The Gang of Five
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Watership Down

Raptor · 279 · 22760


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The fear had momentarily immbolized Thistle, but moments after the hrududu had passed, Thistle bolted towards Mayberry and Walnut. Walnut was still unmoving, but is eyes were wide with terror, and he was mumbling.

"It... it went over me..." He panted. While Walnut was normally scrawny, he looked worse the usual. The fur clung to his body from the wet, and his ears lay against the ground, limp. A large shard of glass was imbedded in his paw.

Thistle was terrified. He'd never carried another rabbit before, even one so small as Walnut, and he simply couldn't think. What's more, another hrududu could arive at any second.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry at seeing Thistle so distraught she thought on her paws and hopped over to Thistle and promptly cuffed him across the nose with her paws. "Get a grip Thistle-rah! You need to help me bring Walnut to safety! Now help me!" She said with the authority a Owsla captain should.


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Thistle's eyes were still wide, but it was evident that the sudden shock of being cuffed had brought him back to reality.

"Alright." He said, hastily. "I'll support his head. Birch, I don't care what you think of me, but for Frith's sake, watch for hrududu!" He called back to the other rabbits.

Thistle gentally lifted Walnut up(OOC: I'm not actually sure how they carry other rabbits, it's never really specified), being sure to support his neck as best he could.

Walnut had gone completely still, his eyes still wide and staring. Thistle could hear the little buck's heart racing, and hoped that Walnut would not die, out of terror, before the got him to safety.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry was supporting Walnuts rear legs and made sure to keep as still as possible, while trying to move as quickly as she could to get Walnut to safety. "Please hold on Walnut...we're almost there. You'll be alright...I promise." she said aloud hoping to calm down the little buck.


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The others were just watching, while Mayberry and Thistle took care of Walnut. Once they reached the side of a road, Neltita hopped to them:

"Is he alright?" she asked looking at small rabbit. In this moment another hrududu has passed, so she had to repeat her question.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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They were almost to the other side, when Birch thumped.

Thistle knew that, although they were almost to the others, they weren't close enough to get out of the road in time.

He wasn't going to abandon Walnut in the road. Thistle kept carrying.

The moment they reach the other side, there was a sudden rush of air, and a grinding noise. Thistle didn't dare look around, but he knew the hrududu had just passed directly behind them, by the look on the other's faces.

Never had Thistle been more relieved then when the made it to the shrubs on the other side. Gentally, he sat Walnut down.

Walnut started to move, as soon as he felt grass beneath him. However, when he tried to push up on his right paw, he squealed and collapsed again. The glass was slick, and had imbedded itself deep.

Thistle finally got a good look at it, and realized the gravity of the wound. The glass had not just become lodged in the corse hair and flesh, but almost came out through the other side of Walnut's foot.

How were they going to get it out? Biting would do no good, the glass would simply break.

Thistle looked all away around the paw, desperate to find some way of removing the shard.

When Neltita asked about Walnut's injuries, Thistle answered "There's a piece of glass stuck in his foot. It's almost gone through. I can't bite it. It'll just break. But we can't just leave it stuck there!" Thistle's frustration was evident in his voice.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry could tell Thistle was telling the truth about the shard of glass. She carefully stepped over so she was standing in front of Walnut and sighed. She then turned to Thistle and said, "Hold him down...this may hurt but it's the only way to get it to push it through. I'll push, but someone needs to hold Walnut down. Can I trust you to do that Thistle-rah?"


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Thistle looked back to the glass shard. It was their last hope at removing the shard, truely the only way to remove it.

"Do it." Thistle said, simply, to Mayberry. He placed his paws over Walnut's legs, not too hard, but firmly, to keep him from further injuring himself.

To Walnut, he said "Walnut... Walnut-roo, This is going to hurt horribly, but I need you to hold still as best you can. Do you understand?"

Walnut, who's eyes were still wide with terror, answered "Y-yes.. Thistle-rah."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry took one last look at the shard and then at Walnut and sighed.
"I'm sorry Walnut-roo..." Was all she said before pushing down hard on the glass shard and forcing it through the bucks forepaw onto the ground. "There! It's out!"


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Walnut's eye's widened in shock, fear, and pain as the shard stabbed through the top of his paw, ripped further upwards, and finally was forced out. Walnut was so shocked the he didn't even squeak in pain.

Thistle looked at the shard. It was now stained with blood, and dripping onto the grass. Thistle looked back to Walnut's paw. Aside from the gash in the top and bottom, it didn't look too bad.

"Walnut-roo, can you stand? I'm sorry for rushing you, but the blood might attract elil." Thistle said, concern evident in his voice. Thistle, taking a closer look at the paw, thanked Frith, silently. The shard hadn't struck bone.

"I- I think so.. Thistle-rah.." Said Walnut. He pushed himself up on his left forepaw, awkwardly righted himself, then gentally placed his right forepaw on the grass.

"It hurts, but I think I can move..." Walnut added. He pressed down a little harder, squeaked after feeling a twinge of pain, but kept his paw on the ground.

"Thank Frith." Thistle said, relieved. "You need to keep it clean. We can't risk it getting infected. But first, we need to get away from here."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry sighed in as she could see Walnut would be okay for the moment.
"Thank Frith you are alright Walnut." She then turned around and said aloud, "I'm still covering our backs, now get Walnut moving! We don't have time for games!"


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"Walnut-roo, we need to hurry." Thistle said, as Walnut started to, rather feebly move forward.

"I know it hurts, but it'll hurt more if a homba finds us!"

With that encouragment, Walnut started to move a great deal faster, although he still had a pained expression on his face.

The other rabbits, already frightened and hungry, started to run for the other side of the brush, in hope that there would be something to eat there.

OOC: Alright, I don't want to leave Myrkin to far behind, so let's wait a bit.


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Basil looked at slowly hopping Walnut, then he turned to Thistle:

"If we want to move fast, then I could carry your little friend. It won't be much of a burden for me and we will be able to get away from here much sooner." he proposed. He knew that group of lagging rabbits will attract predators and they will be lagging as long as Walnut had to cure his paw's injury.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry looked at Basil for a moment and then to Thistle. "As much as I hate agreeing with him....Basil is would be faster if he carried Walnut...but I'll stay close to make sure he's safe...if that's alright with you Thistle-rah." she said aloud.


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Thistle looked to a lagging Walnut, to Mayberry, and then to Basil. "Yes, I agree. Walnut-roo, I understand it's going to be frightening for you. Just try to keep still so you don't hurt yourself. When we get to the other side of the shrubs, well, I can smell grass. We'll be able to silflay."

Walnut stopped hopping, and Thistle stood by and waited for Basil to pick him up, to make sure it was completely safe.


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"She hates to agree with him? She barely met him." Thyme said under his breath. In meantime Basil lyied down on the ground, so Walnut could climb up on his back. Hare was much bigger than this outskitter, then it was the only way for him to get there.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Walnut clumsiy tried to get on the Hare's back, his first attempt failing as he slide off. The second time, Thistle helped by pushing Walnut upwards until he was on Basil's back, relativly safely.

Thistle made sure that Walnut was safe, and ran for the shrubs.


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"Alright, kid. Hang on." Basil said, before he hopped after Thistle. It took only a moment for hare to caught up with rabbit newly appointed leader. He slowed down, so the others would not be left behind...
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry kept pace fairly well, despite Basil being far bigger and faster. As she cleared the path through the shrubs she sighed as she stopped. "This is far too much adventure for an ill prepared bunch of hlessil like us."


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Thyme and Neltita kept hopping after Thistle. The good news for Thyme was that he wasn't ill anymore. The bad news was that he was starving, which was signaled evidently by his stomach...

"I dont think we have much choice there, Mayberry. Unless you know about some warren lying nearby, in which we could find refuge..." he said grumpily.

"Warren... I already miss our home." Neltita said absently "Sleeping in warm, safe burrow..."

"...With so many rabbits in it that it became stuffy down there." Thyme finished, but doe didn't take notice of it, as she kept saying:

"Eating a fresh grass, with a few cowslips..."

"...Which were usually taken by Owsla right from your mouth."

"Listening to stories of El-ahrairah..."

"Being kicked by Owsla for not moving fast enough from their way..."

"Watching kittens playing on sunny day..."

"Being burried under the snow on frosty one..."

Neltita sighed aloud and said: "Yes... I miss all of these..." Thyme just chuckled.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.