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LBT - War for the Valley

LBTFan13 · 120 · 15914


  • Cera
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Ruby and Chomper stared at the fastrunner that had appeared before them. It took a while for his message to pass trough. Chomper was the first to break the silence.
"Sharpteeth attacking the valley?! Where?" he said with a mix of suprise and fear.

Ruby had never seen this dinosaur before, but he seemed sure of himself. And if sharpteeth attacked the valley, it would be an advantage to stay together, the more people the better.

"We must find the others!" she said determinately. "I think we had better reach for Shelter Rock!"
She turned to the newcomer.
"My name is Ruby, and this here is Chomper. I think all of us do best in staying together. Do you know where the sharpteeth are now?" she said rapidly. If they knew were the sharpteeth were, they would lose the risk of running into them.
And they had no time to lose.


Fry ran over to Skitter and helped him up on his feet.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I think so..." Skitter said and checked his body for any injuries.
Together they walked up to Zaine and Mr. Threehorn.
"Hey Zaine! What's going on and who are they!?" said Skitter and placed himself next to Zaine's, nervously observing the battle between the group of flyers.


Littlefoot stopped as he heard Ducky's yell.
He turned around and gazed with fear as he saw a large flyer, and two claw-filled taloons diving towards him from the sky.
He recognized his attacker at once.
It was Sierra!
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Cera
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Doc whipped his tail out at the flyer that tried to attack Littlefoot. "Back off coward." The flyer shook his head and bolted the other way. "Littlefoot keep running!" Doc yelled back. He then whipped his tail at a fastbiter that lunged towards him. More fastbiters appeared from all sides, but Doc kept swinging his tail in every direction to push them away. Persistent buggers.


Sierra kept flying in the opposite direction after the longneck hit him with his tail. "Why did that damn longneck have to ruin it? I was so close!" Then he noticed something else strange. Rinkus was still fighting that younger flyer, and some more children grouped around him. One of them was the threehorn girl from before, but there were two tinysaurus's, a rainbowface, a larger threehorn, and a green longneck. Sierra quickly thought about it and then doev for the group. He knew who his target was, and he was not going to be denined it any longer."


Zaine looked down at Skitter and Fry. "The Great Valley is under attack. All of a sudden all these sharpteeth, flyers, and egg stealers appeared out of nowhere! We have to find our friends and make sure they are safe" Zaine then shook his head towards Cyrix. "We can't leave Longtail behind! He's our friend, and he would do the same for us!" Then he noticed Cera's dad approaching. Oh great. Now what? Zaine knew the adults would try and stop him, but he made up his mind. He wasn't going to leave. "I don't care what you say! I'm going to help Longtail!" Then he felt something roll against his feet. He glanced down and saw Longtail lying on the ground. "Longtail! Are you ok?"

Suddenly, Zaine felt something grab him from behind and lift him off the ground. He yelled out as a flyer staggered with him into the sky and away from the group. "Let me go you creep!" The flyer looked down at him.

"Considering your situation right now you little squirt, I would choose your words a little more carefully!" The flyer then turned his head to the side. "Rinkus! Help me carry this one!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Rinkus was quick to see what Sierra had planned and laughed again as he took flight determined to help his friend.
"Well at least we got one!" he commented with a chuckle.

Longtail however gave an incredibly loud screech as he flapped his wings and took after the two kidnappers that had his friend and as he caught up he attempted to dive bomb the duo and immediately attacked both Rinkus and Sierra.
"Put him down safely and you two may not DIE!" he screamed at them


  • Cera
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"Thanks Doc!" Littlefoot yelled back at his savior.
But then he heard a yell, and saw two flyers emerge from the ground.
Rinkus and Sierra! And they had Zaine!
Littlefoot made a quick decision.
He looked at his grandma and hoped she would understand.
With that, he started to run after the two flyers.
I'm sorry grandma... But Zaine's my friend! I got to do something!

It didn't take long before he ended up at Skitter, Fry, Cyrix and the others.
He saw Longtail's attempt to set Zaine free, but then realized another danger.
"Hey everyone! Hurry! If Zaine falls we must catch him!" he yelled out.

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix noticed Littlefoots arrival and nodded his head as he replied, "You are right Littlfoot we have to make sure Zaine lands safely if Longtail is able to get him free. But what should we use? I'm running out of ideas." he admitted to himself aloud.


  • Ducky
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"I'll keep myself safe..." Shorty muttered, taking a few steps back and disappearing behind the herd's members.

"...After finding Littlefoot." He completed.

When Shorty saw he was far enough from Bron and not visible behind the herd, he swiftly turned around and ran away.


Finally stepping grassy soil, Kyro kept running across the plains, not even noticing whatever could be in his way, including trees, rocks, and even other dinosaurs.


  • Cera
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"Maybe a pile of leafs..." Skitter begun.
"Not enough time. And it wouldn't be enough to soften his fall enough..." Fry interrupted him.
"Your friend is right Skitter..." Littlefoot nodded.
"No... we need something better... and fast!"

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Cera
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Doc noticed Littlefoot running away. "What's he doing?" Then he looked up and noticed two flyers carrying away Zaine. Oh no. They're here for the children. He then looked over towards Grandpa Longneck. "It's a setup! They're after the children!"


Sierra noticed Rinkus coming to help him. "Perfect timing! This one's heavy. Let's head back to the meeting area." Then he noticed the flyer child Rinkus was fighting earlier approaching them, and at great speed. Sierra looked back and yelled, "Don't come any closer or we'll drop him!"


Zaine noticed Longtail coming in. "Longtail! Be careful!" Unfortunately, Zaine caught a quick glimpse of the drop the flyer was threatening, and he gulped. That's one long way down.


  • Petrie
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"If we could find more flyers of our own, they could catch Zaine if he fell and bring him down safely" Cera suggested.


Spike had sprinted after Ducky as soon as she had left the bushes.  Flyers had grabbed her before, and he wasn't letting that happen again.  When he caught up to her, he grabbed her in his mouth and flung her in the air, ensuring that she landed safely on his back.  Spike continued to run but changed direction to the same spot he saw Littlefoot running to.  Eventually he caught up and joined the others.


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"They are that way" Ovie said pointing in direction from he had come "At least those I've seen so far. And my name is Ovie" he added.


"<I like this place>" Claw said aloud, standing in the middle of medium cave, he and others found in Great Wall. It had two entrances: one leading to outside and Mysterious Beyond; second was actually a gap of the tunnel that was going up high, almost to the peak of the mountain. It ended with with a ledge, from where one could observe the whole Hidden Valley. Unfortunately the fastbiters couldn't use it to get inside the Valley, but apart of that it was almost perfect place to live in. Amber the fastrunner told Claw about possible location of that cave and they needed so little time for finding it, that fastbiter's leader could send some members of his pack at small hunting party. He stayed in their new home. He wasn't really hungry and besides someone had to watch for Amber. The female was a bit... no... she was very much concerned about Ovie, who went to the Valley for spying. Now she was at the top, watching the leafeaters 'paradise'. As if it would help her mate come back safely Claw thought.

Then he heard shouts from above. It was Amber, but he couldn't enderstand what she was yellling about, however it sounded urgent, so Claw run up the tunnel. After a few or more seconds he arrived at the ledge.

"<What is that commotion about?>" he asked Amber, who was looking down at some far away place in Valley.

"<Look there!>" she said, pointing with her hand. Claw followed fastrunner sight and then he saw in the distance army of sharptteeth, obviously invading the home of flatteeth.

"<Let my teeth fall off>" Claw whispered shocked by the sight before him...

Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail stopped trying to attack at the threat of dropping Zaine.
"you two make me sick to be a think our own kind would stoop this low!" Then he had an idea.
"Put him down safely in a tree and you two can have me...I won't fight, I wont' resist...I'll follow your every order...I am half sharptooth loyalties tend to be....mismatched most of the time anyway...just let him go and I'll join the invasion." he said with grim determination in his voice.


Grandpa Longneck was heart broken to see the children being tageted by the flyers. He charged forward pushing and crushing several fastbiters under his feet hoping to reach the flyers in time to save Zaine.


  • Cera
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Doc watched Grandpa Longneck head towards the others. "Well that's that." He began to follow him closely, whipping away any fastbiters.


Sierra examined Longtail very closely. Something seemed truthful about his offer, but if there was one thing he learned in his life it was never trust his enemies, especially children. Then he came up with an idea. "You throw a hard bargain kid. Fine then. I'll trade you for him." The two flyers slowly approached Longtail, but then stopped right before him.


"No don't do it!" Zaine yelled. "Don't even think about joining them!" Then when they stopped, Zaine became confused. What the heck is going on? Then he noticed something strange. Another group of flyers was approaching them from below, and they weren't friends. He then realized what was happening. "Longtail look out!" he screamed, but it was too late. At that moment, he felt the grip on his back release, and Zaine began to fall. He yelled out as he dropped through the air, but then only a few seconds later, he was caught again but the other flyers. It was a setup. "Longtail!" Zaine called out as the flyers turned and headed the other way.


As Zaine fell and was eventually caught, Sierra took the time to lunge towards Longtail. "Big mistake twerp!" He uppercut Longtail under the chin and then body slammed him. As Longtail staggered back, he signaled Rinkus and began to bolt in the opposite direction with the other flyers. Mission accomplished.


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"Littlefoot, be careful! Stay near me!" Grandma shouted, shaken by the close call.


Bron was very much perplexed.
"Uh, well, I guess it could be a ploy, but why bother with cunning in the midst of a successful ambush? I mean, I don't know- There's no time to worry about it now! We have to help the others!"


Mister Threehorn uttered a terrifying growl at Zaine's abduction, thick with rage.
"Why, those... those fiends!" He tossed his head towards the sky in vain, powerless to help.
"Kids, stay by me, whatever you do! And if you see anymore worthless sharp-toothed flyers headed this way, say something!"
He made a quick move forward and flung aside a stray fastbiter with his horns.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Ovius and Hyp ran off to fetch Deimos.

"Okay sharptooth, I'll trust you since you saved my life." Ovius said.

"The name is Deimos." Deimos replied. "And I will continue to assist this valley."

"My name is Ovius. Now we need to help the others. I don't give a damn what others will say but you're coming with us!"

Deimos shrugged and headed off with Hyp and Ovius.

After several minutes, they arrived near Bron.

"Bron! What is our assignment for now?" Hyp asked.

Deimos was looking around for some enemy flyers. He spotted some fast-biters in a bush.

"Ovius! There's some fast-biters nearby." Deimos shouted.


Strut grabbed a young Fast-Runner, who started screaming.

"Shut up!" Ozzie shouted, grabbing the Fast-Runner and attempting to gag it.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Cera
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Doc watched as the two flyers carried Zaine off. "Damnit they got one." He then spun around and whipped another fastbiter to the side. He then noticed Bron and Shorty approaching them. "Bron protect Shorty! They're here to kidnap the children, and they got Zaine!"


  • Petrie
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"What do we do?  We can't just let them have him!" Cera exclaimed.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail had known from the start that this was a setup, and even knowing that he'd still allowed Sierra to tackle him out of the air, fortunately for the young flyer he did what he always did when falling, he landed on his feet, albeit he had to roll to keep from hurting himself.
But as he stood up he immediately gave chase once again in the air, but as he gained altitude he inhaled for a moment and then let loose with a blood curdling, cold hearted, almost unreal and primal roar that echoed through the valley, followed by one word,
"DIE!!!!!" as he caught up to one of the flyers who was carrying Zaine and attempted to rip out its throat.


Grandpa Longneck looked horrified as he noticed a set of flyers carrying away one of the children, but as he noticed Longtail giving chase he cringed at the sound of his roar, and said aloud, "Such aggression, I do hope he doesn't do anything foolish." He then tail whipped another fastbiter out of his way.


Cyrix was about to reply to Cera's question when his blood ran cold at the sound of Longtail's feral screech.
" bad. Not just for the flyers, but...Longtail too." he stuttered his voice full of confusion and fear.


Rinkus couldn't help but laugh as Longtail was tackled by Sierra and the duo began to get away with their prize, but he had a bad feeling when he heard a roar that couldn't have come from any of their allies. He turned his head just in time to see one of the flyers being attacked by the persistent little blue flyer, who had once again tried to interfere.
"Grrrr...why won't you die ya little gnat?!" he exclaimed as he flew forward to smack Longtail away from the group.


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After a few moments Claw regained his composure and said:

"<That's the perfect moment for hunting! All the Valleyers are busy fighting off other sharpteeh, so they won't notice when we go in now.>"

"<You thinking about hunting in such moment?!>" Amber asked shocked and enraged at the same time "<Dont you care that something bad might happen to Ovie?!>" she shouted.

"<Calm down, Amber. I was just about to say that we are also going to save him when we get there>" Claw responded, trying to choose his words carefully "<Now... Do you remember where this secret tunnel is located?>" he asked.

"<Yes>"  the fastrunner asnwered shortly.

"<Then go there and I will caught up with you, after I find the others>" Claw started running down the tunnel to the cave. The female fastrunner looked once again at Great Valley, before she run after sharptooth.

"<And how you are going to gather all of them in time? They might be everywhere in Mysterious Beyond!>" she exclaimed.

"<I have a plan>" Claw said, still running.

"<That is not the answer>" Amber argued. They were now at the cave's exit

"<Then I will answer in this way: do you know how far roar of the fastbiter can be heard from?>" Claw asked smiling. When they were outside he roared so loudly, that Amber had to cover her ears. The noise Claw made echoed from the mountains few times. Then the peace settled again in that place for a moment, before... Claw and Amber heard another roar, muffled by the distance...

"<You see? It worked>" fastbiter said "<Go to the tunnel now. I will wait for others>" he added. Amber just nodded and run away.

"Oh... My ears... And I thought I heard everything" she said to herself in her mind.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Doc's voice threw Bron off for a second, but everything fell into place shortly.
"Just try to fight them back! And watch out for the flyers!" He answered Hyp. A swift strike of his tail leveled a few fastbiters at range. His inward panic towards Littlefoot being a possible target would have to wait, seeing as he had no idea where his son currently was.


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Hyp nodded and ran back to Ovius and Deimos.

"Okay, Deimos, Ovius, we're to engage any enemies nearby." Hyp said.

As he spoke a group of fast-biters leapt from the bushes.

"Deimos, you traitor! You shall pay for this!" a fast-biter said in sharptooth.

"Bring it on!" Deimos replied.

The fast-biter leapt at Deimos who grabbed him and threw him aside.

Hyp and Ovius waited for the fast-biters to attack.

Ovius grabbed a stick and tossed it to Hyp.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.