The Gang of Five
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The Land Before Time: Far Away Home

Caustizer · 415 · 54452


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Now that Storm Tide is coming to a close Far Away Home will be my project until Christmas. It is far more then just a sequel... it's actually a completely new and seperate story, albight with some returning characters.  Because of the preferences of the readership, it will be written in the standard story style and not by my signature script techniques.

I would like to specially thank Sky for letting me use his characters.

Here I have provided links to his previously drawn pictures of them to provide a good image for readers who enjoy picturing them:

Sky & Guido:


Sky, Star, and Glide:

Map of the World:

The Black Dawn:

Act I: The Hunt For the Occular

Act II: The Tyrant King's Wraith

Act III: The Black Dawn



Littlefoot and the gang of seven go on their greatest adventure yet as they push the boundaries of their world into places far beyond the horizon. It starts when they meet Sky, an ambitious and intelligent adventurer who leads them to seek his "Far Away Home" with only the aid of a tiny piece of volcanic glass he calls "The Occular".  On the way they are targeted by a vicious maniac, Eybron, who uses the artistic masterpeices of their lost ancestors as devestating weapons capable of incalculable destruction. In the end, only Littlefoot and the gang can stop him before he turns his sights on the Great Valley and all is lost.


The Story will progess in four acts, all of which are five to seven chapters long.

Act 1: The Hunt for the Occular
Act 2: The Tyrant King's Wraith
Act 3: The Black Dawn
Act 4: The Eye of the World


As one last note I would like to state that this is the greatest story I have ever attempted to write and it will be very difficult to finish it if I get no reviews - both positive and negative. Please read it and tell me what you think! If you find that it's not to your liking tell me why and I'll make sure to fix it as I go along. :angel

So without further delay... here is the first chapter of LBT: Far Away Home.





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Act 1: The Hunt for the Occular


   The sun was setting over the Great Valley as the children whispered to each other in anticipation. The trees around them were silent as the windless dusk passed in an awe-inspiring spectacle that beckoned in the night. Apart from the red sun the only light was the volcanic hue of the Glowing Cracks which smoked and bubbled making it the perfect place to tell stories, be they scary or rich in wisdom.

   Just as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon the individual they had all been waiting for made his entrance with a loud swoop in the sky. They gasped as he looped once in the air and landed perfectly on his feet in front of them.

“Wow Mr. Sky that was pretty incredible!” commented a young longneck named Xavier, who stood to greet his teacher.

“Can you teach me to do that?” called down a flier who had roosted low in the tree above.

“Is that not the responsibility of your father Nincea?” Sky smiled warmly as he furrowed his wings to right some displaced feathers.

“Well… daddy’s afraid of landing on his head,” replied Nincea, which was true. Even after so many years Petrie still hadn’t got used to the keener aspects of flying.

“… So what story are you going to tell us today Mr. Sky?” interrupted Wayne, a small grey threehorn who was clearly Cera’s son.

“Ah so that’s why you are all waiting for me,” bemused Sky. All the children leaned forward to hear his answer and he chuckled. One of the greatest sources of satisfaction he got from teaching was how the young ones always came early to see him while other teachers – namely Grandpa Threehorn – had to round them up before they could begin.

“Well… which one would you like to hear?” Sky looked around slowly and calmly as he gave his answer.  All the children then immediately began shouting out which ones they wanted, and he heard “The Amazing Threehorn Girl”, “The Big Water”, “The Storm Tide”, and even “Black Rock” from Landar, one of Guido and Syndra’s sons.  When things finally quieted down Xavier spoke up above all the others.

“What about the Black Dawn?” he suggested.  Sky was shocked, but on the outside he just raised an eyebrow.

“…Where did you learn about that Xavier?” Sky asked.

“Mother said it when she was cleaning me yesterday… she said I looked dirtier than the Black Dawn” Xavier replied. The other children were intrigued by the idea, and started begging Sky to tell them about it. He motioned with his hands for them to calm down.

“Now children… I’m sure your parents wouldn’t approve of me telling you about such things.” Sky told them as he tried to diffuse the situation.

“Please!” They all called out at once.

“Tell them about what?” A tall longneck emerged from the forest behind where the children had been sitting. Littlefoot was much bigger now then he was as a youngling and the steady bouncing of the loose pebbles on the ground proved that he no longer had little feet.

“Hi daddy… Mr. Sky was going to tell us about the Black Dawn!” proclaimed Xavier excitedly. Littlefoot looked slightly disturbed.

“Was he now?” Littlefoot looked questioningly at Sky, who withdrew slightly.

“As I was saying it’s not a good story for you kids to be told just before you go to sleep for the night…” Sky looked down at the ground, “besides that point… it is best that we just left it untold…”

“Oh I’m sure you can tell them something…” adult Littlefoot smiled, “You are the most interesting friend I know and you should share your adventures,” he glanced at his son Xavier with a knowing smile, “and of course if you don’t tell them they will find out on their own.”

Sky sighed in admission. “Ah, you’re right as usual Littlefoot.” He wags a finger at his large friend as a message of intellectual defeat.

“Now… where to begin…” Sky held his hand to his face in thought, before turning to the young longneck Xavier who was eagerly watching him and waving his tail back and forth.

“What’s that behind your ear?” Sky said to him.

“Huh?” Xavier lowered his neck and scratched both of his ears, but found nothing. Sky stepped forward and reached behind his ear.  With a small ring he palmed an object from inside his wing and caught it in his fingers. To the youngsters gathered and even to Littlefoot it looked like he pulled it from thin air.

“Wow that was amazing!” Xavier stated as he looked transfixed at the small pebble-like object that his teacher now carried. “…What is it?”

“This is called an Occular… or rather the Occular” As Sky revealed what he was holding to the group.

The Occular was a small, thin lens made of perfectly clear volcanic glass. It had no borders and apart from the fact it was transparent it didn’t look all that significant. To the group of children though even a weirdly shaped pebble that you could see through was pretty impressive. None of them had ever seen anything like it before.

Littlefoot scoffed. “Oh it’s that thing again… gave us a lot of trouble when we were still kids.”

“Children…” started Sky, ignoring Littlefoot’s comment, “Tonight I will tell you not just about the Dawn, but also of a terrible, terrible place called…” he twisted the lens and brought it to his left eye, which magnified it to look huge. “… The Eye of the World.”

All the gathered young ones were in awe… Mr. Sky always told such good stories.





  • Ducky
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Oh my! I like it so far.  :D  No, I LOVE it.  :lol:

So, the gang are adults, yes? That means that Sky is somewhat an adult too? Just asking because I might draw a picture for every chapter you'll write (if I may). ^^

Keep up the good work. I'm really looking forward to this.  :D
And again, I feel really honored and excited. =)


  • Ducky
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In this story the gang are all still kids... it's just from the frame of being told by Sky when he is older. Occassionally I'll pop back to the future as the story carries forward but for most of it, expect to see Sky and the others as young ones.

There are a few specific pictures that it would be awesome of you to create as the story goes on... but if that is the case I will tell you.  Otherwise... Sky is your character so feel free to do any art you wish to do.

At some point I'm going to ask for a picture of the main villain, Eybron, but not until he is in the story first so I get his character down.

I'm glad you like it :)


  • Ducky
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I see. Thanks. :)
Well, about the villain, just let me know and I'll try my best. ^^


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You certainly don’t dawdle between fanfics, do you? :p You’re one heck of a fast writer, too. :blink:

I have to say, that’s a very, very, very good way to write a prologue. :yes Anyone reading it is effectively in the same position as the dinosaur kids waiting for Sky to tell his story, which almost serves to . (That’s how I felt when I was reading it, anyway. *shrugs*)

I don’t want to be annoying, so I’ll try to keep my nitpicking to a minimum on this story, but I thought you might want to reword the following line a bit:
“This is called an Occular… or rather the Occular” As Sky revealed what he was holding to the group.
Sky appears to be attempting to convey the fact that The Occular is a unique object. For that reason, I would recommend emphasizing the “the” more.

Also, this is just a random thought, but if you’re looking for more reviewers, maybe you could wait a little longer between posting chapters, to give people more time to notice the updates. For instance, it might be a good idea to wait a week or so (oh, what am I saying? :rolleyes:) before you post Part I, to ensure that other members have ample time to notice this thread and share their thoughts.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Pangaea,Aug 19 2009 on  09:46 PM
Also, this is just a random thought, but if you’re looking for more reviewers, maybe you could wait a little longer between posting chapters, to give people more time to notice the updates. For instance, it might be a good idea to wait a week or so (oh, what am I saying? :rolleyes:) before you post Part I, to ensure that other members have ample time to notice this thread and share their thoughts.

That's a good idea.


EDIT: "the Occular" was written as "the Occular" in Microsoft Word but it didn't pick up on the notation when I copied and pasted onto the website.

Cancerian Tiger

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I really like the prologue to this fanfic :yes.  I think having most of the fanfic set when the Gang are still kids, with intermittent future scenes, will be a very interesting read.


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Part I:

   The wind blew like a soft summer breeze as a younger Sky panned the distant horizon with his eyes.  By nature’s standards his sight was far better then most, but the object he held over his left eye guaranteed there was little that would escape his vision. Intently, as if searching, Sky tilted the Occular to get a better look at a nearby rock formation. Finding nothing of note, he rotated to view another distant feature of the landscape. The rocky desert he had come to call the Desolates was about as monotonous as watching a river dry out.

“Are you still looking at that weird pebble? I would think you had seen enough of it by now…” called down the male longneck, who had generously allowed Sky to ride on his back.

Sky sighed and put the lens back into his wing. The two things he hated most in the world are racism and ignorance… and this herd of longnecks certainly had an ample supply of both.

“Not to be rude… but how would you like to end up like him a lot sooner than you’re supposed to?” Sky pointed to a wretched pile of bones that the herd was walking around.

“Is that a threat?” shot the longneck, who ground his teeth.

“Oh no… I’m just telling you what’s going to happen if I lead you all in the wrong direction because you keep pestering me with your stupid questions!” Sky shot back, a little bit meaner then he intended to. He would have to work on making his point in a nicer manner.

“Hey quit pestering the guide!” insisted a middle aged female longneck.

“Yeah… I don’t want us to be out here any longer then we have to, it’s so hot I think my skin is boiling,” replied another male, before adding, “The sooner we get to the Great Valley the better.”  The offending longneck simply grumbled and let Sky get back to his duties.

   Longnecks, Sky had found, were a very unaccepting lot. Their size seemed to give them great intelligence, but only a limited few possessed any form of wisdom. The leader of this particular herd was one such case and had noticed Sky when he taught one of their young ones, Ali, how to recognize where they were by the position of the great circle in the sky.  Ali had taken a liking to him immediately and even the headstrong longneck who she hung out with, Rhett, often asked him for pointers on how to deal with sharpteeth if they met any. Sky admired his courage, but chided his ignorance. Sharpteeth were best avoided at all times – especially by young children.

“Hey Sky…Sky!” called the young longneck Ali as she came up beside the one he was perched on, “I don’t want to be annoying or anything… but are we there yet?” Sky chuckled at the comment.

“Oh I’m sure we are a lot closer than you think…” Sky replied.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” the male longneck had turned around again to take another shot at him… it must be his method of expressing his displeasure at being ëvolunteered’ for the duty of carrying the guide.  

Rather then argue with him, Sky simply gave a sly smile and pointed into the distance. Ali, the male longneck and even the surrounding longnecks who had been impolitely listening in all looked to the horizon where he had motioned. A female to their left spotted it first.

“Hey… it’s Saurus Rock!” she exclaimed.

“We’re here, we’re here!” repeated another young female at the other side of the herd.

At once the whole herd turned to the famous landmark and proceeded towards it, invigorated by the prospect of green food and fresh, clean water.  Later as they passed the enormous bulk of Saurus Rock and looked out over the Great Valley, the elder longneck that led the herd and had asked Sky to guide for them came over to express his thanks.

“You have our sincerest gratitude, Sky. We could not have made it this quickly, or indeed made it at all without you.” The elder spoke to him respectfully, before turning and nodding his appreciation to the grumpy longneck that carried him. The unwanting carrier’s mood seemed to lighten.

“I guess you’re not so bad after all…” the longneck muttered to Sky.  

Sky just beamed his satisfaction to both longnecks. He hadn’t told them that he had seen Saurus Rock a few days earlier using the Occular. Sometimes it was nice to keep secrets.

“Now can you please get off my back?” the longneck demanded.

Sky frowned… he had actually enjoyed the ride.


   The herd of longnecks paraded into the valley and dispersed among the trees, eager to get their first meal in days. Unlike the others, Ali wasn’t hungry. She only half ate the tree-stars as her mom pulled them off the tree, and her mother could see that something was wrong. Her little Ali had something resting on her mind from their previous visit to the valley.

“Mom… you mind if I go off on my own for a while?” asked Ali timidly, “There is someone I have to see.”  As she finished her mother stopped munching and brought her giant head down to eye level with her daughter.

“What is it Ali?” her mother asked. Ali turned away to hide her emotions. Seeing this, her mother decided to respect her right to privacy.  “Make sure to be back before the Great Circle sets dear.”

“I will!” replied Ali excitedly as she ran off to find Littlefoot.

   As the morning circle was approaching high noon Petrie flew around the Great Valley, searching out one of his friends. Today was a somewhat dull day as Cera was assigned by Tria to watch Tricia, Ducky and Spike were spending the morning with their siblings, and Ruby and Chomper had run off doing who knows what. Littlefoot was eating with his grandparents, and Petrie had found out how long longnecks actually take to eat the hard way. After waiting for well over an hour, he decided to go see what his best friend Guido was doing. He finally found him rummaging around an old log in the north end of the valley for his favourite food – creepy crawlies. Oddly he wasn’t eating them… instead he was gathering them in his other hand while he picked them off with his mouth.

“Guido, I find you!” Petrie exclaimed as he perched himself on the log to observe his friend.

“Yeah… it’s not too hard to find me these days is it?” Guido said half-heartedly as he briefly looked up from his work.

“What the matter?” replied Petrie.

“Lots of things…” mumbled Guido as he pulled a worm out of a rotten hole in the log, “but mostly it’s caused by–”

“Guido! What’s taking you so long?” called down a voice from the tree above. It was Guido’s mate, Syndra. The two of them had settled down together once the storm tide became less of a threat to the valley following the unexpected hurricane a few months ago.  Hearing her call, Guido griped Petrie’s shoulders dropping all the bugs he had been carrying.

“You gotta help me… this is unbearable!” Guido begged.  Petrie just looked at him in a confused manner, like he had no idea what he was talking about. Embarrassed at jumping so suddenly Guido sighed and let go, and turned back to picking up the bugs he had released.

“Everyday it’s something different with her… it’s either ëgo get food’ or ëit’s too hot bring me some leaves for shade’ or ëget some grass for the nest’. I just can’t take it anymore!” Guido paused his rant for a moment to make sure Syndra hadn’t heard, then continued, “Since she laid those eggs I haven’t had a moment to just do what I wanna do.”

“Guido get up here!” Syndra bursts out from the leaves and lands on a branch. Guido promptly hides behind Petrie.

“Oh hi Mrs. Treewing we are going to the lake to… umm…. Get a drink!” Petrie smiled politely as he gulped nervously.

“Treewing?” inquired Guido by whisper while Syndra just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Fine… just make it quick. If these eggs hatch and your not here Guido I’ll rip your head off.” Syndra threatened as he cowered behind Petrie. It was an empty threat, but Syndra could make life pretty difficult for him if he didn’t do what he was told. Satisfied, she flew back into the tree to tend her nest.  The two fliers departed after she left without a word.

   Guido was finally able to relax as the cool wind blew off the lake and into his dirty feathers. He hadn’t had time to clean them with all the running around he had been doing… but it was still nice to get out with his friends once in a while. Petrie respected him the most out of everyone in the valley so naturally they hung out together when they could.  They had found a nice tree without any leaves on an island close to shore in the Great Valley’s one big lake, and perched there to rest. Next to Guido, Petrie was also enjoying the breeze.

“Hey thanks Petrie, I needed this.” Guido casually said as he set about cleaning his wings with his beak.

“Oh, it nothing.” Petrie replied. He was just glad to have Guido’s company… ever since the storm tide he had felt somewhat distant from the rest of his friends. They had left on an adventure without telling him, so with no one else around naturally him and Guido did a lot more things together even though the treewing (as Petrie called them) was much older then he was. Out of the corner of his eye Petrie noticed an odd flier land in a tree across the lake. His motions were fluid and purposeful and he was one of the largest of his kind he had ever seen.

“Who that?” asked Petrie. Guido stopped licking his wings and squinted to look at what Petrie had seen. He blocked out the sun by putting his hand over his eyes.

“…what is that?” Guido corrected.

“Maybe we go see?” Petrie suggested as he spread out his wings and took off. Hesitating slightly, Guido followed.

   Sky couldn’t help but take in the beauty of their current rest stop. “The Great Valley” was what the locals called it – a fitting name, but Sky had seen far greater. Coming to a landing in a tree near the edge of a lake, Sky decided to observe the habits of the native fish species.  His kind could eat almost any type of food, but fish was his personal favourite and he was hungry.  It was handy that the Occular could filter out the surface glare on the lake so he could see them moving around underwater. Whoever made it must have been a genius.  

Sky put the Occular away in his wing and went through a set stretches so he would be in order to go fishing. About halfway through he noticed two fliers approaching him from across the water. Curiously, they landed on the branch across from him in the same tree.

“You know it’s not polite to stare,” chided Sky as he waved his finger in a friendly manner as they intently watched his every movement.

“Oh sorry,” laughed Guido, “it’s just that we have never seen anyone like you before.”

“Not many have,” replied Sky.

“But what are you?” Petrie asked politely.  At this Sky suddenly bolted off the tree and into the air.

“Hey wait!” Petrie called after the stranger.

   Sky twisted and twirled through the air and suddenly descended towards the water. At the last moment he pulled up and skirted the surface, ensnaring an unfortunate fish in his jaws.  All the while Petrie and Guido watched this aerobic display with awe and wonder. When Sky finally landed again it was in a meadow just to the south of the lake. There was a herd of clubtails making their way through it and a longneck who was eating a particularly pleasing bush, but none of them noticed.  Satisfied he was alone, Sky picked up the fish he had caught and shook it slightly to make sure it was dead. One last time he glanced about to see if anyone could see him, and then he opened his mouth to swallow it.

“Wow your fast… I couldn’t keep up!” wheezed Guido as he came to a rough landing a metre away. Sky was in the middle of eating, and gagged as he spat it out the whole fish.

“Are you okay?” asked Guido, only to have a venomous glare shot at him by Sky.

“Could you just leave me to my own… please?” Sky returned. He was annoyed that this persistent local kept following him, not to mention spoiling his lunch. Never before had he encountered someone so impolite in his life.

“Sorry…” apologized Guido.  Something suddenly occurred to Sky, so he had to mention it.

“You are a four-wing yes? What is one of your kind doing so far below the Black Mountain?” Sky eyed his fish on the ground, which had started hopping slightly. He was hungry.

“I’m a four-wing?” returned Guido, “… is that what I am?”

“Of course,” Sky lifted his wing to show him, “three rows of feathers on each side with the fourth on the back end.” He swirled his tail to reveal a diamond-like formation on the end.  Guido looked back at his tail, which looked more like a flower.  While he did this Sky picked up his fish and opened his mouth again to swallow it.

“So then what are you?” inquired Guido. Sky lowered the fish and was hit by another edge of annoyance. He decided to respond first before eating.

“Knowledge is a gift that is earned through experience,” imparted Sky. He was just trying to blow off Guido so he could eat.  Not waiting for the four-wing’s response Sky stuck the fish in his mouth and clamped down on it. He pulled with his hand and stripped the soft meat off, leaving him with just a fish skeleton.  Guido just looked at him in confusion.

“I’ll tell you what… why don’t we play a little game.” Sky smiled cleverly. “I will tell you the colour of an object I see and if you can guess what it is in three guesses… I’ll tell you what I am.”

“Okay,” Guido said nervously, he didn’t like the way this was going.

“And if you’re wrong, you have to leave me alone.” Sky was certain the small flier wouldn’t guess right.

“I spy with my eye something that is red,” stated Sky.  Guido looked around, and put his hand to his chin in thought. Sky smiled and did the same to pretend he was thinking too.

(On a side note the art is a picture of the two of them here)

“Is it those berries over there in that tree?” suggested Guido.  Sky’s eyes widened slightly… that tree was so far away he could barely see them himself… without the Occular of course. Guido must have good eyesight.

“Very well,” sighed Sky, “in my far away home my kind are known as creators.” Guido raised an eyebrow at the name, but Sky didn’t proceed to explain it. He would like to keep some mystery about him, not to mention that he had told way too much already. There were some in the world that would very much like to know that he was a creator… so he preferred not to reveal it.

   As Sky talked with Guido out of the bushes came Ali and another longneck she was with. He knew it couldn’t be Rhett as this one had an expression of nobility and kindness as opposed to ignorance. Sparing him from explaining himself Ali and her friend dashed across the fields to greet him.

“Hi Sky… this is Littlefoot, my friend from a long time ago!” Ali told him excitedly, “we get to see each other every time the herd comes back to the Great Valley.”

“Nice to meet you Sky,” Littlefoot said as he passed a greeting to him.

“A pleasure it is.” Sky replied with a slight bow of his head.  

   Suddenly there was an odd ringing sound in Sky’s ears. He cleared them with his finger but it was still there. Worse, it just kept getting louder and louder. The others heard it too and even Guido was covering his ears.

“Ugh…what’s that?” Asked Littlefoot as he grinded his teeth and covered his ears. Ali did the same.

“I don’t–” started Sky, but then he found out what it was.  He withdrew the Occular from his wing and held it up. It was vibrating ever more vigorously every second.

“What’s going on Sky?” Ali said in fright.  All of a sudden the ringing stopped, and the two longnecks with Guido sighed with relief. Meanwhile Sky’s mind was racing… the Occular was perfection but it was still a normal piece of glass. If it was vibrating then there was a sound of outstanding frequency in the air, and the frequency was rising by the second.  Doing some quick calculations Sky reasoned that if the sound was low enough to vibrate glass… then next below that level would be to vibrate rock.

   The ground began to shake in a manner none of the Great Valley dinosaurs had ever felt before. It crunched and buckled as trees came crashing down and the valley floor rumbled. Like the end of time had come upon them there was absolute chaos everywhere in the valley beyond a normal earth shake. A thunderous wave of sound cascaded through the ground and cracked the ground beneath it as if it had turned to ice. It came from the Mysterious Beyond and as Sky watched Saurus rock was split asunder and came crashing down in the distance. The same wave of force in the earth came barrelling towards them splitting rivers, lakes, trees, and even tossing dinosaurs off their feet with its mighty energy.

   Littlefoot and Ali saw the wave of force in the earth coming towards them and their eyes filled with fright at such a sight. In a panic Ali turned to the most senior of them all, Sky.

“Sky…what do we do!?!” she shouted.  Sky watched the wave move towards them at the speed of sound with a mix of recognition and wonder. There were some things you would never see twice. He turned to the longnecks.

“Run.” He whispered. They needed no further urging.





  • Ducky
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All Parts will be posted on a weekend basis - so I'll work on them during the week and then post them on a Saturday or Sunday.


  • Ducky
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Every weekends? Heh, the excitement never stops.  :D

Ah, the first encounter with the gang. I really enjoy reading it so far. :yes
I was waiting for the part where he tells them what kind of species he was.

So Sky is a "creator", yes? Though, I call them myself "Wingtail" (I think I never told you :huh:) but I'm guessing the name "creator" has a major role in this story, so it's ok. =)


  • Ducky
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"Creator" is not his species... it is just a nickname that the other dinosaurs gave their kind because of their ability to create magnificant works of art that endured for many generations. Guido asked "What are you" not "What kind of flier are you" ... one of many examples of Sky playing on words to his own benefit.

The biggest of the Creators' works include the Sonicron and the Eye of the World which both play a significant role in the plot.


  • Ducky
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Ah, I see. I should better wait for the next parts then. Sometimes it confuses me...  :confused  :p


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I didn’t enjoy this chapter as much as I did the prologue, so forgive me if my critique of it is not particularly favorable.

At this point, Sky doesn’t seem like someone I would get along with particularly well if I were to meet him. If he considers Guido more impolite than the longneck he was riding on before, then I would probably annoy him just as much, if not more, given my similarities to Guido in terms of social skills. :p Hopefully I’ll find Sky more likeable as the story progresses.

I’m a little concerned for Petrie as well. I hope he gets back together with his friends and forgives them for leaving the valley without him.

Speaking of Petrie... (*Nitpick Alert!*)
“Oh hi Mrs. Treewing we are going to the lake to… umm…. Get a drink!” Petrie smiled politely as he gulped nervously.
Is his grammar improving, or was that an accidental breach of character?

Oh, and I love the name Petrie uses for Guido and Syndra’s species. :smile Treewing. Very clever. :lol

That reminds me...just out of curiosity, did you decide to use “four-wing” as Guido’s species name based on the suggestion I made in one of my RoST reviews, or did you come up with it independently? (I based my suggestion off the fact that the feathers on Microraptor gui’s legs allowed them to be used as a second pair of “wings”, but your explanation is interesting too.)

A thunderous wave of sound cascaded through the ground and cracked the ground beneath it as if it had turned to ice. It came from the Mysterious Beyond and as Sky watched Saurus rock was split asunder and came crashing down in the distance.
Oh smashed Saurus Rock? :( I’ll bet Littlefoot will be pretty upset about that. :p

From the looks of things, the gang’s going to be bigger than ever in this story. You’ve got the original five, plus Ruby, Chomper, Ali, and Guido, with the addition of Sky and (presumably) Syndra. I’m interested to see how you’re going to handle such an extensive cast. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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My main goal with Sky is to keep him somewhat mysterious... he's done a lot of things and seen a lot of places but he also keeps to himself.  Sky won't say too much about himself until he gets more comfortable with the gang as his friends.

On a side note, the reason why Guido annoys him so much is not his social skills but the fact that he keeps interrupting him while he's trying to eat. At this point Sky, like the longnecks, hasn't eaten for days.  

If I hadn't eaten for days I certainly wouldn't be too likeable either  :lol


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I was somewhat vague in comparing myself to Guido there :oops; I meant to say that, like him, I have a tendency to ask a lot of questions (I too would be extremely curious as to what kind of dinosaur Sky was) and don't always notice when I am being intrusive, or overstepping someone else's personal boundaries. :rolleyes

If I were in Sky's place, I wouldn't let myself be distracted from eating. I would just stuff my face and ignore whoever was talking to me until I had sated myself. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Part II:

“What happened next… were you guys okay?” asked Xavier eagerly. The young longneck had been listening on Mr. Sky’s every word, just like all the other children present.

“No they all died horrible deaths,” blurted Landar, who looked slightly bored and was pulling at the bark of a nearby tree to get the insects out. He must have inherited his sarcasm from his mother.

“Well it was a bad earthshake… they could have gotten hurt!” replied Xavier, before turning to Sky and asking, “…did they?”

“Of course we didn’t, but it certainly wasn’t a normal earthshake,” reassured Sky, “and it had been caused by–”

“Hold on!” called a voice from the shadows, “You can’t tell the whole story without the whole story to tell.”

Sky, Littlefoot, and all the children looked to see who it was, and from out of the dark bushes came an older and more mature Ruby.  She had lost the innocence and timidness of her childhood, but her adult features revealed that just like her father she was a natural born survivor. Despite this there was an aura of tragedy about her – a lingering guilt for events in the past. Like Sky and Littlefoot she had witnessed the Black Dawn and it had eternally scared her. Such a sight does not easily die in memory.  Another desire also lingered within her – she wanted to have children of her own.  Because there were no suitable mates in the valley for her she simply lived on without one, and put her effort into raising the young ones that belonged to others. Having spent so much of his life alone, Sky could relate.

“If I may?” interjected Ruby as she entered the story telling area. Sky understood what she wanted.

“Of course.”

Sky moved out of the way to made room for her. She took position over the glowing cracks so the fiery light would cast shadow over parts of her face. It was good for one of her signature scary stories, but today she wanted to tell something more real in her memory.

“The day of the earthshake,” Ruby began, “me and Chomper were in the woods…”

“Keep down,” a younger Ruby whispered as she pushed Chomper’s head below the bushes. It was important that they remain hidden for what was coming next.

“Crunch low, arms spread out. Feel the earth beneath your feet.” Ruby wiggled her toes in emphasis.

“Got it,” Chomper replied as he felt his predatorial instincts kicking in. In front of him just next to the river sat his prey, ripe for the taking.

“Let your hunger guide you… you are the sharptooth.”

“I am the sharptooth.”

“Breathe in slow… and let it out.”

Chomper obeyed and his nostrils flared briefly. Ruby licked her finger and put it up, to check the wind.  It was important that it was blowing towards them so they could not be sensed.

“Now,” whispered Ruby as she crouched down low, “GO!”

Chomper bolted through the low hanging plants, pushing them aside as he ran as fast as he could towards his target.  A burst of wind covered his sound of motion through the bushes so he could not be heard. At the final moment he leaped up and landed on Cera’s back.


Caught completely by surprise Cera cried out in fear and rolled over to get him off.  As quick as this began Chomper hopped off to avoid his friend’s wraith. She rolled over again onto her feet, and faced him with eyes full of shock and anger.

“What was that for?” Cera yelled as she caught her breath.

“I was just practising,” Chomper shrugged, “Ruby was teaching me how to hunt!”

“I’m proud of you Chomper,” Ruby laughed as she slid out of the forest purposefully, “Someday you will be a better sharptooth then you are right now.”  Chomper smiled at the compliment.

“Do you see what you’re doing?” accused Cera as she lunged forward and butted Ruby back with her horn, “You’re teaching him to eat us!”

“I won’t eat my friends!” returned Chomper as Ruby attempted to regain her balance.  It was a good thing she had such good self control otherwise she might have fought back.

“And besides… the alternative to not eating is, well… not eating!” added Ruby as she shrugged.

“I guess your right,” Cera grumbled, “as long as he doesn’t use it on us.”

“Uh oh,” stated Chomper as he felt vibrations with his feet.

“What is it now?” moaned Cera.

“It’s a… earthshake!” yelled Chomper as the ground began to vigorously quake. The three children screamed as the trees around them rocked and threatened to come crashing down. They slumped to the ground and covered their heads to wait for it to pass. Finally, it did.

“Has it stopped?” asked Chomper as he timidly raised one of his hands and looked around.  He was answered by an earth shattering wave of seismic force that tore through the ground and caused nearby trees to collapse, narrowly missing them.  Sensing the danger Ruby dove on top of Chomper to protect him – with her own body if need be. Luckily, the unnatural earthshake came to an end almost as suddenly as it had begun. They were safe.

“I think it’s over…” commented Cera as she rose from the ground and gazed with wonder at the destruction around her.  The entire landscape had changed, and the Great Valley was nothing short of a mess. Over half the trees around them now rested on the ground, some being snapped in half by the sheer might of the event.

“Oww,” Chomper complained as he rubbed his jaw, “I think I lost another tooth.”

Chomper gagged and sure enough he spat out another tooth.  It was a good thing that Ruby had told him that it was perfectly normal for young sharpteeth to loose their teeth, otherwise he might have had another panic attack.

“We had best find the others to see if they are okay,” Ruby suggested as she too absorbed the full scope of what had happened to the valley. She looked worried, and both Chomper and Cera agreed with her.  Soon they were off to look for their friends.


“What was that?” asked Littlefoot as he got up off the ground.  Ali was right next to him, and she looked just as disoriented as he was.  As the world slid into focus he noticed that Sky was already on his feet and was scanning the area with his eyes through the Occular, apparently surveying the damage.

“According to my observations it was a very big earthshake,” Sky chuckled as he replaced his all important eyeglass within his wing, “we were lucky to be so far out in the open.” His point was made all the more obvious when a nearby tree cracked and fell to the ground with an earth breaking thud. The group of them couldn’t help but flinch as they heard the sound.

“Oh, my head feels like I got a rock in it,” announced Guido as he rose to his feet. After a quick dust off he added, “Hey where’s Petrie?”

“I down here!” Petrie called out faintly from the tree that had just fallen, “and I think me stuck in here!”

Sensing his friend’s danger Littlefoot jumped into action and peered into the tree where Petrie was.  He sure was stuck in there tight – the thicketed branches had pinned both his wings tight.

“Hang on I’ll get you out!” Littlefoot proclaimed as Ali joined him at the tree.

“What should we do Littlefoot?” she asked desperately.

“Hmm…” muttered Littlefoot as he thought about the problem, “I know! We can eat him out.”

Both Littlefoot and Ali started pulling at the leaves and munching on them as they came loose. This went on for about a minute before Sky finally lost patience.  The young longneck had a right idea, but perhaps he needed a little bit of help to get things done faster.

“May I suggest a better solution?” asked Sky politely. The two longnecks stopped eating and turned to glance at him.

“Sure,” replied Littlefoot after swallowing a mouthful of tree stars. Taking his lead, Sky did a quick assessment of the situation.

“I can likely reach in and grab your friend, but you will need to pull me out.”

Sky parted the branches and carefully observed where Petrie was positioned. The small flyer looked kind of frightened at his current predicament, and unfortunately didn’t know who his rescuer was.  This could be difficult. Willing to take the risk, Sky deftly pushed himself into the tangled foliage and was eventually within reach of Petrie.

“Grab a hold of my wing if you want to live,” stated Sky, and he laughed slightly at the dramatic nature of his comment. His amusement faded as he attempted to move his wing, only to find that it was caught in the branches too.  He jerked it several times, but the only reward he got was a coarse pain up and down his wing muscles. Frustrated, Sky snapped at the tree branches with his jaws.

“No… me too young to be eaten!” cried Petrie in fright. Sky just rolled his eyes and pushes his long neck forward as far as he could until finally his nose was within reach of the stranded flyer.

“Just grab me then,” impressed Sky.  Petrie didn’t need to be told twice.  He pulled against the leaves that pinned him as hard as he could and latched his fingers around the small fork on the top of Sky’s nose.  Sky called back to the two longnecks.

“Littlefoot, Ali… now would be an excellent time to pull me out.”

Littlefoot was scrambling about with Ali to fit into Sky’s new plan, and looked the situation over to see what they could grab onto.  The only thing they could get a grip on was Sky’s tail, which was swaying slightly as the diamond shaped tip stuck out of the outside of the tree.  Both Littlefoot and Ali glanced at each other and knew what needed to be done.  Sky wasn’t going to like it.

“Sorry Sky.” Littlefoot apologized.  Sky raised an eyebrow at the comment.

“Sorry for wha – YEOWW!”

Sky cried out in pain as both longnecks clamped their jaws on his tail and pulled.  He jerked and wacked his head on the branch above him, and Petrie’s feet slid into his nostrils. Clearly this wasn’t Sky’s day.

“Come on Littlefoot, pull!” cried Ali through her teeth.  With one finally reef they dislodged Sky and Petrie, and the two of them came speeding out of the bush and on top of the two longnecks. In a moment all four of them were on their backs in the grass.

“Me thank you.” Said Petrie as Sky opened his eyes to find the flyer still on his face. He quickly exhaled and Petrie fluttered away and landed nearby.

“Yeah thanks Sky,” commented Littlefoot, “We couldn’t have done that without you.”

“You’re most welcome Littlefoot… but I think this goes down as an experience I would not like to repeat,” Sky bemused as he picked out the leaves from his feathers.  In the process, he suddenly noticed that his left wing was a lot lighter then it should be. The Occular was missing! He whirled around to face Littlefoot.

“My eyeglass… have you seen it?”

“No…sorry,” answered Littlefoot truthfully, albight looking confused about what the strange flyer was talking about.  Undaunted, Sky began to crawl on the ground to feel for it amongst the grass.

“He’s talking about the clear rock he uses to see distant things,” explained Ali, “It’s very important!”

Littlefoot took a step back to make some room, and there was a sickening crunch as he stepped on something fragile. He shut his eyes tightly in guilt, knowing full well what he had just done.  After a moment he looked back, and saw that it was just a pinecone.  Unnoticed to the others the longneck breathed a sigh of relief.

“Aha! Got there you are.” Sky proclaimed as he picked the small lens out of the tree where he had entered a minute or so before. He breathed on it and polished it with his wing, before slipping it back to where it belonged.

“I’m sure you all wondering about me, as I have yet to properly introduce myself,” Sky said, making sure they could all hear him, “You may call me Sky, and I am a wingtail. My far away home is a place called the Feral Forest.”

“Hey…didn’t you tell me you were a creator?” pushed Guido.

“That I did… but I wasn’t talking about my species,” replied Sky as he pointed to himself. “The creators are more so a grouping than a kind.”

“So that means you make things, right?” asked Littlefoot, “what do you make?”

“You certainly are sharp,” commented Sky as he laughed, “Alright… the creators are a group who seeks to learn, discover, and above all else – create.”

Littlefoot, Ali, Petrie, and Guido couldn’t gather exactly what he was talking about. Why would they ever want to create more when they had everything they needed in the Great Valley?  The rest of the conversation was spared when the large longneck who had been feeding on the other side of the meadow came to address them.

“Are you kids alright?” He asked.  Littlefoot nodded for the group. “Good… come with me to the gathering place and we’ll see how the valley fared.”

“Sorry, I kind of have a prior commitment to umm,” Guido sighed, “…my lovely.” He left as the other children turned to follow the longneck, feeling that it was the right thing to do.  Sky decided to tag along too… it could be interesting to see how this valley handles a crisis.

On the way to the gathering the full extent of the damage to the Great Valley became evident. Watering holes had dried up through cracks in the earth, rock faces had collapsed into massive heaps, and whole groups of trees had come crashing down upon the unsuspecting dinosaurs.  Sky began to note these things out loud, and Littlefoot took an interest in what he said. Before long it turned into a conversation. First it was about the trees and how they grew, and then about the earth, followed by water as they reached their destination.

“Where does the water go when it dries up?” asked Littlefoot.

“One of two places,” replied Sky, “it either goes up in the sky or back down into the ground.” He soared past Littlefoot and did a loop in the air, landing perfectly on his feet.  It was a trick he had been practising.

“So if it goes up into sky… does that mean it makes the sky puffies?” Sky eyed Littlefoot curiously, before giving an impressed smile and crossing his arms.

“You are a very gifted young longneck Littlefoot,” Sky exclaimed, “I would very much like to meet your parents.”

“They’re… not really around,” Littlefoot said as he looked down at the ground. Sky could see it was a sensitive subject. He did not speak more of it and they reached the meeting place as the early afternoon began to kick in.

The entire Great Valley was assembled there, at least what was left of it.  The meeting place was known for it’s coliseum like appearance and the archway that opened into it, but today it was in terrible shape thanks to the earthshake. Long ago Pterano had been exiled here, and just prior to the Storm Tide it was here the parents imposed their curfew upon the children.  Once everyone had gathered, Grandpa Longneck spoke out above everyone else.

“Welcome everyone,” Grandpa Longneck said, “I’m sure you all have seen and felt that we now have a crisis on our hands.”

“Just look at the state of our beloved valley!” cried Ducky’s mother, “this is the worst earthshake we have ever had!”

All her children were with her including Ducky and Spike. Littlefoot also noticed Cera, Ruby and Chomper on the other side of the circle – the entire gang was here. Ali’s herd had filled the entrance to the circle just in front of the ruined archway because there was normally not enough room for them.  To her credit, Ali chose to stand with him and Grandma rather then with her herd. She must be more comfortable with his family now.

“My nest was ruined,” moaned Tria.  Many others in the valley had similar complaints, and some had even lost loved ones.

“It’s probably because of all these longnecks,” shot Topsy as he motioned towards the far-walkers, “the valley simply isn’t big enough to hold them all.” He got some dirty looks from Ali’s herd.

“No it wasn’t… it came from the mysterious beyond,” Asserted Littlefoot.

“Yeah,” added Ali, “right after Sky’s rock started ringing the ground just started shaking.”  Ali realized she might have said too much when over a hundred eyes simultaneously turned to Sky, who was busy counting the varieties of species present and not paying attention to what was being said. He recoiled in shock.

“You… you’re a newcomer to this valley and nothing like this has ever happened before you got here,” accused Topsy, “explain yourself!”

“Mr. Threehorn be reasonable, earth shakes occur all the time without rhyme or reason. Its part of the Great Circle – not something that can be controlled by any one of us,” corrected Grandpa Longneck.

“Precisely,” stated Sky, “A mere sound cannot cause an entire earthshake… the rocks do it on their own.”

Sky didn’t know how wrong he was.  At the moment he said the words the Occular began to vibrate underneath his wing. He pulled the wing closer to his chest to try and conceal the sound, but he failed. It kept getting louder and louder until everyone had to cover their ears to block it out.  Then suddenly, as fast as it began it stopped and once more everyone turned their gaze to Sky.

“I don’t understand…” The wingtail was harshly interrupted by the earth as it shook and quaked from side to side. Many of the young children screamed, figuring the monster had come back.  It was short and minor, like an aftershock, but it certainly made Sky look guilty.  There was a moment of near silence as everyone started to whisper amongst themselves, the incessant hissing similar to that of the jury at a trail.  It was the only fair trial Sky would get.

“You fiend you killed my sister!” shouted a young flier high in the trees.

“Get out of our valley you monster!” cried a Spiketail mother near the bottom. Suddenly a tide of insults and yelling erupted from the gathered crowd. Littlefoot could only watch as Sky retreated his face under the cover of his wings… he made no move to tell them down.  A group of young swimmers decided words were not enough, and started chucking rocks at him. He was too high up to hit, but the gesture was hurtful enough.

“Grandpa,” Littlefoot begged, “You have to stop this!”

Littlefoot’s Grandpa sighed and looked at Grandma for a moment. The two of them seemed to reach a conclusion, and Grandma decided to tell their grandson what it was.

“Littlefoot,” said Grandma wisely, “sometimes it’s best to let things run their course, there is little we can do.”  Like the others they were not sure of Sky’s innocence.

“You can’t do nothing,” Littlefoot pleaded, “We know Sky and he didn’t do it… you have to stop this before he gets hurt!”

Both Grandparents looked uncertain, and they could see that most of the other residents of the Great Valley did too, so they chose to wait.

“If you don’t leave we’ll make you leave murderer!” called out Mr. Threehorn. A group of flyers decided to act more directly, and swooped down on Sky with their talons bared. Pushing them aside with his massive wingspan, Sky thundered through them and away as fast as he could – and they followed him.  Other members of the meeting moved to do the same, but they were blocked by Ali’s herd that refused to move.  A shouting match ensued as all the anger and frustration of the day manifested itself.

All the while Ali was in tears… she couldn’t believe what she had caused – Sky was her friend she didn’t mean to implicate him.  Littlefoot nudged her lightly, and she turned to him.

“Come on Ali… let’s go find Sky and make this better.”

“Thanks,” whispered Ali, and the two longnecks whisked off into the valley avoiding notice by anyone else. Seeing this, the rest of the gang followed closely behind.





  • Ducky
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The next part will have a bit about the villains too... nothing is worse then a generic villian with no genuine backstory.


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  • Cera
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Good chapter. :yes Chomper’s practice hunt on Cera and (particularly) Sky’s reaction to Littlefoot and Ali’s chosen method of retrieving him from beneath the tree made me laugh. :lol

One thing that baffles me, though: in the present (the non-flashback scenes), the gang are adults, but it sounded like you said that Ruby is only a teenager. (I’m glad that she’s retained her characteristic way of speaking, in any case. :DD)

Quote from: Caustizer,Aug 30 2009 on  10:52 PM
The next part will have a bit about the villains too... nothing is worse then a generic villian with no genuine backstory.
Whoa, don't say too much! I don’t want to know what’s coming up ahead of time! :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Thanks for catching that Pangea... i've changed it to "Ruby's adult features" because logically she would be an adult too if Littlefoot was.