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If the LBT characters were real...


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Just a random thought I had: If all the LBT dinos were real and for some unexplained reason they existed in our world today, which ones do you think you would get along with the most?

In my case, I'd say:

1. Chomper-Is an explanation really needed here?  :lol
2. Ali-She's very nice and calm.
3. Guido-I can sort of relate to him.
4. Most of the adults, except for Topsy, I'd probably get into arguments with him.

What about you guys?

Cancerian Tiger

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Well, let's see...

Cera: She's awesome and I love her personality :).

Ducky: She's a sweetie, and we'de do a lot of swimming :lol.

Littlefoot: He has all the traits I'd love to find in a soulmate ;).

Petrie: He's slapstick like myself :p.

Spike: Sometimes, it's nice to be around someone who listens more than talks :yes.

Ruby: We're both quirky and adventuresome :D.

Chomper: He's a sweet little sharptooth :smile.

Guido: He's a class act of an Aspie, and he's quite funny :DD.

Tricia: Can I keep her?  Pretty pretty please :D?

Tria: She's very sweet, and I'm sure she's done a lot of traveling, so it would be nice to hear where she's been :yes.

Mama Swimmer: Need I explain why?  Who does not like her :)?

I think I'd get along with pretty much all the protagonists, even Mr. Threehorn.  I think I'd figure out a way to get on his good side :lol.  Ms. Maia better stay clear away from me, though!  I'd love to slug her for what she did to Ducky in LBT IX :anger!


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Hmm...I would make a strong effort to become friends with ANY sentient dinosaur,  :p but I can think of a couple of characters whom I might befriend more easily than others:

Mr. Thicknose: I share many similarities with this character (personality-wise, I mean :p), and as such I think we would see eye-to-eye very well. We both like to talk, and enjoy sharing knowledge we have gained secondhand. We are also both very vulnerable to being deprived of our dignity (though in my case it's more a matter of low self-esteem :rolleyes), and greatly desire respect and acknowledgement from others.

Guido: Of all the LBT characters, he is probably the most similar to me in terms of social aptitude (or lack thereof)óthe difference is that when Guido's nervous, he talks up a storm trying to say the right thing, and trips over his own words, while when I'm nervous, I try to say as little as possible, for fear of tripping over my own words. At any rate, I tend to get along best with individuals I share a lot in common with, and my own social awkwardness and propensity to bungle everything I try means that I relate to Guido very well.

I might add to this list later. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Ducky, most definitely. Probably Ali, too.

That probably would be it. I know I'd hate Cera. Cera is almost exactly like my friend's girlfriend, and I can't stand that girl. I don't think I'd like Littlefoot.


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Get along with huh? Hmmm

I think I would get along pretty well with Ruby. We would have deep, philosophical conversations and we would be partners in writing stories and such. :) I think I would get along with Little Foot too for mostly the same reasons as Ruby.

I KNOW I would get along with Spike, Petrie, and Ducky because they are just all around nice kids. :) I might be a bit protective over Petrie and Ducky due to their small sizes and more timid personalities. I might get annoyed with Petrie's cowardliness, but otherwise I would take him home!

I think I would like Chomper a lot. He's a sweet kid and I would like a big sister to him. :) (It's just his popularity I can't stand. xD lol)

Cera and I would probably argue a lot first and butt heads, probably literally. :DD :p :lol She probably would be the little sister that would annoy the hell outta me but I would love her anyway. :p

I would probably get along with most of the adults, except for Mr. Three Horn and possibly Chomper's parents...unless Chomper tells them not to eat me...:lol

This might sound crazy, but I would get along with Pterano. Not because I love him so much, but just because I understand what he goes through and he just seems to be an interesting dino to talk to. :)

I would laugh at most of the bad guys, but they would probably go after me. xD And I might scare Sierra with my fangirliness. :p lol Either that for he becomes smug and I end up in BIG trouble for fangirling on a bad boy. :lol

Oh yeah, almost forgot: I would DEFINITELY get along with Guido. We have quite a bit in common  and I probably would have quite a few interesting conversations with him.


  • Ducky
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I think we could get along with Ducky, but i hardly imagine myself being friendly to Spike, so it's a complex question. :)


  • Ducky
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Without a doubt, I'd get along with Littlefoot. We both have similar personality traits (adventurous, protective, etc.) and well I just think we'd make the best of friends.

Chomper I know for a fact I'd get along with. Namely due to his little brotherish personality and carefree attitude. Of course then I might want to take him home with me XD I just wouldn't want him eating any bees when I'm around. I hate bees.

That's all I can think of right now.


  • Cera
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Let's see...

Littlefoot:  He's got an all around good personality.

Ducky:  She's got a friendly attitude, and we both like to swim. (although I don't do much of it anymore)

Petrie:  It's funny how well I can easily understand what he says.

Cera:  I think she's tolerable to hang around with, she's does a lot of talking and I do a lot of listening.

Spike:  He's so relaxed most of the time, I'd fall asleep just being around him.

Guido:  I think we have a lot in common, since we both try to be funny when we get nervous.

Chomper & Ruby:  I'd have to hang around them more to know them better.  (I haven't seen most of the TV series...)

I'd be on friendly terms with most of the adults, except Threehorn.


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I  think I could get along with most of them.

Littlefoot: he's an all around good kid almost the Ponyboy Curtis type (protective,adventurous and almost brotherly).

Cera: I don't think I could get along with her but we have something in common: a temper.

Ducky: she's friendly and cute someone I feel I could be around.

Petrie: he's funny in a way maybe its his broken english.

Spike: gee I really don't know he would be hard to interact with.

Ali: Why not she's compassonite ,unoffensive(dispite the TV series) and smart.

Shorty:someone I could be best buddies with.

Chomper: to tell you the truth I really don't know.

and most of the adults except of course big,bad Topsy we'd get into agruements and maybe Chomper's parents but heck, they could make good bodygaurds ... or not  :lol



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I kind of feel like I'd get along with just about anyone from LBT, but I think Littlefoot would be the easiest to befriend.


  • Hatchling
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I'd get along with grandpa longneck. :p :p  I just get along with adults pretty well.