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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5642 · 271738


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"Best prepare yourselves now," a guard told Dixie and Mukua, "The prince is one passionate kisser. It'll help your chances if your request is really big, too." Some lipstick was passed out to the ladies in line if they wanted to use it before seeing Onca.


"Ok, but I'm not sure how much he will be able to help," Kitty admitted, "I've never seen him deal with a goddess before. At the very least though he should be able to help us get her more meat." Kitty began looking around for a phone she could use.


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Theres a call phone over here' Chie said' pointing to a booth. "Lets hope the call doesnt cost too much ' She said. " and that he can make sure we're both safe. We also need to get to the palace, and reunite with your friends."
 well passionate kisses are the best " dixie smiled, as a lipstick tray was presented to them.. "Hmm. nice shades, but a bit too bright and none of them are close to the red i use." You have any dark red shades?' Mukua asked " Sorry, we're out of those" the guard shook his head ' What we have is on there." Then i'll pass" Mukua said. " Suit yourselves ladies' the guard said as he moved down the line with the tray. " You could combine the Basketball court request with the girls basketball team request, and you should have a shot at getting it. It would help if you give the prince a deep kiss ' Dixie said to Mukua " I mean it is really your only shot at getting it. " I know " mukua said " IS there anything you might add to your request/ I mean I figure he gets  asked to let people use the gate to the next town pretty often. So You'll have to spice it up, I think. ' Perhaps offering him some food from my ring?" Mukua scratched her chin then leaned in and whispered in Dixie;s ear " give him a large Smores, with lots of chocolate. Oh. and make me some banana bread" Dixie gestured with her ring ' and created two large plates. one was covered with a big banana bread loaf. the other was covered with a decadent smores cake, with marshmallow  filling dripping out of the sides. chocolate flakes swimming in whipped topping and graham cracker pieces here and there " damn, Dixie you really have outdone yourself" Mukua said " Those look real good.. I'm half tempted to just eat them right now.'  Hold off, Mukua, these are for the prince' Dixie said. Mukuas turn came and Dixie gave her the banana bread.

 Onca smiled as Mukua and Dixie approached him " Hello Ladies. thank you for your patience as I Know the hour is late, and many of you have been waiting all day for an audience, it is unfortunate that I cannot fit you all in. Now , what are your names? ' Mukua, your highness' Mukua bowed " ah yes, I know your father, he owns most of the stores in town. Its is surprising, my dear that you have not visited me before, but here you are now. Ah. and you have brought me food. Banana bread! freshly baked! This pleases the prince!and  who is your friend?' He asked turning to Dixie ' Dixie Doo, Prince Onca ' Dixie bowed. Mukua here is my friend.' Ah an outsider, and very fetching one at that" onca grinned And what do you have there?" a smores cake, your highness ' Dixie said. " Oh, sounds delicious"Onca said.

" Are either of you lovely ladies interested in becoming one of my Prizes? Those are ladies who live with me in the palace, and cater to my whims. Oh don't worry, my whims are usually for beautiful company while i explore the jungles of my kingdom, or posing for official paintings. " we'll Consider it your highness, if you grant our requests. They're both two-parters if you will" Dixie said " Normally, I only grant one request per audience, but if you impress me with your food, and your kissing, I'll consder it. Now what are your requests?" ONca asked ' Well, I want to form a girl basketball team ' Mukua said. ONca burst out laughing ' a girls basketball team! My dear girl, have you SEEN girls play basketball? You're lucky to reach 80 points in a game and theres almost no dunking! Why in blazes would i allow such a request? " You didnt hear the second part " mukua began " this town needs more basketball courts. Our town team just won the league championship, but theres no local courts to play at." NOw, that makes more sense at least. " Why not a challenge, Your highness? put your two best Prize basketball players against me and Mukua, first team to 10 wins. IF we win, you sponsor the team. " dixie said. ' You've got spunk, outsider. very well, we can enjoy a little sport , unfortunately. Dehli and Nunbi, are actually VERY good at basketball. You're not the first to propose such a contest, no girls have scored more than 4 points on them. "

 He turned to his nearest guard ' Go fetch Dehli and Nunbi  They have challengers.' Yes your highness" the guard said and disappeared " Well, i wish to use the gate to the next town. I need supplies to repair my dress " Dixie said " and I want to see what it has to offer . in addition, er i want an cell phone, as I lost mine on the way here." Hmm..Well i'll tell you what. Join my Prizes, kiss me, and let me sample your food, and I'll grant your requests.' a beautiful  tigeress approached them dressed in a fine loking gown " Just sign your names there ladies' the Tigeress, named Cey, said, and pointed to a line on the pieces of paper" DIxie and Mukua quickly signed and cey bowed to them " Welcome. new Prizes. gOod luck with Dehli and Nunbi. You'll NEED it " Cey chuckled as she left. Two hoops were soon lowered and the other girls soon spread around a area about the size of  half a regulation court.  ' Onca took a chunk of bread and cake and ate them rapidly a big smile spreading across his face " HMm. Very tasty. The food is very pleasing. hopefully your lips will be as pleasing." Mukua blushed " Just give me a sec to get ready." she turned to dixie 'Wish me luck " She said before Going up to the prince and kissing him warmly on the lips. Onca wrapped an arm around mukua and held the kiss for 15 seconds before pulling away. ' Very good."He nodded approvingly.

 The buses began to move forward down the jungle path, and Arlene began passing out food from a basket to anyone who  wanted some. Winnie and woody took some warn bread, while Scooby took some cookies, and Stripetail took a cupcake
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 12:45:35 AM by Nick22 »
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Kitty found she still had her wallet on her person, and pulled out some change. She put in it the slot and dialed the seer's number. "Please be there...." she muttered to herself, knowing she had to make it to the prince's palace soon. "Oh Stripetail, you gotta help me. I'm in Panthera, and this goddess named Panty gobbled me up. She spat me back out, but now I have to get her 1000 pounds of meat every week or she'll eat me again!"


Dehli and Nunbi were quick to prove they were a force to be reckoned with. "You will not stop us!" Nunbi smirked to Dixie and Mukua as they were able to score the first few baskets with ease. The prince's guard were keeping score in the match.


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Stripetail picked up then heard Kitty begin to plead with him." Slow Down, Kitty! I'm glad to hear from you. Dixie has been searching for you for several hours, without success. We will be in panthera sometime tomorrow morning. Now, Panty is it?' Stripetail thought for about a minute ' ah, yes the mischievous hunter goddess with an insatiable appetite for meat. So she swallowed you ? Then how did- ah I see , you made a deal with her, for meat? 1000 pounds of it, a week? That's quite a lot, but fortunately for you,  I can provide Panty the meat she desires so you dont have to worry about her eating you, or any of your friends, again. Be far more careful  next time Kitty, or i wont be able to get you out of the next jam. You are very fortunate that Panty was willing to strike a deal. Had she not been willing , I dont think theres much I could do to convince her to let you go, you would likely have become part of her. Goddesses are very powerful, stubborn, and prideful beings, and Panty is no exception. Besides the rules of mortals dont apply to them, the only rules(  guidelines, really) that apply to them, are those they choose to follow. You cannot force a goddess to follow a rule she doesn't want to.  Go Find Dixie, and let her know you are ok. Stick close to her at all times going forward."
 Dixie and Mukua fought back, both making long  contested 3s, but it wasnt enough. While the girls were game, Nunbi was simply too quick with her passes, and Dehli was simply too good a shooter. Dehli hit a pullup jumper over Dixie  to win the game, 11-8. " Not bad actually" Onca said ' But i won;t be sponsoring the girls team, Mukua. "Drat Mukua sighed, as the other girls returnee to the waiting line and the hoops returned to their rest positions. Both she and dixie were bathed in sweat.  Dehli and Nunbi high-fived then left, shooting smirks at both Mukua and dixie.

 Onca motioned to Dixie " Now for your turn , my dear ' Dixie approached Onca and kissed him on the lips. Onca held the kiss for a couple minutes then broke it. " Oh.. very nice. Well, girls I will grant 3 out of 4 requests, as stated I will not sponsor the girls basketball team. " The request was to allow a girls team, the sponsoring  was extra ' dixie said.Onca mused. " True. Alright,  If you can find a sponsor, enough basketballs, and find enough girls who want  to play, I will allow the team.  You must find the money for all that   yourselves ' Onca said, as Cey brought forth two uniforms ' wait, thats our outfits?' mukua started ' But they are WAY too revealing!' She blushed  Cey laughed ' Girl, you should see our Carnival outfits. Trust me, these are modest. Follow me to the changing station." Cey said handing one uniform to Dixie and another to Mukua. " well, i'm sure the boys will like them at least ' Dixie said as they walked into a side room.
as the Dooby bus continued down the road, Arlene brought out a book she had gotten in the walled City and opened it . She held a page open for Oliver so he could read along with her.
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"This sounds cool," Oliver smiled about the book. His eyes followed along the text as Arlene read the tale to him. He liked hearing the stories.


"Now you're part of the harem," Nunbi smirked to Dixie and Mukua, "Remember to keep a smile on your faces. Onca enjoys it when his Prizes' spirits are up." She stretched a bit and went over to a fancy chair to lounge upon. "And that basketball game is probably more physical activity then you'll get in most days. Most of our time we're just relaxing, being eye candy."


"Got it," Kitty nodded, and hung up the phone. "Cmon," she told Chie, "We gotta get to the palace. I might still be able to get to kiss the prince. Maybe we can get him to provide Panty with meat...." she considered.


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Kiss the Prince?' chie said, breaking into a big grin. " sounds dreamy, Kitty. aS for getting enough meat to feed Panty. Well I'm not sure if the kingdom has enough food to do that, and still feed everyone else. Just a hunch."
 DIxie and Mukua changed into thier outfits behind a screen, then  came out. " Eye Candy is not the worst thing we could be " dixie said. Mukua looked in a large mirror on the wall ' i still think this is much too revealing' MUkua said " I wouldnt say that. you look very nice ' Dixie said. 'tha nks, dixie. you do too.' Mukua said smiling at her. "  i'm just more comfortable in my normal attire. this is more, shall we say, showgirl attire. Not that I've ever dressed as a showgirl, of course ' Mukua said "  Why don't we head back to the inn/ Its really late " dixie said '
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"You're part of the harem now," Nunbi told Dixie and Mukua, "You can find rooms to stay in easily. So just sit back, relax, and listen in case Prince Onca has any requests of you. Get familiar with the place."

Dehli nodded and went to lounge on a couch not too far from the throne room. She kept a smile on her face and subtly swayed her form, knowing Onca enjoyed that.


"First I need to finish washing off though," Kitty admitted to Chie, "I still have stomach stench on me." She shuddered at the thought.


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Janus pulled out his phone and dialed Mukua, who soon picked up " Hey Babe, I'm headed back to my house. I'll catch you tomorrow. " i'm staying overnight at the palace ' Mukua said.  I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well Janus"
 Chie waited for Kitty to dry off, then grabbed her by the wrist ' come on, We gotta hurry, If we dont get to the palace very soon, they'll close the doors.
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Chie headed over towards the princes palace, a glance at the town clock showe it was now 1120." come on Kitty, we're almost out of time.
 Janus and Argo headed home for the night.
 Cey nodded at Mukua and Dixie as they came back out. good, you can stand in the " Prizes aea with me, while the prince finishes up seeing his girls for the night. Which should take no more than 10 minutes.
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Stripetail's radio buzzed indicating that he was being contacted. The frequency indicated that it was from Neo Gotham's mayor. "Greetings, Lord Stripetail. We have considered your request and are happy to announce that the next leg of the games will be held at Neo Gotham. On behalf of its citizens, I welcome you to Neo Gotham."


Gabriel's RV blended in remarkably well with the dirty, industrial streets of Neo Gotham. Of course, if it was too clean, it might attract unwanted attention from the undesirable elements of society, so she and her Weasels dirtied it up a bit with scuffs, dirt and even some graffiti.

The RV stopped by a decrepit looking industrial building near the waterfront. Laborers in powered exoskeletons loaded and unloaded cargo from the ships in port. She got out of the RV and awaited her contact.

An arms dealer by the name of Iqvan. 

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Thank you Mayor " Stripetail said. " we'll be there in a few days. We're currently in India at the moment, but we will be on our way to Gotham shortly. We look forward to your beautiful city. Stripetail, out"  Stripetail said, cutting off contact. he sighed as he looked around the bus.
 Cey, MUkua and Dixie took seats around a table in the   Prizes area behind the throne room. ' I wager you ladies are hungry ' Cey said , bringing out a tray of  meat. " after waiting in line all day." Thank you ' Mukua said  talking a strip of meat.
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Penny wondered "How will we get all the way to Neo Gotham anytime soon? According to my calculations, it will be a very long time before we get there from here". Snap replied "I'm sure Stripetail will figure something out"
Rudy then said to the two of them, "Well, maybe I can draw a portal, although I only know how to do those to ChalkZone. However, I was thinking we could go there at some point if you'd like to"


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Well, first things first , my friends. we need to wrap up the games here in India ' Stripetail said " They are being held in a small panther kingdom named Panthera,   and we have just arrived in the center of Town " he said taking a look at the window. " We will be spending the night in town. I'll class you as ' Chalkzone Envoys" and I'll give you some spending money as a stipend, lets say , 500 dollars each ' STripetail gestured and pulled out some  papper money out of a bag, and handed the cash to the three friends. ' THat should be enough to get you a room, and something to eat while the games wrap up.  Feel free to wander around town, and explore.  For now though, LEts have everyone go check in  at the town HOtel and get some much neded rest." COme along!"

 the doors to each of the Team buses slid open and one by one, each of the Team members walked off. Scooby, ARlene, Woody Winnie, ASugua, Tweety , Tiger the Cat, and Scooby Dee were from the Scoobs. Yogi , Cindy Bobo and Ranger Smith from the Ypogis, Samia, Dulcy abnd Screwy were visible for the dAwgs and BLuto, the Hooded claw and Muttley were among the representatives for the Rootens. " i take it Master wizard, that we all will be at the same hotel for the evening?'  The Hooded claw asked ' Yes Hooded claw" stripetail said "  Its very late, and We'll just take whatever rooms are available. It may not be the lap of luxury, but well, we will only be staying here a few days , Once these games are over " we will be traveling through Chalkzone, en route to Gotham City"  Stripetail said, as they all headed  the front door of  the hotel. " ROoms for rent , 25 a night ' Read a poster on the door. " there are 68 of us, not including these 3 new comers' THe Dread Baron said " Thats like 2000 dollars or something, I didnt bring my calculator. " I'll Cover the Costs Baron, Yopu folks just head to your rooms once the clerk gives you your keys. ' Stripetail said.
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While her Weasels were dealing with Iqvan, Gabriel herself and a few of her Weasels were being escorted to the mayor's office. The mayor was a man who looked rather athletic for someone at a desk job. He tapped his fingers on his desk. The office of the mayor overlooked the towering black monoliths of Neo Gotham. Elevated walkways and highways wound their way through the congested streets. 

"I don't have much time, so get to the point," he said.

"Well," Gabriel said. "I'm willing to make a deal. I'll pay you handsomely to interfere with the upcoming games."

"You better be willing to cough up some serious cash then."

Gabriel smiled. "Ah, that is not an issue." She gestured for her hernchmen to open the suitcases...revealing them to be filled with stacks of gold ingots. "I'm sure this will change your mind."

The mayor frowned. "You will understand that I am a bit skeptical of this offer."

"I assure you that these ingots are solid gold. In fact, I am willing to have your men test them at my expense."

The mayor steepled his hands. "Yes, very well then. Until the results come in, the deal is not finalized."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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  While Gabriel and her weasel thugs were intimidating the mayor, School was going on as usual  in Gothams High Schools, including Hamilton High. Max was sitting at her dask, lookinbg at the clock above the teachersb head, it was a few minutes to the closing bell, and Max was bored.  There was a  a mixture of chatter  from the kids behind her - a mixture of chats about the guys girlfriends, along woith some talk about  something that looked like a Bat- that guy would have to be like 90 now.  Same for all those freaks backl in the day'
 BAtman- huh" max said to heself " It was likely just a legend, nothing more."
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But meanwhile, at the nearby abandoned warehouse, the apparently mythical Batman was fighting the Joker. And yes, it is the DCAU versions of them, not the crap DCEU versions of them. Could also be the Burton ones.
How sentimental. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!


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(This is 'Batm,an Beyond" Batman, Not the animated series Batman, SB. Bruce is this verse is long retired, and the original Joker is dead)
 Max  heard the bell and got out of her desk, heading for the door along wit the rest of her classmates . ' 5 papers to write on Gotham's History, going back to 1800" She sighed ' so, much for doing anything this weekend " she sighed " Sometimes I hate being a genius."
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The results did in deed come back. The gold was genuine.

The mayor turned to Gabriel. "Well, it looks like we have a deal then." He firmly shook Gabriel's hand. "You'll understand if I can't have the police directly rough up the contestants. I will however be willing to use bureaucracy to clog up the system."

He then looked out over the glittering dark metropolis of Neo Gotham. "However, if you men decide to cause problems for those contestants, I'll have the police department 'conviently' show up too late." He then glared at Gabriel. "However, you are not to target anything except the contestants and any potential 'heroes' who wish to protect them. Break that rule and I'll have you thrown into the worst prison I can find."

Gabriel looked shocked. "Mr. Mayor, I would not dare do such a thing!"

The mayor nodded. "Very well, I'll give you the location of the stadium the games are being hosted in."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 Dixie, Mukua and Cey finished their meal, then Cey showed them to her room , which held a number of posters of the prince " He's been good to me' the lovely tigeress said."And all I need to do in return , is cook for him. "So no " fun stuff" Mukua asked. ' nope, he has other girls for that." Cey said as Dixie got onto the bed. " We're just staying for a short time' dixie said " We have the games to play, after all.  You want to come along Cey? The pay is really good." Hmm,Well I don't know. Who else are you bringing along?' Well, Theres Mukua, Janus, Argo and Chie" dixie said "We can find a job for you.. What are you good at?" Carving masks ' Cey said pointing to a number of masks hanging on her wall.
Chie reached the palace, just in front of Kitty, and just in time to see the line of girls disperse " We're here!' Chie called to Onca. ' Sorry my dear, You'll have to come back tomorrow" Onca said,stretching and getting up from the throne.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 11:53:12 AM by Nick22 »
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You're kidding! Chie said in an exhausted voice. " do you have any idea what we went through?" She said to ONca " i'm sorry my dear. but time us up for the3 evening' ONca said as he turned to his chambers.  " You may return at 8 tomorrow morning. I understand the wizard has arrived with the contestants. " why don;'t you go ask him for help?' Onca said.
 Scar was perchged over a cooking pot. adding slices of meat to the disk " Hmm. Smells delectible " he said to himself.
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