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Season 2 Episodes


  • Ducky
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Ok... :rolleyes: there is a topic very similar to this which is something called "episode they should have thought of" something like that.  But the difference is:  that topic talks about episodes for Season 1. You see, season 1 is already finished, now we are thinking or predicting what the next episodes for season 2 is going to be like.

For Starters:

I think there should make a Sleep over Adventure episode; Ali included.  Storyline:  in the begin Ali and her Mother comes to the G. Valley by themselves to give an invitation to the Gang to have a Sleep over in the Valley Ali Lives in.  After they arrival; before the sleep over starts, the Gang decides to go adventuring since its been awhile since there first adventure plus Ruby and Chomper wanted to see the Night Flowers Littlefoot was talking about.  Later they will later encounter... :DD you guess it Dil and Icky, they will spice things up during the adventuring part of the Story.  After that they will walk pass the Night Flower Meadow and at the same time Littlefoot will remember the day when his Grandpa was Sick and was healed by the Night Flowers.  Then they all head home to the sleeping hole (where Ali sleeps), have some sleep over fun, and call it a night.  Next day Ali's Mother carries the Gang back home; doing there farewells at the same time.


  • Banana Egg
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Sounds cool


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That would be a great idea for a story..
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Sounds like it could be an interesting bit of fiction.


  • Ducky
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Coolness - like a bit of Land Before Time IV redux along with the nostalgia.

You should do a fanfic of that episode. I know I would read it.


  • Cera
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That actually is a very interesting idea for an episode :D

Here's one I thought of:

So we all know Littlefoot and Cera like to constantly bicker with each other because let's face it they seem like the perfect rivals. But what if one day their usual bicker goes too far, but not as far as physically fighting like in the first movie. Littlefoot and Cera are so fed up with each other that they avoid one another for a whole three days! While this is happening, the rest of the gang is desperately trying to help their friends reconnect, but fail over and over again. Eventually, when the others are in danger, Littlefoot and Cera are forced to work together to save them. Then they realize what they said to each other was stupid and they set their differences aside.


  • Ducky
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Now that is an awesome episode for Universal to make LBTfan13 I can see it right now.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Caustizer,May 26 2009 on  09:06 PM
Coolness - like a bit of Land Before Time IV redux along with the nostalgia.

You should do a fanfic of that episode. I know I would read it.
You know...if I get the chance I might actually do it. This is a assignment I won't forget.


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We'll make sure to remind you.. :)
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I like the idea LBTFan13, but I guess there should be something more about Cera and Littlefoot during the time of that quarrel. I suppose both of them would really miss each other, but Cera would probably be too proud to admit it and Littlefoot too would need a reason to abandon his usual easygoing and forgiving attitude even though he too would miss Cera. It would be necessary to make sure that the end is not to be interpreted as "they are together but only because danger forces them too". Throughout the time of the parting they would really have to notice what they are missing without the other one.


  • Chomper
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I would like it if they did a flaskback episode that really explains why Chomper and Ruby left their respected families and came to live in The Great Valley. I find that big piece of the puzzle was missing from the first season...

Or maybe they did, and I missed it when I went through the episodes...  :neutral

Anyway, it would be nice if they did THAT.

Another episode could have Chomper go look for his parents in The Mysterious Beyond, and he finds them fighting with Red Claw, Screech and Thud. He moves in to help them. Then he has a heartwarming reunion with them before leaving to go back to The Great Valley.


  • Ducky
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I know one how about a episode where everyone become ill (like the few or something) and one of the main characters wasn't sick he or she had to go with Mr. Thicknose and find a specific Tree Star to cure the dinosaurs of the Great Valley.


  • Cera
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I was kind of thinking and found this one. This would be pretty emotional but I thought it would be cool.

So Littlefoot has a sleep story in which he sees his mother. They talk for a little and she reminds her son how much she loves him and how she will always be with him. Littlefoot starts to feel a little depressed for his mother, so the rest of the gang try to cheer him up. Eventually, Littlefoot finds a place where he sees a star that reminds him of his mother, almost like she is looking down upon him from the sky. From that point on, Littlefoot is no longer sad and visits this spot every night, talking to the star as if he were speaking to his mother.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: LBTFan13,Sep 8 2009 on  10:39 PM
I was kind of thinking and found this one. This would be pretty emotional but I thought it would be cool.

So Littlefoot has a sleep story in which he sees his mother. They talk for a little and she reminds her son how much she loves him and how she will always be with him. Littlefoot starts to feel a little depressed for his mother, so the rest of the gang try to cheer him up. Eventually, Littlefoot finds a place where he sees a star that reminds him of his mother, almost like she is looking down upon him from the sky. From that point on, Littlefoot is no longer sad and visits this spot every night, talking to the star as if he were speaking to his mother.
That's a great idea. It would be nice to see the TV series have a mature episode. Especially one that touches on a very important subject matter.

I like the idea. Actually made me feel bad for Littlefoot...


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Here's one of my ideas.

Tricia wanders into the Mysterious Beyond. Naturally, the others chase after her. Just as Tricia is about to fall to her death from a canyon, Pterano rescues her. After some acquainting (in the case of Ruby, Chomper, and the very thankful Tricia) and re-acquainting, Pterano says that he is not afraid of Red Claw...and of course, some of them don't believe him. And then Red Claw comes along. Pterano does manage to save everyone this time, and once Red Claw is gone, Pterano acts as if he was scared of Red Claw. He tells them that he wasn't scared of Red Claw personally, but that he was afraid of what Red Claw would do to the children if he wasn't there to protect them. And the moral is "Just because you're not scared for yourself, it doesn't mean you can't be scared for someone else." And a ridiculous song follows.


  • The Circle
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Cut out the ridiculous song and I think this is an interesting basic idea the details of which could be elaborated and the consequences of which might do to fill more than one episode :)


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^ Heh, I did end up using "You don't have to be Alone" in the written version of it  :lol . At least it's not as ridiculous as others XD .

I also have different ideas for Pterano's return to the Valley. In one, he completes the full term and brings Ruby's family to the Great Valley with him. Not much of a plot there.

The second version is a while after my first idea (shown above). Some Fastbiters get into the Valley and Pterano ends up "breaking" his banishment when he goes down to save his sister (and a few others), but then he tells the GV residents how the Fastbiters got into the Valley. He shows them how the Fastbiters got in and even shows them other areas of invasion risk. Once that problem is fixed up, they clear Pterano of his banishment. And a little "Woooaaah, what just happened?" moment kinda hangs in the Valley for a little while.

I did have one idea that Petrie was DEATHLY sick and the only cure was SUPPOSEDLY only in the Mysterious Beyond, so they had to have Pterano help. However, the search doesn't prevail and Pterano got some "special permission" to be in the Great Valley in case Petrie did die...and the cure was in the GV all along - Tree Sweet seeds. But that idea was a liiittle too depressing for my tastes :lol.

But then, I'd have him in some other little episodes. I even imagine him buddying up with Tria for some reason O_O . Lol, mud pools. "Petrie, have you even TRIED to go in the pools?" And I'm guessing there is some silly way that Petrie ends up liking the mud pools.

Another idea would be for Ruby's family to make it into the Valley and they have to decide whether to stay in the Valley or go back to the Mysterious Beyond, at which point Ruby and Chomper must decide if they stay or return. In the end, by whatever means, Ruby's family decides to become part of the Great Valley Herd.


  • The Circle
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I'd do several episodes where they may do flashbacks explaining how Chomper got accepted, how Ruby came to watch Chomper for his parents, and some other unexplained back story, as well as having Ali and some others appear again.


  • Cera
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I would like to see an episode where they feature the villains from the movies that we never heard from again. An episode featuring Ozzy and Strut maybe? Or to tie in Ptyra's idea, and a little from my first Revenge story, have Rinkus and Sierra come back and have Pterano follow them to stop them or something.

I just found the villains to be the most interesting characters of the sequels.