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Link to my Total Drama Valley fanfic


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Anybody else gonna say what they're favorite episodes are?


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY EPISODE 19: Losing That Winner’s Edge

It was now only down to 5 players: Ali, Cera, Chomper, Shorty, and Tippy.  They knew how close they were to victory, and that night, each one of them had a dream where they were the one that had won TDV. The sleep stories were nice until…

“Wake up dudes!” Chris called on his megaphone, rudely awaking the Final Five.


Cera: Ok, for any sharpteeth who are watching this, you have our permission to eat Chris and chef. Seriously…..

The Final 5 stepped out of their cabins still tired.  “Why do you have to wake us up so early?” complained Shorty, doing his morning neck stretches. “Well actually dudes, I have two announcements,” Chris began to explain.  “1. For the next two episodes, I’m not going to be the host…..” Shorty, Cera, and Ali brightened up. “And 2: For the next two episodes, Chef will be host!”

Those smiles faded fast.


Shorty: Are you kidding me?!

As Chris began walking down the Tunnel of Shame, Ali wondered why he was heading that way.  “Where’s he going…” she said silently, when Chef suddenly yelled “Move it sissies! I want to get this stupid challenge over with so I can get on with my life!”  Ali stopped thinking and followed the others as Chef led them to the TALLEST tree in the area.

“Ok, your challenge is this: First player to touch the top wins invincibility,  yadda yadda yadda, just get going maggots!”   The Final Five stared up at the tree. This was going to be difficult. “Darn my little arms,” Chomper sighed.

Shorty tried to scale the tree the by wrapping his legs around it, but that was proving to be ineffective. “I hope Chris is enjoying his day off….” He grunted angrily.

However….Chris wasn’t exactly taking a day off. A cameraman was following him as he walked down the Tunnel of Shame.  “Little do our players realize that challenge is just a smoke screen for what today’s episode will really be about.” He laughed.  Soon, he came to a fork in the tunnel. He walked down the path that the players did not take when they arrived in Total Drama Valley.  “Ladies and gents, carnis and herbis, I present to you: Loser Valley!”  Chris emerged from the tunnel, and arrived at a small-but decent sized valley with lots of trees, a big lake in the center of it, and A shed labeled “Food for sharpteeth.”  And 17 young dinos were playing here.  “Yup folks at home, it’s all the dinos who had their butts kicked out of the competition! Hyp, Mutt, Mo, Spike, Tricia, Ichy, Myra, Nod, Rhett, Tera, Guido, Littlefoot, Ruby, Ducky, Petrie, Rita, and most recently Rory!”  

“Hey Chris, what are you doing here?” Littlefoot smiled, walking up to the human.  “Well Littlefoot, since we’ve been getting lots of demands from your parents and/or legal guardians about what you’ve been up to since you got kicked off, the producers realized this episode was a good idea. Either way, I get payed.”  “Ok….” Littlefoot replied.

In the waterhole, Mo, Ducky, Spike, and Rhett were playing together.  “It’s good to be able to swim just for fun, it is, it is,” Ducky smiled.  Mo, who was doing flips in the water, agreed.  Spike was chewing on some sweet bubbles he got from the trees, as he only received one during the main game.

“I’m just happy Ali’s still in the game,” Rhett said, just floating around.  “Yeah, Ali is very nice,” Ducky agreed. “So it seems like everyone here is having a good time?” Chris asked, all of a sudden, they heard someone yell “NOT ME!”

It was Tera.

“Where’s that Guido?!” the girl flyer yelled. I watched the episode where I got kicked off, and I know exactly what he did to me!”  Petrie, who was nearby, giggled nervously. “Me like Tera, but she been scaring me lately…..” he commented.

“Yeah, that was pretty harsh what Guido did,” Rhett nodded. “The little runt actually impressed me,” they heard Hyp say.  He, Mutt, and Nod were hanging together, Nod had recently recovered from his injuries.  “This stupid game was the worst experience of my life,” Hyp complained. “That’s cause you were the first to get voted off,” Nod joked. Hyp and Mutt looked angry.


“Tippy thinks this is hopeless,” the spiketail said, talking to Ali and Chomper. “Even if we work together, some branches are taller than us combined,” Ali deduced.  “At least Shorty and Cera aren’t doing any better than us,” Tippy added.  “Yeah, I heard Shorty joined Cera’s alliance,” said Chomper.


Shorty:  Look, I’m only in Cera’s alliance so I can have a better shot at winning. The moment I can win invincibility and not her, I’m taking it.
Chef was just eating some brownies he had prepared, he had nothing better to do for a while.


Littlefoot was playing with Rory, Rita, and Myra. “Chomper, if you’re watching this, I hope you win!” Rita waved to the camera. “Oh we know that,” Rory, Myra, and Littlefoot laughed. Myra then got more serious. “I just hope that meanie Cera goes down!” she yelled.  Littlefoot wasn’t as angry as Myra was, but she was still upset at Cera’s recent behavior.

In the water, the 4 dinos playing in it noticed some bubbles. “Wasn’t me…” said Rhett. But the source of the bubbles was soon explained. Guido surfaced from under the water.  “Is Tera gone?” he whispered afraid. “Looks like it mud brother,” Mo replied. “I can’t be too careful about this, she wants to kill me for sure!” the glider panicked.

“THERE YOU ARE!” Tera yelled, grabbing Guido by the arms, and flying off. “You’re gonna pay!”

Meanwhile, Chris was talking with Ichy. “I thought the belly dragger chased you off dude,” the host said. “Yeah, well, when I was making my escape, I found this place, and I was sure Dil wouldn’t find me,” he explained. “Did she?” Chris asked. Ichy sighed. “Yes, after the season’s over, I am forced to do all our hunting by myself for a cold time,” he sighed.

Hyp, Nod, and Mutt came by. They had grown to be friends with Ichy, and even Littlefoot was showing signs he was starting to get along with the sharpbeak.  Chris then walked over to Littlefoot. “So Littlefoot, if you could say anything to one of the final Five right now, what would you say?”

Littlefoot sighed, he knew what he wanted to mention, “Yeah, I want to tell Ali that I’m cheering for her, and I’m sorry about falling for Cera’s trick, I should’ve known better.”

“Awww….” Smiled Ducky, Petrie, and Myra.   Ruby meanwhile mentioned to get that bad smell off her body. “Not having that smell is good, it’s good to not have that smell,” she laughed.

AT TDV…………….

The tree-climbing competition was getting nowhere. “How are Ali, Tippy, and Chomper going to do this?” Tippy asked. “I don’t know, I’m just really hungry right now,” Chomper commented, the rex’s belly rumbling.  Ali and Tippy looked at him. “Don’t worry,” he said.

Chomper: I would never eat my friends! Only my enemies…..

Meanwhile, Shorty and Cera were also having little success.  “This…challenge…!” complained Shorty. But it was at that moment that Cera had an idea. She walked over to Chef. “What do you want Whiner?” he asked.  “I just wanted to make sure something: the first player to just touch the top of the tree wins right?” Chef nodded yes. “That’s all I needed to know,” she smirked, then headed back.  

“Ok Shorty, we’re gonna uproot this tree!”


Rory, Rita, Ruby, and Mutt were now playing a game of volleyball, liking the game ever since they played it for the first time back in episode 4.  “Spike!” Ruby called, doing the move with this name, and luckily,  the spiketail of the same name did not have the misunderstanding again.

“I think one of the best things about Loser Valley is not being around Cera,” Ruby said to the camera. “I feel she got too competitive.”  “Oh Rory,” they heard a voice call. It was Tera, holding a little spiketail carcass.

“I wanted to apologize for voting against in episode 3, and I feel I can make up for that by giving you this, it’s your favorite, right?” “Uh…thanks Tera,” Rory said, confused about why the flyer was doing this.  He was just about to bite into it when….

“Help me!” they heard a voice call. It was Guido’s. “She stuffed me in here, and now she’s trying to kill me!” the glider panicked. Rory held the carcass at an angle, and Guido slipped out of the mouth. He began running. “YOU GET BACK HERE!” Tera screeched.

“At least Cera did not have those anger issues…” Ruby commented silently.  “TIPPY, IF YOU’RE WATCHING THIS I’M ROOTING FOR YOU!” Guido yelled as he ran past the camera.

“Yeah, Tippy and Ali are pretty cool,” said Myra. “I hope Ali, Shorty, or Chomper wins,” said Rory. “I’m rooting for Shorty now too,” said Tera, calming down. “Any enemy of Guido’s is a friend of mine!”


Chomper had left for the Mess Hall to get himself a snack just as Shorty and Cera were putting their plan into action. “There’s no rule saying we can’t do this,” Cera strained with her eyes closed. Little did she know, Shorty had his own secret plan. When she wasn’t looking, he slipped away and figured out which direction the big tree would fall down. Just as Cera succeeded in up rooting it, she noticed Shorty was gone. “Look out below!” Ali called.


Ali: That was actually a smart move on Cera’s part.

Chomper noticed a big shadow approaching him. “What is thi….AGGGHH!” he screamed, noticing the tree falling towards him. He jumped out of the way just in time. “Hey wait a minute, I can win now!” he smiled. Ali and Tippy were too far away from the top of the tree, as was Cera.  Shorty was dashing towards it.  Chomper reached for the top as Shorty jumped towards it.  

It ended in a draw. “Rex boy and the jerk win invincibility,” Chef announced unamused. “Now meet by the bonfire, but don’t vote anyone off.” “Huh?” asked Tippy and Ali. If they weren’t voting someone off, why would they go to the bonfire ceremony?

“Shorty you traitor!” Cera yelled as Shorty just grinned smugly and hi-5’d Chomper, Chomper using his hand and Shorty using one of his front legs.


“Well dudes, I’m sure all the dinos watching back in the Great Valley and Mysterious Beyond are pleased to see how you were doing,” Chris announced. “Don’t mention it Chris,” Petrie replied, chewing on a sweet bubble.  “So what are you doing next?” asked Rory.  “A special treat for the viewers. In the past episode, old TDI campers Noah, Bridgette, Cody, Izzy, Gwen, Tyler, and Duncan have guest starred,”  Chris explained. “But now, our little gift to you are interviews with other former TDIn campers we did in 2009, with their thoughts on TDV!”  


Heather: All I have to say is I feel sorry for those poor saps who Chris has to torment for a whole season. Ever since I lost my hair, I realized  that Chris is a real jac…..(Footage cuts off.)

Justin: (Says nothing for 1 seconds, proceeds to rip his shirt off, trying to attract the dino-ladies.)

Ezekiel: (Holds a self-made book labeled “Human-To-Dinosaur Dictionary.) Ok, I think I got the lingo down.  “The light circle is very hot.”  But what is the light circle? No one ever told me, eh.

Harold: I’m still mad that Duncan cheated me out of a chance to guest star. The show looked awesome!  I always wanted to see a brontosaurus. Duncan….idiot!

Lindsay:  (Doesn’t say anything at first.)
Chris: Uh Lindsay, will you answer my question?
Lindsay: Sorry, I didn’t see you there Calvin.
Chris: It’s Chris!

Katie and Sadie: Those dinosaurs are so cute! Especially the little one called Ducky. She’d be cool to hang out with, EEEEEEEEE!  (Author’s note: These two girls single-handedly made me dislike the letter “E.”

Leshawna: I can handle anything Chris can throw at me, I wanted to come back for a third season, but he said “No fan favorites aloud.”  Why that manipulative little…..

Eva: That Cera’s a traitor, and I hate traitors! (Punches camera lens, breaking it.)

“And that’s all we got,” Chris explained to the viewer.   The 17 losers seemed interested in these other humans. Chris than realized that the camera wasn’t taken off him. “Um….cut to the other scene…” he advised the cameraman.



Chomper and Shorty were given golden treestars of invincibility. Chef came out with a plate of only two sweet bubbles. “How does this ceremony work Chef?” asked Tippy. “Tippy and the others didn’t vote.” Chef laughed. “A while ago, Chris posted an online poll on a place called GOF where he found out what the viewers at home thought of you. The least popular character is going home.”


Ali: I thought for sure Cera was going home, but it turned out……

“First sweet bubble goes to the overly-nice and annoying bronto,” Chef called bored, tossing it to Ali.   Cera and Tippy looked at each other.


Tippy:  Between Tippy and Cera? Ha! Cera has to be less popular than Tippy….

“The last of these stupid sweet bubbles goes to the mean triceratops.” “HUH?!” went Ali, Tippy, and Chomper. “3rd person talking stegosaurus, you’re gone.”  “That can’t be! That “poll” on this “GOF” must have been rigged or something!”
But it did little good as Tippy was forced down the Tunnel of Shame, Cera delighted to see one of her rivals gone.  “Down to 4 of you, I’m going to bed,” Chef said.


The now 18 losers were surprised to see Tippy arriving. “How’d you get here Tippy?” Tricia asked confused. “Tippy has no idea…..” the spiketail replied.


Two flyers were watching the show on their own TV that the humans gave to most of the dinos. “Now’s the time to put our plan into action,” Rinkus said. “With most of them gone, they won’t be able to stop us from stealing the Stone of cold Fire and taking over the world!” Sierra laughed.  


(There, episode 19 is finally up! Sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoy it, and read and review!)

Next time on TDV: A 2-on-2 race to touch the stone of Cold fire turns into a nightmare for survival for the Final four as the two evil flyers Rinkus and Sierra try to beat them to it……


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  • Ducky
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At last there is a new episode and a good one, I dare to say. :)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Chronicler

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This was definitely an episode I wanted to see for a while now. Thanks for updating. B)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Only 4 more to go.. Brek.. Nice job on the episode..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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(Actually only 3 left.)

Wait, did you mean episodes or players?


  • Petrie
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wow, I'm embarresed.  I did a Joba fist pump when the second sweet bubble went to Cera.  I know made her the jerk of the group but I gotta support my favorite character.  Another great episode brek, can't wait for the next one.

The Great Valley Guardian

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:lol That was a great episode! Your story still makes me laugh Brek! you should be proud. And poor Tippy...well at lest she and Guido can be together now.

And dependable much rage it ought to be illegal! :DD I also like the way Shorty thinks...devious to a fault B) Cant' wait for the next update.


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Episode 20: Rock N’ Rolldown

Down to four. Ali, Cera, Chomper, and Shorty had the next day off, which surprised them greatly.


Shorty: I don’t trust that Chef. I’m sure he has something up his arms. (Something up your sleeves.)

A three-person game of Toss the Seed Ali, Shorty, and Chomper were playing was cut short when they heard rain. “Oh great,” Chomper sighed, “And we hadn’t had a sky water storm for quite a while now too.”  “We should head back to our cabins. Night guys,” Ali said, running back to the Girls’ cabin. Chomper waved back as he and Shorty headed back to the boys cabin.  Inside the girls’ cabin, Cera was still awake.


Ali: Yeah, the tension between me and Cera is still there. I just can’t let the bossy threehorn win the prize of those wishes.

Ali and Cera hmmphed at each other, and tried to go to sleep. Little did they know of the surprise that awaited them the next morning……


Via a walkie-talkie, Chef was giving instructions to some helicopters being piloted by interns……………

In the boys’ cabin, the last two boys in the contest awoke. You hear something?” asked Chomper. “Probably nothing…” replied Shorty sleepily.  Little did they know, it was something!


For the most part, it was a peaceful night. Ali, Chomper, Shorty, and Cera all slept peacefully.  Chef was thinking that if Chris was hear, that would only make the nasty surprise they were about to encounter even better.  When the Final Four awoke, the first thing they saw was the beautiful blue sky. But then they realized they shouldn’t be seeing that, as they were inside their cabins…at least they thought. “Where are we?!” yelled Cera.

Cera: When this episode airs, can someone please tell us how they got us hear without us noticing?! Seriously…..

“Stop your complaining and just listen!” they heard Chef call from the TDV helicopter.  “So I can get some peace and quiet, here is today’s challenge: It’s a two-on-two game. Team 1: Biter and bronto,” he said, pointing to Shorty and Chomper, “Team 2: Whiner and calmer,” he said, pointing to Ali and Cera. “We hid that stupid Stone of Cold Fire at the end of this series of caverns. First team to have one member touch the stone wins invincibility for their team. There’s confession cams throughout the tunnels, so get going soldiers!”


Chomper: Again, they just leave us alone. I don’t think they even care for us.


Ali:  The being by ourselves thing didn’t bother me, but forcing me to team up with Cera?!

The teams, realizing that there was no arguing with chef, set off into the caverns. Little did they know….they were being watched, and not by the countless cameras.  “Those fools will lead us straight to the Stone,” Rinkus laughed, watching the Final Four. “And soon….us flyers will take over the world!” Sierra said sinisterly.

“Shouldn’t we warn the players?” a cameraman asked. “Do you think we’ll actually get a bonus or something?” another one asked. “Just keep filming.”


“There’s probably some path we have to follow,” Shorty said, leading Chomper along the way.  “It’s kinda spooky in here,” Chomper commented. “What are you, a fraidy biter?” Shorty smirked. “No…” Chomper replied.

Meanwhile, Ali and Cera were walking down another tunnel, refusing to talk to each other.  “Don’t you think you’ve been taking this game too seriously?” Ali asked, finally breaking the silence.  Cera looked at Ali. “My daddy says winning is the most important thing.” Ali let out a little laugh. “Well, from what Littlefoot and the others told me, you’re father isn’t exactly the most sensical dinosaur in the Great Valley,” she commented.


Cera: Since Shorty’s betrayed me now, I’m pretty much out of chances to have an alliance. But I need to win this challenge So, I guess I have to team up with Ali.

“Look, whether we like it or not,” Cera began, “And we don’t,” Ali added. “We have to work together if we wanna win.” Cera concluded. “So, truce?”  

“A temporary one,” Ali said, giving in.

After some time, the two separate paths the teams were walking on eventually merged into one. “Great, there was nothing down those tunnels, and I guess the stone wasn’t down those ones either,” Shorty grumbled. “What could make this day worse?” They soon got their answer when they heard an evil, and familiar (to Cera) laughter. “What’s that?” asked Ali.


For pretty much the first time since the show began, Chef finally had a chance to relax, and he was making the most of it.  “No need to cook, no dumb dinos to feed, just some peace and quiet,” he sighed, relaxed for the first time in a while.


“Hello there children,” Rinkus grinned, he and Sierra flying into view. Cera suddenly looked afraid, and Chomper did also. “Do you know who these flyers are?” Ali asked confused.  “Yeah…they were…”Friends” of Petrie’s uncle, and they tried to kill us before!” Cera explained.  Sierra only laughed. “Yes…I’m afraid that Stone of Cold Fire we found last time wasn’t the real one, but thanks to humans, we now know where the real one is. Now we just have to dispose of you 4.”

The Final 4 panicked. “Run!” Ali cried.


Ali, Shorty, Chomper, and Cera: We’re gonna die. We’re gonna die. We’re gonna die.

Rinkus had swooped down to kill the kids when suddenly…..they felt the ground give way!  “AGH!” they called as they fell down a hole.  Rinkus and Sierra laughed at the sight. “That was relatively simple….now to find the stone!”


“Ugh….that’s smarts,” said Shorty. All 4 of the remaining players had survived the fall with only a few bruises. “I imagine this must be what being the interns feels like,” Ali groaned.  “But what about those flyers?” Chomper asked. They players soon regained their posture.

“Guys…..this is no longer a game,” Ali said, acting like a leader. “Those flyers are evil, and we have to work together to stop them!”  “I’m in,” Chomper smiled. “So am I, I love a good fight,” Shorty said, joining Ali’s alliance.  “Count me in too,” Cera said.


Chomper: Wow, that was nice of Cera.


Cera: Look, I know there are some things more important than winning, and this is one of those.

The players had to find out where the Stone was.  “Chef didn’t give us any clues,” Ali said. “So we’ll just have to be fast.”  “Let’s head in the same direction we were going in,” suggested Chomper. “Good idea Chomper,” replied Ali.   “I just hope Chris is enjoying his day off,” grumbled Cera, “Cause we’re gonna make him pay for letting Chef do this to us.” Much to Ali’s own surprise, she replied with “Agreed.”

Meanwhile, Rinkus and Sierras were flying down the tunnels the race should have been going on. “Since the Stone of Cold Fire is a rock, it can’t leave a trial,” Sierra muttered.  Rinkus smirked “No matter, those kids are either dead and too far behind now, who can stop us? Those dumb cameramen following us?”


Sierra: You know, to tell the truth, I just really wanted to use this ever since I got here. I’d like to give shout outs to all the other flyers in our Stone Hunting group, and…. (Footage cuts off)


Chef was just lying in a beach chair, working on his tan, and eating a sweet bubble. “You know, I never tried these….” He commented to itself, popping it in. He was also drinking a can of Fizzy Master.


Chef: Since that lousy Chris still hasn’t increased my pay after working on this series for 4 seasons, I figure I can use his product placement strategy against him. Heh heh.


“There’s a confession cam, so we must be back on the path of the race,”  Ali said. “We just have to hurry now!” Shorty called, running ahead.   Ali then looked at Cera and Chomper. “You think we can stop those flyers guys? Cause I think…we’ll have to fight them.” “Of course,” Cera replied.


Cera: We are so dead.

Shorty was thinking something. “After all this, they’ll probably cancel the challenge and none of us will go home,” he said. “Stupid Chef, why can’t he or Chris ever give us an easy challenge.”


Shorty: I think the one lesson I learned from TDV is this: Humans are completely insane! Except for that Noah, and maybe that girl Gwen…..

Meanwhile, Rinkus and Sierra were nearing their goal. “Very soon…” Rinkus commented.  Right behind them, the cameramen following them realized something: “We have not suffered any of the harms the interns get from testing these challenges,” one said. “I heard they don’t even get paid,” another said.

Soon, the evil flyers were within 500 feet of the Stone of Cold Fire!  “When we rule the world, I’m going to take these TVs and create an all “Flyers-Rule-The-World-Channel!” Sierra announced.


Chris: (Long after this episode aired.) Like it would be a success.  Unless, of course, you could get yours truly to host a show on that…..

Elsewhere, the Final Four were running as fast as they can. “We’re running out of time!” Shorty called. Chomper noticed on the ground, a stalactite that had fallen and gotten misshapen, making it look like a club. “I could use this,” the little sharptooth smiled.


Chomper: I hope Rita’s watching, she’d be so proud.

It was going to be a close race. Good guys vs. bad guys.  Soon, Ali saw a glimmer of light reflecting off a rock. “That’s the Stone of Cold Fire!” she figured out, hoping Rinkus and Sierra hadn’t beaten them.

But just as they arrived in the Stone’s chamber, so did the evil flyers. Rinkus gasped when he saw the Final Four. “Lousy bugs, you should be dead!” he yelled.  Ali laughed. “Yeah? Well, like bugs, we’re just extremely annoying and we keep coming back.”


Ali: Ok, that came out wrong…..

Ali’s bad joke aside, the players realized it was all or nothing now.  Rinkus swooped down, beak aimed at the players. “Whoa!” they called, as they got knocked off their feet, but not seriously hurt. “Now to make a wish…” Sierra said. “NO!” Ali called, jumping off a rock and onto Sierra’s head. The flyer shook her off, throwing Ali when her body hit the stone. “Ouch….” She muttered.

“Take this!” called Chomper, whacking Sierra on the head with the rock club.  It wasn’t that effective, only bumping Sierra’s head lightly. “Whoops,” Chomper laughed nervously, then ran off to help Shorty.  


All 4: Is this how we’re gonna die?

The epic battle continued. Rinkus knocked Cera off her feet. “Watch it!” she called.  “That’s it! You brats are finished!”  Sierra roared.


Chris came out in front of the camera. “Ok dudes, after the season was over and we had to show it to the dumb FCC, they told us this part is too action-packed for us to show to you.  Lame, right?” he explained. “But they said they could pass this fight if we added humorous music, so, here you go…”

FOOTAGE RESUME: (In fast-motion and Benny Hill music playing in the background.) The montage of the players vs. flyers went on for about 22 seconds, until the show started in it’s normal speed again.  “You’re clearly getting exhausted,” Rinkus smirked. “You can’t stop us!”  “But maybe I can!” a voice called.

It was Pterano.  “Petrie’s uncle?!” Chomper and Cera called confused.  Rinkus and Sierra looked shocked. “Oh….hey…Pterano,” they laughed nervously, “You see, we weer just here because we wanted to help…” “Save it,” Pterano replied.  Rinkus and Sierra knew they were in a bad situation. They turned to the kids. “Farewell for now,” they waved, then flew out through a hjole in the top of the cave. “Get back here!” Pteraqno demanded, flying after his enemies. The threat of the evil flyers was over.



Thinking back on this incident now, I realize….that was pretty anti-climatic.

“We did it!” cheered Chomper. Shorty grinned. “Yeah…let’s get out of here. I have a word or two for Chef….” The green longneck said.  The group headed back out the way they came. When they got out, they could see that Chef wasn’t happy to see them back this early.

“Alright….” He sighed annoyed. “Girls win, guys lose.”  “HUH?!” All 4 went. “But they didn’t touch the Stone,” Shorty said. Chef smiled evilly.   He had one of the cameramen play back their footage:


Now to make a wish…” Sierra said. “NO!” Ali called, jumping off a rock and onto Sierra’s head. The flyer shook her off, throwing Ali when her body hit the stone. “Ouch….” She muttered.  


“No way!” complained Shorty.  “Oh…way,” Cera laughed.


Ali: I can’t believe that. Victory…as easy as that?

Cera: Perfect. Now I made it to the Final Three. I can’t wait to see Ali go down.

Ali/Cera: (Footage edited together) Now that we’ve won invincibility, it’s time my little truce with Cera/Ali ended.

Dinner came and went that night, Ali and Cera enjoying their food more than usual. Chomper and Shorty looked nervous. One of them was going home that night…….


Cera was looking at the boys in a braggart-type way, holding her Golden Treestar of Invincibility.  Ali also had one, and noticed it was in pretty crumpled-up shape. Probably because Chef just took it out of his pocket.  Soon, Chef came out….holding only 1 sweet bubble in his hand.  Chomper gulped. Shorty looked nervous, but was giving Chef a look that suggested “Give it to me, I dare you.”  After a 2-second drag-out, Chef made up his mind. “Rex boy…” he said, tossing the sweet bubble to Chomper. Shorty had been eliminated.


Shorty: At least I don’t have to put up with that jerk again!

“Get out of here sissy!” ordered Chef. Shorty huffed as he walked towards the Tunnel of Shame. He first passed Cera. “If you stayed in my alliance, you might not have lost,” she smirked. Shorty kept walking, next passing Ali. “You did well. Sorry you had to lose cause of a stupid technicality.” Shorty and Ali then did a “Front-Foot-Five.”  Finally, he passed Chomper. “See you around Shorty,” Chomper waved, and Shorty, not feeling so bad now, walked down the Tunnel.


Cera: No surprise that I made it to the final three. Threehorns are the best, everyone knows that.

Chomper: This is so fun! I just hope I was able to prove that sharpteeth aren’t bad.

Ali: I’ll admit, I didn’t think I’d make it this far. But now that I’ve made it to the semi-finals……

Chomper, Cera, and Ali: (Shown in a 3-way split screen): Bring it on.

(There’s episode 20! Read and review!)

Next time on TDV: The semi-finals are finally here, and Ali, Cera, and Chomper must do dares that will test their limits in every way. Who will go home next?


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Thinking back on this incident now, I realize….that was pretty anti-climatic.

Couldn't agree more, but aside from that moment it was pretty good episode. :)

By the way, maybe it was a bad joke for Ali, but I found it extremelly funny. :p
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Petrie
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Another good episode, but I have one question.  How was it decided that shorty would go home?

The Chronicler

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Nice to see these episode updated more frequently again. I assume that whatever computer problem you had is now gone.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Actually, I typed these on a school computer. I typed this both within 5 days

The Great Valley Guardian

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Another good chapter!

That fight scene was HILARIOUS!! I could picture everything happening with the Benny hill was priceless!!!

I feel kinda bad for Shorty, but now I wanna see how far Cera can go with the dares in the next chapter! :DD The next chapter should be a good one! :lol


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Only 3 to go now Brek. Nice work. SEe Chomper, patience is often rewarded, Brek put up 2 episodes within a week..
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