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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5644 · 272792


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When Kitty stepped inside the prince's summer home with some of Onca's other Prizes, what she saw simply amazed her. Beautiful paintings were hung on most walls, and there were marvelously made tapestries all about. "Wow.....I had heard this royal family was loaded, but this is a whole different level." She noticed some panthers who were working in the summer home's kitchen. "Are you from the palace too?" she asked.

"No, we're the staff hired for this villa specifically," the panther replied.


Another Prize was biking alongside Dixie and Mukua "You'll learn that part of our daily routine is dancing for the prince in the mornings.," one whispered to Dixie. "Since you're new here, you might get eye candy duty since it's a simple job even beginner prizes can do after you're done with these deliveries."


"How about there?" Oliver suggested to the group, pointing to a nice looking cafe. "That place has lots of seats open, and the food smells GOOD." The kitten's belly rumbled, indicating hunger.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2018, 01:06:59 AM by brekclub85 »


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The living planes had refueled and were busy flying over Neo-Gotham. "Stripetail," Major Lockie said. "There's simply far too much crime and rioting to host games here. The police department is simply trying to keep the chaos under control so we'll have to provide our own security for the stadium." Some stray gunfire raked his wings as a group of Jokerz and the T's fought a running gun battle in one of the older sections of the city.

It was then that Captain Fairchild cut in. "What stadium? One of those construction lifters went rogue and is ripping the place up. Permission to engage?"


As the police department was busy breaking up riots and fights that Gabriel and her henchmen had instigated, many once clandestine businesses began to operate more openly.

Indeed, just outside one of the remaining stadiums, a man was selling was slappers, a patch that delivered Venom subcutaneously. And who else would be using them but Mason, one of Hamilton High School's premiere athletes?

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Then we will have to make do on our own until the local police can get things under control. I'll wager Gabriel had at least a hand in this. She loves to stir up trouble. Assist the local police in anyway you can, go directly to the police commissioner if you have to, shes a woman, names.. lets see here.. Gordon. Approach her, offer your assistance, and above all be respectful, professional and represent us well. We're THIS close to having to move the games, and that a massive loss of money I don't want to incur.  I've already had to  compensate 2 of our prior  stops for damages and loss of income, which came to several hundred million dollars. Gotham will cost tens of billions if we lose it, which will put us perilously close to losing the entire Games, as locations wont want to host, if they get word that previous locations have pulled out. Not to mention donations to support the Games will dry up. I could afford to fund the games entirely  myself as a last ditch effort, but thats a ' Break emergency glass' resort." stripetail sighed ' Go find the commissioner. Now!"

( panthera)
 No, Oliver, we're getting back to work. You go by the other mascots' Arlene said. ' i have to go prepare for the next event. ' she said firmly. ' Woody and Winnie were loking at directions given to them by a locakl panther.
 Dixie let the other prize go ahead of them ' Well, I'd rather just stick to deliveries. I used to deliver the newspapers to earn money growing up. I think that would fot me best" she said.
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"Ok, good luck mom!" Oliver smiled as he waved and took off. He soon found where all the other mascots were at. "Where's my costume?" he asked, ready to participate in the games.


Oda and Nico wasted no time in advertising the merchandise of the goddess. At first moving felt odd, as they hadn't been in their old bodies for years. "Hear the sounds of the hunting goddess, Panty," Nico declared, holding out some CDs.

"Get some shirts," Oda offered the locals, showing the populace a shirt with the black panther's face on it. The ones who had been inside her belly were completely loyal to her.


Kitty looked up at a clock in the villa. "I think we might need to get back to the palace soon," she told Chie. "Onca probably has more chores for us."


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"Acknowledged. Major Lockie out." The living AC-130 headed to the police headquarters and slowly circled it. He opened a line to Commissioner Gordon. "Commissioner Gordon, this is Major Lockie. On behalf of Lord Stripetail, my group and I offer to assist you in restoring order to the city."


Captain Fairchild decided to act on his own seeing that the rogue construction lifter was now trying to demolish a harborfront mall that was currently occupied. His 30 mm rotary cannon roared to life as he let loose a stream of armor piercing shells that ripped into the robot. His first pass tore off the robot's left arm and then he wheeled around for a second run that nearly ripped the construction lifter in half. The ravaged machine then tumbled forward onto the parking lot.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Well, Major, any assistance you can provide me at this time will be appreciated. I would like to have a direct conversation with your boss, as it seems as if these games' are a possible cause of all this chaos.  I have enough issues on my pl;ate without have a cartoon Olympics  coming into town. You picked a bad time for it.' Gordon said. " i donbt care how much money your boss is offering, but we simpoply cant guarantee security fir it right now. Even with your help."
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we still have stuff we need to do here" Chie replied to Kitty . ' he has plenty of other prizes to  do chores for him. i'd like to use that Prize Phone we got and call other prizes, to do a prize promo. What do you think?"
 Dixie and Mukua reached one of the villas, where they found Atrua in the middle of posing for a calendar. the poses didnt change so much as the outfits did, and each of the outfits were skimpier than the next. " good thing there's only 12 months in the year, or you'd be nude by month 13 or 14 Atrua  ' Mukua said. Atrua smirked ' you say that like its a bad thing Mukua. The guys dont mind, not at all. ' Of course they dont mind. they get to oogle and fantasize" Dixie said. ' more than fantasize for a few' Atrua said. ' don;t tell me  you are one of those 5 boyfriend girls ' Dixie said ' no, i just like having flings, thats all. some might call that shallow, or worse, but I view it as, trying out guys for a spin. sorta like test driving a car.

' test driving a car? Atrua relationships are a touch more complicated than that. you can always trade in a car after a couple years. you cant do that to a boyfriend or girlfriend, not without long-lasting negative feelings. "  so you're the monogamous type, huh?' Atrua said ' for guys yes. I'm married after all.' Dixie said. ' Scooby's made a fine husband. ' she said creating a picture of her with Scooby with her ring and showing it to them ' this was a trip to Hungary recently, had to deal with the Vampiress bathory. all those imprisoned servants." dixie shook her heads ' atrua looked at scoobys picture ' hmm. for a canine hes not bad.  but then again I'm a touch of a speciest, stick with my own kind sort of thing. " I've learned in my experience not to be so narrow-minded. I have bonds with dragons, magical wolves and Digimon. " dixie said. ' she pulled out a few pictures out of midair.
 ' this is Cynder and Spyro ' she said showing pctures of the purple and Black dragons' this is Tiger of the wing and Tigeress of the moon. ' she said showing a picture of blue-furred and purple furred wolves " they are expecting their first cub any day now' Dixie said, handing the picture to Mukua. ' and this is Agumon and Agumina ' she produced a third picture showing the yellow and peach Digimon. ' you weren't kidding when you said you had lots of friends. how did you meet them? Atrua said ' well the wizard Stripetail brought us all together.' so sorta like a superhero teamup?" Atrua asked. " without the masks and spandex' Dixie said ' he sends us all over the place, and we'd had to deal with all sorts of stuff'

Atrua and Mukua both looked at her ' so you like to live dangerously '  Atrua said. ' Well, by occupation, not so much by preference" Dixie said. ' Do you like to live dangerously Atrua?' if you mean liking fast cars , then yes. ' I've gotten my share of speeding tickets. '  Atrua waved her claw. ' Its 100 coins per offense. ' Not exactly a deterrent. " this is a small kingdom, only so many roads to drove on. and the fines are set so that they dont keep folks off the roads. how else are we to do business with the other kingdoms?. ' Atrua sighed ' anywho, lets me show around ' this is known as the Posing villa ' its where most prizes go for official duties, like posing for calendars, paintings orr sketchs. theres even a ribbon cutting room, where we practice cutting ribbons."
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 05:42:13 PM by Nick22 »
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Oliver soon arrived with where the rest of the mascots were changing into their costumes. He noticed a certain feline among them. "Hey Mr. Garfield, you're one of the mascots too?" he meowed. "I'm working as one too now, I just have to find my costume......"


"And.........done!" Kovu declared after a few more hours of finishing up the proposal. He left no details out. He made sure to show off all of the Pride Lands' appealing qualities in their proposal for the seer. He turned to his loyalist lionesses.

"Now we just need Zazu or Ono to deliver this....." he explained.


 Kitty smirked at the idea. "That would be good," she told Chie, "We can make being a Prize seem like a lucrative career option for ladies here in Panthera......which it probably is." She shook her body around, which caught the eye of the servants at the villa. She didn't mind showing off.


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you're wearing a costume " garfield pointed out,  walking around oliver and pointing . ' also you're  going to bein  a young sidekicks skit with tuffy, its a three mouskeeters skit with you as a  little redguard ' Garfield said ' i hope you know french, because I don't. " Garfield shrugged. tom and jerry are coming to fetch you, so make haste to mid town. "
 better check in with Kopa first ' Vitani said coming up to her brother. '  Any mistakes will cost us big time when measured against other kingdoms, I heard from Jasiri that Celesteville is going all out to get a bid-They are offering the seer 200 million bucks to have the games there! apparently their king- babar, berber something like that? Is loaded. As in,  obscenely rich.' Vitani said as she looked at the proposal. " bro, you're only offering 40 million dollars! Thats not gonna cut it, not when things are this cut-throat.' She said. "you'll need to add another zero to that figure. 'Sis, Kopa and i already agreed on this figure, we are just going to have  to hope that the size of the kingdom, the scenery and  the friendliness of the kingdoms residents will make up for not spreading around the most cash. Besides it would be far worse if we offered, 200 million and then didnt get the nod anyway. We'd be out that money with nothing to show for it. Frankly, We didnt get to be the biggest kingdom in Africa by blowing through cash. " Kovu said." I just spent a good 6 hours going through all this , alright? If you would be so kind, big sis, I'd really like a big wildebeest for a snack. All this work is making me hungry>' He gave Vitani a big, winning  grin.  Vitani ruffled Kovus headfur " alright, Alright, I've seen that looks too often.' Votani saiod , a smile on her face as a number of lionesses loyal to kovu came up to him carrying a pitcher of juice ' Here you go, my liege' they said '' cherry flavor, your favorite " They puurred. Vitani headed off to fetch Kovu his food.
 woody and winnie wre walking around town with knothead and splibnter ' this pladce sorta reminds me of that time i had to chase buzz buzzard through his theme park' Woody said ' stalls everywhere, touristy stuff.' wasnt that the time buzz had knothead and splinter bound and gagged in his hideout?' winnie shook her head" Yeah, that was it ' woody said as both of the kids shuddered.
 Onca was now sitting down to a all you could eat breakfast, as much meat as he liked, as much cereal as he liked.  every utensil was made of gold or silver and  the table was huge ' the prince dined alone most of the time. today the prince was eaten an entire pig of bacon, he had a taste for it.
 is there any other rooms i this villa?' Mukua asked as they walked along ' Theres the video room, where music videps and kingdom promos are made" atrua said " I can sing, as  cam kitty. ' You let us sing a few songs there and you girls can be in the video" dixie offered. ' Well Onca usually piucks the songs '  Atrua said " but I'm pretty sure that can be arranged.
 It wil certainly be lucratiove for us ' Chie said as they walked along , catchingg a few servants gawking at them ' You know what you have, Kitty, i'll say that mnuch, half of the make staff are still looking at you" she smirked.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2018, 01:21:03 AM by Nick22 »
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"Acknowledged, Commissioner Gordon. I will patch you through to Stripetail." Major Lockie immediately used his internal radio equipment to connect Stripetail and Commissioner Gordon.

There was an explosion below him as one of the Jokerz firebombed a known T hideout and then sped away on their bikes. Major Lockie pondered whether to engage or not, seeing as his least destructive weapon was something that was still capable of severely damaging light buildings.


Meanwhile, Pfish, Chip and the DZ headed into a section of Neo Gotham where DZ had detected the scent of Gabriel's explosives. Broken windows, garbage and vagrants hinted at the less than reputable side of this town. There, the three were confronted by group of Jokerz carrying pipes, baseball bats and other implements.

"Um, hi, we're looking for a place called..." Pfish read off a piece of paper. "Jurland Laboratories."

The Jokerz smirked -- an effect made more disconcerting thanks to their heavy clown makeup. "Well, we'll tell you but first, you gotta hear a joke first."


"What's in your pocket and running away?"


"Your wallet." The lead Joker held out his hand and the others chortled in laughter.

The joke understandably fell short with Chip's eye twitching slightly.

"You're not laughing."

One of the henchmen stepped up with his baseball bat. "Maybe he's more into physical humor." With that, he swiftly cracked Pfish over the head. True to his origins from a "softer" toon setting, all that happened was a large bump that rose from the impact site. "Ow," Pfish said as he rubbed the welt.

"Uh boss, I think we just pissed off that alleycat splice." The third member pointed to Chip whose face was reddening and gouts of hot steam were pouring out of his ears.

"Oh, you think that's funny!? How's about this for a laugh?" Chip yelled. He pulled out a hand grenade from out behind his back and threw it at the gangsters. Thankfully, being a toon grenade from a softer setting, it wasn't lethal. Although it did have the effect of completely shredding their clothing and leaving their makeup burnt and blackened. 

The now naked Jokerz ran down the dilapidated street as Chip's face returned to normal.

"So, I take it we're continuing to Jurland Laboratories?" Pfish offered.

"Yes! Now shut your trap!" Chip snapped as he continued down the street, his two partners following.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 hello Commissioner Stripetail said through an image in Gordon's computer " So, you're Stripetail" Gordon stroked her chin " Lord Stripetail, madam " Stripetail bowed slightly. " As i told your staff, Gotham is not really in a place where we can host your games. We just cant guarantee the security. " Commissioner, I must be frank, If Gotham pulls outs, the Games will basically collapse. donations would basically stop, and the loss of Gotham would be well into the tens of billions.  is there anything we can do for you to help clear this situation?'' We'd need to clear the streets of the jokerz, and theres lots of them. you're a wizard  or so your underlings have said.' Gordon said " Yes Commissioner, that is correct.' well then cant you , I dont know, Magic the jokerz away? demonstrate your magical ability? Like, for instance putting out the fire at the stadium?" Gordon said showing an image of the fire still burning.

' very well, Commissioner, I'll put out the fire, and restore the stadium to its previous state." exactly as it was?' No graffiti? No hooligans?' Gordon was skeptical. " you don;t believe in magic, do you Barbara?' Stripetail said "  I would say, that i have little practical use for it. but magic is real, I've had more than a few encounters with magical beings. I'm a practical sort, and magic, is impractical in the era i live in. " Yet it exists, all the same" stripetail said.  I'll get to work on repairing the stadium. anything else ?' well, now that you mention it, theres been an effort to preserve the historic part of the city.  Powers wants to tear it down to  put in a massive new Wayne-Powers building. he's made us a deal however, raise 250 million, and he'll drop the proposal. otherwise, the wrecking ball starts its work at the end of the week, 3 days from now. we simply dont have the money. one of the buildings in that district is the police station my father worked at for decades. " Gordon sighed.

 " 250 million, you said?' Stripetail said. " Yes, I know you have your games in town as a higher priority but helping save this city's past would not go unnoticed. Any donation at all, would be greatly appreciated. "  so 250 million to save the buildings? What about restoring them to their former appearance? ' probably another 50 million' Gordon sighed " so 300 million in all?  Very well, if that's the price of keeping the games alive in Gotham, that's a price I'm willing to pay. 300 million it is.  I'll be sending you the money immediately. I do hope you take gold coins as payment ' Stripetail said.  He gestured and several huge heavy bags landed on Gordon's desk. causing her to shrink away from the desk. she reached forward warily and opened one of them, finding the bag was filled to bursting with heavy golden coins.  Gordon took out a handful of gold coins and let them run through her fingers , her face working as she beheld the fortune that had appeared out of thin air and landed on her desk. ' So you ARE a powerful magician, as your underlings said. An extremely wealthy one,too,  to throw around 300 million like it was nothing. " I've been around a very long time commissioner. time and prudent investment will make one wealthy in due course. I've spent billions on these games, and if need be I'll spend billions more" Stripetail said. "I cannot allow my enemies the chance to destroy the world of toons. " "I'll see what I can do to get the games okayed, but it will take awhile." Gordon said. "tell the mayor that I'm covering the costs of restoring the historic district.' Stripetail said
« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 02:27:33 AM by Nick22 »
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Mukua and Dixie began rifling through the various songs  with Doxie singing a few bars of each them. ' Mukua stoppefd as she heard Dixie said " Girl,, you can sing!" I have a showboat singer for many years.' dixie said " ' How abiout you Mukua ' I can dance, a fair bit' mukua said ' I'm ok at singing, nothing like you." hmm , we do  do a 'Music video, with some of you ladies posing' Dixie said " vogue for instance, or for a more private show for the Prince " not myself tonight" ' Mukua smirked. " What do you think Atrua?' She asked her friend. ' well, a dance video sounds like fun. I do like to show off.' atrua grinned. " lets go set it up, ladies." we'll do Vogue first' Atrua said " i'll go get the costumes. they're quite revealing.'" around here, is there any other kind?' Dixie said , and Mukua sighed '
_ Zazu flew up to the ko-kings, i'm ready to fly to India and deliver the kingdoms offer.' Zazu bowed.
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Jurland Laboratories was a pharmaceutical company that supposedly made inexpensive generic drugs for the poor. In truth, it was a front for manufacturing illegal performance enhancers. And of course, with so many crooked scientists and technicians available they made their drugs to the highest standard.

Of course, it was still a criminal enterprise so it was to be assumed that everyone was armed. The trio got around that by pretending to be pizza deliverymen. Or they would have had Pfish not accidentally revealed his police badge. Needless to say, they were chased out of the building by a hail of gunfire.

"What do we do?" Pfish asked as a bullet nicked his fin.

"Shut your trap and fight!" Chip returned fire with his toon pistol. It wasn't lethal but it still took the enemies out of the fight by knocking them out.

DZ showed his worth by throwing grenades at the hostiles. Being from a "soft" toon setting, the grenades had non-lethal, hilarious but still debilitating effects. One of the guards was rendered unable to fight when his pants spontaneously fell down and began dragging him away from the fight. Yet another was buried under a pile of banana peels from out of nowhere. Of course, the robot was repeatedly hit by gunfire but his role in explosives disposal meant that he was heavily armored.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 Terry emntered the gates to Wayne manor on his mototcycle. ' his mother had sent him back here to 'interview' With Bruce Wayne for a Job of some sort. Being a high school student, Terry didnt have much money , so any job that paid well was one he would consider. Terry parked the vehicle and came to the door, hearing the loud barking of a big dog from  inside. Tery Opened tthe door and came face to fce with a huge black great dane, whose eyes regarded Terry with suspicion. ' McGinnis! you're late' Bruce said, walking into view  leaning on his cane.  The dog turned and headed into anorther room, convinced this wasnt an intruder"Punctuality is important!' Sorry, Mr Wayne. my mom, er said you had a job for me.' OF a sort. follow me " Bruce said, turning and walking  through a side room. Terry followed him stealing glances at all the ornate furnishings each room held. This was a not so subtle reminder that he was in the home of one of the richest men on the entire planet. " I'm not sure how closely do you follow the news, Mr Wayn, but . Gothams a mess right now. So If You expect me to drive you around, well You'd need a tank to avoid the Jokerz.' They;'re common thugs' Bruce replied as he sat down at a long table ' " McGinnis, i havent forgotten the last time we met. you took some things of mine for a joyride. Particularly, a suit. ' I - I did give it back' terry said " yes you did. Now,  this time I'm  going to LET  you wear it.' Bruce said " Wait , what dio you mean?' tery started." You're..  Bruce opened a grandfather clock revealing steps leading down.' Bruce walked down and Terry slowly followed. at the bottom of the steps a series of lightlys clicked on, filing the chamber with light.

Bruce went over to an enormous computer and started typing away on the keyboard. images of the chaos in Gothams as well as images of the laffalympics came into view.  " You're  Batman. THE Batman!" Terry said taking in all the cave had to offer " I'm too old to be Batman any more Terry. my heart has been severely damaged from all my years of fighting, And I physically cant do it anymore.  But  the city still has need of Batman. " So. ' bruce  pressed a button, and one of the glass containers opened revealing a black  suit with a red Bat symbol on the chest ' i want you to take up the mantle ' Terry's mouth fell open. 'your first job, is to help clear Gotham of the jokeraz and  help these games take place. Meet up with the squirrel mage running them. names Stripetail. lord Stripetail. ' A squirrel, thats a lord?' Terry blanched ' you're joking. "
 Bruce shot him a glance ' I never joke Terry.  Stripetail is an immeasurably powerful wizard. Never met him in person, but the reports coming out from Asia say that he froze a tidal wave in place to save a coastal village from being wiped away. ' A tidal wave?' Terry started ' 235 feet high ' Bruce said,  bringing up an image of an enormous wave frozen in thick ice. Terry's eyes widened. ' what happens when that ice melts?. ' it will fall harmlessly into the sea >' so if he can do something like THAT .." He could turn you into a potted plant without  breaking a sweat. So don;t anger him. You are Batman now, theres a legacy to uphold. MY legacy. ' Bruce said ' Motioning to the suit " Suit Up. Officially, you will be my assistant/ chauffeur. i will be paying you 5000 a week, a per your mom's request' 5 grand ' terry said as he quickly suited up, looking at the suit.' anyone else i need to see ' Barbara Gordon. Shes an old friend. No-nonsense type, so once again, be respectful. " You know the commissioner?' Terry said as he put on the helmet." Yes. Go offer your help' Bruce said ' I'll be on touch.
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Oliver was going through the market to get to the spot where the other mascots were. Garfield had given him a few dollars if he needed a snack on his way across town.  "So many big cats here," he smiled, glad to be in an area that was full of felines. He took extra care to avoid getting caught in the crowds and lines that filled the area. Luckily, his costume identified him as being part of the games' staff.


"Can you really blame them?" Kitty smirked to Chie, "I have an eyecatcher of a body." She shook her assets and flaunted her form, many male panther's eyes bulging. After some moments of this, she looked at the cheetah. "Let's go find Dixie. I wanna try this posing duty for myself, you know?"


Louie, Berry, and Sawyer were at a fancy inn in Panthera. "This town is known for its romantic atmosphere," Sawyer said to Louie. She was still trying to get the taste of his last kiss off her lips. "I'm sure we can find something that will work great for your movie. I know you wanna be the kind of leading man who gets tons of ladies....."


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The shootout at Jurland Laboratories was soon over with the arrival of the police who quickly took the incapacitated criminals into custody and got to work dismantling the illegal manufacturing plant.

"You just had to get clumsy and show your police badge, didn't you?" Chip snapped.

"It wasn't my fault. How was I supposed to know that a guy on a bike would nearly knock us over?" Pfish replied.

"Stow it, you two," the lead officer on the scene said. "Thanks for your help in busting this place. Now, I want you two to gather the evidence and submit the data to Stripetail for analysis. He's now working with Commissioner Gordon."


Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie were trying their best to keep the stadium as secure as possible. Mostly, it involved them dropping flares and smoke canisters to make it difficult to but the living A-10 had been fitted with a small caliber machine gun that he could use without too much collatoral damage. So far, they were doing fairly well.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Mukua waved as cHie and Kitty entered  ' in hewre girls1 We're just shooting a posing video, using several statues as resting positions.' I'm also drawing the girls in thier outfits. they'll edit the prince in the video after we shoot it ' Atrua said. ' So It looks like we're posing against him. ' chie entered the room, to find Dixie, Mukua and Atrua moving statues around. they were, naturally of the prince in various poses, looking regal in each.

Morgana entered the villa carrying a note to kitty from panty detailing what size she wanted the meat in.  "The Goddess wants them , large, medium well' Morgana said handing the note to Kitty. Dixie and Atrua ground against a fine Italian column, their claws digging into the marble. ' hmm ' you've got some wild girl in you, dont you Dixie?' Atrua chuckled. "I suspect all girls have a wild side, some have more of it then others, or flaunt it more. " Dixie said ' Hold those poses girls so I can Film and sketch it." MUkua said as Cey held the camera. Chie was resting against a dry fountain, and Mukua had akready sketched her.
Panty entered her floating villa, which followed her from place to place. Roght now she was visiting her trophy rooms. Names like Roanoke, Salem and Monmouth adorned plaques below past hunts " those Templars were fun to hunt, and whats more the mortals think they were all executed by the French king" panty laughed.
 _ tiger the cat was enjoying a pizza prepared at a Panthera pizza place. loads of pepperoni sat above a sea of melty bubbly chese , nestled inbetwen a thick soft crust.  whats more, Tiger had it ALL to himself.
 Tom of Jerry noticed Oliver and beckoned him to join them in thier latest skit, whicgh would involving Oliver and toim Fishing ,with Jerry as bit, gbut it would held up Oliver pulling Tom out of the water.
 Kopa and Kovu kissed some of thier girls adfter Zazu flew off with the p[ridelands terms. " it would be a couple weeks before Zazu would reach the seer.
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"Thanks for letting me join this, Mr. Tom," Oliver said to the other cat. He was quickly shown the motions of what he would have to do for this bit. He sat next to Tom and began to fish for the skit. He was already having a good time.


Tiger could not believe how good his meal was. "These cheese is godly...." he drooled. Sure, he was a kindhearted cat who liked to share, but there were times where it was great to have something purely for one's self. He pigged out on the slices, one by one. He was already prepared to order more.


More of Panty's followers were going about, spreading the word of the goddess to the citizens of Panthera. "You want to become one with the goddess?" they offered some people in the marketplace.


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Blammo the clown was clearly having far too much fun. His latest target was one of the power hubs for Neo Gotham. Explosions ripped the air as an improbably large amount of explosives were pulled from his pockets and thrown about. The explosives he used spewed out metal disks that were designed to rip apart organic tissue but they were also extremely destructive to the unarmored wires and components inside the building. Soon, the air was filled with sparking wires and the pungent scent of ozone.

His unsettling plastic smile remaining, Blammo wandered off to scatter more havoc.


Meanwhile, Gabriel pulled her RV up to the front gate of Gotham Fine Chemicals. Thanks to vehicle looking exactly like one of the many trucks that plied the streets of Neo Gotham (plus fake business insignias and uniforms), they were waved through the front gate.

She parked her truck on the loading dock and waited for the workers to hook the RV up to the discharge line. What was to be pumped in was Dip, a corrosive substance that rapidly ate away at any toon based materials. Of course, in a hard toon setting such as Neo Gotham, its effects were dampened. But it was still an extremely dangerous material that caused severe burns on contact and quickly destroyed most materials.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail magicked himself into the middle of the stadium. which was being trashed by the Jokerz. ' ha ha ha! look what we've got here boys!" the jokerz, gathered around stripetail carrying clubs, guns and  chains. ' hmm. not much to look at' Stripetail said as they gathered around him ' not much to look at? says the talking thanksgiving dinner ' the leader of this particular group  named Rusty, snarled. ' i strongly suggest you turn yourselves in to the local authorities' Stripetail said and the jokerz burst out laughing. ' really? and Suppose mr er squirrelman, we dont want to, what are you going to do, make us ?' again the jokerz pointed and laughed.

" boys, boys, boys, dont you know its rude to backtalk your elders ?' stripetail said. "look, pops we dont got no elders, We dont listen to the cops, or our parents, or nobody. the Batmans been gone for decades. we are the jokerz! We do as we please!' thats where you err, my friends.  there are rules everyone must follow,  such as not trashing public property.' stripetrail said. "A bit late for that pal, we've already gone and trashed it, and trashed it well. " how long did that take you ? a couple hours?' stripetail said " Probably, we dont keep track of how fast we cause mayhem, although thats not a bad idea. make a record boys, from now on we record how long its takes for us to smash places up! Make a little contest of it!' Rusty  saod. " So, mr whiskers, we're gonna have to ask you to take a hike!'" And if I refuse?" stripetail's voice was firm. " Well then we'll beat your tail off and dump  the rest of you into the Gotham river!'  stripetail pulled out a bag of gold from his robes and set it down in front of the  Jokerz, before opening it so the Jokerz  could see. " you see this gold boys? this will go to the first of you  that gets a hit on me " The Jokerz gaped at the gold , then quickly huddled amongst themselves, finally turning back to the wizard.
 We deal in creds these days, Man. cards, you know?' well how many creds would you say that gold is worth then? stripetail said " at least 1000 creds per coin' said a skinny jokerz." How about 1  million creds then? show me what a creds card looks like first.' stripetail said.'' give the old fursuit a creds card' the leader demanded, as one of the gang stepped forward ' theres about 1000 creds on that, although there were 10000 at first. we spent most of it, buying rusty here a new bike.' the Jokerz said. stripetail gazed at the card then quickly duplicated it, turning his card a golden color.  he then set it on a piece of debris before handing back the other card to the jokerz. " how;d you do that?'the jokerz asked in amazement. " I'm a wizard, boy. thats nothing compared to what i can do. Stripetail said.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 05:22:56 PM by Nick22 »
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