The Gang of Five
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Jungle Book

Kit12 · 442 · 37321

Dash The Longneck

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Kyano carefully peeked out from behind the tree to see how close or how far away Elliot was. He tried his best to hide his stripes by moving behind the tree a little more.


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Shere Khan turned, mildly surprised but moving past it quite well. "Well...while cubs or young ones of any kind are generally an annoying nuisance...cubs of my own would be an exception and the model of what a tiger should be, just like me...and yes" he confessed, "the fact that I will need heirs so that all my control and authority in this jungle as passed down by generations doesn't just die away with me, but truth be told a proper mate to be all but queen of the jungle has never been found".

He side glanced to Allison before turning back to her after having turned away, "Are you...applying for that position?" he asked his own point blank question with his usual air of haughty seriousness, yet was also with a smirk that was a tad amused, in a good way.

OOC: Whew! It's a bit of a brain scratcher that one, how does Shere Khan react to the topic of cubs! But I think I got it, hehe


OOC: Ok, just going with the idea that using Ranjan produced...

Elliott continued searching and had just thought he'd noticed something by a tree, and squinted, when something else intruded.

"Yah!" with a shout, little Ranjan burst from the bushes nearby, holding a stick in the position of a gun and, spotting Kyano, began poking him, also giving away his position.

"Tiger Hunter get his prey!" the little kid went on, still just poking Kyano.

"H-hey, stop that!" Elliott rushed up to the little kid and yanked him back by his ankle. Ranjan began hitting his stick at Elliott's trunk, "Let go!" he said.

"No, you have to play nice!" Elliott said. He hadn't met Ranjan yet (ooc: I don't think...gotta re-watch the second one...) but he was familiar with the fact that man cubs weren't hunters, and this kid looked younger than them.

The commotion attracted Hathi's attention though, "I say what the devil..." he stormed over and then gasped, "another man cub! Why Bagheera gave me his word no other man cubs would be...Bagheera!" he hollered, as if he could call the panther from here.


"Well..." Namita started to feel they may be taking up Bagheera's time and, nervous as she was due to the fact that she still felt that 'childhood crush' only stronger, she didn't want to be a bother to Bagheera, "Maybe we should let you...".

Just then Hathi's trumpet interrupted her. "What was that?".

Miko peered forward interested as well, then took off in interest towards the spot.

"Oh no, Miko...I said no running off!" Namita took chase.


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"I am," Allison nodded happily, she was overjoyed to see that Khan wanted cubs too.


"It's Colonel Haithi, and I think I need to see him," Bagheera explained.


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"Hmm" Shere Khan leaned back and then walked around Allison, pondering the 'proposal' "Well..." he stopped in front of her again and smirked, "why yes, all in all I'd say you're right up to par for..queen".

From where he sat, Shere Khan wrapped his tail closer to around where Allison sat as well.


"Colonel...Hathi?" Namita asked with a smile, "you mean that calf from before, he's Colonel now? Oh but of course if you have to see him go right ahead" she said, sort of impressed that Bagheera held this much informing power with the other animals.

"We'll...hang back here" she said.

Miko...meanwhile didn't agree and crept up to the branches of the tree to follow curiously as Bagheera made his way over to the elephant herd.

"You promised me no more intruding man-cubs!" was Hathi's explanation as he held up Ranjan in his trunk. The kid was hanging upside down growling.

"Put me down, I a tiger hunter!" the kid said in his usual fearless way.

"Oh by the way I found you" Elliott told Kyano from where he watched in curiosity and slight confusion his dad and the hyper little man cub.


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"I had nothing to do with this child, he must have ventured into here by himself," Bagheera protested.`


Allison nuzzled Shere Khan on the cheek. "I love you," she smiled gently.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Sep 5 2009 on  08:55 PM
"Hmm" Shere Khan leaned back and then walked around Allison, pondering the 'proposal' "Well..." he stopped in front of her again and smirked, "why yes, all in all I'd say you're right up to par for..queen".

From where he sat, Shere Khan wrapped his tail closer to around where Allison sat as well.


"Colonel...Hathi?" Namita asked with a smile, "you mean that calf from before, he's Colonel now? Oh but of course if you have to see him go right ahead" she said, sort of impressed that Bagheera held this much informing power with the other animals.

"We'll...hang back here" she said.

Miko...meanwhile didn't agree and crept up to the branches of the tree to follow curiously as Bagheera made his way over to the elephant herd.

"You promised me no more intruding man-cubs!" was Hathi's explanation as he held up Ranjan in his trunk. The kid was hanging upside down growling.

"Put me down, I a tiger hunter!" the kid said in his usual fearless way.

"Oh by the way I found you" Elliott told Kyano from where he watched in curiosity and slight confusion his dad and the hyper little man cub.
Kyano who had not expected this jumped back in fear as the little kid poked at him. "Hey, Hey, cut it out I did nothing to you. " Kyano said not really understanding what he had done to be hunted by this kid or anyone for that matter. He was just minding his own buisness.

Kyano was still a little bit shakened up and before he knew it Kyano shot off in the other direction like a bullet.

RJ sighed and ran after his son. He didn't know what spooked Kyano but it was something really big.


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Shere Khan smiled, "Well, and I of course don't say this lightly...same here" he said nuzzling her back. He'd have never thought he'd find someone who both accepted and understood him as he was but Allison had.


Elliott frowned as Kyano rushed of. "K-Kyano...wait" he took off as well, though slower than RJ, wanting to help his new friend.

"Nothing to do with the child..." Hathi lowered Ranjan at Bagheera's words, the boy struggled out of the elephant's grip.

He picked up his stick again and glanced around, "Where...where tiger go...".

"You scared him off" Miko said, leaping down and frowning at the little man cub shorter than him even, though not by much, "and he wasn't doing anything to you".

"He tiger and tiger bad, they try to hurt Mowgli!" Ranjan protested. Miko sighed, "I'm guessin' ya mean Shere Khan, no that was that mean tiger, not all tigers are like that" the little panther explained, "that one was a kid like us".

"Oh..." Ranjan glanced down at the ground, shuffling it with his feet, "I not play nice...".

Miko sighed, " didn't know...".


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"We all make mistakes," Bagheera said to Ranjan.


Allison gave Khan a nice big kiss on the lips.

Dash The Longneck

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RJ slowed down a bit as he saw Elliot was trying to catch up. "Kyano, you don't have to worry It was just a little kid. " RJ called out. Kyano who was hiding in the bushes nearby still shaking like a leaf came out still terrified and looked around nervously.

"The kid isn't what scares me RJ. It's humans. Where the are human kids, there are humans, where there are humans there are hunters, Where there are Hunters ............. I wind up being someone's fur coat or hanging on a wall somewhere. Where there are human kids hunters aren't to far behind. I can't continue staying here not with hunters around. That's the same way I lost my parents and I will not let it happen again." Kyano said with tears in his eyes.


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Bagheera could see how bad Kyano felt. "What did the hunters do to his parents?" he asked RJ.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: brekclub85,Sep 5 2009 on  10:03 PM
Bagheera could see how bad Kyano felt. "What did the hunters do to his parents?" he asked RJ.
"Well " RJ started but then quickly moved closer to Bagheera so he could tell him without upsetting Kyano even more.

"Ya see not a long time ago Kyano and his parents were happy but then one day a kid probably about that little kid's age has made his way into the jungle. His parents were hunters they followed him into the forest and shot his mom and dad. Kyano managed to escape. Not to long after I found him all alone and I raised him as my son. Ever since then Kyano has been terrified of humans and human kids." RJ said.


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"I could understand why," Bagheera nodded.


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Mowgli had just reached the brush himself to catch Ranjan again and hearing what this other tiger who didn't seem dangerous from what Mowgli could tell of jungle animals, whisper to Bagheera that the cub wasn't keen on humans, he went for the stealth approach.

While the grown ups talked, he reached in an yanked Ranjan over to him so that the tiger cub didn't have to get freaked out by him appearing next.

Miko peered his head in curiously.

"You are in so much trouble!" Mowgli hissed, "why'd you take off without me! You know your not suppose to do that! Only I know the jungle enough to show you around".

"I sorry" Ranjan said, "but I had'ta make sure that tiger still in the pit". Mowgii sighed, the noticed the panther cub.

"Hi" Miko smiled. Mowgli smiled back, "Hi".

"Aw but that kid's with Mowgli" Elliott explained, trying to cheer Kyano up, "and Mowgli was raised by a wolf pack so he's one of us, not one of them" the elephant calf said.

"Well you ask me, man is always trouble" Hathi commented to the herd and no on in particular even if he didn't hear what RJ whispered to Bagheera.

Namita, who had caught up to catch her own run away nephew, smiled, "Oh please, Hathi have you ever actually seen a human...that's not the man cub" he finished.

"Well of course I have!" the Colonel said, "back in...88 it was...".

Namita sighed, in other words, Hathi didn't know.


Shere Khan returned the kiss, embracing Allison before breaking it after a bit, "Well with that all important decision made, I think it's about time I showed you the more secluded parts of my territory" he said.


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Shere Khan lead the way to the spot of the jungle no one else had ever gone to, his own private grove deep within his territorial bounds.

Thankfully, even if no one else saw it, he kept it up so it wasn't a dismantled mess or anything.


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"It's pretty clean in here," Allison complimented. "A grove fit for a king is a perfect description of this place."


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Shere Khan smiled, "Well given my position all details of my territory must be perfect" he said, "and thankfully everything is, even down to my new queen". Shere Khan wasn't use to giving out compliments to those other than himself, but Allison was worthy the exception.


"You know, I'm sure if you just apologized, Kyano would see you didn't mean to hurt him" Miko went on.

"You heard him, though, he doesn't like humans, not even kids" Mowgli said.

"Yeah" Miko sighed, he tried to think through how to help these two man cubs, since he'd decided he liked them.


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Allison blushed proudly at that comment.

"Well, do you want to "get ready for the cubs" tonight?" she asked Shere Khan with a smile.

Dash The Longneck

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Truthfully if Ranjan did apoligize he may still not trust humans but he'd feel a little bit better about it. But, he thought that could never happen. Perhaps he was just as bad as Ranjan. Ranjan thought all tigers were alike even though they weren't. And maybe Kyano thought all humans were alike even though some humans like this Mowgli person seemed to be kinda nice. Kyano hesitantly walked toward Ranjan and Mowgli.


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Shere Khan smiled back, "Why do you think I showed you this spot off the timing I did" he replied, kissing Allison once more before pulling back, smug smirk on his face once again.


The two boys turned as Kyano walked up. "Uh hi..." Mowgli said, he Ranjan and Miko came out now since there was no point in hiding from Kyano.

"Uh...sorry about...well Iguess he's my little brother now since his family took me in" Mowgli said.

"Yeah" Ranjan walked up looking ashamed, "I sorry...".

"Uh, sorry also Bagheera, Colonel" Mowgli went on turning to the adults, "for...the trouble he caused, he's...kinda hard to keep track of".

Hathi huffed, "Well trouble seems associated with you one way or another man-cub" he shook his head.

"Aw Pop, Mowgli's great" Elliott defended, walking up with a smile as he greeted his friend.