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What do you think of the Insane Cafe series?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I haven't really followed it. I know very little about the happenings of any RPs except Darwin's Soldiers, though if I had unlimited time I would want to read the Insane Cafe series, Noname's fantasy series, and that ungodly long "Sowarkard" one, just to see what the hell they found to talk about for 300 pages :)


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This might be an odd question, but do you believe in the term "guilty pleasure" as in having "LBT as a guilty pleasure" due to certain circumstances of what seems to be socially acceptable in society, or do you kick out the labels and just like what you like even if other people would call them guilty pleasures?


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I have one question for you.  If you could have a chance to meet one person in the world, anyone famous sort of thing.....who would you wish to meet and why?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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@Noname: No, I pretty much call it a guilty pleasure. I wouldn't admit in public that I'm a 22-year old Land Before Time fan. I wouldn't go to Comic-Con dressed as a LBT character. Therefore it's a guilty pleasure.

However, I openly admit in public that I'm a Star Trek fan, and a D&D player, and I wear a redshirt uniform when I go to Comic-Con, so those aren't guilty pleasures. That's how I define them.

@MrDrake: It depends on if we get translators, like so that we could understand each other. If we couldn't communicate, it wouldn't make a conversation with Sun Tzu or Alexander the Great very interesting :)

If translators are a problem, probably Shakespeare. Mind you, it still would be hard to communicate, but I've been in enough of his plays that I think I could glean enough of his meaning to make the conversation worthwhile. Ask him about the plots to Cardenio and Love Labour's Won (two lost plays of his), and maybe get my copy of Richard III signed. :cheers

If we get translators, probably the Chinese guy who stood in front of the tanks at Tienanmen Square. Find out what his name is, if he's still alive, and why he decided to be brave enough to risk his own life just to make a statement for liberty. And, most important, find out what was in those bags he was carrying :)


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Ah, awesome, defiently sounds like a plan ^^

One other question.....why did you just call Rat_lady7....Noname? :lol:

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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^Oh, oops  :oops  I guess it sounded like something Noname would say, plus the last time I ventured into the Ask Me forum it was to post a question on his, so I figured he reciprocated. Plus Rat_Lady's new avatar is vaguely familiar to the Chi Rho symbol he once had, being a black symbol on a white background.

But yeah, my mistake.  :lol Sorry, Amy.


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Hehe, people make mistakes like that....just had to point it out is all :lol

Another random question, out of the Alien (Xenomorph) and the Predator alien (forget it's real name), which one would you pick to say, fight against?  As in, the Alien for killing your crew members, or the Predator for killing your friends....although I don't think there's much of a difference there :lol:

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Do you mean which one would I pick if I wanted to win? 'Cause it didn't matter which one I fought, I'd still die a gruesome death...but if I had to fight one, it'd be predator. I mean, it only took a few commandos to kill it, whereas an entire ship of marines died fighting Alien.

If you mean which one would I fight if I was guaranteed victory, based on which I felt "deserved" it more, I'd pick Alien. Predator at least had a bit of chivalry; it wouldn't kill unarmed civilians, and in the end it challenged Schwarzenegger to a one-on-one duel, which was very sporting of it. Alien killed everyone, and used really disturbing methods like oral impregnation, whereas Predator's kills were usually quick.

As Roger Ebert put it: "Why would a creature so technologically advanced need to bother with hand-to-hand combat, when it could just zap Arnold with a ray gun?"

Because it's a good sport, that's why.


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Yeah, it was for the latter, killing it yourself, but a rather interesting answer you had given there, love how you had put it ^^


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,May 23 2010 on  12:48 AM
^Oh, oops  :oops  I guess it sounded like something Noname would say, plus the last time I ventured into the Ask Me forum it was to post a question on his, so I figured he reciprocated. Plus Rat_Lady's new avatar is vaguely familiar to the Chi Rho symbol he once had, being a black symbol on a white background.

But yeah, my mistake.  :lol Sorry, Amy.
Oh wow, I didn't even know this happened. :p :lol It's okay though. :yes

Let's see....what is your current occupation?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Right now I'm a student cook at a dining commons, which basically means I have to do whatever someone isn't doing already. I actually cook very little; most of the time I'm cleaning pots or wiping down walls, but hey, a job is a job :)


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What rating would give each of the Darwin's Soldiers works?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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How are your Darwin's Soldiers stories coming along?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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What rating would give each of the Darwin's Soldiers works?

On a scale of four stars...

Furtopia (first)  - Two stars. Yes, I read this entire RP, and most of it was good. It certainly seemed to be much more dark in tone than the GOF ones ever got, and most of the characters were interesting. Dragore was utterly insufferable, at least to me, and is currently my least favorite character in the entire Darwin's Soldiers universe.

Furtopia 2: I never read it in its entirety, so I cannot rate it.

Darwin's Soldiers 1: Four stars. This was my first ever RP, and it had everything I could have wanted in an RP; action, combat, and I felt like my character was making a difference on the storyline.

Card of Ten: Three stars. This was my first ever story, and I can see that there are several things wrong with it. It doesn't have the same atmosphere of the other Darwin's Soldiers stories, and the time stuff gets a little confusing even to me.
However, I did do a good job making sure every character on the away team gets a moment or two in the spotlight, while keeping James as the main character throughout. And the twist at the end is still one of my favorite twists I've written for any story, Darwin's Soldiers or not.

Schrodinger's Prisoners: Four stars. This is my favorite of the stories I've written, and looking back it's the only one I wouldn't make any changes to. It's perfectly Darwin's Soldiers.

Survival of the Fittest: Four stars. I know I missed the first 20 pages, but once it started it didn't slow down until the climactic finish. I only wish I could have been there for the beginning.

Pavlov's Checkmate: Three stars. This one is a good story in its own right, but it shouldn't have been written as a sequel before the third RP existed. Once the 3rd RP is over, I'm going to go back and fix any continuity errors that may have formed.

Nietzsche's Soldiers: Three stars. Good start, okay middle, anti-climactic end. Eddie also never really was fleshed out as well as I'd hoped, and I thought it was too predictable that he was going to die. But I was glad I wrapped up Dr. Tinner's story arc.

Fool's Gold: Four stars. I was excited to see Kerzach get his own story, and it didn't disappoint. Fast-paced, high-stakes, and with some touching moments as well, it also gave Montgomery the chance to be the lead villain, something he hadn't ever really been. All in all, a good story, and I hope more will come.

How are your Darwin's Soldiers stories coming along?

Still typing them up, though they're both finished handwritten. they should be up soon. I'm starting to consider posting the first part of both stories, and that'll force me to find time to continue typing them up or face a schedule slip.


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Which Dragore (character or the RPer) do you see as the Scrappy and why?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The character, definitely. I have nothing against the writer, except perhaps his butchering of the English language and disruptive use of first person. And the fact that he used his avatar name instead of coming up with an original character name.

The character is the one I found really, really annoying. Every single one of his posts was about "please love me, love me mister, nobody's ever loved me, don't let them hurt me..."

"human sir can you please not take me back to the other humans they are not nice to me they keep making me fight and keep hurting me the put stuff in me and keep testing me" dragore said like a scared little boy he looked barely over 6 years old "please sir i think i look like this because of them i think i was a boy before this"

dragore teard up "you guys don't want to kill me do you. i don't know how i git this way i was human once. and all i want is to be a kid" starting to cry a bit sobbing with tears welling up in his eyes

dragore clinged to the marines leg "mister marine who are those people there is a scientest i don't like them" he shook as the marine was walking twards the two figures "you won't let them hurt me will you mister marine will you" dragore said as he looked up to you with his radiant green eyes

still crying "why did this happen to me i don't even know what it is like being a kid" sobbing loudly "all i want to do is play and not have to be poked and prodded and made to kill" shaking with tears streaming down his face "i want my mommy"

Okay, we get it. Move on.

And, as the rest of the characters moved through the RP and contributed to the storyline, Dragore just kept going on and on about his tragic past and asking Garrelli to protect him.

Or going on about stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the story at all. Check out this great post, right in the middle of a firefight:

dragore walked back as garrilli took the mine "i am gonna eat my foods" he sits and eats the food he found. his belly expanded as he ate "mmm this is so good" he heres the gun shots but ignores them as he eats "mmm my tummy is now full" he ate all the food he found and seems to be stronger than before "daddy can i help you now"

Plus once the character started fighting, he obtains cliche-levels of power.

dragore was shivering as he walked with the man "sir i smell more of those bad men let me show you what i was made to do" dragores eyes go red and he rushes around the corner and savagely kills the terrorists rending them with his blades "i wont let you hurt my friend never he is a nice human" finnishes the last one off "there sir i won't let no one hurt you" he said as his eyes go back to radiant green and his blades retract back into his arm "i like you mister human sir" he said as he hugged the humans leg

DADDY!!!!!" Dragore yelled as he saw garrilli get hit his eyes went red and the blades popped out of his arms "daddy i won't let them hurt you no more" he screamed as he bounded out the door that garrilli was shooting from. he jumped on the walls bounding from each slicing the terrorist's chest and throats taking a few hits but nothing fazing him. "this is what you get for hurting my daddy" the little dragon setting a terrorist on fire with his breath and stabbing both blades into a terrorist's chest and flipping and throwing him at another terrorist then falling to the floor completely spent of energy.

These posts are not hard to find. I could go on all day.

I just felt sorry for Sgt. Garrelli. One of the most well-written characters in the RP, and he got stuck with this thing calling him 'daddy'
thing calling him 'daddy' that won't leave him alone.

Course, I found the author's other characters annoying too, the "bad" scientists who had created Dragore. Mainly because they were poorly-written and had no defining personality traits except "evil."

There were two of them. The first one:

dragore calms down "the pain is gone" he sways back and forth "uhg i feel funny" he flops forward a combat knife sticking out of his back and a scientist standing in the doorway "heh found one of my creatures that should not exists why did you guys let this one live" the guy standing there with a angry look on his face "you know what the piece of trash is capable of" walks over with knife going to cut dragores head off "time to end what i created"

Note this well-rounded and realistic portrayal of a military scientist. Also note, once this one is killed, how different he is from the second scientist the author introduces:

a scientist walks in ((he was in there the whole time just hiding)) "well i see one of the flawed 00 models is still alive. and zach i still see you sympathize with trash seance you haven't killed the little dragon yet. he may be cute but he is garbage. a failed experiment that is all 009 is now hand him over so i can dispose of him quickly and painlessly". the scientist grinned. dragore just layed there and moved a little. he was sleeping next to garrilli lightly purring.

"see thats the thing i can't stand you should know 009 was a boy at one point in his life" he reaches into his pockets and gets out pictures of a little boy about 5 years of age playing at a park "he was a war orphan. so he had no family i grabbed him while he was asleep and brought him here put him a stasis tank then me and my colleagues went to work. you remember when i asked you for those viles of dragon DNA that is what i needed it for to see if i could make a human turn into a dragon anthro. it worked we wiped his memory. he would be the perfect weapon if he would turn but he just won't" he frowns "for a orphan he has a strong will i can't stand it. all i herd from his was *i want a daddy and mommy they will save me you just see it they will hurt you and make you say sowe for hurting me* then i would proceed to beat him and laugh at his pitiful crying. it would make me so happy to hear him cry i was hoping his eyes would turn red and his blades come out but he would just fall asleep crying" he stopped "but knowing you you are stuck on the fact that you helped me turn a little boy into a weapon"

Note that the above scientist had been told several times by *armed* characters that they cared about Dragore, so either this idiot has no survival sense, or his only function in the plot was to spout background information on Dragore and then be killed as vengeance for being so 'evil.'

But I digress. To sum it up, I dislike Dragore because he suffers from Sympathetic Sue, God Mode Sue, Wangst, Angst Dissonance, Deus Angst Machina, The Load, The Wesley and Too Dumb to Live.


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Here's a little random question, what do you think of the "zombies" in the Darwin's Soldiers RP....well, not zombies, more what I would call, just the infected?


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Are you going to continue updating your Darwin's Soldiers stories?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I've been meaning to do that! I'll get on that now!

The problem is I have to type them up, which has been going very slow. I wish I had some voice-typing program that would type what I read aloud.