The Gang of Five
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A new world...Same old faces


  • Cera
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"I know this is going to take some getting used to," Littlefoot assured Skye. "Just try not to think about it as much. I guarantee you that these sharpteeth will protect you instead of come after you." She doesn't trust our herd. I don't blame her, but unfortunately she has to if she wants to find a new home. Littlefoot then addressed the entire group. "Everybody, this is Skye. She's joining our herd as of now. Treat her with the same respect you would treat me, and look out after her." He then noticed that Hunter and Luna did not return. "Cyrix, what happened to Luna and Hunter?"


  • Littlefoot
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"Oh sure, that's easy for you to say" Skye retaliated when Littlefoot told her not to think about it as much as she looked back to the Sharpteeth once more "And that is only if they keep their bitters to themselves" she spoe to them almost a bit rudely as well, but she didn't seem to care if it was talking to Sharpteeth like that.

Cancerian Tiger

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"These sharpteeth in our herd won't hurt any of us, yourself included.  They even helped us fight off a pack of fastbiters that had attacked us," Aurelia spoke up before she glanced over at Chomper.  "See that purple sharptooth?  He's known Littlefoot and his closest friends since he was just a hatchling, and he promised long ago that he would never hurt Littlefoot or any of his family or friends or friends' relatives.  Every dinosaur Littlefoot invites to join the herd are friends of his, and that means you're a friend, which means Chomper won't try to harm ya, nor will he let other sharpteeth cause harm.  These guys are not our enemies.  They help protect us, so there's no need to be afraid of 'em.  Also, for your information, there are wandering herds of fastbiters out there who get hungrier and hungrier until they catch a lone wandering dinosaur.  You'll be much,  much safer with us."


  • Littlefoot
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Skye glanced in the direction of Chomper, eyeing him in general as Aurelia spoke some more "Pack of fastbiters you say?" she paused for a moment, looking back to Aurelia "I've run into some here and there....and yes, they too tried to kill me" she spoke, almost with a bit of a scoff in her voice.

She wasn't about to let words persuade her to think any different, she was instead, going to see it for herself, as she knew that usually, actions speak louder than words....although to her, names could be rather hurtful as well, however, she was still standing strong with her beliefs "I still don't trust them, you say that they're friendly and what not, but I have yet to see it for myself...."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera stepped up next to Skye and asked gently "What can we do to show you that our group is willing to protect you? We want you to trust us, and if have to actually go looking for sharpteeth...well....okay that's not the best idea. But Skye, seriously, you can trust our herd."

Cyrix looked up as he addressed Littlefoot.
"What are we going to Help Skye believe that our herd is safe and that the sharpteeth with us are here to help?"

Pearl was still holding onto Longtail, but as she watched Skye's interaction with the rest of the herd made Pearl...uneasy for some reason.

Longtail however was still keeping focused on his hatchling Sol. He at that moment had just lulled her to sleep, hoping to make her feel safe despite everything going on. "I'll....never let you go Sol...I promise." he said softly.

Hunter placed her front paws on Luna's shoulders and looked her adoptive sister in the eye as she replied, "Well this time....running...won't work. You may not like it...but being a sharptooth means having, and dealing with those types of emotional out bursts. It will get easier the more often you eat meat...and don't worry...the herd will understand. I promise."


  • Littlefoot
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"I'm still standing by my desicion....I would rather see these sharpteeth friends of yours be protectful than just listen to words" Skye replied back, seeming to glare at each of the sharpteeth that were around.

Luna on the other hand, was looking to the side rather sadly "But I just...I don't know really....I just can't handle it....I've only had meat at times, like....small amount, most of the time, I would eat things like sweet bubbles.....I guess you could say that I'm scared about what could happen...." she spoke with a bit of  sniffle still.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot had a feeling this was going to be harder than he thought, and Skye was not letting up. "I don't know Cyrix, but right now we can't afford fighting more sharpteeth. Maybe we'll think of something along the way, but until then we have to keep moving. The longer we stay here in the open the more vulnerable we make ourselves." He looked over at Sweetie who was most likely in a state of depression still over Zaine. I wish there was something I could do to help her. He also looked at Longtail and Sol, who were embracing one another. Longtail's hatchling is going through so much. I don't want anything bad to happen to either of them. He still couldn't see Hunter or Luna, but he couldn't stop thinking about them either. I feel terrible for Luna. This must have been her first hunger outbreak, and she can't get past it. Then he looked back at Skye. What if she goes after Skye next? Can we protect her? His head started to hurt from all the thinking, and he felt like screaming.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix could see the mental anguish on Littlefoots face and he placed a hand against the longnecks leg in a gesture of sympathy. "Littlefoot, we're all here to help you, and I'm sure everything will work out for us...they always do don't they?" he said with a warm smile.

Hunter offered Luna a smile and stepped back to give Luna some space.
"Listen. I know you're scared, and losing control is never a fun experience, but if we go back with the rest of the group, I'm sure Longtail will be willing to help you. He's lost control many times in our past, and with each time he did...he became a little wiser and a better friend because of it."

Sweetie was still on Littlefoots back now having worried herself to sleep, it was a restless one to say the least as she tossed and turned trying to save Zaine in her dreams, but every time she tried it quickly turned into a nightmare. And she woke up with a startled scream. "I...I'm sorry." she said to Littlefoot not sure if she'd scared him or not.


  • Littlefoot
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Luna looked to her claws next, she was now keeping quiet at the moment, not sure on what to say back to Hunter.  She went to open up up her mouth, but yet, stopped as she closed it again "Maybe....I guess....I don't know about that...." she was indeed, still unsure, having not made up her mind about what to actually do, something she was still terrible at, making up her mind on things.

Skye on the other hand, gave off a small scoff as she looked back to Littlefoot once again "Well duh, everyone here is a moving target for all those big sharptooth lugheads" she spoke with a bit of a roll with her eyes as well "So, remind me again why we're all standing here where we could be instead, leaving this area and looking for another place to stay at for the time being, hmm?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter didn't want to rush Luna and to enforce that feeling she actually sat down and continued to smile at her adoptive sister. "How can I help you see that this is the right decision Luna?" asked Hunter with a curious tone. "I want you to be happy, but for that to happen, we need to stick together and that means with the rest of the herd. They trust me, and I know they trust you too."

Cera stepped over and gently nudged Skye.
"Come on, you could be a little less sarcastic and abrasive with your remarks. I know you have a glaring distrust for most sharpteeth, but our friends in this herd will prove themselves when the time comes, of that I am sure!" she said with an air of unbreakable confidence.

Terri and Dein despite Skyes' comments and rude behavior held no ill will torwards the young threehorn. "She's not outright afraid of us, but she is cautious...and I can understand that." commented Terri with a slight chuckle.


  • Littlefoot
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Luna looked back to hunter for a moment before just looking away once more, stepping back slightly and shook her head a little more still "But....I...." she begun, only to stop with what she was saying as she was trying to make up her mind, but for her, that was indeed, a rather difficult thing to do...and to make matters worse, she was trying to argue the point more than what was needed of it.

Skye glanced over to Cera when she spoke "Again with the words, you say all of that, but again, my desicion is not going to change one bit at the moment, I need to see it for myself and at the moment, I just don't trust them one single bit at all"


  • Cera
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Littlefoot sighed. "That's what I told myself before Zaine died. Now I'm not so sure what I can do," he told Cyrix. "I don't want to see anybody else get hurt or killed." He looked back at Skye. "Two of our group members walked off for a bit. We're waiting for them to return, and then we can leave." Then he noticed Sweetie had woken up from another nightmare. She really misses him. Littlefoot looked towards Sweetie with concern. "Do you want to talk about it?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Sweetie sighed deeply as she faced Littlefoot. "A-are you sure you want to hear it?" she asked with a hint of both sadness and a trace of fear.

Cyrix looked up at Sweetie and nodded.
"We'd love to hear it. After all we're still waiting for Luna and Hunter to return. Just begin whenever you're ready." he said with a warm and gentle tone in his voice to try and reassure Sweetie.

Cera sighed as she sat down for a moment. "well Skye, the only way to convince you I suppose is to wait until our two wayward herd members get back... until then, try to relax will ya. You're giving me a headache!" she said a little more harshly than she intended.

Hunter growled slightly at Luna and asked, "Look, I'm sure by now the others are getting tired of waiting... I know this kind of decision is hard for you, but if we don't get back soon... the rest of the herd is most likely to come looking for us, and I'd rather they not do that. So if you have to make up your mind while we walk then fine... otherwise I'm dragging you back." she commented with a bored look upon her face.

Longtail and Pearl were staying close together and hugging their hatchling Sol.

"So... Pearl, you... wouldn't care if I... made a bad choice in order to save everyone else right?"

Pearl looked to her mate and sighed. "No Longtail. I would be proud if your stupid choice saved our lives... but I would love it if you would think a few times before you acted... your safety is important to me... and you do have a daughter to look after too ya know."


  • Littlefoot
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Skye just rolled her eyes back at what Cera had told her as she walked over to somewhere else, to get away from the meat eaters mainly as she sat down, sitting down a feet feet away from everyone else as she grumbled a little to herself "I don't even know how they can trust their kind, it just makes no sense at all...." was what she had to say to herself as she eyed the meat eaters in particular.

Luna on the other hand, just looked to the side, she had pretty much gone quiet with what Hunter had just told her as she just sighed and stepped forward, glancing to Hunter, yet....she said nothing at all as she walked past her slowly, but surely, deciding for now, to make her way back to where everyone else was, yet, still feeling bad for what she had done earlier on.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot sighed as Skye moved away from the group. So far she had only been with them for a few minutes and things were already looking bad. It was definitely going to take a lot for her to come to terms with the sharpteeth in the group. Zaine would know how to handle this. I guess I'll have to figure it out on my own then. The thought of Zaine brought him back to Sweetie. There was no doubt that she was dreaming about Zaine, and he couldn't blame her. She seemed very uncertain about sharing her nightmare with him and Cyrix, but Littlefoot wanted her to feel safe with them. "Please Sweetie. You can tell us anything you need to. What was your dream about?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter also chose to stay silent as she followed after Luna making sure she was heading the right way back to the herd. She wasn't sure if she should apologize for her words or not... when she spoke... it was the truth, but her heart still ached with a fair amount of guilt over how she'd treated her adoptive sister.

Sweetie let a tear fall from her eye as she thought back to her dream. "It... was horrible... Zaine.. he was trying....t-to protect me, from a rock slide and... was crushed... but after he died... I could hear someone... laughing and taunting me about being weak and helpless..." she let another tear slide down her face and across her beak.

Cera sighed after what she'd said as well. She knew everyone was on edge and tense, and waiting for Hunter and Luna wasn't helping matters. "I wish those two would hurry up and get back here!" she said aloud to no one in particular.


  • Littlefoot
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Luna only, very lightly, glanced to hunter who was following, but then looked back ahead once again.  She was remaining quiet for an unusal, and rather long time too, she just did not want to speak to her adoptive sister at the moment, she just wanted to remain quiet still, her way of sorting things out as she noticed, not far now, where Littlefoot and the others were.

Skye continued to sit where she was, glaring at each of the meat eater until she heard footsteps in the distance and looked over, seeing two other meat eaters approaching, which only caused her to groan some more "Great....just great....." she grumbled to herself rather sarcastically "More meat heads...."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix turned his head in just enough time to see the two way ward herd members returning from a distance. He then turned to Littlefoot and replied, we can do now. Luna and Hunter have finally returned. Although.... it seems they are being rather quiet at the moment."

Hunter kept her pace two steps behind Luna and continued her silence believing that she was giving Luna time to think. Hunter wasn't sure if she were going about this the right way, but Luna wasn't raising a complaint so she left it alone.


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After a few minutes, Luna arrived where the rest of the herd was, yet, she was still keeping quiet, only glancing to Hunter for a second or so, then back to the others.  She was being quiet for a reason, not because she wanted to think, but more, on what had happened before, feeling too much guilt, and with what Hunter had done.  She just wanted to be left alone, and yet, Hunter did not let that happen.

Skye in turn, looked at the two meat eaters that had arrived and simply gave off a scoff, one that everyone could hear before speaking up "Oh yes, this is a real big suprise, I thought there would be other leaf eaters around, but nope, instead, two more meat heads....BIG suprise there" she rolled her eyes by that point as she looked over to Littlefoot "Well, your so called friends are can we just go already?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera had had just about enough of Skye's banter as she stepped over and commented by saying, "Listen Skye... you may not like it... you may not trust them, you may not even want to be here... but YOU ARE SO DEAL WITH IT! I am tired of hearing you complain about our friends and the allies we have with us. They are risking their lives just like we are to try and stay safe... so unless you WANT to leave and be on your own again... I would suggest you try to keep your mouth shut!"

Terri and Dein were rather shocked to hear Cera speaking to another threehorn so harshly, and both of them looked to Chomper and asked, "Did she always act like this as a hatchling?!"