The Gang of Five
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Never Do Anything Together

Kit12 · 120 · 14484


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(OOC: I don't see anything wrong with mentioning them, they do act like they'd been there before)

Kit had just got Petrie into the water to try out swimming when the conversation caught her attention. She paused and turned to Mim at her question.

This meant letting go of Petrie and she quickly had to grab hold of him once again as he started to sink, but then she listened again.

"If it exists it sounds like the most wonderful place in the world, it does, it does" Ducky added in.

"Well of course it is" a voice said, and on a tree nearby the lake, Pterano took advantage of this pause the group was taking to add in his input.

"Why, with the way everyone from flyers to even you other ground walkers talk about this glorious place how can it be anything but real, and, very luckily for all of you" he smiled to the other ground walkers, "I believe I've mapped out, from the stories, just how one would get there...which is why I should continue to be allowed to keep leading" he turned to Cree at this last part to make his point.

Petrie smiled, his Uncle Pterano knew everything about everything he was pretty sure. Kit just looked interested, she wasn't sure but then Uncle Pterano might know what he was talking about she figured, who knew.

"He doesn't really ya know" Tylr whispered to Cyrix, he was starting to think the rainbow face might be one of the few he could be honest about Cree and Pterano's behavior with and who would understand but not judge farther than needed (one of the few he wasn't related to that was)

"...actually know where to go" Tylr continued to explain, "none of us do, since it's just a story everyone knows but few know the exact location of; but then such facts haven't stopped him before" Tylr grinned.

Ptami rolled her eyes, agreeing with Tylr's statement, yet then smiled, "Well that tip on following the bright circle as it touches the ground might be right, and it is a starting point" she admitted.


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Mim looked at Pterano, "Leader of the flyers, that is up to them & good luck." Mim said knowing it was best to not say much but still remain polite.

Mia ignored Pterano, her father had said if he saw him again he may try to punch him since there was something he didn't like about him.  

"Gosh, that must be hard to have done." Rhyn said, a bit amazed by all the Pterano said.  

Diver remained quiet, not sure what she should feel or think about it so she drank a little water as she listened.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix gave a light laugh at Tylr's comment of his brothers. He then stepped towards Tylr and whispered.
"I believe Ptami is right, following the bright circle would be a good start, however, I also think it would be wise to let all of the grown ups lead the way and have Pterano and Cree especially just fly ahead as scouts to make sure our way is safe for us on the ground." He then looked to Ptami and Tylr as he asked, "Is that alright with you two?"

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After listening intently to the plan, Snork nodded and said, "Sonds good to me."
(Sorry about the short post.  I'll post a better one later tonight when I get home.)


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(OOC: It's ok.  You can only post when you have time.)  :)

"It does sound like many are heading in that direction.  Maybe it would be safer if we do travel together as a sort of group." Mim said.

"Yea, then some of us can keep the sharpteeth away.  They'd know better then try to fight a large group since they'd loose." Mia said.

"I like that idea,I certainly do." Diver said looking around, "Just think of the different games we maybe could each each other, or stories we could tell." She said.

"I do like that.  So many different things each may know." Rhyn said.


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Pterano smiled at what Rhyn said, "Well it's not all that hard if one just pays attention..." he began to brag.

Tylr nodded at what Cyrix said and turned to Ptami, "Sound good, what do you think?" he asked. Glancing back at her brothers, as even Cree looked bothered and like he was waiting to but into what Pterano was saying, Ptami smiled, "I think it sounds perfect" she said.

"So, here's what we've decided" she flapped over to tell her other two brothers as well as the others, "myself and my family who I'm volunteering for, are going to put our skills to their best use...".

Tylr hid a laugh as he knew who Ptami was aiming this part to.

"...and scout ahead for you while you guys, well, work out whoever up front of the group on the ground between you" she smiled.

Pterano frowned, "Ptami, I don't think...".

"Come on you two" Ptami began pushing Cree and Pterano along, "lets get on with that scouting...uh oh, Tylr" she turned to her youngest brother as she thought of something, "actually, could you stay lower to stay with the kids" she meant Kit and her own brood, but knew Tylr would keep an eye on the other ground walkers kids too.

Tylr nodded, "sure thing".

"Hey how 'come it sounds like he's getting the easy job?" Cree asked before Ptami succeeded in pushing him and Pterano on about their scouting mission.


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"Cera, don't climb so high!" Topsy scolded from where he watched his daughter play with the young longneck.

One of his older daughters, Carley, had joined the group by now and couldn't help looking at the older longneck who had said he was the grandfather of the young one her sister was playing with. "Um excuse me sir...I think while my dad's yelling at Cera is the only time I could ask this without him being embaressed" she explained quickly, " you know if this place some of the herds keep mentioning is real? This Great Valley?" the adolescent threehorn asked.


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Mim nods, "yes, those are some good points to traveling together.  I guess you kids are in favor of it, but are your parents?" Mim asked.

"I don't think mommy & daddy would mind, I certainly do not." Diver said shaking her head during part of what she said.

"If folks are nice I don't think mine would mind." Mia said thinking a bit before she responded.

"I think mine would prefer traveling with a group then traveling alone.  Safer that way, especially at night." Rhyn said.

General Grievous

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Kaga wandered alone through the wilderness following the tracks of longnecks.  The iguanodon followed these tracks because he hoped that maybe the longnecks would find food.  Perhaps he could eat whatever was left over.  Kaga had been fortunate thus far.  He had been able to find small plants to keep him going for the past few days but the terrain seemed to be getting drier ahead.  Kaga had learned long ago to survive on his own, having been abandoned by his family.  It was just so lonely traveling by himself.  The iguanodon continued to follow the longneck tracks, hoping they would lead to food.

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"Yea, then some of us can keep the sharpteeth away. They'd know better then try to fight a large group since they'd loose." Mia said.

Snork said,"I believe I can help you with that.  I've been on "sharptooth duty" more times than I can count.  I'd be glad to help out any way I can."


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"It does sound like everyone or most here are in favor of the idea." Mim said. "We just have to decide if we want to get some sort of organization in place or keep things simple." Mim said.


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"Yeah, and my mom's beat up sharpteeth more times than I can remember fully!" Cory cut in, always having trouble with the waiting his turn or not interrupting rule.

"Only because I had to, Cory" his mother pointed out, "don't go bragging".

"but I'm not saying anything about myself, it's only bragging if you say stuff about yourself" Cory said. His mother just rolled her eyes, "Well I say if we're going with this herd we best keep up, before those two flyers grown impatient, they seem very prone to that".

Not quite grabbing what her new friend's mom said, Kit laughed nonetheless, "Yeah Uncle Cree's got a problem with patience and yelling at people and stuff, and Uncle Pterano needs to watch his bragging too, Aunt Ptami keeps telling them both that" she smiled.

From where they could hear the conversation as the swimmer's and others appraoched, Ptami frowned, "Apparently I'm being listened to more than I know" she commented to Tylr, who smiled. "I just take it for granted kids hear anything you say, since they probably will, they're sneaky like that" he grinned.


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Quote from: Kor,Feb 21 2009 on  10:57 AM
"It does sound like everyone or most here are in favor of the idea." Mim said. "We just have to decide if we want to get some sort of organization in place or keep things simple." Mim said.
"Well the flyer's as scouts sounds like the best, past that I'm not sure" Cory's mom said. "and we will happily oblige" Tylr saluted with a smile before flapping off.

Kit, thought, and then popped out with a very childish and randomly childish answer. "I think we met Mr. Cyrix first out of most everybody, so he should probably be in charge" she just out and said.

Tylr looked a little embarrassed to have his daughter put Cyrix on the spot like that.

"Why Kit" Pterano looked insulted, "are you saying you think a rainbow face should be in charge instead of your dear uncle".

Kit shrugged, "You're too busy scouting, so I think Mr. Cyrix should be in charge" she said again. Cree laughed and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the whole situation.


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Mim nodded liking the idea, "Flyers could make good scouts.  Longnecks can see farther then some on the ground.  There's some things everyone can do." Mim said smiling to those near her and not wanting anyone to feel any less then anyone else.

General Grievous

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Kaga continued his journey through the wasteland.  He could hear voices up ahead and crept up slowly beind a rock.  He wanted to be sure that whoever it was ahead, it was someone friendly.  Peeking ouf from behind the rock, Kaga saw the three adult longnecks, a threehorn and two children playing together.  Threehorns had a reputation for not being very friendly.  Kaga decided to watch and see what happened.

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Cyrix couldn't help but blush at being considered for the leadership role. He'd never lead antyhing in his life, but he was certain that it was never a bad time to get experience. He turned to Kit and bowed as he answered.
"Thank you Kit. I wouldn't mind leading our...herd, but I've never lead anyone anywhere before. I suppose I'm just nervous."
Cyrix then looked to Ptami and Tylr and asked, "What do you two think?"


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Ptami and Tylr glanced to each other, thinking. "Well..." Ptami finally said, "if you're comfortable with that I don't see a problem" she began.

Off to the side, Pterano looked like he had things to say that he was keeping himself from saying.

"Although" she smiled a bit, "you shouldn't let one of our young one's pressure you into anything you don't feel comfortable doing".

"It would be a technicality anyway" Tylr said, "I mean if we wanted to go with that, with as much as I gather this herd likes voting we'd be putting decisions to everyone anyway, so there might not be too much pressure".

"Yet the fellow said himself" Pterano but in, flapping over, "he hasn't had the experience of leading in his life".

Tylr looked confused, "Neither have you" he pointed out, and as Pterano looked like he might answer, Tylr sighed and continued, "and that thing during the Day of the Flyer's doesn't count" he added.

"Besides" he added as it looked like Cree was going to say something, "we'll be far to busy scouting".

"Oh well atleast we know where she gets it!" Cree muttered as Ptami moved her two brothers along back towards a more scouting position.

Tylr turned back to Cyrix, "So, disgruntled scouts aside, how do you feel about the idea?" he asked, wanting to honestly know if they were pushing the raindbow face into something he wasn't comfortable with.


"Hey, what's that?" Cera asked, leaping down from the rock and noticing the iguana. Littlefoot turned as well, "I...I don't know" he said, tilting his head.

"I was asking my daddy" Cera shot back, "Hey daddy, what's that..." Cera marched over to where her father was still talking with the longneck.


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Mim looked around at those present where she could see.  "So, have you folks been traveling together long or know each other well?" She asked.

Diver shook her head, "No, I've seen some of them a bit before we got here, but I certainly have not talked to them since they were not close to where we were till now." She said.

Mia nodded, "Yea, the same." She said, still sitting down and resting, having finished a leaf or 2 she was eating and taking the opportunity to rest since she didn't know when she'd get a chance to do so again.

Rhyn shook her head, "Not till just now." She said.

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Cyrix thought about it for a few more moments and finally nodded his head.
"Alright. I'll do it. If for nothing else, at least I'll get to learn." he said with confidence in his voice.


Grandpa longneck was tying to convince Mr.Threehorn to come along with him, when he heard the threehorns daughter call out. He turned his head to look at what the children were asking about.

"Well it seems life comes in all shapes and sizes." commented Grandpa Longneck with a chuckle.


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“I just met everyone I’m not ëlated (related) to today I think” Kit answered from where she and Petrie along with Ducky, Cory and the other kids were still by the pond while the adults figured all this out.

“but I’m glad I did” Kit smiled over at Ducky and Cory. The swimmers smiled back. Ducky scooped Kit, Petrie and Cory, as best she could, into one hug, “and I am happy to have met you all to, yep, yep, yep” she answered.

Kit did disentangle herself to flap over as she heard Cyrix accept the offer of leading. “Sorry if I made you uncom’table” she said, “but I just think you’ll be really good at leading and so that’s why I said it” she said.

Tylr smiled, “As you may have noticed, if Kit meets you and decides she likes you her loyalites can get kinda strong” he said, “Um…if she gets too clingy you can gently tell her to move on or something”.


Grandma Longneck and Littlefoot’s mother had also come over and they too smiled when they noticed the iguana.

Mr. Threehorn huffed.

“Hello there” Littlefoot’s mother said softly to the creature as he got closer, “are you lost?” she asked. Both Littlefoot and Cera peered forward interestedly (though Cera tried to hide any interest whatsoever)