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Rinkus, Sierra, or Pterano?

RFZT · 28 · 6140


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I bet Pterano will win by a landslide, but let's do this anyway.

I know Pterano isn't really an antagonist; he's more of an antihero. But just saying which of the flyers is your favorite would have included Petrie, Guido, Petrie's mom and Ichy. And Pterano acted slightly villainish in the beginning. Slightly.

Anyway, on to the poll. Pterano is cool, and I LOVE Sierra, but Rinkus is my favorite! He is silly, and he seems like nothing more than a comedy-relief crony, but he is actually a lot more clever than that. I love many deceptive characters.

Sierra is cool too, simply because he's so evil! I thought he and Rinkus made a good duo. Sierra was the force and the brashness, while Rinkus was the brains and the one holding Sierra back. :p

Pterano is cool...but I remember not liking him when I was younger because he was so full of himself. Now that I'm older I like him fair enough, and I appreciate his depth as a character. I now know also that his "full of himself" was more like self-righteousness.
I think one reason why Pterano is so popular in the LBT franchise is because he's realistic. At least, more realistic than many of the other characters. He is pompous, somewhat deceptive and arrogant, but he also thinks he's doing the right thing. He was one of the more developed characters in LBT.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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I like all three of these characters, but out of the trio, Pterano and Rinkus stood out to me more, so I voted for both of them.

I like characters that seem to be villainous but are just confused, not evil. I consider fighting for "A greater good" may be done the wrong way, but at least the good intentions are there. The journey of learning the truth of certain matters which results in the good nature coming out of them is very interesting to watch. Those types can be more intriguing than the characters who are always portrayed as a "good" or "bad" guy. Conversions seem to add more flare than the same old thing in some circumstances, which is why I enjoyed Pterano's journey, which was more within himself than toward the stone.

As far as Rinkus, I love comical characters, but even more the comical characters that really aren't. Yeah, I enjoyed watching his simplistic behaviors repeatedly, even after learning of his cleverness. I love acting, so pretending to be brainless the whole time made it more exciting to find out of his brainpower. Characters that aren't what they seem are extremely popular in most stories I've read, so I Iiked seeing one again.

Not as much to say on Sierra. Hasty, brash, and unconcerned of consequences, he was a flavorful character, but I didn't connect with him as well as the other two. I think and worry about the future a lot, so I had difficulty finding common ground with him. He is a great character still, just not one that I can relate to personally without much trouble.

Great topic idea! This one definately had more of a straighforward focus, making it easier than some other ones. The abstract polls are good too, for they give a lot of options, but more narrowed down ideas should be implimented like this one. Too much freedom all the time overwhelms me a bit. A simple, three choice topic was a nice, relaxing question for me to think about. I like a lot of choices at times, but brains need some questions that don't send them everywhere but keeps them in a limited area to wind down.

By the way, I take it that flyers are your favorite LBT type? Seven must be your favorite movie by far then. In that case, you would love twelve. Just hear the name: The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers. Petrie is the main focus in this one, with Cera being second. There are dozens upon dozens of flyers all throughout this one. They were originally going to put those three flyers in there, but the creators changed their minds. Knowing you, if you only watch one more film, I recommend the twelth one because it has flyers galore. Of course, if you don't favor the kind itself but simply like those three, then please excuse this paragraph, which in such a case would only have wasted your time. Who knows? Pterano may not be able to come back for a little less the five years, but with all the adventuring in the Mysterious Beyond (a pun) the gang does, we may see those three again on television or a new movie sometime soon. I enjoyed writing in this poll of yours. I will try to check out any new voting threads you make. This was fun. Later!


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I like him best of the 3 ones on the list.  He does show change near the end and instead of being a typical 1 dimensional villain he is more dimensional and  seems more real then most villains.


  • Chomper
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Nice insight, The Friendly Sharptooth! I appreciate the depth in your reply.

I'm not sure which type of dinosaur is my favorite in LBT. Outside LBT I like velociraptors and pteranadons best, but in the series I'm between the longnecks and the flyers. I love the longnecks because they are so fair and caring, but at the same time I think the flyers are so awesome. I guess they're tied with me.

But the seventh movie isn't my favorite. It's my fourth favorite. And I wasn't annoyed by that last paragraph. I liked your thoughtfulness. This is my preference on the movies:

1 > 3 > 4 > 7 >> 5 > 2 > 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All the others and the TV show. I've given all those a chance, but I can hardly stand them. But Chomper and Ruby are pretty cool.

EDIT: Adding on to what you said about Pterano's way of fighting for "the greater good." That's what I mean when I say he's like an antihero. Others may have seen him as a bad guy, but he was actually one of the good guys. He was just on a different side.

Man, I love antiheroes. B)


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I didn't know you could choose more then one vote. :P:

I choose both Sierra and Pterano.

Sierra is just awesome. He has some pretty funny lines. He's tough rouge like guy. He follows his own agenda, it seems.

Pterano will always be a personal favorite of mine. He is the most complexed character I think in the LBT world. He's one of the reasons why I still like LBT to this day. Same with Sierra.


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I'm no good at naming one character a favorite one, but I think Pterano is the one who, as of now, leaves most of the interesting questions.
Rinkus is, as you said, the comic relief, but at the same time he does show some cruelty in suggesting violent means to get the information about where the stone of cold fire landed from Littlefoot (funny that Pterano never actually just asked Littlefoot where it fell). We have had one comic relief villain with a touch of cruelty before (Strut who suggested dropping Littlefoot from the great wall), but unlike Strut, Rinkus is also a bit more intelligent. Certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but unlike Sierra he has a sense of deception.
Sierra on the other hand is primarily the brute who is not as "tamed down" by slapstick moments as Rinkus is (by the way, I don't think there is a single villain in LBT who doesn't have some slapstick scene. One might consider the original movie's sharptooth the only exception, though his getting stuck in the narrow rocky tunnel during the pursuit of the gang might be considered a mild form of slapstick).
In case of Pterano the information we have is somewhat shaky. He is overly ambitious and craves recognition (he is extremely vain) and there may be many stories that could be written about this. We often see Petrie trying to get recognition from the others, but he often ends up another comic relief as a consequence. I wonder if perhaps the lifestory of Pterano and Petrie may be similar? Maybe Pterano too had a hard time learning to fly and maybe he too was too much of an individualist to get the recognition which he felt he deserved?
As for the "Pterano incident" from the LBT 7 flashback I have an own theory which I posted in the Pterano thread.


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Most of the Time the Leaders end up being the Coolest.  :rolleyes


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I find I tend to like the second in command best since in most fiction the leader has certain rigid rules they have to follow and certain phrases they have to say.  The second in command can be often more human and say things like, "I think we should just punch him in the face." or , "he just needs a good punch."   The leader for most types of fiction can't say that.  Though there are exceptions.


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Seconds in command can also be those to stop a leader from punching anyone when it is not necessary (in which case they come across as more sympathetic than in case of them being the punchers) ;)


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Personally I didn't like any of them.  They were necessary for the plot of the seventh movie and it would have been horribly boring if they weren't in it, but aside from that I don't see anything too special about them myself.


  • Chomper
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Pterano Is My Favorite Character. His British Accent Is Very Cool When He's Voiced By Michael York.


  • Ducky
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Pterano is the most charismatic of the trio and his story is very dramatic, so i voted for him. :)


  • Ruby
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Also voted for Pterano, I'm a big fan of British accented villians, espically ones I feel sympathy towards, that and he was always my favorite villian or antihero out of all the movies.


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Pterano all the way! I've been a fan for nine-freaking-years! Sure he's the greedy uncle all over again, but at least he actually grows and realizes his mistakes for himself...and his nephew still loves him even though he did some very bad things.
I've been thinking about what made him so obsessed with leadership myself. In the One Generation Earlier RP, I have him presented as someone who WOULD be a great leader, but for some reason or another (much later) he lets it get to his head. But I also never thought of Malte's point.

He...also started my fandom for Micheal York   :lol


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Definately Rinkus. I love the way he hides how sneaky he is through acting stupid  :yes

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I can't believe Jrd89 hasn't commented in this thread yet. I expected him to be on this like white on rice.


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"Like white on rice"  
Haven't heard that one before  :lol


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Sorry i'm late. I had trouble getting to a computer.

I NEVER SAW this thread until It got bumped and updated.

When I first saw this thread, I figured Pterano would win this poll easily.  But a "Rinkus or Sierra" poll would be more interesting to see.

Who's my favorite of the three? It's very hard for me to decide between Pterano or Rinkus. Pterano is so beautiful and elegant, while Rinkus is very funny and silly.

I mentioned on another thread that Rinkus would be the one i'd love to hang out with the most..

So... I'm voting for Rinkus.. just because he's funny and silly.

If this vote was for most beautiful flyer, I'd pick Pterano.

(it's nearly a TIE between Pterano & Rinkus,  for who's my favorite. It's very tough for me to pick)

Did you guys know Ptyra drew me (as a pteranodon) having my birthday party with Pterano, Rinkus & Petrie?

I hope you've seen that drawing.. :)

In case you haven't.. follow this link..

the drawing is about 1/3 of the way down the page. I'm the Pteranodon on the right. My crest is a little bit smaller than Pterano's and Petrie's on my beak hugging me.

Current Vote Results (after I voted for Rinkus)

Rinkus- 8
Sierra- 8
Pterano- 22

UH OH!  My vote tied Rinkus with Sierra at 8.  I hope Rinkus can get to 2nd place.

Pterano is wayyy out in 1st with 22.


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Nice drawing, I wish I could draw like that  :(  Is that Rinkus holding the hat?


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I voted Sierra. I just love his violent personality as I tend to obssess over traits like that (makes a better villain to me). And I love his voice, Jim Cummings was the perfect choice. He was my favorite character when I first watched the film, and it only intensified to being my all-time fav character in LBT since then.

Rinkus never really made much impression on me, though I do love his tail and how sneaky he turned out to be. And, yeah.....I used to think Rinkus was a girl, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to make that mistake (my sister only now just learned that he's male).

Pterano, dunno. He's my sister's favorite and we tend not to like the same characters (we playfully consider it 'stealing'). I do like his development and how he has such depth that is rare for me to find in LBT, but I think he isn't my favorite because my sister 'claimed' him first and so I never really bonded with him too much cuz he was 'off-limits' to me. Though I do love JitteryDragon's God Pterano and his awesome guitar skills.