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Best Movie Villains


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The Villain! *insert dramatic lighting strike* The character within the movie that we are meant to fear and despise for whatever reason the producers see fit.

Some are so evil though, that they steal the show from the hero of the story, and we end up loving them for being so evil.  This topic is to talk about them.

The movie villains so evil, that we love them for it. :)

I'll start with a rather good one...

Maleficent from the Disney film, Sleeping Beauty.

Known as The Mistress of all Evil, Maleficent is said to be one of the best of the Disney Villains, often rating rather high on anyone's list. (Many times, #1) She definitely lives up to her title.  First off, the fact is that she places a curse on the main character, Princess Aurora, (the curse being that by the princess' 16th birthday, the princess will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die.) because she didn't get invited to the party. (Geez!  What a grudge!) After her plan pretty much succeeding, she then captures Aurora's true love, Prince Philip, and locks him up in her tower.  She then plans to keep him there until he is so old and crippled that he can't make it anyway.  After Philip escapes, Maleficent then decides to deal with him by calling on "all the powers of Hell".  Seriously, she's given all of the powers of the devil?  Sheesh! :o

Despite being killed at the end like most villains, Maleficent still is seen to me as one of the best villains to ever be in a movie.  She definitely deserves all the high ratings so many have given her. :)

So evil and so well known, she even has her own Wikipedia page.

Well, that's it for me.  Now it's your turn.

Who do you rate as the Best Movie Villains?


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The Joker- The Dark KNight
Heath Ledger took the greatest of Batman's foes to whole different level with his performance. Creepy , malevolent, cynical, he loves to twist and corrupt, and batman is his favorite target.. wther using a phone to set off a bomb, shooting bazookas at a van, or stealing millions from the mob..he's a man of action..
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F-14 Ace

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Darth Vader.  Do I really need to explain this one?  I mean, unless you've never seen Star Wars, you should know why this guy is the best.

Cancerian Tiger

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John Kramer aka "Jigsaw" of the "Saw" series, hands down!  I've never seen a villian that deviates from the stereotype.  Jigsaw is in his fifties, an educated civil engineer, has no magical powers, and is terminally ill with cancer.  I've never seen a villian like him.  On top of all this, he's very intelligent :yes.


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Tai Lung- Kung Fu Panda

Technically, he's not really a 'villian'. He's more of an antagonist in this story. Yes, he did go on a rampage in the Valley of Peace because he was denied the Dragon Scroll. And he did almost kill Master Shifu. But you gotta look at the whole picture.

He was abandoned as a baby, and Master Shifu raised him like a son. Tai Lung wanted to gain the Dragon Scroll and become the Dragon Warrior just so he can make Shifu proud of him. But when Master Oogway denied him the scroll, and Shifu didn't stand up for him; Tai Lung was devestated. And after his rampage in the Valley, he spent twenty years of his life in prison.

After seein the kind of past Tai Lung had, I had to commend the creators and developers of the movie; Because I haven't seen a villian I can actually feel for in any movie or television show in a long time.


LOL, I just love over-analyzing things.


Russ Cargill- The Simpsons Movie

Now here's a true villian. And he doesn't need any super powers or abilities to do it with. He's head of the EPA, and after seeing that Springfield has become so polluted that it has reached crisis levels, he proposed the idea of sealing the town in a glass dome. But when he realized that the locals are trying to break out of the dome; he tricked President Swartzinager (LOL) into authorizing the destruction of Springfield and everyone inside it.

When Homer and Bart save Springfield from getting destroyed, he actually went so far as to point a shotgun at Homer and kill off our great American symbol of manhood. But thanks to divine intervention, or simply put: a boulder dropped by Maggie, our hero was saved.


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John Travolta - The Punisher (I don't remember the character names)

All I can say is this guy is truly evil. He isn't a badass maniac who causes thousands of dollars of destruction. He attacks his enemy's heart. To get revenge on the hero for killing his brother, Travolta doesn't just kill one of his loved ones. He waits till all of them are at a family reunion and sends men to gun down EVERY SINGLE PERSON young AND old! That just screams out evil!


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Hannibal Lecter _ Silence of the Lsambs
 brilliant, insane, and has a taste for human flesh. oh and has a really creepy voice "Good evening Clarice"
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Ok, I actually thought on this, going through alot of Disney like Scar, but Scar, while very likable as a villian, I've seen fan stuff galore, might have the pity thing on his side for being the neglected son.

So, make your case for him but he's not my "I love them for their unappolagetic evil" pick. Cruella Devil is who I settled on and not because 101 Dalmatians is another of my favorite movies, but as a movie comment said one time "she's the epitome of evil wanting to annihilate something like puppies!".

On the note of her, Glen Close as her in the live action films, awesome!

She's not all that "early", but I think alot of the early villinesses of Disney had that unabashed evil quality that made them likable, like Malificent as mentioned and both Snow White's Stepmother and Lady Tremaine from Cinderella had it too (that scene where she's marching to lock Cinderella up will still give you a chill with that cold evil look on her face!, and all this over her daughters being of good social standing!)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Lady Tremaine and Claude Frollo. Frollo has to be one of the evilest villians disney has ever come up with.


  • Petrie
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Disney villans: Maleficent - defenently evil person, and Davy Jones, the man is truly heartless, and frankly doesnt care what he does.

Others: The Joker in the Dark Knight and Darth Vader


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Lady Tremaine is definitely a piece of work.  Not only does she force Cinderella to do all the chores, (Which isn't too big of a deal in some cases.) but also stops her from going to the ball, has her daughters rip apart Cinderella's dress because it was made from old used clothes and locks her up in a room where there is a happy future waiting for the poor girl downstairs.

On top of this, when Lady Tremaine returns in the third movie and gains the power of The Fairy Godmother's Magic Wand, she turns back time and so that Cinderella can't go to the ball and disguises one of her daughters as Cinderella to make her marry the prince instead.

Making one person's life miserable just because you didn't have them?  Talk about evil! :angry:

Paradise Bird

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Eliphas The Inheritor
The black apostle of the demons.


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1. Sauron from The Lord of the Rings, even though we never see him.
2. Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.
3. Joker from Dark Knight
4. Any villain played by Tim Curry
5. Any villain played by Alan Rickman
6. Any villain played by Sean Bean
7. Magneto from the first two X-Men films (along with everything else in 3, he sucked)
8. The Sharptooth in original The Land Before Time (yes, he's a villain, he stalked those kids despite them being small fry because he wanted revenge for his eye. Plus, he had a great presence, unlike every other villain in the series)
9. The Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow (because he's just frikkin scary!!)
10. Barbossa from the first Pirates of the Caribbean film. Davy Jones is good, but he can't hold a candle to a man played by Geoffrey Rush.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Arnold in the first Terminator movie - ironic hes now the governator


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General Woundwort from Watership Down. He's cruel, slavedriving, and brutal. He's one mean rabbit. He's also psychotic, going out trying to kill a dog.

Darth Vader: Self-explanatory.

The Joker from The Dark Night is brillantly twisted and insane.


  • Cera
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Quote from: Caustizer,Jun 16 2009 on  06:37 PM
Arnold in the first Terminator movie - ironic hes now the governator
I agree there. He's what gave Terminator a horror movie sense because he kept coming and killing everybody in his way. The movie also had a really creepy soundtrack whenever he showed up.


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Okay, people have been saying Darth Vader over and over, but I don't agree.  To me, he's just a good guy turned bad turned good again.  Yeah, I'm docking him points because of what he did at the end with saving his son and all, but this topic is to talk about TRUE villains.  Those that are evil and rotten to the core.  Who don't even have a heart.

My pick for best Star Wars Villain, you ask?

Mine is none other than Darth Sidious.  After all, he was the one that made Darth Vader do all that evil stuff.  Darth Sidious was the one that manipulated him onto the Dark Side.  Also, wasn't Darth Sidious the one that ordered the project of the Death Star in the first place?  He also encouraged Darth Vader to kill Luke Skywalker.

Darth Sidious didn't do any master evil, but had others do it for him.  That's as evil as one can get.  So that would easily make Darth Sidious the Devil of Star Wars.

So to me, he's the one TRUE villain of Star Wars. :)

Edit: I meant Sidious, not Sith.  Stupid me! :rolleyes: Thanks for the correction, Drake. :)


  • Littlefoot
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Isn't that Darth Sidious? AKA The Emperor? Unless you mean someone else in general.

To me, I say Boba Fett, I mean, he's a bounty hunter for crying out loud! And he's got a jetpack, he's one of the more normal characters on there XD

Oh, and Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight, he was just brilliant all in all ^^

And not to mention Jigsaw as well, love his philosiphy on life, and the actor, Tobin Bell plays him so well.