The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Member Awards 2009 - Voting open

Malte279 · 99 · 14657


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Here are my votes:

Friendly Member Award: Well... As someone has already said, there is rather no person here who would be unfriendly, so choosing only one for this award is hard. I decided to vote for brekclub85, since he seems to always act and behave positively.

Role Play Gamer Award: I choose The Great Valley Guardian, since he always plays in every RP he has joined in equally good way.

Philosopher Award: My vote goes to the one who post rarely, but always long and he fully shows his point of view on any matter he is actually talking about. I vote for... The Friendly Sharptooth.

Proactive Member Award: Nick22. Like Matrix, he is everywhere at (almost) every time.  :p

Projects Award: Action9000. For working on LBT game. I think I dont need to explain thic choice more. ;)

Maybe I will give more votes later.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

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Projects: Action  that LBT game appears to be coming along nicely
Feedback Award: Malte. Always willing to give his two cents about anything.
ProActive::BRekclub. Everytime I turn around, he's adding something new.. :)
FAnART: Darkwolf. that drawing of Shorty is among the best I've ever seen.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Friendly Member - NeptuneNavigator2001. Sure, we haven't heard much from him here for quite a while, but he's a very understandable and tolerative person and it really helps me, having him on my MSN contact list. :)
Projects - Action9000. Guess why? :D
Helpful Member and Feedback - Malte. No need to comment on this one too, i suppose. :)


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Yeah, I haven't been on here much lately, but you know what? I think it's time I voted too. :p

Friendliest Member: My vote for this award goes to Kacie (DarkHououmon). Her acceptance, understanding and tolerance of differences, not to mention her caring, thoughtfulness, and inquisitiveness, are all causes for why she gets my vote for this award. :)

Helpful Member: This one was a bit tougher for me to decide on, as I do know a couple people at least who would fit this award rather well, in my opinion. However, after thinking about it, my vote for this award goes to Malte. His willingness to give advice to people in regards to a problem they may be facing, and his forthright approach, while still being respectful of others, gives me little hesitation in this choice. :)

Fanart: We've had some good fanart this year, certainly. This wasn't an easy choice to make, as we have many talented artists on the forum. However, my vote for this award goes to Lillefot, for his LBT fanart. :) He has an incredible eye for detail, and always strives to let it show in what he draws. Again, this was a very tough choice, but I feel he is deserving of this nomination. ;)
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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(I'm a he, don't worry about it though, it can be hard to pin a gender to text.  Thanks for the vote though, you made my day!)

Friendly Member: For this my vote goes to Kor.  He often says very little in a single post, usually just a line or two, but each post is always filled with encouragement.  I can not think of a single time where I have even seen him get the least bit irritated.

Helpful Member: Pass

Role-play Gamer: Here, I will be voting for The Great Valley Guardian.  I've only recently become active in the role play section but everywhere I look GVG is there.  I don't think I have done a role play yet that he wasn't a participant of.

Philosopher: I'm going to have to go with the crowd on this one and vote for The Friendly Sharptooth.  He doesn't post too often but when he does it is a very well thought out comment.

Most Proactive: Pass

Fanart: I'll give my vote to Darkwolf91.  I just love the Shorty drawings, what else can I say?

Projects: My vote for this category has to go to Action9000.  The LBT MMORPG is just too great of a project to ignore.  I'm still blown away that he took the challenge on, and the game just keeps improving.

Feedback: I'm going to cast my vote here for Malte.  Say something and I guarantee you it won't be long before Malte shows up and has his say.  On top of this his posts are almost never on liners, you can count on him to give a long and well thought out response, a response than can sometimes feel like it drags on for pages  :p (just kidding!)

phew, that wasn't easy


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Helpful Member: Ah, I'm going to have to skip this one, sorry :(

Philosopher: The Friendly Sharptooth. When I rediscovered this place and first started browsing old topics, his posts always jumped out at me. Impossibly thorough, and long-winded in the best kind of way :D Great stuff! Between him and Malte it was tough decision, though.

Feedback: Malte. Hs feedback is everywhere! It's as simple as that. I don't think I've done a single thing on this forum without getting his opinion on it, which is fantastic :smile
And it's always phenomenally well thought-out, too!

Proactive: Yet another skip, yeesh! I just haven't poked around enough I guess, haha.

Well, that's all until the Appreciated Member award comes up, I suppose :)


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To finish my voting before the Appreciatied Member Award, for Proactive Member I had to think long and hard about this. So many people are normally active, so it was difficult to choose just one person. However, if I had to choose one person, I would say Brekclub wins my vote for Proactive Member Award. He is always starting a new topic or RP somewhere, and many of these lead to exciting discussions.


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Here's my votes for my previously undecided ones.

Helpful Member: Darkhououmon, she gave me some computer advice when I had a computer virus at home (This happened thrice.)

Project: Action9000, From what I've seen of the LBT game, it looks great.

Friendly Member: It's been a hard choice, but I pick GVG. He always has a fun attitude.

Proactive: Myrkin, I see him on the boards a lot, and we've done a lot of games in the Party room and RPs together


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Well, lets see. Another year gone, and I'm ready to cast my ballots.

Friendly Member: Man, this is gonna be hard to decide. Partially because I haven't been on GoF a lot in the past year, and partially because a lot of people here have been friendly. However, as of 10:45 PM EST, May 11th, 2009, I am currently voting for brekclub85, because you have helped me get out a dull mood in the forum games.

Helpful Member: This is one where I will probably abstain, but if I find someone really helpful, I will vote for that person.

RP Gamer: Man, my lack of GoF activity has made me choosing any award winner impossible! I would have to say, though, that this is one award where I won't abstain. I have to choose between three people, but since LB&T has gone, I guess he isn't eligible for an award. Still, in spirit, my vote goes out to LB&T. But, since there are two more candidates who have been active, I shall give my vote to one of them. I've RPed with these two, and both of them are willing to accept new ideas. But since both of them are equally fun to RP with, my vote will com down to grammar usage. Oh, great! Both of them have good grammar usage! Well, I guess I would have to choose Explorer, for the idea of SSB: Collision. You, me, Serris, and everyone else still in it have to finish that RP!

Philosopher: Well, last year, Malte won this award. However, the torch must be passed! There has been one avatar that I've seen underneath a username that is on the left side of posts with good, reasoned thinking. That avatar, my fellow GoF members, is . The Friendly Sharptooth, every time you post, you seem to take up a lot of space. Here is the result of that hard work typing.

Projects: I have to say, I wish that action9000 would get that MMORPG finished so that he could get to work on a Mac version, because I would like to get a shot at that game!

Fanart: Well, last year, Sky had produced some AMAZING fan-art. However, Sky, you have not produced that much in the past year. So, no offense, but you don't have my vote this time. You still have some good artwork, though. My vote goes to Darkwolf because you have some really nice stuff.

Most Proactive: Well, this one, has to go to Brek. You have so many posts in the forum games section, I wonder if you live on the internet. I hope your home isn't addressed "" (You have to be an internet geek to get this).

Feedback: This one, my fellow forum-goers, shall go unvoted for my me this year. I can't think of anyone with significantly more feedback than anyone else. There are two people. And since I can't decide on which one to pick, this is an abstention.
Well, here are my two cents. I'll cast my Appreciated Member vote later, with everyone else, but I know who I'm votin' for. Til then, have a nice day!


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Friendly Member Award:  I would say Kor mainly because somethings when you present yourself with something like art video, etc.  he is there to keep you going with your projects.  there are many others like that but I afraid nobody did it more than Kor.

Helpful Member Award:  Man! this is a Tough one but I would have to say LBTLover (landbeforetimelover).  Well to tell you the tru i'm impressed that he developed his own website to watch and view as much LBT material as I want.  Thanks to him I can watch them again and again.

Philosopher Award:  I can't tell a lie but I feel Malte takes the cake on that one he is usually the one who type long messages...:wow and they make sense to.

Fanart Award:  Darkhououmon got some "off the wall" (Marvelous) art work especially work she drew the main character as different species.

Project: Award:  I would say Lbtfan13 mainly because is new video ideas I really cool which is singing most or even all the songs of LBT.

Role Play:  Berkclub85 had made some Awesome topics even thought I hardly participated just read the forum messages from him and other just made things interesting.

Proactive:  Between the Admins. I would say Petrie when there's a problem he's often shows up to make the situation better.

Feedback: Malte.  He mostly find the right things to say when you really need it.



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Fanart - NeoGenesis005 - Has drawn interesting & detailed characters.  Though not colored they are still good artwork and not every good artwork needs to be colored, though many may think so.   I like the extra information provided with each picture.  This was a very difficult category to pick which 1 character to vote for.

Feedback - Malte - This person offers frequent and often detailed feedback, often of the helpful type and with advice & tips on ways the person can often improve the post that they did.  The feedback post are often can be very detailed.  

Friendly - Chiletrek - This person has been very friendly to talk to via pm, on the various chats, threads and via IM.  I've had many long interesting conversations on IM on various topics.

Most Helpful - Neptune Navigator - This person has helped me in various ways in the past few months, over IM.  Some was just talking, some was actual information, ways to do this, things to avoid, ect.

Philosopher - the friendly sharptooth - This user posts very detailed posts that are through & read by more then 1 person. The posts are very long and detailed and cover many details, a thing not a lot of newer users would be comfortable doing.

Proactive -  Nick22 - This person has started many rps in the rp section.  & continued them when the other co gm, or the gm who started the rp got to busy to run them anymore.  They have been fun to rp in and was one of the first of the more different types of rp in my experience.

Projects -  Explorer - This user has helped with a 2nd fragment of a script for the audio plays that I've not posted since the first one I posted seemed to not be going anywhere.  Explorer had given me some ideas and parts of the fragment.

Role Player - Chiletrek - I have had a lot of fun rping with Chiletrek and his various characters over the past time we've been rping in the same threads together.  His characters have been fun to rp with.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Alright, here we go...And I thank you all who voted for me in any particular category.

Now for the proper awards!

Fanart: This one was tough only because the two I wanted to nominate are bot superb artist and both deserve recognition, but in the end I had to choose DarkHououmon. Her tutorial on how to draw LBT characters has severed me well in the last few months, and her SV fanart for Brekclub85 is fantastic!

Most Proactive member: This one without a doubt goes strictly to Rat_Lady. She's started more topics on this particular forum than most of us can try to count! :DD She's been a great credit to this forum and she should be proud!

RPG Award: Me personally....I'm passing the torch BEFORE I light it this year, based mainly on the fact that Brekculb85 himself has started at least SEVEN different Rp's and to boot most of them are sharptooth based! That's impressive to me, so this year I'm giving this one to you Brek! I hope you enjoy it! :lol

Most Friendly Award: This one was actually pretty easy, Kor got this one. He responds in almost every thread here, and he always has something positive and thoughtful to say. He is a good person and this award is calling his name.

Philosopher: I can't decide here...there are simply too many great people with wise opinions and thoughtful remarks to make a clear decision on this award at this time.

Most Helpful: I personally have had no difficulties recently, but still this award still has to go to someone...right? Well...based on past experiences here on the GOF I'm giving this one to LandBeforeTimeLover. He's still a great wealth of knowledge and I'm sure he's more than willing to help those who need it.

Projects award: While I'm not active in this particular all, I'm still going to give my input. I feel this award should go to Action9000. His idea for a LBT based MMORPG was in two words...EPIC GENIUS!!!! This year he should hold his head up proud and know that I personally will wait til heck freezes over for this games completion.


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Let me first make my speech... ahem....

It is with great regret that I had not participated much in this community over the past year. Letting life take over my freedoms from the internet, it seems all I was able to do here was post whiney updates about my life, and selfishly rub my personal projects under everyone's nose here. I wish I had done more, most especially in the RP section, and I did want to start doing some fan art for LBT, I just never put it into my schedule... I also wanted to attempt fan fiction on LBT, but as you all know, that was  not so. =P

I feel the need to apologies to the community for my absense. I know it is forgiven, but I still would like to make it clear that I wear my Mod badge here with a certain pride. (And my 2007 Proactive Badge) I'd like to make a resolution starting after this years award session to start doing more for this community.

And I hope I can keep to that promise...

anyway, with that all said and out of the way.. let me get to my votes for this year... keep in mind, my frequent absense may make these votes somewhat flawed, and some votes are votes on members from off forum reasons...


The Friendliest Member: The Friendly Sharptooth comes to mind. Not just because of the name. but also because much of my time spent here I've seen this matey live up to his name. Making kind comments about certain members and what not...

Most Helpful Member: Tim's always been there as a good mate. Helping me as I help him with various projects. Off the boards, I see the two of us like the Wright Brothers.. always being inventive and creative.. I think he'd be the same way on the forums

Best Role Play Gamer: I vowed about this time last year to be more apart of the roleplay forums... but Nick wins it for me. He did his best to keep me in the game, though I failed my duty (life got in the way) but I saw how well Nick's been keeping the RP forums buzzing. And I'd say he's well deserving of this award. Go get'em Nick!

The Philosopher: I always pictured Malt as the Philosopher type. Always being observant. Disecting certain topics to a high degree and stating his opinion as well as what he may consider fact. Malte always gets my vote in this area.

Most Proactive Member: [havent been around much to know]

Best Fanart: [Havent been around much to find out]

Best Projects: Tim gets my vote on this for his music projects and the LBT game (which I've been giving some opinions and advise on on and off throughout the production) I would vote myself, but I havent done anything LBT related in art or anything this year. I've only done mostly my webcomics, various and misc art pieces, and made updates about my life... woooooo... right?

Best Feedback: I'm voting Kor on this one. No mattewr what it is I or anybody else posts concerning art, literature or anything, Kor does his best to make a comment on it.

Most Appreciated Member: I apreciate myself.. but dont count that =P I havent been around enough to really know the answer to this one either...


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First things first:
Projects: I have to say, I wish that action9000 would get that MMORPG finished so that he could get to work on a Mac version, because I would like to get a shot at that game!
There won't be a Mac version unless someone else is willing to completely rewrite the game code.  Everything about the technology I'm using to make the game is 32-bit Windows-based.  Sorry. :p  :(

Anywho, as for my votes:

The Friendly Member Award
In times of trouble and chaos, this member still finds a way to spare time for his friends, no matter what.  Aside from introducing me to new cool music and chatting randomly for half the night, he really does find a way to brighten the mood..not just with randomness but with very solid advice that can be applied to real life.  Your friendship is extremely valued by me, AvesTheForumFox.  I hope we can continue to keep in touch as much as we have been recently!

The Helpful Member Award
She's always there ( :D ) with a post whenever somebody has a problem, whether it be something technical or personal, whether on or off the forum, Mumbling has been nothing short of awesome.  Plus, with all the tips and artwork she's given me for the game, she has become the largest contributor of artwork to the game so far.  And of course, the times spent working on the game together over MSN, among other randomness, won't be forgotten!  Thanks Mumbling! :D

The Role Play Gamer Award
I will not be voting for this award.

The Philosopher Award
She has consistantly been sharing her beliefs regarding both "official" LBT as well as fanfictions.  While this year seems to have had less "philosophical" discussion in comparison to the last couple of years, Darkhououmon has been able to bring scientific fact into play on multiple occasions to explain points.  This makes her quite unique in my eyes and deserving of the award.

The Proactive Member Award
A website and database for a huge collection of LBT material?  A place where anyone can upload and share screenshots and LBT artwork, or just a place to share files with other GoF members?  landbeforetimelover, your server has really helped a lot of us share and collaborate.  I'd say you really have this award coming to you.

The Fanart Award  
I won't be voting on this one.

The Projects Award
As much as I don't like voting for myself, I believe strongly enough in the success of the LBT game that I will keep my existing focus on the project and release continuous updates here as they are completed.  I'd like to vote for everyone who helped make this game possible, and there are many people on this list already.  Because I can't vote for everyone, I will vote myself as project leader.  If I do receive this award, a piece of it goes out to Mumbling, Malte, Littlefoot1616, Aves, Razzie, Sky, DarkWolf, Raga, Coyote_A, Serris, Flathead770, LettuceBacon&Tomato, and the rest of the team who has helped make the game a reality!

The Feedback Award
Spending huge amounts of time digging up and helping squish the LBT game's bugs and more than happy to let me know anything about the game project he doesn't think is perfect, Flathead770 is my candidate of choice for this award.  Our game wouldn't be as stable without his expert game-breaking ability and fine dedication to the gaming world!


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Well, I've done some more thinking, and I'd like to repeal my skip on the Helpful Member award. My vote goes to Nick! Because everywhere I look the guy always seems to be putting in an honest effort to help everyone who asks. He deserves it :)


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I thought I was going not to vote for this, as I felt I hadn't been here for too long and thus I'm going to only vote in four categories but:

The Friendly Member award: I'd have to say that it was difficult for me to choose one, because when I first joined there were many who made me feel welcome and are very friendly and nice.  But this person has been very pleasant via her posts.  So I would say that Mumbling would receive my vote.  She is very friendly, but so are many of you.  As I said, it was difficult.

The Philospher Award: Whilst there are so many who give insightful and indepth discussions.  I'd have to say TheFriendlySharptooth or Michael would be my choice.  He is very thoughtful in what he has to say and I enjoy reading his long indepth posts.  Makes some good reading.  So keep it up.

The Fanart Award: Darkwolf, I've seen her Land Before Time Art and her other art on Deviant art and I have to say that she puts so much effort, time and concentration in each picture that she does.  That it shows.  

Feedback Award:I'd like to vote for Kor regarding this as, although I haven't viewed every single thread on here.  He has always added his opinion in the ones I've seen and in most cases is always the first one.  And all of is feedback is thougtful and helpful.  So Kor get's the vote.

I hope that this is alright, I've procrastinated over this since the voting began.:)


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There are plenty of interesting discussions going on on the GOF and there are several members who stand out for making good points and laying them out to the readers in a very sophisticated manner. Michael (The Friendly Sharptooth) definitely laid out his views in highly elaborate and thorough posts which were a joy to read for which he gets the credit he thoroughly deserves in this vote :yes
I want to point out another worthy candidate though. Since she joined the GOF she has participated in many high level discussions and I note her in particular for getting very thorough threads started, for keeping thorough threads going, and for turning not quite so thorough threads into something more interesting. She has a great knowledge and I really appreciating her way of giving boost to discussions (often those discussions which needn't end in one final point's acceptance) rather than putting an end to them by making a point. For all this I'm casting my vote for the Philosopher Award for Saft.

Friendliness a plenty! That's the GOF. Seriously everyone I think there are few around here who could not consider some of the laurel for the GOF's being a most friendly place as their own. I think it is one of the greatest strongpoints of the GOF that people who join us are welcomed in so warm and friendly a manner that many of them decide to stay not just for the interest in LBT but for the generally friendly attitude here. I have grown really fond of many of you and there are some whom I would really love to get to know better via MSN or email (though I must admit I have been very inactive on both of lately because of the current work load). An enumeration of all those whom I hold in high esteem for their sheer friendliness would sound inflationary for the sheer number of names, but I do hope that you whom I have often been talking to know that I mean you. Because of all this I cannot stress enough that my vote for the friendly member award must not be understood as a "friendlier than anyone else" kind of statement but as a tribute to the great friendliness I have seen and experienced from one of our members in particular. I have seen him speak up on behalf of others whom he barely knew for no reason other than a noble wish for harmony. For the same reason I have seen him accepting disappointments on behalf of others where others may have not been as graceful and gentlemenlike. Finally he has been as great a guest as kind a host he has been to me. Because of this I'm voting for Patrick (Nimrod) for the Friendly Member Award.


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,May 10 2009 on  03:37 PM
Thank you for those that voted for me. :)

Friendly Member Award: Do I HAVE to make a choice here? Fine...I I had to choose out of all of these VERY friendly members...I would have to choose....Kor. He's always greeting the new members and he posts in topics even that other members usually would not post in. So I honestly believe he deserves this award.

Helpful Member Award: Darkhououmon, she tries to help others in suggesting others to have better manners on the forum and suggests on some drawing techinques. So that's why I vote for her.

Role Play Gamer Award: Oh boy, now I am not a fan of RPG's at all. I just don't really have time for them and I tried like once or twice in other places. So I won't vote here.

Philosopher Award: raga, I think, he(or she, sorry I don't know if you are guy or girl) made some topics that started a few pretty interesting discussions.

Fanart Award: DarkWolf91 definitely. I love her Shorty drawings and her style. It's very well done. :)

Projects Award: I need to think about this.

Feedback Award:Vote pending...

Proactive Member Award: Oh boy...this is a tricky one for me, since the GOF is ALWAYS active. :p Heh, I could vote for myself, since that seems to be the most popular vote here, but I don't really want to vote for myself. :lol: So I say the most proactive user really is Noname. Whenever I am on, or even if I am not on, he's usually here. I think mostly because he's in the RPG section this year, but yeah, I see him the most out of everyone here definitely.
I'm just posting again just in case my votes or anyone else's did not get tallied.

So, for Friendly Award-Kor, because he says "hi" to every new member and posts in almost every topic in a polite and considerate manner.

For Feedback Award-Darkhououmon again receives my vote, because she gives information in a thoughtful and non offensive way. Such as art and writing critique.


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Sorry I was so late posting these, but I finally got internet and I’m ready to vote now.  Now keep in mind that my choices in who I vote for might be a bit biased because of my sketchy existence on GOF in the past year.  I haven’t gotten the chance to get to know a lot of the newer members.  Anyways, let’s begin.

Friendly Member Award:  I would definitely choose The Friendly Sharptooth for this award.  Not only does their name imply their friendliness, I’ve never seen them get angry at anyone or act inappropriately in any way on the board.  Quite the opposite in fact.  It was really hard choosing the recipient for this because truthfully you’re all very friendly…but I believe that this member has gone above and beyond what would be considered as a standard generic “friendly” attitude.

Helpful Member Award:  Now this one is pretty difficult to choose as well.  Everyone seems to be pretty helpful.  However, Action9000 gets my vote for this one.  Like myself, he has advanced knowledge in topics that others can barely fathom, yet he treats everyone with respect and goes as slow as they need him to go to get the job done.  He’d be great at computer consulting and I’d probably hire him if we lived closer to one another.  He’s good at what he does and he’s willing to help those in need.  At the same time he doesn’t belittle people who don’t have his knowledge.  These are great characteristics that any helpful member would do well to emulate.

Role Play Gamer Award:  Sorry folks but I really can’t vote for this award.  I never spend time in the RP sections.

Philosopher Award:  Malte most definitely.  There have been a few new members that rival his thoroughness when posting a response, but I still believe he is the philosopher of GOF.  I’ve always had a deep respect for his English abilities that oftentimes rival or surpass my own.  He uses those skills to help express his thoughts in an effective way that makes everyone feel good and leaves little to no room for misinterpretation.  There’s really nothing else that needs to be said.  He deserves this award.

Proactive Member Award:  Oh gee, this is a hard one too.  I guess I’d have to choose lilifot.  Although his efforts to produce a website haven’t bared fruit as of yet, I encourage him to keep on trying.  He simply doesn’t have the knowledge to do such things yet.  But he’s going through college so hopefully he will soon.  He has only the best of intentions and is always trying to make something new.  He reminds me of myself a bit give or take a few aspects.  Keep on trying man and don’t be afraid of failing.  Just don’t post failed projects on GOF and no one will know.  :p

Fanart Award:  Now this award is pretty hard for me as well.  I don’t usually spend much time in the fanart section, and although there are many who create great works of LBT fanart, I like the work of Sky the best.  I haven’t seen him in quite awhile, but if he’s still on and posting fanart, my vote goes for him.  I like his style more than anything else.  I’m not trying to rank down anyone else’s fanart.  But I just don’t think anything can compare to computer animated art.  

Projects Award:  Action9000 no question.  Although I haven’t been following the game that closely, I downloaded a copy of it a long time ago and studied the program that’s used to make it and I gotta say it has potential.  Even though I probably won’t be playing it, I know that this game is a significant contribution to the GOF community as well as the LBT world.  I can’t wait to try the latest release and see how far he’s gotten as the master programmer.

Feedback Award:  Ummmmm…I’ve never seen anyone bash someone else’s work, but I have to say that the feedback award must go to Malte.  Being the philosopher of GOF, it’s no wonder he gives so much helpful advice to those who need it.  He tells them things that others might leave out because he has such long and thought out responses.  I certainly appreciated his input when I posted my fanart and projects and I’m sure others appreciate it as well.


  • Petrie
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    • Posts: 657
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I finnaly found some free time to post :p here goes:

The Friendly Member Award[/i]

The Helpful Member Award[/i]

The Role Play Gamer Award [/i] -  Since I dont follow this topic, I wont vote for it.

The Philosopher Award [/i] -  Malte[/i],He was one of the persons that I noticed when I first joined the the GOF, his long, well made,informative posts always made me wonder how a single person could know so much :lol , I always learned(and learn :p ) something about history and other things with him, he has my vote.

The Proactive Member Award[/i]

The Fanart Award [/i] -  Neo[/i],I loved the idea of the gang having Guardians, and his drawings were very good, he has my vote.

The Projects Award[/i] -  Action9000[/i],when I joined the Gof last year in September, it was when I first saw this project, althought I haven't been following this project closely, I did donwload it back then, and after I came back from my 2 months absence It was when I saw the game had had some remarkable breaktroughs.
He really worked hard on this, and he still his :p , he has my vote.

The Feedback Award[/i]

I will update later, Homework and studys call :p