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Total Drama Valley: Season 2

brekclub85 · 118 · 21138


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Great episode GVG!  :DD  Just when you think Chris can't sink any lower....


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Brekclub85 presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Season 2, Episode 11: Dino Flight

That night after Tricia’s elimination, all of the boys of both teams realized something while they were playing on the Wii in their RV. “This is the complete opposite of last season,” Shorty said. “What do you mean Shorty?” Petrie asked.

“Last season, the girls outnumbered us 6 to 4 in the Final 10, but here we out number them 6 to 3 in the Final Nine!”


Shorty: And since I have an alliance with Myra and Ruby and everybody hasn’t quite warmed up to Cera yet, I’m going far! I wasn’t the last Super Sharptooth team member standing last season... (Frowns, remembering) though I only took 4th place.


Spike: No one suspects what I’m up to. With my alliance with Chris, I’ll win for sure. Beware the quiet ones is right…. Heh heh….

Meanwhile, in the Girls’ RV, only Cera, Myra, and Ruby remained. Cera, having recently learned about the internet, was looking up official TDV fansites.

“What are you doing Cera?” Myra asked, playing Metal Gear Solid 4 on the girls’ PS3. “Finding out what every other dino thinks of me,” Cera smiled, filled with boast.

“Oh geez,” Myra chuckled.

“Let’s see here…”Littlefoot fan thread….Chompewr fan thread…Ruby fan thread…Tippy fan thread…..Mutt fan thread?! Seriously?” she gasped, trying to find fans of hers.

Finally she came across “Cera fan thread.” “Oh boy,” the threehorn grinned, reading the posts only to see her fans’ usernames were Topsy2, Tria4, and Tricia436737. “Of course…” she sighed to herself.

Petrie was rather nervous meanwhile. Drinking a can of Fizzy Master, he remembered how he was to beign toughness-training with Chef tomorrow.

“Me hope me can do this,” the flier said uncertainly.  Rhett meanwhile had challenged Chomper to Mario Kart.
“You won’t beat me!” Rhett grinned cheekily.  “Oh I can,” Chomper retorted.

Chris however, was watching the RVs form one of the many cameras. “If only they knew what was coming tomorrow! They would lose it!” the sadist host laughed sadistically.


The Final Nine were eating breakfast.  Myra was still wondering about who her mom was going to be married to.


Myra: It must’ve been someone she met while I was in season 1. I was gone for a while.

Chomper was messily devouring his breakfast of threehorn steaks, grossing out Cera. “Chomper…could you eat a little neater?” she asked, as politely as she possibly could be.

Just then, Chris walked in, followed by a longneck. “Players, before you here your next challenge, allow me to introduce an old TDI camper…..Trent!”

The longneck quickly looked over the remaining amount of contestants. “Phew…there’s nine,” he sighed in relief.

“Why’s that important?” asked Shorty. “Uh…no reason…” the longneck replied. “Trent will be assisting the Girly Girls in the next challenge, because, let’s face it: your team sucks!” Chris laughed.

It’s true, it was now Chomper, Cera, and Petrie Vs. Littlefoot, Rhett, Shorty, Myra, Ruby, and Spike. “And you only have two more episodes till the merge,” the human host went on, “After episode 12, the Final Seven will become one team, but you still won’t be a s popular or as good looking as I am!”

Everyone groaned in annoyance.


Shorty: Come on, I’m more handsome than he is.

“So what’s today’s challenge Chirs?” Littlefoot asked. “That’s a good question,” Chris responded. “Follow me.”

Petrie was behind the rest of the players when Chef called to him from the kitchen. “Take charge son!” The threatening former navy officer called.

“Me will,” Petrie assured nervously.


“Your challenge is this: Go to these stores and using these things we few remaining humans and new-age dinosaurs call money, buy parts for your RVs.”

“What kind of parts?” Ruby asked. “Parts used for combat, it’s going to be an aerial battle baby!” Chris cheered. “What does that mean?” Littlefoot asked puzzled.

“Simple. Your RVs have a built in convert into a flying RV feature. Yeah, I’m that rich.”


Chris: I really am.

“Here’s $200 dollars for each team,” Chris said, secretly handing Spike an extra $500, “Now go and buy your offenses and defenses dinos!”

The teams split up, and Trent went with the Girly Girls.  “Excuse me, pardon us,” Petrie called to all of the dinosaurs wandering through the mall.

Elsewhere, the Goony Boys were planning their strategy. “We should go for the offense,” Shorty said, taking charge of the team, “They only have 3 players left, they’ll be too busy defending themselves to fight back.”

“Hey, I’m the team captain, Shorty,” Littlefoot reminded his brother. Shorty stared at Littlefoot. “Because we all know how well you and Rhett handled the Ali thing, don’t we?” he retorted.


Ruby: I have to agree with Shorty there, even if that was a little harsh.

Littlefoot: Mistakes were made, and I wish my teammates could forgive them….

Just then, Ruby noticed someone. “Hey guys….isn’t that Thud?” she asked, seeing Redclaw’s right-claw biter amongst the shoppers.  “It is him,” Littlefoot said, getting a good look, I wonder what he’s doing here…”


The Girl Girls and Trent had made their way to a shop called “Trinkets.”  “What could use as weapons?” Chomper asked.

“Rocks or something like that,” Trent suggested. “No, something tougher and more damage inducing!” Cera laughed.

“Like this?” Chomper asked, seeing piles of old, probably-damaged computers. “These things seem heavy.”

“Me think these could work,” suggested Petrie.  The flier was pointing to several boxes that were cheaply-priced entitled “Goop Balloons.”

“Those won’t cause enough damage,” Cera replied, shrugging it off. Petrie didn’t like having his idea completely pushed aside, so he remembered something.


Petrie: Chef told me to be tougher, so me going with that!

“ME THINK WE SHOULD TRY THIS!” Petrie yelled. Chomper, Cera, and Trent were surprised.

“Ok…we’ll get some of those things,” Cera said. “Nine boxes,” Trent advised. The teammates all looked confused by that.


“Anyone seen Spike?” Littlefoot asked, noticing the apiketail had wondered off. “Here I am,” Spike called.

The spiketail threw away a wrapper labeled “Green Pizza.” “You spent some of our money on food?” Rhett asked in disbelief.

“Don’t worry, it was hardly any,” Spike lied, the group unaware they had more cash than the Girly Girls.

“Alliance meeting,” Shorty whispered to Myra and Ruby.


Myra: What is it with Spike? Last season I regretted voting him off, but this time around I can’t wait to vote him off.

Ruby: Spike’s really changed. He’s almost as bad as Cera was last season.

Shorty: If we lose before the merge, Spike’s going down.

“Let’s got parts for ourselves without Spike,” Shorty suggested, and the fast biter and fast runner agreed.

The three Goony Boy team members made their way to a sporting goods shop they had passed earlier, where a bladeback was running the register at the time.
But then Ruby noticed Thud again. “I’m gonna go see what he’s doing here in the future, what he’s doing here in the future I’m gonna go see,” Ruby announced, taking off.


The host of Total Drama Valley wa standing in front of the RVs. Chris was holding a remote with a red button on it. “Let there be flight!” he laughed, pressing the button. Slowly but surely, the RVs’ wheels turned into engines and big engines appeared on the back ends.

“This is freakin’ awesome….though not as much as my hair. Oh yeah, viewing audience, buy the TDV season 1 DVD and plush dolls of the players so I can get even more money!”


The Girly Girls had almost finished their shopping. Trent recommended they get nine of every type of projectile they get.


Cera: This Trent guy tops that Izzy girl in the crazy department.

Just then, Trent looked nervous. “What’s wrong Trent?” asked Petrie.

“It’s Gwen, I hope I don’t make myself look like a fool…” the longneck gulped. “Too late….” Whispered Cera.

Gwen was walking with Bridgette and Izzy through the mall. 3 of the final humans on Earth had just finished getting a bite at the food court.

“She still dates you even though you’re a longneck now? That’s cool,” complemented Chomper. “Hey, at least I’m not as creepy as Owen and Izzy,” Trent commented.

Izzy and Owen continued to go out even though Owen was a belly dragger. Oddly enough, Izzy managed to beat Owen in several wrestling matches, and Izzy had a bad habit (though Owen said it seemed like she was doing it on purpose) of falling asleep in Owen’s jaws, which she claimed to be doing “for the heck of it.”

“Hey Gwen!” Trent called, the longneck leaving the GG team behind. “Oh, afternoon Trent,” Gwen waved back as Bridgette and Izzy were viewing a magazine kiosk.


Rhett, Littlefoot, and Spike had found Shorty and Myra at the sporting shop, where they stocked up on basket balls, baseballs, tennis balls, and footballs for ammo. (Mainly because they could afford a lot of them thanks to Spike.)

“They’re going down!” Spike laughed. Ruby then came running up and went to her alliance members.

“So what was Thud doing?” Myra asked. “He was at a place buying shiny stones,” Ruby recalled, “I don’t know what for though.”

Chris’s voice came over the mall’s PA system, “Players, return to the TDV set!” he announced.


Chris had the now air-potential RVs had cannons added to their windows. “Younger viewers love combat,” he chuckled to himself. The Final Nine soon returned. “What happened to Trent?” the host asked.

“Eh, he left to be with his girlfriend,” Cera replied.


Chomper: That reminds me…I miss Rita. (Kisses camera lens, hoping she’s watching.)

“Now for the second part of your challenge. Each team has one player control the flying RVs while the remaining teammates fire away at the other RV. The first RV to hit the ground loses, and that team will have to vote off a member. Now…take your positions!”

“I’ll control our RV, you guys fire the stuff,” Chomper volunteered. Petrie, who was now developing a liking for being assertive, responded with “No, me know how to fly, you two fire our stuff!”


Cera: I’ve never seen Petrie so tough before…It’s kinda freaky…

“Ok Petrie,” Chomper smiled. Cera decided to go along.

With the Goony Boys, Ruby volunteered to be their pilot, not being a four-footer.  “Let’s do this everyone!” Littlefoot cheered, trying to take charge of his team again.

As everyone got on their respective RVs (the GBs getting the boys’ RV while the GGs got the girls’), Chef appeared behind Petrie. “You did well today kid,” he complimented the flier.

“Thank you Chef,” replied Petrie.

“DID I SAY STOP?!” Chef yelled. “Me sorry,” Petrie apologized, quickly flying into the RV.

Chris hit another button. “In 3….2…1…dogfight!” he cheered, pressing another button activating the engines. Ruby and Petrie would mainly just be steering their RVs, the acceleration took care of itself.


Rhett: Flying was extremely cool! I hated how I missed the mid-air challenge last season.

“Steady…steady there…” Ruby muttered to herself as she took the control and swerved toward the Girly Girls’ RV. “Let’ shoot em down!” Spike laughed maniacally. He and Shorty were loading the tennis balls first.

Rhett, Myra, and Littlefoot were firing the cannons. Rhett got a direct hit, but it hardly left a dent.

“We need the try something bigger!” Spike called, rolling a bowling ball into position.

In the Girly Girls’ RV, Chomper was loading their projectiles as fast as he could while Cera pressed the button to launch them.

Several old computers were fired. However, most of them went straight down to the ground, Chris having to jump to get out of the way. “Watch it dudes!” he yelled into his megaphone.

One of the computers did hit the Goony Boys’ trailer head on, knocking one of the cannons out of position. Myra accidently launched a tennis ball right into Spike’s leg because of this. “Ow!” he yelled.

“What went wrong?!” called Ruby. “We got a spiketail down!” Shorty called back.

Shorty then loaded one of the bowling balls into position, and Rhett pressed the fire button. It was a perfect launch. It flew through the air at the perfect angle so Petrie wouldn’t be able to veer out of the way in time.

The GG’s RV was in bad shape now.  Petrie was desperate, then he got an idea. “Take the goop!” he yelled to Chomper and Cera. “What good will that do us?” Cera retorted. “Aim for their engines!”


Cera: And now Petrie’s good at plans too?! What happened to his world?!”
Chomper and Cera obeyed, and shot the goop right into the GB’s RV’s engine. It slowed down because of all the sticky stuff, and was beginning to malfunction.

“Oh crap,” Ruby muttered as she was unable to fully ascend.

Petrie was confident at their victory and slowly landed their RV, shortly afterwards the GB’s one crashed. Nobody was injured, and the RVs weren’t in real bad shape but almost everyone was knocked off their feet.

Chris examined the RVs. “Short, but action packed,” he commented on the fight. “Anyways, our victors of invincibility are the Goony Boys!”

“WHAT?!” Petrie, Cera, and Chomper yelled. “But we shot their rv down!” Cera complained.

“I said whoever touches the ground first,” Chris laughed sinisterly, “I did not specify you had to knock the other RV down…”


Petrie: Me can’t believe this!

Chomper: We’ve done terrible this season!

Cera: If chris turns up dead in the future, make sure no one sees this confession…

“As for out winners the Goony Boys, you receive two prizes,” announced: “One: A buffet dinner!” All of the GBs, especially Spike cheered, “And two: Lifetime memberships to the local dino sumo wrestling federation!” Everyone found that prize odd.

“Girly Girls, follow me to the Bonfire Ceremony later tonight…”

The final three members of the GGs groaned.


“Pick up your voting devices and decide who will be sent back in time, and can’t come back ever!” Chris announced.

Petrie, Chomper, and Cera did so. Chris soon got the results.

“Let’s see….Chris sweet bubbles go to…wait a sec, you each have one vote against you all, it’s a tie!”

“So none of us are leaving?” Chomper asked hopefully. Chris’ smile gave the sharptooth a non-verbal answer. “It means we need extra votes!” Chris chuckled, calling out the Goony Boys.

Shorty whispered to Myra and Ruby “We need to eliminate the biggest threat on that team.”

“You mean…” Ruby realized. Shorty nodded yes. The Goony Boys pressed the button of the dino they wanted voted off.

“Now with the extra votes…Chris sweet bubbles go to……..Petrie………and…….”

Cera and Chomper held their breaths. “…….Cera!”  Chris finished. “YES!!!” the threehorn cheered, still in the game.

Chomper was surprised, he had been voted off? “Well, you can’t win em’ all,” he smiled to himself, waving goodbye to his friends.

“We’ll miss you Chomper,” Littlefoot called. “See you around,” Ruby smiled, giving Chomper a hug.

Chris then spoke up again. “As a bonus prize for being last season’s winner, you now get your own show back in 65,000,000 BC!” Chirs smiled. Chomper was now even more excited. “What’s the show?” the purple rex asked eagerly. Chris handed him a piece of paper.

“How To Cook Leafeaters? Cool!” he smiled, entering the time machine.

“Bye Chomper!” everyone called as he was warped back to the past. Chris turned to the remaining competitors.

“Halfway through the season, 11 more episodes to go,” he grinned. “8 have now been eliminated, and only 8 remain. Who will go home next? Find out on the next thrilling episode of TOTAL……DRAMA……VALLEY!”

(Read and Review!)


  • Petrie
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Nice to see the story updated, and I got to say, this chapter is my favorite chapter so far. Nice work! But I have one question: Why is Chris unhurt after he was attacked by Cera is the previous chapter?


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It's tv! How long do injuries last in those? Not very long  :DD

The Great Valley Guardian

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Wow....I did not see that ending coming at all! :lol Poor Chomper, but at least he gets how own show back home! However I'm not too sure how well it will go over with the leaf eating audience.

Stay tuned for Episode 12!


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I know how hard it is, but it is for the best.


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The Great Valley Guardian

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TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY: Season 2 Episode 12: The Iron Dino Challenge.

Cera was sitting in the movie trailer with only Petrie for company, however the small flyer was at this moment asleep along with the rest of the contestants. The reason for Cera to be awake at this late time at night was her thoughts drifting back to her sister and how their father had come and taken her away because of a lie Chris had told. Granted she'd gotten her revenge, but it was the moments after, that still haunted her memory.

"Well Cera... you got me pretty good." commented Chris now sporting several large bruises, cuts and missing a tooth. "But I promise you this little threehorn... you are gonna pay for messin' with this face... YOU WILL PAY!!!!" he'd screamed right before she'd turned and ran rejoining Petrie at the trailer.

It had been two days since then and as she began to finally drift off to sleep, she could feel this sinking feeling in her belly that said Chris' revenge was going to be soon...very soon.

The next Day...

This morning started off kinda different, and the young longneck couldn't understand why, but he certainly wasn't going to question why they got to sleep in today among any reasons. It was then that Littlefoot noticed the rest of his teammates rising from their slumber as well.

"Hey guys... does this morning seem, I don't know kinda different?" asked Littlefoot with the sound of confusion laced in his voice.

"I personally don't really care." Commented Shorty "If Chris is dumb enough to let us sleep in... then I say we make the most of it, and try to find our own food before Chris ruins-"

Unfortunately as if on cue Chris' voice rang over the intercom system. "Dear contestants... I hope you enjoyed my little gift to you... cause today is gonna be fun for me!"

Cera and Petrie stepped out of their trailer and almost immediately Cera looked up to the sky and shuddered. "I guess this is the day huh?" she asked to no one in particular.

Ruby stepped over to Cera with a look of concern on her face. "Are you alright Cera, you don't look well, but only you would know if you're not well."

Cera groaned aloud as she answered.
"I'm... fine Ruby. Just annoyed that I can hear Chris' voice still so early in the morning." she quickly lied.

Ruby nodded her head in understanding and turned her head to speak with Petrie.

"I would like to also give you contestants a warning for todays challenge. It WILL be an elimination challenge AND after this one... the teams will be officially disbanded." Came Chris' voice once more over the speaker system.

Cera at that moment audibly gulped and for a moment her scales paled a shade lighter.


Cera: This... isn't... good. I know Chris is planning something now. And I know he's going to find a way to get me back today....I just hope... I can keep my breakfast down afterwards.

Ruby: I'm worried for Cera. She seems scared, but she's never scared... at least she usually isn't. In any way, I wonder if this has to do with Tricia being voted off...

Petrie: Me think Cera scardy-egg... me no hope she hear this.

The remaining contestants walked over to the meet Chris and Chef by the Confession Cam. Chris then cleared his throat and began to speak once more. "Today is the IRON DINO CHALLENGE!" he then laughed as he continued to explain. "Each team will be given a high tech, state of the art battle suit. Fully equipped with enough weapons to level this entire city! And to boot... I'll be choosing who pilots these suits. Last one standing with some or all of their armor on wins!"

Everyone in the group shuddered at the thought.

Spike chose that moment to wander over to a nearby plant and looked as if he were eating when in reality he was picking up a letter written by Chris and left there for Spike to specifically find.

As Spike began to read the note he smiled gleefully.

Dear Spike,

This challenge will be so easy an egg could do it. Seriously we actually tested these suits with real eggs from 65,000,000,000 B.C. Those eggs really are tough, but that's not the point... You will be piloting for your team, and yours has a secret weapon. Just trust me, you'll know what it is when you need it... and TRUST me, you'll need it.

Spike smiled brightly as he turned around and walked back to his friends.

Chris had mysteriously disappeared from the lot, so Chef had announce who was piloting for each team. "For the Goonie Boys, Spike will be the pilot... and for the Girly Girls........ Cera!"

A loud thud was heard and as everyone looked over, they could see Cera had fainted.

"Well, at least she'll be easier to get into that suit now." commented Rhett with a laugh.

Littlefoot then asked, "Well should we help her into the suit or what?"

Chef nodded as he replied, "Yep. Now get to it!"

Several minutes later...

A steady constant beeping noise woke Cera from her slumber and for a moment she thought she'd gone blind... and then it clicked that she was still doing todays challenge. ""So...this must be the inside of the suit." she guessed aloud to herself. Her eyes scanned around the helmet that covered her face and she could see several things like the controls to make it fly, land, and fire the weapons Chris mentioned. "Well this is pretty easy!" Cera commented with a wry grin.

As Cera was waking up however Spike had gotten a hang of using the controls rather fluently and was still doing test flights around the TDV parking lot having shot several passing cars and three different interns with the weapons systems built into the suit. He laughed gleefully as he landed next to Cera with a bigger grin despite it being hidden by his helmet.

"So Cera, ya ready to go down?!" he asked rather bluntly.

Cera turned to face Spike with a grin of her own.
"Bring it on!" she countered as she activated to booster functions on the Iron-Dino suit and took to the sky. She managed after a shaky moment to get the hang of flight.


Cera: If that's how flying feels for Petrie... then I gotta remember to take this suit back home with me!

Spike followed Cera into the sky and immediately began firing at his friend.

Cera used the suit to dodge out of the way and turned her weapons on Spike firing wildly, but thanks to the guidance system inside the suits they all tracked Spikes movements.

Spike knew that Cera was going to play rough with those weapons she had, and he had to try his best to dodge and avoid being shout out of the sky.

Cera continued to fire all the weapons she could towards Spike, but no matter how hard she tried, most of her shots missed, either destroying buildings and cars, or hitting interns. "Darn it Spike!" she cried, "Hold still and let me shoot you!"

Spike laughed aloud and dodged another volley of shots from Cera as he responded to her. "Not a chance... you wanna win... then just try to keep hitting me. After all, your aim has been so great."

Cera screamed in rage and flew straight at Spike while still firing her weapons. "I will win this challenge! And no one will stop me!" she shouted as her suit collided with Spikes taking them both down out of the air and tumbling along the ground tearing up the streets and roads as they went.

Spike laughed aloud and even as he spoke through the suits speakers, the sound in his voice was that of someone who had just won the game and was going to gloat about it. "Sorry Cera..." he said "But you just forfeit the match... this is endgame!"

Cera blinked inside  her suit, but grinned as she fired her weapons again and again at Spike.

But Spike was ready and pushed the red button simply labeled "SECRET DOOM BRINGER!"

It was rather fortunate that the rest of the contestants were above the city in the helicopter Chris had picked them up in to watch the fight from the air, for after Spike pushed the button the entire city was enveloped in a bright red and white light that wiped out the city and lingered in the air for several minutes.

After rubbing their eyes clear of the spots and flashes, everyone aboard the helicopter were immediately concerned for Cera and Spikes safety.

"Me hope they okay." Commented Petrie with a frown.

"I'm sure they are fine Petrie." Commented Littlefoot trying to keep his face positive.

Chris however laughed and said, "Well,  only one way to find out." The host of the show then lowered the whirly-bird down onto the ground and smiled at the sight of two familiar shillouettes.

One of the shillouettes however could clearly be seen with only a few patches of armor on it's body. The other shillouette had no armor on it what so ever, and was lying on it's side as if asleep.

The group ran over to check on their friends only to see Spike standing rather triumphantly over Cera with a grin that could replace the sun. He then laughed as he spoke. "Don't worry, she's fine. But that blast was pretty big huh?"

"Big was an understatement!" cried Shorty with a disgusted grimace.

Littlefoot stepped forward and gently nudged Cera's prone form, trying to wake her.

After a few more prods Cera slowly blinked her eyes open. She carefully sat up on her haunches and looked around as if waking up from a bad dream. Her eyes then widened as she remembered the challenge, she stood  up completely and glared at Spike, still thinking they had to fight.

It was only with the timely intervention of Chris' voice that drew everyones attention back to the host of the show. "Wow... this city is wasted!" he then laughed before continuing. "Well, since Cera has no armor left, and Spike does... barely, Spike is the winner!"

Cera looked down at the ground for a moment before raising her head with a triumphant smile on her face. "Are you sure Spike is the winner Chris?" She asked challengingly

Chris looked skeptical and asked, "Uhh... yeah pretty sure. Spike still has some of his armor left from that blast... so he wins."

However Ruby was the next one to speak, and her words burst whatever ego bubble Chris had built for this challenge. "Uhh Chris, I think you are wrong, but... you are also right. Spike is wearing armor... but it's Cera's armor!"

The others all blinked for a moment while Cera continued to smile.

Spike was the most confused from Ruby's statement, and turned to look at the armor he was wearing and almost screamed in anger as he realized Ruby was right.

Chris stepped next to Spike with a magnifying glass and looked at the armor closely and nodded his head, "Yep, that's Cera's armor alright.... wow... I did NOT see this coming." he said in response.

"So who wins Chris?" asked Rhett.

"well... uhh, this ones a tough call." said Chris with real confusion in his voice. However the host of the show just shrugged his shoulders and said aloud, "Goonie Boys, you lose. You'll be voting someone off tonight. Have fun!" with that said Chris turned around, and walked off laughing.


Littlefoot: I don't know who I'm going to vote off.... this doesn't seem fair.

Ruby: Hmm... I want to know who to vote off... but I don't know WHO to vote off...

Shorty: Well this one's easy, Spike... he lost the challenge... so he's out!

Rhett: Spike fought well, and whatever he used against Cera was pretty cool... but he still lost, and losers can't be trusted sorry Spike.

Myra: Well... I certainly didn't see this coming, but... well... I vote for Spike... he's been unusually mean since he gained the ability to talk.

Cera: HA! That move of mine was pretty smart, placing the last bits of my armor on Spike, I should be given a medal for that one!

Later that night...

"Welcome everyone." commented Chris with a smile. "Now we will see who exactly gets the boot around here..."

The remaining contestants all looked at each other, nervous of who was going to be leaving the show.

"When I call your name step forward and know that you are safe... for now."

"Littlefoot, Shorty, Spike, and Ruby. There are only two names left...and that contestant is..................."

Rhett was literally sweating bullets and looked on the verge of passing out.

Myra on the other hand was sitting perfectly still as if the next name called wouldn't affect her in any way.

Chris laughed as he cleared his throat. "..... Myra!"

Rhett at that moment froze. He was stiff as a board, he even stopped breathing for a scant few minutes, until Littlefoot poked him with his paw.

"You okay Rhett?" asked Littlefoot with a hint of concern in his voice.

Rhett turned to face Chris and charged at him. "YOU! I'll KILL YOU!!!"

Chris stepped back and pushed a button on a remote controller in his hand, and immediately Rhett was enveloped in a bright flash of light. "Sorry dude... but those the rules!"  He then turned to the others and replied, "Well contestants get some sleep... tomorrow promises to be a good day for all!"


Shorty: This was a bogus challenge! Rhett wasn't even IN that challenge...hmmm... this is getting suspicious.

Spike: Having an alliance has it's advantages... I must admit.

Cera: I'm surprised they didn't vote Spike off... something is definitely up now... I'll have to keep an eye out for him.

Chris: You honestly thought I was going to let those goofballs sabotage my one chance to form an alliance in this game... think again! So, who will win, and who will lose... only way to find out is to tune in next time!


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Great chap GVG! Episode 13 should be here soon....


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Season 2, Episode 13: They Came, They Saw, They Lost.

The next day had gone by with no challenge. Although usually that would be the means for relaxation, most of the players were hot on their guard.


Cera: Chris still be up to something. He’s not the type to let go of grudges unless he comes out on top.

During lunch, Chris came up to the players to make something he announced earlier official. “Alright Final Seven,” he told Cera, Littlefoot, Myra, Petrie, Ruby, Shorty, and Spike, “You have survived to the merge. Feel free to mingle until I come up with the next way to torment you. Heh heh….”


Spike: Ah, my first merger. The question is, who should my next target be? When you’re on a team, you want to kick out the weak links like Guido and Rhett, but now that teams are no more, you’re top priorities are getting rid of the toughest players. I’d like payback on Cera on humiliating me, but it’d be nice to have Shorty out of the way as well…

Shorty meanwhile had called for an alliance meeting with Myra and Ruby. “We may not be on the same team,” the longneck explained, “But we should still vote together. Something has to be up with Spike.”

“True,” Myra nodded, “But I still want to see Cera suffer.” “You have a point Shorty, but I’m not so sure. Spike’s still my friend…”

“Can you be so sure?” Shorty asked cryptically. It was then Chris had another announcement.

“Come to my movie room later tonight players,” he grinned sneakily, “You all got a little reward tonight.”

“Me wonder what it could be,” Petrie commented. Littlefoot looked puzzled.


“Oh gross,” Ruby said horrified. “Nice!” Shorty laughed creepily. “Tame….” Myra yawned. Petrie looked like he was about to hurl. Spike watched in awe. “Are we allowed to see this?” Littlefoot asked.

Chris was playing a movie from the Saw series, starring the notable horror icon Tobin Bellydragger, a series about a belly dragger who tests other dinosaurs will to live.

“Can we watch anything else?” Myra asked. “Rita wrote to me form the past, she’s guest starring in the next episode of Chomper’s show…….”

“You mean you’re not grossed out?” Cera asked Myra surprised.


Myra: It’s just so unrealistic. When you rip off a spiketail’s tail, the blood doesn’t come out like that……..

“If you want to leave, you can leave,” Chris announced to the players, and they all did, though not all of them out of disgust. “I only wanted to give you a preview of tomorrow’s challenge….which will non-lethal versions of traps,” Chris quickly assured to any concerned dinosaur parents watching out there.

Shorty, Spike, Littlefoot, and Petrie noticed something weird in their RV, as did Cera, Myra, and Ruby in the girls’. “You smell something weird?” Littlefoot asked the guys.


Spike: I’ll admit, I hate it when Chris doesn’t give me a warning about the challenge.

After a minute, the Final Seven began feeling sleepy. “What’s…going…on?” Ruby asked weakly before all of the players dozed off because of the sleeping gas that had been ventilated into the RVs.

“All according to plan,” Chris laughed, watching them on monitors, the next challenge was ready to be put into motion.


Two of the players were in a room that was pitch dark. But then, a dim light began to just barely illuminate it. Petrie and Shorty’s eyes slowly opened up.

“Ugh…what happened?” yawned Shorty. “Me don’t know,” Petrie replied. The flyer’s belly then rumbled. “And me hungry, too.”

It was then the longneck and the flier noticed that they were strapped to harnesses that prevented most motion. They could only move their heads, and they were about to find out why:

A tv screen suddenly turned on in the room, and the image of Belly, the puppet used by Jigsaw in the Saw movies to explain the rules appeared. “You’ve got to be joking,” Shorty groaned.


Petrie: Me wimp on the movie, me...I mean I don’t want to wimp out on this, Chef wouldn’t like that.

“Hello gentlemen,” the puppet began, “I want to play a game. Right now, you two can barely move and you’re both feeling hungry.” Two plates of tree stars were rolled out in front of the two players. “And here’s your chance to sarisfy that hunger. However, if one of you takes a bite of any of those treestars before the 10 minute time limit hits zero, you lose you’re chance at invincibility, and the other player is free to continue. Just remember gentlemen, no matter what you do, you never can be truly safe…”

The timer began counting down. “You gonna eat that?” Shorty smirked to Petrie.

Elsewhere, in another room a distance off, Myra woke up in a cage. This room was more bright, so she could see clearly.

“What’s going on?!” the fast biter panicked. “You’re awake?” Another voice called. It was Ruby.

Ruby was in a cage right below Myra’s, the two cages were basically on top of each other. “Ya think Chris is behind this?” Myra asked.


Ruby: By now, it shouldn’t even be a surpise.

“Yeah,” Ruby replied, “But what I have a bad feeling about, a bad feeling is what I have, is about that…” she pointed out of her cage to a lever that was in the “neutral” position.

“What do you think that’s for?”


The two boys’ stomachs were grumbling fiercely. “Me…must resist…” Petrie groaned to himself as he instinctively leaned forward to take a bite of the green food in front of him. Shorty hated to admit, but his hunger was beginning to get to him too.

Only 1 minute remained on the clock, and Shorty couldn’t take it anymore. Just as he was about to bite into his food, a buzzer signaled, revealing Petrie had given in to his appetite and was eliminated. Shorty’s harness released him while Petrie’s was lifted out of the room by a set of lifts and pulleys until he ended up outside, right next to the boys’ trailer.

“Me sad me lost…but now me have Wii all to myself!” he snickered as he flew inside.

Down in the mysterious area where the challenge was going on, Shorty left the first room and continued on to the next test. “Knowing those movies…this can’t be over,” Shorty told himself.

After 4 minutes of walking, Shorty entered a dark narrow hallway, when the lights turned on via a trigger when he pushed the door open with his front legs. In the hallway, behind a big glass window, were Spike and Cera, standing on pillars, both looking nervous. “What do we have here?” Shorty chuckled to himself.

Then, a tv embedded into the other side of the hallway turned on. “Hello Shorty,” the puppet said, “Since the producers assumed Petrie would be eliminated, it’s your game now. Standing on the pillars in front of you are two players who are not exactly popular with the other contestants. Before you can continue, you must decide which one takes the plunge into the mud below.”

Shorty looked down, and indeed, a massive mud pile was below the pillars, and he could tell neither contestant wanted to get dirty. “Press the button of the person you want to fall…and turn against you.


Shorty: I’m not dumb. I knew whoever I choose will try to get me voted off if I don’t get invincibility, so I had to be smart about this.

“Don’t you dare Shorty!” Cera called angrily, the threehorn doing her best not to fall off. “I wouldn’t recommend dropping me, buddy,” Spike called, sinisterly.

Shorty thought it over. Cera was still not that popular, but everyone else was suspicious of Spike. He had made his choice.

He lifted his right front leg, and pressed the button to drop Spike into the mud. “Why you!” the spiketail called angrily.


Cera: That was priceless!

Spike: It’s official, Shorty’s on the chopping block…

“Um….how do I get out of here?” Cera asked a camera as Shorty exited the hallway.

“She’ll have to jump into the mud,” Chris chuckled, enjoying a Fizzy Master while watching the game on the monitors. “Payback’s the best, ain’t it?”


“It’s been too long,” Myra commented, “Why haven’t we been given any instructions?” she asked Ruby.

“I don’t know,” the fast runner replied, “But I feel that lever’s important…”


The green longneck didn’t expect what was coming in the next room: It was a maze of mirrors! But there was an additional surprise: In front of him was a map, with a marked route. “This must be the way out of here,” Shorty told himself, when suddenly, a tv above him activated.

“Hello Shorty….what you see in front of you is a way out, but not for you. The route described on the map is the way out of this maze for Littlefoot, who’s on the other side of that mirror, receiving a similar message as to what you’re getting right now. Now, if you choose to be a good brother and help him out of the maze, you lose your shot at invincibility. However, he knows the path you need to take, and he can choose not to help you. Whoever reaches the door at the end of the maze first can continue on,” the puppet explained.

“Shorty?!” Littlefoot’s voice called. “Are you there?”

“Yeah bro!” Shorty called back. “How do I get out of here?”

“You tell me where to go first,” Littlefoot called back. “No, you first,” Shorty offered kindly.


The longneck brothers were scrambling down their respective mazes, each trying to reach that exit first. “What’s that trick dad taught me?” Littlefoot said to himself.


Littlefoot: Dad said if you’re in a maze, if you keep one of your feet alongside the wall and don’t take it off, you’ll find a way out of there eventually!

Both Littlefoot and Shorty bumped into a mirror at least once each, but the final result was in Shorty’s favor. He reached the exit just seconds before Littlefoot did. As Shorty continued on, a second door opened up reading “Losers Exit Here.”


Shorty: Petrie, Cera, Spike, now Littlefoot. That just leaves Ruby and Myra. I have a bad feeling about this.

But the next test wasn’t in the room the girls were in. Shorty entered a room with a spinning table in the center with 6 computers around it.

“5..4..3..2…’ he said to himself, predicting just when the tv monitor in the room would trigger. Right pn cue, it turned on.

“Hello Shorty,” the puppet began, “Every 7 episodes this season is an aftermath, meaning the next episode is another Aftermath. On the 6 computers in front of you, each one has a video file about to be uploaded. Each file contains an embarrassing video of the 6 players who didn’t return from season 1. When the red button lights up in front of a computer, you can press it to cancel the upload of the video. But you can only do this twice. If yo choose to let all the clips be uploaded and played on the aftermath, it’ll be revealed it was you who let them get played. If you choose to stop 2, the truth won’t be revealed when the remaining 4 clips are played. The choice is yours.”

Shorty gulped.


Shorty: If I lost, this could come back to bite me in the detail. I had to think about this.

The first monitor to have the red button before it light up was a monitor with a picture of Hyp, meaning this was his video. Shorty could see the Loading Percentage. He wasn’t fond of Hyp, but he could stand up to him. Hyp’s video was uploaded.

The next one to light up was Nod’s. “Hmm….he’s tolerable, and didn’t go crazy like Tera…” he thought, then he pressed the button with his foot, saving Nod from embarrassment later.

The 3rd computer to start up displayed Mutt’s image. “Eh, who cares,” Shorty chuckled as he let Mutt’s video get uploaded.  It was down to Mo, Ichy, and Tera.

Mo’s computer began the upload next. Shorty thought about this one. “He is nice…but he isn’t the type for grudges,” he figured, deciding to let Mo’s embarrassing clip be uploaded to the next Aftermath.

Only two videos remained. The second to last computer to boot up displayed Ichy’s picture. “Hmm….” Shorty thought.


Shorty: That sharpbeak’s weak, but that belly dragger he hangs out with might not like it if I embarrass him on television.

Shorty decided to save Ichy from getting humiliated, and he pressed the button to cancel the upload.

Tera’s vide then was uploaded, the button wouldn’t light up since Shorty canceled 2 of the files already.


“We can just replace them with funny videos of Longtail as Redclaw’s servant! Provided by Dil, and Longtail’s descendant Blacktail, who’s big into movies,” the host laughed.


“This should be it,” he sighed as he could see a big room just up ahead.

“Shorty!” Myra called. “Is that you?!”

“Can you get us out of here?!” Ruby called.

“Just a sec,” Shorty called back as he entered the room. “Oh crap…” he muttered Shorty as he noticed one last TV turn on.

“Hello Shorty,” the puppet said ominously. “Welcome to your final test. Watching the previous episodes, it’s clear you’re in an alliance with these two. Now, it’s time to put your loyalty to the test. That lever in front of you decides who gets invincibility. The decision of who is safe is yours. But when remember what I said earlier..” the voice cackled as the video ended.

Shorty walked up to the lever.

“Shorty, give us the invincibility,” Myra encouraged, “We can help vote out someone for sure!”


Myra: I didn’t know what happened to everyone else, but I get the feeling Shorty’s made some enemies along the way here.

Shorty: Spike and Littlefoot are out for me, probably. And I can’t trust Cera and Petrie after we were on separate teams.

“Come on….” Ruby said, hopefully. Shorty walked up to the lever….and pushed down on it, giving himself invincibility….at least he thought.

“Congratulations!” Chris said, walking into the room, pressing a button to open the girls’ cages, letting them out. “Ruby has won invincibility!”

“Ruby?!” Myra and Shorty said, surprised. “Don’t you remember what Belly told you Shorty?” Chris smirked.

Shorty thought back to the beginning of the game. “You can never be truly safe…” he recalled. “The lever was meant to decided who between Ruby and Myra got invincibility, you never had a chance dude!” Chris laughed.

Ruby and Myra looked upset at Shorty. “I think we should rethink this alliance…” Ruby muttered.



Shorty: I’m voting for Spike. I just hope Myra and Ruby are willing to forgive me for what I tried to do.

Spike: This is perfect! Shorty’s got the other players against him now! My vote is for Shorty.

Cera: Eh, I vote for Spike. He’s just not so fun anymore.

Myra: Sorry Shorty, no hard feelings.

The players pressed the button of the player they wanted voted off Chris came out with a plate of 6 sweet bubbles.

“Being immune, Ruby receives the first Chris sweet bubble,” Chris called, tossing it to the fats runner.

“Also staying in the future are….Petrie....Littlefoot….and Cera.” The three collected their treats. “Myra, you’re safe too, and the final Chris sweet bubble of the night goes to….”

Shorty and Spike looked at each other angrily.

“…….Spike!” Chris smiled. Shorty frowned, he had been eliminated. “Ha!” Spike laughed victoriously.
“Sorry Shorty,” Ruby apologized, “But I didn’t want to take chances.”

“Shorty, any final words before you enter the time machine?” Chris asked.

“Yeah, one,” Shorty replied. He walked up to Ruby.

“Shorty…what is it?” Ruby asked. Shorty leaned forward, and…….kissing Ruby!


Cera: So much for crushes are for dummies-boy!

Petrie: Me no see that coming.

Littlefoot: At least Shorty’s crush wasn’t on Ali…..

Ruby sat still in happy shock as Shorty went back to the time machine, and was warped back to 65,000,000 BC. “We’re down to the Final Six,” Chris called to the viewer. “Who will go home next? Find out…two Total Drama Valleys from now, since the next one is an Aftermath! Night everybody!”

(Read and Review! I hope you enjoyed this episode inspired by me favorite horror series. The traps are specifically inspired by Saw VI.)


  • Ducky
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Nice one Brek, wonder what GVG is cooking up for the aftermath.


  • Ducky
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By the way, I thought would Shorty would be in th final two like Duncan, guess not.


  • Ducky
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I'm posting here because there haven't been updates in a while by GVG.


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  • Administrator
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GVG will get around to it when he has time Chomper :)
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Bump, because I've been informed ep 14 will be up soon.


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