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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 261830

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You look nothing like Neil Patrick Harris," said Sgt. Crota.

"Who cares? It's Neil Patrick Harris!" Shelton repeated excitedly.

One of the other patrons in the breakfast area looked over, annoyed. "Could you keep it down?"

"Quiet," snapped Shelton off-hand, "you could be looking at the next Dave Bowman."

"Hm, the way I remember your role in the whole situation, you'd probably be closer to the Chevron Guy on Stargate," noted Cobalt Leader.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hans borrowed the newspaper and perused it. "I'm Thomas Kretschmann, nice. I'm happy."

(OOC: I double-posted due to a computer error, so I replaced the second post with this. f-22 picked him. See his "Ask Me" thread.)


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Shakila could not help but walk over by that point "Okay, I cannot help but wonder what you lot are actually talking about now" she looked at what they were talking about and spoke again "That attack, I've ready about that a little bit in the newspaper, but not a lot of it, truth be told, I don't really pay much attention to the news really"


Meanwhile, Terror Squad was heading off towards the factory that Trinity had told them about "I still wonder what's so important about a simple chip" Icarus spoke up first.

"Don't let things like that decieve oneself, a chip could very well be important in any sort of work" Marcus spoke up next to the group.

"Trinity will tell us later on, I know her that well at least, but if she wont tell us about it yet, then it must be rather important" Hailey added in as Rhino was just silent in the back of the truck, not talking at all, since, well, he was the silent type,

"Sure seems like it" Icarus spoke with a small laugh as well "So, what is the plan when we get there? Kill everyone and take the chip?"

Hailey thought for a moment as they drove onwards still "it all depends on how willing they are to allow us into the factory, which I have a feeling that they will not like us snooping around looking for a chip"


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Dr. Zanasiu glanced at the newspaper. "I'm played by Robert Downey Jr.?" he exclaimed.

Zachary chuckled. "Iron Man comes to Pelvanida, huh?"

"Don't get too happy. You're played by Stephen Di Georgi."

Zachary sighed. "That man is more known for acting in comedies," he grumbled, eating a pancake.

Neville looked at the newspaper and grumbled. "Who the hell let Hollywood do this?" he asked. He finished his fruit salad.

(OOC - Stephen Di Georgi is a fictional Shire draft horse actor. Hey, in this world anthros can do anything that Humans can!)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I think this movie is gonna be awesome," said Cobalt Leader, biting into a cream bagel.

"There's no mention of a Cobalt team," noted Hans. "Apparently you guys didn't make the cut."

"This movie's gonna be s**t," Cobalt Leader spit out his bagel and frowned.


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"Let's hope this movie doesn't hamper us," Neville muttered, taking a gulp of his tea.

Alfred looked over at the newspaper. "You know, it actually looks like a good movie," he said, drinking some coffee.

Al!" Zachary said.

"Too bad I couldn't get a part," Sgt. Masters said, lighting a cigarette and taking a draw.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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A radio comes in on the bridge's intercom.  "Enemy sighted in sector G..."

Another group of assassins hunting near the area moved to assist in the gunfight...


The Omega Squadron thrown off guard, Deathwind began cutting them down with the laser rifle, which he had calibrated to penetrate their armor...


Quickly but cautiously, Vic, Ice, Erin, & Snow navigate their way towards the bridge...


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Jayden just laughed slightly as he continued to sip at his coffee "Don't be suprised if at some point in time, a paradoy movie is done about that in some rather....lame way"

"I have to agree with you on that one Jayden, Hollywood is running out of movie ideas nowadays and will do a movie on pretty much anything now" Shakila added in as well.


After some time of driving, Terror Squad had arrived at the factory, to which Hailey got out of the truck, turning to the other three whom also got out of the truck "Alright, here's the plan, we go in and find this chip that Trinity wants, then, basically, we call her afterwards with an update on the situation at hand"

Marcus and Icarus gave a nod back while Rhino just stood there, quiet as usual.

"I want you two to head inside" Hailey told Marcus and Icarus "While you stand guard" she then told Rhino.

Marcus and Icarus each grabbed a pistol as they took off into the factor while Rhino reached into the back of the truck and pulled out a minigun.

Hailey just smirked to herself as she grabbed a pistol for herself and walked off towards reception.  Once she had reached the receptionist, she then spoke up "Yes, I am after a certain chip that you guys are making, it's apparantly the newest one you guys have in stock"

The receptionist looked up on the computer records "The newest chip I have on record is still in its prototype phase"

"That's good enough for me" Hailey replied back as she aimed her gun at the receptionist "Which we shall be taking" she added on, pulling the trigger and killing the receptionist.

Hailey then walked off to go and meet up with Marcus and Icarus "The chip is a prototype" she told the two of them.

"A prototype? I do wonder what Trinity would want with such a chip" Marcus added on as he searched the factory floor, some workers getting annoyed with their presence as one worker spoke up.

"Hey, you three can't be here" the human worker told them.

"We have a pass" Hailey replied back, walking over to the worker, her hand by her side, sliding out a small pocket knife and stabbing the worker in the stomach.

Marcus just chuckled slightly as he made his way to the back of the factory, one worker attempting to stop him from going any further "Excuse me sir...." he begun, only to be shot and killed by Marcus whom had entered the area where most chips were being worked on, without a protective suit on at all.


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Several Omega troopers were killed by the onslaught but the survivors quickly regrouped and returned fire with a combination of laser and gauss rifles.

The deadly invisible beams lanced out from the laser rifles.


"Smokes?" Sgt. Masters asked.

"I don't smoke," Zachary replied.

Spc. Crota shoved another salted fish down his throat.

Neville politely shook his head and continued sipping his tea.

"So should be get supplies first?" Alfred asked. He was eating some toast with strawberry jam.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Movie? Did someone say something about a movie?! With us in it? Wait a minute... did I say that, or think it?" Stern asked this question to anyone who was around to hear it. He was still in the breakfast room, still disoriented, though he was getting the hang of the new technology. <Well, this is odd. Speech and thought are almost interchangeable for me now. I wonder what other surprises are in store for me?>


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As Terror Squad was within the factory, workers were now in a frenzy with the terrorists hanging around, well, that's what the workers called them anyway, one being able to get through to 911, giving the police some information on what was going on before being cut-off in the middle of the phone call.

However, police were still on call, sending a few squad cars out to the Weyland-Yutani factory, arriving in front of said factory, only to be met up with Rhino and open fire from the minigun, causing the policemen to duck for cover out of the way of the gunfire.

"Looks like we've got company" Icarus spoke up to Hailey.

Hailey gave a nod back "Head to the roof" she ordered him.

Icarus smirked back, doing so as he headed off to the roof to get an advantage, laying down upon the roof and taking aim at the policemen, firing a shot with a headshot to one policeman.

"Sniper!" one policeman called out, realizing that there was a sniper upon the roof.

"Like shooting fish in a barrel" Icarus chuckled, taking another shot as well.


However, moments later, they arrived on the scene, well, a few feet away and out of the gunfight, the local news station, a van as well as a chopper in the sky as well "We interupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin, we have local terrorists at one of the Weyland-Yutani factories, so far, a Rhinoceres has been identified as one of the attackers as well as an unknown sniper as well, more to come as this story unfolds"

(OOC: And no, I can't spell the full name of a rhino)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton took another sip of his coffee. "So, people with chips, how close are we to being done with breakfast?"


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"Yeah, I'm ready" Shakila chimmed in from behind Shelton more or less.

Jayden however, was keeping his eye on the TV as the new bulletin interupted the regular programming in regards to some terrorists.


One escaped worker had made it over to the news van and was already being interviewed by the news crew "Oh man, there's four of them, the giant rhino, a raccoon dude, some guy that reminds me of Michael Clarke Duncan and a vixen as well"

However, that didn't even last long as the worker was shot in the head by Icarus' snipping right on live television, to which the reporter almost jumped back "Jesus!" was all he could say before he too recieved a headshot as well.

The camera man dropped the camera and ran over to the dead reporter, only to also be shot as well, his face was all that was seen on the television by that point.


Jayden stood up and looked to the rest of the group "You guys do what you have to do, I'm going to be needed over there" he told them, finishing off his coffee as he started to make his way towards his car.


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a movie? do I have a role in it? Aisha said a little eagerly. she was holding a warm muffin in her hand, as she looked over at the article which listed the actors ' Yes! I'm being played by....' she looked at the name  Liv Tyler? the chick whose dad is that Aerosmith guy? shes nothing more than eye candy! Grr! i was hoping for Brittany murphy or Katie Holmes, No I get to be played by (censored) Liv Tyler.."
- Well I'm getting played by Liam Neeson" Dr Landon grinned. " which means I'm going be kicking major arse! I wonder if we'll see any money from this film.. probably not.."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You two were part of the second invasion, not the first," pointed out Cobalt Leader.

"This is Hollywood, when did they ever care about facts?" pointed out Werner. "They probably combined both into one event and then added an interdimensional battle at the end just for the hell of it."

"Or a sex scene," thought Sgt. Crota. "Every Hollywood movie I can think of has a sex scene."

 While they were discussing this, Shelton was glancing at the TV. "More carnage. What is it with this town?"


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probably both.. a lewd 12 way followed by a battle between three different dimensions, iled by a guy dressed like the guy from Animal House screaming " toga! Toga! Toga!" Dr Landon cracked "Sadly I'm probably not far off.. even though what I said in completely in jest.."
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"Good luck," Neville said. He then glanced at the newspaper. "What?! Commander Atticus ?delwulf, Neku, Snow, myself, Syberis, Cale are all missing!?"

<F---ing Hollywood! They go and disrespect our efforts to save Pelvanida by butchering facts! The least they could do is get Cobalt Squad in there!> Dr. Zanasiu said mentally. He then turned to Shelton. "Yeah, I'm ready for a tutorial," he said.

"Anybody besides me find the idea of adding in a sex scene to a rather serious domestic terrorist attack disrespectful?" Alfred asked. He was reading the newspaper.

Sgt. Masters ground out his cigarette in the nearby potted plant. "Well, where to now?" he asked.

Dr. Zanasiu rubbed the finger on the dirty and tattered flannel shirt he was wearing. "Dunno about you, but I could use some new clothes. I mean, I look like a bum," he said.

"Not to mention we don't have any weapons," Dr. Bailey said. "Well, for those who can use them," he added.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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" it is disrespectful but, that's hollywood for you... anything for a buck.. look at paris Hilton, or better yet, dont" aisha replied "famous for being famous, not because she has anything approaching talent.."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Hollywood has never really cared about anthros, not while humans remain the majority on Earth," said the Mongoose Cobalt soldier. "Doesn't surprise me one bit."

Shelton meanwhile was replying to James.

"You can't really just wear anything into the Dragonstorm camp," said Shelton. "Most personnel wear lumberjack outfits, the scientists wear lab coats, and soldiers-slash-guards wear black utility jumpsuits. I personally wear the black jumpsuit of DS-1, with a plaid red shirt underneath for 'lumberjack' attire."


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Jayden on the other hand, had now left to take care of the buisness at the Weyland-Yutani factory, arriving on the scene after a bit of driving, to which what cops were lft alive, were pinned down in their positions "What's the situation?" Jayden asked one cop, hiding behind some cover as well.

"We're pinned down by the rhino as well by a sniper too, we can't go anywhere now" one cop replied back.

Jayden looked out slightly to see Rhino move to the back of the truck, putting the minigun away and instead, pulling out what seemed to be a rocket launcher "This is not going to end well...." he muttered jumping back into the dirt as a rocket was fired their way, striking a car and exploding on impact, followed by another explosion.

Once the smoke had cleared, Jayden was the only one left alive as he looked over to see a figure approaching, yet, his head was spinnning from being so close to the explosion.

It was Hailey whom had approached Jayden, looking down to him, smirking to herself some before crouching down, looking over to the still working video camera as Marcus approached and picked it up.

She opened her mouth to speak to the camera "This is just the begining" she chuckled as Marcus threw the camera aside, pretty much destroying it in the process.


Aimee was keeping an eye on the news as she saw the vixen on the video camera "I can't help but thinking that I've seen her before...."

Shakila soon pipped up as she looked over as well "Well, what is she to you? Cousin? Girlfriend? An Ex-Girlfriend? What?" was all she could think of at the moment.

"I....I don't know" Aimee replied back with a bit of a shrug as well, not even knowing who Hailey was, all that she knew was that she just knew her somehow.