The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165216


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After noticing that Ozzy and Strut clearly weren't going anywhere, Miles relaxed a bit. Still, they were being rather annoying. Miles had about had enough when he remembered something from some reading he'd done back home.

"Diplodocids were though to have been able to break the sound barrier with their tails, like a whip. I wonder..."

"Quiet!," Miles yelled. He raised his tail in the air and snapped it sharply to the left and right, producing two sharp "cracks," nearly as loud as a gunshot. He looked back at his tail in amazement.

"I can do that? I guess the theory's correct!"

He turned back to see if his actions had any effect on Ozzy and Strut.


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Sparky hesitated as the egg-eating duo began twisting the vine around in their panic and she kept having to step closer and closer to keep hold of her end. Seeing that they accidently knocked Pangy down, Sparky was reaching out to help him back up when a loud, sudden CRACK! filled the air.

"EEP!!!" Sparky exclaimed, jumping a bit in her startled state. Her eyes immediately went to the source of the sound to see it was just Miles. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her speeding heart before resuming her efforts to both untangle the Egg Stealers and help Pangy back to his feet. "You alright, buddy?" she asked the irritated Glider in concern.


Thud tilted his head at Screech's defensiveness before nodding slightly when his sibling agreed with him. Watching his blue counterpart as he contemplated, Thud responded by giving Screech a strange and confused look upon hearing those words. "Time to think about what exactly?"

One thing's for sure, he wasn't liking the way it sounded. What was there to think about? They do what they're told and try to get out of the Valley and back to Red Claw alive and in one piece. He hoped his brother was only thinking about a way to pull this dangerous task off without risk to themselves, although he knew from the sentence's context that that wasn't going to be the case.


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If Miles’ supersonic tail-whips were intended to startle Ozzy and Strut to attention, then he definitely succeeded. Both of them leapt at least three feet straight up in the air, Ozzy going even higher than Strut due to not being entangled in the vine. Unfortunately, he came down on Pangaea’s tail.

“BAAAAAAAK!” Pangaea screeched, which served to startle Ozzy even further.

Meanwhile, Strut had finally wrapped himself in enough of the vine that upon landing, he immediately lost his balance and toppled over, colliding with Ozzy and sending them both crashing to the ground in a heap.

Pangaea groaned as he stood up, briefly checked his tail for damage, found none, and then set about reassuring the others that he was unhurt. “I’m fine. I’m okay. If anyone felt the urge to laugh at that, feel free.”

He now turned his attention to the two dazed egg stealers. Walking up to them, he put a hand on both of their beaks (which were conveniently close together), and angled them in his direction.

“Look, guys,” he said sternly, “there’s nothing you have to worry about from that fast biter. He’s a good friend of ours, he’s very nice, and the thought of dining on you two most definitely does not appeal to him.”

“Oh, again with sharpteeth having friends,” Ozzy muttered disbelievingly.

“That said,” Pangaea continued, “I won’t hesitate to send him after you if you try to run away. He won’t hurt you, but after he brings you back, I’ll sic the longclaw on you. We are trying to get to the Big Water without incident, and we haven’t even left the frickin’ valley yet! So please, try to keep calm. If it helps, I don’t think Rob is coming with us, so you won’t have to worry about traveling with a fast biter the whole way, even a friendly one. Any questions?”

“What was that noise?” Strut asked.

Pangaea looked at Miles. “I believe one of our friends just discovered one of the advantages of being a longneck. Thanks for that, Miles. Though, uh…if you wouldn’t mind, if you make a regular habit of doing that, could you please remind us to cover our ears first?”

He turned back to the egg stealers. “Now, on your feet. Hopefully we’re nearly out of the valley by now, and you won’t have to wear those blindfolds much longer.”


Screech noticed Thud’s confused expression through the corner of his eye, and realized that he would need to clarify.

Thud,” he said, “you know as well as I do that our leader has been…”óhe tried to think of how to put it kindlyó“less than…capable lately. And I don’t mean his blindness. I mean this obsession with revenge. I mean, I’ll admit that he’s always been rather vain about his reputation; about being ëthe biggest and meanest sharptooth of them all’. But now it’s gotten to the point where he’s willing to risk everything to save his image. He’s not thinking clearly. His plans keep getting more and more dangerous, and every time they fail, he gets worse. And we’re in the middle of it. I fear for our lives, brother. And I’m beginning to think…

He let out a sigh. This was the hard part. “…I’m beginning to think that perhaps it’s not worth it for us to continue following him.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, I- uh- I didn't know it'd be quite like that. I'll let you know before I tail-whip next time."

He began walking again. It wouldn't be long, he knew, before they were out of the Valley. He was glad he was following someone who knew where they were going. His trip here had been... less than direct, to say the least.

Glancing back at the Valley, he felt a pang of unease. Perhaps it was simply a side-effect of getting used to this place, but something felt wrong. He dismissed the thought. The Valley could handle itself while they were gone.

He turned back, gazing at the sky. A Flyer circled lazily overhead, insects buzzed around the river they were following... everything just emitted an aura of calm and peace. He had to admit, this was a pretty good vacation.

Of course, when he realized what was in front of him, his good feelings began to disappear. They were coming close to the Mysterious Beyond's border. Once they crossed over, they'd be on their own. Miles gulped. The last thing the small herd would need was him transforming in the middle of a Sharptooth attack. Perhaps if he could find a way to control his form... at any rate, it would be something to discuss later, in front of a prehistoric sunset. He couldn't wait to see one of those. He pressed onward, ready to greet the challenges offered by the Mysterious Beyond.


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"Come on, ya lovable lil trouble-makers." Sparky said as if talking to her ratties as she untangled the vines as best she could without too much contact with the fallen dinos. She certainly didn't want them freaking out again and she was sure they were going to freak out if they kept feeling her claws on their skin. "Pangy has a point; at least save the freak outs until after we're out of the Valley." A small smile spread on her snout as she said that, stepping back to allow the two Egg Stealers to stand.

Seeing Miles walk on ahead, Sparky instinctively wanted to follow and knowing the others weren't going to wait, she starting walking after them once she made sure her 'friends' had gained their footing.


Coming to a sudden stop, Thud's eyes widened and he almost choked on air in his shock of fully comprehending those words. Did he just hear that right?! He expected it to be bad, but not THAT bad!! Yes, their predicaments have gotten....risky, but surely it wasn't so much so that leaving was their only option!There was a heavy moment of silence as Thud stared in utter disbelief before snapping out of it with a shake of his head.

"Don't tell me you're going crazy too!" he started. Despite knowing better, he had a brief flash where he wondered if it's possible to catch insanity and if his brother had caught it. But those implausible thoughts were quickly casted aside as he continued firmly. "We can't leave Red Claw! Where will we go? Who's gonna protects our hides from all the larger sharpteeth?! And what about all the food we're getting? Food we can thank Red Claw for!"


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"Keep quiet you two!" Threehorn barked at the egg eaters. "We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention, but if you continue to outburst like that we'll forget about this whole trip and just deal with you now."

"While I agree that we don't want to attract anything," Rob commented, "threatening them like that isn't going to make this trip any better."

"Don't think you can start giving me orders just because of your new body, boy," Threehorn argued.

"I'm not," Rob replied. "I'm only suggesting that we be as civil as possible until we get them to the halfway point. Then we can just leave them and not worry about them ever again."

Threehorn grumbled a little, knowing that Rob was right. "That time won't come soon enough."

"No arguing with you there." Rob looked back at the egg eaters. "I won't harm either of you, but don't think I won't go after you if you try to escape, and if you try to hurt anybody in this group I will make you regret it. Consider this your one and only warning."


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As the day went on, the weather became humid, and low-lying clouds darkened the skies. Miles had to admit- the weather was taking a turn for the creepy. The last thing he wanted was to run into a Sharptooth out here.

Dipping his face in the nearby river to cool off, he turned to Pangaea.

"Well, I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask- how did you end up here?" he turned to everyone else, then.

"In fact, how did everyone end up here?"


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Ozzy and Strut cowered, whimpering, under Mr. Threehorn’s affront. And even though they couldn’t see Rob, they cringed at his approach as well. At this point they were just as eager to get out of the valley as Mr. Threehorn was to have them gone.

Pangaea, meanwhile, sighed and closed his eyes as he massaged his forehead with a hand. All this drama was making him unbelievably anxious, and he was becoming increasingly worried that things would get out of hand, but he was afraid to speak up for fear of making things worse.

Oh, please tell me we’re almost at the valley exit, he thought.


You’re calling me crazy?” Screech responded indignantly. “Use that hard head of yours, Thud! What’s all that food worth if we aren’t alive to eat it? And have you forgotten? We don’t need his help to survive. We got by just fine before we met him.

It was true, Screech and Thud had spent years on their own before Red Claw came to the lands surrounding the Great Valley and claimed them as his own territory. Times had been much tougher then, to be sure, but Screech didn’t want to be the one to mention that; he would rather not just offer his brother extra footing for a counter-argument.

(OOC: Fyn16: Whoops, noticed your post right after I finished mine. :oops I hope you don't mind if I wait until my next post to respond.

Just so you know, we're still inside the Great Valley at this point, though hopefully LBTFan13's next post will take us to the exit. ;) As for how much time has passed, I guess that depends on how much stuff everyone wants to do on the trip before the day is over.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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(OOC: Who's going to write the section in which they actually cross over into the Mysterious Beyond?)


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Sparky was growing anxious to leave as well, not liking Mr.Threehorn's attitude towards her poor little Egg Stealers. But she kept quiet as she moved, trying not to draw attention to herself as she nommed her chocolate (rather, she was mouthing it more than biting it at this point). Hearing Miles' curious question, she shrugged.

"I have no idea. I just woke up, stepped on my tail, and realized this wasn't a dream."


Thud had the instinct to lower himself in submission so as not to fuel the fire in this argument, but he wasn't going to allow himself to back down just yet. He always viewed his brother as the higher-ranked Fast Biter, but he also felt he had a say in this as well. So, he held his ground sternly with a glare, growling softly as he made his response, trying to keep his tone calm despite the 'hard-headed' stab.

"Yeah, but things got better after we joined him. It certainly got easier to catch giant prey like Longnecks. And what about that recent battle? We got food to last us for weeks, and with only a few scratches here and there. We never could've pulled that off on our own!" Though he did wince as he recalled that Swimmer attacking him for biting that weird looking two-footer and then....blackness...

Pushing that aside quickly, he sighed as he looked to the ground at a nice little crack in the dirt, and a Crawler trying to squeeze into said crack. "Though you're right; what's food if we can't eat it..." He admitted this softly, not wanting to give that potentially-winning point to his brother, and his soft voice continued at his spoke up his next counter. "Red Claw's crazy, but we still owe him for all he's done..."

A split-second later, he continued in his normal voice, as if not wanting his brother to see his brief moment of morality as a weakness. "Besides..." He glanced around as if to make sure Red Claw was still out of sight. Seeing the coast was clear, he returned his full attention to Screech. "If we leave him now, we'll only make things much worse for ourselves. You think he'll appreciate us walking out on him?"

He tried his best not to show his fear of that situation, tail-twitches the only outward sign. Almost all the respect he had for the larger sharptooth was through fear of what would happen if they disobeyed him. Already unpleasant images were rising in his mind and he mentally shook it off.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"I don't like this. I don't like this one bit!" commented Longtail as he flapped his wings to keep himself in the air. "I mean just the idea alone is so crazy and out of place that I can't begin to imagine why they'd even try!" he said alound again as he made his feelings on the matter known again.

"My nephew there was nothing we could do about it. It was Robs choice, and we must respect that." came the words of Cyrix as he walked along the path. "Besides its not like all your friends are going, its just Rob and Littlefoot, and we know they can take care of themselves. Although I suppose having Topsy there helps too."

Rick in his human form continues to walk alongside the duo as he chuckled. He then looked up at Longtail and said, "You know, you complain alot more than I thought you would. Are you sure it's your friends you're really worried about, and just not the fact that you're going to the Big Water?"

Longtail swooped down going so far as to be beak to nose with the human before he gave his retort. "I don't need an adventure! I need to know my friends are okay, and making jokes isn't helping me any!"

Rick took a step back out of shock at the young flyers outburst. "Sorry. I didn't realize you felt so strongly about it. But as your uncle said, we know Rob and Littlefoot can take care of themselves and so can anyone else going with them. And they have Mr.Threehorn as well... so I'd say they are safe enough." He then reached out poking the flyer where his heart was and said "Remember to have faith in others, even when you have no faith in yourself."

Cyrix applauded the exchange as he spoke. "That sounds like something I would say. Very insightful Rick. Have you had many life experinces like that?" he didn't want to offend the human but his curiosity was always running and it was a question he'd wanted to ask for some time.

"Truth be told. Yes." said Rick with a calm toned voice, despite the small smirk that adorned his face. "I've learned alot in my short time, and I am always willing to pass that on to others... if they need it." He then gave a sigh. "After all you can't force help on someone who dosen't want it." Rick then stared at the ground for a moment as if thinking of someone he missed, but just as quickly shook his head and grinned.

Cyrix turned to look at their fourth travling companion and asked aloud, "Zaine, are you alright. You're being rather quiet. Something bothering you?"


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"How much farther do we have?" Rob asked curiously. "The sooner we reach the edge of the valley, the better."

"Not much farther," Littlefoot replied. "In fact, we're coming to the edge right now." He was right. After some traveling, they had finally reached the edge of the valley. Littlefoot was surprised to feel some sort of relief, probably that he wasn't going to have to see the egg stealers anymore. "Just keep following down this path and eventually you will find the Big Water."

"I guess you won't be needing us anymore then," Rob concluded. He looked over at Threehorn. "Is this acceptable for you? May we leave them and head back?"

"I still don't like this," Threehorn responded. Nothing about this appealed to him at all, but he did give his word that he wouldn't stay with the group. "I guess there's nothing else we need to do here. I will take you two back home."

"Thank you," Rob answered. He then looked over at Pangaea. "Please be careful. I don't trust those two one bit, so keep an eye on them."

"Get them out safely," Littlefoot added. "Good luck!" With that, he, Rob and Threehorn turned in the opposite direction and started heading back.


Zaine had remained deep in thought for quite some time now. It wasn't even on one particular thing anymore. Everything seemed to be spiraling through his mind at rapid speed. He hadn't realized that it was causing him to act so distant from the group until Cyrix mentioned his name. "Oh, uh, sorry. I guess I'm just thinking about a lot of things right now. I mean, so much has happened already, and I feel like even more is going to happen soon. I don't know what to think of it all. I'm mostly worried about Rob. I know things got kind of hectic and I just hope he's okay."


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Oh, thank goodness, Pangaea thought when Littlefoot announced that they had reached the edge of the Great Valley. Ahead of them, he could see the gap in the Great Wall through which one of the valley’s rivers flowed out into the Mysterious Beyond. If it was indeed the same river that Littlefoot and his friends had followed in the ninth movie, then presumably it would only be two or three days’ journey to the Big Water (maybe less if they managed to travel faster than the gang). Although he was apprehensive about being outside the relative safety of the Great Valley, Pangaea couldn’t deny that he was excited for this trip. It would be his first real look at the Mysterious Beyond untempered by the mortal terror of imminent death by sharptooth (though that scenario could very well present itself during their trip, he considered). Of course, the most important thingósecond to avoiding death, obviouslyówas to get Ozzy and Strut to their new home and make sure that they were satisfied with it; otherwise the egg stealers might very well return to the valley, and they would be back to square one.

“So we’re here? Does that mean that we can take these things off now?” Ozzy asked impatiently, picking at his blindfold.

“Not yet,” Pangaea told him firmly. “We’re not fully out of the valley yet.”

Pangaea turned to the group’s three escorts. “Thank you, Littlefoot. And you, Mr. Threehorn, Rob. We’ll be back in a few days, we hope.”

“And don’t worry, we’ll be careful,” he added to Rob.

Pangaea then surveyed his group of traveling companions: Sparky, guiding Ozzy and Strut on their vine “leash” like they were her pets (Living the dream, Pangaea thought wryly); Daniel, still perched on Sparky’s head like a winged hat; Nana, silently following along; Miles, in his newfound Amargasaurus form; and Guido, awkwardly waving goodbye to Rob, Littlefoot, and Mr. Threehorn as they left. And the gang of five thought they were a weird herd on their first adventure, he thought amusedly.

Pangaea took a first hesitant step towards the mouth of the canyon. He didn’t feel like much of a leader, though this whole crazy trip had been his idea, so he felt that he should at least take some responsibility. In any case, he hoped that they would travel in as tight a group as possible, to run the least risk of any one of them running into danger.

“Uh…all right, guys,” he said timidly. “I guess we oughta get started.”


Screech ground his teeth in frustration. He couldn’t argue that Thud was right; if the two of them abandoned Red Claw, the deranged sharptooth would surely view it as a betrayal, and consider them yet another pair of enemies to obliterate. Even without his vision, Red Claw would have no difficulty hunting the two fast biters down by scent, probably killing them in their sleep. “All right,” Screech growled, I’ll admit you do have a point there. Red Claw probably wouldn’t react to it well…

But Screech wasn’t ready to give up his argument just yet. “But at the rate he’s losing it, how long before he kills us out of sheer craziness, whether we’re still with him or not?” He paused, trying to think of how to argue his point further. “If we left him…we could go far away, find another territory. What do you think he’ll do: follow us right away, or try to get his revenge on the leafeaters first? What are the odds he’ll even survive that? We could live in a cave, or up on a mountain, or somewhere else he wouldn’t be able to reach us. It couldn’t be worse than having to keep following suicidal orders like this, right?” Truth be told, Screech wasn’t entirely certain himself.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Farther down the river, the group standing at the Great Valley's edge caught the attention of a single dinosaur. He cocked his head to the side, perplexed. Leafeaters often didn't stray far into his territory.

Slowly, he stood up on two legs, hissing slightly. He was a fully-grown Suchomimus, with blue and white patterns on his scales. Silently, he stepped into the river, submerging all but the top of his head. He would follow this odd little herd, he decided. Perhaps he could find a little excitement after all. At any rate, it would be better than sticking around the same fishing spot all day. He swam over to the river's opposite bank, concealing himself among some tall reeds. If the dinosaurs were planning on following this river, then staying out of sight was going to be easy...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandma Longneck smiled brightly as she could see Rob, littlefoot and Mr.threehorn returning. She lowered her neck so she could speakat eye level with the trio and asked aloudn, "I hope getting those eggstealers to the great wall went smoothly? I would hate to think they put up a fuss over being made to leave."


Cyrix chuckled as he walked along, glancing at Zaine. "I know worrying about your friends is exhausing, but I'm certain Rob will be along any moment now. After all he was only escorting the eggstealers to the great wall, he wasn't going with them into the Mysterious Beyond. You have nothing to worry about."

Longtail grinned as he flew next to Zaine. "If you're really that worried we could go find him. I'm sure he isn't too far away, and this valley is only so big we'd find him eventually, if he's not looking for us already."

Rick shook his head with a light grin. Those two are just as I thought they would be... more like brothers than friends. A heart warming sight to be sure.'


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"Hi Grandma!" Littlefoot warmly nuzzled his grandmother as she greeted them. "Yeah, we got them there with no problems. They're on their way to the Big Water now."

"I hope that friend of yours knows what he's doing," Threehorn turned to Rob. "Trusting him to look after another group of dinosaurs. That seems like a lot to ask for those that have never seen your kind before."

"I trust Pangaea," Rob responded. "They'll get there okay."

"If you're sure," Threehorn answered back, not entirely convinced.

"So has anything happened while we were gone?" Littlefoot asked his grandmother.


Zaine nodded. "Yeah, you're right. He's probably back by now. I just can't imagine what it's like. I mean, to be trapped in the body of a fast biter. That seems terrible."


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(OOC: No offense, Fyn, but I’d rather wait until at least one or two of the other players in our group posts again before we have a lot of time passing on the trip. Sorry, it’s probably my fault for not responding to your earlier question: :slap I was hoping that when the group “crosses over into the Mysterious Beyond”, as you put it, posts from all five of the participating playersóme, you, FlipperBoidSkua, LBTDiclonius, and Redtooth101ówould be involved.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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((OOC: So sorry for the wait!! :( ))

Sparky stood motionless at the very border, her wide eyes the only thing showing her excitement. Lifting a foot, she stepped over the imaginary line between the valley and the world.

"Omg.... My first step into the Mysterious Beyond....My foot feels honored!" Her body shivered in contained spazziness. "I think I'm about to die now."


Thud certainly considered this. There were plenty of places for them to carve out a living and hide out where Red Claw couldn't get to them; one of the main reasons he kept them around was because of their greater freedom of movement. However, a couple things bothered him about Screech's idea, and he made no hesitation in pointing them out.

"And who's to say Red Claw won't get new Fast Biters, or another sharptooth that can reach us? He could simply send them over and capture us for him to kill." He kept down a gulp at the thought before continuing with his second point, his tone no longer argumentative. "Besides, that sort of existence is a paranoid one. I'd rather not live constantly looking over my shoulder in fear."


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Jasper thought about it and finally spoke to Pangaea, "Pangaea I will also stay behind in case we have trouble around the Great Valley. Always have to be ready to protect the valley. I hope you do understand what my intentions are."