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The Land Before Time: Far Away Home

Caustizer · 415 · 54889


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Since this weekend is Thanksgiving and this week is notably lighter then my University week usually is, I think I might post Part III earlier then normal.  

I'm sure you guys won't object lol.  :lol


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^ I certainly won’t. :smile First, though, here's my review for Part II:

So the river in the cave is volcanically heated...ah. I was wondering why the gang didn’t get hypothermia from swimming in an icy cavern. :p

I found the scene where Sky finds a diamond, and throws it away because of its uselessness, to be quite amusing, but it also made me think of something: as the hardest substance on Earth, wouldn’t a Creator find a diamond more practical as a possession than any other creature, given its usefulness as a cutting implement? (I suppose Sky didn’t need to create anything at the moment, but still, it’s something to consider.)

And then there’s the part where Tyrus got blasted with a geyser. My first thought was “Ooh dear... :o He may not be dead, but Sky’s ruined his good looks...” :p If Tyrus was out for revenge before, I’m betting that the gang (especially Sky) will have more to fear from him now than ever before...

I do have one grammatical and one typographical nitpick, by the way. :p Firstly...
Sharpteeth crouched low and spread out when they were hunting, while leaf-eaters tended to walk with their heads held high, so they could see their food. This group however, lied somewhere in between.
This is one of the trickiest words to conjugate, but I know that in this context, it should be “lay”.

Secondly, I think the last sentence of the chapter should end with a question mark.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Ok ill fix the errors, thank you for noticing them Pangaea.

I'm starting to get the drift that this story is losing interest, both from me and from some of the people reading it.  If that is the case I was considering pushing it back from a weekly thing to a bi-weekly thing so as to ease the sense of commitment (from both me and my very appreciated group of reviewers).

I've been fanatically persuing FAW because of both boredom at home and my desire to reveal the epic ending with tons of secrets and twists along the way.  In my opinion, this past chapter was the most boring in the story which explains why it was so hard to write.

This story is missing something... I don't know what it is or when it left but I do know is that it's gone and it's absence is effecting my writing.

What do you all think?


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Aww, that's too bad... :(
Well, we can't force you to write more when you don't want to.  :)  I just hope you'll finish this someday. And I'm still excited and looking forward to it.  :DD

Motivation comes and goes... but maybe I can keep you motivated by finishing the picture for Act I which I promised.  :p


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Quote from: Caustizer,Oct 7 2009 on  02:02 PM
Ok ill fix the errors, thank you for noticing them Pangaea.
You're welcome. ;)

I'm starting to get the drift that this story is losing interest, both from me and from some of the people reading it.  If that is the case I was considering pushing it back from a weekly thing to a bi-weekly thing so as to ease the sense of commitment (from both me and my very appreciated group of reviewers).
For what it's worth, I've actually found myself MORE interested in the story lately. (Not that I was ever uninterested in it. :p) Just for clarification, are you saying that you're thinking of posting one chapter every two weeks, or two chapters every week? Either way, it's okay with me (though I will miss the less frequent posting of chapters if it's the former).

This story is missing something... I don't know what it is or when it left but I do know is that it's gone and it's absence is effecting my writing.
Beats me. I don't notice anything different. :confused

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Pangaea,Oct 7 2009 on  06:50 PM
This story is missing something... I don't know what it is or when it left but I do know is that it's gone and it's absence is effecting my writing.
Beats me. I don't notice anything different. :confused
Ah, I forgot that you guys don't know whats coming next  :lol

I'll try and have this chapter up by friday... it's another Ruby/Glide chapter.


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Sorry I had something come up, but don't worry Chapter III will be going up momentarily.  It's an extra long chapter with lots of good moments in it! Enjoy.


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Part III:

With his uncle Sturgeon in the lead, Glide veered his way through the Feral Forest in the dead of night.  He was glad for the cover of darkness – it kept him from the stares of those who knew of his failure.  Wingtails were a tight knit group and all news tended to travel quickly from tree to tree, especially bad news.  On this particular night the two of them were passed through without notice because it was too late for anyone to still be awake – a stroke of luck that was buried underneath his feelings of hate and rage over being summoned.  The elders didn’t even have the decency to let him get a good night’s sleep!  He would be glad when this was over.

“Glide?” inquired the door guard monotonously, the same guard that let him in last time he was here.

“Yes,” answered Glide bitterly.

“You may enter,” said the door guard, before adding, “… alone.”

“I am his uncle and oldest living family,” interrupted Sturgeon, “if he is to be judged, then I have a right to be present.”

The guard’s eyes widened as he took in the size and power of Sturgeon.  He doubted that he could refuse the dark navy wingtail entry even if he really wanted to… so it was best to let him pass.

“Very well, right this way.”

And the two wingtails entered the elders’ tree.

“Back so soon, son of Allisan?” Tenebron said in a mild gibe.  It was clear looking around him that the other elders did not find it the least bit funny.

“You have the Occular in your possession, I trust…” said a female elder distastefully, looking up and down at his form.  Fliela and Star had rubbed off most of the blood, but there were still clearly visible cuts – most notably the gash on the side of Glide’s cheek.

“No… Sky got away,” breathed Glide bitterly.  The council dissolved into a sea of whispers, but the black wingtail couldn’t discern what any of them were saying.  Clearly this was something they had lots of practise at.

“He got away did he?  I was under the impression that you were not to return until the Occular was safely in your possession,” the female said matter of factly.  It was so tactless it made Glide’s stomach tighten.

“Do you still have the Cordian with you, is it undamaged?” insisted an older male elder.  Glide didn’t really know what to think of him yet.


In a slow and grudging motion, Glide pulled the crystal bell out of his wing, and placed it silently on the stump where he had acquired it nearly a week ago.  It made him angry to have to relinquish it so quick, since he had enjoyed carrying it with him.  There was no finer sound in the entire world, now he would never hear it again.

“Apparently our faith in you Glide, was misplaced,” chided the female elder whom Glide now hated.

“Indeed,” sighed Tenebron.  He had actually had believed in the boy, and knew somehow that he would succeed.  It was a shame that heroes like his son Eybron were a rare breed.

“He tried his best, and is not deserving of your scorn,” called out Sturgeon, “I think this ëquest’ you’ve given him was impossible on his own, and you knew he would get hurt.”

“Know your place Sturgeon or you will no longer be welcome here,” the older male elder corrected.  Glide made up his mind that he hated all of them now.

“Now, do you have anything to say before we pass our judgement, Son of Allisan?” the female mocked officially. It was time for Glide to defend himself.

“I was attacked, Sky had help!  I was ambushed by sharpteeth and I nearly didn’t make it back.”

“Excuses, excuses!  I would have thought that the winner of the Fish Day fights for four seasons in a row would able to be handle one simple, weak little outcast who cowers from the judgement of his own kind… or perhaps you aren’t worthy of your titles?” the female leaned forward tauntingly, and Glide had an overwhelming urge to punch her head in.

“Cinceel I think you are being too hard on him, perhaps we should discuss these developments tomorrow when we’ve had time to-”

“Do you not remember Tenebron? We have already decided his punishment, long before he arrived,” Cinceel countered.

“That is correct Tenebron, you were part of that judgement as well, if I do recall,” corrected a younger elder who had remained silent on the issue for most of the meeting.   Tenebron sighed, and waved at Cinceel in submission.  The moment had come, the moment when Glide learned his fate.

“Glide, son of Allisan, for returning without the Occular you have disobeyed our commands regardless of what the circumstances may be.  For this, we sentence you to-”

“Am I correct in understanding that my old task… is once again unfulfilled?” interrupted an unknown speaker from the shadows.

Everyone in the canopy, including all the guards and elders, simultaneously turned to see a dignified grey wingtail emerge from the darkness and greet them all with a cold stare.  It was Eybron.

“What, how DARE you interrupt our sentence?” shouted Cinceel.  She glared at Eybron.

Contrary to the situation, Eybron casually spied a fruit dangling from a branch on the tree.  With a slight reach up he pulled it down and observed it for a moment, before turning to address the elder’s response.

“I was under the impression that all of you, and you especially Cinceel, had given me the task to retrieve the Occular. A task that, despite my safe return, you never bothered to tell me was complete.  Under the current pretext of the situation, I would say that as a standing duty it is quite unfulfilled,” Eybron said slyly, and while the rest of the elders watched with curiosity and some admiration, Cinceel fumed.

“You were not summoned! You have no place here!” she shot down at him.

“Tisk, tisk, such anger over something so trivial.  Judging from your response, I presume that you never want the Occular to be found?” Eybron answered.

The angry female elder didn’t have a plausible retort, so she decided to sit and glare at the unworthy intruder.  Once they were done with Glide, she would deal with him.

“As long as the Occular is missing then it is my mission to find it, as well as Glide’s,” Eybron continued, “So, if you will kindly allow me to have my cohort back and resume my appointed task, then we need discuss it no further.”

Glide couldn’t believe it – this wingtail everyone thought was a hero was sticking out his neck for him.  From what he knew of Eybron he was cold and ruthless and never did anything for anyone that didn’t benefit himself.  Obviously, he had something to gain from being Glide’s friend … but what?

“Eybron, you would take responsibility for both Glide and the finding of the Occular for a second time?” asked the older male.  The other elders including Tenebron but not Cinceel nodded at the validity of the question.

“Of course… a ëhero’s’ duty is never truly honoured,” replied Eybron.

“As you will then… we see no further reason to distract you from your duties.  You are all dismissed,” the older male completed.  All the elders but Cinceel looked content with the decision, so it became official.  Glide owed Eybron a serious debt.


Ruby and Chomper had reached a crossroads.  At the end of the Farwalker Gorge the river emerged from the mouth of a deep, dark cave and flowed viciously past the two small dinosaurs as they transgressed its banks.  The rocks were sharp and slippery going inside which meant they would risk falling into the river if they attempted to cross them.

On the same token, following the path up the wall of the Gorge to their right would not only mean leaving the river – their source of food and water – but it also brought the risk of falling as they ascended.  It was a tough choice.

“Hmm… we can go into the caves over those pointy rocks,” said Ruby as she pointed out the sharp rocks, “…or we can go back up the wall to the top.”  

As she made the statement Ruby felt a pang of fear for both of them.  Going over the rocks meant they could slip into the river and be carried away – a thought that made her start shaking – while climbing the cliff meant they could fall, an equally scary thought. She would leave it to Chomper to choose.

“What do you think Chomper?”

The small sharptooth thought about it for a few seconds, looking back and forth at the different paths they could take.

“I think we should go up… it looks safer then the scary dark cave,” Chomper stated.

“Maybe we should just go back, I mean I’m sure there’s a better why up back the way we came,” Ruby suggested nervously.

“Come on don’t be a scaredy egg, its not that bad.”

The two of them began to climb the wall of the gorge like they had a few days ago, only this time instead of the distance to the ground getting smaller as they went down it kept getting longer and longer as they went up. Ruby kept looking back nervously, and was seriously slowing down their progress.  Chomper decided to make some conversation to make her think of something else.

“So Ruby, back there when the Sharptooth nearly attacked us, how did you know he told us to go back to our nests? I didn’t know you understood sharptooth.”

“Oh my daddy taught me,” replied Ruby, before adding sadly, “… when he was alive.”

“But I thought it was impossible for a leaf-eater to learn sharptooth… they sound totally different,” asked Chomper.

“I’m not a leaf eater am I?” chuckled Ruby, “It took me a long time to understand what he was saying, so daddy only taught me to know what other sharpteeth are saying instead of teaching me to say it too.”

“Do you know things in sharptooth, like this?” Chomper made a strange chain of growls and hisses before adding, “…umm… I hope that’s the right word.”

Ruby laughed.

“That’s easy… you said ëwill you be my mate’.”

Chomper blushed.

“Whoops… I didn’t actually mean that.”  

He had hoped to say ëwill you be my friend’ but sharptooth language didn’t have a word for friend so he used the closest thing he knew – the phrase his parents used sometimes.

“Okay… can you say something in sharptooth – for practise?” asked Chomper, eager to change the subject.

“Sure… umm let’s see,” Ruby said as she thought about what to say, and then she uttered a string of growls and grunts.  Coming from a fastrunner it sounded really weird, and Chomper had some difficulty making it out.

“Well what did I say?” inquired Ruby somewhat nervously.

“I think you said either ëI love mud trees’ or ëI want to rip out your limbs’,” said Chomper in an embarrassed manner.  

He should have lied and said it was something nicer, but Ruby needed to know the truth since she might need to talk her way out of getting eaten by a sharptooth.

“Oh…” said Ruby with surprise, “I guess I’m not too good at this.”

“Don’t worry about it,” assured Chomper, “We can keep trying, and it’s not like we are going to meet a real sharptooth again any time soon.”

Chomper didn’t know how wrong he was.

The conversation carried Ruby and Chomper up the cliff wall and beyond into the wastes, until they had reached the borders of the Feral Forest.  It was the most beautiful wood they had ever visited, and the two of them looked around at the sheer variety of trees and plants that they passed.

“Wow this place is amazing,” commented Chomper, “but I wonder where all the leaf-eaters are.  With this much green food they should be everywhere.”

“They probably saw you,” asserted Ruby, but realizing it sounded unkind she added, “They don’t know that you’re nice.”

“It’s okay, I get that a lot,” Chomper said matter of factly.

It was true… leaf-eaters still ran at the sight of him in the Great Valley if they didn’t know who he was.  Granted it occurred a lot less then it used to, it was still a stinging rejection when all he wanted to do was be friends.  In his mind, just because he ate meat it didn’t mean he couldn’t be their friend.  One day it might become hard for him to differentiate between friends and food, but he hoped it would never come.

“The bush gets thicker here, stay right behind me,” insisted Ruby.

“Okay, but apart from those flyers I don’t see how anyone would be-” Chomper was interrupted as Ruby screamed.  She backed up nearly on top of him, gaping in fear at the gap in the shrubs she just reversed out of.

“What is it, what’s there?” asked Chomper desperately.

“S-Sharptooth! … A mean one!” Ruby cried in fear.

Just as the fastrunner stammered the words a fast biter pushed his way through the bushes and growled menacingly at the two children.  Strangely, Chomper recognized him.

“…Thudd?” Chomper asked in leaf-eater, before repeating it in sharptooth.

“Let’s go!” called out Ruby desperately, “he’s going to eat us!”

“Wait,” insisted Chomper as Thudd reared in surprise, “Thudd… is that you?”

Thudd snarled at Chomper, but didn’t answer.  He had half a mind to devour them both right here, especially the little pink one. He owed her a kick for what she did to his nose when he was still serving Red Claw.  Seeing he wasn’t going to get an answer, Chomper continued.

“Thudd… what are you doing out here? Where’s your pack?”

Things had changed a lot since the Storm Tide between Chomper and Thudd. While they still remained nominal enemies, Thudd indirectly helped them out in defeating his treacherous old master and he still had yet to honour the debt with Chomper for saving his life. Perhaps the small sharptooth could use it as leverage to start a meaningful conversation.

“That life is gone now little biter,” replied Thudd bitterly, and he revealed a arcing scar from the top of his shoulder to just below his throat, “you must have quite the death wish to be standing here before me.”

On that note he bared his teeth and advanced on the children.

“You still owe me Thudd!” shouted Chomper, “you could at least be a bit nicer.”

Thudd snorted at the remark, and turned away.

“Fine, I’ll let you live… this time,” the fast-biter said, and he proceeded to walk away.  Thudd couldn’t believe he was doing this again… letting perfectly good prey escape because of some imagined life debt.

“I’d take living over getting eaten any day,” said Ruby matter of factly, but Chomper wasn’t ready to give up on this yet.

“You didn’t answer me Thudd…what are you doing out here?” the tiny sharptooth asked. Thudd snarled in annoyance and turned back around to face Chomper.  He was really starting to try his patience.

“I serve a new master now, a greater master,” Thudd replied, “one who always feeds those in his service.”

Ruby and Chomper looked at each other in confusion.  What other great sharpteeth were there? Chomper decided it was better not to ask.

“Well maybe you can help us. We’re looking for Cera, our threehorn … nest-mate.”

Again the lack of a sharptooth word for friend really got in his way.  Thudd raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment on it.  When Chomper made his lonely journey to try and make friends with sharpteeth, it failed because he kept trying to talk to them in leaf-eater.  Once he tried in sharptooth, they kept misunderstanding his meaning.  One day he would have to invent a word for friend.

“Perhaps I can help you,” replied Thudd, “but if I do the next time we meet you will be prey… no more life-debts to get in the way.”

“Deal,” stated Chomper.  Thudd continued.

“I saw where those Wingtails took your friend – she was so loud it was insufferable.”

“Hey Thudd, your tail is a tree,” said Ruby in sharptooth. Thudd looked at her in confusion, and Ruby realized she must have messed up her sharptooth again.

“Chomper, can you tell him I’m sorry about his nose,” asked Ruby.  Chomper obeyed.

“Ruby says she’s sorry about your nose,” Chomper said to Thudd.  

The fast-biter turned to Ruby and uttered a string of growls and snarls that she barely understood.  With a snort Thudd turned away.

“I think I must be having trouble hearing sharptooth too,” uttered Ruby, “because it sounded to me like he said ëI want to rip out your limbs’.”

Chomper frowned.

“No, I think he meant it.”

The fastrunner and the tiny sharptooth made to follow the fast-biter as he led them to where Cera was being held.


After the horrific meeting with the elders, Glide was exhausted, hurting, and most of all confused.  Why did this grey wingtail suddenly step in to help him out, when the two of them had only met once?  It wasn’t exactly a nice meeting either, as it was when Eybron pulled him off Sky while he was joyfully beating him to death. Rather then head straight home, an anger coated curiosity lingered in the black wingtail’s mind and forced him to follow his rescuer.  Maybe he could find out what was going on.

Eybron was flanked by at least four personal guards as he flew back to his post at the Sonicron.  Two of them broke off to intercept Glide as he approached but the grey wingtail waved them off.  There was business to be discussed.

“Why did you bail me out… what are you up to?” asked Glide with an edge.

“We are both after the same enemy,” replied Eybron, “if your ëSky’ is being aided by the sharpteeth I believe you have a near impossible task on your hands… one of which you cannot succeed without my help.”

“What makes you think I need you?” Glide retorted.

“Follow me… I will make things clearer once we reach the Sonicron.”

Admittedly, Glide had never seen the Sonicron before in his life.  He made a habit of skipping class when he was a hatchling, so the day when they were allowed past the guards to see it in person he wasn’t there.  Up close, it was the most impressive thing he had ever seen.  The contours of ancient glass had survived the test of time while gaining only a slight tinge, and the sound of the wind echoed through the hallowed inside like the call of a far away god.  Where it not for his present state, Glide would have given anything to speak with Benzon in person and ask him how he made it.  Such a thing could never happen of course, with the Grand Creator having died almost a century ago.

“Magnificent isn’t it?” commented Eybron, “often times I stand here like you do, wondering what it would be like to watch it being made.”

Enough of this… Glide wanted answers and he was going to get them one way or the other.

“Why did you really help me? I don’t think it’s just because Sky has sharpteeth helping him,” the black wingtail asked.

Eybron glared at him with a depth similar to a black hole.  Maybe this wingtail wasn’t as heroic as people thought.

“Understand, I lost my childhood and innocence to the barbaric sharptooth we all call Tyron,” the grey wingtail said bitterly as he leaned towards Glide, “So I will not have my actions questioned by an ignorant little whelp like you.”

It was a surprising change of attitude, one that Glide wasn’t entirely happy about.  Eybron was starting to sound like the elders.

“I brought you here to make a deal Glide... I will help you by sending some of my own guards to assist you in bringing back the Occular and bringing it’s ëkeeper’ to justice.  It suits me, because I cannot bear to have the object which I sacrificed so much for fall back into Tyron’s hands.”

“So you’re helping me find Sky because you fear the sharpteeth will get it…” repeated Glide. The grey wingtail’s motive seemed to check out, “…good.  But why risk yourself to free me, when you could have done that on your own?”

Eybron smiled.  It was an evil and relishing smile that one would expect to see on a sharptooth that had just trapped its prey.

“Ah now we get to the sweet part of the deal.  In exchange for freeing you of the elders’ punishment, you will give your permission for me to court your lovely sister, Star.”

Glide’s answer had already been clear before he opened his mouth.


“Be reasonable Glide, you can’t keep her in your grasp for the rest of her life.  She would die alone and unhappy.  Considering my status in the eyes of the others, who would be a better choice?”

“It’s still no,” replied Glide, there was no way he was changing his mind on this.

“Very well… I guess you prefer to take the punishment the elders have planned for you, live the rest of your life in dishonour and disgrace, and deny your sister the right to choose a mate until she turns to bones and fades from memory?”

Eybron had chosen his words well, and they stung like a fish-bone in the throat. Glide fumed over the hand that nature had given him, over the decision he now had to make.  There was no way out of this for him – but one.  He would have to swallow his pride.


“Alright what?” asked Eybron devilishly.

“Alright you have my permission to mate with Star… but if she says no then the answer is no!” Glide shot at the grey wingtail.

“You have made the right choice Glide; I knew you would see the light.  I expect her to meet me here at dawn, when the sun rises fully over the horizon, for our first date.”

“Yes, she’ll be here,” replied Glide submissively.

“Excellent… have a good night ëSon of Allisan’,”

And on that note Glide was dismissed, and he took off into the air towards home.  His mind was swirling… how was he possibly going to tell Star about this? She would kill him for sure, but he had to do it. He didn’t have a choice.  

Star would understand.





  • Ducky
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Very, very nice chapter.  :lol:

After reading this, I seriously need to read "Storm Tide" to understand the things between Thudd and Chomper.
The last part with Eybron and Glide surprised me a bit. So Eybron want's to mate Star? I thought he was much older, like an adult.  :blink:

...everytime I hear Star's name, I get a racing heart... :p

Keep it up! It's getting really interesting now and I can't wait for the next chapter.  :D


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You call that an extra long chapter? It ended way too soon! :p :lol

Seriously, though, it was fantastic! :smile Glide's trial and his being roped into the deal with Eybron were extremely well written. :yes The only details of the chapter I had issues with were the statements that Ruby’s father is dead (if I recall the epilogue of “Rise of Storm Tide” correctly, you said he lived long enough to at least see his children grow up) and that there is no word in Sharptooth for “friend”. (While the latter allowed for some amusing linguistic exchanges, I can’t imagine that sharpteeth are so universally asocial that none of them has ever developed a word for “friend”óthough I suppose I would be willing to accept that they do have one, but it is so rarely used that most sharpteeth are unaware of its existence.)

Also, while this isn’t a complaint, at the beginning of the part with Chomper and Ruby, I noticed what I thought might be a mistaken word choice:
At the end of the Farwalker Gorge the river emerged from the mouth of a deep, dark cave and flowed viciously past the two small dinosaurs as they transgressed its banks.
The most common definition of “transgress” is “to break a rule or to go beyond a limit” (I checked a dictionary on this). I wondered if the word you intended to use was “traversed” (traveled).

The good points of this chapter, however, far outweighed those that I would consider negative. My favorite parts were Ruby’s attempts at speaking Sharptooth. Those cracked me up. :lol Equally funny (though in a darker sense) was the part where Thud (I was wondering if he would make a return appearance in this fanfic) says something to Ruby that wasócoincidentallyóthe same as one of the misspoken Sharptooth phrases she used earlier.

I’m REALLY curious about what’s happened to Cera at this point. I remember Eybron mentioning something about other young dinosaurs being kept in caves for testing the Sonicron. :unsure: If that’s where Cera’s been taken, it would be interesting to hear part of the story from her perspective; her thoughts on her imprisonment and becoming acquainted with her fellow captives.

I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter. Keep up the awesome work! :D

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Sky,Oct 10 2009 on  03:42 PM
The last part with Eybron and Glide surprised me a bit. So Eybron want's to mate Star? I thought he was much older, like an adult.  :blink:
Things will become clearer soon, but on the human age scale Sky and Star are about in their twenties, which makes them older then the gang (though the gang does age as the story goes on) so mating is something that is not completely foriegn to them unlike it would be with Littlefoot and the others.  Eybron would be in his early thirties by this assumption, so it would be reasonable to believe he might have a crush on her.

I'm glad you both liked this chapter! Since its still early in the weekend I might have to make another chapter, as a thanksgiving treat lol.

After reading this, I seriously need to read "Storm Tide" to understand the things between Thudd and Chomper.

The ending of Rise of Storm Tide is very plot woven, but here's the basic summation: Thudd breaks with Redclaw after he eats injured Screech, and is an anti-hero throughout the entire story. He's not a good guy, but in the end he steps in to help the gang (to his own benefit) and gets his revenge.

You call that an extra long chapter? It ended way too soon!

Extra long as in it was 3,990 words which is much longer then I usually write.  Currently this is the longest chapter in the story... even so that I had to cut out the scene were Ruby and Chomper meet Cera in the cave (another chapter I suppose).


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Part IV:

When Littlefoot finally awoke from his long and hard-earned sleep the sun was just beginning to rise in the sky.  The birds were singing in the trees and the sounds of insects twittered in the nearby reeds.  Littlefoot was the first of the gang to rise from his slumber, but he didn’t bother to awake the others.  There was no need to hurry now that Tyrus was off their trail, so realistically he didn’t even have to wake up at all, he could just lay back down again and rest for a while…

In the end his thirst won out over the urge to sleep, and Littlefoot lugged down to the river.  In his half-awake state he sipped out of the stream, and after a good minute of drinking he felt satisfied.  The longneck licked his lips and looked at his reflection in the water… only to see something horrifying looking back at him.

Littlefoot gasped in surprise, that couldn’t be him!  There was a weird wrinkle underneath his eyes, and the lines on his face were totally different.  What’s going on, what’s happening to him?  He brought one of his wet feet up to his face and rubbed below his eyes to make sure it was real, that he wasn’t imagining what he saw.  It was real… this really was his face.

Although he was disillusioned Littlefoot decided it wasn’t an immediate threat to his existence, so hunger won out and he padded along the side of the small river looking for a nice group of treestars to eat.  The forest was tall and dark, but that also meant there was plenty of green food – provided he could reach it.

The dew on a nearby tree sparkled in the sunlight, making it look particularly tasty. Littlefoot reached up to get the leaves, and he stretched and stretched but it was too high. He would have to get at them another way.

“What’s the matter, too high for you?” said a familiar voice from behind him. With a start Littlefoot turned around to come face to face with a longneck he had known for a while, but it wasn’t Ali.  He gasped in amazement.

“Shorty?  Is that you?”

“Who are you calling short?” Shorty pressed as he advanced towards Littlefoot.

“It’s me… Littlefoot,” Littlefoot replied before adding, “You know… your brother.”

“Littlefoot,” Shorty repeated, before backing up a bit, “wow you’ve changed a lot since me and Bron came to the valley.  How did you make it all the way out here?”

Littlefoot remembered what he saw in the river, and shivered in fear about how Shorty didn’t know it was him at first.  Was he injured at some point along the way? Maybe it was the gas in the Land of the Mists, or perhaps it was something in the tunnels that did it.

“Is something wrong with me Shorty, with my face?” Littlefoot asked his brother desperately, but Shorty just laughed.

“It’s called growing up… it happens,” The green longneck said reassuringly as he used his front left foot to point out his face, which had a similar but less visible wrinkle underneath his eye, “see… it’s happening to me too.”

“Wow, you mean it’s normal? I’m supposed to look this way?”

“Well you’ve grown haven’t you? ... I couldn’t see either of us reaching a tree that high when we were just hatchlings,” Shorty commented.

Littlefoot looked at the tree, and for the first time he noticed that the world wasn’t as big as it used to be.  He certainly had grown, but it had been so subtle he hadn’t noticed it.  Who knows how long his face, his whole body had looked like this before it occurred to him that things had changed.

“Alright, so if you’re here… that means dad’s here too!” Littlefoot pointed out excitedly.

“Yep, we’re all here.  This is our home.”

“Hey Ali, this is Shorty.  He’s my brother,” said Littlefoot.

Ali, Petrie, Ducky and Spike had woken up to find Littlefoot talking with a strange longneck he had just met.  Shorty had changed so much even the three of them that knew him didn’t recognize him.  Ali of course, had never met Shorty before.

“You have a brother Littlefoot,” asked Ali as she raised an eyebrow in confusion, “why didn’t you tell me about him?”

“He was probably hiding me from you, and I don’t blame him,” answered Shorty, butting in front of Littlefoot before he could reply, “If I was friends with someone as pretty as you, I’d probably want to keep it all to myself too.”

“Thank you,” Ali chuckled, and Shorty smiled lustfully back.  Littlefoot felt his temperature rising.

“We are glad to see you Shorty, we are,” Ducky said.

“Petrie glad too, only… me hope you pass longneck test this time.” Petrie added, and Shorty glared at him for the tease.  Everybody but Ali and Shorty laughed.

“Hey Shorty can you take us to see my dad?” asked Littlefoot.

“He’s usually by the big willow, in the center of the forest,” Shorty responded, but he wasn’t looking at Littlefoot. He was staring at Ali.

“There’s a clearing there were he hangs around with the other adult longnecks – it’s not that far you should be able to find it on your own.”

“You’re not coming with us?” inquired Littlefoot.

“Na, I would like to show your friend around, if that’s what she wants,” Shorty replied, and he continued to smile at Ali.  She looked uncertain.

“Well… it could be fun, but I think Littlefoot wants us to go with him.”

“I don’t care what Littlefoot wants, I’m talking about what you want.  Someone as pretty as you deserves everything she wants.”

Shorty was clearly flirting with Ali, and Littlefoot would have none of it.

“She’s coming with me Shorty,” Littlefoot said forcefully.  So forcefully that Shorty turned around and glanced angrily at him.  

“Back off Littlefoot, she’s mine and that’s final.”

His brother lowered his stance, signifying he was getting ready for a fight.

“No it’s not!” Littlefoot yelled back.

“Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?” baited Shorty.

Things were getting really ugly.  Spike and Ducky backed up in fear while Petrie just covered his eyes.

“Me can’t watch this,” the flyer declared in fright.

Littlefoot ground his teeth and stepped forward defiantly.  The moment he did so Shorty made the first move, and swiped his tail at his face.  The blow glanced, but it hurt.  With a snarl Littlefoot jumped at him and a horrible melee erupted.

Ali watched in shock as they shoved, butted and roared at each other.  It was primal rage at its worst.  After what seemed like an entire minute Shorty began to tire and Littlefoot charged hitting him right in the midsection and knocking the green longneck off his feet.  The blow knocked the wind out of him, forcing Shorty to lie there on the ground trying to catch his breath.  Littlefoot was breathing hard too… he limped up to his brother and addressed him with the contempt of the moment.

“Ali’s coming… with me.”

Shorty glared back at him and groaned in pain.  Tears began to pool in the corners of his eyes.  Slowly and surely he rose to his feet.

“I hate you Littlefoot,” he spat in a tone of voice barely above a whisper.  He turned and limped back into the forest. After a few moments he was gone.  The entire incident had lasted a minute and thirty seconds, but to Ali it had passed two quickly to comprehend.  She didn’t know what to think.

“Littlefoot, that was very bad, it was, it was,” said Ducky as she walked next to him and looked up at her friend sadly.  Littlefoot glanced down at her, and right then knew he had done something terrible.  He needed to fix it.

“Shorty… Shorty wait!” Littlefoot called out after his brother, but Shorty was already gone.


Bron was enjoying the pleasant mid-morning sun as he ate his breakfast.  The clearing in the middle of the forest was a large an open area spotted with trees, making it an excellent feeding ground for longnecks who generally require a lot of space.  

Today he was thinking… specifically, thinking about Shorty.  His adopted son was evolving into a fine young longneck, and he seemed more eager to grow everyday.  What concerned Bron was how many fights he was getting into almost on a daily basis.  Losing both his parents was hard on Shorty, and Bron had tried his best to be a good role model but there was a part of Shorty’s nature he just couldn’t fix.  Perhaps it was a scar that would never disappear.

“Hey Bron, there’s this flyer who says he needs to see you,” said a longneck about his age named Brayton, “he says it’s urgent.”

“Well send him over… I’m not busy this morning.” Bron responded kindly.

The flyer turned out to be a blue wingtail named Sky, someone whom he had never heard of before.  Wingtails lived in the Feral Forest over the western mountains, but mostly kept to themselves and rarely left their homeland.  It surprised the adult longneck to be hearing from one, so it must be important.

“So you believe that there is a threat to this valley… from a sharptooth named Tyron?” Bron asked.

“Absolutely… he pursued my friends and me through the Icy Peaks and the Cratered Glen with the intention of catching and killing us,” Sky summarized quickly, “Are we safe here in your forest?”

“Of course,” Bron laughed lightly, “no normal sharpteeth would dare come in here with this many of us to deal with.”

“Tyron is not a normal sharptooth Mr. Longneck, and I believe he will not just let us be here.  I would advise taking precautions for your own safety and the safety of your herd.”

“Didn’t you hear him flyer?” interrupted Brayton harshly, “… no sharptooth would dare come in here with this many longnecks ready to drive him out.”

Bron ignored him.

“What ëprecautions’ do you want us to take?” the adult longneck asked curiously.

“Keep your children within sight at all times, and have those of your herd travel in pairs,” Sky suggested.  

Bron thought about it for a moment, looking out over the field where nearly his entire herd was gathered and feeding.  Hatchlings were joyously playing in the grass, while the parents reached into the tops of the trees to pull down bunches of leaves to feed themselves and their offspring.  Bron made his decision.

“Those are well thought, but Brayton is right.  We haven’t had sharptooth come in here ever before… but we do have a system in place to deal with them if they do.  I will not impose restrictions on my herd without the presence of a real threat, but I thank you for feeling the need to come and warn us.  It is appreciated.”

Sky opened his mouth to argue, but there was no point.  The longneck leader of this forest had made his decision, and now he would have to live with it.  His fate and the fate of his herd was now his own…

Littlefoot, Ali, and the rest of the gang walked along through the Forgotten Forest on the path that Shorty had told them to go.  The trees were getting less dense and the great circle was making its presence known occasionally through the gaps in the greenery.  Everyone looked happy at how lovely the day was, and how much green food around there was to eat – everyone except Littlefoot.  He couldn’t stop thinking about the fight with Shorty, and just the events of the entire day.  In one day he had found the lines of adolescence on his face, and fought his brother for a girl he liked.  He was growing up really fast, and it was a strange and saddening thought.  Unknowingly, the longneck started to fall behind the rest of the group.  Ali stopped to let him catch up.

“Are you okay Littlefoot,” she asked.

“I don’t know Ali, today has just been so strange,” Littlefoot answered sadly.

 Ali decided to cheer him up.

“You know… nobody has ever fought for me before.”

Littlefoot looked up at her in surprise, and found himself staring right into her eyes.  Ali was smiling at him.

“I’m glad you care about me enough to want me around…  Rhett was into himself too much to ever notice me.”

The two longnecks were really close together now, and their eyes were on level.  Littlefoot’s heart started pumping really fast, and his vision started to blur.

“I-I’m sorry you had to see that… between me and Shorty it was wrong and I shouldn’t have–”

Ali interrupted him by leaning forward, and touching her nose to his.  Littlefoot had never felt anything like it, not even when she kissed him at the edge of the Land of the Mists.  It was like he was living a dream.  The moment only lasted a few seconds, before they parted.

“It’s so strange Littlefoot, but watching you fight made me want to be with you even more,” Ali whispered into his ear.

“Hey Littlefoot you slower then belly-dragger, hurry up!” shouted Petrie from the air as he flew over their heads, spoiling the moment.

“I guess we have to go see your dad now,” Ali said disappointingly.

“Yeah,” replied Littlefoot without enthusiasm, before adding positively “come on you’ll like him.”

Now he had even more to think about then he had before, but this time all of his thoughts were centered on a single thing - his first real kiss.

The gang reached the open field just as the great circle was high in the sky, signifying noon.  After a quick lunch, Littlefoot commenced the search for his father.  It didn’t take a long time at all; as he was exactly were Shorty said he would be – next to the willow in the center of the field.  Several other longnecks were there too, and they appeared to be speaking about something.  Littlefoot ran with Ali close behind, and as he got closer he also spotted Sky in the tree listening in on the discussion with the longnecks.  He had been wondering where the blue wingtail had run off too.

“Dad…Dad!” shouted Littlefoot as he ran.

Bron had been lying down, leaning on one of his paws in boredom when he suddenly heard the call and sprang up.  The other longnecks turned to him in shock.

“Littlefoot?” Bron yelled back, “Littlefoot you made it!”

The two longnecks met at some point in the field, and Bron lowered his nose to touch Littlefoot’s.

“I knew one day you would find us here son, that you would find where my herd came from.”  Littlefoot’s father said in a joyous tone.  He was so glad to see his son again.

“I’m glad to see you too dad… but it’s because of Sky that we made it this far,” Littlefoot said as he smiled and looked to Sky in the tree.  Bron turned and did the same.

“Well then, it would appear there is a lot more to our blue visitor then meets the eye,” Bron said so that all the other longnecks could hear him.  They began to whisper amongst themselves.

“Yeah, there certainly is,” added Littlefoot with a smile.

Up in the tree several yards away Sky stood amazed.  For all his intellect he had absolutely no idea that the elder whom he had been speaking with was related to Littlefoot, but even so it was a pleasant and excellent surprise.  It meant that not only were they welcome here, but that they were honoured guests.


Prince Tyrus awoke with a sharp pain to his side.  It wasn’t a dull, burning pain like the one all over his body, but a slamming pain that comes from a kick to the side.  He opened his eyes and roared, causing the ground to shake and rumble.  The sharptooth turned on the ground like a snake to face his attacker.

“Has the hunt proved too difficult for our noble young prince, or did he simply forget to watch his step?” came the taunting words of a fellow sharptooth.

All around fast-biters made chattering sounds akin to laughter, each one mocking Tyrus’ prized image.  He would not be embarrassed like this.  Looking around the first thing he noticed was how unusually large and physically fit all the fast-biters looked… they certainly weren’t his kin.  The long scars that ran from the tops of their heads to the tips of their noses revealed what they truly were. They were Tyron’s elites – the Stalkers.  This meant that the sharptooth jeering him could only be royalty like him, their leader and his despicable uncle known as Tharon.

“Tharon, what is your miserable hide doing here?  What dirty work has father got you doing this time?”  Tyrus spat as he rose from the ground.  

Once the prince was on his feet, the fast-biters stopped laughing.  If there was one thing sharpteeth respected it was size, and once it became clear he was over three times as big as they were they shut their mouths.  Tyrus was big, but unfortunately Tharon was bigger.

“The work of the Stalkers is none of your concern Prince,” Tharon snarled, “this entire hunt you have been senselessly leading my brother’s forces on ends right now.  By his will, all of your servants now belong to me… I suggest you don’t challenge this and force my hand.”

A bird was circling above, and it cawed in delight at the scene that was conspiring below.  Tyrus took one look up at it, before glancing at the forest that covered the entire sight line to his right.   The bird’s name was Macaw, and he was a translator.  If Macaw was here, as well as Tharon and a large bunch of his Stalkers, that could mean only one thing.

“You intend to assimilate that forest into Tyron’s domain?” pressed Tyrus.

Tharon snarled, along with a good bunch of his Stalkers.  The Prince was right.

“Pretty smart aren’t you… just like your father,” Tharon said with contempt as he beckoned his fast-biters to follow him, which they did, “… and if you want to live to return to your father, you will stay out of my way.”

Tyrus’ face burned as the entire force of fast-biters, including his own, moved to follow Tharon into the Forgotten Forest.  In total, there must have been over three dozen of them.  Redgar passed him and hissed bitterly.  Clearly the fast-biter didn’t think enough of him to be loyal beyond orders.  He would pay for his disloyalty.

In Tyron’s empire the Stalkers were the only sharpteeth who were trained from birth to fight and kill.  Freed of any need to hunt, they endlessly practised their skills and honed their art of death to one they could use at any time and in any place without hesitation.  They knew how to stay in the shadows and the dark, and are supernaturally silent in their work.  ëStalker’ was only the accepted name that most sharpteeth had for them.  Amongst the lowliest of them, they were known as ëchild-killers’, and for good reason.  Their primary target was children, to keep the leaf-eaters in line.  A threehorn for example, if fully grown could defend itself from any attack, but it could not stop its children from being culled in their nests while they slept.  Fear was a cruel and barbaric pinnacle of his father’s empire… one that he used often to ensure the food supply remained cooperative.

Prince Tyrus almost felt sorry for whatever lived in that forest, for death was coming their way.


When Star awoke in the morning, the sunrise was just peeking into their family tree in the Feral Forest.  It was a rude awakening however, as Glide told her what he had arranged for her on the previous night.  She completely flipped out.

“You did WHAT!?!” Star yelled as Glide told her about her date with Eybron.

“I had to do it Star, I needed his help,” Glide retorted desperately, “I had hoped you would understand.”

“Understand? How did you possibly think I would understand you arranging a date for me, without my permission, on the morning I have to teach a class?”

“But Star –” began Glide.

“I’m not doing it… I’m not spending my day with the most cold-hearted wingtail in the entire forest just because you don’t want to fess up to your actions.”

Star was furious… she was so angry it was becoming difficult to speak.

“Calm down dear, please,” begged Aunt Fliela, “you’re waking up all the neighbours!”

“I only had one chance Star, we are family and we have to help each other out,” replied Glide desperately, “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”

It took a few minutes for the situation to cool down, with Star sitting silently staring at the lines on the branch underneath her.  Her tail wagged from side to side nervously as she thought about what to do, how to react to this.  Her brother was desperate, and needed her help, but she had already given her heart to another.

“Glide,” Star said silently, “It’s just a date… right?”

“Yes, it’s only one day,” answered Glide, “you can just go wherever he takes you and refuse at the end… so I still get to keep our deal.”

Star didn’t answer for a few moments.

“Okay Glide, I’ll do it, but only because we are family and you really need my help.”

Glide lightly took hold of her hand.

“Thank you Star, I’ll make it up to you when I get back,” he answered.

“But what about Sky, will you hurt him?” Star asked.

“I can’t promise that this time, I’m sorry,” said Glide regrettably, “even if don’t participate, Eybron’s guards will end his life on their own – it’s what they do.  I know you have something for him, but you have to learn to let go Star.  He has betrayed us, and will pay the price.”

On that note a dark wingtail entered the tree.  From his sturdy form and noble demeanour it was clear that he was one of Eybron’s guards and that he was here for Glide.

“Goodbye sis,” called out Glide as he left.  

He didn’t see the tear running down her cheek.





  • Ducky
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As I said I would, Part IV is complete and posted.

Because I have a Geological Excursion next weekend, I will not be posting Part V until the weekend after this one.  Consider this next weekend's Part, just a week early!  :lol

Also, I've been considering adding a title to all my chapters like I do for them when I post them on

What do you guys think?

For instance, instead of it looking like this:

Part VIII:

It would look like this:

Part VIII: The Loss of Innocence



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  • Cera
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Quote from: Caustizer,Oct 12 2009 on  09:59 PM
Also, I've been considering adding a title to all my chapters like I do for them when I post them on

What do you guys think?
I like titled chapters. I’m all for it. :yes

Your portrayal of Bron in this chapter is very fitting with what we saw of him in LBT X: Moral and good intentioned, but underestimating of sharpteeth and (in my opinion) a bit overconfident. Shorty is also quite accurate, though even more pugnacious and headstrong than before. I commend you on both characters.

By the way, the “bird” character you introducedóMacaw; is he a sharpbeak (Ichthyornis), or an Archaeopteryx like the ones in LBT VII, IX, and X? Or some other kind of Mesozoic avialan that didn't appear in the LBT series?

I’m still not clear on whether you appreciate my sharing proofreading feedback here, or find it annoying, but I spotted two small errors in this chapter:
“Are you okay Littlefoot,” she asked.
There should be a question mark there.
even if don’t participate, Eybron’s guards will end his life on their own – it’s what they do.
You forgot the word “I” in there, between the two underlined words.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Yes, it was another great chapter to read. ^_^
I'm enjoying this story more and more for every chapter you put up. :D

“It’s called growing up… it happens.”

Oh my, Littlefoot hits puberty.  :lol
And Shorty too. I never thought I would see him again in this story, that makes it even better!

Ali interrupted him by leaning forward, and touching her nose to his.  Littlefoot had never felt anything like it, not even when she kissed him at the edge of the Land of the Mists.  It was like he was living a dream.

This was my favourite scene in this chapter. :yes


Also, I've been considering adding a title to all my chapters like I do for them when I post them on

Titled chapters... yes, that would be great. Would give an idea what it will be like  :lol:


  • Ducky
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By the way, the “bird” character you introducedóMacaw; is he a sharpbeak (Ichthyornis), or an Archaeopteryx like the ones in LBT VII, IX, and X? Or some other kind of Mesozoic avialan that didn't appear in the LBT series?

Sorry I ran by this fact so fast I didn't bother to make it as desciptive as it should have been.  Macaw is indeed a sharpbeak, and he translates from leaf-eater to sharptooth and back.  Prince Tyrus knows him because Macaw is a servant to his father.

Ali interrupted him by leaning forward, and touching her nose to his.  Littlefoot had never felt anything like it, not even when she kissed him at the edge of the Land of the Mists.  It was like he was living a dream.

This was my favourite scene in this chapter.

I'm glad you liked it.  Love scenes are easy to write, but they are difficult to write well.  They key thing here is that unlike Sky and Star in the next part (oops, spoiler  :oops ) Littlefoot and Ali don't understand love, so simply saying 'I love you' would not only be corny and cliche, but it would also not make sense for them to say at this point in their lives.  It takes a while before either of them really understands the true meaning of love, but as witnessed in the future scenes they eventually come around.


Something interesting that I've noticed about the story as I write it is how there is a bit of a "hate-o-graph" going on about the main villians of the story.

For the first act Tyron and Eybron - the big time villians - are barely introduced so the readers will tend to hate Glide the most because he has done the most wrong.

In the second act so far Glide has been beaten up both physically and verbally, and is forced to make a deal against his pride to attempt to win back his honor.  Glide is afraid of what he's getting into, and things aren't looking good for him.  I intended for some readers to actually start to pity him, though I'm not giving away anything that's going to happen in the next few chapters or Act 3.

Eybron is pushing his way back into the story, but he hasn't done anything overly evil apart from kidnapping Cera (which was undirected - his henchmen did it for another cause).  Apart from his intentions to mate Star and his cold calculated ways, he could actually be percieved as a good guy (he's only against Sky at this point due to a misunderstanding).  Eybron will become a more 'interesting' character as the story progresses.

Tyron, or at least his son Prince Tyrus is without a doubt the main villain of Act 2 so far, and from the things we have learned about him he's evil, dominating, and goes against the natural order of things in the dinosaur world for his own benefit.

Things are shaping up to look like this:

Most Hated Villian of Act I   - Glide
Most Hated Villian of Act II  - Tyron
Most Hated Villian of Act III - Eybron

Which is kind of interesting and unintended.

Of course, that's just how I think things are going to work out... I can't tell you who you hate the most it's up for you to read and decide!



  • Ducky
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Sky and Star in the next part? Now I'm getting even more excited!  :wub


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Part V: Love and Hate

The frigid air chilled its way over Cera’s thick skin as the tree tops skirted below her at a break neck pace.  The two wingtails who kidnapped her held on tight with their foot talons, so tight that her wrists felt like they were blistering.  Despite this she had no choice but to hope they hung onto her, for the alternative was a steep drop towards the ground and a sudden, painful stop.

Of course when the two of them picked her up she had kicked and screamed with all her might, and tried to bite them a few times.  There was one time she succeeded in nipping the left one’s ankle, only to have her other captor almost immediately claw her in the face in retaliation.  The two wingtails were obviously twins, as they not only completed each other’s sentences but they also seemed to share the same interests too… not that she cared.  It was spiteful how they kept pointing things out while they flew, like how “beautiful the spring was this time of year,” and how “cloudless and wonderful” the day was.  They seemed to behave like they weren’t committing an offence against nature by kidnapping her, and it was just a normal day.  Wingtails, at least the ones she had met so far, never failed to get on her nerves.

“Flying is always more pleasant when the wind is at your back, wouldn’t you agree?” remarked the darker of the two twins on her right.  

The two twins were so sickeningly alike that they even flapped their wings in unison, and the dull throbbing sound was annoying in the extreme.

“Aye, but I always preferred flying into the wind… it means solid lift and easy gliding, but of course you’re correct as well due to the lack of need for wing beating,” replied the lighter one on Cera’s left.

“TouchÈ,” conceded the darker one.  Cera had had enough of this.

“Will you knock it off? You two disgust me!” the threehorn shouted.

The two wingtails turned and gave her glowering looks of displeasure.  She retorted by sticking out her tongue at them.

“You’re being awfully impolite, considering the situation in which you currently reside,” replied the darker wingtail in a wise-ass tone.

“Oh yeah? Well if you were gonna drop me you would have done it already,” stated Cera smartly.

Both twins looked at each other without responding to Cera’s bait, and after a moment seemed to come to a silent agreement between the two of them.  It was a common occurrence.

“Tell me, are you a good swimmer little threehorn?” asked the darker of the two wingtails.

“Hah! You bet I am,” replied Cera confidently, “I’m the best in the whole valley.”

“Oh really…” commented the lighter wingtail, rolling his eyes.  His darker twin snickered in amusement.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” pushed Cera.

“Nothing… it’s just your ignorance,” added the darker wingtail with a smirk.

Cera fumed at the indignity.

Nobody in the Great Valley had ever insulted her like this before… they all seemed to understand her need to feel better then everyone else.  Who did these bird-brained idiots think they were laughing at her? Once they let her down she would give them a taste of her mind.

“I’m sorry I just can’t help but point out the irony of the moment,” smiled the lighter wingtail, “because not only do you claim to be the best swimmer in your valley, but you get to prove it for us.”

The two flyers with Cera in their bottom talons skirted a rocky ridge and flew out over a massive lake she had never seen before.  The Abyss Lake was indescribably beautiful from this high, with light blue water so clear she could see all the way to the bottom in some places.  She hadn’t wondered about what it was like to be a flyer, but at this moment she almost wished she was one so she could see the world like this anytime she wanted.  At the center of the lake the water grew very deep and dark, and strangely enough it appeared to be ëcircling’ around a white misty cloud in the centre.  A thunderous roar reached her ears.

“W-what’s that?” asked Cera nervously as she gazed at the Whirlpool.  Even the two wingtails who had lived here all their lives were unnerved by it.  More wingtails had drowned in the Whirlpool then from Jungle Runner attacks and sickness combined.  It was a forbidden place for their kind to venture.

“Why, it’s your chance to prove to us how great of a swimmer you are,” taunted the lighter wingtail, “goodbye.”

Cera screamed as they let her go over the water.


Ruby and Chomper made their way through the Feral Forest, pushing aside branches and treading carefully through a maze of broken sticks and plants on the forest floor.  Thudd was in the lead, but many times he would sprint on ahead temporarily leaving them behind.  It was his way of expressing his annoyance at their low progress.  To pass the time and to practise speaking sharptooth Ruby and Chomper were playing a game of ëI See Around Me’ exclusively in that language.

“I see around me something that green,” said Ruby carefully in sharptooth.  She knew most of the words now, but grammar was still an issue.

“Hmm, is it that leaf?” asked Chomper as he pointed upwards into the trees.

“No it not,” responded Ruby in amusement.  The chain of growls sounded so weird coming out of the pink fastrunner’s mouth, but at least now Chomper could tell she had almost got the basics down.

“How about this one?” suggested Chomper eagerly.

“No,” sighed Ruby.

“This one?”


“What about this one?”

This was really getting on Thudd’s nerves.  Not only did he have to endure the little runner’s piercing accent and horrible grammar, but he also had to listen through their ridiculous game.   He turned and in a sudden rush he snapped his jaws right next to Ruby’s face.  She cried out and slipped backwards into the mud.

“My eyes when I’m tearing you and your friend to bits?” snarled Thudd.

“Umm… your eyes blue,” said Ruby after a bit of thought to get the right words.  Considering his face was closer to hers then it had ever been, it was a fairly obvious observation.

Thudd’s eyes widened in surprise.  He jerked his head to glance at Chomper, who was nodding at him.

“Ruby’s right Thudd, your eyes are blue.”

Thudd snorted in annoyance.  What did it matter… as long as these two hatchlings stopped pestering him with their stupid game.  Still, it was surprising that he had never known what colour his eyes were up until this point.  It couldn’t be that he was colour-blind could it?  He wouldn’t know even if he was.

After another hour of wandering through the woods, Thudd stopped in front of an imposingly large cliff near where the water of the Abyss Lake met the shore.  The fast-biter turned to them and addressed them with distain.

“This is where they took the screaming whelp, up there.”

Without hesitation Ruby filed past and started to ascend the rocks.  She jumped from rock to rock, and was making good progress thanks to her physical dexterity.  Chomper stopped as he passed Thudd and the two sharpteeth met eyes.

“What do you want… little biter?” growled Thudd.

“You know we can still be friends any time you wanna be,” said Chomper as he smiled.

Thudd made an expression that Chomper had never seen him make before.  It was not a smile, but it certainly was close.  The little sharptooth didn’t know what it meant, but it only lasted for a second before being replaced by Thudd’s usual aggressive demeanour.

“We’ll see,” replied Thudd as he looked away.

Chomper waved at him goodbye, and followed Ruby up the cliff.


Cera screamed for help as she pulled herself out from under the water.  The current was moving fast and it was dragging her towards the Whirlpool at an alarming rate – there was no way she could fight it.

“Help me, help me please!” the threehorn begged as she was pulled under the water again.

The two wingtails looked on from above, laughing at her.  When Cera finally pushed her way to the surface they were circling around just out of her reach.  She struggled to stay afloat amidst the turbulent water.

“Having fun aren’t we? I thought you were the best swimmer in your valley,” taunted the darker one.  

The thunderous roar of the Whirlpool was getting closer and closer, and Cera was fighting for her life.  It was pulling her in, and if she didn’t fight it the current would drag her down to her doom.

“Help, help!” Cera choked above the overwhelming sound of the water.  She could hate them later right now her life was on the line and they were her only hope.

“Oh fine, shall we?” suggested the lighter wingtail to his brother.

“I was willing to keep her in longer, but I suppose it’s for the best.”

With a fluid and thoroughly practised motion, the two wingtails scooped Cera up from the water with their talons, and pulled her free of the rampaging current. Another minute and she would have been swallowed whole by the maw of death itself.

“I trust we won’t have to suffer anymore unwanted outbursts?” the lighter wingtail teased with a mocking grin on his face.  Cera just glared at him, and muttered something under her breath.

Her kidnappers took the threehorn to the banks of the Abyss Lake, to an imposing set of cliffs on the far east side.  Here the waves smashed relentlessly against the rocks and carved out a set of caverns that pocketed the rocky wall staining its perfection.  The two wingtails rose up higher, and then dropped her roughly on an outcropping that hung over the water.  Cera rolled for a while, before coming to a stop against a hard stone.  The wingtails landed behind her.

“You know, you should thank us for giving you such a nice ride little threehorn.  Not many of your kind would get such a privilege,” the lighter wingtail pointed out.

“Hah, do you honestly think I’m going to thank you for all that,” Cera said as she snorted and scraped up some of the hard ground with her front left foot, “I’m gonna turn you into dead meat!”

Now that things were back on the ground, it was time for Cera to exact some revenge on her kidnappers.  With a growling roar she charged.  The wind whistled past her as she sliced through the air towards her taunting adversaries.  Just as she reached them the cowards slid out of the way, causing Cera to charge right past.  Unfortunately ëright past’ lead directly off the cliff, and just as she thought she was going to shoot off the edge one of her kidnappers grabbed her tail and yanked her back, throwing the helpless threehorn onto her back in the dirt.  She could hear their cruel, mocking laughter.

“Good try, but before you attempt something like that you might want to be a bit bigger, or perhaps faster,” chided the lighter wingtail.  

His darker blue companion picked up Cera by the scruff of her neck, and held her to his eye level.  Unlike his brother he looked mad.

“We have had just about enough from you hatchling… now enjoy your new home.”

As Cera struggled and snapped at him with her teeth - to very little success - the wingtail walked up to a cave on the outcropping that she hadn’t noticed before.  She had gone for vengeance before even looking around to see where she was.  Mercilessly, he tossed her inside, which it turned out was a hole that went deeper into the ground.  Rolling off the rocky walls, her tough skin kept her safe until she came to a stop at the deep, dark bottom of the hole.  The ordeal was finally over.


Sky knew where they were, and how close his homeland was.  Some nights the fresh breeze would bring in the sent of the lily trees, or a faint whiff of the lake.  It had been nearly a week since the gang and he had arrived at the Forgotten Forest, and now for sure he could say the children had found a place where they belonged.  There were plenty of longnecks in the valley, and even some swimmers and spiketails too… so there was much fun to be had amongst the younger generation for the younglings under his care.  The fact that Littlefoot had found his father and was spending an increasing amount of time with Ali, whom he clearly had a love interest in, was heartening and lifted a great weight off his wings.

It would be easier for them to accept it when he left.

Although he felt slightly bad for doing so, Sky knew it was the best for them to stay here.  He had a job to do and it would be done a lot quicker without the burden of the younger dinosaurs on his back.  It was not only that, but he was also worried about this ëPrince Tyrus’ who was now out to get him.  The blue wingtail knew that Tyron was unlikely to push this far to the east, but territorial boundaries wouldn’t stop a sharptooth as hell-bent on his demise like Tyrus from tracking him down – provided the fiend survived the geyser blast to the face.  Maybe Sky was lucky, and the sharptooth died from infection.

There was a sharp crack in the bush underneath his branch perch, and Sky rotated around to peer down at the cause.  A pair of deadly yellow eyes looked up at him, scanning his frame for the plump and delicious meat it craved.  The fast-biter was way too far down to be a threat to him, but even then it did not matter.  Sky could tell by the mark on it’s forehead that it was one of Tyron’s elite spies, the Stalkers.   Another fast-biter peered up at him too, before kicking his companion harshly for his lapse in duty.  They weren’t here to chase after birds; they had more important things to do.  The two sharpteeth turned away from Sky and prowled back into the woods.  Sky looked away, and pretended the incident never happened.  The ground walkers were no longer his responsibility anymore… their fate was their own.

The great circle was dipping low in the sky as Sky sat on a cliff facing the west and watched it go down, like he did every night.  The sight of its beautiful glowing red colour reminded him of Star, and of the past life that he had lost.  There was a time when he knew he loved her, but so many things had changed since then it was like he couldn’t even remember anymore.  It was like the imagines and feelings in his brain had faded, to be replaced with a lingering guilt over all the bad things he had done.  Even if he could see Star again, he doubted she would forgive him for what he did.


It was only a single word, but it overturned his world in an instant.  Sky turned on his feet to come face to face with the exactly wingtail he had wanted to see.  Star.  He couldn’t believe his eyes.

“I knew you would be here,” Star said as her eyes met Sky’s.  She had landed on the cliff right behind him, and he hadn’t noticed.  

“Star, how did you… why did you… how did you find me?” Sky stammered in his shock.

“Eybron’s wingtails said you were here, before they left with Glide to kill you.”  Star responded sadly. A small tear pooled in her eye, and she looked like she was about to cry.  Sky stepped forward and took her hand.  He hated to see her this way.

“I’m so sorry Star, I didn’t mean it to happen this way,” Sky said to her in a half whisper.  Star rubbed away the tear with her other hand, and sniffed.

“But why Sky, why did you not come back?” she asked desperately, “you left when the elders gave you your quest… but…but… you never came back.  Why didn’t you come back, I was waiting.”

Sky shushed her to stop Star from crying.

“Has somebody hurt you?” he asked.  They were still holding hands.  

“Glide betrayed me,” replied Star with weeping still in her voice, “he tried to make me love someone else for his mistakes, after all the seasons he protected and d-defended me.”

Star started bawling again, and Sky pulled her in close.  He felt bad for her, and he knew she needed him.  Even after all this time, he still remembered the warmth of her feathers and the sweet sound of her voice.  He rubbed the back of her rock lightly, and rocked a bit on his legs.  After a moment or two she pulled back again, covered in tears and looking ashamed at how intrusive she had been.  She sniffed again, and wiped her face in a bid to hide the water that covered it.

“I’m the one who’s sorry Sky,” Star said with a bit more toughness in her voice, “sorry for not seeing who I really belonged with, and not stopping Glide from hurting you.”

“It’s alright… really… I’m glad you came to find me,” Sky whispered with an encouraging smile, “I missed seeing you.”

Star sniffed again, and rubbed her eyes once more.  When they opened, she turned towards him and said what she had really meant to say.

“Why did you leave and not come back Sky, why did you abandon me?” she asked with more fortitude.

“It’s… complicated,” responded Sky.  He didn’t want to give the secret up.

“I don’t care how it complicated it is,” Star asserted, “I love you and if you love me you will tell me why you didn’t come back for me when I needed you.”

Sky looked into her eyes, and saw the depth of anguish she had experienced over him.  It was far deeper then the current happenings with Glide, but now that the newness of their sudden meeting had passed he knew she wanted answers.  If there was anyone in the world that deserved to know, it was her.  Sky sighed.

“I didn’t come back because… I completed my quest, because I found the Eye of the World.”

“You found it?” asked Star excitedly, “but that’s excellent you can come home!  If you return the Occular the elders will drop this… foolishness!”

The look on Sky’s face told Star that he couldn’t do it, that there was a deeper reason why he didn’t come home.

“But when I found the Eye of the World, it was… I can’t describe it.  It was too horrible to put words to.  Benzon abandoned it as soon as he created it hundreds of seasons ago, and when I found the reason he did, I knew I couldn’t come home.  The elders demanded that I return with its location or not at all, and I couldn’t let something so terrible be revealed for everyone else to see.”

Star didn’t like Sky’s answer, and she expressed it.

“But what about us?” she shouted, “what about me, and you, and the love we shared, you were willing to throw that all away for some stupid quest?”

“Forgive me Star, but I did would I had to do.  I didn’t want things to happen this way,” Sky begged, “I have thought of you everyday since they tore us apart, since the elders told us to never see each other again.  I thought that maybe, after all the time I was gone, you had forgotten me.”

Star raised her hand to Sky’s head.  For a moment he thought she was going to slap him, but it turned out she just wanted to feel the side of his face.  She rubbed the side of his cheek under his eye, just where he liked it.

“I could never forget you Sky,” the red wingtail whispered to him.

The darkness had just begun to settle on the landscape as the great circle had nearly passed beneath the horizon.  For once Sky was not watching it, but focusing intently on the beautiful creature in front of him, the love of his life.  He was sure at this moment that he and Star were soul mates.  The lust in her eyes shone like two blazing suns and his very world seemed to mould into a conscience view of her, because nothing else mattered.

It was impossible to say why, but at that moment Sky felt himself spring forward to meet her, and the two of them touched beaks.  For what felt like an eternity, he felt the heat of her body pressed against his and the warmth of her breath on his face.  The experience was so intense, it seemed like too much for the world of the living to bear.  After a while they did separate, but Sky wasn’t done yet.  His desire was too strong to hold back.

“Did you want to pick up where we left off… you know at the lake?” he asked her lustfully.  She knew what it meant.

“I would love that.”

The two wingtails embraced once more, and it was so close that Sky didn’t notice her reaching into his wing and removing the Occular from its place of keeping.  If Sky wasn’t going to return it, then she would do it for him and clear his name.  Then they could be together… forever.

As the dusk’s last light faded over the horizon, they mated.




  • Ducky
  • *
    • Posts: 1484
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I considered going into more detail with Sky and Star, but I'm sure it was best to simply leave things to the imagination  :lol

It's looking like Act II may go over even eight chapters now... theres just too much to pack into one Act!  Perhaps when I wrote this I should have thought more carefully about the length of each installment.



  • Ducky
  • *
    • Posts: 1515
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And again, another great chapter.  :yes

Aww, poor Cera. First, her pride as the tough threehorn gets hurt and now she's being tossed into a deep, dark cave...  :o
Luckily, Chomper and Ruby are coming to the rescue.  :DD

But the best part of this chapter is the last one with Sky and Star (you knew I would say that :lol).
It just gave me a warm feeling while reading it.  :wub

I think I'll wait one or two more chapters before I draw the next picture for Act II. ;)

It was impossible to say why, but at that moment Sky felt himself spring forward to meet her, and the two of them touched beaks. For what felt like an eternity, he felt the heat of her body pressed against his and the warmth of her breath on his face.
As the dusk’s last light faded over the horizon, they mated.
These totally made my day!  :lol: