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Never Do Anything Together

Kit12 · 25 · 2817


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Ok, if no one else cares about joining up with my curiosity of this one simple idea, that's fine, but I can't keep in in pondering anymore and it's coming out. So, here's where I tell about it

Simply put, this role play will take place in the first movie, right when....the giant eathshake that separates the kids is suppose to happen, only it doesn't. Everyone's heading on about their normal lives and Littlefoot's mom get's to live...for now.

and...everything from do the kids meet when there's no urgent need and is there any possible reason for Topsy to even talk to the Longnecks gets to be explored.

Um, Fan characters. We can do the no assignment if you guys want or assign as wanted, I don't have a preference. I'm not taking anyone permanently, but in starting the bio of who's here, I will start with my character most of you haven't met yet.


Grandpa Longneck


Name: Cree
Age: Tylr (and Petrie's mom's other siblings) oldest brother
Species: flyer
Personality: Mean, spiteful, and hasn't grown past an adolescent's bullying immaturity. He can't push his sister (Petrie's mom) around and knows this but is still hanging around her and the others for the simple fact that his youngest brother, Tylr, is and that boy has always been an easy vicitim for Cree feeling like he's still on top of his siblings.
Appearance: a yellow color with green eyes
Other: His only redeeming quality is he's not mean to Petrie and the others since he basically ignores them as not worth his time.

Name: Tylr
Age: adult, youngest of siblings
Species: flyer
Personality: Also not getting over his hatchling demeanor of timid and shy, Tylr lacks the nerve to tell Cree to buzz off, even if he feels the weak picture he must present to his daughter and nieces and nephews isn't a good thing; he's just glad his sister can still keep Cree in check.
Appearance: Teal colored with blue eyes.
Other: Even now and despite the attitude he knows some of his siblings to have, he's very accepting of other kinds and tries not to think badly of them.

Name: Kit
Age: 7ish, or slightly younger than Petrie and other cousins if not about the same age
Species: flyer
Personality: Naive, trusting and so willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt she's not comfortable with calling her Uncle Cree bad, even if the way he treats her dad is very unnerving. She's very intimidated by Cree and keeps out of his way as much as she can.
Appearance: dark brown color with blue eyes

Name: Cory
Age: 7-8
Species: crested swimmer
Personality: bold and always up for an adventure, Cory is very susceptible to being dragged off by the idea of a good story and following that into trouble.
Appearance: yellow with tannish colored stripes

F-14 Ace

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Sounds interesting.  I'll probably use one of my characters in there somewhere.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ohh...LBT AU...nice twist! :smile I would actually like to use only Cyrix for this one as it would be assumed he's still looking for Longtail and just hasn't found him yet. I'm still not certain as to what fc's I'll be taking, but we can discuss that later.


  • Ducky
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Ok yeah that's fine. If you need someone to bump into Cyrix and have read the thread you've probably noticed Cory's herd isn't doing much of anything yet so I can have them stumble on by him if you want, or if he's fine on his own for now that's cool too, I'm just offering.

Same with really any characters.


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This sounds pretty neat.  Guess I'll need a non-sharptooth character for this, so enter Syler!
Name: Syler
Age: same as all the youngsters
Color: Black
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Calm, for a threehorn
Syler is an orphan that has mostly raised himself.  As such, he isn't very trusting of most people, and is rather quiet unless he's mad, at which point he becomes extremely vocal about his opinions.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Well I did leave it really open on purpose. It's basically exploring what would happen if the eathshake in the first movie never happened and the kids didn't get lost.


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I see.  

You keeping a list of who's doing what character?  Just curious.


  • Ducky
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No one's taken anyone yet, but I should (and will) add in a spot for such. I'll put it up top of the top post.


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Maybe Mim would not fit.  She'd be traveling with her family, in the new updated/rebooted version of her history.   Diver and her 2 other friends would be with the main group I guess.   Not sure about Deon.

I guess everyone is with the main herd since they were never separated?


  • Ducky
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Yeah, they would all be with their main herds with the option of the main herds meeting each other, but the question that sparked this AU was would the herds interact if there wasn't the common worry over their kids to sort of unite them in the first place.

It looks like their already might already be a multi-herd forming up with just the OC's by the lake thus far before the Longnecks and Mr. Threehorn ever even hear about the idea  :lol which I don't know, might change up their standing if they're the one's stumbling upon this already formed group and not the instigators, but that's all speculation, and I'm probably confusing again.

So yeah, basically Mim would still be with Ducky and her herd and Mim and the others with their respective herds.

F-14 Ace

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Does littlefoot's mom have a name in this rpg or will  we just call her Mrs. Longneck?


  • Ducky
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I've thought about that, that and Petrie's mom since I keep using her so much. I did write a fanfic where I had to come up with names and I called Littlefoot's mom "Tenderheart" and Petrie's mom "Ptami", if we want to use those or anything.

Or can anyone think up a better name? Opinions are more than welcome.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I could reprise my role as Grandpa Longneck if no one else minds. I happen to enjoy playing his character as a matter of fact.


  • Ducky
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Somehow I can see you doing him really well, and that's a compliment in case it's taken some wrong way :DD Anyway, ok, I'll put you down for Grandpa Longneck.


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Others younger then her may call her Mrs. Longneck since that seems to be the practice.  Though some may call her Littlefoot's mom since in the 8th movie Petrie calls Ducky's mom Ducky mom and she doesn't seem to mind.  

Mim would be with her family during the time of the movie.  They may be traveling around a bit or may be living in berry valley or elsewhere during the time of the movie.  Diver, Mia and Rhyn would likely be with their families.  

Not sure if Maiasaurs are considered a type of swimmer since Mrs. Maia did have a nest near water.  If so the swimmers may quickly for a group.  Flyers could with any open minded others offering their services to fly around and warn the walkers of sharpteeth before they can see them in exchange for their protection at night if they are attacked.  Just a few ideas I had.


  • Ducky
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Yeah probably, on Mrs. Longneck's name, and I imagine the flyer's would offer a bunch of help. Actually too that end and going off a plot point I just thought up, I think I might take Pterano for my own using. I was hesitant to do so before since I have enough of a monopoly on Petrie's family with my OC's, but a thought hit me.

Tylr's already with this first small little group of OC's heading out towards the Great Valley, and since they have no idea where they're going, I imagine meeting up with the longnecks either in a group with Mr. Threehorn or not, depending on how that goes, would nonetheless probably mean they would get pretty attached at the idea of them actually knowing where they're going.

Well, before this, and having to do again with the fact that Tylr's there, I'd imagine Pterano would be coming along too and he'd probably start trying to lead the group, or at least act like he knows where he's going. He couldn't get out of line I don't think with Tylr and Petrie's mom both their to keep him in check ;) but the group later noticing that Grandpa Longneck does know where he's going would serve to sort of squeeze out any influence Pterano might or might not gain and that could be pretty annoying...this assuming the two groups would meet, that might not even happen, who knows.

but to explore that, if no one else is set on him, I'm gonna take up Pterano.

As I stated though, the plot points above are just speculation, I'm not tying us down plot-wise to anything, and who even knows how these other characters who are part of this first group joining up will take to Pterano (I gather some of them might be too smart to fall for his schemes :DD, but we'll work it as we go)


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