The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165836


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Jasper said to Von, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go and explore. Hopefully I won't end up falling into a river again or have to climb a tree. I just took a shower ten minutes ago and I do not like getting dirty for any reason."


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Von and Jasper left the group together to look for other GOF members, and hopefully some of the Great Valley characters they both knew and loved.

"You wanna goto the Mysterious caves to see if Chomper and Ruby are there?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Nana sighed, watching the two humans walk off and realized it was just her and sparky, but Sparky seemed rather distant.

"Yo, Sparky? Are you okay?" she asked with concern in  her voice.


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Jasper said to Von, "That would be a good place too look. There is one thing that I've been wondering. Since Nana and Sparky are humans that are in dinosaur forms do you think we have forms too?"


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"I don't know, maybe. I think that's a question for the other GOF members, someone must know."

Von thought about that for awhile, and he wondered what kind of dinosaur he could turn into. The thought kind of scared him, but intrigued him as well.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Pangaea had been silent for some time now. Daniel was the only one who had so much as responded to his discussion of dinosaur diets, and even he hadn’t spoken in a while. Cera and Tricia had been quiet for even longer.

Feeling awkward, Pangaea began slowly, nervously wandering around (trailed by Guido as usual). Gradually he moved away from Daniel, Cera, Tricia, and Petrie, closer to where Sparky and Nana were. As was typical of him, he was too shy to attempt to start a conversation, hoping instead that someone would speak to him first.


Screech heard Red Claw calling for him and Thud. “Over here, next to all the food, O great tactical leader!” he yowled back, his tone waterlogged with sarcasm.

Red Claw’s not going to like you talking to him that way,” Thud warned his companion.

Like I care,” Screech muttered, cracking another bone between his jaws. “That overblown maniac’s the one responsible for putting us through this torture!

His plan did get us food, though,” Thud pointed out, looking out over the carcass-strewn battleground.

Screech growled. He was angry with Red Claw for causing him and Thud so much grief through his increasingly deranged quest for revenge, but he couldn’t argue with Thud’s logic. “True,” he conceded reluctantly. I suppose he is keeping up his end of the bargain. We help him hunt, he supplies enough food for all three of us. Still, what good is an easy meal if you’re not alive to enjoy it?


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Great Valley…in the forest…beneath a rather dew-laden tree…


“GLAUGH! WHAT THE–?!” Ozzy hollered as a splash of cold water hit him in the face. Sputtering and wiping the water out of his eyes, he looked up to see several large spreading leaves on which a considerable amount of water had condensed overnight, one of which had spilled its dewy cargo directly onto his head.

Ozzy grumbled. While in the Land of Mists, he had received this unwelcome wake-up call more times than he could count, yet he never got used to it. One of the things he had been looking forward to when he and Strut finally found their way out of that foggy wilderness was no longer having to wake up that way. Yet on his first night back in the Great Valley, that was exactly what happened to him. The irony of it made Ozzy scowl. Sometimes he felt like the unluckiest egg stealer in the world, which did nothing to help his fragile temper.

At that moment, Ozzy turned his attention to another constant thorn in his side, as he became aware that, at the moment, that thorn was absent. “Strut!” he shouted irritably. “Brother, where are you?”

Ozzy received no response, but it turned out he didn’t need one, as he spied a brown-and-beige-colored tail sticking out from behind some nearby bushes. As Ozzy approached, he saw that Strut had his head down, and for a moment wondered if his brother had found a nest.

“Strut, did you find something to eat?” he asked earnestly.

Strut’s reaction was to instantly tense up in apparent surprise, and at that moment Ozzy realized what was more likely going on. “Strut!” Ozzy shouted angrily, “are you eating tree stars again?!”

Ozzy heard a gulp. “No uhm naw,” came Strut’s muffled response.

“Strut, turn around,” Ozzy ordered sternly.

Strut didn’t move.

“Now!” Ozzy bellowed. “Or I’ll kick you!”

Reluctantly, Strut turned to face Ozzy. His cheeks were full, and he was wearing a very guilty expression.

Ozzy glared at his brother.

“How many times have I told youó?! Spit those out!”

“Buh Othyó”


PTUH! Strut obliged, spewing a mouthful of slightly chewed, saliva-soaked leaves into Ozzy’s face.

The orange-eyed egg stealer stood there with a look of utter disgust and unconcealed fury, pieces of damp tree star slowly dripping off his beak.

“What? You told me to spit them out!” Strut protested.


Strut decided that running would be a wise course of action to take at that moment, and bolted. Ozzy followed shortly thereafter, screaming botanical-themed obscenities at his brother as he chased him through the forest.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Daniel looked at Petrie with a puzzled look. "Uh...I don't really know. I mean it's not like you guys play basketball...and even if you did I'm way to short to play it now"


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As Nana waited for Sparky's delayed response, she started to mull things over. If VOn and asper were GOF members and human, could that mean that she could turn into a human as well? "Ah well, I'll find out later," she thought.

She noticed Pangaea slowly shuffling closer to them and noticed that Cera, Tricia, Guido, and Pangaea himself had been quiet for a long time, it seemed that Daniel and Petrie were the only ones trying to make any sort of communication. "Guess nobody's real talkative anymore, wonder why?" she pondered within her mind.

Cancerian Tiger

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Cera had already finished her treesweets, and also ate what Tricia couldn't eat.

"Say, who were those two humans?" she asked.  Suddenly, her curiosity was interrupted by terrible pain and burning sensation in her stomach.  Cera felt like she would vomit in response, but did not want anyone to see her get sick.

"Ugh...never mind, guys.  We'll be back later.  C'mon, Tricia," Cera added as she quickly made her way for the woods with her sister on her heels.  Once they got in far enough, Cera slowed down so Tricia could walk next to her.  Moving quickly had only agitated her symptoms.  Tricia, meanwhile, was very concerned about her big sister.

"Cewa," Tricia nervously spoke up.

"Don't worry about me.  I'll be fine...if we just...ugh!" Cera gagged before she stopped in her tracks and kept herself from vomiting.  "We need to get home quickly."  Not long after the two continued moving on, they heard a couple of familiar voices nearby.

"That's...ugh...Anna and Ducky," Cera said before the two headed over to see their friends.  "Hey, guys," Cera said seriously as she made her presence known.

"Good morning, Cera!  It is good to see you, and you too Tricia, yep yep yep," Ducky greeted the little threehorn.

"Mornin', Cera.  Mornin', Tricia.  Care to go for a swim?" Anna asked.

"No.  Have you seen my father?" Cera asked.

"No, we haven't.  Why, is he missing?" Anna asked out of concern as she came out of the water altogether.  Ducky followed closely.

"No, I'm not feeling good and need to get home," Cera said in a more sickly manner that time.

"Aw, what's the matter?" Anna asked compassionately.

"My belly hurts and burns, and I feel like I could throw up.  It gets worse with me running or even walking," Cera explained.

"That is terrible!  It is, it is," Ducky said.

"Hmm...sounds like a bad case of indigestion.  Whadya eat last?" Anna asked

"Treesweets, and lots of them.  Hey, what is that in-da-what?" Cera asked before she stopped herself from vomiting again.

"I'll tell ya later.  Ducky, would ya by any chance know what plants are used for what sicknesses here in the valley?" Anna asked her friend.

"Oh, no I do not, oh no no no.  Mama said she will teach me when I am older.  She will, she will.  Hey!  Mama should know what to do, oh yes yes yes!" Ducky replied.

"Good thinkin', Ducky.  Will that work for ya, Cera?" Anna asked.

"Sure, as long as she can get rid of this...ugh!" Cera groaned.  Having remembered what Cera had said about walking and running, Anna gently scooped up Cera.

"You're more than welcome to join us, Amy.  A'ight, Ducky.  Lead the way," Anna said.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Von and jasper had been walking for a while when they finally came to the entrance of the caves. Von took a peek inside the caves and saw two creatures. One of them was the little sharptooth he knew, and the other was a larger, more menacing looking sharptooth he had never seen before. He wasn't sure if the bigger one was friendly or not, but he didn't want to take any chances.

"why don't we just lay low for a minute, and see whats going on?" Von suggested.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petrie
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Jasper looked a bit nervous and said to him, "That would be a good idea. I don't want to become sharptooth food today or any other day."


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Neither Claw, nor Chomper noticed they were watched. As they were waiting for Chronicler or Ruby or both to return, Claw started feeling headache again. It was getting stronger like Sierra and Rinkus said it will. Fastbiter needed some distraction from the pain, so he turned to Chomper:

"Hey, Chomper. Could you teach me how to speak sharptooth?" he asked "I know we don't have much time before Ruby and Chronicler returns, but maybe you could teach me a few words?"

"Sure!" Chomper exclaimed with enthusiasm, as he had finished eating the fish some time ago and he was starting to get a little bored.

"I think I should show you how to say 'hello' first," little sharptooth said and then he rooared "Hello".

Claw listened intently and tried to memorize and repeat that roar, "Hielo".
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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((OOC: So sorry for the delay!! :oops ))

Sparky snapped out of whatever daydream she was having, enough to hear Nana's question. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Just daydreaming some stuffs. I tend to zone out randomly like that." She looked down at the ground, seemingly confused. "Hey, weren't there two humans over here?" Oh well, they must've left while you were prancing around a meadow full of cotton candy and giant chocolate bars. her thoughts answered in a somewhat sarcastic tone. She then spotted Pangaea and Guido coming over to them before smiling happily. "Sup, guys!" she greeted with a beam.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Von turned and whispered to jasper "Thats wierd. A fastbiter that can't speak sharptooth. Do you think he's a human too?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petrie
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Jasper was thinking about it and finally said, "You know your right? That does look kind of strange that a fast-biter can't speak sharptooth. Either Chomper found a new friend that never had parents and was raised by leaf-eaters or this fast-biter is a human that's in a fast-biter form."

Jasper then put his hands down his pocket and felt something and said, "What is this?" Then he pulled out a black colored hat that had a NYC label on it and he said, "Okay. Why do I have a hat in my pocket and I didn't realize this was in here sooner?

You know what I may as well put it on while I'm at it since no one is really going to question this any way." He then put on the black colored hat on his head as he placed his hands back in his pockets.


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"What basketball?  It fun game?" Petrie asked curious.  He had never heard of that game before and wondered what it was like.


Flapper was resting from helping Mim help care for the other injured dinosaurs, who were doing better with the chance to rest and get their wounds cared for by some who knew about healing plants to use.  They were in the same clearing sort of area near the river and near a river and green food.


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"Oh yeah lots of fun, it's well..." Daniel paused trying to think of how to explain something like basketball to a dinosaur. "Um, well you have a ball and you bounce it around, and then you try to score it in the other team's, uh, rim or basket or whatever you want to call it"


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“Uh, not much,” Pangaea said in response to Sparky’s greeting. “I…actually have no idea what to do at the moment.”

Guido was about to add something when there came the sound of rustling vegetation and several twigs snapping from the nearby bushes, accompanied by a series of increasingly loud footfalls, as if something was moving quickly through the forest.

Pangaea barely had time to speculate before a familiar-looking brown-and-beige Struthiomimus burst out of the undergrowth. He was looking back over his shoulder, apparently flustered by something behind him. But when he turned his head forward and saw the longneck, Therizinosaurus, and two Microraptors in front of him, he gave a yelp of surprise and skidded to a halt, almost crashing directly into Sparky.

Before anyone had time to react, a second egg stealer emerged from the bushes. This equally familiar individual was grayer than the first, and his orange eyes were blazing like a bull in a Flag Day parade. His face was also inexplicably covered in bits of tree star, and he was hollering curses at the first egg stealer.  “You bumbling berry binger! I’ll throw you off the smoking mountain! I’ll make a fruitcake outta ya! I’ll kickó” his rant suddenly became a terrified gasp as he caught sight of the massive-clawed dinosaur in front of him. He too scooted to a halt, but he didn’t do so quickly enough, and collided with the first egg stealer.

(OOC: FBS, you decide whether Ozzy and Strut crash into you or not. :p)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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((OOC: Thank you soooooo much, Pangaea, for allowing me to meet up with one of my fave characters!! SQUEEEE!!!))

Sparky was just about to respond to Pangaea's words when she felt something crash into her. She was barely budged by the impact and she looked down questioningly. Two Egg Stealers....Very familiar looking Egg Stealers. No....It can't be....It was just a coincidence that these two looked and sounded exactly the same as....No....It was happening....There was a slight pause when it all began to sink in and she soon confirmed that these two were, indeed, none other than-

"Ozzy?.....Strut?.....Ozzy?!" She seemed at a complete loss of words, knowing that her spazziness was gonna kick in at any moment, but she tried to contain herself as best she could, knowing how flighty the duo was.....Yeah, it wasn't working. "Omg!! It's you guys!! I'm a huuuuuge fan!! Holy Zotz, I never would've imagined I'd ever get the chance to meet you. I loved ya ever since I was a little girl!!" Catching her breath, she realized her outburst and immediately tried to look as non-threatening as she could, tucking her claws as close to her body as possible.

"Don't run. Please don't run away. I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. I swear. I think we might even be related." She paused before going off track a bit and looking to Pangaea for confirmation. "I read on a Youtube comment that Therizinosaurs evolved from Ornithomimids. Do you know if that's true?"


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Von thought that either way, this fast biter must be friendly after all. He could think of no other explanation then what jasper proposed. After several moments of building up enough courage, he stepped out from behind the rocks and said meekly "um, Hello?".
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!