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The Land Before Time: Sharptooth Valley II


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(Here’s chapter 24, and now we’re at the one-year anniversary of the original Sharptooth Valley!)

Chapter 24: A Universal Meeting Place

Ruby went over to check to see how Rory and Littlefoot were recovering. “I miss walking,” Littlefoot sighed.

“Rita told me you guys will be better soon, so don’t you fret,” the fast biter said.  “But have you guys seen Chomper lately?”

“What do you mean by that?” Rory asked, puzzled. “Chomper has seemed excited about something, something has excited Chomper,” Ruby explained.

“When did he start acting like that?” Littlefoot asked.

“When we were talking about how we could help the flatteeth,” Ruby responded.

“Maybe he had a idea,” Rory suggested. “Maybe,” nodded Ruby in agreement.


Chomper had the, to him at least, the perfect idea.  But he was going to need Mage’s assistance to pull it off.  He figured the rainbow face spirit would be out in a secluded portion of the Great Valley, doing small magic tricks to pass the time.

And indeed he was. Mage had marked the side of one of the GV’s walls with some smashed sweet bubbles, and he was magically throwing stones, trying to aim for a flier’s eye. (Bullseye.)

Taking several steps back, he picked up some pebbles and closed one of his eyes. “Perfect concentration…..” he whispered to himself, “I can’t let anything distract me right now…..”

“Hi Mage!” Chomper called suddenly, talking him by surprise. “Good evening Chomper,” he waved. “I take it you want my help?”

The purple sharptooth nodded.  “But…..” he started to say, as this might pose a problem, “This will probably take a lot of magic.”

“What exactly do you have in mind?” the rainbow face asked. “Well….” Chomper began slowly, “I was thinking of getting my friends and the grownups from the old reality to help us out here.”

Mage was indeed surprised by this request.


Rita and Mr. Belly Dragger were removing some thorns from Nod’s leg after he got into an accident while hunting when Rita suddenly froze.

“Something wrong?” Mr. Belly Dragger asked his apprentice.

“You ever get the feeling that a friend of yours is about to do something that will have potentially disastrous results?” the ocean blue longneck asked.

“What makes you think that?” Mr. Belly Dragger asked with a surprised chuckle. “No reason,” Rita replied.

But there was a reason. Rita’s sixth sense was acting up again. She was feeling that somewhere not too far off, bad events would soon transpire.  She wanted to ignore these feelings, but they remained implanted in her mind.


“Are you sure you should reveal the truth that there are two realities?” Mage asked, concerned for his friend.

“I don’t know is there’s any other way to save Flattooth Valley and stop the bad dinosaurs,” Chomper explained in reply.

“But do you think you’ll be able to find where your old friends from the old Great Valley are?” the rainbow face spirit questioned.

“Oh don’t worry about that,” the sharptooth assured, “I remember where the Great Valley is, and knowing my friends, they’ll be out in the Mysterious Beyond, putting themselves in danger every 3 days or so.”

“I can see there won’t be any changing of your mind,” Mage determined, “But I’ll need time to come op with a way to use my magic for this.”

“Thanks Mage,” Chomper said, running back to join up with his friends.

Back at Chomper’s family’s cave, Dein and Terri were having a discussion.  “I miss the days when he was even younger,” Terri said with a sigh and a smile.

“When we had to get all his food, when all he could catch by himself was bugs,” Dein continued.

“And I’ve noticed,” Terri added, “All of Chomper’s friends have at least one sibling.”

Dein was catching on to his mate’s lingo.  “You don’t mean…” he smiled, realizing what Terri was getting at.

“Would you want to have another egg?” Terri smiled.

“Another what?” Chomper asked, suddenly arriving at his home.

“Uh…another egg stealer for dinner dear?” Terri quickly said, altering her words. The parents felt that since they hadn’t done anything yet, it would have been odd to talk about having another egg in front of their son.

“Certainly,” Dein nodded, going along with the pantomime, “I’ll go chase one down.”


“Lig-neck is nummy,” Tricia smiled, eating her dinner. For a little while now, Tricia had been able to say easy sentences, making her parents beaming with pride.

“Learning young, like a real fast biter!” Veli bragged to anyone who had been happening to walk past them at the time.  

“And what she’s saying is accurate too,” Cira chuckled with a smile; a longneck is what she and Veli had caught for dinner.

Cera’s former jealously of her baby sister had all but dissipated away by now. After the sisters got swept away into the Underground Caverns, the young fast biters formed a close bond.

Meanwhile, Tera and her children caught dinner together as a family.  “Glider, I can’t believe that move you made!” Petrie said, complimenting his sister.  “Nothing to it,” Glider responded.  “Ever since I learned where exactly a longneck’s throat is, I can take one down with one swipe.”

Since the gang was getting older and their hunting skills were improving, near and more tricky-to-perfect techniques were being taught, such as the spot on a longneck’s neck that you could kill one with if you got a good swipe at it.  But they only used this in hunts, and not often at that.

It’s not like there’d be another situation where they’d need this knowledge….

Myra, Greg, and Rita gathered around Rory, whose leg now allowed some movement. They decided to tell each other scary stories, mostly ones they learned while back in their old home.  Littlefoot was nearby, listening to the stories.

“And then, the mysterious dark sharptooth cornered the teenage longneck, then…..CHOMP!” Myra acted.

Rory, Rita, and Greg shivered slightly, a tad afraid. “Great story!” complimented Littlefoot. “Especially the end when it ate everybody! I love a happy ending.”

“Oh right, sharpteeth find different things scary than what we do,” Myra remembered. Stories about sharpteeth that would terrify young flatteeth are stories that would delight young sharpteeth.


Nighttime had arrived and the Bright Circle had gone down.  After his parents had gone to sleep, Chomper set out to catch up with Mage and see if he had come up with anything.

Luckily for the sharptooth, Mage had.  When Chomper found the rainbow face, Mage was holding 7 stones.

“More magic stones?” Chomper figured. Mage nodded. “Indeed, and I’ve even added a few tricks to them, to.”

“Like what?” Chomper asked curiously.

“Well, for starters,” Mage replied, “If you’re holding claws with someone else, both of you can teleport with just one of these rocks.”  “Cool, what else?” Chomper questioned.

“I’m not exactly sure if this’ll prove to be helpful,” Mage continued,” But use one of those rocks right now.”

Chomper shrugged and did so. Picking up one of the rocks, he thought about the previous reality, and then the warp came once again.

However, what occurred this time was….something different. Instead of landing in the old reality, Chomper eneded up in a place he had never seen before. It was the inside of a small, circular cave, with a small, warm fire flickering in the center.

“Where am I?” Chomper asked puzzled.

“Someplace I created,” Mage’s voice was heard as he suddenly appeared right beside Chomper.

“So what is this place?” Chomper questioned again.  “It’s a place….that is not part of either reality,” Mage explained.

Chomper didn’t quite understand that. “By that, I mean, it’s basically a detour you have to take before you can go into the next reality.”  Chomper began to nod in understanding.
Mage pointed upwards at the two exits to the cave. “That tunnel takes you back to the sharptooth reality,” he revealed, pointing to the tunnel with an image of a sharptooth next to it, “And that tunnel returns you to the old reality,” he said, pointing to a tunnel that had an image of a longneck next to it.

“And I think I know what I’ll do first,” the dark purple sharptooth commented. “And that is?” questioned Mage.

“One night, when I can get everyone together, I’ll take one of the rocks and head back to the old reality,” Chomper strategized, “Since time stops when I’m not in this reality, I’ll have plenty of time to find the old versions of my friends, then I’ll have both sides meet each other.”

This plan had a few elements Mage had to question: “But what are you going to tell the sharptooth versions of your friends?” he asked, “It’d be very confusing  to them, and it would almost sound like you’re telling them they didn’t exist always.”

“I won’t do this immediately,” responded Chomper, “I’ll take some time to come up with a way to explain this to the others.”

“Ok, I just hope you know what you’re doing,” Mage replied. “Don’t worry,” assured Chomper. “Let’s head back now.”

The carnivore and the herbivore returned to the sharptooth version of the Great Valley and went their separate ways.

Chomper ran over rather confidently, thinking his plan would work for sure.

If he only knew that it would end up going terribly, terribly, wrong……..

(Read and review! One year ago today, the prologue of Sharptooth Valley 1 was posted, and now I’m halfway through the sequel! Time flies, doesn’t it?)


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I've been meaning to tell you guys this for a couple days now, but i've been putting it off:

A recently had another virus, and even though it's removed now, it got rid of my word processor, so SV and TDV will be on hiatus again.


  • Ducky
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Aww what a shame  :cry .

Looks like Mage is going to have to go for a very long vacation!


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GREAT NEWS!!!!!  :DD  :DD  :DD  :DD

I finally got my word processor back, so expect the next SV 2 chapter within the week!!!!


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(After A Long delay, the next chapter of Sharptooth Valley II is here at last!)

Chpater 25: Rita’s Unlucky Break

Three days later, Rita was treating Rory and Littlefoot again, their recoveries were making serious progress.

“Hold your breath for a few seconds, this might sting,” the longneck advised, applying some more plants in the area of their wounds.

Her note proved to be true. The threehorn and sharptooth tried their best not to scream. “Do you have…anything less….painful?” Rory asked between his teeth.

Rita thought about that. “I think I might, while not on hand anyway…” she responded with a dash of uncertainty, “well, I remember Mr. Belly Dragger telling me about plants that don’t give off that painful sensation, even if they don’t make you guys better as quickly.”

“Do you know where you could find some of those?” Littlefoot asked hopefully. “Out in the Mysterious Beyond,” Rita replied.

Without using words, Rory and Littlefoot were able to express their wanting for this plant just with the expressions on their faces. They hade a giant expression of “PPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!”

Rita let out a light laugh, those expressions being downright goofy, and said “Yeah, it won’t take me long to find some, I’ll head out soon.”

“Thanks Rita,” Littlefoot grinned gratefully. “Don’t mention it guys!” the blue longneck called as she headed towards one of the exits.

“And no more of that stinging too,” Rory added. “that was even worse than stinging buzzers…”

Rita was almost at the exit when she heard a voice call out. “Hey Rita, wait up!” It was Ruby. The fast biter made her way over to the longneck.

“Oh, morning Ruby, I was going to get more plants to help heal our friends.” “Can I come with?” Ruby asked. “Sure, I don’t see why not,” smiled Rita.


“Something on your mind Chomper?” Cera asked, noticing the purple rex obviously had something on his mind.

“Not much,” Chomper responded, “It’s just that my mom and dad acted very weird last night.”

“What did they say Chomper, oh what what what?” Ducky asked, the swimming sharptooth doing some flips in the water.

“Well, they looked very happy,” Chomper recalled. “Why is that odd?” Petrie pondered.

“Well, they seemed VERY happy, more than I’ve ever seen them before,” Chomper explained, “And they were laughing a lot, like something was funny, but when I asked if they had heard any good jokes, they said it wasn’t a joke.”

“Then how come you spent the night at my nest Chomper?” the predatorial flyer questioned.

“Well, they said they wanted to be by themselves tonight, and when I asked why, they said they couldn’t tell me, and asked me to spend the night with one of my friends, so I did.”

Spike let out a noise suggesting “I wonder what that was all about.”

The gang would find out when they got older, of course…..


“I love wide open spaces,” Rita sighed happily, looking up at the sky. “You can see for miles out here with no disruptions.”

“Yeah,” Ruby nodded in agreement, sniffing the fresh air. No scent of prey, well, besides Rita, but she wouldn’t eat her of course, was in the immediate vicinity.

“So where are these plants we’re looking for?” Ruby asked. “Not too far,” assured Rita.


Dein and Terri were sharing their delicious lunch of 2 yellow bellies. Terri turned to her mate with a question.

“If I do have another egg in the near future, what are you hoping for?” she asked with a curious smirk.

Dein gave a mischievous grin to his mate. “Another boy, of course,” he grinned.

“I’m surprised,” Terri chuckled sarcastically, giving Dein a poke in the side.  “Well, we should see what our son’s up to.”

“When do you think we should tell Chomper about our plans?” Dein wanted to know.

“When I lay an egg, maybe wait till then to surprise him,” Terri explained. “Gotcha,” Dein nodded in response.


Ruby noticed something peculiar: Rita was looking in every direction with an odd expression on her face. “Something on your mind?” Ruby asked.

“One thing: You ever get the feeling there is something you should notice right in front of you, but you just don’t not…..” “LOOK OUT!” cried Ruby, but it was too late.

Since the two girls were walking on an upward incline, they couldn’t see in time that they were on the edge of a 20-foot cliff. Ruby managed to halt herself just in time, but Rita wasn’t so fortunate.

“AGH!!!!” Rita yelled as she lost her footing and was sent hurtling to the ground below. She landed with a not-so-nice thud.

“Oh crud, I’m coming!” Ruby called, seeing a path should go safely down.  When she reached the young longneck, she could tell damage had been done.

“My leg…” Rita grunted, indicating her back left leg.  “Don’t tell me it’s broken..” Ruby deduced.

“I…think so….” Rita grunted between her teeth, like Rory and Littlefoot had earlier.  

“I need to get you back to the Great Valley!” Ruby said, trying to help Rita back up.


Mage was by himself, lying down in the small cavern he stayed in that was deliberately isolated from the rest of the Valley inhabitants.

“I just hope Chomper knows what he’s doing,” the rainbow face spirit sighed to himself, thinking about any possible consequences of the adolescent t-rex’s strategy to save Flattooth Valley.

Mage had used up more of his extreme magic powers again with that wish and the reality-traveling stones, so now he could only do basic spells, such as lifting objects or creating small objects, like a snack that would be able to satisfy only a young flattooth or sharptooth’s appetite.


Ruby and Rita were trying to think of a way to get the blue longneck back to the valley.

“Just head on back without me, I’ll be fine,” Rita assured. “No, if I leave you out here, some sharptooth who doesn’t know you will eat you for sure! And what if those bad dinosaurs see you?”

Rita realized the fast biter was right. “But what can we do?”

Ruby paced back and forth for about a minute, trying to come up with decent tactics. Her face brightened when she devised her plan.

“If you can keep that leg lifted, with my help, I think we can get back to the valley, back to the valley we can get, even though we’ll be moving slowly.”

“Good thinking Ruby,” Rita complimented. Carefully and steadily, Ruby helped Rita lift up the injured leg and she held it up with her tail.  Then, working in tandem, the girls began their journey back to the Great Valley.


Lunchtime had come. Tera had caught a threehorn for her family, and she let Petrie’s friends share in the feast.

“You two want any?” Cera asked Myra sarcastically. “You want a horn in the face?” Rory retorted. The three just laughed.

“If it makes you guys feel any better, threehorn meat is very tough,” Chomper smiled.

“It does actually,” Myra spoke up surprisingly, “That means that even after we’re dead, we make it hard for sharpteeth to eat us!”

Everyone got a laugh out of that. Ducky then brought up. “I wonder what’s taking Ruby and Rita so long, they have been gone for a while, they have, they have,” the swimming sharptooth noted.

“Littlefoot said Rita left to find some flowers that could help their wounds without stinging so much,” Chomper recalled, “Ruby must have gone with her.”

“But that was hours ago,” Ducky said, “It shouldn’t take them that long, it shouldn’t, it shouldn’t.”

The group realized Ducky had a point. “Maybe we should sniff them out and see if they need help,” Petrie suggested.

Spike made a noise suggesting “Good idea Petrie.”


“Can we take a little break?” Rita panted, getting a little tired. “Sure thing,” Ruby replied, the two stopping beside a tree with plenty of tree stars. Ruby carefully set the longneck’s injured leg down, afterwards she helped get lunch for her friends.

“Thanks,” Rita smiled to Ruby, chomping on the green food.

“You don’t have to mention it,” Ruby said, clawing a few insects for herself. During the friends’ lunch break, Rita wondered about a question for a few moments before she finally asked it.

“Hey Ruby?” asked the longneck. “Yeah?” the fast biter replied. “Can I ask you something? I hope you don’t find this weird..”

“Sure Rita, go ahead,” Ruby encouraged.

“Do you and Chomper… each other?” she finally blurted out.

Ruby blinked her eyes in surprise, thinking up a response in her head. “Of course I do, we’re good friends.”

“I know….but do you like like each other?” Ruby thought about how to answer that. Some of her friends already knew that, but she didn’t know the best way to explain it in words, so she said what should could.

“Yeah….I guess you could say that,” Ruby smiled, thinking of the purple sharptooth. “He’s always nice, he’s funny, he’s cute, and well, he’s always been there for me.”

Rita let out a sigh. “I know what you mean,” the longneck commented.  “There are times I wish I knew more longnecks my age. I mean, I have plenty of friends, great friends, but I wish there was someone out there, someone for me, ya know?”

Ruby put her claw on Rita’s neck. “You don’t have to worry about that, I know that in this world, there’s someone special for everyone.”

“Really?” Rita asked, ignoring her leg. “Believe me, that’s the one thing I’m absolutely sure of in this world Rita,” Ruby responded.

Rita smiled at her friend’s words, than said. “Well, we probably should be getting on our way again.”

“Ok, let’s try this again,” Ruby said, ready to help escort her friend when they found that her efforts would not be needed.

“Ruby! Rita!” Chomper called as he, the rest of the gang, and even Mr. Belly Dragger showed up.

“We’ve been looking for you guys, what happened?” Guido asked concerned. “Rita’s hurt her leg,” Ruby explained.

“Goodness, is your leg broken?” Mr. Belly Dragger asked, examining the wound.

“Yeah, but it’s not too bad,” Rita said.

“Ok, I’ll help you back to the Great Valley,” the adult belly dragger said, lifting Rita up with Ruby, Chomper, and Myra’s help and setting her on his back.

“I guess Rory and Littlefoot will be disappointed to hear we didn’t get those plants,” Rita sighed with a slight laugh.

“Well, Tippy thinks they’ll just be glad to know Rita’s ok,” Tippy commented, the group heading back to the Great Valley.

“Thanks for your help Ruby,” Rita smiled, turning to the fast biter.

Chomper’s curiosity was piqued. “Did you guys talk about something today?” he asked, noticing the two began to laugh, as if they knew something funny.

“What? What’s so funny?” he asked. The two girls just kept laughing to themselves. “First my mom and dad, and now you two. What’s next?” Chomper groaned in disbelief.

The others began to laugh at that comment.

“Hey, where’s Greg?” Rita noticed, not seeing the spiketail around.

Greg came running up at that point, sounding tired and out of breath. “Sorry…was eating lunch….” He panted.

“You eat too much Greg,” Rita commented, and now everyone got a little chuckle, including Greg.

“But seriously, that can be a bad thing,” Myra whispered to her friend.

(There! At LAST! Read and Review! I apologize greatly for not updating, I had a computer virus for a while, and even after it was removed we lacked a word processor, and I was temporarily unmotivated for a while, I hope to keep a more steady pace of updating from now on.)

Next time on Sharptooth Valley II: The gang tries to think up a new game to play while Redfoot, Strut, and Zidane continue their quest to find help to save Flattooth Valley.


  • Ducky
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I`m glad you include that bit about Ruby and Chomper`s romance, it certainly added a spark to an otherwise actionless chapter.  One thing that I am curious about though is what happened to the true villians of this story, the Gounders. Remember that one of the ways to preserve interest is to have an active villain who undermines your protagonist frequently, and that just doesn`t seem to be happening with this story so far.  Keep motivated and keep writing and I`ll continue to provide my firm and honest opinion. :smile


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Chapter 26: Game Over

Redfoot, Zidane, and Strut saw that the Night Circle was bright, so resting was their best option at this point. “Night,” Zidane said briefly and got into a sleeping potion and the sound of snoring was heard almost instantaneously.

“Oh he can’t be asleep already,” Redfoot scoffed with minor disbelief.

“Nah, he told me he can fall asleep easily,” Strut explained, finding a spot under a tree to rest, “And subsequently can wake up quickly if needed.”

“Makes sense,” Redfoot responded, the big longneck laying to rest beside a rock for the night. Before he completely dozed off, he stared at a small crack in the ground. Thoughts of the Grounders briefly reentered his head, but Redfoot knew he wouldn’t get any sleep if his mind was preoccupied with paranoia.


Chomper woke up with a smile. Littlefoot, Rory, and now Rita had mostly recovered from their injuries. The rex greeted his parents in the morning, then went off to find Mage. Now that his friends were back to good health, Chomper realized now, not anytime later to use the reality-warping rocks and get help to stop the evil dinosaurs from the underground.

Mage had used some of his magic to combine some vines and big leaves together to create what resembled what we would call a hammock.

“Ah, this is the life,” he smiled to himself as he picked up a few sweet bubbles and ate them. It was then he saw the young sharptooth running towards him for a distance away.

“Hey Mage,” Chomper waved, screeching to a halt. “Need anything today Chomper?” the rainbow face spirit asked.

“Nothing, actually,” Chomper replied, slightly surprising Mage, “I just wanted to tell you that pretty soon, I’ll tell the others.”

Mage immediately figured out what the t-rex was referring to. “You’re going to tell them about the old reality?” he asked. Chomper nodded in response.

“But….I still have one problem…” he admitted. “When I thought about this in my head, I realized…I would have to tell my friends, while the sharptooth versions of them anyways…that they didn’t always exist….”

The rainbow face realized the dilemma Chomper was going through right now. “You brought up a good point,” he said to his friend, “And I’m afraid I’m not exactly the most reliable dinosaur to turn to if someone’s having a problem that can’t be solved with magic.”

“Well…maybe I’ll think of something. I…have to. If we want Flattooth Valley saved, we can’t waste much time,” Chomper said, fully aware of the situation.


The rest of the gang was playing around Cera’s family’s nest, rather bored. Throughout the last few weeks….they’ve literally done everything they could think of. Lots of adventuring had been done, but virtually nothing new was seen with how much ground they had covered.

And as for gaming, they had ran of ideas as well. Pine cone had just lost it’s thrill, and so did “Sharptooth Attack” (As suggested by Rory) and “Flattooth Attack” (A alternate version thought of by Ruby. All of the gang realized the two games were essentially the same thing, so their interest in those depleted as well.

“I’m so bored,” Petrie sighed, flying in the breeze. “Things get boring when that’s all we do.”

“I have to agree,” Greg nodded, chewing on a treestar. “Anyone think of anything?” There was some pondering for a few moments, then Guido raised his wing.


Littlefoot moved his head away from Spike’s stomach. The young rex sighed. “No, I don’t think listening to our lunches digest is that interesting.”

“Tippy is trying to think of something,” the female belly dragger said. “I’m glad of hear it Tippy,” Guido smiled and nodded politely, still deeply having a crush on Tippy.


Redfoot, Zidane, and Strut had exited a small canyon with Zidane leading.  “If my memory is correct, we should be near the flatteeth who could help us.”

“I take it you helped one of them out in the past?” Redfoot questioned.

“Correct,” Zidane assured. “A swimmer from the heard requested protection for him and his mate. He was naturally nervous and slightly untrusting at first, me being a fast biter, but after I fought off another swimmer who tried to kill them, he promised me put in a good word for me with the rest of his herd.”

Redfoot looked very puzzled. “Why would another swimmer try to kill those two?” he gasped in disbelief.
“He explained that when he came to me,” Zidane explained. “He said his mate used to be mates with the other swimmer, but she left him after she felt he was becoming, well, dangerous. Jealous rage, you should say.”

Redfoot turned and looked to the Bright Circle. “If you’re out there Julie,” the mighty longneck thought to himself, “Please be safe. I’ll won’t do what I did in the past ever again…..”


“Maybe I could just pretend that these aren’t different realities, just different places…” Chomper said, a light bug brightening in his head.

“Hate to break it to you, but that won’t work,” Mage responded. “Time doesn’t go by in your original reality, so in that reality they don’t notice how long you’ve been gone because technically you haven’t been gone at all.”

“Darn it,” grunted Chomper, slashing up some leaves in anger. “I’m going to go hunt something,” he decided. “I’ll be back later.”


Ducky was swimming while Petrie was soaring, with Cera breaking the group’s verbal silence.

“I wish we could just fight those underground dinos with the grownup’s help,” the adolescent fast biter said, “that’d be something to do.”

“I have to agree with you there,” Myra concurred in sharptooth, much to everyone’s surprise as Myra disagreed with Cera the most.

“I just want to see my mom and everyone else be ok….” Rita added. “I hope Mo made it out of there,” Greg added.


The trio of wandering dinosaurs kept going, step by step. “We’re almost there,” Zidane smirked relieved, maybe their mission would be accomplished faster than they expected.

But like most hopes it life, it was quickly shattered. Zidane’s sniffer began acting up. “Wait…I smell something dead, and it smells like it died recently….”

“Maybe a sharptooth just forgot to finish a meal…” Strut began to suggest when a sight caught his eye. “Oh dear…” his gasped, sounding as though he was about to throw up.

Zidane and Redfoot quickly rushed over to see what the fast runner had seen, and they immediately regretted doing so.

A dead threehorn was lying….well, lying wasn’t the best description, a better choice of words would be being held up… the branches of a fallen tree. It had been impaled in various places.

“What a terrible accident…” Redfoot gulped having to hold in his lunch himself. Zidane examined the body; something wasn’t right.

“Wait…” he paused, examining the tree. He looked a couple of feet away, and saw where the tree had originally stood. But it didn’t add up. From what was visible, the tree had fallen over in an accident, that much was for sure, but from the condition of it’s roots it must have fallen a long time ago.

That means…that threehorn was deliberately killed in that horrific method and placed there.

“Guys, we have to keep going right now!” Zidane called, charging ahead. He was fearing the worst, and now only expecting those fears to come true.

“You hear something?” Redfoot asked. They could hear roaring in the distance, and it sounded as if a fight was going on. The longneck’s eyes verted to his left and he noticed a giant hole in the ground.

“Oh no it can’t be….” He said to himself, hoping he was wrong. But unfortunately he wasn’t.

The Grounders were on the attack.

Zidane, Strut, and Redfoot came to a halt behind a large stone wall so they could see the mayhem in front of them.

The tar-faced dinosaurs were in the middle of an assault on the nomadic flattooth herd, and it’s clear they had the upper paw. Two spiketails were doing their best fight off a Grounder belly dragger, but they could not manage to get a significant bow into the battle.

“We have to do something!” Redfoot whispered loudly to his comrades.


While Chomper was away, the magical rainbow face was relaxing in his hammock, eating more sweet bubbles. He was taking the time to reflect on his own past.

“I never would have thought as a hatchling I wound end up living like this,” he laughed out himself, letting out a tiny burp. “Excuse me,” he said to no one in particular.

It was then Chomper returned after having a midday snack. “Think of anything while you were gone Chomps?” he asked with a grin.

“Well, actually I did…” the purple sharptooth began to reply when he noticed what Mage had just said. “Did you just call me Chomps?”

“Yeah,” Mage replied, “I mean, we’re good pals by now, I can’t give you a nickname of some kind?”

“At least it’s better than being called little…” Chomper reminded himself. “Anyways, we’re getting distracted. I think I finally have an idea of what I can tell my friends. I want to run it by you.”

“Whell, shoot,” Mage encouraged.

“I was thinking, and I hope this could work…that first I would go back to the old reality, find my friends, then explain to them about the Stone of Cold Fire, then before I have them follow me, I’d quickly use the rocks to warp back here and tell my friends here in this reality the opposite.”

“The opposite?” Mage asked, puzzled.

“What I mean by that is I would tell everyone here that that reality was the one magically created by the wish, and that this reality is the one that always existed.”

The rainbow face spirit could see the direction Chomper was going in, but there were some details that still weren’t perfectly clear. “But surely one of your friends in either reality would say something…”

“I thought about that,” Chomper noted, “So I’d tell each side not to mention that to the other, and no one’s feelings would be hurt.”

Chomper in his mind laughed at the image of threehorn Cera meeting fast biter Cera. He’s sure that would freak her out completely, and he got a little laugh out of that.


The mighty leader of the Great Valley was talking with Mr. Belly Dragger about future plans for the valley.

“It’s undeniable,” Sharptooth began, “That the dinosaurs the flatteeth children described, since they already brought down Flattooth Valley, they will no doubt go after here next. We must establish a squad of our strongest sharpteeth for everyone’s safety.”
“I concur sir,” Mr. Belly Dragger added. “And myself and the longneck girl cannot be alone with our cures. I’ll gladly recruit anyone else who is interested.”

Sharptooth smiled to his friend, though is face soon resumed a stern look.  “If their description is accurate, I’m afraid this isn’t going to be an easy battle.”

The belly dragger, as he was leaving, called “My thoughts exactly,” he said rather grimly.


The trio could not belief what they were seeing. They could make out that there were even children who were fighting and even killing on the Grounder’s side!

And specifically Zidane noticed a young fast biter in the Grounders were an awfully familiar color scheme….

Redfoot couldn’t hold in his anger anymore when he saw a Grounder longneck attack two female swimmers by whacking them into a wall extremely hard with his tail.

“That’s, I’m going in there!” Redfoot growled. “Whether you two want to follow me or not, I don’t care right now!”

Suddenly Zidane let out a smile, almost as if he was having fun. “You think I’m the type to run?” the body guard fast biter questioned. “I’m offended.”

Sturt stepped forward. “I’ll do my best.”

The trio then charged forward.

(There, Read and Review! Sorry for the delay, more writer’s block. I want to make thing perfectly clear: I do intend to finish this story, as well as TDV season 2 (With Great Valley Guardian’s help, of course.). There are 19 chapters remaining in this story, and within the next 5 chapters the second major group of villains will be introduced, and those who’ve read the previews I’ve posted on GOF may have an idea of who they are….heh heh…..)

NEXT TIME ON SHARPTOOTH VALLEY II: Redfoot, Strut, and Zidane struggle against the Grounders while Chomper puts his plan into action to get help from the original reality.


  • Ducky
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I'm glad that Redclaw, or 'Redfoot' is playing an active and interesting role in this story now that nature is not stacked against him to be a villian (ie hes a longneck now) and I'm also glad that the main villians of the story, the Grounders, have made an appearance again although we still don't know a lot about their motives or their intents.

Chomper is getting really friendly with Mage, but yet I still wonder why Mage goes about his business without assocaiting with anyone else.  Surely he must understand that there are many other beings just as worthy of his power out there?

Good chapter and I hope somehow you can find the inspiration to continue writing this story.



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Just want to tell everyone I'm not giving up on this story. I've just been busy with school, so expect more chapters during the summer.


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(Here’s the next chapter everyone. I’m sorry it’s been greatly delayed. School work was fairly time-consuming and challenging this year, so I had to put my writing on hold. I hope the next few chapters of Sharptooth Valley will make up for this. This is the point in the story where the plot will really pick up and the filler ends.)

Chapter 27: Double Trouble Part 1

Redfoot, Strut, and Zidane had rushed into the battle. Although the scene of the chaos was very cluttered, the fighting Grounders could see that other dinosaurs had entered the fray.

“Take them down!” they heard one of the Grounders yell. A swimmer on that side quickly ran forward and with a careful, swift thrust of it’s leg knocked Zidane over.

“What the?” he grunted as he was caught off guard, quickly getting himself back up-right to avoid the next attack from the swimmer.

Strut meanwhile, not being the offensive type, was trying to find any of the non-Grounders that he could escort to safety. He noticed a few young threehorns running for their lives. Seeing there weren’t any Grounders pursuing them, he went to assist.

Redfoot and Zidane were the main fighters of the trio. “You’re gonna pay,” he roared to no one in particular, because some of the Grounders in this fight almost seemed familiar to him from their ambush at his home valley.

The big longneck was using his tail carefully to avoid hitting any of the innocent flatteeth in the area. It was a bit of a complex process. Luckily the tar marks were quite visible. Redfoot then grunted in pain when he felt a bite on his tail.

A belly dragger member of the Grounders had managed to catch Redfoot off-guard, but that served only to infuriate the longneck even more. “You’ll regret that!” Redfoot yelled, pissed to say the least.

Zidane was still in the middle of the fight with the swimmer. The swimmer tried hitting him with a sharp rock, and Zidane had to respond by jumping carefully in different directions. Eventually the swimmer managed to leave a successful scrape on the side of the fast biter’s stomach.

“Agh!” Zidane groaned. The swimmer was about to make another move when suddenly it was knocked out of the way because of the battle between Redfoot and the belly dragger.

“Thanks Redfoot!” Zidane called, getting back to his feet and pouncing on the evil swimmer.

Strut managed to help some of the younger flatteeth find a small cave that was out of the area where the main battle was going on. “Stay here unless you see that one of the bad guys see you,” the fast runner advised.

“Please don’t leave us, we’re scared,” a little longneck asked, crying somewhat in fear. Strut was now torn. He wanted to go back and help Redfoot, Zidane, and the others, but he could tell how scared these kids were, and he wasn’t exactly extremely helpful in a fight.

“Ok…I’ll stay,” Strut assured.

“Thank you sir,” a young spiketail nodded.

Back on the battlefield, Redfoot had managed to subdue the belly dragger he was in combat with. Some of the Grounders had begun to flee, though a majority stayed to fight.

What Redfoot saw next set off his Berserk Button (TvTropes reference FTW!!!) . One of the remaining fighting Grounders was a longneck, and the sight of one of his fellow species members being a murderous psychopath enraged him to a point he hadn’t been before.

“I…can’t…..believe….” he said in anger under his breath. “YOU!!!!” he yelled, charging the Grounder longneck, giving a massive head butt as he collided with it.

“What on Earth?!” the Grounder longneck yelled, taken by surprise. When he was able to regain his balance, he saw Redfoot staring at him, straight in the eye. “Finally…someone who might be a worthy opponent,” the longneck chuckled sinisterly.

“You don’t talk…” Redfoot scowled, quickly spinning around for a tail spin. The Grounder longneck countered, and the two tails clashed. They both left a stinging feeling in the other’s tail, but neither was willing to give up.

Zidane on the other claw had managed to cause the Grounder swimmer to flee, and had decided to go assist Redfoot.

“This probably isn’t going to be fun,” he sighed to himself.

Redfoot and the Grounder longneck were still in the middle of their clash, and no winner was in sight. The Grounder managed to bite Redfoot’s neck, making him groan in pain, and responded with spinning around and giving a tail whip.

“Ugh!” the longneck grounder grunted, getting more angry at his opponent. “Looks like I won’t have to go easy on you,” he laughed, licking some blood around his mouth off.

Most of the other grounders involved in the fight had now either fled or left, pretty much out of boredom by this point. Zidane realized this was his chance. He ran over to the longneck as fast as he could, and managed to get a good bite right in the leg.

“AHHH!!” the Grounder roared in pain. Zidane had managed to distract him enough to allow Redfoot to get a very successful tail whip, knocking the evil longneck down.

“Now!” Redfoot called to Zidane, who quickly bit the other legs, than Redfoot planted one of his feet down on the Grounder’s side, preventing a chance at escape. Redfoot and the others had won, and now it was time for some answers.

“What are you after?!” Redfoot demanded to know, after losing your home, and the knowledge that some of your friends and or family are probably dead, the longneck was not going to take no for an answer. He held his tail in whip-ready position if needed,

“Go ahead, kill me,” the Grounder longneck encouraged with a chuckle, as if this was just a minor inconvenience, “I’ve been forgotten. And that’s what all of you will be one day. We’re just making a point.”

“What kind of point could you possibly be making?” Redfoot scoffed.

“That in the end, no one truly cares about anyone else. Everyone you think you can trust will turn on you eventually, and leave you for nothing.”

Redfoot was infuriated even more by these words. “That’s not true….” Was all he replied.

Strut, seeing the madness had ended, rejoined his comrades and the surviving leaf eaters in the area. He got a good look at the fatally-injured Grounder. “What are we going to do?” he asked, not certain of what action to take.

“Find some help,” Redfoot said, essentially sticking to their original plan, “But to be more specific, were finding everyone from our Valley. We have somebody to prove wrong….”


Howler was among the returning Grounder party from the ambush. “That was fun,” he smiled to himself.


Chomper had caught up with the rest of his friends. “Hey Chomper, where have you been?” Littlefoot asked, “Usually you play with us every morning.”

“I was just…taking a walk,” Chomper replied to the other young sharptooth.  He then decided to get his plan in motion. “Could you guys do me a favor?” he asked politely.

“What is it Chomper?” Petrie asked.

“Nothing much, just meet me later tonight near my cave,” Chomper said honestly. He had enough of the dimension-travelling stones for some of them, so he knew he couldn’t take all of his friends to the meeting spot.

“We can do that,” Greg nodded, the spiketail taking a bite out of the nearby vegetation. “But what for?”

“I’ll tell you later,” Chomper said, feeling that right now was not the best time to reveal his plan. “Let’s just play for now.”

“Ok then…” Guido replied, deciding to bring some fun back into the day, “Anyone want to race?”

“You’re on!” Ruby and Cera grinned mischievously, the two fast biters getting ready to run. “To the hidden canyon,” the sharpbeak pointed.

To no one’s surprise, the fast biters took the lead. “No fair!” Guido called, trying to catch up, “You girls don’t have wings!”

Everyone laughed at that, though Tippy managed to call “Go Guido!”


Petrie was finishing up his dinner, as was his siblings. Tera was on another cliff, talking to another grown sharptooth flyer.

“I wonder what mom’s been doing with that guy,” Petrie said to his brothers and sisters. At that moment, his sisters laughed and Petrie and his male siblings looked confused.

“You haven’t guessed?” Glider chuckled to Petrie. Petrie nodded no. “Mom has a crush on him!”

“Really?” Petrie asked, surprised. “Yup,” Talia, another one of his sisters nodded, “Mo caught a second swimmer just for him and her.”

“Whoa,” Petrie said surprised, but he did feel happy for his mom. It had been several cold times since their father had died in an accident, so the sharptoothed flier siblings were pleased to see their mom going out with someone.

Petrie finished off his portion of the meat and wiped some of the blood from his dinner off his beak. “Bye guys!” he called to his brothers and siblings as he left to join his friends.

“Where are you going?” Edge asked.

“I’m going to do something with my friends. Tell mom I’ll be back soon hopefully, bthough I’m not quite sure when.”


“Now Tricia…don’t move….” Cera advised sternly. “If you make even the slightest motion, this will all go wrong…”

Tricia only got the general idea of what her sister was saying, but she was doing her best to follow her orders. Suddenly, her sniffer began to feel funny.

“Oh no,’ Cera gulped. Tricia felt a sneeze on the way. “Hold it!” Cera tried to get her sister to do.

But it was too late. Tricia had sneezed, and the crawlers that were resting on her snout were sent flying and they quickly squirmed back into the ground.

“Well there goes our after dinner snack,” Cera sighed.

“Sawee,” Tricia apologized. (Sorry). “It’s ok,’ Cera assured the young fast biter, patting her on the head.

She walked over to Veli and Cira. “Mom, dad,” she began to say. Cira smiled happily, now that Cera felt comfortable calling her “mom” now.

“Yes dear?” Cira asked.

“I’m going over to Chomper’s cave. There’s something he asked me to do. I’m not sure what it actually is though yet.”

Veli looked sternly puzzled. “Just don’t do anything that could get you hurt,” he told his daughter.

Cera laughed confidently, “Don’t worry daddy, even if I run into a big leaf eater, a fast biter could easily take it down, right?”

“That’s my girl!” Veli chuckled happily.

“See ya!” Cera waved.


The sharpbeak had nodded off early, too tired after his hopeless race against his fast biter friends. The other sharpbeaks let him sleep, none of them knowing he had made plans.


Ruby, Myra, Rita, Rory, and Greg had already told Sharptooth about what Chomper had asked, and he had no complaints about them fulfilling that favor.

“Just stay out of the Mysterious Beyond around these times,” Sharptooth said in flattooth so the leafeaters could understand.

“We will, don’t worry,” Myra assured. The five then set off.


The swimming sharptooth and belly dragger had left to go meet up with the others, when Ducky made a realization. “Oh no no no,” she frowned.

Spike made a noise implying “What is it?”

Ducky then explained, “The place where Chomper told us to go has no water near it. I’ll have to go back home. Tell them I’m sorry, I am, I am.”

Spike made a noise suggesting “Don’t worry sis.”


Littlefoot’s grandparents were about to fall asleep. Being older than some of the other grown-ups, they would often fall asleep sooner than the rest.

“I’m going now, Grandpa and Grandma. I love you,” he waved as the young rex walked off.

“We love you too Littlefoot,” Grandma Sharptooth smiled gently.

“Don’t get yourself hurt again,” Grandpa Sharptooth advised with a grin. “I won’t Grandpa, don’t worry…” Littlefoot assured with a chuckle.


Spike had stopped at the belly draggers’ nesting area, where Tippy lived. The female belly dragger looked a little upset.

“Tippy’s sorry Spike,” she apologized, “Tippy has a belly ache. Tippy’s mother says Tippy should stay at the nest tonight.”

Spike made a noise suggesting “I’ll tell them.”


“So what’s this alla bout Chomper?” Rory asked.

Chomper was now ready to go into more detail about his plan with his friends. “I’m going to find more dinosaurs to help us beat the bad ones!”

Everyone looked confused. “How are you going to do that?” Cera scoffed, doubting what the purple rex had said.

“I know this place….” Chomper said slyly, “But I’ll have to go there myself first, then I’ll come back. Don’t worry, I’ll be back pretty quick.”

“Ok Chomper,” Littlefoot nodded, “We’ll wait.”

“But who are these other dinosaurs?” Petrie questioned. “Anyone we know?”

As Chomper was about to walk off, he thought about how that questioned should be answered. “You know what…kind of, yeah.” He said with a little laugh.

He quickly ran over to the spot where he kept the dimension travelling rocks, which was out of the immediate vicinity of his friends and picked one up. Concentrating on the old reality hard enough, he ended up in the special area serving as the bridge between the dimensions.

“Let’s see…the old reality entrance was….right there,” he smiled, going through the portal.

He ended up in the area where he was the last time he used the rocks in the old reality. “Everything’s going good,” Chomper smiled.

As he went to meet up with his parents and the sharptooth versions of Rory, Rita, and Myra, he was bumped into by Dil.

“Sorry Chomper,’ the big belly dragger apologized, “Didn’t see you there.”

“It’s ok Ms. Dil,” Chomper assured, “It was no problem. It’s nice seeing you again, haven’t seen you for a while.”

“What are you talking about?” Dil laughed, “You saw me just yesterday.”

“Oh yeah,” Chomper remembered, forgetting that time hadn’t passed in this reality since he last left.

“Hey Chomper!” Sharptooth-Rita called.

“Oh Rita, just who I wanted to see,” the purple sharptooth called.

“How come?” Rita asked, confused.

“Can you find your dad?” Chomper asked, remembering how they recently found out that Redclaw was the father of Rita, “We’re going to need some help…”


(Read and Review! Hope this makes up for the wait.)


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Chapter 28: Double Trouble Part 2

Rita looked very perplexed. “Help for what?” she asked, confused. She had no idea what Chomper was referring to.

“There’s some friends of mine who need help, and I’ll need to find my friends back in the Great Valley,” Chomper explained.

“Your….Great Valley friends?” Rita asked, “But the big leaf eaters would be there too!” Rita replied.

“Don’t worry Rita, we wouldn’t have to go into the Great Valley itself, my friends always end up going outside every few days, we’ll find them soon enough,” Chomper explained.

But Rita still needed answers, “But who needs help?” she asked. “Some other dinos I know,” Chomper explained.

“Who?” asked Rita, curiously. “Anyone I know?”

“You know what, kind of,” Chomper replied. Rita of course still needed more answers.

“Chomper, there’s something you’re not telling me,” the dark blue sharptooth said suspiciously, being right on the mark.

Chomper sighed, not wanting to explain what’s really been happening, so he did his best to push back the giving of answers. “Rita…I can’t tell you just yet,” he responded.

“Why?” Rita asked again.

“It’d… too confusing,” Chomper responded, probably to say the least. “Fine….,” Rita sighed, “We’ll go find your other friends tomorrow.”


“Why do you think the grownups told us not to go the meeting guys?” Littlefoot (the original longneck form we know and love) asked his friends.

“Me have no idea,” Petrie replied in his traditional bad grammar that some of us know and love while the rest know and hate.

“It probably has something to do with sharpteeth,” Cera said. “We’ve seen a lot more than usual. And I’m sure Chomper’s a bad one now……..”

“Cera!” Littlefoot said, upset by that remark. “That’s not necessarily true!”

“Then tell me Littlefoot,” Cera said as a comeback, “Why else would he be near Redclaw without being chased? Unless they’re on the same side, I have no other ideas!”

“There has to be some explanation,” Littlefoot retorted. “Chomper wouldn’t turn his back on us like that.”

“He did seem upset when he had to leave the Great Valley,” Cera reminded.

“But that’s because we are his friends, we are, we are,” Ducky noted. Spike made a noise suggesting “No comment.”


“It’s clear something must be done,” Grandpa Longneck called to the adult dinos of the Great Valley who had gathered, “About the recent abundance in the area. Before I give my idea, I am willing to hear out any other ideas.”

“Simple,” Topsy said, with a bit of an egotistical chuckle. “We just get the strongest ones among us here, guard the valley, and kill any sharptooth who comes near.”

Tria looked unnerved. “That’s….kind of….extreme, Topsy,” she said, not thinking that violence of that caliber was a good idea.

Not too surprisingly, that idea did get a few comments of support. Some of the other grownups offered other suggestions, such as moving rocks and logs to protect the valley’s weak points better, and Petrie’s mother Tera suggested having a heard of flyers serve as a lookout to alert if any sharpteeth were approaching.

After the others said their opinions, Grandpa Longneck went on to explain his strategy. “Similar to Topsy’s,” the old longneck explained, “We need to establish a protectorate force, one that can chase off carnivores or fight them if need be.”

“Finally he’s making sense,” Topsy said to Tria. Topsy and Littlefoot’s grandfather had gotten along in the past, but their minds weren’t always at the same spot when it came to how to deal with certain situations involving leadership of the Great Valley.


Chomper and Rita had agreed to go out to find Chomper’s leaf eater friends in the morning. Chomper spent the nights in his family’s cave, as did Rita, since she lived with them. Chomper had decided to see later if Rory and Myra wanted to come along, and Greg if he and his folks hadn’t wandered away.

The purple sharptooth mentally admitted he probably should have thought through his plan better. There were so many variables: There was the chance they wouldn’t bump into Littlefoot and the others, there was the chance they wouldn’t want to come with him, there was the possibility that they wouldn’t believe him about the Stone of Cold Fire and the other reality, or that that would freak them out.

If worst came to worst, he would have to think of another way to help the flatteeth of the wish-created reality.

“Hope this works…” he said silently to himself.


The Bright Circle wasn’t completely visible yet, and the morning was young. Littlefoot had decided to go find Chomper to prove to his other friends that he wasn’t a bad sharptooth. Ruby, being Chomper’s former babysitter, agreed to join the longneck.

But just when they thought it would just be the two of them, the found Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike waiting for them at the exit.

Littlefoot look very puzzled. “How did you…” he started to ask, when he got cut off.

“It was simple,” Cera smirked, “We didn’t find you guys in your regular sleeping spots, and we remembered what we talked about yesterday, so we guessed you guys were going to find Chomper.”

“We did, we did,” nodded Ducky. “Wow you guys are good….” Ruby complimented.


Dein and Terri had told Chomper and Rita that were going to go out for the day, and to not go too far from the nest, which fit just fine into Chomper’s plan.

“Bye son! Bye Rita,” Terri waved as she and her mate set off.

“Have you seen Myra and Rory?” Rita asked Chomper after the two big sharpteeth set off.

“Yeah, but they were going hunting with their folks, I guess they can’t join us,” Chomper responded.

“Let’s go find my dad,” Rita smiled, wanting to be with her dad again, and now she didn’t mind one bit that her father was Redclaw. She began sniffing the air to pick up on his trail.

Knowing Redclaw’s size, it wasn’t going to be a tough task.

Elsewhere, Redclaw, Screech, and thud had successfully brought down a spiketail, and were eating their prize.

“We caught this one by surprise, didn’t we boss?” Screech asked eagerly. Redclaw nodded in agreement.

Thud was digging into one of their prey’s legs, his face getting smeared with their breakfast’s blood, but he could easily wash it off. Suddenly, his sniffer began acting up.

“Boss, I think I smell something coming our way,” the green fast biter commented. Redclaw smelled the air too, and smiled.

“It’s my daughter and her little friend,” he said to his friends as Chomper and Rita closed in on them.

“Hi dad,’ Rita said, as Redclaw leaned down, allowing her daughter to nuzzle his face. “It’s great to see you again, though it hasn’t really been long now.”

“Likewise,” Redclaw smiled back.

“Hey dad, could you, Screech, and Thud do us a favor?” Rita asked.

“Certainly, what is it?” Redclaw asked in response.

“I need to get to the Great Valley….well, near it at least. I need to find my leaf eater friends.”

“What for?” Redclaw asked Chomper.

“I need their help, and maybe their parent’s help as well. Some of my other friends are in danger.”

“I could be of assistance,” Redclaw offered, somewhat smugly. Chomper knew the massive sharptooth had a point, so he would likely ask him after he told Littlefoot and the others.

“It’s complicated,” Chomper said. “Could you take us to the Great Valley’s walls?”

“I’d be honored,” Redclaw replied.  Chomper then was sure to keep his reality-warping rock beside him.


Littlefoot, Ducky, and Ruby were having Spike sniff the ground, seeing if they could recognize Spike’s trail. Since they had used it before when Chomper lived in the valley, Spike was able to commit it to memory.

“Is he picking any trail up?” Cera asked.

“Give my brother time Cera,” Ducky replied, “He’s doing his best. He is, he is.”

“Chomper can’t be too far, far away is where Chomper can’t be,” Ruby added. Just then, Spike made a noise that meant, “I found something!

“Me think Spike found Chomper’s trail!” Petrie grinned.

“Then let’s follow it!” Littlefoot said, “I’ll prove Chomper’s not bad.”

“Keep having sleep stories about that…” Cera said under her breath.


Similar results were coming up, Chomper was smelling his friends’ scents enter his sniffer. “I think they’re not too far away!” he grinned.

He then set the next part of his plan into motion. He asked to be given a break for lunch, and Redclaw obliged. Holding on to his rock, he ran out of the sights of Rita and the others and then concentrated on the other reality. He was soon warped to the Place Between Worlds, where he noticed one weird thing: the symbols representing which reality was which above the portals were now missing. But Chomper figured he’d remember which was which, so he proceeded to head back to the sharptooth Great Valley

In the sharptooth reality, no time had passed, so the sharptooth versions of Ruby and the others (And the flatoototh versions of Rita and the others) hadn’t been waiting for long. Before Chomper could reappear to his friends, Greg’s belly rumbled.

“I’m hungry,” the spiketail said, then Rory spoke up.

“So am I,” he nodded, “Because I did skip getting something for dinner tonight,” he explained.

“And I had dinner, and desert, but I’m still hungry,” Greg continued. Myra and Rita laughed lightly at that.

“We might as well go with you guys to get something to eat,” Rita said. She turned to the sharpteeth, “Just tell Chomper we’ll catch up to you guys later.”

“Got it,” Petrie replied.

After the 4 flatteeth were out of the gang’s site, Choper reappeared. “What were you doing?” Littlefoot asked. “We’ve been here for a few minutes.”

“Yeah…I was just making sure everything was ready,” the purple rex replied, although that only resulted in puzzled looks. He then noticed, “Where’s Rory and the others?”

“Getting a later dinner,” Cera replied. “So what’s this plan of yours?” the fast biter asked, demanding to know.

“Well….this!” Chomper replied, dropping the stones in front of his friends.

“Rocks?” Petrie asked, confused. Spike made a noise suggesting, “You can’t be serious, are you Chomper?”

“Just trust me on this,” Chomper replied. “And do as I say, each of you pick one of these up, and focus on….our storytelling spot.” While in the original reality, he figured out a way to have his friends activate the rocks without telling them everything about his wish: Since the Place Between Worlds resembled their storytelling spot, he would have them warp there.

Ruby, Cera, Littlefoot, and Petrie picked up their rocks with the claws, while Spike put his foot on it. Concentrating hard, they eventually warped to where Chomper had hoped, to the Place Between Worlds.

When they opened their eyes and noticed where they were, confusion was the only natural reaction. “What is this?” asked Ruby.

“Where are we?” questioned Petrie.

“Is this a sleep story and all of us are back at our nests?” Cera pondered.

“No Cera, this is all real,” Chomper replied, ready to tell his “alternate version” of the story about how he discovered the Stone of Cold Fire.

(Read and review! And one thing I want to tell my readers: Originally, I was planning to have this story be as long as the original Sharptooth Valley in the amount of chapters, but then I figured with me going into my senior year this fall, I might not have time to write that much, so I’m likely going to shorten the story by about 5-8 chapters in length, but the plotline won’t be altered.)

Next time on Sharptooth Valley II: After Chomper tells his story, the sharpteeth version of the gang head to the old reality, and the two versions of the gang finally meet! But they get a hint that it might be dangerous to have two versions of one dino in the same reality…..


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  • Ducky
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Please hurry with getting the next chapter up. Pretty's just getting interesting.

I wonder how the gangs (both the gang we all know and love and the new sharptoothed version of the gang) will react when they see each other. It should be good *grins evily*


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I want to make an apology to you all.

With how busy my senior schedule has been, I don't know if I'll find time any time soon to resume posting SV2 chapters. I know I've promised I'm not giving up, but circumstances changed. I apologize to any fans of the story who are disappointed by this.

For sure, in the future, if I can't find time for chapters, I'll post a summary of what I was planning to include in future chapters.

Again, I'm sorry.  :(


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Now that you've graduated, will you have any time to continue this further?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Quote from: brekclub85,Mar 5 2011 on  07:03 PM
For sure, in the future, if I can't find time for chapters, I'll post a summary of what I was planning to include in future chapters.

Again, I'm sorry.  :(
Are going to either follow up with this, or try to write some more for this, anytime soon

I don't know, I just don't like there being such a huge...stop in this story, and not getting at least some sort of closer of the sort at least. What were you planning on happening?

I know you've kind of written yourself into a logical corner with this thing, as with the whole can of worms that these two universes colliding brings up, all the characters (mostly duplicates) involved, all the relationships, everything. and trying to end this thing without a TON of inventiveness is gonna be hard.

I hope I didn't just make you groan even more of the idea of finishing this thing!  :lol
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!