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Total Drama Valley: Season 2

brekclub85 · 118 · 21075


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Hooray more Total Drama... it feels like I've grown a beard since the last chapter came out.  Oh wait, I have grown a beard since the last chapter came out!

Let's go shave that right now...


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Sorry, but I just want to keep this thread alive and easier to access at times


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Chomper4, just stop bumping this topic. When GVG or Brek has the next chapter ready, they'll have it ready. Just because there isn't a new chapter doesn't mean you have to remind everyone about it.


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Bump in case a new chapter is coming soon. (And Chomper4, don't bump this.)


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A Little preview of some of my upcoming chapters, when the time comes:

Episode 15: The Final Six split into 3 teams of two and see who can score the highest on a giant pinball table.

Episode 17: Let's just say the remaining players are trapped in an MST3K-like challenge...heh heh


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This fanfiction has been nominated by its author to be rated for the fanfiction awards 2011. To all the readers and fans of this fanfiction, please rate and review it! :)

The Great Valley Guardian

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Well folks sorry for the delay but now that I've got time here is the next chapter!

Total Drama Valley: Season 2, Episode 14: Humiliation Station!

"Hello everyone and welcome to another Total Drama Valley Aftermath!" said Redclaw with a smile. "My assistant for some reason or another doesn't seem to be here now, so instead of starting like we normally would, we'll switch things over to my nephew Chomper with his show!"

The camera panned over to Chomper talking in sharptooth to someone off-screen and the young sharptooth smiled as he noticed the camera. "Hi everyone! Chomper here. Today we'll be talking about how to properly cut your food so you don't choke on the bones!"

Chomper then turned around as he heard a loud crashing sound coming from behind him and was shocked as he was knocked to the ground by something that was moving rather fast. Chomper blinked as he looked up and saw Longtail sprawled on the ground with several tapes nearby. The young sharptooth looked confused and asked aloud, "What's going on Longtail? Where have you been all day?"

The flyer blinked at Chomper for a moment before he squawked loudly as he turned and tried to pick up the discarded tapes. "No time... NO TIME!" Shouted Longtail aloud as he picked up all the tapes and ran off of the set.

Chomper looked to the camera and sighed. "well since it seems we've found Longtail, I guess we can get back to what everyone is really waiting for." Chomper stepped off the set of his show and followed Longtail onto the set of Aftermath.

Redclaw grinned as Longtail came sliding across the floor with the tapes held in his tail. He then leaned down to see the flyer eye-to-eye and asked, "Where have you been?! The show started ten minutes ago! We're late!"

Before Longtail could even open his beak to respond, a group of eight guards rushed into the room and using the company stun guns fired at Longtail, most of the guards laughing as the child convulsed in pain.

Redclaw couldn't help but chuckle as well at Longtails humiliation. He then stepped forward and after picking up the seven tapes with his nose and walking them over to the giant flat screen TV. "Well as per the rules of the last episode several of the contestants from last season have some rather embarrassing videos of themselves, and as Rhett had to choose which ones to upload those will be shown here today! And as an added bonus, all of the contestants will be here live to view these!" exclaimed Redclaw with a hearty laugh.

Chomper winced as he continued to watch Longtail being electrocuted by the security guards and he felt he had to do  something. "Hey guys leave him alone already! What did he do that was so bad?" asked the young sharptooth.

One of the guards stopped using the taser and replied, "This kid broke into the digital video vault, and stole several tapes! We were told by Chris that something like this might happen today! Good thing we were ready!"

At that moment Chris came out from off stage. "Ah, you guys can stop with the tasers... I still need the kid alive ya know." He then laughed as he continued speaking. "Besides, those are the tapes for this episode of Aftermath!"

Redclaw then laughed as he stood up to his full height.
"Well then let's get this Aftermath started! First off, all of the contestants who were previously voted off are here to join us!

As everyone from the previous seasons stepped out from backstage and sat down, several of them looked nervous. None of them knew about what happened during the last challenge and how Shorty had been left to choose, but were simply wary of Chris' intentions.

Shorty himself sat with his head lowered and refusing to meet anyones gaze. Truth be told he was sure the others here pretty much hated him for the choices he'd made in the previous challenge. Shorty then thought to himself. I am surprised none of the others here have tired to hit me yet... I'm sure Chris has told someone here about what I did.'


Redclaw: I saw everything from the last challenge, and personally I would've chosen Cera... but that's just me.

As Chris stood next to the giant TV he pushed a button and smiled.
"Well now, I think it's time we got this Aftermath on the way and starting with a video!" The giant screen then began to play the footage from the last challenge, and as it reached the point where Shorty was supposed to make his decisions on who's video to upload, the screen suddenly cut to black.

At first the screen stayed black, but suddenly a figure could be seen. As the light filtered through the room it was revealed to be Longtail tied to a tree. He was struggling to get out as a rather large foot stomped into view.

At that moment Longtail's face went red with embarrassment as he knew what Chris had planned.

The tape continued to play, and Redclaw could be seen facing his assistant as Longtail spoke. "Do you really expect me to talk ya big fool?!"

Redclaw on the tape laughed long and hard as he replied, "No little one, I expect you to die!"

Chris laughed as he pushed another button. "Sorry about that... that footage wasn't supposed to be seen until later today!"

The rest of the group from the previous season and those who'd been eliminated began to laugh. Even Redclaw laughed. "I have to admit, I liked playing the role of the bad guy in that film!"

Chomper who had stopped laughing for a moment noticed Longtail trying to hide. He walked over and smiled. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. It's just a movie, even if it is horrible cliche." said the young sharptooth with another small laugh.

Longtail sighed.


Longtail: Chris said all the filming we did wasn't going to be shown. Well... I suppose it was funny... but you know what's even MORE funny.... REVENGE!

Chris laughed again as the first film from the last challenge began to play. It showed Hyp standing on the edge of a hill with a stick in one hand and a rock in the other. Then the audio began to filter through the speakers. "Yeah! I've got the power! No one can stop me... not even-" Hyp unfortunately never finished his sentence as he slipped on a patch of grass and began tumbling down the hill landing at the bottom with a painful thud.

As the tape stopped playing, everyone could feel Hyps' anger and humiliation. Shorty glanced up over at Hyp out of the corner of his eye. 'If Hyp finds out it was me... I can still take him! He's not so tough.'

Chris then clapped and began to play the next tape. It showed Mutt this time, picking his nose. For eight hours straight. Until the sun left the sky, and the camera-man had fallen asleep.

At that moment everyone began to laugh for several minutes at Mutts video, including Mutt himself. Shorty was now in slightly higher spirits from that footage.

Chris then stopped the videos and walked off stage for a moment. Redclaw then stood up and spoke. "well, while we wait for Chris to come back, what's say we watch more of Longtail and my performances."

The clips of Redclaw and Longtail began to play across the screen. Most of them however were out-takes from the actual movies and just showed Redclaw tripping Longtail, causing him to mix up his lines, and even in one case, got one of the stage hands to drop a pile of bricks on the young flyer.

Once more everyone began laughing at the out-takes. Even Longtail found them funny. Just as the clips were ending, Chris reappeared holding another video in his hand. He then laughed as he spoke up. "This tape is being saved till the end for good reasons."

Everyone gathered was confused but no one spoke up as the embarrassing footage played again. This time it showed Mo stuck in a tree with subtitles reading 'Don't be dumb, join the water club!'

Mo gave a small blush of embarrassment but then laughed aloud with the others. "Mo had fun in the sun!" he exclaimed as he did a flip into the air from the water tank he was situated in.

Chris frowned however. "Hey! This is supposed to be embarrassing videos! Not the Valleys Funniest Videos! We've already got that show covered!"

Redclaw then managed to get his laughter under control and then began to speak. "Sorry, Chris but if you want these to be embarrassing you have to try alot harder."

Chris frowned at Redclaws remark, partly because he knew the predator was right, but also because he really wanted to see more disappointed faces from the others.

Unfortunately a loud crashing sound could be heard from off stage, and it got everyone's attention. As the same security guards from earlier came running across the set screaming like little girls.

The reason they were running became clear seconds later, as a jet stream of fire came blasting behind them. However the source of the fire was none other than Longtail wielding a World War II era flamethrower. Laughing maniacally the flyer said, "Shoot me with stun guns will ya?! SUCK FIRE!"

A single intern came running behind Longtail out of breath and covered in burns. "I... I don't know how that kid got that thing! He just shows up in the security office and starts laughing!"

Redclaw blinked as he said aloud, "I was wondering where Longtail had slipped away to." He then chuckled aloud as he said, "Guess there's no need to worry about it now though."

Chris smiled. "Now that's what the viewers pay for! Mindless destruction and loss of interns!" he laughed as he pointed back to the screen. "And now back to our scheduled humiliation."

Just then the screen began to play again. This time it showed the final video of Tera, and at first all seemed well, she was simply standing in a small pond cleaning herself, when a large amount of black tar was dumped on top of her covering her from head to toe. Then several dozen leaves were thrown onto the tar soaked sharptooth, and set ablaze.

Chris laughed long after the footage ended. "Now that is priceless!" he commented as the camera panned over to Tera who was still covered in bandages from her burns.


Shorty: I feel kinda bad for uploading some of these vids, but they were hilarious! I haven't laughed this hard in ages!

Chomper: These were pretty funny, but still some of them weren't really too embarrassing. Chris really needs to try harder.

Longtail: I have two more surprises now that I've dealt with those security jerks!

Ali: I hope no one is too sore at Shorty, he didn't really have too much of a choice this time.

Chris grinned as he stepped forward. "Now that all the uploaded vids are done, now it's time for one I personally picked out... and it comes from the very last challenge."

At that mention Shorty went pale and he began to look afraid. Then Chris laughed as he spoke. "I think you'll like this one best of all Shorty!"

As Chris pushed the tape in and hit play Shorty rushed forward intent on stopping Chris, but as the footage started playing, everyone was shocked.
On the screen wasn't what the group was expecting. It showed Chris in the shower singing loudly, and off key to a Justin Beiber song. And even when the song ended, Chris was still singing off key and began to dance, but he slipped on his bar of soap and landed with a thud on the floor of the tub he was occupying.

Chris' face was bright red and he was completely silent. Shorty and everyone else in the entire studio and even in the rest of the Great Valley and Mysterious Beyond began to laugh making it sound like the entire world was laughing at once.Several of the interns and even two of the camera men were laughing so hard that they fell over and died.

Almost everyone else had tears in their eyes and some were having trouble breathing from laughing so hard. It was Longtail who caught his breath first and shouted, "See Chris! THAT is how you embarrass someone! Take a lesson from me, considering I switched the tapes on you!"


Ali: Now that was funny!

Ducky: Longtail is sneaky. He is, he is!

Rhett: That was one of the funniest videos I will ever see. I know that nothing will top that ever. Great job Longtail.

Redclaw: That was such a great move by Longtail, we're throwing a party after this show! The kid deserves it now!

Tippy: I... I can't.... stop laughing. Chris... is... so stupid! *Bursts into another laughing fit*

Longtail: That's another one down. Glad I knew about Chris' plan to show Shorty voting on those videos from the last challenge... or I might not have pulled this off. Now only one thing remains....

As everyone calmed down and began to get their breaths back, Redclaw was about to announce the end of the show, but Longtail stepped in front of the camera and smiled.
"Before we go for the day folks, I Longtail as Redclaw's assistant have one more thing to show you all!" He then pushed a button on the floor and a bright flash of light appeared and in the center of the stage with a confused look on her face.


Ruby: I wish there was some kind of warning, so I could be warned I was being teleported.

Shorty's eyes widened as he stepped forward and began to blush as he addressed his crush. "R-ruby... what are you doing here?!" he stuttered aloud.

Ruby smiled gently at Shorty and replied, "I'm not sure. I was talking to Littlefoot and then I just appeared here. Maybe you could tell me what's going on?"

Shorty was about to speak, but a sharp pain in his tail forced him to lurch forward and kiss Ruby a second time, bringing a bright blush to his face.


Shorty: I would be angry about whoever poked me, but kissing ruby again made it worth it.

Ruby: I have to admit, Shorty is a REALLY good kisser.

Redclaw looked down at Longtail for a moment before asking. "Are you done with your surprises today?"

The flyer had a grin on his face as he nodded his head. "Yep all done Redclaw."

Then as if by some unseen force confetti began to rain from the sky and balloons began to float in the air.

"PARTY!!!!" Cried Rita as everyone began to dance and sing. Chomper even pulled out several platters of food for both meat-eaters and leaf-eaters. "Dig in everyone!" he commented with a grin a mile wide.

"Well everyone that is it for this episode of Aftermath! I hope you enjoyed all we had to offer today, and stay tuned for the next episode of Total Drama Valley!" Quoted Redclaw as he scarfed down a piece of meat.


In a dark room, in  a dark building someone was sitting in a chair drinking a whole 2 liter bottle of soda. This person stayed in the shadows as he spoke. "That little flyer... thinks  he can mess with MY show... how wrong he is... and I WILL make him see the error of his ways... in the next challenge! Of that I promise...


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Hilarious chapter GVG!  :DD  Longtail got Chris back good, but I have a feeling I know what Chris is planning to do in retaliation... :lol


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Brekclub85 presents:
Total Drama Valley Season 2, Episode 15: All Flipped Out
It was nighttime on the set of Chris mansion, various present-day dinosaurs (Longtail’s descendant Blacktail) were walking, flying, and driving around the city.
In the Girls’ RV, Myra and Cera were sleeping when suddenly, a flash of light woke them up, and Ruby was dropped into the room.
“I still wish they would warn me, warn me about that it what I’d wish they’d do,” Ruby groaned, rubbing her head.
“Ruby, glad to see you back,” Myra smiled, “Why’d you go back to our time?”
“I have no idea,” Ruby replied, shaking her head, “All I know is that I got to kiss Shorty, and he’s a great kisser….”
Ruby: Last time I got an update, Redclaw said me and Shorty had been kissing for an hour, and the others were beginning to find it creepy…
“Could you keep it down?” Cera yawned, “I was sleeping well. In fact, I feel like I’ve been asleep for almost a whole cold time!” In truth, the threehorn was worried about whatever Chris could be planning, she knew the host wasn’t the type to let go of a grudge.

As Cera, Littlefoot, Myra, Ruby, and Spike were eating breakfast, Petrie had been given a task by Chef Hatchet because he failed the Saw challenge so miserably: taking out the trash. The young flier had to walk to carry the trash bag, and he averaged getting it to move about a foot a minute.
“This…hurts…me,” Petrie groaned.
“Well too bad, sissy! Keep going!” Chef Hatchet ordered.
Much to Petrie’s dismay, the bag suddenly tore open. “Crud…” he frowned, going over to pick up what had fallen out, but one thing caught his eye.
There was a series of sheets labeled “Voting results.” For curiosity’s sake, Petrie looked over some of them, but one of the papers in particular stood out for one reason.
“Well, that can’t be right….” He said, puzzled.
Chris walked over to the remaining players. “Good Morning Final Six minus Petrie,” he grinned widely, “We’re going to do a little travelling for today’s challenge.”

Spike: Oh, this might be fun.
Myra: When Chris smiles, I frown.
Littlefoot: I want to believe there’s good in everyone, I think Chris may really mean it this time around.
Shortly after breakfast, the Final Six got aboard the TDV bus, with Chris and Chef joining them.
“So, what’s the challenge Chris?” Myra asked.
“Tut, tut tut, you’ll have to wait and see,” the host smirked deviously. “But I can tell you this much, you’ll be playing in 3 teams of 2, so pick a partner.”
“Partners,” Ruby and Myra said in unison, hi-5ing each other.
Cera sighed as she saw none of the 3 remaining males seemed to want to be her partner. But then, all of a sudden…”Need a partner?” someone asked. It was Spike.
“Spike?” Cera asked, surprised, “You want to me my partner?”
“Sure I do, you’re a strong player,” Spike complimented.
Spike: Plus I need someone to take a fall for me…Cera would be the perfect pawn.
That left Petrie and Littlefoot to be the last team.
“Hey Chris?” Petrie said, flying over the host.
“Yes flyer dude?” Chris replied.
“Me think you made a mistake a few episodes ago…you see, me saw these voting result sheets, and it said Rhett wasn’t voted off in the episode me saw him go home…”
Chris gulped.
Chris: Crap! You gotta be kidding me! How’d he find out about that. Someone must’ve made him look through the garbage. I can’t let my alliance get exposed this far into the game. But now, I have a certain other flyer to take care of….
The bus soon arrived at it’s destination, a place labeled “BRONTO BALLPARK.”
“I heard about this game,” Littlefoot smiled, “The dinos of your time call it baseball, right Chris?”
“That’s right Littlefoot, but that’s not what you’ll be playing,” Chris grinned deviously.
“Then why’d you bring us here?” Cera scoffed. The Final Six soon got their answer.
In the big playing field, the entire space had all been cleared out… make way for what the REAL challenge was, a MASSIVE pinball table!
“What the?!” the players all gasped, then they noticed another dinosaur they recognized standing near the table, Dil.
Dil had been unable to co-host the previous TDV aftermath because she won some spa coupons. So she, Terri, Tria, and Mama Flyer got together and had a relaxing day at the spa. Greg and Ichy were still at the Aftermath, though.
“What’s she doing here?” Cera asked, still slightly paranoid.
“She’ll be the tilter,” was all Chris replied. He then began to explain the rules. “Each of you picks one person to ride in this makeshift pinballs while the other presses this buttons, to operate the flippers, to make sure your teammate doesn’t fall into the Red Zone and lose points.”
Chef rolled out the giant plastic balls 3 of the players would be riding in, they looked relatively unsafe.
Petrie: This gonna suck.
“How should we do this?” Myra asked Ruby, “I may be fast, but you’re the runner after all…”
“I’ll take going onto that table thing, going onto that table I’ll take,” Ruby assured Myra. “After all, what are friends for?”
For Littlefoot and Petrie, the choice was easy-only Littlefoot could move around in the ball, Petrie would be too small. But then something caught Littlefoot’s eye.
“Um…is there someone on that…”pinball table” Chris?” the young longneck asked.
“I’m glad you asked me that!” Chris exclaimed, “You see, after the last Aftermath, I asked Redclaw if I could borrow Longtail, so I used him for today’s challenge! Longtail is one of many targets the player in the ball must hit if they want to score points. Each team gets 7 minutes.”
Cera: Oh my gosh! This is hilarious! Longtail will be like, the easiest target to hit!
Spike: Chris my friend, you never fail to impress.
“LET ME GO!!!!” Longtail yelled from one of the table’s sides, but no one paid attention to him.
“Anyways, the highest scoring team gets both team members invincibility! Ruby and Myra, you’re up first.”
The fast runner got into the big plastic ball and rolled over to the launch area. “Wish me luck!” Ruby called.
As a TDI cameo, Ezekiel was brought in to pull the plunger for each of the teams. “Yo yo my homies…” the former human now Mutt’s species dino began, but Chris interrupted, “Just pull the plunger Zeke.”
Ezekiel frowned, ignored again. Ruby was put into position, and then she got launched onto the table.
“WHHHHOOOAAAA!!” she exclaimed, doing her best not to lose her footing.
Ruby: This is definitely enough play for today…ugh
Petrie flew over to Chris again, “So Chris, are you gonna take care of Rhett thing?” the flyer commented, “If not, me can go back in time and tell Rhett meself…”
“No!” Chris said, suddenly, as if he was getting nervous. “I’ll..take care of it..” He then whispered instructions into a walkie-talkie to some interns.
Ruby, meanwhile, was able to get a hang of the game, and she and Myra developed a good staregy of when to hit the flippers and what to aim for. Poor Longtail was at the center of several head-on collisions.
“I hate this…” he groaned, dizzily.
Suddenly, Ruby felt the table violently shake. “TILT!” Dil exclaimed loudly, whacking the table with her tail.

Ali and Rhett were both asleep, along with the rest of their heard. When suddenly, Rhett felt someone place a hand over his mouth and he was quickly gagged and stuffed into a bag.
Ruby’s time soon ran out, and then Chris revealed that the final tally for each team would not be revealed until all 3 teams were done.
“Littlefoot, Petrie, you dudes are up!” Chris announced. He then whispered into his talkie “Did you get the longneck to shut the flyer up?”
“It’s so great to be back….” Ezekiel said again, trying to get some screentime, but again Chris ordered him to zip it.
“You’re bringing Rhett back?” Spike said to Chris.
“Yes, and dude, you’re gonna have to come up with a way to cover your tracks on that matter.”
“I think I have a plan…” Spike nodded sinisterly, looking at the team walking up to the table.
Spike: Bringing Rhett back….not part of my plan, but I can make it work…heh heh.
Petrie and Littlefoot’s attempt at pinball had not gone over so well. Though the space between the two-flipper controlling buttons was small, Petrie, being the smallest, had to pretty much run over to each button of he wanted to press the opposite. As a result, Littlefoot fell into the Red Zone and had to be relaunched several times, resulting in probably a low score for them.
Myra: That was sad….
Spike and Cera would be the last team to go. “Get ready dude and dudette!” Chris grinned, secretly winking at his teammate.
It was very hard to notice, but for Spike and Cera’s turn, multiple extra targets had been placed on the table, allowing easier point scoring opportunities.
“Be sure to use your head Cera,” Spike smiled politely…
Spike: Only cause it’s rock hard.
“Consider yourself lucky Petrie….” Littlefoot smiled, “I feel like the Bright Circle is right next to my head…” the young longneck was sweating profusely.
“Oh, I’ve waited to see this for a while…” Myra laughed, watching Cera get spun around the table. Longtail got hit the hardest by the pinball Cera was in, but no one really was paying attention to him.
“I…hate…this!!!!” they all could hear the threehorn yell. Like Spike Cera, because Cera’s head was really solid, she crashed THROUGH some of the obstacles,  nearly falling off the table in the process.
“My tilting doesn’t seem to be working on her!” Dil called, repeatedly hitting the table’s side with her tail.
“I could watch this all day…” Spike smiled to himself, but he kept hitting the flippers at the right time, he intended to win.
After some time, Cera’s 7 minutes on the pinball table FINALLY ended. The threehorn was released from her plastic bubble, much to her relief, then she passed out.
“Time to announce the scores players!” Chris grinned gleefully. “In third place….Littlefoot and Petrie, with 9844 points.”
“Darn…” both of the boys sighed.
“And the two winners on invincibility are…..SPIKE AND CERA!” Chris announced, revealing the other two scores:
Ruby and Myra: 145,186
Spike and Cera: 146,990
“So close,” Myra frowned, “But we did our best.”
“Now players, return to the bus, there’s a surprise waiting for you. I have some business to take care of…”
The group nodded, even Spike was uncertain of what Chris was intending this time around.
Once the players had left, Chris had Longtail, barely conscious, placed in a plastic bubble just big enough to fit him. He also changed the tables design so that the plunger would launch any ball straight up, to the edge of the ramp.
“You gonna launch me into the sky for playing those tapes?” Longtail smirked, “For you Chris, that’s weak.”
“I know,” Chris nodded sinisterly, “That’s why I have something else in store for you, my friend…”
“I’m ready!” Dil’s voice called. Longtail looked up to see Dil waiting at the top of the rmap, her mouth wide open.
“Yup, you’re pretty much belly dragger chow now!” Chris snickered, pulling the plunger one last time.
“No-no-no-no-no-no-no!” Longtail panicked as he was sent hurtling towards Dil’s mouth, the female belly dragger having a hungry look in her eye.
But there was nothing he could do as the plastic bubble went straight into Dil’s jaw, the belly dragger using her strong sharp teeth to tear the bubble apart, but keep Longtail inside. She then gulped the flyer down.
“LET ME OUT!” Longtail demanded desperately.
“Too bad,” Dil chuckled, like she was in good spirits, “You aren’t getting out of there for a loooonnnggggg time.”
Chris chuckled triumphantly as Dil came down back to ground level. “That’ll shut him up,” the host with a big ego smirked.
Dil burped in reply, making Chris’s hair blow back. “And he was very tasty, too.” Dil then pressed a button on a remote to return her, and her new….”guest” to 65 Million, B.C.
The Final Six were in for quite a surprise when they say someone waiting for them on the bus.
“Rhett?!” they gasped, all surprised.
“What are you doing back here?” Ruby asked, “We voted you out!”
Ruby: At least, I’m pretty sure we did. Me and Myra didn’t vote for him….
“Special surprise!” Chris said, he and Chef stepping onto the bus. “Rhett here has won the “TDV Second Chance Raffle, where yours truly picked one random contestant to return to the game.”
“But I thought…” Petrie tried to say, but Chris clasped Petrie’s beak shut.
Chef: There’s something going on with Chris…even by his standards this isn’t right.
“Welcome to your first merge in a Total Drama Valley season, Rhett,” Chris congratulated half-heartedly.
“Thanks…” Rhett replied, “But I thought I’d be taken back to the game more easily…”
Rhett: I couldn’t see anything for who knows how many hours, and all I could think to myself was “Please let Ali kiss me once before I die.” Then, out of nowhere, they just drop me on this bus.
Spike went over to Petrie. “Could I talk to you for a minute, good buddy?” Spike grinned with an undertone of scheming, but Petrie was unable to detect this.
“Sure Spike? What do you want to talk to me about?” Petrie asked innocently.
“Well, I heard that Chris and…” he began, going into a whisper.
“That can’t be!” Petrie gasped, but Spike could only nod.
“It’s true, we have to tell the others,” Spike replied seriously. “But don’t tell them it was me who told you, we can’t have Chris finding out…”
Petrie nodded and went to go inform the others.
“Now, the 7 of you will vote someone off tonight, but Cera and Spike have immunity.” The players all nodded at that information, but one contestant didn’t realize all the eyes were set on him or her…..

Cera, Littlefoot, Petrie, Myra, Rhett, Ruby, and Spike were sitting on the bleachers, holding their voting devices.
“Just press the button of the person you want voted off, and remember, if you get eliminated, you must enter the Time Machine of Shame, and you can’t come back, EVER!”
Spike and Cera were given golden treestars of invincibility. The other 5 were all fair game to be voted out. Chris was given a plate of 4 Chris-shaped sweet bubbles.
“Myra and Ruby, the two of you are safe…” The host announced. The two girls went up and collected their prize. Myra, hating the taste as usual, let Ruby eat hers as well.
“Petrie dude, you’re still in the game,” Chris smiled. The flyer smiled and flew over to collect his token of safety.
“DÈj‡ vu isn’t it?” Chris smirked to Littlefoot and Rhett, who were in the bottom two. “The final sweet bubble goes to………………Rhett. Littlefoot, you’re done, my friend.”
Littlefoot looked a mixture of shock and sadness. “What? Me? Why?” he turned to ask his friends, seeing they all were looking angrily at him.
“Better get going you traitor,” Myra scoffed. Littlefoot tried to get in a response, but two interns dragged him to the time machine and Littlefoot was warped into the past.
Petrie: That terrible of Littlefoot to do!
Ruby: I know he likes Ali a lot, but that was going too far.
Myra: I thought he of all dinos was better than that.
Spike: It’s a good thing I got my message spread.  Littlefoot altered the votes to get Rhett eliminated because he blamed him for Ali quitting! At least, that’s what I said…heh heh. Littlefoot, you said you like to see the good in everyone, but sometimes you really are looking too hard….”
The new Final Six returned to their respective RVs. “I’m back in the game,” Rhett smiled to Petrie and Spike.
Cera, Myra, and Ruby went back to the girls’ vehicle. “What a day…” Cera said.
“Myra, you versus me on this “Modnation Racers”?” Ruby asked Myra.
“You’re on!” the fast biter smirked in reply.
Nighttime came. As 5 of the players had dozed off, Spike remained awake. He had gathered up individual cast photos of his remaining competition.
“You two are variables…” he said, tossing pictures of Rhett and Myra aside. He then looked at the pictures of Cera, Ruby, and Petrie, who a while ago were some of his best friends.
“It’s time guys,” Spike grinned evilly, “I’ve been the silent one for far too long, it’s time you find out who the real top dino is around here. And you won’t be able to stop me.” He then turned his eyes towards one of those 3 pictures in particular. “You’re next,” the kind of fat young spiketail said coldly, taking a dart out of a nearby dartboard with his teeth, then jamming it into the picture.
Chris, who was watching the whole thing from his viewing room, could only grin at these developments.
“What is Spike planning? Could I possibly look any greater? Answers to that and more on the next Total….Drama….Valley!” He then noticed one of his monitors that was set up in the past.
Dil was walking past it, Longtail still struggling in her gut. “Boy he hit the spot…” the belly dragger said satisfied.

(Read and review! Great Valley Guardian’s next chapter will be coming soon!)


  • Ducky
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Wow I thought Littlefoot would make it to the final two. By the way, I thimk the finalmtwo now is myraband ruby.


  • Ducky
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Sorry if I have to say something here just to make easier access but, this is just because I really like the story, my next thought is that Rhett gets eliminated, again.


  • Member+
  • The Gang of Five
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CHOMPER4! You don't have to make this easier to access! Stop posting comments like that!  :anger


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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Finally getting around to reading the latest two episodes!

This is really getting exciting now! How devilish of you to which the longnecks like that.

I was really shocked with what happened to Longtail. Hope he's still around in the next episode lol.

I know it might be quiet a while till the next one, but I'm looking forward to it!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Member+
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Actually, according to GVG, episode 16 may be up next week vonboy.  :)


  • Ducky
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I thought it was disgusting when dil ate longtail.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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Could you maybe get GVG to get the next episode finished, Brekclub? I mean, you could try blackmailing him or something. Or maybe deaththreats? That usually works.

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!