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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 251066


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"Hey, where's Shakila?" Zachary asked.

Gustave shrugged and showed Aisha the claws on his hands. Each claw was filed to a sharp point. "This good enough? Not to mention, I have a 4-gauge shotgun that can flatten pretty much anything - even someone wearing armor," he said. "Oh, did I mention that I can also use my tail as a battering weapon?"

Alfred sighed. "Gustave, jurors take a very dim view of anthros who have natural weapons - especially things like claws and fangs - and use them on others," he said.

What Alfred had said was true; many jurors, regardless of species saw the use of claws and fangs - even in justified cases of self-defense - as savage. Granted, they tended to feel the same about any edged weapon. Ironically, Snakes who envenomated their attackers in self-defense were usually treated more leiantly.

"So what targets do you wish to hit?" Dr. Zanasiu said. "We have either the Idaho Prison Base, the Texas detention center or the Florida base," he said.

"The Idaho Base is the closest. Alert the others, we're heading out there," Cobalt Leader said.

"What about are 3 arrivals?" Hans asked.

Cobalt Leader shook his head. "We do not know their skills nor their combat capability. They would be a liability," he said calmly.

Dr. Zanasiu saluted and left the mess hall. He then entered the conference room where they previously met.


"Vic, Aiko," Dr. Zanasiu said, taking a drink of water from the water cooler. "Cobalt Leader has made his decision, we are heading for the Idaho Base," he said.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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That's good enough.. a zombie that messed with you would be cut to shreads very quickly" Aisha said, noticing the look in Gustaves eyes, this was not someone you wanted to piss off.. clearly..
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Soon enough, more guards had shown up, which seem to be the very last of them, to which Hailey automatically started to count the kills "52, 53, 54, 55, 56...."

Aimee in turn, only glanced over at Hailey and her counting as she took out some of the guards herself, before looking to her friend once again, about to open her mouth, only to have Hailey speak up.

"57 kills for me...and 34 kills for you" Hailey told Aimee with a small giggle as well.


Zara in turn, had already broken inside the building itself, limping a little in the general direction of where she believed the others were within the building, but in reality, it was a simple, random guess.


Trinity in turn, had gotten into her vehicle and started to pull off, following the others, yet, driving to the side simply to let the Humvee that held DS-2 head past her as she continued to follow the others, all the while, smirking ever so lightly to herself.


(UMC Base area) (Yes, I suck at spelling the place names at times :p )

Shakila was still with Slash and Agito at the moment, looking at them as she gave off a yawn in the process "Sorry, I've been rather tired lately, have not been able to get any sleep at all while I've been here....would rather be in a proper bed right now, snoozing away...."


Kiara, meanwhile, was laying where she was, looking at Kagetora and humming a little bit to herself, still the same state as she was before, no shirt on, but now, with no bra on either as she continued to lay where she was, seeming a little bored at the moment as she kept on looking at Kagetora.


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(Idaho base Exterior)
From a distant sniper post, the leader of the commando team took careful aim and fired a single shot, killing the driver of the Humvee...

(Idaho base Interior)
Neku held up a hand, stopping the bullets in midair.
"If you bastards excuse me...I have someplace to be."
He said, reversing the bullets and flinging them back, seething with electricity.

(Lab 101 Ruins)
Cale nodded.
"We should.  Roux, get us out of here.  Think you can get us to the USMC base where the others are?"
He asked.  Roux nodded.
"Of course.  Let's be on our way, boys."
She said, grabbing each of them by the arm and vanishing...

(USMC Base)
Slash nodded.
"Yeah, some sleep would be great.  Wonder if they have any rooms around that we could use."
He said, nuzzling Shakila affectionately, as Agito wrapped his arm around her.
"Well, maybe we should ask, hm?"
He said, half-mockingly...

Kagetora smiled at Kiara, leaning in to kiss her deeply as his hand traced over her crotch...

Inside the control area of the Marine Corps base, a small swirl of wind indicated that Roux, Cale, and Aedelwulf had arrived...


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(USMC Base)

Vic stared at the screens on board.  "That may not be the case now for Idaho," he responded.  "The Marines are there now, and they're reporting fighting inside already.  Did that Cale group go there instead?"


That answer came when the control room was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the trio.  An alarm sounded again, and soldiers rushed in with guns drawn on the 'next group' of intruders...


(Idaho Base)

In the midst of the chaos, the predator dashes off from the base into the woods, undetected by those inside and outside the base...


Several of the guards were shredded by their own bullets, but others tossed concussion grenades to where Neku stood, exploding with force...



The rifle now useless, Azrael tossed it aside and drew his sword.  "Are you going to yak away our last minutes on earth or are we going to fight?"



Detecting the missiles, the satellite attempts to break away, rotating itself to fire off defensive missiles, but the hatch jammed.  The move avoided all but the last, striking a stabilizing wing of panels and hurling the whole into a spinning, which began to bring it into the stratosphere...

(OCC:  Just to let you guys know, I plan to take out the prison base with the satellite, and the ordinance on the satellite will make a huge hole out of it.  This will happen a time after Southport is gone, so there's plenty of time.)


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"We'll head to Texas then," Dr. Zanasiu said. He then turned to Vic and Aiko. "What information do we have on the base?"

Dr. Bailey looked up from his computer. "All I have is the name, address and name of the warden. In order: Alto Desierto Correctional Facility, 623 Deadwood Drive, Francis Wolcott " he said.

"Okay, so how do we get in?"

Dr. Bailey shook his head. "To be honest, I have no idea. The soldiers may be able to pull rank but I really doubt that'll work," he said.


Cobalt Squad ran (or in the case of Spc. Crota and Sgt. Masters, slithered) into the control room with their weapons drawn.


Gustave, Zachary, Hans, Werner and Alfred were heading to the armory to prepare for their next mission.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Cale sighed in exasperation, holding his hands up.
"Why is it that everywhere we end up, there are always people with guns aimed at us, hm Roux?  Could you take us someplace nice next time?"
He said calmly...


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"Well yeah, we could ask about rooms, but then again, if they all wish to head to another objective....whatever it is that could be, then I guess it would be best for us to help out....somehow" Shakila shrugged back and nuzzling Slash back as she also smiled to Agito.


Kiara just smirked back to Kagetora lightly as well " naughty boy...." she chuckled a little as she murred some.



Subject 19 sighed just a little bit as she looked to Azrael "Very well then, I guess if you're anxious to die that much quicker....I suppose I could at least, entertain you" she spoke with a small chuckle and straight away, dashed forward, claws at the ready...


(Idaho Base)

Viper and Dr. Hazel were soon, seen within a computer room, with Dr. Hazel acessing the computer that was available to her, using her old Dragonstorm authorization to be able to get into the Dragonstorm database without raising any eyebrows.

Viper watched on, looking to be rather confused with how Dr. Hazel was using the computer as she scratched the back of her head a little bit as well.


Zara was now inside the main building and was walking down one of the hallways, her eyes peeled for any sort of danger that might approach her as she continued to silently walk on, her bare feet making no noise as she walked.


Both Aimee and Hailey were still making their way towards another area of the building, Hailey in particular, looking rather concerned about something.

"Let me're worried about Neku?" Aimee asked Hailey.

"Well yeah, I mean, I just left him in the dust and went to Egypt without so much of a word, and well, he would be worried sick about me as it is....gotta at least show him that I'm still alright....would save him worrying and what have you...." Hailey answered back with a small shrug as well.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The Humvee skidded to a stop, and the turret gunner flipped over the top and tumbled to the ground.

Narcissus riding shotgun kicked the dead driver out of the driver's seat and took over. "Get in!" he yelled at the turret gunner.

The side gunner climbed into the top turret, and the man on the ground clambered into the side gun. Dodging fire, the Humvee roared after the escaping convoy.

"Wait!" yelled Ajax futilely as he staggered after the Humvee, which soon roared out of range. He dropped to his knees, and his spent rifle clattered onto the blood-stained dirt. "Don't leave me..."

(OOC: I'm planning on having this guy get killed by the heat/shockwaves that will emanate from Mirumoto's airstrike.)


"Hey, wait a minute, you know my combat ability!" Sharon protested loudly. "I fought side-by-side with you during the first Pelvanida invasion! I should get to go on this mission too!"


Aydin just milled around, not trusting himself to do anything in case he get the others mad at him again. "I miss Aimee," he sighed sadly to himself.


"Where are we heading?" Shelton asked.


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(USMC Base)

In the control room, the base's commanding officer entered and observed the situation.  "Escort them to the conference room, as well as any other of our 'visitors'..."


Outside, the sergeant gets the message from his CO, and then turns to the three.  "You three are to be escorted inside," he said...


At the armory, a group of guards cut off the five folks.  "I'm sorry sirs," one officer said.  "You must return to the conference room.  General's orders..."


As Aiko was about to bring up the schematics of the next destination, an officer walked in and whispered in Vic's ear.  Vic cursed at what he heard, and then nodded to the officer in response.  "Aiko, pack your stuff..." he said.

"What?!  Now?!"

"Trust me.  We'll get the whole thing from the host soon..."  He turned to Dr Zanasiu.  "We're about to be evicted, and we're going to find out why."


(Idaho Base)

When they were a distance away from the base, Shelton's driver turned back to him.  "We're heading straight for an airfield, sir," he replied.  "The other scientists are going there too from Point B.  We're going far from her for sure.  The Marines just showed up at the front door now..."



Azrael smirked, and waited for the last moment, before his eyes turned a different colored tint...and then sprang over the monster, swinging his blade for the right wing...


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"Okay," Alfred replied with a shrug. He then turned back and headed back to the way they came.


"Cale?" Cobalt Leader asked. He lowered his pistol. "In any case, you are to be escorted to the conference room," he said.

Spc. Crota and Sgt. Masters still kept their weapons trained on the three.

"Lt. Slavik, there has been a misunderstanding," Aedelwulf said.

"How do you know my name?!" Cobalt Leader demanded. Spc. Crota and Sgt. Masters looked somewhat stunned at the revelation but still kept their pistols trained at the cyborg.

"Simple, I saw you back in 2008 during the Pelvanida Incident."

"Are you-"

"Atticus Aedelwulf, yes. Now I believe we should be heading to the conference room."

Cobalt Leader nodded and escorted the group to the conference room. The Marines behind them had their weapons at the ready.


Dr. Zanasiu groaned. "Great, I have a feeling Aydin's behind it," he said.

Dr. Bailey got to work packing his laptop into a bag he had purchased at the base commissary.


Zachary  turned to Sharon. "This is a little different, we're going to be invading not defending," he said.

Dr. Wayne shook her head. "Uh no, I'm no soldier and I'm not coming with you guys," she said calmly.

(OOC - Dr. Wayne is public domain.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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So I take it where headed to Texas then? aisha asked " can we at least stop at a Texas Steakhouse'
_ Very funnty Aisha ' we're actually invading this compound... Dr Landon reminded her.. "he added as the followed after Alfred..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You've let Neville go with you this whole time," Sharon pointed out, for she'd been talking to Werner about that earlier. "And I just fought my way alone through a zombie-infested building. I'd like to see you do that."

She folded her arms defiantly. "During the terrorist invasion, I felt more alive than I've ever felt in my life. I'd never forgive myself if I passed up the opportunity to experience that adrenaline rush again."


"An airfield?" Shelton looked out the window, but he couldn't see anything yet. "Are we going to be flying somewhere?"


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Zachary shrugged. "Fair enough then," he said. "Welcome to the team, Sharon."

Alfred entered the meeting room. "So who's the Dhole?" he asked.

"Sharon Varma," Sharon said shaking his hand.

Gustave was fuming about not being allowed access to his prized double barreled 4-gauge shotgun. "So now what?" he asked bitterly.

"Wait for orders," Hans said calmly.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Welcome to the madhouuse Dr Landon smirked as he shook Sharon's hand. " So when do we head out?' He asked..
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Hans sighed. "We have to wait for orders from the general of the base. We can't head out without our weapons," he said.

"Great, thanks to Aydin, Dragonstorm's getting away," Gustave said, taking a sip of some coffee.

"Gustave, lay off Aydin for a bit," Alfred said. He was munching on some potato chips he had bummed off a passing soldier.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(USMC Base)

"I don't believe Aydin's the reason for this now..." Vic replied.

"Boss, you better see this before I shut it off," Aiko said.  He brought up a screen of a 3D image of the earth and the stratosphere, with a moving image falling down.  "We just got word from the Winchester that they got the satellite.  It's falling from the sky as we speak."

"But the missiles were designed to take it completely apart."

"I suspect it tried to get away.  I'll work on the trajectory of the impact..."



The driver said nothing as they continued through the town for the airport...


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As Trinity was following the group, she decided that it was best to get a hold of Drake and find out the situation of his experiment. However, as she attempted to call him, there had been no answer that had come from him, to which she was starting to act a little more concerned and thought that it would be best to try and contact him at a later date instead.


(Idaho Prison Base)

Inside the prison base, Aimee and Hailey continued to walk onwards, still chatting a bit as well, to which Hailey decided to bring up a point on something "So, how come you came here by yourself?"

Aimee shrugged back a little bit "The others thought it wasn't in their best intrest to come here"

"Big suprise there...." Hailey replied back with a little sigh in the process too "I mean, I am....well, former Dragonstorm personel and all that mumbo jumbo"


Meanwhile, Dr. Hazel had found out all the information that she was after, especially concerned with something she had found and motioned for Viper to come take a look at it, as Viper already could tell who was in the photo "Dietrik....he's alive? But I thought he died.....back in New York City"

"Well, seems like our Russian friend survived.....stingy bastard...." Dr. Hazel sneered some "But now the question remains on where he's operating from now...."


Zara continued to make her way throughout the base, rather silently still, her eyes peeled, however, the hallways were empty and she had no clue on where everyone else was either.


(USMC Base)

Shakila looked to both Slash and Agito as the Comander spoke that they had to join in "Well, I guess sleep will have to wait then" she yawned some andgrabbed each of their hands and walked off with them back to the mess hall where everyone else was.


Kiara looked back to Kagetora with a smirk at what he was doing, murring away rather happily, and unaware of what everyone else on the base was up to either.



Subject 19 sneered back to him and swung her claws in time to block the strike as she raised her foot up a bit and kicked him back with a growl "I am going to enjoy killing you...."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Aydin sat with his arms crossed, attempting to pretend Gustave's words didn't sting, but not doing a very good job.

Sharon shook Dr. Landon's hand warmly until she noticed Aydin. She came over. "Hello, I don't believe we've met." She smiled and extended her hand.

Aydin turned away. "I have no interest in talking to you right now," he stated bluntly.

Sharon raised her eyebrows, lowered her hand silently, and then walked back to the others, slightly put off.


"I hate flying," Shelton continued, looking out the window. "Especially in small planes."

"You?" asked Montgomery. "Haven't you lived in like a dozen countries?"

"Doesn't mean I have to like flying," Shelton shuddered. "First time was on a three person craft over the Baltic Sea, with my parents. Tropical storm nearly dragged us out of the sky."

"Well, I'm sure our pilots can do a better job than your father at avoiding atmospheric disturbances," Montgomery replied.


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Azrael curled up to roll away and back onto his feet, his sword at the ready.  "Keep talking, and you won't have the honor to be the one that will kill me..."


(Idaho Base)

Race looked calmly at a monitor, showing the trajectory of Dragonstorm's fallen satellite.  She pressed a few more buttons...


Throughout the compound, alarms blared, and the intercom began to repeat itself over and over.  "ENEMY ATTACK IMMINENT!  EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!  ENEMY ATTACK IMMINENT!"


Outside, the Marines got word of the threat and quickly pulled away from the area...


Shelton's convoy had soon reached the airport, which was lined with small planes as scientists driven from Point B were being loaded...