 19 remaining players were gathered in the Mess Hall, when Chris and chef came out with two eheels. One had all 4 of the sharpteeth players name’s written, while the other had all 15 of the remaining leafeaters’ names written on them.

“Since the producers know you’re sick of this crappy food we’ve been serving you, we’ve decided to make two fridges full of good food for both types of you players. BUT… there is only one key to each fridge, and only one of you will get the key to each, and only you can use it. Now my assistant Chef Hatchet will spin both wheels, if he pleases.”

“Whatever,” Chef replied, and spun the wheels. The flattooth wheel stopped on “Tricia”, while the sharptooth wheel stopped on “Rory.” “All right!” Tricia bragged. She ran to grab the key, but she slipped on the way.


Tricia: OK, I’ve been accident-prone since I left my egg. This place is still fun!

Chris made an announcement: “Since you all are…or all aren’t….interested in knowing this week’s challenge, I might as well tell you now: Our interviews with you beforehand all mentioned you like singing right?” “Right,” replied everyone, and were about to burst into the song “Good Times, Good friends,” when chris said. “No please, dudes. We don’t want our ratings to lower.”

“So what’s the challenge?” Cera asked. “Good question Cera,” replied Chris. “The interns and I have pre-selected 3 players from each team, and by the end of tonight, must come up with a new song, and whichever team has the better song wins invincibility.” “That sounds fun, it does, it does,” commented Ducky.

Chirs pulled out two pieces of paper. “Representing the Super Sharpteeth team will be Petrie, Ruby, and Shorty.” “Ah man,” Shorty sighed.


Shorty: I can’t sing. Listen to this…. (Sings a note, confession cam’s lens can be seen cracking.)

“Representing the Fighting Flatteeth team will be Spike, Cera, and Rita.” “Uh Chris?” Littlefoot asked. “Spike can’t really talk, ya know.” “Sucks to be you dudes,” Chris replied.


Outside the Super Sharpteeth cabins, Tera was trying to help her team come up with material. “What are things you know a lot about?” she asked the 3 chosen team members. “I think that’s a good way to come up with a song.” The longneck, runner, and flyer all thought for a moment.

“Me snuggling stick,” Petrie said.

“Being the boss,” Shorty said.

“Talking big, big talking,” Ruby said. “This is hopeless,” Tera muttered. “We’re gonna lose 3 times in a row, aren’t we?” complained Shorty. “Me hope not,” said Petrie nervously.

The Fighting Flatteeth were preparing at their cabins. “Looks like it up’s to you, Rita and Cera,” Littlefoot said. “I already got an idea for a song,” Rita said. “I don’t think love songs to Chomper will score high,” Nod muttered. “I have an idea,” Chomper smiled. “I made this up back in the Mysterious Beyond:

I’m just a sharptooth whose intentions are good,

Oh gosh, please don’t let me be misunderstood.

“That sounds dumb,” Cera muttered. “Cera, don’t be mean,” Littlefoot frowned. “Hey we need a good song, 1 of our teammates can’t even sing,” Cera retorted. “You can at least be nice,” Nod said.


Nod: I think I can have more fun now that Hyp and Mutt are gone. I never really wanted to be mean, I was just going with the flow.

Guido looked nervous. “Oh man, we’re going down for sure,” the feathery flyer said. “Don’t give up dweeb,” Shorty said, stepping on one of his arms. “OW!” Guido yelled. “Knock it off,” Tera said. Petrie looked at Tera.

“Could you help me sing better?” Petrie asked, a little nervous. “Sure Petrie,” smiled Tera. Tera knew what to say. “First off, maybe we can solve that grammar problem of yours,” the flyer smiled. “Me no have no grammar problem,” Petrie responded, having no idea of what Tera meant.

Cera and Rita were practicing their singing, Spike providing their “background music.” Rita was fairly decent, but Cera… “Cera, you kinda need to improve your ability to sing….majorly.” Cera looked furious. “Oh I can sing better than you,” she said. Myra, off to side, frowned. “Not this again.”

Ali chuckled. “If I heard correctly, only your mm, dad, and sister really seem to like your musical abilities.” She then saw Cera’s head get red with anger.

“Everybody get outta the way!” Chomper called to his teammates.


Cera: OK, Ali has no idea what’s she saying. That dumb longneck just won’t agree that threehorns are the best at everything, including singing. But mark my words: she’ll pay for that comment. (Chuckles sinisterly.)

“Well I least I don’t have a secret crush on somebody!” Cera yelled for everyone, including the Super Sharpteeth team, Chris and Chef, and the camera crew to hear. Ali looked shock. “Cera you didn’t!”Ali said, teeth cleched. “Yeah Cera, Tippy told you to promise last night!” Tippy said, siding with Ali.

“Repeat after me…” Tera instructed. “I like to eat treestars.” Petrie took a few deep breaths. “Me….Me….M….I like to eat treestars,” Petrie finally said triumphantly. “All right, I knew you could do it!” Tera commented. “Thank you Tera,” Petrie commented. “Me..I mean I, say thanks to you.” Tricia smiled. “When we win, I’ll get all of you a snack from the fridge!”

“What about me?” asked Rory. “You have the other key,” Tricia smiled.

Ruby looked at Itchy. “Itchy, why haven’t you suggested anything?” the runner asked. “Because I just don’t like it when others watch me,” Itchy replied. “Then why did you even sign up for this?” she asked. “No reason,” muttered Itchy.


Ruby: Something’s been bugging me about Itchy since he arrived, but I don’t know what that something about Itchy is.


Cera and Ali were being briefly treated at the infirmary from a little tussle they had before the competition. “If we lose, your so out of the game Cera,” Ali said angrily, Littlefoot, Tippy, and Nod agreeing with her. “We’ll see about that,” Cera snickered.


Cera: They don’t even know about my alliance with Myra and Ducky. If they only knew…”

Since all 9 of them were already there, the Super Sharpteeth team would be going first. “Good luck you guys,” Guido, Tera, Itchy, Tricia, Rory, and Rhett called from the crowd.

Shorty took the lead singing part, with Petrie and Ruby doing back-up.

Hatchling, don’t understand..

Why we can’t just hold along, to each other’s paws.

This time, might be the last, I’m afraid,

Unless, I make it all too clear.

I need you so, oh oh…

Take these broken flyer’s wings..

“Man, where’d Shorty and Ruby come up with a song like that?” Ali listened to, impressed. Tera flew over. “It was Petrie’s song,” she smiled. “Whoa,” Chomper, Myra, and Ducky said amazed.

Chris had been listening to his MP3 player to block out the noise, so Chef was left to judge. “OK, here’s your stupid score,” he said, giving the Super Sharpteeth a 9. “ALL RIGHT!” They all cheered.

The Fighting Flatteeth were next. “We need a perfect score to win, so DON”T MESS THIS UP.” Cera said to Spike and Rita sternly. The sharptooth and spiketail shared a gulp.

Needless to say, they weren’t as good. Spike could only sing medium notes, Cera was too high pitched. (Don’t believe me? Rewatch the song “Things Change” From Great Day of the Flyers.) Rita was their only decent singer.

BTW, since the team couldn’t agree on a song, so a lot of it was improve. Chef Hatchet gave them a score of “6.”

“”Looks like the Super Sharpteeth win invincibility!” Chris congratulated. “All right!” the 9 team members cheered, jumping up and down, Guido, Tera, Petrie, and Itchy flapping their wings. “So, Fighting Flatteeth, in 1 hour vote someone off in the confession cam, and I’ll see you at the Bonfire Ceremony.”


Cera: So they thought I was mean to Ali, big deal. To stay in the game, I just needed 4 votes against Spike. Ducky I talked into by saying that Spike probably wasn’t having fun here, Myra’s in my alliance already, so I just needed two more. Rita seems to vote off whoever Chomper votes off, and getting Chomper to side with me? No skin off my bones.


Chomper: She told me where I could find a dead threehorn and she let me eat the skin off it’s bones.


“Since you’re all tired, I’ll just throw the sweet bubbles to you,” Chris said. “And remember, whoever doesn’t get a sweet bubble, must walk down the Tunnel of Shame, and they can’t come back, ever. The first sweet bubble of the night goes to Chomper,” he said, throwing it to the happy rex.

“Next, Ali….Littlefoot…Myra…Rita…Ducky…” Littlefoot and Ali smiled at each other while they ate their prize. “Nod…..Tippy…” Tippy looked relieved, as did Nod. “Cera, Spike, down to you…” Chris said.

Spike looked terrified, but Cera looked confident. “Spike, you’re a happy, quiet guy. That usually makes you an underdog.” “What’s a dog?” Littlefoot asked. “Never mind man,” replied Chris. “And usually an underdog wins these things. I hate to say this, but the final sweet bubble goes to………….Cera.” The threehorn smiled, collecting her prize. Spike frowned, while Ali, Littlefoot, Tippy, and Nod looked shocked. “We will miss you Spike, we will, we will,” Ducky said, trying to comfort her stepbrother.

Spike walked down the tunnel.


Tippy: Tippy now officially hates Cera.


Ali: If Ms. Stuck-up Threehorn thinks, we won’t pay her back for this, she is so wrong.

Later that night, all of the Fighting Flatteeth had gone to sleep except Ali. Meanwhile, the Super Sharpteeth were throwing a party. Ali walked over to the SS boy’s cabin. “Ali? What are you doing here?” Guido asked. “Could I talk to Rory?” she asked politely. “Sure,” replied Guido.

“What do you need mre for?” Rory asked. “You’ll see,” Ali smiled evilly.

Ali and Rory were in the Sharptooth-Food fridge. “Just sniff one out, there’s probably one here,” Ali said. “Ah ha! Here’s one” Rory smiled, carrying a threehorn carcass. “Help me with this please.” Ali asked, and Rory nodded. Carrying it back to the FF girl’s cabin, Ali and Rory put it next to Cera, who was snoozing. “Just gotta wait for her to wake up now,” Ali smiled. “Night Rory,” she said.


“AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!” Ali, Ducky, Tippy, Myra, and Rita were woken up by a loud scream. “Yes..” Ali laughed in silent victory.

NEXT EPISODE: The remaining 18 enter a big freezer to see who can stand the cold the longest, Myra questions her alliance with Cera, Tippy has a secret admirerer.., a mysterious string of bad luck plagues the Super Sharpteeth, and a camper from TDI will make a guest appearance……
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The Great Valley Guardian

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Aww...poor Spike getting voted off like that. But Cera...ohh...she so had that trick coming when Ali planted that threehorn corpse next to her. And when she woke up...priceless! :DD :lol Too funny.

And it seems the teams are having issues...even if they're all friends.


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The next episode, hope ya enjoy it!

Brekclub85 presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 6: Icy Cold Hearts, Literally.

The 18 remaining competitors were eating breakfast in the Mess Hall, Shorty again complaining about Chef’s food. “This tastes like something after it’s digested!” he yelled. You got a problem with my food soldier?!” Chef retorted, staring handing the dinos their plates. “Where should I start?!” Shorty yelled back.

“Shorty, me want you to be quieter, maybe he’ll make our food worse if you don’t” Petrie said nervously. Shorty sighed angrily, looking around. Guido was tossing a pebble up in the air and catching it, Rhett was practicing what sounded like lines trying to impress Ali, and Tricia was having fun, trying to balance herself on shelves above the tables. At the Fighting Flatteeth table, Cera was looking angrily at Ali.


Cera: You’re going to pay for that Ali. Unlike me, you don’t have an alliance.

Tippy, Littlefoot, Chomper, and Ali were talking. “”that was real mean of Cera,” Chomper commented. “yeah,” agreed Littlefoot. “Besides, why would she reveal that Ali has a crush on someone who’s not even here?” Tippy, ali, and Chomper made “I dunno” looks, even though all 3 of them had a very good idea. They went back to eat their food, when suddenly there was a sudden realization.

“OH YUCK!” Ruby, Tera, Petrie, Rhett, Tricia, Shorty, Itchy, and Guido all spat out their food.


Ruby: That was even more gross than usually, and it’s usually gross.

Everybody was spitting out the cruddy food, except for the Rory, who was at a different table, and also, the Fighting Flatteeth’s food was fine….by Chef’s standards. “Now how’d this happen?” Tricia hacked. “I dunno,” Ruby replied. Then Chris appeared in front of everyone in a cloud of smoke. “Players, may I tell you about today’s challenge,” he grinned with that creepy face of his.

“But today, I have a special guest for this challenge. Please welcome, one of the past Tdi campers, who is technically a future TDI camper…..Noah!” A tan-skinned human being with a red shirt walked in. “Hey, I’m Noah,” he said in a monotone-voice. “Hello Noah,” all the dinosaurs smiled. Chris started explaining. “We brought Noah back from the future to help with today’s challenge: The Freezer of Endurance.” “The wa?” asked Chomper.

“Yeah, for some reason they called be back to the Total Drama franchise and asked me to create an artificial self-cooling room,” Noah said, intrigued by the fact he was seeing dinosaurs, but weirded-out by their behaviors. (Especially the English-speaking part.) “That’s right, here’s how the challenge goes:” explained Chris. “Everyone enters this cooling chamber, and as time goes on, the room will keep getting colder and colder. When you want to leave, hit the button on the inside door and you’ll be let out. Last team with members standing wins!”

Myra, meanwhile, felt bad at herself for the events of last night.


Myra: I can’t believe I went through with that. Cera should’ve been voted off, not Spike. I’m quitting the alliance.

Chomper looked at Noah. “He sure doesn’t look happy,” he said. “Being a human, I’m sure there’s no reason to be,” Rita said. The two sharpteeth shared a little laugh. Chirs and Noah showed them to the freezer. “Ok dudes, just make yourself comfortable and there’s a confessional built inside,” Chris explained. “Any words for the players Noah?”

“Yeah… your best,” Noah said, clearly uninterested, sitting down in a chair and reading he brought with him back from the future.

(Just so you know, when TDI characters appear in future episodes, they production crew got them to the Great Valley via the time machine mentioned in the prologue, for your information.)

Inside, all the dinos kept moving to keep their cool. “Me and Littlefoot’s dad spent many cold times in worse weather,” Shorty bragged. It was true, Shorty was probably the Super Sharpteeth’s team’s best bet.


Shorty: I think Littlefoot is cool and all, it’s just that I’m better at everything.

Myra walked over to Cera and Ducky. “Cera….I’m quitting the alliance,” she finally huffed. Cera looked angry. “What?!” she said. “Good idea, you just lost any chance of winning those wishes,” she said. “I do’t care about about winning,” Myra replied angrily, walking off to a corner. “I just wanna make sure I see you walk the Tunnel of Shame.” Myra yelled, and walked of.

To keep their body temp out, Ali and Littlefoot were huddling as well as Rita and Chomper. “This’ll keep us warm,” Littlefoot smiled, a bit oblivious of Ali’s feelings. “Yeah..” Ali blushed, being this close to him. They noticed that Rita’s cuddling seemed more like hugging : -)

Ducky looked confused at Cera. “Why did Myra quit?” she asked with a confused look on her face. “Because fast biters are dumb,” Cera replied. Ducky didn’t know what to say. “But she and Rory seem smart, they are, they are,” Ducky said. “Oh Ducky..” Cera laughed.


Cera: At least Ducky will be easier to keep on my side. It’s good to have alliances with someone a bit younger than you.

At this point, Nod became the first dinosaur to walk out of the freezer. “I’m sorry, it’s just too cold.” He complained. “We understand Nod,” called Littlefoot. Petrie meanwhile was shivering his butt off when Shorty and Rory came to him with an idea.

Guido was just sitting around, using his wings to keep warm when the trio of Petrie, Rory, and Shorty came to him. “Hey Guido, we’re sorry about the pranks we’ve been pulling on you,” Rory apologized, a bit of fakeness it his voice, but Guido didn’t realize this.. “So, me wanting to apologize: we got your favorite food: bugs.” Petrie said. Guido looked at the wall, and saw a ground crawler stuck to the wall. “Oh boy,” he smiled.


Guido: Maybe these guys aren’t so bad after all.

But when Guido went to eat it, he saw the bug was smashed completely against the wall, and his lips and tongue got stuck to them! “Hey that was mean,” Tera said, flying over to help Guido.


Guido: I hayyy hemmm…

Tera decided she was getting cold too, so she was going to help Guido out of the freezer too. “Hey Tera?” Guido asked, his mouth still sore. “Yeah?” replied Tera. “If we lose, could you vote Shorty off with me?” Tera looked contemplatively for a second, then said yes. Even though she liked Petrie more, she didn’t like seeing Guido get picked on. “Thanks Tera,” Guido said.

Chris, meanwhile, was enjoying a meal for the show’s staff. “Can you believe we lost 4 interns getting the freezer into place?” he asked Chef and Noah. “Whatever,” replied Noah. “You want to go in there and join them?” Chris asked. “Something that involves physical activity? No way,” replied Noah.

Over the next few minutes, Ruby, Itchy, Tippy, Rory, and Ducky all left the freezer. Only 10 remained: Shorty, Littlefoot, Cera, Chomper, Tricia, Petrie, Rita, Myra, Rhett, and Ali remained. “Watch me sister,” Tricia laughed happily. She was using her paws and gliding across the ice, it was a neat sight. “Yeah, whatever.” Myra and Cera were still in the middle of an argument: (Bossy, weak, bottom of the food chain were some of the words exchanged.)

Chomper and Rita were ready to get out. “Let’s go Chomper,” Rita smiled. “Sure,” Chomper replied. He felt his usual purple color turn blue, so he wanted to get out of their as soon as possible. But as they were walking out, Chomper looked at Petrie. “Uh…Petrie?” Chomper asked concerned.

Petrie was completely frozen solid! “I guess he’s out,” Littlefoot said, concerened for his friend. “I’ll get him out of here Littlefoot,” Chomper smiled, carrying the frozen flyer-sicle out of the frozen room. “So what are we going to do about the flyer dude?” Chris asked. “The heater isn’t working, so how are we going to defrost him?”

Rory thought for a second, then he came up with an idea. “Give him to me,” the fast biter suggested, and Chris did. Rory then put Petrie in his mouth! All the leafeaters as well as Chomper and Rita gasped. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to eat him, flyers taste bad compared to most other flatteeth,” Rory explained. “I”ll just melt him with my saliva.” When Petrie finally unfroze, he saw where he was. “AAAHHH!” he screamed, and flew off before Rory could explain. “He’ll be back,” said Guido.

Rhett meanwhile, was trying to impress Ali…..again. “Maybe she’ll she how strong-willed I……DARN IT”S COLD!” Rhett went over to the door. “Sorry, I can’t go on. Tricia, Shorty, it’s up to you two.” “Got it,” replied Shorty. Tricia, meanwhile, for fun, was headbutting the ice. “Be careful there Tricia,” advised Shorty.


Tricia: I’m not that accident prone, am I? (As she turns to walk around, she knocks the camera out of position with her tail.)

Myra and Cera were still in heated (despite the cool temperature) argument. “You user,” criticized Myra. “You weakling,” replied Cera. Ruby, Guido, and Tippy were talking to Noah meanwhile. “What’s the future like?” Guido asked.

“Good, except for the dimwits coughLindsaycough” Noah replied. “But the worst part is playing games,” “But we like games,” Ruby replied. “You’re weird,” she said, not angry, just confused.


Shorty: I like this Noah guy’s attitude.

Petrie and Tera were chatting. “Me notice something weird,” the flyer commented. “What is it Petrie?” Tera asked. “For the past days, our team has had nothing but bad luck. The bad food this morning, the bunk above you collapsing tonight. Me no think it can get any worse.” As he was saying this, Tricia walked out of the freezer, Littlefoot and Ali soon following.

Only Cera, Myra, and Shorty remained. Cera and Myra were panting from their occasional physical fight. Shorty looked confident that the Super Sharpteeth were going to win. “Ha, I’m still feeling perfectly OK,” he laughed to the girls. Myra was really ticked off at Cera. “That’s it Cera, you’re on your own in this challenge!” yra yelled. She was just about to walk out of the freezer, when Chris came in. “Looks like the Fighting Flatteeth win invincibility!” “HUH?!” Cera and Myra went. They looked at Shorty, an icicle had fallen on his head, knocking him out!


Cera: Wow..


Myra: That was too easy.

“More bad luck,” complained Petrie. “There’s no such thing as superstitions, pterodactyl,” Noah commented. “But how did that icicle fall?” Guido asked. It just didn’t make sense.


To make sure there would be no colds caught, all the flatteeth were served nice warm bowls of treestar soup while the sharpteeth got threehorn soup. “My head still aches,” Shorty complained. “Oh sorry, that was me,” Tricia apologized. “Huh?” her team replied. “My head-butting knocked the icicle, and I accidentally knocked this weird stuff into our food this morning. That’s what caused the bad taste.”


Rhett: Oh,


Shorty: come


Rory: on!


Chris came out with a plate of 8 sweet bubbles. “You’ve all cast you ballots and made your decision. Whoever…” “Yeah, we know the drill,” said Shorty.

Chriss huffed. “OK, here we go. The first sweet bubble of the night goes to Petrie.” “Yay,” chuckled Petrie, and collected his treat. “Next, Rory.” Rory raised his hand in the air happily. “Itchy….Ruby….Guido….Tera…Rhett.” Shorty and Tricia gulped.

“Shorty, Tricia, down to you. The final sweet bubble of the night goes to…………………….Shorty.” Shorty smirked and collected his invincibility. “Jerks,” Tricia muttered, and walked down the Tunnel of Shame. “The rest of you are safe…for now,” Chris teased. The players gather to watch Noah head back to the future in the time machine. “Bye Noah,” Littlefoot waved. “Whatever, I’m outta here,” Noah said, and warped back to 2008.

That night, at the Fighting Flatteeth girl’s cabin, Tippy noticed something weird. There was a rock on her bunk, shaped like a heart. “For Tippy?” she said. But she looked around. She had no idea who sent it. “Does someone…like Tippy?”

Next episode: The 17 remaining players engage in a log race around the fast and big waters, Chomper becomes addicted to cola, and someone isn’t quite who they seem to be… (And guest starring Bridgette of TDI!)
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Episode 7. If you like this fanfic for the comedy, you'll  LOVE this episode, especially the ending. (You won't see it coming.)

Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 7: Big Trouble on Big Water

That night, at the Fighting Flatteeth Boys’ cabin, Littlefoot, Chomper, and Nod were chatting. “Nod….I’m surprised,” Littlefoot commented. “You seem much nicer than Hyp or Mutt,” “Yeah, I noticed that too,” added Chomper. “Well, I never really enjoyed hanging out with thoise two much,” Nod admitted. “I don’t really like being a bully, I don’t make many friends that way.” “We’ll be your friends,” Chomper smiled. “Thanks,” replied Nod.


“AH-CHOO!” Cera and Myra sneezed. Having spent the longest in the freezer, it wasn’t surprising that these to girls caught colds. “You don’t sound too good Cera, you don’t, you don’t,” Ducky commented. “Good observation,” Cera replied sarcastically. Ali felt bad for Myra being sick, but when it came to Cera.


Ali: If she’s going to stay in the game, I might as well enjoy her misery.

Breakfast came. “You know, me mom knows a good cure for colds,” Petrie said to the two sick dinos. “What is I---ah-choo-it?” Cera sighed. Petrie laughed nervously. “Something me don’t have on hand right now,” he chuckled. The threehorn and fast biter sighed.

Chomper looked around. “Where’s our water?” he asked. “We ran outta it for today’s show,” Chef explained. “So deal with it solider!” “Ok,” Chomper replied nervously. But he was getting thirsty.

Chris then appeared “Before I explain your next challenge, let me introduce the next camper from the future: Bridgette!” A girl with light blonde hair and a light blue shirt walked in. “Hello there,” she smiled. “Hello Bridgette, I’m Ali,” Ali smiled. “Cool, a brontosaurus,” Bridgette replied.


Littlefoot: She looks nicer than that Noah guy.

Chomper was looking around for something to drink, this sharptooth was thirsty! Chomper walked into the staff’s services room. He then saw lots of bottles with liquid in them. Since all the dinos knew how to read and write now, he proceeded to read it. “Ko….la?” he said, confused, but he grabbed one of the bottles, ripped it open with his claws, and drank the substance.


Chomper: That was tasty! And, I feel more wide awake for some reason…

Chomper got back outside just as Chris was explaining the challenge: “Ok dudes, your challenge will be to build a raft for each team, and race it from this starting point to the lagoon over there. The course will take you through both the Great Valley and the Mysterious beyond, for your information.” “What’s a raft?” asked Ruby.

Bridgette chuckled a bit. “A raft is something you build that allows you to stay floating on water.” she explained. “That sounds fun,” Petrie commented. “Before arriving here, Bridgette has decided to assist the Fighting Flatteeth in this challenge,” Chris said


Shorty: Of course. The girl sides with the team with more girls.

BULDING THE RAFTS portion of the challenge:

Guido, Itchy, Ruby, and Rory were building the Super Sharpteeth’s raft, while Rita, Chomper, Ali, and Nod handled the Fighting Flateeth’s. Each team was given five logs for the main material to make the rafts. “I got it,” Littlefoot suggested. “Let’s tie them together with tree vines!” Everyone like this suggestion. “Not ba---CHOO!” Cera sneezed. She and Myra’s colds would probably last the remainder of the day.

Ruby and Rory got the vines for their raft, while Bridgette was assisting her team in that department. “I never knew dinosaurs could talk,” she commented. “This is the one of the most incredible experiences of my life.” “Yeah, seeing a threehorn is an awesome sight,” Cera bragged. The remaining 8 members of her team sighed.

Petrie flew over to Tera. “Me have a question for you Tera,” he began. “Where did you come from? Me never saw you in the Great Valley.” Ters was silent. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Tera commented. “But why?” Petrie asked. “Nevermind,” Tera said sternly.


Tera: Look, I hope everyone here and all you viewers can accept the fact I don’t like talking about my past, OK?

Chris walked over to the teams. “These rafts look awe-some!” he said. “5 minutes until the big race begins.” Chomper was thirsty again. “Maybe I should grab some of those ko-las for the challenge,” he thought, and ran back inside, grabbing some bottles. When he got back, he hid the bottles in one of the log’s holes. The teams were given several big branches.

“We can use these to steer the rafts,” Bridgette explained. The teams + Bridgette got on the vehicles. “At the sound of the shot, GO!” Chris explained. “3…2…1….BANG!” another flyer suddenly fell to the ground. “I just have no luck with these things,” he laughed.

The rafts took off. The fast water was unusually fast. “All right!” cheered Shorty. “Your team’s going down, bro!” he called to Littlefoot. “Don’t count your hatchlings before they hatch Shorty,” Littlefoot taunted back. Bridgette smiled. “Pretty smooth ride. Reminds me of surfing back in the future,” she said.

Shorty, Rory, and Petrie were rowing the SS team’s raft, as was Guido. “The water’s calm here,” Shorty commented. “What say we push Guido in, shall we.” Petrie and Rory nodded with a little evil smile. Guido was just sitting there, humming a tune, when Shorty snuck up.

“Surprise geek,” he laughed, and knocked Guido off the raft. “AGH!” called Guido, trying to keep above the water. “That’s night funny guys,” Tera commented, flying off and grabbing Guido. “Me sorry,” Petrie admitted. Tera liked Petrie, so she only said,” That’s OK.”

As the rafts were going through the Great Valley, the players could see some of their fans. Lots of longnecks were rooting for Ali, Shorty, or Littlefoot. Threehorns were cheering on Cera, flyers were cheering for Guido and Petrie. “Looks like even dinosaurs like TV,’ Bridgette commented.

Chomper reached under one of the gaps in the logs and grabbed one of the sodas. “What’s that Chomper?” Rita asked. “It’s called a kola,” Chomper replied. “It’s a tasty human drink. Want some?” “No thanks,” Rita replied, and gave Chomper a hug.

Itchy looked over at the trio of Petrie, Rory, and Shorty, who were still laughing at Guido. “h, those guys remind me of…” he began to say. “Who?” asked Ruby suddenly. “Oh, no one,” Itchy replied nervously. Ruby gave him a suspicious glanc, but resumed rowing the raft.


Guido: What makes me such a target for being picked on, huh? My lack of good flying, my odd voice, what?

The two teams were entering a tunnel. “I think this is where the Mysterious Beyond portion of the fast water starts,” Rory said to his team. “cool,” called Myra. “You think we’ll see other sharpteeth we know?” asked Myra from the FF raft. The others gulped. “Don’t worry guys, since even sharpteeth get the show, they won’t attack or try to eat you,” Chomper explained.


Chomper: Not all sharpteeth are mindless killers. I know what a mindless killer is. (Brief pause.) coughDoc-cough

And Chomper was right, some sharpteeth kids were watching the challenge from the side, cheering on (in the sharptooth language) either Chomper, Rita, Rory, or Myra. “Hey guys,” Chomper and Rita roared back.

Eventually the two rafts reached a fork in the fast water. “Oh great, which way to go?! Ac-choo?!” Cera sneezed. There were two paths: one leading into a cave, the other, under several rocky arches. Itchy suddenly looked like he had an idea.

“Take those caves, they’re a shortcut I know!” “You sure?” asked Shorty. “Trust me,” Itchy replied. The Fighting Flatteeth took the opposite path. “This time period’s pretty neat,” Bridgette complimented.


Nod: I haven’t even known this human for half a day, and I already think she’s better than Hyp or Mutt.

Tippy walked over to Ali. “Tippy found the oddest thing last night,” she said. “What is it Tippy?” Ali asked. “Tippy found a rock…shaped like a heart,” she explained. Ali smiled. “That means someone likes you, “ Ali teased, but Tippy looked confused. “But Spike has already been voted off, so who gave this to Tippy?” she asked again.

“Good point Tippy,” Littlefoot commented.

As the Super Sharpteeth were going through the caves, Rhett looked concerned. “You sure this is a shortcut Itchy?” he asked. “I’m sure, Ive been here before,” Itchy replied. “When?” asked Ruby, suspicious. “Uh, some time ago….when I was looking for bugs,” Itchy replied.

Back on the FF raft, Myra noticed something odd. “Is it just me,” she began, wiping her nose “Or are we going unusually faster?” The group soon saw why: they were heading straight for a whirlpool. “Row back!” yelled Bridgette, but Chomper had slipped off the raft. “Chomper!” Littlefoot and Rita screamed.


Rita: I love Chomper more than anything else, I’ not just stand there and watch him potentially drown!

Bridgette had an idea. She untied one of the vines holding up the raft (but just one so the raft wouldn’t come apart, and held it over the edge. “Grant on, rex dude!” she called to the spiraling Chomper. Rita and Litttlefoot assisted her in this. Chomper managed to summon his sharptooth strength and grab the vine. “Hold on, we’ll get you to safety,” Littlefoot said.


Littlefoot: Chomper’s still one of my closet friends, I had to help him.

Chomper managed to get pulled back on to the raft. “That part’s good guys,” Tippy began, “BUT HOW ARE TIPPY AND EVERYONE ELSE GONNA GET OUT OF THIS SPINNING WATER?!” Bridgette thought of a plan. “If all of us row at once, if we can row fast enough, we’ll be able to get outta here!”

Chomper suddenly felt odd. He felt like this since he first drank the sodas. He suddenly felt like he had the energy to hunt down and take down a grownup longneck. “Gimme a branch,” he said very fast. Cera did, and Chomper started rowing so fast, his arms had more power than the whirlpool! The raft managed to get to safety. “Woo hoo! All right!” Go Chomper!” the Fighting Flatteeth cheered. But then they noticed Chomper had fallen asleep. “I know what that was,” Bridgette smiled, eying the soda bottles. “A sugar rush. It gives human temporary bursts of energy, but it makes you completely crash afterwards. He shouldn’t have more soda,” “Gotcha,” Rita nodded in reply.

The Super Sharpteeth, meanwhile, after so much time, had finally made it out of the caves. “What did I tell you?” Itchy laughed. “There’s the finish line.” Guido looked ahead. “Yeah….and there’s the other team about to cross it!” he panicked. “Huh?!” all 8 of the dinos went in unison. It was too late to row faster as the Fighting Flatteeth crossed the finish line. “The Fighting Flatteeth win!” Chris called with his megaphone. “All right!” cheered cera, and was about to give Myra a Hi-5, but then they scoffed at each other.

“You cost us the game,” Shorty said to Itchy angrily. “You’re going down!”


Chris came up with the plates of sweet bubbles. “What a day it’s been, eh dudes?” he commented, watching Nod carrying a still snoozing Chomper back to the Fighting Flatteeth boys’ cabin. “The good news is, I had a great lunch today. The bad news is: one of you is going home tonight through the Tunnel of Shame, and you can’t come back, ever. You’ve all cast your ballots in the Confession Cam.”

Everyone looked nervous. “The first sweet bubble of the night goes to Tera,” Tera grinned and flew over. “Next….Petrie….Rhett….Ruby….Guido…Rory…” The 5 teammates all collected their prize, Rory of course throwing his away, since it tasted terrible to sharpteeth. “Shorty, Itchy, down to you,” Chris commented.

“The final sweet bubble goes to…….” But before Chris could say who, he and the dinos heard massive and fast footsteps coming from the Tunnel of Shame. All of a sudden, a big belly dragger appeared.

“Icky!” yelled the belly dragger. “I know that’s you! You didn’t think I’d find you here, huh?! You think disguising your voice and coloring your feathers a different color could fool me?!” The flyer flew up. “Dang it Dil! I thought I had gotten rid of you! You’re even worse than this leafeater food I had to eat. I’m outta here!!” Icky flew high into the sky. “YOU GET BACK HERE!” Dil yelled, running back through the Tunnel of Shame.

“Well, that takes care of that,” Chris commented. “Night everyone,” he said, while Shorty, Guido, Tera, Ruby, Rory, Rhett, and Petrie just sat there wide-eyed at what had just happened.

NEXT EPISODE: The 16 remianing players enter a Lyoko-like VR world where they must try to devirtualize each other, Cera tries to make Myra’s life miserable, and Myra meanwhile develops her relationship with Rory.


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Episode 8, a little more action (In addition to drama.)

Brekclub85 Presents…..
TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 8: Game Over, Dude

“Bye everyone!” Bridgette waved, getting into the time machine to head back to 2008. “Bye Bridgette!” Littlefoot, Ruby, Chomper, Tera, and Petrie called, and everybody waved to her, even Cera. Even Cera liked that human.


Tippy: Tippy wants to know: Does anyone in the Great Valley know who gave Tippy those heart-shaped rocks? Seriously, Tippy would appreciate that.

Shortly after Icky’s “elimination” and Bridgette’s return to the future, the 16 remaining dinos were back in their cabins. In the FF girl’s cabin, Ali and Tippy were having a friendly chat, Rita and Myra were talking in their native sharptooth tongue so the others couldn’t understand them. “Cera’s got to pay,” Myra said angrily. “The more I remember that night, the more I feel bad for Spike.”

“I know what you mean,” Rita replied. “Cera’s been mean to Chomper before, I heard. I’m on your side Myra.” Myra looked over at Cera and Ducky, who were sharing treestars…which Cera had Ducky collect all by herself. “Pitiful,” Myra muttered in disappointment towards Ducky.


A few of the interns were talking with Chris. “You sure these things are safe?” one intern asked. “Dudes, were on a budget. This will probably bring up the ratings.” “Whatever,” Chef replied. Everybody was holding weird metallic helmets. All of these helmets had cords. And all of the cords were connected to a main computer mainframe. “OK, let’s get this show on the road man,” Chris smiled in his sadistic-type of smile.

Chef snuck into the Fighting Flatteeth Boy’s cabin. He rather roughly threw one on each of Littlefoot, Chomper, and Nod’s heads, but they didn’t wake up. Another intern went into the Super Sharpteeth girls’ cabin and put one on Tera and Ruby. A third went into the SS boy’s cabin, putting a helmet on Shorty, Guido, Rory, Rhett, and Petrie. A rather nervous intern entered the FF girls’ cabin, not trying to awake the 6 girls who were inside it currently.

Chris, meanwhile, was enjoying a soda. “Aw…the tasty flavor of Fizzy Master.” He then gave the camera a look. “What? The company from the future’s allowing us to have product placement.” Chef and the interns returned. “We got the stupid helmets all set up,” Chef said. “Now what?” Chris let out a chuckle. “Now…..let the game begin.” He flipped a switch.

A computerized voice began speaking. “Scanning dino DNA….Virtualization.” Everyone was sleeping throughout this. Soon, they would wake up….


Te 16 remaining players’ eyes slowly opened. After everyone blinked for a few moments, Petrie finally shouted “WHERE ARE WE?!” Suddenly, a giant screen turned on. “Whoa,” everyone screamed, than Chris’ face appeared. “Morning dudes,” he laugh in his minor-psychopathic way. “What’s going on Chris?” Littlefoot asked. “Your next challenge my man,” Chris replied. Everyone looked around at what happened next.

“You’re in a video game, players,” Chris laughed. “What’s a video game?” asked Ruby. “It’s sort of like a sleep story that your in control of,” Chris explained Suddenly, flat rocks were digitized in front of Cera, Littlefoot, Ali, Nod, Shorty, Rhett, and Tippy. Little virtual swords appeared in front of Ducky, Petrie, Tera, Guido, and Ruby. Little ray blasters appeared for Chomper, Rita, Myra, and Rory. “What are these for?” Chomper asked.


Chomper: This challenge was very weird. I mean, in this “ved-Eeoh game” my senses wouldn’t work. I bet humans find these things stupid.

Chris kept explaining the rules. “Using those weapons, you must fight each other.” Everyone looked shocked. “But we’re friends!” called Ali. “We wouldn’t hurt or fight each other.” Chris chuckled. “Don’t worry Ali,” Chris replied. “Your bodies aren’t in this video game, just your minds.” The footage suddenly stopped.

Chirs walked in front of the camera. “ello viewers, it took us about 30 minutes just to explain the whole concept of video games to them, so we had to cut that part out. The footage then resumed.

“Each of you has a life point meter. Every time you’re hit, it goes down. When it reaches 0, the game’s over for you and you will reawaken in the real world. Last team with players still standing wins.” At this point,. The concept of video games sounded fun to the dinos.

Suddenly, a big virtual wall emegerged from the ground and separated the FF and SS teams. “Just so this game won’t end in a minute, you have to navigate this game world to find everyone.” Chris said. “And so I can have more time for hair care products” he added mentally.

Rory picked up his ray blaster. “How does this work?” he asked. He pressed the button while unintentionally facing Petrie, and a big ray suddenly hit Petrie. Petrie wasn’t hurt, but he started to flicker like whenever a character in a video game takes damage. “Me ok,” Petrie said. “Just don’t do it again Rory,” “Got it,” the fast biter replied. Petrie lost half his life points because of that blast.

Players began taking off different paths. “Good luck Rory,” Myra waved to her fellow fast biter. “Hey,” Cera said angrily. “He’s on the other team, you’re supposed to wish us good luck.” Myra fumed a bit. “You’re not even a team player,” she said under her breath, walking off.

Meanwhile, Ali and Littlefoot were walking down a path. ”Can you believe all the things we’ve seen for the first time since humans arrived?” Littlefoot commented amazed. “I know,” Ali smiled back at Littlefoot’s face. When Littlefoot turned his head, Ali quickly turned hers.


Littlefoot: Ali and I have been friends since we first met. I just don’t get why she spends most of her time here with me.

Ducky was practicing swinging her virtual blade. “This is heavy, it is, it is,” she commented, using her strength just to keep holding it up. “Never mind that,” Cera replied “we have to make sure we win this challenge.” “But how?” Ducky asked. “Go help our team fight? “No,” Cera chuckled. “That’s too risky. “Let’s just hide here and wait to every one else devirtualizes themselves.” Myra huffed overhearing that while she walked off.


Myra: I can’t believe that threehorn! The next time we lose, she is so voted off!

In the Super Sharpteeth team, Petrie and Rhett were going together. Rory was going by himself, as was Shorty. Tera was helping Guido just so he wouldn’t be picked on again. “We won’t win, it’s 7 on 9,” Guido sighed. “Don’t be a pessimist Guido,” Tera laughed.


Tera: At least Petrie isn’t negative, even if he can be a fraidy-flyer sometimes. (Giggles a little.)

Rhett and Petrie rounded a bend, when Littlefoot and Ali entered the corner of their eyes. “How are we gonna get them?” Rhett asked. “I can hit them from afar, but you’d need get close up.” “Me thinking,” replied Petrie. But then, Ali had seen them.

“Let’s get ready,” Ali said in a battle-ready voice. “Uh oh,” Petrie and Rhett said. Ali tossed her flat rock out of her mouth and towards Rhett, it grazed Rhett’s head and took about one-fourth of Rhett’s life points off. The rock than came back like a boomerang.

“Awesome!” laughed Ali. “Let’s go,” Petrie called to Rhett. Meanwhile, Chomper and Rita were walking down a tunnel together. “This is sooooo cool Chomper,” Rita laughed, when suddenly they saw 2 flyers nearby. It was Guido and Tera. “On no,” Guido sighed.


Guido: Ever since Shorty, Rory, and Petrie have started being jerks to me, I’ve really lost self-confidence.

“I’ll take em Guido,” Tera laughed. Chomper fired his laser, and the two flyers barely managed to dodge it. “You go find Shorty or Rory,” she advised. Guido nodded and glided off.

Myra, meanwhile, was on a higher path. She looked down and saw Cera and Ducky, still in the first virtual room, not doing anything. “That tares it,” she mumbled. She looked ahead, and saw Rory. Suddenly, she had an idea of how to get back at Cera. “Hey Rory,” she called. Rory turned, aiming his blaster, but Myrs quickly said. “Wait, wait, I give up.” “Huh?” asked Rory.

Shorty, meanwhile, was in the middle of a battle with Tippy and Nod. “This is bad,” Nod said. Since the 3 were all four-legged flatteeth, they were all using the boomerang rocks. Shorty ran up some digital steps to dodge Tippy’s attack. “Shorty got lucky that time,”
Tippy taunted. “We’ll see spiketail,” Shorty laughed. Nod went to attack, but Shorty jumped onto his back. He tossed his rock at Nod at point blank range. The damage did enough to wipe out all of Nod’s life points.

In the real world, Nod’s helmet came off automatically. “That felt weird,” commented Nod. “So what now?” she walked out of the Fighting Flatteeth Boy’s cabin, when he saw Chris. “Hey Chris….” Nod began to say, but saw that Chris was completely glued to blow drying his hair. “Nevermind,” Nod said, and walked off to the Mess Hall.

In the Rhett and Petrie Vs. Ali and Littlefoot fight, Petrie was nearly out of lifeponts. Rhett managed to get a direct hit on Littlefoot, wiping him out. “all right Rhett!” cheered Petrie. But cheering on his teammate distracted him enough for Ali to attack him head on. “Ah man…” Petrie muttered. Rhett was about to attack Ali, but even though it was just a game, he couldn’t do it.


Ali: I can’t hit Ali, she wouldn’t like me then…right?

Ali giggled a little at Rhett, then hit him with the rock. Now only 12 players were still in the world.

Tera meanwhile, was having trouble with Chomper and Rita. It was a bad idea to face them head-on, so she tried to flee. “You can’t get away Tera,” Chomper called playfully. “Us sharpteeth are as great hunters here as we are in real life.” Tera tried to fly in a zig-zag pattern, but Rita managed to get a good laser blast in. “Darn it,” Tera said. Chomper and Rita gave each other a hi-5 as they won. “What next?” asked Rita.

In the entrance hall, Ducky and Cera were still staying put. “I really think we should help our team, I do, I do,” Ducky commented. “And risk being defeated, no way,” Cera said in return. Ducky thought that this was part of the alliance, so she stayed put.

“What’s going on Myra?” Rory asked. “Look, I want to take Cera down, and I can tell you where to find her, she’s getting on my nerves.” Rory thought about this for a second, if this was anyone else on the Fighting Flatteeth team, he would think it was a trap, but for some special reason….he trusted Myra. “Sure, I’ll help ya get Cera back,” Rory laughed. As the two fast biters began to take off, Rory noticed something. It was something that Chris explained was called a “powerup,” Rory walked over to it, and suddenly a computerized voice said. “Super Blast collected. It automatically destroys every opposing team member in sight.” “This sounds awesome,” Rory said.

Tippy managed to take down Shorty. “Darn it,” Shorty complained as he returned to the real world. “Don’t underestimate Tippy,” the spiketail laughed successfully. She soon met up with Ali, Chomper, and Rita. “So what comes next?” Ali asked. “Tippy doesn’t know,” Tippy replied. “Maybe we should head back into the Entrance Hall.” Chomper nodded, and the 4 set off. The were ahead of Rory and Myra…..neither was aware of what the other group was doing.

Ruby meanwhile had no luck finding anyone the entire game. “This challenge was boring, boring was this challenge,” she sighed, when suddenly she bumped into Guido. “Agh!” shouted Guido. “Shh…it’s me,” Ruby whispered to Guido. “Oh thank goodness. Ruby, it’s just you,” Guido panted in relief. Then, they saw Rory walking with Myra. “What’s she doing here?” Ruby called suddenly. “Myra is one the other team, isn’t she?” Rory explained the situation.

“Selling out a teammate, well, we’ll come with ya.” Guido laughed, and the 4 took off. Back in the entrance hall, Cera and Ducky saw Tippy, Rita, Chomper, and Ali arrive. “Where have you been?” Ali complained. Ali still hadn’t forgiven Cera for the incident in episode 5. “Using good strategy,” Cera replied. “Looks like we’re gonna win,” Chomper smiled. Suddenly, they heard Myra’s voice say, “She’s in here.”

Everyone turned in time to see Rory charging up the Super Blast. Myra’s vengeful smiled turned into a shocked expression to see her ENTIRE team in the entrance hall. “Oh, crud..” Myra said. He scheme went array completely. She didn’t want this. Try as they might, Rory’s blast was large and Ali, Cera, Chomper, Ducky, Tippy, and Rita’s life point counts all hit zero. In the real-world, everyone was wide-eyed. “Tippy can’t believe it,” Tippy said in shock. “Myra betrayed us!” In the game, Myra sighed, everything had went wrong.

Myra then hit herself with her own sword, devirtualizing herself and ending the game. Rory, Guido, and Ruby jumped up in victory, though Rory felt bad about Myra. “The Super Sharpteeth win!” Chris called as the final 3 SS teammates returned back to the valley. “Fighting Flatteeth, looks like you have to vote someone off.” Myra tried to explain the situation.


Ali: I just can’t believe that fast biter.


Rita: Though Chomper is awesome, Myra was one of my closest friends in the Mysterious Beyond. I’m siding with her.


6 of the Fighting Flatteeth looked fine, while Myra and Cera exchanged mad glances, and Ducky looked nervous. “Well, after a day of pure relaxation for me, it’s time for the fear-inducing Sweet Bubble Ceremony,” Chris laughed. “I only have 8 sweet bubbles of safety on this plate. If you don’t receive a sweet bubble, you must walk the Tunnel of Shame, and you can never ever ever come back.” Everyone gulped. “Ali.” Chirs said, and the girl longneck collected her prize.

“Rita…..Littlefoot….Tippy….Nod…..Chomper.” Every dinosaur whose name was called looked relieved. Chomper and Rita let the others eat their sweet bubbles. Down to Ducky, Myra, and Cera. “The next name I’m going to call is………..Ducky,” Chris announced. Ducky smiled, but looked a little scared. “Cera, Myra, down to you…” Chirs commented. The threehorn and fast biter exchanged angry glances. “The final sweet bubble of the night goes to……………………………Cera.” Cera laughed, as Myra looked angry. “Tunnel of Shame time for you,” Cera laughed. Myra huffed and began to walk towards the tunnel.

As Myra was about to walk out, she turned and faced Cera and Ducky. “I may be out of the game,” Myra said. “But I promise…I’ll make sure you pay for everything you’ve done cera,” she vowed. Cera didn’t look scared. Myra turned to Ducky. “Ducky…get out of that alliance while you can. She’s just using you.” Ducky gulped.


Ducky: Cera doesn’t use me. We’re friends, we are, we are. (looks unsure.)

As Myra was about to walk away, she heard Rory call “Wait up!””Bye Rory,” Myra smiled at the male fast biter. Suddenly…Rory gave her a big kiss! “See you in the near future,” Rory waved. Tippy, Rita, and Ali awed at this. Tippy and Ali now felt bad about voting her off.


Ali: Cera will pay, Myra. We promise.

NEXT EPISODE: The teams must return eggs to various nests in a game version of “The Great Egg Adventure,”, Tippy and Ali team up to make Cera’s life miserable, and a mix-up spells disaster for a certain player……


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Brekclub85 presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 9: The Disaster-Filled Egg Adventure

In the Super Sharpteeth boys’ cabin, Shorty, Rhett, and Petrie were trying to cheer up Rory. “It’ll be ok Rory,” Petrie said. “Me know you’ll see Myra again when the game’s over.” “Thanks guys,” Rory replied. Guido meanwhile, hadn’t gotten to like Rory, Shorty, and Petrie.


Guido: They’re still big jerks.

That night, when everyone was snoozing, a mysterious figure entered the Fighting Flatteeth girls’ cabin.  He dropped something off near Tippy’s bed, then dashed out. One of the spiketail’s eyes shot open. “Who’s there?” she called, not wanting to wake up Rita, Ali, Cera, or Ducky.  No response.


Since it would be a while before the next challenge started, some of the players were just having some fun. Littlefoot, Nod, Rory, Shorty, Chomper, Rita, Ruby, and Petrie were playing a game of Pine Cone. (Rules explained in my other fanfic, Sharptooth Valley.)  “I got it!’ Rory laughed, on Chomper, Rita, and Nod’s team. “You can’t get it if I got it,” Ruby taunted, grabbing it out of his hands and dashing towards the goal. Chomper and Nod tried to tackle her, but they missed.


Ruby:  This game is what my family and I used to play all the time in the Mysterious Beyond. And I’m the King…..I mean Queen of this game!

Cera huffed at the sight. “Shouldn’t they be getting ready for the next challenge?” she laughed to Ali and Tippy. “Cera, some of us are here just to have fun you know, it’s not always about winning.” “Maybe that’s what you longnecks think,” Cera replied. Ali and Tippy, despite not being a longneck, was furious at that comment.  “Tippy is gonna make sure Cera pays for that remark,” Tippy said angrily.


Cera:  So what, I’m the only one in this contest with common sense, I’m bound to be the winner.

Chris eventually came into view. “Ok everybody!  Follow me to your next challenge.” “What, you can’t tell us here?” Littlefoot asked.  “No I can not,” was all Chris replied with. The dinosaurs who had shoulders shrugged them.

Chris led the 15 remaining players to the top of a cliff that overlooked a different part of the valley, with some spots marked as the “Competition Area” in the Mysterious Beyond could be seen in the distant. Also on the cliff were 15 different types of dino eggs. “What are these for?” Shorty asked. “Not eating, even though it’d be better than those cruddy treestar dishes Chef calls food.” Chris then explained the rules:

“Each player will be given one of these eggs. Each egg must be returned to it’s correct nest. You have 2 hours to complete this challenge. At the end of the time limit, the team with the most returned eggs wins invincibility, as well as these!” He held up 2 thermostats.  “What are those?” asked Ducky.  “These devices control the hot and cold in your cabins.” Everyone looked excited at that.

Littlefoot looked a little concerned at something. “You were allowed to use all these eggs right? Their mom and dads said it was OK, right?” Yup dude,” Chris replied.


An intern was holding a walkie-talkie.   “You sure this is legal?” He said nervously, swiping a swimmer egg from it’s mother. “It’s prehistoric times, there’s nothing illegal,” Chris laughed from the other side. “Ok…” the intern said.


“Ok, everybody select their eggs, and then the challenge can begin!”  Chomper used his sniffer to examine the eggs. He was looking for a particular one, which he eventually found. “Hey, a sharptooth egg!” he smiled. Chomper wanted to handle this one, as he had been in a similar position before.

Everyone else collect an egg. None of the 15 eggs were of the same species. “We’re gonna beat you!” Cera laughed to the Super Sharpteeth team.  “Me will see Cera, Petrie called back. Nod and Chomper were the first to take off, which started the time limit. The Adventuring song was sung yet again, but the producers and Chris decided to cut that out.  “You have no idea how much that sucks,” Chris assured the dinos watching back home in the GV and MB.

Tippy, Littlefoot, Ali, Cera, and Ducky were walking together. “This is kinda hard, it is, it is,” Ducky commented, rolling her egg down the path. “Ah, don’t complain,” Cera said.  Ali smiled at Littlefoot but shot an angry glance at Cera. “It’s all your fault we lost the last challenge, “ she said. Cera looked offended.

“Oh please, it was that dumb fast biter Myra who betrayed us.” Cera said. Now Ali looked offended.


Ali: And she is one of Littlefoot’s friends how?

Meanwhile, Tera was assisting Petrie move his spiketail egg, since the flyer’s a bit too small to move it by himself. “Thanks Tera,” Petrie smiled. “Don’t mention it,” Tera replied. Petrie looked confused. “Why would I not mention it?” he asked, misunderstanding the question. Guido glided over. “Hey Tera, could you go p to Shorty and find out why he’s being so mean to me?” he asked politely. Tera agreed.


Tera:  Petrie may be a meanie to Guido sometimes, but he’s still pretty cool.

Tera flew over to Shorty, who was carefully maneuvering his egg over a log. “Hey Shorty,” Tera commented. “Agh!” Shorty said, just barely managing to keep his egg. “What do you want?” he asked. “I want to find out why you’re so mean to Guido.” Shorty sighed, he knew Tera wouldn’t quit pestering him until he told.

Elsewhere, Chomper was heading towards the exit to the Mysterious Beyond with his egg.  He waved to a nearby threehorn. Unfortunately, the threehorn never saw the show, so he thought Chomper was a threat! “A Sharptooth?! Stealing an egg?! You’re get him!” he yelled to his mate. ”Uh oh..” Chomper said. “AGH!” he yelled, still carrying his egg.

Nod meanwhile was on a slanted hill in the MB. (His egg was Ruby’s type of dino.”  “Need a rest,” he panted.


Nod: Even when you’re big you can get tired once in a while.

But unfortunately, his egg started rolling down the hill! “Oh no!” he yelled dashing towards it. The egg hit a rock and was sent flying to the ground below. “No no no..” he muttered. He got down, and saw that the egg was in good condition. “Oh thank goodness,” he sighed, and continued moving the egg. After this comment, however, the cameraman pulled back and revealed Nod’s egg in a different location. A confused mother fast biter came into the scene, looking panicked. “You think we should tell him about this?” one of the cameramen asked. “No, it’s not like we’d get paid more,” the other replied.

Shorty started explaining his story: “Look, when I was little I didn’t really have a father, so I got protective to those I liked and tough to those I didn’t like, it’s that simple,” he muttered. “And as you can tell, I don’t like Guido.” Rhett meanwhile, managed to return his egg, scoring the first point for the SS team.  “Can you just back off from him?!” Tera complained. “Make me,” Shorty laughed back. “Ok,” Tera laughed, giving Shorty a push…that accidentally knocked him into the fast water! “AGH!” Shorty screamed. Tera horrified tried to catch him, but she got dragged down too! Rory, Petrie, Guido, Rhett, and Ruby looked shocked.. “We got to do something!” Rory yelled.


Guido: That was both awesome and terrible at the same time.

Tippy, meanwhile, called Ali off to the side. “Tippy has a great plan,” she snickered. “What is it?” Ali asked. “Look up there,” Tippy said, pointing to LOADS of insects. Ali smiled, she knew that non-sharpteeth found them creepy. Ali and Tippy set their eggs aside and climbed the cliff.


Ali: I don’t mind bugs as long as I don’t have to eat them.

“Hey Cera!” Tippy called from an edge about 10 feet above her. “Huh?!” said Cera. Tippy and Ali then knocked several bugs off the edge with their tails, all landing on Cera. “Eww!” Cera yelled.


Cera: OK that’s it, I’m going to tell.

“I’m so giving it away now!” Cera yelled. “In case your watching Tippy’s mom, she used to steal the treestars from your herd!”  Tippy looked embarrassed. “Moe bugs Ali?” she asked. “Agreed,” replied Ali, and knocked more insects down. When they came back down laughing, Cera saw a mud puddle and grinned. “Take this!” she snickered, and soaked the two in mud. “Why you..” muttered Ali, spying another mud puddle.

Rita managed to score a point for the Fighting Flatteeth. “That was easy,” she smiled. “But I bet no one else had any trouble.”

Back along the fast water, the 5 were trying to come up with a way to save Tera and Shorty. “Me don’t know how long they can stay afloat!” Petrie panicked. “I have an idea,” Rory said, pulling a big vine off a tree up ahead. “Grab on Shorty and Tera!” he called, tossing a portion of it into the water. Shorty put the vine between he two front pads, and Tera held onto him.  The flyer, glider, fast biter, longneck, and fast runner (I think that’s the term for Ruby’s species) put all their effort into pulling them out. “Come on…” Rhett strained.

Shorty held on tight. He looked and noticed something. “Hurry! The vine’s breaking!” he called. Guido decided to help his foe, because he didn’t want to see this happen.  “Just a few more…” Rory said, holding the vine in his mouth. With a tug, the group managed to pull them to safety. “Oh thank goodness,” Tera said. “I can’t fly at ALL when I’m in fast water.” Shorty looked relieved, but then he sighed. “The other team’s probably beaten us, we only have 20 minutes left.” Ruby was about to agree, when she saw that all the nests were visible within walking distance. By sheer luck, the nests each of the Super Sharpteeth’s eggs were in close proximity to each other! “Oh boy!” cheered Petrie, flying up and doing some mid-air spins.

“HELP!” Chomper roared, being chased into the Mysterious Beyond, the nest where he had to return his egg was in sight, but the threehorns were in hot pursuit!  Chomper was cornered. “This is it sharptooth,” the threehorn said. Chomper was about to cry when suddenly a BIG sharptooth roared! The triceratops turned around and saw it was Redclaw! “Oh no!” he yelled, and he and his mate ran off. Redclaw looked down at Chomper, but then he started to smile. “Here’s your egg back Uncle Redclaw,” Chomper smiled in his native tongue, putting the egg back in the nest. “Glad I could save you from the big leafeaters,” Redclaw replied. “Your aunt says hi.” “Chomper laughed and looked at the egg. “Can’t wait to see my cousin,” he grinned, and ran back.

(Bet you didn’t see that coming, eh?)

Littlefoot and Ducky also got caught in the mud war between Cera, Tippy, and Ali. “This is gross,” Ducky frowned, trying to dodge mud balls.  “Guys, can’t we talk this out?” Littlefoot said, trying to be the natural peacemaker.  They had pretty much forgotten about the challenge.

Nod meanwhile, reached his required nest. He dropped the egg in, but he didn’t hear the sound indicating he scored a point. “How come that wasn’t a point?” Nod asked confused. Then he looked up and saw Chris’ helicopter. “You see man…” Chris called from a loudspeaker, but Nod soon figured it out. The fast biter mother soon appeared. “This…egg….was…yours?!” he laughed nervously. He got his answer. The fast biter attacked, slashing Nod a few times. Chris laughed. “Too bad we can’t show this violence, that would bring in more kid dino viewers.”

Ruby, Shorty, Tera, Guido, Petrie, and Rhett managed to score points by returning their eggs. (Rory had already returned his.)  “All right!” cheered Rhett and Guido.


Shorty: No sweat, I just hope those eggs grow up to be great dinosaurs. I don’t want to have nearly drowned for nothing…..


The 15 dinos returned to the cliff where the challenge atarted, the Super Sharpteeth looking happy. “What a day,” Chris said. “Shorty and Tera nearly drowning, Chhomper getting pursued by angry threehorns, Nod getting mauled by a fast biter…” it was revealed that Chris had to take Nod back in his helicopter, he was badly beaten up and could barely move. “And Ali, Cera, Tippy, Littlefoot, and Ducky basically saying screw it to the competition.” Most of the Fighting Flatteeth looked embarrassed. “However, since only Rita and Chomper scored points for the Fighting Flatteeth while everyone got their eggs back on the SS team, it looks like the Super Sharpteeth are our winners!” “Yes!” Shorty laughed triumphantly.  “Fighting Flatteeth, you know the drill.” He handed the SS team their prize. “So how do these work?” Tera asked confused.


Tippy: Who did Tippy vote off? Cera’s been annoying since episode 5, but Tippy has to say….Nod.


Chomper: Yeah, Nod… (chuckles nervously.) Not exactly helpful anymore…….


Chris came out with a plate of 7 sweet bubbles. “I only have 7 sweet bubbles on this plate. These little treats decide who stays…..and who leaves.” He chuckled with his creepy smile. “If I do not call your name, you must walk down the Tunnel of Shame, and you can’t come back EVER.  There was an 8-way gulp among the players.

“The first sweet bubble of the night goes to Tippy.” Tippy smiled and collected her prize, sticking her tongue out at Cera. “Littlefoot……Chomper……Rita……Ducky.” It was down, to cera, Nod, and Ali.


Cera: I had Ducky vote with me. Ali’s going down. Ha!

“Ali.” Chris called next. Ali looked happy while Cera looked shocked. “Cera, Nod, down to you.” Chris said. Both looked nervous, though Nod was bandaged up by Chef you couldn’t really see his facial expression. “The final sweet bubble of the night goes to……..Cera.” Cera smiled while Nod looked sad. “Sorry Nod, goodbye,” Littlefoot said, trying to cheer him up. “Tunnel of Shame awaits dude,” Chris said. Nod said, albeit muffled “I Can’t Move!” “Tippy will help Nod,” she smiled. Tippy, Chomper, and Rita carried the stretcher Nod was on to the Tunnel. “Bye Nod, take care,” waved Chomper.

Ali shot a look at Cera. “Next time, Cera,” she whispered. She wasn’t going to let the arrogant threehorn win those wishes!

Next time: A series of interconnected challenges in the waterhole put the 14 remaining dinos to the test, Petrie tries to find out more about Tera, and one player’s feelings cost his/her team the game…

(Read and Review. Hope you liked the Redclaw thing, it’s something I thought of that I thought would be cool!)

From now on, I'll be posting the episodes here directly, in addition to

(Yeah, I edited some of the misspellings.)

The Chronicler

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Looks quite good so far. I'd like to give you a little helpful advice, you can edit each chapter after you post them. I've done it for just about every chapter in my fanfic. (to edit a post, click the "edit" button at the top-right of that post) I've seen a few spelling and grammar errors that should be easy to find and fix(a good way to find them is to re-read that post). Also, since you say you're now going to add the episodes here directly, you could edit them into your earlier posts, if you want to.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 10: Water We Waiting For?

That night, Rita had re-lit the bonfire and herself, Chomper, Rory, and Littlefoot were telling scary stories.  “You sharpteeth find weird stories to be scary,” laughed Littlefoot. “You mean Lone Dinosaur stories aren’t scary?” Rory asked surprised. “I think they’re cool,” Littlefoot said. “No offense,” he remembered how sharpteeth were afraid of Doc. “But I’ll admit Littlefoot,” Rory smiled, “Those stories about the Sharptooth Slasher are awesome!” Littlefoot shivered. “But those terrified me when I was younger.” The 4 shared a laugh.


Rory: TDV’s been a big experience for me. It’s neat meeting leafeaters who I don’t want to eat. Littlefoot and Ali are pretty cool, so is Tippy, but Cera’s creeping me out. Shorty and Petrie are awesome. I regret having a flyer for breakfast this morning.

Meanwhile, in the Super Sharpteeth boys’ cabin, Shorty noticed something about Rhett and Petrie. “What are you guys doing?” he asked, a little tired.  He noticed Rhett was looking at the FF girls’ cabin. “Ali…” he sighed happily. Shorty laughed some.  “Get real Rhett, you know my step-brother is who she likes.” “She never said that directly!” Rhett retorted.  Petrie was looking at the SS girls’ cabin. “Tera… me think she’s great,” he smiled.


Shorty: I don’t understand why everyone is so girl-crazy here.


As usual, the 14 remaining dinosaurs were gathered in the mess hall. The 11 leafeaters were grossed out watching Chomper, Rita, and Rory eat much, though not as much as they had in episode 1.  Shorty was as usual complaining about Chef’s cooking. Guido meanwhile, was looking at Shorty, Rory, and Petrie angrily.


Guido: You here me? I’ll get you guys back one day! Ah ha ha! (Stands up, but then slips into the hole..) EW!! (Flies out.)

A huge whirring sound was heard. “What’s that?!” yelled Ducky, covering her ears. “If I knew what that sound was, I wouldn’t be asking!” Ruby yelled back, also covering her ears.  The dinosaurs rushed out, and Chris was arriving in the playing area in a jet. “What is that?!” Tera screamed over the engine.

“Hey dudes, just testing out his bad boy I got free from the company funding this!” Chris called. “Will you turn that off?! It hurting me ears!” Petrie screamed, then the engines died down.  “Anyways, the interns came up with today’s challenge, though two are now in the hospital. You guys follow me to the waterhole. Heh heh,” he laughed. Everyone shrugged and came along.

Chris led the dinos to the waterhole.  It was massive in width and length. “Today’s challenge,” he began to explain, “Is a series of three challenges, all set in the waterhole. Each game will have one or two pre-selected members from each team representing the entire team.” “Neat,” smiled Ali. “Best two out of three wins,” Chris concluded.  “The first competition: A 400 meter race across the water hole.” Some of the dinos oohed.

“Um, what’s a meter?” Tera asked. Chris sighed. Chef then came up. “It’s a long distance, you got a problem with that?!” he yelled. “No, no,” Tera replied nervously.  “Representing the Fighting Flatteeth will be Ducky; representing the Super Sharpteeth will be Ruby.” Ducky and Ruby shared a competitive grin. “See you at the finish line Ducky,” Ruby grinned. “Yeah, I’ll meet you there,” Ducky chuckled back.


Ducky: See? I can talk big whenever I want.

“And by the way: we have a little swimming sharptooth place in the waterhole for this challenge. Take your marks.”  “Huh?!” they both went, but went into the waterhole anyway.  “On your marks….get set….swim!” Chris called.

Ducky and Ruby took off.  Each team cheered the respective representative as they dashed through the water. “Yeah, you can do it Ducky!” Cera called.  Ali looked at Cera. “You’re only cheering her on because she’s your little sidekick,” she muttered. “While what about you?” Cera retorted. “I’m cheering her on because she’s my friend,” Ali replied.  Meanwhile, Petrie flew over to Tera.

“Hey Tera,” Petrie waved. “What is it Petrie?” Tera smiled back. “Me was wondering…after the contest is over, if me could meet your family and friends. Me don’t recall seeing you before.”  Tera suddenly looked slightly mad.  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she muttered. “Why not?” Petrie asked concerned. “Me mom tell me that if you have a problem, it’s better to talk about it.” “Just… not now,” Tera grumbled. Petrie looked a little sad.


Petrie: Me no understand what’s wrong with Tera. Whenever you talk about he past she gets angry.  

Meanwhile, in the race, Ruby and Ducky were swimming as fast as they could. “Come on arms, don’t be weak,” said Ruby. Then, they saw a figure in the distance. “The swimming sharptooth!’ they yelled. It was only about Mo’s size, but it was one they didn’t know. “h no no no,” Ducky muttered. She dove under the water. She was able to see, however, a small alcove that headed towards the finish line, and was out of the swimming sharptooth’s path. “ she thought, and took the alternate path. Most of the players watching couldn’t tell what happened to her.

“Where’d Ducky go?” Tippy asked concerned. “All right! Go Ruby!’ Shorty, Tera, and Petrie cheered. Ruby managed to stay ahead of the swimming sharptooth, but just before she crossed the finish line….Ducky jumped out of the water and across it! “Point to th Fighting Flatteeth!” Chris announced through his megaphone.  The rest of the FF team ran up to Ducky and congratulated her. Even Cera was happy for her. But then they realized that had two challenges to go.

“Next game,” Chris began, “Is a diving contest. Each player must jump off that very high dive.” He pointed up to a cliff at least 55 feet higher from the waterhole.”


Ali: You know, ever since I came here, I had this weird feeling that someone was trying to kill me, I think this is why I have those feelings.

“Jumping for the Super Sharpteeth team will be Shorty, and Rita will jump for the Fighting Flatteeth.” “You can do it Rita!” Chomper smiled to Rita. Rita looked more confident.


Rita:  If Chomper says I can do it, I know I can do it.

Shorty tried to keep his cool as he climbed up the cliff. “I not gonna let a girl beat me, especially not a girl sharptooth!” Shorty wasn’t sexist, it was more like since Rita was younger than him, it would be like a little girl beat him. If Ali, Tippy, or Cera beat him, it wouldn’t be as embarrassing in his mind.  Meanwhile, the other dinos were gathered on bleachers the interns had made for them to watch the competition from.  Petrie had another prank on Guido planned. He found a lot of bugs, and squished them. He wiped the gooey bug guts over where Guido was about to sit.  When Guido sat down, he realized what had happened. “Hey!” he yelled, and Petrie let out a chuckle. Guido liked eating ground crawlers and the rest of the bugs, but he didn’t like being sticky, the feeling the bugs made him when he sat down. He jumped into the water hole to wash off.

At the top, Shorty was going first. The objective of this challenge was to create the fanciest splash possible. “Here I go!” Shorty yelled, summoning up the courage to jump. When he jumped, the footage suddenly went in slow motion.  “Makes it appear more epic and Aw-some!” he said to the camera.

Shorty eventually took the dive.  “HERE I COME!” he called at the top of his longneck lungs.  The 12 dinos watching from below kept their eyes on him, waiting for the impact. When Shorty saw that he was only a few feet away from hitting the waterhole, he put his legs together in sort of an x pattern.  “3….2…1!” he yelled as he hit the water, water splashed in 4 different pillar-like splashes. “Wow!” called Chomper. Shorty raised his head out of the H20, smiling victoriously. Chef awarded him an 8, though Chef looked like he clearly would rather be doing something else.  Rita came up next.  “Come on, you can beat him Rita!” Chomper encouraged, while Rtia was stepping up to dive.

“Thanks Cho…AGH!” Rita was too concentrated at looking at Chomper she accidentally stepped off the cliff without preparing.  “Whoa!” she called falling head-first. “This is bad..” muttered Littlefoot, watching.  Rita was plunging towards the depths without any sort of control of her movements, so it was impossible for her to make her…..well, technically considered a dive…fancy.  She then landed in the waters, creating only a minor impact. The water didn’t even splash the crowd. Cera Put her front footpad to her face in embarrassment. Chef awarded her a 2.


Rita: Going home wouldn’t be too awful…but the whole “Chomper isn’t around” part is.
“Point for the Super Sharpteeth!” Chris called. “This next challenge will decide which teams wins invincibility.” Guido noticed some of the show’s staff put things on two sides of a smaller waterhole. These things looked like they were made up of what humans called “Metal” and attached to them was this thing that humans called “rope.” (It’s a goal.)  “The final challenge,” Chris laughed. “Is a game of 2-on-2 water polo!”  Everyone looked confused. Chris also slapped his face.


Chris: OK, I HAVE to remember that there are so many things these dino dudes don’t know about human culture.

After explaining how the game worked, it was time for the members to be selected. “From the FF team….Cera and Ali, from the SS team…Petrie and Rhett.” Ali and Cera stared at each other. The two rivals were now relying on each other to win. Before the 4 could enter the water, Tera flew over to Petrie. “Hey Petrie, I’m sorry I got mad earlier. It’s just that….I don’t like talking about my past, you understand that, right?” “Me understand,” replied Petrie.

In the game, Ali and Petrie were the goalies while Cera and Rhett were offense. The first team to 3 points won.  A volleyball (one recycled from Episode 4 due to the show’s limited budget) was dropped in the center of the waterhole. “On the count of….” Chris began to  say, but concluded with “Ah….just go already.”  


Rhett: Maybe if I win this game, Ali will start to notice me. (Pauses, then realizes…) Oh great, if we win, that means I beat her.

Cera made the first move.  Rhett tried to block her, but Cera scooped the ball up with her head.  “It’s my turn,” she laughed. She flung the ball into the air, then hit it towards the goal. It came too fast for Petrie to block it. “Darn it,” Petrie muttered as Cera scored the first point for the Fighting Flatteeth. The ball was returned to the center for the beginning of the second round.

When Chef blew the starting whistle, Rhett was more prepared this time. He used his neck to maneuver the ball away from the threehorn. “Get back here,” Cera laughed competitively.  Rhett managed to make his way to the goal.  He whacked the ball into the goal with his tail. Ali tried to block it, but Rhett  had hit it at an angle that made this impossible. “Good shot Rhett,” Ali complimented. “Uh…thanks,” Rhett blushed back.

Again, a montage was used to make sure the episode didn’t run on for too long. The score was tied 2 to 2. (Hey, alliteration.)  The next point would decide the winner.


Ali: I’ll admit, this challenge was pretty fun. I think we should definitely play this again when this stupid show’s over.

The final round. Cera managed to grab the ball. Rhett however swan fast and bumped her, knocking the ball away from her. “Go Rhett go! Cheered Shorty. “This is it” Rhett though confidently, but as he was swimming towards the other goal, he saw Ali’s face. She was smiling a beautiful smile and giggling. Rhett totally froze up in amazement. “What are you doing?!” Shorty, Ruby, Rory, and Tera yelled from the crowd. Rhett just kept staring happily at Ali, and the ball floated away….Cera got it….and hit it into the Super Sharpteeth’s goal.  

“Huh?!” Rhett said, coming back to his senses.  “The Fighting Flatteeth win invincibility!” Chris called. “Ok Super Sharpteeth, vote someone off and I’ll see you at the bonfire tonight.


Rhett: (Nevously.) I hope my team isn’t mad at me.


Petrie: Rhett………………….Why?


Chris walked up with a plate. “You’ve all cast your ballots and made your decision. I only have 6 sweet bubbles on this plate, if..”  “If your name is not called, you must walk to the Tunnel of Shame, and you can’t come back ever, we know,” Tera concluded for him. Chris huffed. “Scene stealer.”  Anyways, the ceremony began. “One for Shorty, one for Guido, one for Tera.” The 3 went up and collected their prize. “Rory, Petrie, you’re safe.”  “Yeah!” smiled Rory. Tera gave Petrie a happy grin when she heard she was safe. “Ruby, Rhett, only you two remain.”


Shorty: Ok man, you valued a longneck who doesn’t even have a crush on you, that’s weak.”

“The final sweet bubble of the night goes to……….Ruby.” The fast runner looked relieved and got her treat. “Rhett, the tunnel awaits.” Rhett frowned sadly and walked towards the exit of the competition.

As Rhett almost was ready to exit, he heard some footsteps running up. “Rhett! See you around!” He turned around, it was Ali. “Thanks Ali,” Rhett smiled, “See you back in the herd.” The two longnecks shared one more smile and Rhett continued off.

(Ha, bet at first you thought from the preview in Episode 9 that Rita would’ve been the one going home, but she wasn’t.)

(Next time: The 13 remaining dinos enter a grueling over 1-mile long obstacle course, Rory gets a good luck charm, and Littlefoot and Ali get to spend more time with each other.

However….you won’t believe who goes home…..or why.

Also, Cody from TDI guest stars!)


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 11: Obstacle Discourse

Ali and Cera’s truce was mostly just a temporary one, as they didn’t really talk to each other by the next night. But, at least Cera hadn’t done anything despicable for a while.  “It’s peaceful here,” Ali commented,  but the silence was soon disrupted by Shorty bragging about how he scored high in the diving challenge. “Never mind,” she laughed, as Littlefoot walked by.  “Hi Ali,” Littlefoot said. The two longnecks smiled at each other. “Hi Littlefoot, I’m feeling good,” replied Ali. “That’s good to hear,” Littlefoot replied. Littlefoot was about to walk away, when he stopped and sighed and turned around. “Ali…” he began to say. “What?” she asked back. Littlefoot paused. “Never mind, I forgot.” He said, and walked off.


Ali: Littlefoot…I think he knows how I… (Footage cuts off.)


The 13 remaining dinos were excited, because they had heard another human from the future was coming to guest star in this episode.  Rory was chowing down on a spiketail for breakfast. “I don’t think you should chew that fast…” suggested Chomper. “Why not?” asked Rory between bites, and he soon got his answer. He bit down on one of the spikes, and the solidness of it caused a loose tooth the fast biter had to fall out! “Hey, you lost a tooth,” Tera commented. “Yeah, one less tooth we have to worry about when you try to it us,” Cera said, even after 10 episodes, still not trusting Chomper’s sharpteeth friends.  


Rory: This is cool! There’s an old fast biter legend: If you hold onto the first tooth you lose, it’ll bring you good luck!

Petrie flew over to Tera. “You look pretty today,” he said, not knowing the best way to talk to a girl. “Thanks Petrie,” Tera replied.

Just then, Chris showed up. The TDV time machine was behind him. “Let me introduce another former TDI camper, Cody!”

Another human stepped out of the TDV time machine. “Hey, I’m Cody,” the geeky-looking kid called. “Hello Cody,” Littlefoot smiled. “Anyway dudes,” Chris began to explain, “Cody volunteered to assist the Super Sharpteeth in this next challenge.”  Cody walked over to the SS team to even out the numbers. He then noticed Petrie staring at Tera.  “So, this pterodactyl has a crush eh?” Cody laughed. “What’s a pterodactyl? “ Petrie asked. “Me a flyer.” Cody laughed a bit, “Don’t worry, I can help you get the girl. I know how to attract girls, I wouldn’t mind helping you out. Petrie laughed a bit.  


Petrie:  Me like Tera, but does me like her a lot? Is that what Cody thinks?

Chris then walked in front of everyone. “Ok dudes, just wait here until Chef comes to instruct you on your next challenge.” “CHEF?!” everyone yelled surprise, especially Ducky and Tippy.  Chef came into the mess hall, wearing an army uniform. “OK soldiers, move out and follow me!” The dinosaurs didn’t know what exactly what a soldier was, but they all quickly replied “Yes sir!”  


Ducky:  Chef is very tough, he is, he is. But I’m not saying that is a good thing.

After a few minutes of running in rows, Chef saw their destination. “Hey, Tippy recognizes this place!” Tippy commented. “It’s called the Canyon of Forever, isn’t it?”  The Canyon of Forever, as the Great Valley dinosaurs called it, was a VERY LONG and straight canyon that went on for a few miles. Do to the limited space and long distance, that’s how the nickname was coined. But they noticed something odd: throughout the canyon, as far as the eye could see, there were many different things set up! “Our next challenge is an obstacle course,” Chris laughed in his weird way.  Chef took over from here.

“Ok, listen up sissies! You will each run through this series of grueling obstacles. If you want to give up, simply walk across the red tape marking the borders of the course, or if you get knocked across accidentally, well TOO BAD!”


Tippy: Tippy notices something weird: Whenever Chef yells, you can see some weird red thing move around in the back of his mouth.

Cody walked over to Petrie. “Ok Petrie, if you want Tera to like you, just follow me lead,” he instructed. Cody then licked his hand, rubbed it through his hair, and did the “Wink-and-the-gun”  move. “What that?” Petrie asked. “It attracts the ladies,” Cody grinned.

Chef was finishing up giving the instructions. “And after every couple obstacles, there will be a small area where you can take a 30-second rest. However, if you’re still there longer than 30 seconds, you’re automatically eliminated!”  The dinos gulped. “Now go!” Chef yelled.

The teams took off. “This is gonna be hard, it will be, it will be,” Ducky panted, entering the first obstacle:  a path suspended a about a foot in the air that’s a long, giant net. “Not for a threehorn,” Cera laughed. However, she decided to give Ducky a ride on her back.


Cera:  Look, I don’t need Ducky betraying me like Myra did….even though she’s no threat to my winning.

Indeed, this first obstacle was no problem for the big-footed dinos like Littlefoot, Ali, Cera, Tippy, and Shorty. (Cody was also doing fine.) But for dinosaurs with little feet like Petrie, Tera, Ducky, Guido, Ruby, and Chomper, this was hard.  Rory, however, was having no trouble at all. “My good luck charm works!” he laughed happily to his teammates, showing his recently-lost tooth.  “No way,” Tippy said.  

Tera got her foot stuck in one of the net’s holes. “Oh crud,” she muttered. “Me help you,” Petrie smiled, pulling Tera out. “Thanks Petrie,” Tera smiled. Petrie remembered the move Cody showed him. He imitated that. Tera started laughing out loud. “What was that?!” she laughed. “Something Cody showed me,” Petrie replied.


Cody: Ok, maybe dinosaur chicks are attracted by the same moves human chicks are.

The next obstacle was an upward-slanted platform with water being sprayed downwards, making it slippery and was pushing you back. “I got an idea guys,” Littlefoot called to his team, “Everyone hold onto each other’s tails and we’ll climb at the same time,” he instructed. “Good idea,” smiled Chomper. The FF team’s line was in this order: Littlefoot, Ali, Tippy, Cera, Ducky, Rita, and Chomper. With team work, they were able to slowly make their way to the top. The Super Sharpteeth, however, were having some problems. Shorty, Cody, and Rory made their way to the top. However, Guido was unable to fight back against the force of the water, and it pushed him out of boundaries. “Guido has been eliminated from the challenge!” Chris called through his megaphone.


Shorty: Guido’s such a wimp, he’s going home the next time my team loses!


Guido: Whoever’s laughing at me back in the valley, don’t. I’ll get them back one day!

The group reached their first rest stop. They saw a timer set for 30 seconds counting down.  “Tippy could use this rest…” Tippy huffed relieved. “Yeah, eating that much green food can’t get you out of shape,” Cera taunted. Tippy then charged into Cera and knocked her over. She and Ali slapped their front legs together. “You’re gonna pay for that.”

“Time’s almost up!” Chomper called, noticing only 5 seconds left on the clock. He and Rita took off first, the 11 remaining dinos quickly followed them. “This is so exciting Chomper!” Rita cheered, holding Chomper’s hand. “Yeah, it is,” Chomper blushed back.  All of a sudden, the screen went black.

Chris came in front of the audience. “I’m sorry to report this dudes, but the next couple of cameramen didn’t notice their cameras were off, so we have no footage of the “Ring of Fire Jump.” “We now return to the regular episode.”


Rory: That jump was so incredible! Anybody who didn’t see it should just hate themselves right now!

Rory’s tooth really seemed to be giving him good luck.  He passed through the next couple of obstacles no sweat.  The next obstacle was walking across a thin wire without falling off.  Petrie and Tera, having small feet, did a good job in this portion, as they grabbed the wire with their small claws and scaled it by walking left-to-right. Tera let out a sigh. “Petrie…I guess I’ll tell you about my family,” Tera said, moving while talking. Petrie looked surprised, he was now going to learn about this new flyer he met for the first time in TDV.

“You see……back in the Valley I grew up in, I didn’t have the kinds of friends you have. My family was so fancy and proper. Everyone wanted me to be this goodie-two wings flyer who was just like everyone else, and I couldn’t take it. All the boy flyers I knew were complete sexists, and so I flew away from home. When the humans came and when I heard about Total Drama Valley, I figured this was a chance to get some real friends, so I went for it! Now, I have some friends: you, Ali, Littlefoot, Rory, Guido, and Tippy. “Me welcome,” Petrie smiled, but he accidentally let go of the wire and hit the ground. “Petrie has been eliminated!” Chris called. Petrie and Tera just shared a smile and a laugh. “I know you’ll do better next challenge,” Tera smiled.


Tera: Petrie’s pretty cool. Oh what the heck, I like him a lot.


Petrie:  Me think Tera is the coolest flyer ever.

A few obstacles/rest spots later, a lot had happened.  Ruby, Ducky, Tippy, and Rita had all been knocked out of bounds or forfeited. Only Littlefoot, Ali, Cera, Chomper, Rory, Shorty, and Tera remained; Cody still assisting the SS team.  “OK guys, you just have to concentrate on the goal, that’s the key to winning,” Cody instructed politely. “Being tough helps,” Shorty muttered sarcastically.  The next obstacle came up. It was thin platforms with many punching bags attached to cords that could knock the players off that were swinging like a pendulum blade.  Ali walked over to Littlefoot, wanting to say something.

“Littlefoot…you were really smart today.” Ali complimented. “Thank you Ali,” Littlefoot smiled back. “But I kind of…like you,” Ali admitted. Littlefoot looked surprised. “Really?” he asked. “Yeah…” Ali replied. Ali started leaning in for a kiss! Before Littlefoot could react…WHAM! One of the punching bags knocked him off the platform.


Littlefoot: I did not see that coming…but Ali and the obstacle part.

The final 6 in the course reached the final resting point. (The last 6 were Ali, Cera, Chomper, Rory, Shorty, and Tera.) Petrie flew over to Tera holding a sweet bubble. “For you…” he grinned, handing her it. “Thanks Petrie,” Ters smiled back, then she paused. She then gave Petrie a peck (The flyer equivalent of a kiss) on the side of his face! Petire blushed deeply, while most of the players who had lost at this point went “Oooohhhh…” in a lovey-dovey voice.  The 30-second timer was almost up. “Go on Tera!” encouraged Petrie. Tera nodded.

The final obstacle was this: the final 6 could see the finish line, but a little bit behind it was some sort of jet engine forcing air back towards them. “This wind is out on control!” Asli yelled. Rory managed to stop moving forward, his tooth giving him good luck. Unfortunately, the wind caught Tera’s wings and knocked her out of bounds. “Ah well,” she shrugged. Meanwhile, the wind was making it too hard for Cera to move. “That’s it, this is getting ridiculous,” she complained, and willingly quit.  Only, Ali, Shorty, Chomper, and Rory remained. Chomper held his down so the top of his head could attempt to counteract the wind, and it seemed to be working.


Chomper: So is this what he meant when the Noah kid called me an airhead?

Just then, Rory’s tooth was blown out of his hands. “Keep going!” Shorty and Cody encouraged. “Yeah sissies!” Chef added suddenly.  All of a sudden, with his tooth gone, the fast biter had trouble blocking the wind for some reason. Suddenly, he was knocked off his feet, and he bumped into Shorty….knocking them out of the game, just as Ali and Chomper crossed the finish line. “The Fighting Flatteeth win!” Chris called. Littlefoot went up to Ali. “You did great!” he complimented. Just then, Rory came up. “Did any of you see my tooth? It’s suddenly gone missing.” The longnecks nodded no. “But that’s weird, this is an enclosed space, you should see it,” Ali replied. “Maybe someone took it,” suggested Rory. “But why would anyone steal your tooth?” Littlefoot asked.


Chris came out with the plate of sweet bubbles, as usual. “There are 6 Super Sharpteeth, but only 5 sweet bubbles. If I don’t call your name, you must go through the Tunnel of Shame and you can’t come back, ever.

“You’ve all cast your ballots in the confession cam. The first sweet bubble of the night goes to Shorty.” Chris called. “All right!” Shorty grinned. (BTW way, Cody had already left in the time machine.) “Next, Petrie.” Petrie and Tera hugged each other before Petrie collected his invincibility. “Rory……Ruby.” It was down to Tera and Guido, Tera knew what the final result was going to be. “The final sweet bubble of the night goes to…………..Guido.”  “HUH?!!!!!!!!” yelled Tera. “You guys….voted me off and kept Guido?!” Petrie, Shorty, and Rory looked shocked. “Something wrong Chris,” Petrie said, “Me know for sure that me, Rory, and Shorty did not vote her off!”  “Too bad dude, the ballot box says 4 votes against Tera, so she’s gone.”

“I was not!” Tera yelled, but Chef grabbed her. “Lemme go!” she yelled, but Chef carried her to the Tunnel of Shame and tossed her inside. “Time to test this bad boy out,” Chris laughed, and pressed a button. Suddenly, a glass wall blocked the way back into  TDV. Petrie flew over. “Me didn’t do this!” he tried to explain. “You traitor!” Tera yelled back, but she saw Petrie’s face, and could tell he was telling the truth. “Me never forget you Tera!” Petrie waved. “I won’t either!” Tera called back.


Guido was standing by himself by the bonfire, slowly eating his sweet bubble. He was thinking of past events over the course of the show: Rory scaring him….being tricked into sticking his tongue on ice in episode 6….being pushed into the water on 7…..sitting in bug guts last episode…..



Guido: (Holding Rory’s tooth.) You guys love playing jokes, huh? Well, I hope you find this one funny. (Jams Rory’s tooth into the locked ballot box, and strains until he opens it.)  Changing the votes so Petrie’s girlfriend gets voted off, hilarious eh?! (Takes out ballots, puts new ones in.)


Guido looked at Shorty, Petrie, and Rory off in the distance. “I got you backed…” he laughed evilly, and through Rory’s tooth away.

NEXT TIME: The 12 remaining dinos (With the assistance of many flyers) face a series of challenges set in the sky, Tippy’s secret admirer is revealed, and Rita wants to show something to Chomper.

(Betcha didn’t see the ending coming eh? BTW, we’re halfway through. Episode 22 is scheduled to be the last episode.)


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Brekclub85 presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 12: On a Wing And A Scare.

While the Super Sharpteeth were shocked (Except for Guido….) by the latest elimination, the Fighting Flatteeth were just having fun in their cabins. “Hey Littlefoot…” Chomper smiled, it was just him and Littlefoot in the boys’ cabin now. “What Chomper?” the longneck asked. “I just wanted to say thanks for the time you stood up to Doc for me.” “It’s no problem buddy, Littlefoot smiled back. Back when Chomper used to live in the GV, he and Littlefoot were practically brothers.  Chomper was glad TDV gave him a chance to see his old friends again.


Littlefoot:  Desptie what you may think, Chomper’s pretty nice for a sharptooth, even if he eats meat.

Meanwhile, in the FF girl’s cabin, Tippy was trying to solve her personal mystery: Who secretly liked her? Ali and Rita came over to her. “Can Ali and Rita help Tippy?” the spiketail asked. “Sure Tippy,” responded Ali. “what do you need help with?” Rita asked. “Tippy can just not figure out who has been giving her these,” she said, motioning towards the rocks. Ali blushed, “Probably some boy…” she smiled. “But who? Spike was voted off awhile ago.” That was a good question. “While…the remaining boys are Littlefoot, Shorty, Chomper, Guido, Petrie, and Rory.”  
Chomper’s with me,” Rita blushed.


Rita: Say anything bad about Chomper and I’ll hunt you down.

“We knew Petrie liked Tera, and Rory liked Myra,” Ali said. “That just leaves Shorty and Guido.” “What about Littlefoot?” Tippy asked, wondering why Ali excluded her. “No….reason,” Ali gulped.


Ali:  Littlefoot’s cool, and I guess I like him, but… (Realizes what she just said.)

Rita thought of something.  “You know…those started showing up after you and Cera started arguing. Maybe she sent those just to play a trick on you.” She suggested. “Good point Rita,” Tippy replied, eyeing Cera, who was sharing treestars with Ducky (Which she had Ducky get for her.) The girls looked at each other. “Night,” they all waved, and went back to their bunks, waiting for the next challenge.
Little did they know….they were in for a rude awakening the next morning.


Rory was the first to awaken.  He looked up and smiled at the first sight he saw. “A beautiful blue sky filled with puffies…”  His eyes widened. He shouldn’t see the sky because he was sleeping in his cabin….or was he? He realized he was lying a top a big flyer….who was in mid-flight! “What the?!” Rory yelled. The other 11 dinos soon woke up. “How’d we get up here?!” Ali yelled. “Me don’t know!” Petrie called back. Suddenly, a flyer in front of the rest of the group came to fly above everyone else. “Morning dudes,” Chirs smiled in his minor psychopathic way.


Guido: I swear, humans are absolutely crazy.


Cera: When this episode airs, can someone tell me please how me how they got us on these flyers’ backs and into the sky without waking us up? It just doesn’t make sense.

Chris then let out a laugh. “Before I explain you’re next series of challenges, let me introduce another former TDI camper…….Izzy!” “Look out below!” The dinosaurs heard a voice call.  They all looked up. A teenage girl with orange hair and light green clothes appeared to be falling from the from the sky! “Someone has to save her!” Littlefoot called. “Don’t worry about me bronto boy,” Izzy laughed, doing some 360 degree spins to slow her fall and landed carefully on a flyer that wasn’t carrying one of the players. “That was awesome!” Izzy laughed


Guido: What did I just tell you?

“Izzy’s here as a neutral player, she’ll assist both sides,” Chris explained. “Anyways, here’s today’s challenge. Similar to episode 10, we have 3 games planned and the representatives from each team already picked.”   The dinos tried hard to keep their balances on the big flyers. “Couldn’t you have told us about this?!” Ruby asked. “Nope,” replied Chris.  “Anyways, here’s the first game:  We’re flying near what you dinosaurs call  Tree Sweat Meadow.  The selected competitors from each team will tell their flyer which directions to fly in (Up, down, left, right, etc..) The objective is to collect as many tree sweets as possible in mid-flight. The player with the most tree sweets at the end of two minutes scores a point for his or her team.” Everyone looked nervous down at the ground.

“Come on, this sounds dangerous!” Izzy said…happily. “Representing the Fighting Flatteeth  will be Littlefoot and representing the Super Sharpteeth will be Ruby. The friends looked at each other. “Good luck,” they each said to each other.


Ruby: I’m having fun, because if I wasn’t having fun, I wouldn’t be enjoying myself.

The flyers carrying Littlefoot and Ruby flew to the front of the crowd. Izzy jumped on Littlefoot’s flyer.  Chris held the starting gun up in the air. “All right, there’s no way this’ll hit  a flyer now,” he laughed. BANG! “GO!” Suddenly, a nearby flyer who wasn’t a part of the game fell down. “Dang stray bullets,” Chris muttered.

Ok, head down,” Ruby instructed the flyer she was riding,  and he obeyed. Ruby managed to hold on tight, but Littlefoot, being a four-footer, was having some trouble. The flyers descended into the meadow.  “That tree on the right!” called Littlefoot. “Ya-hoo!” wailed Izzy.  She managed to grab 2 tree sweets with a swift movement of her hand.


Izzy: It’s great to be back on TDI! Even if it’s not TDI, but still. These dinosaurs are cool. I think I even have an uncle who is 1/64th brontosaurus….

“Up a bit, through the branches!” Ruby ordered, and the flyer obeyed.  With some careful movements of both the hands and feet, she swiped 4 tree sweets! The contest was neck and neck, or as Chris said in “Neck to longneck.”


Ali: Ok, was that supposed to be a joke?

Littlefoot saw a massive collection of tree sweets on a higher branch. “Up there!” he called, and the flyer began heading upward at a near 90 degree angle. Littlefoot managed to hold on, but Izzy slipped off “Izzy!” he shouted shocked. “Don’t worry about me,” Izzy called back, doing some mid-air flips, and jumping off tree brances like a ninja until she landed safely.


Littlefoot: Thank goodness, I hate seeing my friends get hurt.

Unfortunately, in addition to Izzy, Littlefoot’s sweet bubbles had fallen off as well! “Ruby scores a point for the Super Sharpteeth team,” Chris called, Ruby proudly holding the 7 tree sweets she managed to snatch. Cera scoffed at her team’s defeat. “That wouldn’t have happened if I was playing.” She then felt a rumble in her stomach. “Are you OK Cera?” Ducky asked. “Yeah…just think I ate too many tree stars last night…” “Serves Cera right,” Tippy laughed from atop her flyer. “It was a good try,” Ali smiled to Littlefoot as he and Ruby’s flyers re-ascended. “Thanks Ali,” Littlefoot replied.

The group of big flyers began flying over the Mysterious Beyond for the 2nd challenge. Rita, however, was remembering something. She whispered to her flyer “fly over to the one with the purple sharptooth.”  “Hi Rita,” Chomper smiled to his girlfriend. “I never mentioned this earlier….” Rita began “Because I wanted to keep it a surprise. But since we’re flying over it, look down.” Chomper looked down. On the ground several feet below were the bodies of several dead herbivores….that were arranged in the shape of a heart! “I did for you,” she smiled.


Chomper: That was nice and cool of Rita….and I’ll admit, kind of creepy.

Chomper and Rita shared a brief kiss, then Chris showed up. “Here’s the next challenge dudes,” he called. “Look down.” There was a big waterhole below them, and in the center was a ring of buoys the interns has set up. “One player from each team must jump off their flyer and aim for the center. The player who lands closer to the center scores for a point for their team. Tippy will be the FF’s jumper and Rory will be the SS’s jumper.”


Tippy:  Can somebody assure Tippy that they aren’t trying to kill us?


Rory: Bring it on. I can do this.

Tippy decided to go first. “Tippy has to time it just right…” she said nervously.  “Be careful,” Ali, Ducky, Chomper, Littlefoot, and Rita said, cheering her on from sidelines. “Thanks guys,” Tippy said, happy to have encouragement from her friends. Her flyer began circling the water hole. Tippy squinted her eyes and looked over the edge. “Here goes nothing…” she muttered, then got a running start and jumped.

“WHOA!” Tippy yelled, the water getting closer and closer. Some of the dinos looked away, they didn’t want to see what was coming next. But Tippy managed to maneuver herself toward the center, and landed with a big splash! “Tippy has reached the 25 inches from the center mark. Can Rory beat her distance?” Chris announced. “I’ll try,” the fast biter said, getting into jump position.

“You can do it,” Petrie and Shorty encouraged, but Guido didn’t care as he still was mad at Shorty, Rory, and Petrie. “YEAH, YOU CAN!” laughed Izzy, appearing behind Rory out of nowhere, taking him by so much surprise he fell off his flyer. “Oh crap,” muttered Izzy in a “Whoops” fashion.  Rory kept plunging towards the waterhole with no control. He ended up landing directly on the buoy. “Ooh, that had to hurt,” said Ruby concerned about her teammate. “Tippy has scored for the Fighting Flatteeth team! The next game will decide which team wins invincibility.”


Tippy: Yeah, that’s what a spiketail can do!

Rory and Tippy were allowed to stay on the ground and have a breakfast provided by Chef, the other 10 dinos jealous as they hadn’t had breakfast yet.  :Our final challenge will require two players from each team. From the Super Sharpteeth: Shorty and Guido, and from the Fighting Flatteeth: Cera and Ducky.” “So what’s the game,” Cera asked, still feeling uneasy from the tree stars she ate last night. “While man, here’s how it works: A vine will be tied to the legs of two flyers. One player from each team will hold onto the vines, while a player from the other team tries to knock you off.  The flyers will be heading towards a set finish line, so the players can’t control their movements. So that means, the knock-offer can be knocked off themselves. The team with the last player standing wins their team invincibility, as well as a bonus prize: the interns we’ll replace your mattresses in your cabins with a more comfortable brand.” The dinos didn’t know what brand meant, but it sounded cool.


Guido: When I win this challenge, maybe my team will finally respect me.

It was decided: Shorty and Cera would hold onto the flyers (Armed with a few pine cones), and Ducky and Guido would onto the vines. “I am very nervous this, I am, I am,” Ducky said, being suspended about 5 stories in the air. “Now…take off!” called Chris. The flyers began rushing towards the finish line. Shorty through the first pine cone. It hit Ducky, but it wasn’t enough to make her fall off. “Nuts,” muttered Shorty. “You’re going down,” Cera taunted the green feathered flyer. Guido was managing to dodge every cone she threw.


Cera: I wasn’t going to lose to a nerdy flyer, so I thought of different means of victory.

Izzy, Chris, and the 6 dinos still up in the sky were watching the race from the sidelines. “Go Ducky!” Cheered on Littlefoot, Chomper, and Ali.  Cera turned around, and noticed the finish line was coming up, and she was out of pine cones. She then looked down at the vine tied to the flyer’s foot, and grinned evilly. “Game over Guido!” she laughed, and was about to undo it when she felt the feeling in her stomach get much worse. “Oh gosh,” she said, before letting out a massive “BUUUUURRRRRRPPPPPPP!!!!” Guido heard this noise, and began to laugh. A lot. It distracted him from seeing a big rock pillar right in front of him. “Watch out,” Petrie and Ruby tried to call, but it was too late. Guido crashed into the pillar, and the impact of it because the vine was still attached sent her flying towards the ground too!


“Daddy, I’m hungry..” A little girl sharptooth said. “Don’t worry Clawdia, we’ll find food soon, it’s not like it falls from the sky,” he father assured. Just then, Cera landed with a perfect 3-point (Technically 4 points because of legs) landing in front of them. Cera turned around and looked at them nervously, the little sharptooth and her father licking their mouths in anticaption. “AHH!!” Cera yelled, running back towards Total Drama Valley.


“The finish line is near!” Chris called. “If the flyer crosses it, the Fighting Flatteeth win 3 challenges in a row!” “Oh no,” thought Shorty. He was out of pine cone ammo, and jumping up and down to shake the vine wouldn’t work.  He decided to go out in a blaze of glory. “I’m outta here,” Shorty laughed, eyeing a tree with several tree sweets in it, and jumped out, hitting his head on the branch. The flyer crossed the finish line, Ducky about to lose grip. “Ducky has won! The Fighting Flatteeth win invincibility and the new beds!” “Ducky! Ducky!” her teammates cheered, Cera managing to make it to safety from the sharpteeth.

Shorty and Guido walked to their teammates. “Me can’t believe you,” Petrie said, because Guido got distracted by a burp.   “Super Sharpteeth, you know what to do now.”

Izzy walked over to the dinos. “Looks like it’s time for me to head out,” she smiled in her crazy way. “The time machine’s that way chick,” Chris said. “Don’t worry about that,” Izzy laughed, grabbing a pink rock and throwing it to the ground, causing a puff of pink smoke, and when it cleared…she was gone.


(Everyone, footage edited together.): ……………………….


The 5 players gathered around the bonfire, Shorty and Guido with minor injuries. Chris came up. “There’s only 4 sweet bubbles on this plate. You’ve all cast your ballots in the Confession Cam. If..” “Me know Chris,” Petrie called. “We all know,” concluded Rory. “Geez bros, you don’t know a thing about tension…” Chris sighed.  He grabbed 2 of the sweet bubbles.

“Rory and Ruby, you’re safe.”  The fast biter and fast runner looked happy and collected their treat. “Petrie.” Chris called next. Petrie quickly flew over and ate the snack. “Down to Shorty and Guido…who both lost embarrassingly in today’s challenge.” Shorty looked angry. “I HAD….no other options” he muttered, knocking Chris to the ground. “’re safe. The final sweet bubble goes to Shorty. Guido, the Tunnel of Shame is waiting for you.”  Guido made a “Eh, what can you do?” look with his wings. “Eh, you can’t win em all,” he smiled, and began walking off, giving Ruby a hi-5 for being a good teammate.

As Guido was about to enter the tunnel, the 7 Fighting Flatteeth watched him leave. “Bye Guido,” Littlefoot smiled. “Before I go, I have one thing I need to say,” Guido said. What is it?” Chomper asked confused.  “Tippy….I was the one whose been sending you those heart-shaped rocks all this time.” “THAT WAS GUIDO?!” Tippy said in shock, she never would have guessed. “Yeah,” Guido replied, proudly admitting it. Tippy ran over to him. “See you later,” the spiketail said, giving him a kiss. “Sorry you were bullied this whole show.” “Don’t worry about it Tippy,” Guido smiled back, walking through the Tunnel of Shame.

“It’s not like I didn’t do anything about it,” he laughed mentally.

NEXT TIME: The 11 remaining dinosaurs have to prepare a meal with food found in a nearby forest, the Super Sharpteeth struggle to brake their losing streak, Gwen from TDI guest stars, and Cera’s meanness gets taken to a new level.


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 13: Cook, Lie, and Sinker.

1 night later, 9 of the remaining players were sleeping in their cabins, except for Littlefoot and Ali, who had gathered around the bonfire and lit it. “The weather’s perfect here,” Ali smiled. “You’re right there,” Littlefoot grinned back. Ali had something she wanted to say, and now was the perfect opportunity to say it. “Littlefoot…I really like you a lot,” she finally admitted. Littlefoot looked surprised, but only mildly. “And…I guess I like you too Ali,” the longneck smiled back. Then….it finally happened.

The two longnecks kissed. Directly on their mouths.  “Whoa…” they both muttered after it was done, but they shared a smile. Meanwhile, someone was watching from the bushes. It was Ducky.


Ducky: Cera told me to stay up and watch Littlefoot and Ali. I guess she’s just curious, I think, I think.

Ducky quicky ran back to the Fighting Flatteeth girls’ cabin. “You hear something?” Ali asked. “Probably just the wind,” Littlefoot suggested.


The Bight Circle came up in the sky. The 11 remaining players were eating breakfast in the Mess Hall. “Me don’t think this stuff tastes as bad as before,” Petrie commented.  “Really? I think it’s as awful as usual,” Shorty replied. Just then, Chris walked into the Mess Hall. “Morning dudes, this is the beginning of the halfway point. Congrats on making it  this far.”  Everyone looked at everyone else with a “congrats” look. Chris kept talking. “This will be your final challenge before the two teams merge into one.” Cera let out a laugh, “Come on, it’s 7 Vs. 4, they couldn’t possibly win!


Shorty: Ok, there’s only 4 including myself left on the Super Sharpteeth, but we’re the 4 tough ones!

“Before I explain your next challenge, let me introduce yet another past TDI camper: Gwen!”  A teenage human girl walked into the Mess Hall. “I thought you were kidding…” she said in surprised awe. She had aqua blue and black hair, and her skin seemed unusually “dusty” compared to most humans. “Hello Gwen,” Ali smiled. “OK, this IS a joke right?” Gwen asked Chris. “Did I fall sleep or something and you put some small actors in dinosaur costumes. “Nope, 100 % real sister,” Chris laughed in reply.

“Speaking of food dudes,” Chris began, “Your next challenge involves food. Here’s the challenge: Each of you must prepare a meal for me, and I’ll rate it on how much I liked it. You can get ingredients from the forest nearby,, where there’s some fruit vegetables…and the occasional herbivore or too.” Some of the leafeaters gulped, but they understood the challenge. “And there’s a little added twist this time,” Chris laughed. “What is it?” Rita asked.

Chris then held up a treestar that was golden colored. All the players ooed. “This is a special prize…for the losing team, that is,” he chuckled. “What does that mean?” Cera asked. “Well, which ever player on the losing team makes the highest-scoring meal, this golden treestar will give them….individual invincibility!” Everyone looked surprised.


Cera: Just what I need…. (Chuckles evilly…)

Gwen looked at the team. “I guess I’ll assist them,” she said, motioning towards Chomper, Tippy, Cera, Rita, Littlefoot, Ducky, and Ali. “Oh great, now it’s 4 on 8!” Rory muttered. Ruby tried to be positive. “Don’t be depressed guys, the contest hasn’t even started yet!” she encouraged.  “You have point,” Petrie smiled.  Chef then came out to explain how to cook certain dishes.


Littlefoot: All the humans we’ve met so far are nice, but….Chef’s kinda crazy.

After a time-saving montage of Chef telling the dinos how cooking works, Chris came in front of everyone. “OK everybody…you can go when I say….GO!” Everyone stood still. “Uh dudes, that was the signal.” “Oh….” Everyone replied. Then quickly rushed off.

Outside the mess hall, Rory, Shorty, Petrie, and Ruby were strategizing what to make. “Me think Chris would like the water-colored berries, (Blueberries) “ Petrie said.  “I’m sure there will be things you can hunt down Rory,” Shorty said. Suddenly, Rory remembered something. “Wait here,” he said, and ran back to the cabins.


Rory: I can’t believe I had forgotten about it.

Rory came back from the cabins holding a key. “It’s the key to the Sharptooth Food fridge I won a couple episodes ago,” he explained. “Great idea,” smiled Ruby, though still a little uneasy because it was, after all, other dinos as food they were talking about, but everyone had gotten mostly used to it by now. “We’ll head into the forest,” Shorty said, running off followed by Ruby and Petrie soon flew after.

Meanwhile, Gwen was walking with Ali, Littlefoot, Chomper, and Rita. “This place is pretty peaceful,” she commented, even though she personally thought the prehistoric times smelled funny.  “Yeah, it’s very nice here,” Ali replied. “Except for the stupid Total Drama part,” Gwen concluded. The human and 4 dinosaurs shared a laugh.  Suddenly, Chomper saw a teenage swimmer in the distance. “I’ll get it,” he whispered to his friends. He started to run forward…but he suddenly stopped for some reason…and he didn’t stop by himself.


Chomper:  What happened next was scary, I remember it happening before to me.

Chomper was sinking in quicksand!


Chris: Yeah, that was my idea. What? This episode lacked action.

Meanwhile, Cera, Ducky, and Tippy were walking in another direction. “Could Cera help Tippy get these sweet bubbles down?” Tippy asked. Cera just walked away, and Tippy grunted angrily. Cera called Ducky to behind a big tree. “Alliance meeting,” she explained. “If we want to win, we need to break Littlefoot and Ali up.” Ducky looked unsure. “What does that mean?” she asked. Cera thought for a moment. “It just means…we’ll make them get mad at each other for a little bit, but they’ll be happy later, it’s just a little joke.”


Ducky:  Cera hasn’t lied to me before, she hasn’t, she hasn’t…..I just hope no one gets hurt.

“Chomper!” Littlefoot yelled, jumping to save his friend…but getting stuck in the mud himself!

Meanwhile, Ruby, Petrie, and Shorty were helping each other collect leaves and berries. “It easy,” smiled Petrie. Shorty was trying to use his head to knock down some plants hanging from a branch. “I’ll get that, that is what I’ll get,” Ruby said, and began scaling the tree. Sure there were only 4 members of the Super Sharpteeth left, but they got along just fine.

Back at the sinkhole, Gwen had thought of a plan.  “Here, you two help me with this!” she yelled to Ali and Rita.  She had grabbed a big vine off of a tree. “Chomper, Littlefoot, grab on!” Ali shouted. The longneck and sharptooth quickly held onto the vine. “Now, pull!” instructed Gwen.  All 3 girls struggled for about a minute, but were eventually able to pull Chomper and Littlefoot free.  “Thanks…Ali,” Littlefoot panted, then he gave her a kiss.  Gwen let out a tiny smile, she was still a goth, and Chomper and Rita awed.


Gwen: Those two brontos remind me of myself….and someone I know from 08’.

Chomper more carefully caught the swimmer this time. “Let’s head back to the Mess Hall,” suggested Rita. “Yeah, you probably have everything you need,” Gwen sighed. The place WAS peaceful, but boring.

Meanwhile, Tippy, Cera, Ducky, Shorty, Petrie, and Ruby had found pretty much everything they needed. “You guys are going down! 4 losses in a row,” Cera taunted. “We’ll see,” Ruby smugly grinned back.  Chris came out. “I see you dudes found all the… you’ll need,” he said. “Now for the next portion of the challenge: You have one hour to prepare me dishes with whatever you’ve obtained. You can each work individually or in small within-team groups, but only one player on the losing team can receive the Golden Treestar of invincibility.”


Cera: Better handle this part on my own. If we lose, I couldn’t risk Ducky getting that prize.

Rory had brought a threehorn carcass out of the Sharptooth Food fridge. “Me…no think Chris could eat all of that Rory,” said Petrie. “I know,” Rory replied, “I’ll just rip off the tail.” Cera looked grossed out as Rory proceeded to do this, but it made Ali and Tippy smile seeing her disgusted. “Let’s work together Ali,” Littlefoot smiled. Ali nodded. Chomper and Rita would also work as a group.  Meanwhile, the Super Sharpteeth were planning what to make.

“Something that’s mainly treestars,” Shorty suggested, “No…something with more sweet bubbles,” commented Ruby.  “You both wrong…me think something with berries would be good,” Petrie concluded. As Rory was flattening out the threehorn tail, he got an idea. “Why don’t you just combine all your ideas,” he suggested. The 3 brightened up. “Good idea Rory,,” Ruby smiled, “That could work.”


Rory: Yeah, I bet you in the Great Valley don’t think sharpteeth are stupid anymore, do ya?

Back at the Fighting Flatteeth’s cooking places, Cera was about to put her plan into action. While making a nice sweet bubble mixture, she told Ducky to do something for her.  “Tell Littlefoot to meet me outside the mess hall,” she instructed. “Got it,” replied Ducky, still not completely sure what was going on. She ran over to Littlefoot.

“What is it Ducky?” Littlefoot asked the swimmer. “Cera says she has something to tell you, she does, she does.” “Ok,” replied Littlefoot. Since he didn’t hang in the FF girls’ cabin, Littlefoot did not know what Cera was like. “She’s outside the mess hall,” Ducky said.

Chomper and Rita were using the oven (Which Chef explained how to use) on the swimmer corpse, and Ali was using the blender on the berries she and Littlefoot had got.


Ali:  How come humans can’t do this these themselves, they need these things called “Muh-cheens.”

What they didn’t know, was that Cera was taking a big risk in her plan. When Chef explained the right temperature the swimmer’s body should be cooked, Cera secretly set the oven to cook at a MUCH higher temperature, as well as secretly setting the blender to completely destroy the berries, but Ali didn’t realize this. Later, Littlefoot came outside, and Cera was looking extremely nervous, although she was only acting. “What’s wrong Cera?” Littlefoot asked nervous.

“Littlefoot….I need to tell you something about Ali,” Cera said nervous. “What?” Littlefoot asked confused. “Well… 2 nights ago, me and the rest of the girls were talking about the contest in our cabin….and Ali…..well, she said…” Littlefoot didn’t know what to think. “What did she say?” “She said….that she is just being nice to you so you won’t vote her off and so she can stay in the game.” Littlefoot looked shocked. “No way!” he yelled.  “Ducky will confirm it,” Cera continued. “Just….don’t tell her I said this to you.” “Ok…” Littlefoot nodded sadly, and walked back. Cera started laughing evilly.


Cera: I’m so in control of this game.

Tippy and Ducky were having trouble with their dishes, while meanwhile the Super Sharpteeth team was doing a good job with their food.  “We’re so gonna win,” Shorty bragged to the Fighting Flatteeth. And he just might be right, too. “What’s going on Littlefoot?” Ali smiled. Littlefoot frowned. “Don’t talk to me,” Littlefoot muttered angrily. “Geez, what’s your problem?” Gwen asked. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Littlefoot replied. Ali looked sad. “Littlefoot….what’s going on?” “You’ve used me..” Littlefoot said. “What?!” Ali asked confused.

Chris came into the kitchen. “5 minutes until feeding time dudes,” he instructed. “We should take it out of the cooker now,” Chomper smiled to Rita. But when they took it out….the swimmer corpse was on fire!  “Oh no,” Rita panicked. “It could get burnt, let’s take it out quick!” But when they grabbed it, it burned the two sharpteeth’s hands slightly! “Ow!” they yelled, tossing it aside, accidentally landing on Tippy and Ducky’s dishes. “Tippy’s food is on fire!” Tippy panicked. Chef came over with a fire extinguisher, but it was too late to save the 3 meals. But Ali and Gwen were focusing on Littlefoot’s sudden rudeness. “I don’t get it,” Ali said, slightly sad. “Why’s he being so mean?” “Take it from me, guys can be jerks sometimes,” Gwen said, remembering an incident she had back on TDI with Trent.

(BTW, the blender also malfunctioned and ruined the longneck’s dish.) Cera’s dish was the only still in good shaped one of the FF team, just as she planned. Chris came out to judge. “Ok dudes…chow time for me!” He tried Rory’s dish of tenderized threehorn tail first. “Not bad…can see why you eat these, I give it good marks.” “All right!” cheered Rory, giving Ruby and Petrie hi-5s.  He then tried the dish that was the combined efforts of those 3. “This….is…phenomenal dudes!” he said.


Chris: When I head back to the future, I’m stealing the idea for that dish and selling it in markets, that’s what I’ll do. Heh-heh.

Then he looked over at the Fighting Flatteeth’s cooking area. “Dudes…this is lame.” He went around trying the dishes. As Cera predicted, her’s was the only one Chris liked. “Looks like the Super Sharpteeth win this challenge!” “YES!” Shorty laughed, jumping up and down in triumph.  “And Cera, having the only somewhat decent meal on the Fighting Flatteeth team, wins individual invincibility!” Cera smirked, while Ali and Tippy looked furious at her. “Now Fighting Flatteeth…you have to decide who to vote off…besides Cera.”

Tippy, Chomper, Ali, and Rita were gathered outside the Mess Hall, discussing the situation. “Well, Chomper did mess up our food,” Tippy said angrily. “That wasn’t me!” Chomper replied, “I think Cera did something.” Tippy then noticed Ali looked sad. “What’s going on Ali?” she asked, concerned for her friend. “Well you see….what happened was….”


Tippy: Tippy can’t believe Littlefoot would act like that! Littlefoot is so gone.


Chomper: Littlefoot, how could you be mean to Ali like that?


Rita:  I thought you were nicer than tha!


Cera: Now I’ve got everyone’s attention off of me, I can so run this game now.


Chris came out, holding a plate of 5 sweet bubbles. “You’ve all cast your votes and made your decision. If I do not call your name, you must immediately proceed to the Tunnel of Shame, and you can never ever come back.” The team exchanged angry glances at Cera and Littlefoot, but he didn’t notice them.

Chris picked up the sweet bubbles. “Ducky, Chomper, Rita, Tippy, Ali, here you go,” he smiled, throwing all of them at once. Littlefoot suddenly went wide-eyed. It was over, just like that? He looked at his friends confused. “But why would you want me off the team?” he asked, not realizing he fell for Cera’s scheme. “Because Littlefoot was mean to Ali earlier,” Tippy replied. “But…I thought she only was nice to me so I wouldn’t vote her off. Now Ali looked confused.

“I never said that!” she yelled, “Who said that to you?” “Cera,” Littlefoot replied, starting to realize something was wrong. Cera only let out an evil grin. “She tricked you Littlefoot,” Ali said. “What?!” Littlefoot yelled. “I’m sorry,” Cera said, but you could tell sarcasm in her voice. Tippy, Chomper, and Rita looked at Littlefoot. They had made a big mistake.  “Littlefoot….we’re sorry,” Chomper apologized. Littlefoot looked at his true friends. “It’s ok Chomper,” Littlefoot smiled back. “And I’m sorry to,” he concluded, looking towards Ali, letting out a smile. The two longnecks went in for a kiss….when Chris interrupted them. “Littlefoot….Tunnel of Shame time bro,” he commented. “Ok,” sighed Littlefoot, and the longneck proceeded to walk down the Tunnel. “Goodbyre bro,” Shorty said from the Super Sharpteeth cabins. “See you around Shorty,” Littlefoot called. Ducky, Chomper, Ruby, Petrie, Rory, Tippy, Rita, and Ali all waved goodbye.


In the Super Sharpteeth boys’ cabin, Shorty, Rory, and Petrie were sleeping peacefully.

In the SS girls’ cabin, Ruby was having a good night’s sleep.

In the FF boys’ cabin, Chomper was also having a good sleep story.

However, in the FF girls’ cabin, Ali, Tippy and Cera were up all night being angry at each other. They were so loud….


Ducky and Rita: Zzzzzzzzzzzz. (They went into the Confession Cam just to get some sleep.)

(There, read and Review please! In case you’re wondering, I’m not a Cera basher, I just made her into the antagonist of TDV. I have nothing against the threehorn.)

Next time: The final 10 merge into 1 team, and an eating contest is the next challenge. Ruby gets better acquainted with the other girls’ arguments, and Tippy tries to break a bad habit.

We’re down to the final 10:


Who will win it all?


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 14: Digestion Dual

Gwen hadn’t returned to 2008 quite yet.  Ali was up all night, she was still upset about what happened to Littlefoot.  “You know what you have to do, get back at that triceratops,” Gwen smiled in an encouraging-yet slightly evil way. “Should I?” asked Ali. “Believe me, I spent the entire first season of TDI with Heather, the biggest cold-hearted witch ever.” Gwen explained. “What’s a witch?” Ali asked confused. “Nevermind,” Gwen grinned, and got back into the time machine and returned to the future.


Ali: I don’t want to be mean, but I’m sure a few jokes on Cera wouldn’t be bad. Heh heh.

The next morning, while the Final Ten were sleeping, Chris woke them up via the loudspeasker. “Good morning players!” he called. “Ugh, it’s too early,” complained Shorty, covering his ears with his pillow. “Everyone meet in the Mess Hall in 5 minutes, where we explain the merging of the teams.” “Me think that sounds neat,” smiled Petrie, the only one who was wide-awake.

Ruby emerged from the Super Sharpteeth girls’ cabin, watching Ducky and Rita emerge from the Confession Cam where they had to sleep due to Ali, Cera, and Tippy’s feud. “Why are you holding your noise Ducky?” she asked curiously.  “I have never smelled a sharptooth’s morning breath before, I haven’t I haven’t.” Ducky replied. “Het, I can’t help it,” Rita replied.


Rita:  Hey, she doesn’t know what it’s like to eat meat.

Chomper, Ali, Tippy, Shorty, Rory, and Petrie emerged from their cabins. “So we made it to the final 10 eh, this is exciting,” Rory smiled. The fast biter was a tad bit more fun-loving than competitive, which might be a reason his teammates liked him.  “Race you to the Mess Hall,” Shorty laughed, the longneck getting a head start. “Get back here,” Rory chuckled.

When the dinos got inside the eating area, they noticed something odd. “Hey Chris, why isn’t their any food for us? Did Chef not make any?” Shorty asked annoyed.


Shorty: Not like I’m saying that’s a bad thing. Ha.

“Oh, there will be food soon,” Chris snickered, any idiot could tell something was up by the way he made that remark. “Now that only 10 players remain in the competition, it is time where the Fighting Flatteeth and Super Sharpteeth teams to dissolve. The rest of Total Drama Valley will be a free-for-all, although you can help someone if you want to.” Some of the players looked nervous, would their friends turn their backs on them?

“Before the next game starts, we need a slight rearrangement to the cabins. All the boys will stay in the former Super Sharpteeth boys’ cabin, and all the girls will stay in the former Fighting Flatteeth girls’ cabin. Move out!” Chris instructed.


Cera: Perfect, Ruby could be valuable to my alliance if I can get here on my side….

Chomper settled in win Rory, Shorty, and Petrie just fine, he already knew the flyer and fast biter quite well. As Ruby entered the now just plain the Girls cabin, Cera walked up to her. “I’ve been watching you in the past couple challenges Ruby, you’re pretty strong,” she said with a fake smile. “Uh, thanks Cera,” Ruby replied.


Ruby: I might as well try to get on everyone’s good side, I don’t want to get voted off because of personal problems.

“Don’t listen to Cera Ruby,” Tippy said. “Cera’s nothing but tricks and meany-ness.” Ruby gulped, she didn’t know who to side with: Ducky and Cera or Ali and Tippy. (Rita was also neutral.)  “I think I’ll….just stay here…in the middle of the ground,” said Ruby, hoping she wasn’t making anyone mad.

Chris’ voice came over the loudspeaker again. “Ok, now that you are all settled in, please return to the Mess Hall now.”


Petrie: Why couldn’t we just stay there the first time and go into the cabins later? Me think it just doesn’t make sense.

When the Final 10 reentered the Mess Hall, they noticed a mantel of food covered in a blanket. “Is that our breakfast?” Chomper asked.  Chris snickered again, “Technically yes, but it’s also your next challenge.” “What’s the challenge?” Cera asked. “Well, look here,” Chris said, pointing towards a chalkboard. Across the bottom of the board horizontally was all the player’s names written, and vertically the numbers 1-10 (1 being on the bottom and 10 being on the top) were written.

“What’s going on?” Ali asked. “Since the game’s now a free for all, you all are competing for 3 individual invincibility spots we have available,” Chris replied. “BUT WHAT THE CHALLENGE?!” Petrie said, getting annoyed at this point. Chef laughed. “This,” he smirked, pulling off the tarp. Under the tarp were ten bowls filled with some weird, gooey substance. “Welcome to the Digestion Dual!” Chris laughed. “The dige-what?” asked Tippy. “An eating contest,” Chris grinned in reply. “We have 11 courses planned.”

“11?” Chomper said in surprise. Not even a sharptooth could eat that much at once. “Yup dude,” Chris replied. “Each of you has to each the entire bowl or plate and you’re point count will go up by one. The first three to eat 10 out of the 11 servings will win individual invincibility. So, if you refuse to eat just 2 dishes, you lose the chance for individual invincibility.”

“What is the first snack anyway?” Ali asked. “Good question Ali,” Chris snickered in reply. “A bowl, of nice, gooey, smashed bug guts.”


Ali: Yucky!


Chomper: Yummy!

Bowls of the bug guts were distributed to each of the players. “Tippy can do this, Tippy can do this,” Tippy muttered, not wanting to let her stomach get the better of her. “All right players, dig in!”  Chomper, Rory, and Rita, who already ate bugs, had no problem in this first round. Ducky was having the most trouble. “I can not eat this, oh no no no,” she said, in silent disgust. “Come on, you’re in my alliance, YOU CAN’T QUIT ON THE FIRST ROUND!” Cera said angrily, trying to swallow a mouthful of crushed insects. “ok Cera,” Ducky gulped, and proceeded to eat something gross.

In the end, everyone managed to eat the first dish.  “Ugh, what could be worse?” Petrie said, and he soon got his answer.  Another plate was served to everyone, each containing a bowl of mud. “Dish number two: A plate of mud we dug up from the ground.” “Will there be ground crawlers?” Rory asked. “I dunno,” Chris replied.


Tippy: Ok, the dangerous stunts is one thing, but making Tippy and the others eat this yucky stuff, that’s just plain horrible!

Petrie and Ducky were probably having the biggest trouble in the Digestion Dual, as having the (currently) smallest bodies also meant the smallest stomachs, so even if they were eating stuff they liked, it would be hard to keep it down. “Me hate this,” Petrie muttered, taking bite after bite of the dirt. Ruby was managing to keep her cool as best she could.

Cera looked at Ruby again. “You’re pretty tough at this,” she complimented, struggling to keep her meal down.   “I don’t how I can keep it down, I just know that I can,” Ruby tried to explain.  Ruby still didn’t know who to side with.


Ruby: Cera seems nice, but so are Ali, Rita, and Tippy. I’m just afraid I’ll make someone mad, because if they are mad, they won’t be happy.

Ali and Tippy looked at Chris, and they both were envious seeing him eating good ( at least to humans) food.  “Tippy can’t remember why Tippy signed up for this,” the spiketail sighed.  “Your guess is as good as mine,” said Rita, who didn’t enjoy the taste of the mud. “I thought you only came to be with Chomper Rita,” Ali grinned. “That’s right, “Rita replied, and the longneck and sharptooth shared a little laugh.  The ten had finished eating dirt by them. “2 down, 9 dishes to go. And meanwhile, 10 players still up for invincibility,” Chris laughed.

The game went on. Ducky and Petrie eventually had to skip one meal, Chef’s “Mystery Vegetable Stew.”   The 3 sharpteeth managed to down that, despite the fact they hate vegetables. “I don’t know…if I can go on much longer,” Ali sighed, trying he best not to puke. “Come on, Ali can do it,” Tippy encouraged. She leaned close to Ali’s ear. “We need to make sure Cera doesn’t win so we can vote her off.” “Yeah,” agreed Ali.

Cera could overhear their conversations. “I know what you’re planning,” she called. “You don’t honestly believe it could work, do you?”


Cera: Tippy’s going down next Bonfire.  I’ll teach that spiketail you shouldn’t mess with a threehorn!

The challenge continued. At this point, Rita, Ducky, and Petrie had lost their shot at inviciblity, Rita wimping out on the “Bowl of Dust” and the “Sand-which.”  


Petrie: Me not worried that me lost chance to be invincible. Me sure that me….won’t….Ooh, excuse me! (Quickly pukes into the Confession Cam bowl.)

Only Cera, Ruby, Ali, Tippy, Shorty, Chomper, and Rory remained.  “This stuff is beyond gross,” Shorty complained. “Too bad!” Chef yelled back. “Or maybe you want to give up sissy!” he taunted. Shorty looked angry, he wasn’t going to let Chef have a satisfactory feeling.  The 7 remaining players had reached the 8th serving, only 4 more to go (Including the one they were already on.).

Cera, Tippy, Rory, and Shorty currently had no skipped meals. Ruby, Ali, and Chomper had one skipped one each. “I don’t know how much more my stomach can take,” Chomper commented.  The next dish: Tree stars…that were YEARS old. “Where do you find this stuff?!” Cera said in disgusted confusion. “Our interns have resources,” Chris grinned in reply. Ali and Chomper looked at it. “I can’t do this,” Chomper frowned, and gave up his shot at invincibility.

Ali took a bite, but immediately spat it out. “I…can’t do this,” she said, wiping her tongue on the table just to get the rotten taste out of her mouth. “Ok, 5 down, 5 to go,” Chris said. Shorty didn’t like the rotten tree stars either, so he skipped that but he still could be in the game, as it was only his first skip.  Once again, the footage paused at this point. Chris then explained “We have to cut for time, dinos at home,” he explained.

It was the 10th dish. “What have you come up with now?” Rory said, lifting off the cloth covering it, to reveal…a perfectly normal tree star! “Ha, this all you got?” Cera laughed. “Actually, for you leafeaters, you have a different snack prepared for you dudes.” Ali, Ruby, Tippy, and Short saw that one their dish… was a small piece of cooked leafeater! “Oh my….” Said Tippy, wanting to vomit. It was from the “Already-Dead-So-It-Doesn’t-Count fridge, but still,” “We’re skipping!” Tippy, Cera, and Shorty said. Shorty was now eliminated from the game. “What about you Ruby?” Cera asked.


Ruby: I knew what I did next would either gain me a lot of respect, or lose every bit the others had for me…

Ruby was an omnivore, so she technically COULD eat meat if she wanted to. “Here…goes nothing,” she frowned, lifting the piece of meat. “Ruby…don’t tell me..” Ali said, but she soon got results. Ruby took a bite of the meat, and gobbled it down. “Whoa…” Shorty, Petrie, Tippy, Ducky, and Ali all said in amazement. But then it happened. What went down into Ruby this whole game was ready to come back up.  “Og geez..” she said, covering her mouth and running out of the Mess Hall. “I skip!” she quickly yelled, narrowing it down to the final three.


Ruby: My parents told me you shouldn’t let someone else see you throw up, but I couldn’t find a place here without the things they call cameras!

Meanwhile, on the final round of the challenge, Chris was talking with an intern. “What do you mean we’re out of food to give for this contest?!” he whispered angrily. “Well, that’s the case,” the intern replied. “What do we have on hand?” Chris panicked. “Just bottled water,” the intern replied. “That’ll have to do,” Chris sighed. “The final dish, these bottles of water.” “That’s all?” Rory replied. He, Cera, and Tippy quickly drank it down, no problem.

“We have our winners!” Chris congratulated. “Tippy, Cera, and Rory, you guys have individual invincibility!”

SAFE: Cera, Tippy, Rory.
UP FOR ELIMINATION:  Chomper, Shorty, Ali, Ruby, Rita, and Ducky.  

Ruby came back into the Mess Hall. “What did I miss?” she asked. “Well Ruby, you see..” Ali began to respond, but they she smelled something. “What’s that horrible smell?!” she said. “Uh, I jumped into this big batch of plants when I threw up, so know cameras could see,” Ruby explained. “Oh no dude,” Chris replied.


Chris: The plant Ruby jumped in has a tendency to let out an odor….that can’t be washed away….

Everyone had gathered in the cabins, deciding who to vote off.  “She’s a nice runner, but man, Ruby smells bad!” Rory complained, his, Chomper, and Rita’s sniffers were extra sensitive. “Good point, but what about Ducky?” Shorty replied.  “I don’t want to let that little swimmer beat me.” Chomper and Petrie were undecided, though they both had a particular dino they were considering voting off…

In the Girls cabin, Ruby had to stay outside because the others didn’t like her odor. “Sorry Ruby,” Tippy called. “I understand Tippy,” replied Ruby.  Ali and Tippy had a problem: since Cera was invincible, who would they vote off? “I say Shorty,” Ruby called. “He may be tough, but he can be mean.” “Good point,” added Ali. Cera went outside, trying not to sniff. “I was thinking of voting off Petrie Ruby,” Cera tried to smile. “He seems like he has some talent hidden.” “Er, no thanks, I’m going with Tippy and Ali.” “WHAT?!” Cera said angrily.


Cera: Ruby’s about to learn she just made her biggest mistake in the competition….


Cera, Tippy, and Rory were standing by Chris, all receiving the special “Golden Treestar.”  “You’ve all cast your ballots and made your decision,” Chris said to the 7 up for elimination. “If I do not call your name, you must immediately return to the Tunnel of Shame, and you can’t come back, ever.”

As usual, there was a big gulp. “The first sweet bubble of the night goes to Ali.” Chris said. Ali smiled and collected her prize. “Chomper….Rita…..Ducky.”  It was down to Petrie, Ruby, and Shorty. They boys were holding their noses. “The next name I’m going to call, is…….Petrie.”  The flyer happily collected his treat with a relieved sigh. “Shorty, Ruby, down to you.   The final sweet bubble of the night goes to……………..Shorty.”

Ruby let out a frown. “We’re sorry Ruby,” Chomper, Rita, and Rory said. “I understand,” Ruby replied. “I’m not,’ Cera commented. “You mean you voted off Ruby also?” Ali said, surprised that Cera didn’t vote off Shorty like she and Ali did. “She didn’t listen to me, “ Cera laughed.

Ruby walked down the Tunnel of Shame. “See you guys later,” she waved, hoping she’d be able to find a way to cover the stink. “Bye Ruby,” Ducky, Chomper, Rita, Ali, Shorty, Petrie, Tippy, and Rory waved. But Ali looked angry at Cera. She was not going to let her win!

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Next time: The 9 remaining dinosaurs compete in an extreme downhill big-leaf riding race, Petrie and Rita get taken n the ride of their lives in an accidental detour, and a prediction someone made in the past is about to come true….


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 15: It’s All Downhill From Here

In the boys’ cabin, Chomper, Petrie, Rory, and Shorty were playing a game they had leanred from the humans: pillow fighting. Well, to be more accurate, it was more just Chomper, Rory, and Shorty (Who was holding his pillow in his mouth), as Petrie was a little too small for this game.   “Watch your back Chomper,” laughed Rory, the fast biter bopping the rex on the head. “Hey,” Chomper chuckled, flinging his pillow across the cabin. Shorty managed to dodge it, but it hit Petrie head on. “Sorry Petrie,” Chomper apologized.


Petrie: Me can’t help it. Me not that big now.

“It alright Chomper, me just want some sleep,” Petrie replied. Rory noticed Petrie looked a little depressed.  “You still upset about Tera getting voted off?” he asked. “Yeah,” Petrie replied. “Me just don’t get it.”  Shorty nodded. Although he wasn’t particularly fond of Tera, he was certain that everyone had voted of Guido back in episode 11. He couldn’t figure it out.

Meanwhile, things were happening in the girls’ cabin. Ali and Tippy were just having a chat, Rita was playing a one-man game of Toss the Seed, and Ducky and Cera were sitting on Cera’s bunk.  Ducky thought the game Rita was playing looked fun. “Could I play?” she asked politely, but Cera suddenly interrupted. “No! Um…I mean, you’ll need all your strength for the next challenge, right Ducky?” she said. Ducky paused for a moment.


Ducky:  Cera is very smart, she is, she is. I guess I should do what she said.

Ali sighed at seeing Ducky listen to Cera. “Tippy wishes Ducky would smarten up about Cera,” the spiketail commented. “Yeah, Ducky is nice,” Ali added.  Another thing that was on the players’ minds was that they heard another former TDI camper would guest star this episode, and they were wondering what he (or she) could be like. “Well, all the humans we’ve met so have been cool, but really weird,” Ali said.


The Final Nine were at the Mess Hall, eating breakfast. Cera, Tippy, Shorty, Ali, Ducky, and Petrie were so used to seeing Rory, Chomper, and Rita eat meat by now it didn’t even bother them anymore.  Though they still dreaded the sight of Chris walking in about to announce the next challenge, they knew they couldn’t avoid it. “Good morning players,” he grinned. “Before I reveal the next challenge, let me introduce yet another former TDI camper……Tyler!”  

A teenage male wearing mostly red clothes and what the humans called a “sweat band/headband”, came into the Mess Hall. “All right! This is going to be awesome!” Tyler cheered, jumping up and down. In the process, he accidentally bumped his head on the doorframe. “Ow!” he yelled, rubbing it.


Ali:  Ok, that was a bad introduction, but I’m sure he’ll be nice.

After his little accident, Tyler began to more properly introduce himself. “Hey, I’m Tyler, and I LOVE sports!” “What are sports?” Rory asked. “Ya know…games with physical activity,” Tyler replied. “Oh yeah,” Rory replied, and all of the 9 remaining dinos shared a laugh, even Cera.  Then, Chris clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Speaking of sports, some informants we have back in the Great Valley says an AW-SUM X-treme game with you dudes is leaf riding, correct?” Rita, Rory, Chomper, Ali, Tippy, and Shorty nodded, while Cera, Ducky, and Petrie looked confused.

“Actually, more of the leafeaters in the Mysterious Beyond and sharpteeth know more about it,” Chomper explained. “You take some GIANT leaves, stick together with sticky stuff, then race them down big hills.” “That sounds gr…AGH!” Tyler started to say but turned to panic looking at Chomper and Rita. “What, you scared of sharpteeth?” Rita asked with a laugh. “No…t-rexes are like chickens,” he said nervously. “What’s a chicken?” the dinos asked confused. (AUTHOR’S NOTE: If you don’t understand the chicken thing, rewatch the Phobia Factor of TDI. Tyler’s greatest fear is supposed to be chickens.)

“Ok dudes, follow me to your next challenge!” Chris laughed. The players + Chris, Chef, and Tyler walked out of the Mess Hall and through the main filming area. Then walked into the Mysertious Beyond, and since the walk took quite a while, the producers decided to speed up the footage and add “frantic” music to the background to make it seem more exciting.  Eventually, they stopped at the base of a mountain and lots of leaves were nearby.

The leaves came in many different shapes, colors, and consistencies. “Your next challenge is made up of two parts,” Chris began to explain. “Each of you has to collect every leave you need to make your own custom-made leaf rider!” “That sounds great!” Rita cheered


Rita: I love leaf-riding. Almost as much as I love Chomper…
“However,” Chris said, about to make the obvious “Hard part” of the challenge. “You only have two minutes to pick out your leaves. Then you must proceed to the top of what you dinos call Race Mountain without dropping a single leaf. If you do, you can’t enter the final race for invincibility.” Everyone gulped except for Cera.


Cera:  You’re about to see how an alliance can really help you beat everyone else.

The leaf-gathering portion of the contest was simple enough, though only for Chomper, Ducky, Petrie, Rita, and Rory. Mainly, because they had arms. Shorty, Ali, Tippy, and Cera were having a hard time.  “How can I keep all these stupid leaves on my back?” Shorty complained.  The four-footers would have a hard time here, except for Cera, who had a plan. “Hey Ducky?” she asked, in fake politeness, but Ducky couldn’t tell it was fake. “Yes Cera?” she replied. “I was wondering…if you could carry my leaves up for me please?”  Ducky thought for a moment. Her hands were already mostly full, but she Was in Cera’s alliance. “Sure Cera, I’d be glad to, yup yup yup.” Cera grinned and handed her some fancy blue leaves she was going to use.

Ali and Shorty looked angry at Cera’s tactics, but it gave them an idea. “Hey Tyler,” Shorty asked, “could you carry our leaves for us?” “Yeah, I don’t want to see that mjean threehorn win the game,” Ali added. Ali didn’t like playing unfairly, but this technically wasn’t against the rules. Chris then blew his whistle. “All right, time to head to the top!” he called.  Chirs then fired his starting gun at the side of the rock to make sure no flying dinosaurs would get hit. However, the bullet ricocheted back and Petrie just barely managed to dodge it.


Petrie: Me think that was too close.

When the dash towards the top of the mountain started, Rita was smiling confidentially. “I’m great at leaf-riding,” she bragged to Cera.  Cera was a fast learner, however. Ducky was trying her best to hold both her and Cera’s leaves up, with a blowing wind this was proving to be difficult. Elsewhere, after only a few seconds of running, Tyler grew tired fast. “I don’t believe this..” Shorty said, closing his eyes.


Shorty: Noah and that crazy girl Izzy were OK, but this Tyler kid is just pathetic.

Rory was having no trouble carrying his leaves. “I’m gonna make it to the race for sure,” he smiled, when he noticed a ground crawler on top of one of his leaves. “Yum,” he smiled, trying to grab it with his teeth, but in the process, knocked the leaves out of his hands. “Oh crud,” he muttered. “Rory has been eliminated from the race!” Chris announced. Rory shrugged and walked up, he still wanted to watch.

The top was nearing. Tippy had decided to carry her own leaves, since wanted to prove to Cera that she was tougher than her. “Tippy can make it..” she said, trying to maintain her balance. Tyler meanwhile, was exhausted. “I can’t go on…” he panted, then fell over. “Shorty and Ali have been eliminated from the race!” Chris laughed.


Shorty: Man, that was weak.


Ali:  I’m not mad at Tyler or anything, but I’ll probably agree with whatever Shorty just confessed.

Everyone else arrived at the top. “Chomper, Cera, Tippy, Ducky, Petrie, and Rita are now are all eligible for the final race for individual invincibility! Now, for the most shocking twist ever!” Everyone went wide-eyed. “What are you talking about?” Chomper asked. Chris let out a minor psychopathic laugh. “There will be no Bonfire Ceremony tonight.” Everyone let out a relieved look.

“Because…the last person whose riding leaf crosses the finish line will automatically go down the Tunnel of Shame!” Now everyone gulped. “You have 15 minutes to make each of you riding leaves. Better spend that time wisely….”.  Chomper, Tippy, and Rita began building their rides, while Ducky was working on hers, as well as helping Cera with hers.  Cera was making Ducky do most of the work while she just put the leaves in position while Ducky applied the sticky sap to attach the big leaves to each other. Etrie, however, was having much trouble with his.

“Me can’t do this,” the flyer said nervously. “It hard, and me kind of scared of going very fast!” Rita had already finished her leaf rider, so she decided to help Petrie out.


Rita:  Any friend of Chomper’s is a friend of mine, so yeah, I’d gladly lend Petrie a hand.

“Need any help Petrie?” Rita asked. Petrie looked at the sharptooth. “Sure Rita, that would be nice. Me never done this before.” Rita thought for a moment. “We still have time before the race right? I know a great place right by here where we can practice.” Petrie nodded happily. “Sure, that would be nice.” Rita grabbed her riding leaf and followed Petrie to a place about 50 feet across from where they were. “What is this hill called?” Petrie asked. “Uh…Death Hill,” Rita replied. Petrie looked like her was about to freak. “Don’t worry, it’s a name the other sharpteeth came up with to make it sound more exciting than it is.”

Back where everyone else was, time had run out. “Has anybody seen Petrie or Rita?”  Chris asked. “They went that way, but I didn’t see where they stopped,” Ali responded. “I guess they’ve been eliminated from the race,” Chris said. He looked at Cera, Ducky, Tippy, and Chomper. “Down to you four. Racers, get ready at the starting line!” The 4 racing players went to the starting line. They looked down the steep downhill path, they could see obstacles along the way. “Oh boy,” said Tippy. Cera was whispering to Ducky. “Now we just need to make sure that I come in first, and that you don’t come in last,” she strategized. “But…can’t I try to come in first?” Ducky asked. “But I’m the one who comes up with our plans, I can’t risk being eliminated.” “Good point Cera, it is, it is,” Ducky replied.

Meanwhile, Rita was about to teach Petrie how to leave ride. “Just hold on tight,” she instructed. Petrie was so nervous by the thought of the game he dug his little claws into the leaves so hard, they got stuck. “Here we go,” said Rita starting down the hill. But then they looked down the hill, and saw that it looked VERY dangerous. “Whoops,” Rita said, in nervous realization.


Rita: Oh yeah, it was Doom Hill that wasn’t really scary, my mistake.

“WAH!” the sharptooth and flyer screamed as they started down the scary hill. Pointy rocks were nearby, but Rita managed to steer them out of the way just in time.

“GO!” Called Chris, who had said “Screw it” to his starting gun. Ali, Shorty, and Rory were watching the race from the TDI helicopter, Shorty and Ali were eating treestars while Rory was eating a few ground crawlers.  The first portion of the race was simple, go down a path while dodging a few stalagmites. “This is fun,” Chomper smiled, standing on two feet. (Imagine them surfing, this is what they look like on their riding leaves.)  Tippy and Cera were tied for the lead, Ducky in 2nd, and Chomper bringing up the rear.

Soon, a more tricky obstacle came up. There was a little ramp made by a rock formation, and if you didn’t hit it, you wouldn’t land on the next portion. Cera applied extra weight, allowing her to gain more speed and make the gap. Ducky and Tippy got lucky on the jump. Chomper, however, when he went off the rocky ramp, his riding leaf grazed the edge of the landing and knocked him off. “Ow,” Chomper muttered, his leaf rider smashed.


Chomper: Going home won’t be so terrible, right? I had a good run.

Back down Death Hill, Petrie and Rita were screaming at the top of their lungs. Then, they also saw a big rock ramp…but it was a daredevil style jump over a large pit. “HOLD ON!” Rita yelled. The riding leaf was going at such a fast speed it hit the ramp and made the jump. Petrie looked down, and his heart practically stopped. Underneath were several big sharpteeth! “Hi mom!” Rita waved to one as they made the jump safely and continued down Death Hill uncontrollably.

Back at the main race, a little waterfall was pouring onto the hill, making seeing at this point difficult. Cera managed to swerve away, as did Ducky. Tippy was unable to gain control of her riding leaf in time, and the force of the water knocked her off. “Darn it,” Tippy muttered. “Oh great, Cera’s gonna win again,” Ali said annoyed from the TDV helicopter. Rory looked concerned. “Seriously, did you guys see where Rita and Petrie went? I’m very worried.”

Meanwhile, Petrie and Rita had entered a cave that was on Death Hill. “What next?!” Petrie screamed. He soon got his answer. There as about a 90 degree angle drop coming up! “WE’RE GONNA DIE!” they screamed. Luckily, however, the drop was about only 30 feet, but they did land in fast-moving water. “Hold on!” Rita instructed.

The finish line was near. Ducky was in the lead, but she remembered the instructions Cera had given her, so the swimmer began to slow down. “Oh great,” said Ali again. “What’s bad about her?” Tyler asked. “You have no idea,” Shorty responded. Cera crossed the finish line first, Ducky soon following. “You did it Cera, you did you did!” Ducky smiled, “You won invincibility, and I’m safe too.!” Chomper and Tippy soon came down on foot, Chomper looking slightly sad. “I’ll miss you Chomper, I will, I will,” Ducky said.  However, just then, Chris came by on the copter with Tyler, ali, horty, and Rory. “Ducky, since the race ended, you made 3 statements. Only 1 of them is actually true.” “Huh?” the little swimmer asked confused. “Cera does have invincibility because her riding leaf was the first to cross the finish line…..

Howver, since Chomper and Tippy’s riding leaves were smashed, they technically never crossed the finish line at all. So, that means Ducky: Tunnel of Shame time for you!” Chris laughed.  “What?” said Ducky in confused shockness. Cera came up to her. “Sorry about this, I could only save you if I gave you my invincibility.” “But can’t you give me it?” Ducky asked. “too risky, hope you can understand that,” replied Cera. Ducky suddenly felt betrayed. She felt…angry! “You mean I have been helping all this time and you weren’t even going to help back?” Ducky asked angrily. “Not really,” replied Cera. “Everyone was right!” Ducky yelled. “Myra, Ali, and Tippy were all right about you! You’re nothing but a meanie user, you are, you are!” “So what,” replied Cera.


Ducky: I cannot believe she said that, I can’t I can’t!

“That was harsh,” Shorty said to Cera. “Hey, I know how you treated Guido,” Cera replied. “I least I didn’t use the little runt!” Shorty retorted. “Whatever…” Cera concluded. Just then, they heard two voices screaming. Out of a little tunnel on the mountain wall emerged Petrie and Rita. “LOOK OUT BELOW!” they yelled. The sharptooth and flyer hit the ground, the impact sending Petrie free from the riding leaf. “Me thought I would die….” Petrie said, nearly out of breath. “Chomper, I never thought I’d see you again,” Rita said, hugging the little sharptooth. Chomper blushed, but he still felt angry about Cera and bad for Ducky.


Tyler had said goodbye to the dinos, and returned to 2008 in the TDV time machine. Everyone gathered to say goodbye to Ducky at the Tunnel of Shame. “Goodbye Ducky,” Tippy said, hugging the swimmer. “If it makes you happy, Tippy wouldn’t have voted you off if it wasn’t for this.” “Thank you Tippy,” Ducky smiled back. Ali waved with her foot, and even Shorty as well. “Me miss you Ducky,” said Petrie. “Eh, it’ll be ok,” Ducky replied. She came to Chomper, Rita, and Rory. She gave the 3 of them hugs, it didn’t make her feel uncomfortable.  As she was about to leave, she looked at Cera. “Goodbye Cera, I hope you get everything you deserve, I do, I do.” She laughed, walking down the TOS.

(Read and Review!)

Next Time: The Final Eight must face their greatest fears to win individual invincibility. Redclaw shows up to help with one of the games, and Duncan from TDI guest stars.