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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 251072


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(DS Planes)

The jet levelled out to let the co-pilot get a good at their attackers.  "Messerschmitts!" he shouted.

A guard looked back with wide eyes.  "Who the hell flies Messerschmitts?!"

"We were warned of this," the pilot responded.  "Apparantly, there are surviving members of a terrorist group that hit Pelvanida base over a year ago.  That's why we have escorts.  Everyone buckle up and hang on!"

The plane dropped altitude and increased its speed.  The escorts peeled away to deal with the enemy planes.

The co-pilot took another look at the radar.  "Damn.  There's 6 more of them coming!"



Tank and Aiko were snoring in their sleep, so only Ice's ears twitched as he heard the conversation between Dr Wayne and Dr Williams...


(New Peenemunde Harbor, Florida)

The base, hidden within an old military port, houses most of its secrets within a collection of concrete bunkers for ships, military buildings, warehouses, and disguised watchtowers.  A small airstrip and two small bases lie adjacent inland to the harbor.

Within one of the bunkers, a massive warship nears completion as workers have just finished with the wiring and control systems.  Weapons stored in the warehouses are being inspected and prepared to be taken to the bunker...


(Texas base)

A scientist walked down the halls when he hears a child humming in a song.  He opened the door where the voice lies, but sees no one inside.  Puzzled, he closes the door, leaving the child in white in that very room to giggle in response...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton realized he needed to get a transmission to Hans, asking where the terrorist base was. Fumbling with his belt, he unclipped his radio-flashlight and tried to recall Hans' frequency. He hadn't had to call anyone but Kerzach in such a long time...

Suddenly the drop in altitude sent the radio-flashlight skittering out of his grasp. He watched it roll under several rows of seats before settling near the back of the plane.

He gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath. He tried to bring up the courage to crawl into the aisle and retrieve the radio, but a not-entirely irrational fear kept him rooted to the spot.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Well, it seems like everyone else is nearly asleep.  Perhaps we could wait until then, but that could take until we get ready to land.  Did you have any ideas on when we should ditch the others?" Dr. Williams whispered in response to Dr. Wayne.


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(Las Vegas)

Dr. Hazel soon spoke up as she stepped fprward with one step before stopping, almost face to face with Xanthus, looking at him in his eyes for a second "You need her alive, Dietrik needs her alive....if she dies, then the whole cloning process or whatever it is he wants her for this time, goes down the drain, she's far too valuable to be killed"

Xanthus gave off a slight chuckle "So, the good doctor is still just as smart...." he begun, glancing behind himself slight as he watched as Viper vanished with Spectre.

Zara took this chance to rush ahead to attack Xanthus, only to have Xanthus grab Zara by one of her arms, moving his upper body backwards from the second swing of her claws, to which he grabbed her other hand, moving her arms around to her back, holding her there before pushing her forward.

He then stepped backwards a little to avoid a swing of Dr. Hazel's fist, as he grabbed her by the back of the head, slamming her forehead into his knee, smirking only slightly as he kicked her backwards.

Aimee then took the chance to charge at Xanthus, tackling him back into the slot machines, to which she swung, managing to land only one hit in on his face, before he struck Aimee in the stomach and slamming the palm of her hand into Aimee's face, causing her to stumble back slightly.


Viper had soon reappeared with Spectre on top of Caser's Palaceand was about to teleport back into the casino when Spectre spoke up "You should stop running.....this is your destiny after all, an experiment created for one purpose, and one purpose cannot be free.....freedom does not belong to you"

"You don't know anything about're the same, no freedom, having to listen to orders...." Viper retaliated back.

Spectre, however, just chuckled "Whoever said that we were free? I enjoy what I do, being able to hunt down something as elusive as yourself" he smirked a little as he cloaked himself.

Viper hessitated and teleported away, back into the casino, unaware that Spectre had grabbed back onto her again as she reappeared right near Zara.

Zara looked around for a second as Viper appeared, her claws at the ready, lunging at Viper, yet, she smiled to Viper as her claws missed Viper intentionally, striking next to her head and in the process, having killed Spectre before he could escape.  Zara looked to Viper with a smile upon her face, giving her a quick little kiss on the cheek as she pulled her claws out of Spectre's skull.


Aimee grabbed a handful of nearby coins and turned, throwing said coins into Xanthus' face, causing him to stagger slightly as she followed up with a punch to his face, causing him to stagger back some more.

However, Xanthus then leapt up onto the slot machines again, looking to Aimee for a second, then over to Dr. Hazel and smirked, to which he leapt off the slot machines and onto the ground, rushing over to Dr. Hazel and grabbing her by the throat, this time, deciding to hold her hostage as he looked to the others with a smirk upon his face.


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"Once we land, we'll excuse ourselves to go to the bathroom and then we'll see if we can dump the group then," Dr. Wayne whispered.


Dr. Bailey turned to Shakila. "So ready for our next adventure?" he asked in an attempt at making light conversation.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Cera
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"If you're that eager to skip the party," Ice broke in, "then you should've asked.  It was only courtesy that we didn't let you go to military prison.  You are in fact the only survivors of Southport..."

"Speaking of Southport," Vic chimed in, from the pilot's cabin.  "I just got word from base.  Southport's gone.  A nuclear blast wiped it off the face of the earth..."

Erin and Snow looked on astonishment.

"And one more bit of news," Vic added.  "There's been a report that the Idaho base is gone too when the Dragonstorm satellite fell from the sky."

The helicopters soon reached the Utah border, nearing Crimson Base at last...


(Las Vegas)

Outside the casino, the commotion rose as people were running out of the building.  A human female in a black coat watched on patiently.  One thing odd of her is the Japanese-style bow and arrow quiver across her back...


(DS Planes)

The six enemy fighters were closing in on the jet, when a pair of missiles homed in on the trailing Messerschmitts, incinerating them to pieces.  The rest dispersed away from Shelton's plane...

"Let's just hope we make it to Kansas..." the co-pilot said as he watched the radar...


(Crimson Base)

Dr Joe returned to the laboratory to check up on Siberys in his holding cell.  "Sorry I haven't talked with you for a while.  How are you doing?"


  • Littlefoot
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(Las Vegas)

As Xanthus held Dr. Hazel, he spoke up to the group present "I am rather....displeased with you lot, I had one simple request, to have Viper come with us, and we weren't going to hurt anyone, but then, you had to go ahead and kill the others, make things oh so much more difficult for myself" one of his arms was wrapped around Dr. Hazel's throat as he continued to hold her there "But I see that you still wish to play games....very well then....but this time, it'll be a bit different...." and in a quick movement, he grabbed Dr. Hazel by the head next and snapped her neck with the twist of her head "This time, we're going to be playing by my rules" he chuckled, dropping her body to the ground.

Vioer's eyes widened at what Xanthus had just done, killing her friend just like that, to which she looked to Zara, who in turn, was trying to compose herself.

"Your move" Xanthus then spoke up, looking to the three of them and watched as Zara dashed forward, yet, his eyes were still on both Aimee and Viper as well.  He moved his upperbody to avoid one of Zara's swings as he slammed a fist of his into her elbow, grabbing the gack of her head, all in one rather swift movement and slammed it into the side of one of the slot machines present.

Aimee on the other hand, walked over to Spectre's body and retrieved his knife"I just hope she doesn't kill him....we'll need some answers from him...."

Zara knew not kill Xanthus just yet, as she still did want an answer on where Colonel Dietrik was hiding out, but boy, did she want to kill him as it was for what he had done as she continued to fight back, shaking off the pain in her forehead as she swung at him, still trying to strike at him before getting an idea, swinging her claws at the slot machine's lever, slicing itt off as she grabbed it in the process, turning around and managing to strike Xanthux right across the face, followed by a few punches to his face.

Aimee soon approached as she put the knife away into her pocket, grabbing onto Xanthus' throat the moment her had stumbled back and slammed him into the side of the slot machine, holding him there "Game, set and match Xanthus"

"Now tell us, where is Dietrik hiding out now?" Zara asked with a glare to him.

Xanthus however, just gave off a chuckle, which only caused Aimee to slam his head into the slot machine "I suggest you answer her, and truthfully too"

"Or you'll do what exactly? You don't want to kill me, for both information and for the fact that you lot aren't exactly cold blooded killers" Xanthus spoke with a smirk upon his face as Aimee repeated the process of slamming his head into the slot machine yet again "However, I will tell you for one simple allow Viper there, to go walking right to him....Washington D.C, you can start by looking there.....I would say, either try the Lincoln Memorial....or you could even go to the White House"

"You're not going to be making this easy for us, now are you?" Zara glared to him still as she then aimed her claws right at his eyes "Where abouts in D.C? I need a specific location"

"Fine the Smithsoneon, start there...." Xanthus replied back, still as calm as ever as Zara removed her claws and walked over to Viper "Come on, we're going to Washington.....Aimee, you can deal with him as you wish"

"But....we just can't leave Alice here on here own with him" Viper piped up.

"Don't worry about me, I've got to get back to the others, and I'll be taking Xanthus here with me" Aimee replied back as she nodded to the two of them "But I'm sure we'll meet again anyway"

Viper noded back and grabbed onto Zara's hand as she teleported away with her, leaving Aimee and Xanthus alone in the partly destroyed casino.

Aimee soon, let go of Xanthus, yet, kept her eye on him "Now, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way, but either way, you are still coming with me"

Xanthus eyed her back, his fingers flexing somewhat "Since I do not seem to have a choice in the mater....." he stepped back from her, but only slightly "I would like to know one many others are there of you and....whatever group it is that you're part of? I am rather curious, as you do not seem to be part of Dragonstorm, nor are you any sort of terrorist, it is possible that you could be I correct?"

"So what if I am?" Aimee asked with a little snarl at him.

"Then, I shall accompany you to whatever destination you require me at" Xanthus spoke, giving off a rather light smirk in the process.



Shakila had been looking out the window the whole time as Dr. Bailey had spoke to her "Yeah, I suppose you could say that I am, although, I am still a bit lost as to where it is we're heading to after this base, I mean, I heard three different places that we could attack and I've got no clue on which one they decided upon"


  • Cera
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(Las Vegas)

The woman outside finally walk inside to inspect the carnage, finding a Fox and a Wolf facing each other, and several bodies strewn across the floor...


  • Littlefoot
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(Las Vegas)

Both Aimee and Xanthus looked over tosee the woman enter.  Xanthus in particular was eyeing her rather cautiously, while Aimee just looked at her before she decided to speak up "Can I help you?" she decided to ask.

"Can I help you?" Xanthus gave off a chuckle at what Aimee had said  "Really? A mysterious woman arrives, and all you can ask of her is....can I help you?"

Aimee glanced at Xanthus and just scoffed at him "Do not make me punch you again"

Xanthus however, just chuckled again as he stepped forward, looking at the mysterious woman still "You'll have to excuse the Fox, she doesn't tend to think before she speaks or acts for that matter...." he paused for a moment, still eyeing the woman "However, I must ask of you, identify yourself" he ordered the woman, hiw mechanical eye scanning her.


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(Las Vegas)

The woman gave a half-smile when her reddish-purple eyes fell on the wolf.  "Would names matter in this day in age, Hunter?" she replied.  "I was just watching to see if you'd finish off the anti-Dragonstorm vixen over here..."


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(Las Vegas)

"I would still advise a name, if I know that I can trust you or not" Xanthus glanced back to Aimee for a moment, then looking back upon the woman, another smirk falling upon his face "It doesn't matter though, part of my objective is still complete, the other part....I need her to remain alive in order to complete it"

Aimee reached into her pocket and kept her hand on the knife that she had taken earlier on as she just eyed the two of them, already, not trusting the woman who had arrived.


  • Cera
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(Las Vegas)

"You don't need to worry about trust, Hunter," the woman replied.  "The only thing you need to know about trust is that if you decided to ally with her, then I'll simply have to kill you both..."  Saying this, she drew her tall bow, the upper section gleamed light off like it was metal and it was sharpened.  "But if you're still with Trinity and Dragonstorm, Hunter, then I'll leave you to your business."  She then turned to the Fox.  "You can't close the distance with that little knife before I run you through, dearie.  So don't try it unless you're eager to die..."


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Dr. Wayne held her head in her hands and sobbed softly. She had grown up in Southport and now all her family, friends - everything was gone.

"Guys, we're getting ready to land," the pilot said


Siberys nodded. "Doing fine. Thank you," he said. He then gestured to a plastic cup. The cup rose into the air a little bit then dropped back down.

He then sighed. "Not sure if I'll ever be normal though," he said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Littlefoot
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(Las Vegas)

"This Trinity person is of no concern to me" Xanthus begun as he just continued to smirk away still, glancing at the woman still "I still have many plans left to accomplish....and I will succeed in them one way or another"

Aimee however, just kept her hand on the knife, just eyeing the woman silently, looking at the tail of her bow.

Xanthus then spoke up to Aimee next "Leave us....I need to speak with this woman alone....besides, if you remain here, you will end up getting killed, and I don't think you want that to happen, so get out of here, now" he ordered her.

"Fine...." Aimee replied, knowing that Xanthus was right as she left the knife alone, backing away from the two of them.

Once Aimee was out of listning range, he then addressed the woman once again "I need her alive for the time being, gain her trust....and hopefully, she'll lead me to where the others I do not need you interfeering with anything, you do not have the authority to do such things" he then paused for a moment, looking at her still as he stepped forward "Dietrik has not mentioned any other Hunters to myself, so unless you have proof of being part of Dragonstorm yourself....consider this your last few moments left to I would advise that you choose wisely on your next step"


  • Cera
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(Las Vegas)

"It's you who should watch your next step, Hunter," the woman gestured to his feet with the 'blade' of her bow.  "And I don't need to prove anything, if you've got nothing to prove yourself.  I will say this.  All I want here to to inspect the body of the good doctor you killed..."  She pointed to the body of Dr Hazel with the point of her bow.  "You have objections?"


(Crimson Base)

"You aren't the only one I've met who said that," Dr Joe replied as she watched.  "Either way, we may need your help at this point.  I'm afraid our little war with Dragonstorm took another turn..."  She then explained the recent happenings to the nuclear explosions in Southport and Idaho...


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(Las Vegas)

"Not at all" Xanthus replied back as he stepped aside in order to allow the woman to inspect the body if she wished to "Although, I do not know what you will find on her that would be of any use to you anyway...."

He watched her carefully, his mechanical eye still scanning her, but coming up with nothing on her, no identification, no nothing, which was just concerning him even more.


Aimee decided it was best to step outside for some air herself, trying to wrap her head around what had just happened as she just placed some of her fingers to her forehead with a slight groan in the process "He gets two minutes....then I'm going back inside to go and retrieve him...."


  • Cera
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(Las Vegas)

The woman walked around the wolf to the body of Dr Hazel, kneeling down to one knee beside her.  With one hand on her bow, she used her free hand to search for anything suspicious.  She found nothing, and paused to look at the victim's open eyes.  "It looks fear was what she had when you killed her..." she said as she stood back up.  "I would've expected them to steal Dragonstorm secrets from the base, but it seems as if these folks are not truly in kahoots with the Anti-Dragonstorm scientists and commandos.  Oh well..."  She walked past the Hunter for the main doors.

Sirens can be heard in the distance...


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(Las Vegas)

"It matters not, she's dead as it is....that's one less traitor to have to worry about....the other two, Dietrik can deal with them....I've done my part with Viper...." Xanthus told the woman as he then watched her exit the casino.

He then smirked a little as he heard the sirens in the distance, standing there, waiting.


Aimee too, outside, could hear the sirens approaching "Ah crap...." she turned and rushed off back into the casino, rushing past the woman in the process and over to Xanthus "We have to get going, now, we can't let the police cath either of us....myself, because well, I do have to get to the others, and you...cause I'm sure the others would like to get some answers from you too"

Xanthus just gave off a light sounding chuckle again "And just where exactly are your friends anyway?" he decided to ask.

"Somewhere in Utah, that's all I know" Aimee replied back.

"Some help that it seems as though our options are rather limited if you do ask me" Xanthus replied back "We can either allow ourselves to get arrested, even though you do not wish for that to happen, or we could run...possibly hide out in a motel or the likes like that....make your choice"

Aimee groaned for a second before starting to pace backwards and forwards, as if she was trying to decide on what the better option would be "Get arrested and possibly have a criminal record held against me? Or be on the run from the law and end up being a fugitive?"

"I would suggest that you decide quickly on the matter.....the police will be here momentarily...." Xanthus told Aimee back as he watched her pace back and fourth.


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(Las Vegas)

The woman stopped at the door as she heard the conversation, tapping the side window pane with her bow.  "If you two were thinking of the Anti-Dragonstorm commando base, don't bother," she said.  "It will all be gone in due time, like the city of Southport..."


(Crimson Base)

The Chinooks reached the landing pad.  Guards lined the perimeter...

Fox looked out the window.  "Hmm...  That's odd..." he commented.


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(Las Vegas)

"Not if I can't at least warn them before it happens" Aimee glared back to the woman before looking to Xanthus "Come on, we're going to a motel....I need to at least use their phone"

Xanthus just smirked all the while as he watched Aimee walk off, deciding to follow her, looking at the woman as he walked past her "We shall meet again...." was all he told her as he left the casino behind Aimee and followed her down the street "Do you even know where you're going?"

"Not a clue" Aimee replied back rather quickly as she continued to walking, as she just wanted to get away from the Vegas Strip as quickly as possible "This has to be the worst day of my life so far...." she added on with a grumble to herself.