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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5642 · 272512


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Mukua finished drawing a sketch of Onca and set  it aside.  " we'll be donme shortly" dixie said as she moved up to Onca's shoulders " Here kitty" you can work on his legs" dixie said motioning to the far end of the sofa pon which Onca was resting From this view, Kitty could  get a full view of the prince. " after this masage , i'll show you girls the library villa and the buff villa."Cey said.
 scooby saw a trio of prizes approaching him carrying a basketball uniform.  " Mr Doo? Will you please follow us. You have been challenged to a game of basketball at the palace. please do try to keep up." Scooby took the uniform and began following the prizes.
 Two lionesses worked onn Kovus belly, while two more runned his back and back of his klegs. a fifth was giving him kisses and nuzzkles, purring contentedly as she did so.
- Tom shook his head, he had no idea where Garfioeld was. Nor did the tom cat care. he was focused on his skits.
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Kitty couldn't deny how gorgeous the prince was. He had a buff six pack, and his fur looked so smooth to the touch. "If Imay, your majesty," she smiled to Onca, "Could I join in on the back rub?" Hearing about all the other villas the royal family owned, she was more eager to think about those than think about the games.


Bongo came over to Lulubelle. "So you, me and Lumpjaw are playing baseball with some tourists? I'm sure Lumpjaw will hit home runs every time he steps up to the plate." Lumpjaw was a sweetheart, for as much of a musclehead he could be. Bongo might have been mildly annoyed that the only reason Lumpjaw and Lulubelle were married was by accident, but at least she was married to someone she did care about.


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Certainly, dear Kitty" Onca samiled at her and pointed  at a seat by him. " i have been getting cramps in my quads, if you could work on them, I'll gladly give you a tip ." He smiled. ' how dores $1000  sound?' Onca smiled at the fetching cat.

what kind of tourists? Lulubelle. ' and Secondly i wasnt aware that you had included me. I'm been very busy with organizing the princes Games schedule, along with getting villa IDs for the new prizes. " she sighred ' when's the game?"
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"That sounds really lovely," Kitty smiled to Onca. Some of the local prizes giggled. While an outsider like Kitty would obviously find receiving such a large sum for such a small task to be very pleasant, by the prince's standards 1000 didn't even register as a hint of pocket change. 

"Just tell me where to start."


"Later in the evening, and its against some bears from one of the competing teams," Bongo told Lulubelle. "Cmon, Lumpjaw and I can put up a game, and this will be after your job is done." Bongo gave his friend a pat. Even if it was only an accident that she married Lumpjaw instead of him, he knew she was in good paws.


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just ,my lower legs , please onca  said ' the massage will be over then ' dixie said " as i've finished rubbing the princes back and shoulders. " you gorls are lucky ' chie said as cey psassed around  drinks for those prizes who werent playing instruments to entertain the prince. " the princes family has ruled panthera for 4 generation" some one of the guard prizes ' we have lived in prosperity ever since. Every prince has his own set of prizes, The current prince has the largest number, but thats befitting someone of his rank  and stature. He's not a horn  cat or inteersted in planting ' seeds' all over
 Put in simply ' Cey said ' we have it good here. and you'll soon see why.' She s,iled at Dixie and Mukua.

 scooby was lee to the princes personal villa where a huge basketball court had been set up. janus was dribbling and hitting shots wuith a practiced flair, he was making most of them.

_ kovu was relaxuing with some of his lionesses whebn Kopa came over. " hey bro. just finished talking with my uncle. hes building a new restaurant, called Retired Rulers Inn. i'm pitching in 10 million , in return he;'s going to talk to the wiuzard about getting us a  spot in the games . "
 Thats my dad for you ' Kovu smiled.
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"Anything else we can do for you, handsome?" one lioness purred to Kovu as she rubbed his belly. His loyalists were quite devoted to him.


"Does he have an official mate?" Kitty asked the prize who filled them in. "And if not, who will have his heirs when the time comes for that?"


Bongo pat Lulubelle on the back. "Just tell Lumpjaw, and he should be up for the game," the bear encouraged.


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No, he does not, nor will he until he becomes king ' the prize replied. " he will pick only the best match for him, amd that will be a pantheress of high status. Not an outsider. no offense intended, of course."
 onca got up from the couch .' well thank you ladies. I feel relaxed and ready fore the day now. Please take some food with you as you go around the villas." He said with a smile, as Argo followed Chie, Autrua and Mukua out of the room. Argo was headed back to the pizza place where he worked, so he could report the salre and toip, in hopes of getting a bonus in pay.
_ very well. i'll tell him when i see him next at the main palace' Lulubelle said.  Just fetch us when you want to take us to the games.
 Nothing right now, my beauties " kovu said with a contented smile on his face.
 A bell rang for a mascot break from the skits, and tom and jerry got up frokom the rover bank to head into town to get something to eat.
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Oliver followed after Tom and Jerry when he noticed Garfield on his break enjoying a meal. "Hi Mr. Garfield," Oliver smiled, going over to him, "Did you do a bit already? I did," the kitten smiled.


"Thank you sir," Kitty bowed to Onca, "You are quite generous." She took some mouseburgers that had been prepared for her.


While he was patrolling in the palace, Lumpjaw eventually caught sight of Lulubelle. "How ya doing, dear?" he smiled broadly, wrapping her in a big hug.


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No, not yet ' Garfield shook his head  " i've been challenged to a food eating contest, food of my choice ' he said. ' Don't know who the guy is ' just  found a note on my uniform." he said ' why dont you guys watch my contest and if I win? i'll give you a few bucks of my winnings?' he said with a chuckle.
 Lulubelle smacked Lumpjaw in the face with a "love tap" ' good big boy ' she said ' i' working on a decree for Panthera during the games. this is our big chance to put ourselves on the map." she said , breaking away from him, and heading up the stairs towards her office.
- you're welcomy, my Prize ' Onca said ' Have fun in the others villas." onca waved as  the door was opened for Kitty and the others to leave.
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"Let me help you up the stairs," Lumpjaw smiled, giving Lulubelle an uppercut that knocked her all the way to the top of the flight. He knew she appreciated that.


"Sure, that sounds fun," Oliver smiled to Garfield. "Could I maybe even play too?" The kitten was eager to show off his eating talents again.



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no, boy this is for addults only ' Garfield dsaid ' i've got sa bonus riding on the match. I'll get 10000 bucks if i win. i could use the money. " you can have some food as you watch though;' he said to oliver.
 atrua guided the  prize mobile down the track away from the massage villa. ' next up girls the library villa.' She smiled. " chie was passing out pizza to the other gorls as she walked around the prize mobile.  The library villa soon appeared on the horizon, its height towered over the other villas. a pair of greeb riobed pantheess stood on the steps of the villa gazing at the newcomers as they approached.

 Louie was writing down idseas for his costume on a piece of paper in the Panthera cafe. Sawyer and Berry were in line grabbing lunch for themselves and louie and Louie pondered his outfiot, and the outfits of the girls.
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The incident commander nodded. "The clown in question looks like this." He brought up a picture on his tablet showing footage he had downloaded from the security cameras.

Pfish, Chip and DZ all looked over the footage. The fuze hat, plastic smile and overly wide overalls that brought to mind a half a bowling ball...or bomb, were all hallmarks of Big City's most notorious serial bombers.

Blammo the Clown.

"That damn clown!" Chip exclaimed.

"We'll put out an all points bulletin for him," the incident commander said as he transmitted all the information to Stripetail and Commissioner Gordon. He then turned to the trio. "Right now, I want you three to enter and ensure the entire structure is free of bombs and booby traps so we can get rebuilding ASAP. We're already getting complaints."

"On it!" DZ said as sped through the blasted open security door. Pfish and Chip followed.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Thanks Mr. Garfield," Oliver nodded as he took his seat next to the bigger cat.  He was glad to have someone he already knew be a fellow mascot.


"Since I'm not from these parts," Kitty asked one of the local prizes, "Just how many villas does the royal family have?" She could make out plenty in the distance.


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he has 20, catering any need of the prizes. the library villa and the buff villa are very popular villas. ;' came the reply.  the prize mobile opened and the green robed pantheresses approached ' ah new prizes they said, nearly in unison. " please do come in. " the doors opened and a staggered array of shelves and bookcases appeared before them.  Mukuas mouth fell open. she had never see so many books in her life.  Panther Spirits , what a spread !" she murmured as she wandered through the shelves. ' you could get lost in here for days, eh Mukua?' Atrua grinned. ' Me , i like the buff villa. there i dont have to have any pretensions about modesty. then again, i don;t like the word anyway.  We're heading there next , by the by. so you girls can see what i see, the freedom to walk around au natural. " What do they do in that villa?' Chie asked ' we'll its a relaxing villa. play ping pong, read, relax in the hot tub. watch Onca TV' Atrua said. " plus theres a huge fridge in there that you can take what you like from.  You'll love it girls." You enjoy walking around buff huh?' mukua said ' "Only way to truly live. " "
 Panty entered the villa where kitty had left her the meals sher had demanded and began eating the food.  panty sat down and began enjoying her food.
- scooby and Janus began playing their game, which was a game of 4 5 minute quarters. janus was in better shape than Scooby, But Scooby's height and length posed problems for him. scooby got off to a slow start, and janus pulled into an 8-10 point lead early on.
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Kitty could hear the sound of the goddess's ravenous consumption in the distance. "I hope she likes it," she said with a tinge of nervousness. She knew Panty would only accept exactly what she asked for.


"So does this mean the prizes can go around in the buff everywhere on the palace grounds?" Chie asked the others. "That must make for some amusing work days....."


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yes we are allowed to walk around in the buff ' Cey said ' how often we do so is left to our discretion. outside the grounds, of course, you have to wear some form of clothing. " I'm guessing Atrua will go san clothes more often than not. ' mukua said. ' you betcha ' Atrua laughed ' You, Mukua?' Only if i lose a strip poker or strip monopoly game" Mukua said. ' which we girls play a lot' Atrua said ' I usually win when I play so normally its some other prize that has to go around in her natural state, and owe me some favor or other. normally, its dancing or posing that are the wagers. " Well Mukua and I played the game the other evening, but it was just for playing, I'm pretty sure we didnt follow all the rules correctly. " Dixie said. " " we can play a game at the buff villa ' Chie suggested ' Poker, this time. You girls can each come up with wagers or side wagers. Losers have to pay up when they get knocked out. so , say, Dixie has to pose against  a column for a hour if she loses.  " I'm in. If I win' Cey said " you girls have to cook my meals for me, for a week. "Drat, Cey! you stole my idea!' Atrua laughed. " Alright i'll have to come up with something else if I win. ' What about a kiss?' Dixie said. ' Too simple, and too easy " Cey said. it has to to be something you can pay up on for a long time. Food, Dancing, buying someone a new set of prize attire. Things like that. Stuff that can be held over you" She smirked. "problem is, Dixie is loaded" Mukua said ' she can spend whatever she likes. ' OH really? Cey's grin grew brighter. " alright, thats the wager " dixie has to get the winner whatever she wants, regardless of cost. Even if its 100, 000 bucks. " I'll just take 100 grand in cash ' Atrua said. " hmm. Dixies already spending 50000 on my birthday' Chie mused ' Just. um/ get me the biggest cake you can get in the kingdom. chocolate icing, chocolate cake chocolate filling. ' Do i have to get anything for anyone if i win? Dixie asked ' Only if you want to, theres no real obligation " Cey said.
 gordon received the information as was driving away from Wayne manor " Information recieved. You are authorized to use lethal force if necessary. Gordon out."
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"I guess there's no nudity taboo in this kingdom behind the palace walls huh?" Kitty smiled to Cey, "Otherwise something like a buff villa wouldn't be a thing." Her eyes would occasionally float in the direction of other Prizes' bouncing assets. Onca could truly claim he had only the best. "Are there ones hired here specifically as chefs, or do the Prizes take care of that?"

Hearing the wager, she remembered all the gambling the cats did back at Waul's saloon in Green River. They were quite.....vocal whenever they won or lost.


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yes there are people hired for their cooking ' Cey said ' the prince requires the best, and as a side benefit, we get treated almost like queens. basically as long as we do our tasks we get rewarded. the buff villa is one of those rewards. you can relax all day there  if you want. just soak in either a group hot tub or a personal one."
 louie tossed away the script for the movie and left the girls to go pack up his things " berry , Dumpling, bring  sawyer cdear with you, once you have enough ideas. ' what for , my king?' I'm going tio create my own movie studio, and i'll need you two appearing inb most of the movies.' Louie grinned.

 GGarfield began eating in the food contestwhich had lots of food liked by cats.

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The Buff Villa lived up to its name. Several of the prizes inside were relaxing in very little (if any) clothes. A few panther girls were lying down, soaking in the sun. Two others were playing table tennis. Another one was soaking in a hot tub. All leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. The villa was designed beautifully, it was like paradise for those who were enjoying having time off in it.


Oliver decided to be Garfield's cheerleader for the eating contest. "I know you can win Mr. Garfield," the kitten smiled helpfully to the bigger cat.


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Dixie walked into the buff villa and found the girls were all nude, the only indication that there wrere any clothes in the building at all, was the prize outfits hanging on racks. ' i'm going to enjoy myself here ' dixie said noticing a huge tv in front of the  tubs.  mukua undressed and climbed into a tub, feeling the warm water against her fur. ' come on kitty! come join me" she said eagerly. this Tv here is showing.. how to cook mouseburgers with 3 types of cheese! you know, that actually looks really tasty. " dang it, now I'm hungry..' mukua laughed.
_ Cey, atrua chie and Dixie took one of the group baths, and found the Tv was tuned to Janus and scooby;s basketball game. early in the 4th quarter Janus lead 46 -43, although Scooby had the ball and was looking to tie the game.  scooby hit a long 3 over janus' outstretched  claws, and scooby made a fist, as janus took the ball out to resume play. janus slammed the ball down in frustration. ' go scooby! Dixie cheered. on another screen Onca was posing and flexing in different poses. there were several girls watching that one.
  Sawyer was handed several pictures showing her getting hit by bananas ' if you dont play, these get handed to a photographer ' Louie grinned. Ciuld we worse, i have pictures of you and berry doing things..' He laughed/
_ in the pridelands some of kovus and kopa's lionesses were looking at the 'lioness sutra '  to find  ways too please their kings. both of them enjoyed relaxing with their ladies.
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