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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 261224


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you've never fallen from 30 feet before either..I'm going to order a check on the balconies on each floor for structural stability..we cannotafford anymore accidets.. how much more essential water do we have? Briggins asked Dr Kerzach..
_ vScooby stopped the mystery machine and had his passengers get out.. , and headed inside. here and there he could see hang-selli forces spread out and preparing defe nses. ' ri rish re rould rave riome rere rhen rhere rere rames reing rayed ' he said, a note of sadness in his voice.. ' lets get into position and begin our offensive ' hunter said.
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"This is the last pitcher," Dr. Kerzach said, dabbing some more on the wounds.


Dr. Zanasiu and his troops filed out of the APC alongside Scooby.

The field was cratered and the battle between the wyverns and the flight troopers raged overhead.

"Let's end this s---," Strut said, flipping down the visor on his helmet.

One of the armored flight troopers - his jetpack destroyed by the wyverns - saluted. His right hand glowed as he prepared his shockwave cannon.

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in surf point a wolf kid asked deimos. ' can we go back to the hotel now? i'm really hungry, and i'm tired.. a long list of complaints followed from the others..
- brigginsran to the enchanted miror ' stripetail! Mr Bigmouth is seriously hurt
 stripetail image appeared in the mirror ' what happened?' he fell from the third story balcany. it collapsed on him..
- very little i can do from here.. go through the potions i left in my room. there should be a few healing poitions among bad are his injuries..?
Hed be dead without the essential water and we're almost out of it.. there was a storm that stopped the dragonstorm offensive against this hotel.. did you help with that?
 No.. I usually don't meddle with the weather, too much meddling in that  can backfire on you, and it doesn't take much to create  really bad storms.. No, whoever did that is much closer to you than iam at the moment..
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Sara reached into her pouch and pulled out an advanced first aid kit and lay it on the floor next to where Mr. Bigmouth was.  "I can make more essential water if need be.  It's not to hard of a spell to do." Sara said.  

Sara's uncle thought for a moment. "Jason's likely busy so I'll have to summon another use to working on dinosaurs.  Having more then one doctor is always handy." He said then concentrated for a bit then summoned the troodon doctor, who appeared sitting in a chair with tea in one hand and a small half sandwich in the other.  He looked around a bit bewildered to suddenly find himself in another location while he was sipping his tea.

"wha??" the troodon doctor said a bit bewildered.

"Sara and I made a small tornado to do away with some enemy forces.    I dropped them off about a day or so's swim out at sea, roughly." Sara's uncle said.


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Sio it was you who helped us with the dragonstorm attack.. nicely done.. Briggins said, cioming in to check in on MR BigMouth and had overheard Saras uncle.. "most creatures do not survive getting dropped by a those dragonstortm forces you sucked up are dead..
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Deimos peered out. "I think so," he said.

He then led the group of volunteers outside of the ruined cafe and made his way back to the hotel.

When they entered, they were met with a shocking sight; a large pile of rubble by Briggins's desk.

Several volunteers and ghosts were carting the rubble to be placed outside the hotel in a desperate attempt to fortify it and provide cover for the defenders. Deimos remembered seeing several piles of rubble and dirt as well as other piles of debris and ruined cars scattered outside the hotel.

"Briggins, what happened?" Deimos asked.


"Everyone! They're coming!" a flight trooper shouted.

True to their word, the skies literally darkened as a squad of wyverns flew overhead and parachuted in Dragonstorm troopers. The wyverns followed.

"All right, let's rock!" Strut shouted. He shot a descending Dragonstorm trooper.

Dr. Zanasiu and Anton were using their shotguns to shoot down as many troopers as possible.

The chatter of Humvees firing their autocannons into the sky echoed around the stadium.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The Balcomy on the third floor collaspsed. Mr Bigmouth was on it when it caved.." Briggins replied " I see you made it back, with nearly all of those who went with you.. Now we need help to stabilize the building, and fortify it in case there is another assault..
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"Maybe magic can be used.   Like putting up walls of earth and other debris & making them as tough as steel or other metals, or at least stone."  Sara's uncle said.

"And adding some castle defense stuff, maybe a moat, arrow slits, and murder holes." Sara said.

The troodon doctor got off of his chair, putting his half sandwich and cup of tea on the seat and went over to start to treat Mr. Bigmouth's injuries, or the ones not being seen to by someone else.  He made use of the stuff from Sara's advanced first aid kit, at least the stuff he understood how to use, which was most of it, except for some of the very advanced tech stuff.


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True, however it would to be outside the hotel, its into too precarious a shape at the moment to do that inside.. " all those years od nrglect were catching up to them..
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Several of the grounded flight troopers fired shockwaves into the sky, pulverizing the parachuting troopers but it was not enough; the shockwave cannons had a very low rate of fire.

Dr. Zanasiu was reloading his shotgun. He radioed Spyro. "Spyro, where are you and your squad? " he asked.


Deimos nodded. "We can at least put the debris to good use. I'm going to salvage all metal and send it over to the base to make metal soldiers," he said. "Meanwhile, stack up non-metallic debris outside to form fortifications."

Several of the children in his squad had washed up and put their weapons aside. They were eating dinner or playing like, well, children.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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On our way" Came the reply " a number of wyerns were knocked out the air by fire and wind as Spyro Cynder and Inceda attacked them Tarrax also flew tiowards the stadium, blasting the wyverns out of the sky with lethal precision
 Stripetail in the meantime was creating metal soldiers from debris . once the others had captured another outpost they would move there..
 Chong radioed the Goat ' What is happening at the hotel? I have not heard back  from them, they should have reduced it to rubbkle by now1
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The Goat could not receive the radio transmission because he lay dead beside the smoldering wreckage of his APC - destroyed by one of the Surf Point defender's IEDs. Several of his soldiers lay dead alongside him. He had been shot by Deimos - from over 400 yards away.


The paratroopers landed inside the stadium. It was then revealed that the paratroopers wielded energized longswords and that the paratroopers were golems.

"Oh s---," Strut said. The fact that they attacked at melee range meant that friendly fire was all too possible.

As was demonstrated when Anton shot at a paratrooper and missed, striking one of the flight troopers. Luckily, the flight trooper's armor easily withstood the shotgun blast.


A convoy of trucks carrying food, fuel, ammunition and medical supplies rolled through Surf Point and stopped in front of the hotel. Several armored fighting vehicles mounting antitank missiles guarded them. They had come from Southport, which was established as an airstrip after the allied forces had retaken it.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Chong waited for awhile' then headed out of his lair Brin he motioned to a numbers of troopers who were assiating him. b Lets go check on the battle
" he fumed " i have not heard from the gOat.. this is bad news..
 We've retaken South Point and Surf Point, said the commander of the convoy to Briggins "Tell those fighting in Neptune City, that help in on the way..
 Captain Milos smiled as he learned that Surf Point was in allied hands.."We have a long long process ahead of us...' He said to the others " But for now Lets fix up the hotel
 With that the residents and Inhabitants set to work wioth ghosts floatring in the air where loors and balconies had fallen in, and motioned to those rmortals repairing the rooms where to go..
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Dr. Kerzach, Hans, Werner, Clive and Franz were busy fixing up a room that had been hit with rocket fire.

"Great, I hope there is a memorial to all the fallen somewhere in Surf Point," Clive said. He was nailing down some plants to cover a gaping hole in the floor.


The troopers saluted and got into one of the transport helicopters.

A helicopter gunship escorted them as they headed to Surf Point.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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there will be, a big one with all those killed , listed by name..' Milos replied, as more suplies headed upstairs..
 the magician watched as they headed out of Surf Point.."Things are going porly for us..
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"Spyro, Cynder, Incendia, Glacia please help!" Strut pleaded. He had switched to using his combat knife since he could not shoot at such close range.

One of the paratroopers crashed into the ground as a flight trooper grabbed it and piledrived it. Luckily, he released the golem before he crashed into the ground. He gently floated back to the ground and shattered another golem with a shockwave. In fact, many of the armored flight troopers took to attacking the golems with their fists and feet.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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incedia, take out those wyverns by  Strut" Cynder said as she dove and knocked a wyvern out of the air
- a Golem that had knocked a defender down was frozen solidd by Tiger
' Nice shot Tigeress beamed, before scooting away as a small group of golem's chased them..
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Following the other dragons was surprisingly easy for Incendia. It wasn't the first time he had experienced formation flying... back in his home on the Borderlands he would often tage along with the Griffons that would sometimes fly across the desert. He liked Griffons, they were fluffy... and they didn't hit him over the head with blunt objects like his sister did. He could talk to them all day if he wanted to, they were great listeners, plus the obvious bonus of giving him some flying practic-

'Wyrverns! Dead ahead!' He heard the cry, and without even thinking he shot out a bolt of white hot flame from his mouth. Whether an act of instinct, or purely by surprise... Incendia did not know. All he did know was that the poor creature who caught the blast in the face was melted away to bone almost instantly. The Wyrvern continued to head for him, and Incendia twisted in the air to dodge the flying body. The move sent him spiraling out of his position with the other dragons, and straight towards a building.

'Weeee!' He shouted, pulling his wings out and wide in order to gain height as the tip of a roof antenna missed him by an inch.

He rejoined the others in a lull in fighting. 'Woo, that was close. Kind of like this time I was trying to outrun this train... and I realised I could just walk off the track. I felt sooo silly. Is it getting wet, or is it just-'

He checked his right wings shoulder, which was bleeding from a deep cut. It seemed he hadn't missed the antenna as much as he had liked. 'Oh,' he said to himself. 'That's not good.'


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Worry about that later Tarrax's deep voice boomed as the huge dragon flew up to them. Worry about the defenders on the ground and the "middle" air.. I'll cover the high altitude creatures.. just use you breaths and your flying abilities..
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The troodon doctor continued working on Mr. Bigmouth, leaving room and some parts of him if others were working on his wounds also.  

"I'm thinking moving some dirt in front of the hotel to form a wall and making it as hard as stone or metal may be needed.  Along with some extras like small openings to put weapons through like gun barrels and perhaps making areas of the wall near the shooting holes transparent from the inside so the defenders could see out easily.  Or maybe raising up a storm again." Sara's uncle said.

"A storm may be easier, plus we need to repair and or reinforce the hotel sooner or later." Sara said.