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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Nov 30 2014 on  12:02 PM
Soren, Marita, Flora and Axel: If you could choose the manner of your death, what would it be?
(EDIT: I wrote Flora when I meant to write Vergil. If you want to answer the last question Vergil you totally can)

Flora: Hmmmm......I would get turned into a statue! Wouldn't that be so romantic? Strike a pose, have my body immortalized for future generations...I could wind up in a museum! Imagine what people would say about a statue of me!


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Axel: If you could choose the manner of your death, what would it be?
Axel: Honestly, as long as it's not slow, I wouldn't mind... One of the things that, you know, really scares me is slowly fading away like my mom. That's always been my worst fear.

But if I had to choose... It would have to be by getting fired by a rocket into a nuclear reactor. Because maybe, just maybe, I'd develop superpowers, and become SuperAxel, defender of the people! Ah... I might need to work on the name. Or, if that didn't happen at least I'd go out in a bang.


Emilena, Lily, Soren and Anne - What would be your absolute worst way to die?


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Marita : I like stringy mozz sticks. as for the manner of my deatgh, to either to be atomized in a nuke explosion - where death is immediate and your body is pulverized into nothing- or otherwise deep-freezed like you see in those deep space movies..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena: Old age. When I see those walking corpses shuffling along the sidewalk, nothing to live for except forcing society to waste time and resources on them...I'd sell everything and hike alone into the wilderness to die on my own terms before letting that happen to me.

Lily: Its hard for me for say...recent evidence has indicated I can survive being suffocated, beaten to death and then autopsied, so I'm actually scared of the opposite; that I'm immortal. I can't bear to think that I'll be seeing everyone I love die, especially Axel. And that's also bringing up a lot of hard questions about the nature and limitations of my powers...I was really irresponsible not exploring and figuring out my power limits after Lanthae.


Axel, Soren, and Rose: If you could have any psychic power, what would you pick?


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Rose: the ability to peer into another's head and find out what they are thinking. Mindreading, basically.course as with any power, that could be abused, though.
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Soren: Wow. It's been a while. Anyways, I have been occasionally tempted to join Anne but seeing her constantly get in trouble with the law or get taken to the ER because of some dumb shit she did...that's a pretty good motivation not to do drugs.

Best way to die...hmm, I'd say bullet to the head from a long-range rifle. You'd never know what hit you.

Worst way to die...being set on fire. Shit, have you seen their remains! Fuckin' nasty!

As for psychic powers, telekinesis. You can do anything with it that you can do with your hands.

Anne: Worst way to die...that's a toughie... You know, I'd say tripping balls and then jumping in front of a truck sounds pretty bad.


Axel, that chop shop in Seryet City you're working in, does it gross you out in any way?

Emilena, would you say Seryet City is better or worse than Lanthae?

Marita, have you been involved in any "questionable" computer work like corporate espionage?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Yay, this thread is back! This thread is awesome!

Emilena: Seryet is awful. It's full of criminals and Augments, easily as many as Lanthae, but I'm not a cop so I can't do anything to put them down. The cops are just as corrupt as the ones in Lanthae, but because I'm not part of the in-crowd they won't let me join their ranks. Until this town stops treating me like a goddamn outsider I don't think I'm going to start liking it.


I'd like to extend that question to Soren, Axel, and Marita. Would you say Seryet City is better or worse than Lanthae?


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marita: Naturally. its big business and pays well. trick is to not get caught. Setyet is sklightly better than Lanthae, if only for the reason i can afford to live at my place and not scrimp on everything just to make ends meet.
 For the cafe Crowd:
 Carson: why did you  try and cheat your way into the competition?
 kerzach: How do you like your job on Mawashi?
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Axel, that chop shop in Seryet City you're working in, does it gross you out in any way?

Axel: Honestly, not really. I mean, it's not like I'm the one sawing the augments off people, or however they do it. And apart from the occasional blood stain or little bit of skin or meat, they normally get delivered in in pretty good condition.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I enjoy what's happening to these people, but... I mean, it's going to happen anyway, and I needed to find a way to get by. If I learned something from Lanthae, it's that sometimes you just need to look out for yourself.

Would you say Seryet City is better or worse than Lanthae?

Axel: I'd say maybe Seryet does a good job of looking like it's better than Lanthae. You're probably not as likely to get mugged, or worse, if you go out at night... depending on where you go, I guess. And the police do a better job of appearing to give a shit about the people living here. But you'd be kidding yourself if you actually thought Lanthae was any worse.

The cops are still corrupt here, and gangs and other assholes will still screw you over if you don't watch it. I guess I can just see it more clearly now than I did in Lanthae.


Emilena, Lily, Soren and Anne - did what happened in Lanthae affect you in any way?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena: I didn't change at all, Lily on the other hand has turned into a paranoid conspiracy theorist who thinks everyone is out to kill her and has made a living out of getting herself murdered because she hates the world so much.

Lily: Oh you haven't changed, you think? What happened to the headstrong police officer who didn't need anyone and was the star of the force? Now you're a whiny homeless deadbeat who lets herself get bossed around and places all her self-worth in a police department that's never going to care about her. Maybe one day you'll stop trying to rejoin a society that will only wring you out and discard you for its own gain.

Emilena: In many ways I preferred you when you were a giant lizard who couldn't talk...


Uziel, where did you learn to speak Spanish?

Rhaegson, what if I told you that you died from being bisected by a UFO in another timeline?

Marie, what are your first impressions of Blanking the Slate Flora?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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More questions!

Soren, Axel, what's your middle name?

Rose, who's better in bed, Marita or Marie?


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Marie: well shes very pampered as befits someone whos used to getting whatever she wants.. Shes from a very different lifestyle than I am. She soends more creds in a week than I make in 20 years. but since shes bunking with us i'm going to try and be friendly to her as much as i can. not often you get a pop star soending time with you.

Rose: thats like asking which is your favorite flavor of ice cream,  thee is no answer. Marita and I have the longer bond- indeed I didnt expect her to rescue me from the Sheep, but she did and now I'm slowly detoxing. Marie is a co-worker thats been a strong support when I need it- shes more demonstrative in bed than Marita is.. but both girls are VERY good between the sheets. Marita for knowing every inch of me. Marie for just being a wild child when making out.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: Remember to ask questions as well as answer them. Otherwise the thread stalls)

Marita, what's your last name?

Rose, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Marie, if you could change your body in any way, how would you do it?


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Marita: Jones. I lost both my parents in college. so i've been supporting myelf for a long time.
 Rose; mint Chocolate Chip. throw some whipped topping on it.. and you have me.
 Marie : Well  i actually like my body as is. too many people want nose jobs, boob jobs, lip implants, that sort of thing.
 Flora; What made you decide to go into Show business?
 Lily; what have you been up to since leaving Lanthae? and whats your middle name?
 Emilena: whats your middle name?
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Uziel: My family spoke Spanish at home along with English.

Soren: "A"...just A. My mom wanted my middle name to be Aaron, my dad wanted it to be Adam. In the end, my grandma told them to cut the crap and just choose a letter.

As for Seryet City vs. Lanthae? Well, that's like asking whether it's better to be kicked in the balls or in the face. They both suck. That said, Seryet PD and the politicians actually seem to give half a shit about the inhabitants.

Don't get me wrong though; Seryet City is a still a place where homicide could be considered a "natural death".

As for what happened in Lanthae...I really don't like talking about it and I try my best to forget about that whole incident. That said, my housemates said that I seem to be kind of paranoid.


Doctor Kerzach: My job on Mawashi is actually pretty good. I mean it is a bit weird, cooking using heavy equipment but once you get used to it, it's not that different than normal cooking.

Captain Carson: We're a bit hard up for supplies so I thought I might "bend the rules" to help us gather supplies. That said, it's hard to see what I did as giving myself an unfair advantage.


Rose and Axel, have you ever been to Egeson Street?

Emilena, in your opinion, what's the worst part of Seryet City?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rose; No i havent. I've stuck to the route between work and home. safer that way: MUCH safer
 Tigress; I'm up next for questions in cafe.

Anne: how long have you had the horn implant?
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora: Seemed like a waste to look as good as I do and not flaunt it, right? People would die to get a body like mine, and they'll pay just to see it. Also it was that or stay in an all-boys boarding school, which would have gotten awkward fast.

Emilena: A middle name? I'm lucky to have a last name. My parents mashed theirs together to create 'Emilena' when they left me at the orphanage, but I didn't get a surname assigned until I passed through the Accelerated Growth procedure when I was seven. Fifth of ten in the batch, they just used the military alphabet. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie... come to think of it there's only a few of us left at this point...

Lily: I've been drifting. What happened to my body when that...thing...took it over, that isn't just something you recover from. As for my full name, Emilena found a minor traffic violation in the police archives, and my full name was  Lillian Jessica Sybil. I didn't let her probe further because the past honestly doesn't matter to me anymore.

Emilena: But I totally looked into it anyway, and she's got a husband and three kids in Corona. Don't say anything; I dont think it'd be good for her to know that. And as for Seryet, the worst part is all the public funding. Parks, rivers, trees along the side of the we're supposed to be an advanced civilization and we waste valuable cityspace on plants. They just look weird, jutting out in the way of high-tech skyscrapers and the like.


Uziel, what do you know about Soren's past? What do you want to know?

Marita, if Rose and Marie had a falling out and moved away from each other, who would you choose to keep living with?


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Marita: a very hard question to answer as I love them both dearly. It would depend on who i felt was responsible for the breakup, if it was Rose that was at fault, then I would have Marie stay, if Marie  was to blame then Rose. Rose and I have a longer bond- been girlfriends now twice, first in college and then now.. while marie has wormed her way into my heart.. and other places. She  is very good in bed, for a golden retriever that is.

 To  Flora , 3 questions
1.What made you decide to go into show business?
 2.when was the first time you kissed another girl?
3. what was her name- if you remember that, and what were the two of you doing at the time?

To  Cap. Carson: have you ever been in a kart race before?
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Rhaegson, what if I told you that you died from being bisected by a UFO in another timeline?
Rhaegson - I'd ask what the fuck you were on, 'cause I want some of it. This is the real world, not one of your nerdy sci-fi shows. If I die, I'm gonna make damn sure its balls deep in some broad who's at least an 8/10. Alright, a 6/10, I'm not that picky.

Axel, what's your middle name?
Axel - Jackson. It was the name of my dad's dad. He died way before I was born, but when she was around my mom told me that he was a pretty good guy.

Axel, have you ever been to Egeson Street?
Axel - No. Ever since I got to Seryet, I... don't really go out too much. I'll go when I have to, like to buy cheap crap at the store or go to work. Or stay for a couple of hours at the bar. But apart from that, it's not like I just go for a walk. It's not like I can relax outside.


Lily - By now, are you used to being 'killed'? Is it still traumatic, or now is it just something you can shrug off?

Emilena - How would you describe your partnership with Lily?

Soren - What's the one thing you miss the most about living in Lanthae?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: Please note which Flora you're asking, Around the Folf Flora and Breaking the Slate Flora are very different characters. Since you mention show biz I'm guessing this one is Blanking)

Quote from: Nick22,Oct 10 2015 on  07:37 PM
To Flora , 3 questions
1.What made you decide to go into show business?
 2.when was the first time you kissed another girl?
3. what was her name- if you remember that, and what were the two of you doing at the time?

Flora: My passion was always synthetics and pyrotechnics; it's just a coincidence I look damn sexy. That's why I stayed in school long enough to graduate, so I could learn as much applicable engineering as posssible.

It actually was quite some time before I kissed a girl, all-male boarding school you know. I was about halfway between grey wolf and pink fox by then, I think I looked horrible but my friends claim it wasn't that bad. Barbara was the janitor's daughter, her English wasn't great, but we hung out a lot because we were the only 'girls' on the campus. She was maybe five years older than me, and one time we just kissed while hiding from her dad in the broom closet. It was spur-of-the-moment and kinda awkward so we never did it again, but for me it was a big confidence booster learning that somebody would find me kissable even the way I am.

Quote from: bushwacked,Oct 10 2015 on  09:01 PM
Lily - By now, are you used to being 'killed'? Is it still traumatic, or now is it just something you can shrug off?

Emilena - How would you describe your partnership with Lily?

Lily: Honestly, dying isn't that bad. Easier than falling asleep. The pain beforehand is a lot worse than the part where everything stops. But even then, the thing is...when you know the pain doesn't matter, it just becomes another sensation. Like pleasure, or boredom. The regeneration though...breathing is always the last thing to come back and suffocating (sometimes for hours, depending on how I died) will never be a manageable experience.

Emilena: Incredibly weird. Don't get me wrong, it's a business relationship, nothing more, but she's...extremely messed up. In some deeply disturbing ways. And she's not going to get better. At the moment, she's my best shot at convincing the Seryet Police Department to pick me up but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'm rather uncomfortable with spending time around a person with such a flawed perception of death. I can't know for sure where I fit into her plans...

Rose, have you ever been to Egeson street?

Axel, have you adopted any everyday survival strategies as a result of what happened in Lanthae?