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Zombie Plans


  • Ducky
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I just know that it's only a matter of time before the legions of the undead rise up from the grave to feast on human flesh. And we have to be prepared.

My zombie plan:

After reading The Zombie Survivial Guide and World War Z, and after watching the best zombie movies ever...

I plan on getting at least two months worth of food and water and store it up in my apartment. I live on the second floor so I'll chop up the stair way and border up the windows with wood and iron bars. I'll keep a 12 gauge shot gun up there with 100 shells, 2 pistols with 50 clips (15 rounds per clip), and for melee combat (according the the Zombie Survial Guide) the crowbar; because it's the best zombie melee weapon and it never runs out of ammo.

In the event that I either run out of food/water, or if the zombies discover my fall out shelter. I'll have a bike waiting for me in my secret tunnel that leads to the basement. And I'll bike my way to another safehouse.

What's your Zombie Plan?


  • Petrie
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Well... firstly, I'll get a truck or bus, pick up survivors on the way to the middle of the city. There, I'll raid the Hunting Shops and then get to the harbour, where we'll set sail as fast as possible, and stay on deep waters, untill there ain't more survives comming out of the city. On the way to the harbour will get as many people to follow us, and we'll launch an armada of ships. And get some of the Danish Naval ships for protection.

After that, we'll start making batteplans, and begin to raid along the coast, and try and take the military bases. I think Bornholm would be a good place to clean out first, since it's an island, and the Dansih Stormtroopers are stationed there.
From there, we'll begin to take our country back, one by one.

I recommend Sweden and Finland follow the example, and go for Bornholm as a base of operation.


  • The Circle
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Undead? How lovely! :D
So many creatures who lived to see ages no living human could tell about! What an awesome historical source! I'll fetch my micro and try to interview every single one of them about their times. When do you ever get such a brilliant chance to get first hand accounts from centuries past! :P:
I reckon I would get so much on the nerves of those historical sources that they would probably wish never to have left their calm and quiet graves ;)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Get a buch of guns/ammo get to a navy base where an Iowa class battleship is based load the warship to the max with ammo for it's main guns. sail around gathering people and other navy ships and air force aircraft. until we have enough to liberate america from the zombies.


  • Petrie
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I would immediately re-read the Zombie Survival guide if I thought an outbreak in my area was imminent.


  • Ducky
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I'd arm myself iwth a shotgun, perhaps a sawed-off one and a metal baseball bat, I suspect it would work just as good as a crobar, then I'd get to an underground fallout shelter with enough food/water and such to live there for years and several spare weapons.

I would have an escape tunnel in case I need it and the area would be surrouned with explosives so if the undead did find me I could give them a "parting gift."


  • Timeless Wanderer
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I would just go all-out Doom on them... :p "You got the BFG9000, oh yes!" "A chainsaw!  Find some meat!" ...Not to mention the Rocket Launcher... :lol Then I'd just hide out at the UAC headquarters... xD ...Sorry, too much Dooming as of late... :D WAY too much! xD
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


  • Ducky
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I just realized that another factor to consider is whether the zombies can walk or run.

If they're the traditional walking zombies, then getting away from them should be easy, even if they're in large numbers.

But if they're the 28 Days Later//Left 4 Dead zombies, then that could pose a bit of a problem.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Well I'd use a tank if it's the L4D or 28 days later zombies.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Grandfather's house in Staten Island has a veritable armory (former hunter).

My house has many blunt objects in the garage.

2 military bases are close by.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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I don't like using guns myself. While I like being around others that do because they are an extremely effective type of weapon, shooting is not my thing, as I prefer close combat. I am unexperienced with the undead since I have only encountered them twice: Resident Evil 2 for ten minutes, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time occasionally. So I went to a website with advice for killing such creatures, and I think you'll find it interesting. I did not write this. I merely copied it from a website for killing strong creatures. Here is the article:

General Tips
Undead are not affected by Poison, so do not use it. They are also normally not affected by Spears, Arrows or Daggers, apart from Vampires and Ghouls. If you are allowed to Ambush then do so otherwise you may be slain. Always fight with more than one warrior against each Undead, this will give you the edge. Above all, do not fear them - they have already died once and can easily die again.

Killing Zombies
Although Zombies are big and strong, they are also stupid. This is our best defence against them.
When Zombies patrol the Marsh, they do so in single file so that they leave few tracks. This means that we can follow a patrol and take the rearmost Zombie without the others knowing. If we repeat this, we can destroy a whole patrol using only one warrior.

The best way to kill a Zombie is to strike at the head with a Sword. Use a Bastard or Great Sword, that way you may be able to take the head off with a single stroke and will not alert any of its comrades. It may be wise to use Humakt’s Powers to make the Sword Sharp and True and ensure victory.

Do not use spears, arrows, shortswords or daggers against Zombies, they just stick in and do not cause any harm. Clubs have little effect as you cannot stun a Zombie. Sticj with swords if you can.

One method I have devised is to use a Garrotte, preferably one made of Iron. This will allow you to sneak up behind the Zombie and to remove its head with a minimum of fuss. Do not use a Garrotte made of rope as Zombies cannot be strangled, make sure yours is of metal. This is also a good tactic if the Zombie falls into the water as you o not want to wrestle with it.

Zombies can easily be caught in Traps as they do not watch out for them. Pitfalls should not be used as the Zombie will not be hurt by the fall. When setting traps, use Man Traps to grab hold of limbs and slow the Zombie down. Also, if near a stand of trees, use nooses and ropes to pull the Zombie into the air where it can be safely despatched. A Zombie will almost never be killed by a trap, so you must follow behind and kill the Zombie when it has been trapped.

Sometimes, the Zombies will travel in boats. This means that they will not fall into traps and cannot be picked off one by one. In this case, we need to ambush the boat. Several warriors are needed for this manoeuvre. Each warrior removes most of his armour and swims underwater until they are all at one side of the boat. If the boat is a reed boat, the warriors can attack the underside of the boat and break it up, causing the Zombies to fall into the water. If the boat is wooden, the warriors must take hold of the boat and overturn it. Either way, the zombies will be floundering in the water and will be simple to pick off. Do not try to take on a Zombie by yourself as you will probably lose. Instead, mob each Zombie in turn, making sure it is dead before attacking the next. Zombies cannot swim and will be disoriented when under water. Obviously, this manoeuvre works best in fairly deep water, one of the lakes or waterways is the best place.

Occasionally, the Zombies will have a Captain in charge who is a Mummy or even a Vampire. In this case, the use of Humakt’s powers is encouraged, if you have access to them. Such a captain will be able to organise the Zombies and will make them a far more effective force.

While I have no plan of my own to offer, yet still wanted to contribute here, I brought someone else's zombie plan, which I'll try to follow when we are attacked. By the way, I could use allies when they come. A group has a better chance of defeated zombies than one person. Will anyone side with me here? I won't be a deadweight and will follow any orders. However, I cannot swim and would be useless in serving Vilstrup who has plans for water. But I will do anythting to live! I would rather follow a commander here and survive this, then wing it and get decapited. Could anyway here use loyal daredevil that will do everything he's told, that can run fast, and do good damage by chopping off their heads? I don't need money here. Letting me keep my life will be payment enough. Will anyone take me with them?


  • Ducky
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I just realized that if the zombies are like the ones from Left 4 Dead; not only will we deal with running zombies, but also the ones with long toungs that'll try to throttle you, leaping ones, big fat ones that'll vomit on you (causing tons of zombies to rush at you), crying zombie women that are very volitile.

And don't forget the giant, Hulk-like zombies!

 :lol  :lol  :lol

Now if you can excuse me, I gotta get supplies for pipe bombs and molotovs.


  • Jedi Knight
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To be honest, I'm just gonna do what Will Smith did in I am Legend...meaning I'd hide in my house for a few months and then go besetk and try to run every zombie over with a Jeep.


  • The Circle
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Me and my friends already have an established plan for what to do should a zombie outbreak hit our area.

1. First, all meet at one friend's place to tool up (he has a collection of over 50 blades) so he's our armoury.
2. Next step is to all travel to another friend's place not too far away, which is a flat above a convenience store. We barricade the door, destroy the stairwell up to the flat and punch a hole through the floor and place a pole/ladder down into the store for provisions that can be removed when not needed.
3. If all goes to pot, we have an army barracks close by so we break in there, kit up and go zombie slayin' :lol

I'm not kidding...this is an ACTUAL plan we sat down an concocted just in case. Well, it's not like we can rely on the government to come in an rescue us eh?  :DD


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  • Petrie
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Get a flamethrower, SPAS-12 shotgun, grenades, molotov cocktails, AK-47, dual Desert Eagles, a dozen machetes/combat knives, and..........