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Alvin and the Chipmunks Roleplay?

Dash The Longneck

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Clay stood up with a determined look on his face. "I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take Zara out and give her the best night she's ever had. " Clay said. "As soon as I can find easy way to get 1 million dollars for a limo to reallllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy impress her" Clay said.


  • Littlefoot
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"A million dollars? A limo? Whatever happened to just being yourself?" Crystal asked him, facepalming her face as well "You don't need that sort of thing to impress her"

Dash The Longneck

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"But it couldn't hurt right"? He asked with a smile.


  • Littlefoot
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Crystal gave off a sigh "Okay, fine, do whatever it is you want" she told Clay as she walked off, leaving him be for the time being.


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"Ok...Francois" Todd smiled.

London laughed, "Thanks, and I suppose the same should go for me..." she passed over her expensive pink bag of atleast more higher priced electronics and such, "though, just saying in friends-ness and all, since we are 'cool', I think I have the better stash" she couldn't help smiling.

The chihuahua laughed and hugged Theodore back, "Oh, that show you were watching back at the house...well truth be told I've never watched it, but I'm sure it's you can even show it too me if you want" London riffled around in one of the bags, and pulled out one of theirs between her and Alvin's portable DVD player and the case of Meerkate Manor DVD's Samantha had given Theodore and also remembered to back for him for something to do.

Dash The Longneck

  • Ducky
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"Well....." Alvin started he often liked to brag and hated when other people had more stuff then he did. "Okay Alvin just play it cool" Alvin's head told him.

"I must admit you have a better stash. How can you afford all this stuff"? Alvin said finally finding London's PDA.


  • Littlefoot
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(now, the concert! lol)

It was now that time, the Hannah Montana concert was getting ready.  Crystal was there with Amber as she looked to her "Well, wish me luck with this, I've never sung in front of like 10,000 people or so"
Amber let off a giggle "You'll do fine, trust me" she told her and gave her a kiss on the lips for good luck.

Zara had also arrived with Clay "Wow, I've never seen so many people around" she told him.

Theodore looked around at the concert, his eyes catching glimpse of none other than Ian "Alvin, Simon, it's Ian" he said and pointed over to where he saw him.

Dash The Longneck

  • Ducky
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"Yeah, I have never seen this many peo........................ Oh, my god is that Alvin and the Chipmunks. Come on Zara I must get their autograph." Clay said grabbing Zara by the hand and pushing past everyone else.

"AKA the devil with a Black Heart" Alvin said growling in anger.

"I have never seen so many people around I........................who is that gorgeous creature?" Francois said spotting London in the crowd.


  • Littlefoot
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"Wait....what?" Zara asked as her hand was grabbed and pulled over to them.

Theodore noticed Clay and Zara approaching "Are you two here for the concert?" he asked them "Because I am" he added in, just keeping it cool as it were.

Dash The Longneck

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"Yes we are. Oh, my god I am such a huge fan of yours I listen to your CD'S all the time. You are the most amazing group I have ever heard. Can I please get your autographs and take a few pics with you" Clay said.

Alvin had to smile. This was the best thing about stardom.

"Relax, kid we'd be glad to sign some autographs and take some pics with you. What's your name"? Alvin said.

"Cllllll...... Cla........ Clayton" He managed to stutter out nervously.


  • Littlefoot
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Zara gave off a little sigh "And I'm Zara, however, unlike Clay here, I don't really listen to much music, and I haven't really heard any of your music before" she told them.

Theodore looked to Clay "That's a cool name, I like it"


  • Ducky
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"Ok guys, now remember stay nearby so I don't lose you, that's the last thing I need" Samantha said as they stood amongst the other concert crowd. She scanned for Toby, whom she'd told to meet them here at the concert since the boys thought he might be a good guardian for Crystal (ooc: it was her right? LOL).

"Don't worry, some of us know how to behave" London assured her, before the autography hounds came over. She frowned stepping back, not liking this whole not being popular thing, but she was being nice to Alvin now so she didn't say anything.

"Now Alvin...." Simon began to try and tell his brother something about not causing more trouble with Ian, when the Clay, Zara and the others came over.

Todd glanced over to where Francois indicated, "Who?" he scanned the crowd.

"The Chihuahua?" Taylar guessed, "I don't know, I never...".

"Well the press is a bit busy right now but I'll get the news out later" Bert said coming over, he noticed the dog's gaze. "Well what'dya know. Hey Francois, that's the leading lady I was telling you about, what say we go over and convince her and her owner" he said, not aware Francois had already taken a liking to London.

Dash The Longneck

  • Ducky
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(Yup, that's him.)

Just then an old car sputtered up and died right by the red Carpet And Toby walked out of the car.

"Stupid piece of junk" He muttered to himself and gave the car a good kick. Toby grabbed his leg in pain. "I shouldn't have done that." He said in pain.

"Hey guys look it's Uncle Toby." Alvin said finishing off the autographs for Clay and taking a few pictures with him and pointing at Toby with a free paw.

Francois gasped.

"You  mean that Chihuahua is your leading lady? Meaning I am gonna be working with her? "Francois heart does back flips. "Well, you are right perhaps we should go over and convince her." Francois said trying to play it cool.

He and Bert walked over to London and Samantha.

"Look, on the bright side I think here comes a fan of yours now" Alvin said pointing over at Francois who was making his way toward London.


  • Littlefoot
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Zara looked to Clay with a smile "Well, looks like you got to meet your heroes of music or whatever you want to call them"

Amber looked to Crystal "So, um, hehe, good luck with your singing" she told her.
Crystal smiled back to Amber "Thanks, that means a lot to me" she told her, giving her a kiss before heading onto the stage.
Amber watched her from the back stage rather happily.

Theodore looked to Alvin and Simon "Guys, it's that Crystal girl, she's going to preform"

Crystal had then begun to start singing, she had picked a song by Miley Cyrus, the song being "See You Again"


  • Ducky
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"Wow" Simon adjusted his glasses, looking at the car Toby had come in, "it's surprising he made it really...".

Samantha smiled as she also noticed Toby, and was about to try and make her way over or wave him over to where they were, when someone calling out interrupted her.

"Well well, Miss Seville" Bert smiled, "fancy meeting you here".

Samantha frowned and turned. London turned too as Alvin pointed. She was smiling, but then looked a bit unsure as she saw the human they were with, "I think that's that human that keeps calling Samantha and...well I don't know what it's about but she keeps hanging up on him" London told Alvin and the others.

"Look, Mr. Strictor" Samantha sighed, "I told you, given your current record of not caring one bit for the animals in your care...".

Bert looked fake hurt, "If I didn't care do you think I'd have taken in these three, the two terriers from all but orphaned in a pound?" he asked.

"Yes, for your own fame" Samantha shot back.

London meanwhile was stuck between being on her guard since the dogs might try to just get her to agree to Bert's proposal that she knew Samantha to be against, yet also trying to convince herself the poodle wasn't...half...cute.

"Um, how do you do" London nodded to all three dogs, "I'm London, Hei...well use to be Heiress to the Vanderswag fortune".

"Hiya. I'm Todd and this is my sister Taylar" Todd introduced. Taylar nodded, "Hi".


  • Littlefoot
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Theodore wandered off from the group to get a closer look at Crystal, not really paying much attention to Ian who was also somewhere in the concert as well.

Amber continued to watch Crystal from backstage until she caught a glimpse of Theodore and scurried over to him "You, you're one of The Chipmunks aren't you? Theodore isn't it?"

Theodore gave a nod back "And you're Amber, I watch your show all the time" he told her.

"So, a rock star like you actually watches my show? Huh....perhapes then, James Woods might watch it and would like to go on my show too" Amber thought out loud.

"Well, I would like to go onto your show, and I know my brothers would like to as well" Theodore told her as he looked around.  He had indeed, forgotten where the others were amongst the crowds.

Amber thought for a second "Well, I suppose there wont be any harm in letting you three onto my show, I mean, I have had Crystal on it and the ratings had apparantly gone up from that"

"Yeah, I saw that one, does she work with Ian Hawke by any chance?" Theodore then asked Amber.

"Hehe yeah, she does, he's her manager" replied Amber with a smile.

"But Ian's evil, he was mean to us, and The Chipettes, and I'm sure he'll do the same to Crystal too"

"But, Ian seems to be a rather nice guy" Amber glanced around before looking back to Theodore again "Are you just jealous that you couldn't be as good as Crystal is now?"

Dash The Longneck

  • Ducky
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Quote from: Kit12,Jan 22 2010 on  11:07 AM
"Wow" Simon adjusted his glasses, looking at the car Toby had come in, "it's surprising he made it really...".

Samantha smiled as she also noticed Toby, and was about to try and make her way over or wave him over to where they were, when someone calling out interrupted her.

"Well well, Miss Seville" Bert smiled, "fancy meeting you here".

Samantha frowned and turned. London turned too as Alvin pointed. She was smiling, but then looked a bit unsure as she saw the human they were with, "I think that's that human that keeps calling Samantha and...well I don't know what it's about but she keeps hanging up on him" London told Alvin and the others.

"Look, Mr. Strictor" Samantha sighed, "I told you, given your current record of not caring one bit for the animals in your care...".

Bert looked fake hurt, "If I didn't care do you think I'd have taken in these three, the two terriers from all but orphaned in a pound?" he asked.

"Yes, for your own fame" Samantha shot back.

London meanwhile was stuck between being on her guard since the dogs might try to just get her to agree to Bert's proposal that she knew Samantha to be against, yet also trying to convince herself the poodle wasn't...half...cute.

"Um, how do you do" London nodded to all three dogs, "I'm London, Hei...well use to be Heiress to the Vanderswag fortune".

"Hiya. I'm Todd and this is my sister Taylar" Todd introduced. Taylar nodded, "Hi".
"Hello, my beautiful cherie I am Francois." Francois said.

Alvin frowned and stepped in front of London

"Look poodle London doesn't want any part of this. " Alvin said angrily at Francois.

"I am sorry I do not know what you are talking about chipmunk. " Francois said perplexed. Toby walked up.

"Alvin would you relax? Remember how Ian took advantage of you guys the first time you met him? This Poodle's agent is probably just like that. Do not be angry at him Alvin I don't think he really knows what's going on" Toby said.

Alvin sighed. "Yeah, I know."


  • Littlefoot
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Theodore looked down "I'm....I'm not jealous...."

Amber crossed her arms "Yeah, I highly doubt that"

That's also when the Crystal's time on stage had finished, to which she scurried over to where Amber and Theodore were.  She glanced over to Theodore "Well, if it isn't Theodore of The Chipmunks, never actually though I would see you here"

"I was trying to tell your friend about Ian, about how evil he is" Theodore told Crystal.

Crystal arched an eyebrow "Evil? I highly doubt that one, so far, he's been nothing but great to me"

"But that's the thing, that's what he does at first, then he gets all about money and will force you to preform, even when you don't want to" Theodore then told Crystal.

Crystal gave off a sigh "Ian!" she called out to him.

Dash The Longneck

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"Yes my darling superstar" Ian said but looked nervous as he saw Theodore with Amber and Crystal.


  • Littlefoot
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Crystal looked to Ian "Can you please tell Theodore here that you don't want to keep me just for the whole money aspect, cause that's what he's under the impression is happening anyway"

Amber also looked up to Ian, then she looked at Crystal with a smile as she leaned against her happily before he also looked to Theodore.

Theodore seemed to gulp when he noticed Ian and stepped back slightly "Where's Alvin when I need him?" he said to himself rather quietly.