The Gang of Five
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Vaeria:  Well, I haven't really talked to them at all, but...they really seem nice.  I mean, Dar and Ashnii are both really amazing... and the others seem just as nice.

Eric:  I...wish I could say for certain.  It's like...something inside of me is guiding me, pulling me towards the others.  I don't know why, frightens me.  They're all important to me, and if I were to hurt them...I don't know what I'd do...

Katt:  Well, duh~.  It started out as a job for the Higher-ups, but then I met it's all for her sake~

Dar Maa, what do you feel about Vaeria so far?

John, are you worried at all about Eric's ability to come back from the dead after what happened?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lupis: Tony is a borderline case; I like his spirit, but he had clearly gotten himself in a bad situation and was in over his head, and I prefer contacts with more forethought. His attempt to murder me didn't help his case. Currently I am content to leave our relationship in its current open state; however, if he does call, that means he needs my assistance and managed to solve my business card; two qualities that would drastically increase his use to me.


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Axel: Would you ever consider a career in the mob?
Axel: Ha, good one. Oh, you weren't joking? Erm, I'm... really not too sure to be honest. I mean, it's not like I'd be going around selling cookies. I don't know if I'd have it in me to kill people or... extort them, or whatever else happens. I'm not exactly the muscle, you know? But maybe if there's something I could do 'behind the scenes', like working with electronics, stuff like that? I dunno... it's not like I can go back to my old job, after all.


Aaron - What made you start hating the Augmented?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Pterano,Jan 10 2014 on  09:34 PM
Emelina: How would you describe your latest torture session with the Purifiers?
Emilena: It...certainly didn't live up to expectations. The required courses on captive detainment stressed silence and a high pain tolerance as the deciding factors in surviving as a hostage, but neither of those worked at all. I'm not 100% sure what I did or why it worked, but once things calm down a bit I'm going to have to think about what happened. It brought up unsettling implications about my inclinations and preferences.


Tony: Do you have relatives besides your mother and father? If so, what are your feelings upon possibly meeting them again?

Axel, Soren, Adrian: Do you have siblings? If not, do you wish you did?


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Adrian:  Y'know, I honestly don't know.  I mean, I keep getting these mental flashbacks of a family, with a sister just a little younger than me.  But what I was told when I was with the PMC was that I was alone when they "recruited" I don't know what to believe.


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Dar Maa : vaeria is really nice, a bit confused about who she is she, but the teenage years are always confusing. hopefully as the time passes, she'll gain more confidence.. and i'll be there for her, if she needs me..
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Anne: Duh. It's a eight inch long metal spike that sticks out of my forehead. And in case you're wondering, yes, I sent people to the hospital with it.

Soren: Yeah, got a sister, Carson Almaya. She's another cyberneticist. Deals exclusively with class 3 augs. Military contract, I think.

Aaron: I had my job stolen by an Augment, the other Baselines I work with constantly got mocked by the Augments working on the construction site and of course, there was this constant bragging รณ not verbally but physically. Things like bench-pressing the foreman's repulsorcar, caber tossing with steel I-beams. That kind of stuff.


Agent Lupis, why did you ask Soren for help instead of say, a mercenary from one of the many megacorps or hell, even a street thug or from organized crime rings?

Kojuuro, what's your opinion on the group you're with?

Axel, if you could upgrade your augments, would you do so?

Don Stracci, do you have a stance on the Augmented?


Ask any of my characters.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Do you have siblings? If not, do you wish you did?
Axel: Nope, no brothers or sisters. I always wanted one though. Would've been nice to have some company growing up. Ah well, mom always said I was a special kid and she couldn't handle more than one of me... I hope she meant it in a good way...

Axel, if you could upgrade your augments, would you do so?
Heck yeah! Getting hands that can more than... well, normal hands is something I've always wanted. Like, if they were stronger, or could be really precise like that scientist me and Soren met up at Pelvanida. I'm pretty happy with my eyes... but I guess I wouldn't complain if I got x-ray vision or laser death eyes...
I guess it's a moot point though - not like I'd have the creds to get a good upgrade. And no offense Anne, but I think I'll pass on getting one of your 'friends' to do it.


Tony - How would you describe your childhood?

Anne - Have you ever thought of seeing someone for your drug addictions?

Agent Lupis - How does it make you feel to use people as unreliable as Emilena and Sanjay as part of your scheme?

Adrian - Have you ever thought of using your skills for a life of crime?


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Tony: I come from a relatively large family, so yes, I have several other relatives. My pops has a younger brother, Mario. Both my pops and uncle grew up in a street gang, so they're both no strangers to violence. Whilst my father grew to become head of the family, uncle Mario runs dad's shipping company, while dad runs the road repair company that er... cleans up all those crumbling highways we've got. He's also my dad's current underboss (I suspect to prevent my siblings and I from fighting over that position). I like my uncle. He's much more emotionally charged up than my pops is, and I have a lot of fond childhood memories of playing various games with him. He'd spoil me rotten, and I suspect I was always the favorite of his nephews and nieces. I'd love to see him again if possible.

I have an older brother, Victor, who's kind of rough around the edges. He was a total bully to me growing up, and he lacks business sense, pretty much eliminating him from the running for underboss. I've always gotten the indication my father would prefer me for that role someday. Victor is still family though, and has mellowed out with age, but don't ever insult the guy. I guess I'd... be OK with seeing him again... I just never had much in common with him, to be honest.

I also have a younger brother, Elio. Elio is awesome. I'm closest to him out of my siblings, and we have a lot in common, though he's also somewhat indecisive and not nearly as ambitious as my father would like, and it's this reason I suspect my father is considering me for underboss over Elio. But Elio's cool. He's only two years younger than me, and we were buddies growing up, though I sometimes had to protect him from Victor's um... rampages. I'd definitely want to see him again if I could!

Finally, I have two younger sisters, about a year apart from each other. Paola (or Paula as she prefers) is the older one, and I get along very well with her. Unfortunately, now that she's almost 20, she's become a real um... guy magnet I guess in the past few years. She knows she looks good and has become a pretty big flirt lately, which my father really doesn't approve of. She's attracting some unwanted attention, as father really doesn't want her to marry "scum." In fact, dad asked me to try and recommend one of my friends to her, but I really haven't made a decision on that one yet, thanks largely to my joining the Purifiers recently. Yeah, I'd like to see her again, but I hope she doesn't try and well... hook up with any of my new guests.

The youngest in the family is Maria Carolina (she likes going by Caroline). Caroline is, for lack of a better term... a bitch. She's not very literate or well-read, and this has made her extremely jealous of any girls I've dated, who've quite frankly made her look unsophisticated and stupid (which I hate to say, she really is compared to my type of woman). I think she's got a chip on her shoulder or something from being the youngest, but either way, every time I brought a girl to the house to meet my pops, Caroline would always pull some stupid prank on them to try and drive them off. She also seems to resent that if I do succeed dad, my family's gonna be the ones running the business in the future, and I think she kind of wants any children she may have to do that instead. She's got such an awful personality though that I'd be very surprised if she could ever land a guy for any long period of time. About the only time she's OK is if our family is being threatened. That's the funny thing about her. She LOVES bickering with us but if someone outside the family threatens us... watch out! She'll close ranks and you wouldn't even know about her arguments with us if you tried. Either way, I am NOT looking forward to seeing her again.


Don Stracci: Augmented? Let me explain something to you. I am a businessman first and foremost. To me, augments have their uses, and the augment market is very, very lucrative. I ship parts to any buyer, and it's since become a recent addition to my shipping business. I really have no issues with augments. Money is money. It's like anything, really. Some people say augments are putting people out of work or are being used to harm others. Son, cars have been used as lethal weapons ever since they were invented. Have we gotten rid of them? No! Loss of jobs? It's creating a whole new market, just like the automobile did. Sure, I bet the horses complained when they had no more carts to pull, but last I heard, horses are still doing OK. I don't waste time worrying about the potential ill effects of something. How somebody uses something is not my business.


Tony: My childhood? Well it was... I guess kind of average. We were very privileged growing up, and never wanted for anything. As mentioned above, Victor kind of tormented me and Elio, but it taught me how to stand up for myself and give back just as good as I got. My pops was strict, but he had his warm moments too, being affectionate when we were kids, and kind of cooling down the older we got. My mother loved us all, and spoiled us whenever she could. I think I was my dad's favorite, cause he always seemed to give me the occasional extra treat. As Victor realized he couldn't bully me as effectively the older I got, he became a bit more distant, but that didn't stop us from playing together as kids. My fondest childhood memory is when I rode icebergs with Elio in the stream behind our house. That was an adventure and then some! We got so wet, and our mother was furious with us (kept saying we could've drowned), but eh, Elio and I had a blast! It was pretty hilarious too, since our jackets were SOAKED and full of water and we were bloated beyond belief, plus the water started to freeze when we crawled out of the stream. My first words to my brother were: "Elio! I can't move!" He pretty much told me the same thing, and we just kind of had to waddle our way back up the hill to the Heights, hahah.

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Kojuuro:  Huh.  Honestly, I don't know what to make of them.  None of them have really given me any reason to distrust them.  Though I have a few issues with Emilena.  I know I promised her mother and father I'd protect her, but she's trouble.  If this were a PMC, I would have had her discharged a long time ago.  

Axel seems like a decent sort, dragged into a bad situation.  I'd rather not have him involved, but the way things are shaping up, I don't see much choice but to keep him around.  Maybe his skill with electronics will come in handy.

Lily is...well, I'm not sure what to say about her other then that she's an amazing woman.  Her spirit, her courage...she impresses me, and I intend to do everything in my power to keep her safe.

Soren and I, well, we haven't had much of a chance to interact, but he's a decent sort.  That exoskeleton of his is impressive, and he seems like he'll be a good guy to have in the squad.

Tony is a good kid.  I mean, for being the son of a big-time crime boss, he's an honest, reliable guy.  In a way, he reminds me of Adrian, somewhat.  

Anne seems unreliable, but if she can keep her head in the game and not get distracted by things, she'll probably be a reliable source of infiltration skill and black market knowledge.

Rose and Marita have proven themselves to be good-hearted people, though their lack of combat skill is likely to be a problem.  Once the Purifiers catch on to us, I hope that we'll be able to find a safe place for them to lay low.  

And that Doktor fellow...he unsettles me a little.  He's eerily focused and impersonal, so...who knows what he's thinking.

Adrian:  Honestly?  Not a chance.  I've always been a firm believer in doing the right thing, and I would never go so low as to become a crook.  Now, don't get me wrong, as a vigilante and such, I know full well the potential for my talents.  I mean, I've had to do some.... less-than-legal things to get my marks and such, but still.  I'd never become a criminal for a living.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Serris,Jan 12 2014 on  03:25 AM
Agent Lupis, why did you ask Soren for help instead of say, a mercenary from one of the many megacorps or hell, even a street thug or from organized crime rings?

Lupis: If I wanted people who could shoot a gun I'd use licensed police officers. (I must add that I've already done this, to absolutely no positive effect). Mr. Bhat and Ms. Echo bring a different set of skills; guile and a face Lily knows. Far too many of my fellow agents can't think of any solution that doesn't involve brute force; I try to think slightly further ahead.

Quote from: bushwacked,Jan 12 2014 on  02:44 PM
Agent Lupis - How does it make you feel to use people as unreliable as Emilena and Sanjay as part of your scheme?

Lupis: Far better than using reliable people like Agent Exstasis, who telegraph their thoughts and actions just by existing. If I can watch them for five minutes and predict every move they'll make in any situation, Mrs. North can do the same thing. She has no resources except her mind, yet she evaded an entire manhunt of trained officers for three days. I underestimated her at first. But I doubt even she can predict an unorthodox move of this nature.


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Quote from: Nick22,Jan 8 2014 on  07:42 PM
asanii; what is your opinion on the group so far? who are you closest to, besides John for obvious reasons?
 John, as one of the leaders iof the grioup what are your thoughts on the status of the team? what do you see yoursekf doing after this adventure is over?
Avalon, what made you decide you wanted to be a pilot?

Eric, how do you feel about Asanii?

Asanii: Well, Daar Maa is quite nice and I always try to help Feli.

John: Well, it seems it is a good size. As for afterwords...I'll think about it.

Avalon: Ever since I saw Fay Spaniel fly for the first time.



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Eric:  Asanii is..very important to me.  Why that is, I have yet to know, but she is.  The only certainty I have is that I would not hurt her.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lupus, do you have plans for Tony and the business card?

Lupis: The offer was made completely on the spot, and a genuine offer to help him in the future. Despite his prior assault on me, the boy proved pleasantly amenable to compromise, plus for some reason Ms. North and her teammates appeared to be trusting him, so it's not a hard stretch to think of a way he could repay the favor. Plus, one of my best resources is my ever-expanding web of contacts. Even a fight for my life following a failed sting can be turned into an opportunity to network...

Rose: How has your biproxytol addiction been faring since you reunited with Marita?

Adrian: Where are you and the doctor right now? Does Tony's mansion have an infirmary? (Tony can take that last question if he wants)


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Tony: We have an infirmary, yes. It's rather well stocked, and pretty high-tech, though... for the kind of injuries Adrian has... I'm thinking we still need a hospital... but the Doktor might at least be able to stabilize him long term in the infirmary.

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My characters available to be asked questions:

From Venatione Venatus:



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Anne: Ha, ha! No. I don't need treatment for something that isn't going to harm me!


Ask any of my characters.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Adrian, Kojuuro, Soren, Anne, Emelina, Lily, Agent Lupis, and Axel: If you could find an actor pretty equivalent to how you sound, who would it be?

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Axel: Well, I personally would like to think I sound like Christian Bale, but, ah... I've been told I sound more like Michael Cera. When he's having a bad day. So that, ah, that always puts a crimp in my day.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Agent Lupis: While I've hardly got time to watch films given my line of work, we are actually trained to keep a level and controlling voice at all times like Hugo Weaving from The Matrix. That film is a required reference guide in our bootcamp; half of being an agent is commanding authority, and if you play to public perception, the public tends to fall in line. He would therefore most accurately fit the question you've asked.

Emilena: I've only ever seen one film; Cloud Atlas. When I was young and lived in that orphanage, I once found a remote somebody had left out and watched the airplane edition of it on a television in the staff room. Nurse Noakes became something of a role model for me. You can even tell from my speech pattern, she was the closest thing I've had to a mother figure. I should one day find out what actress played her, she really changed my life.

Lily: Um...I haven't really had the time to watch very much, since waking up. My normal voice was quite feminine, but all these changes have done a number on my voice. My last lines probably sounded closer to the bad guy from Transformers than anything else. Sadly, that's the best answer I can give.


What about you, Tony? Same question back at you.