The Gang of Five
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A Sci-Fi Roleplay

MrDrake · 357 · 24823


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Whisper entered the room in which her father slept, let the door shut... and then let out a deep sigh. 'Okay, wow. What a day.'

The light flicked on. 'Some day, huh?' Raiven said, sitting upon his bed and facing his daughter.

'Oh, hi dad,' she replied with a little wave. She had kind of been hoping that they were both asleep, but it looks like her luck had run out in a rather odd fashion.

'Come to see how I feel, or something else?'

'Of course,' she said, lying. She approached her father and looked him over with a hand upon his shoulder. 'How ya feeling?'

'A bit better. Won't know for sure until I've seen a doctor about the hip wound, but the foot is okay. Getting shot sure does suck.'

Whisper laughed. 'That's my dad.'

'Something else is bothering me though. You.'

Whisper froze.

'Your face is red. Is something wrong?'

'Nothing's wrong dad. Just a bit battle weary, dad.'

He nodded. 'Ah, of course.'

Whisper decided she better go soon before he got all fatherly on her. 'Uh, I just need one little thing before I leave. I wanted to borrow some food off Isodor.'

'He's sleeping like a baby,' Raiven replied. 'Grab what you need and get out before he wakes up.'

Whisper looked up at Isodor deep in sleep, hugging his toy dragon tightly. 'That is so not mature.'

Raiven shrugged his shoulders. 'He can do whatever he likes.'

Whisper made for the large bag besides the desk. It was full of Isodor's stuff... but mostly food, the glutton. She found what she was after. 'Pancake mix,' she said to herself with a hint of excitement, and then made for the door.

'Oh, one last question before you go,' Raiven said. Whisper faced him whilst she leaned against the door.

'Who kissed who first?'

Whisper's eyes widened, mouth dropping wide open. She quickly stepped outside and closed the door. She turned and leaned on it, already feeling her face going red. 'Oh no,' she muttered to herself.


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Zoe was still in the kitchen at the moment, pulling up the leg of her shorts to take a proper look at her wound "Wow, it has healed up rather well actually....Whisper's good at that" she said to herself as she did seem to prod it a little as well.  Good thing is, it wasn't as sore either as she looked around in the kitchen before deciding to lay down on her side, more or less out of complete bordem at the moment, that, and her stomach was still growling as well.

Soon enough, she was just flat on her stomach, her head planted on the ground face first as she just gave off a groan as well.  Both bordem and hunger had pretty much gotten to her by that point.


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Whisper returned to the kitchen as if she had just returned from a triumphant battle. 'I have the pancakes, hell yeah!' She then looked around, wondering where Zoe had gotten to.

'Uh... why are you on the floor? Come on, up you get and watch a master chef create the best breakfast ever!'

Several minutes later, after the kitchen had been coated with pancake mix... and so had most of Whisper's face... breakfast was ready.

'Bon appetite or whatever they say in... Germany... I think.' Whisper lay down a plate of a giant stack of light brown fluffy pancakes. 'And here's some syrup, and some ice cream,' she continued as she lay more goodies down upon the table in the dining room. The room had obviously been built for someone like the president, considering how well presented everything looked. It kind of clashed with the rest of the ship, but Whisper certainly wasn't complaining.

She sat down, and dove right in. 'Nom nom nom. Mmm, that's good.' Whisper looked over to Zoe a little embarrassed, realizing she was eating a bit like a pig.

She decided to get a conversation going. 'My father is such a weirdo,' she began...

Meanwhile, Isodor startled awake. 'Ugh, that damn dinosaur got me again.'

'Awake at last, Iso,' Raiven said from below. 'How's Ember?'

Isodor quickly chucked the stuffed dragon under his pillow. 'Who, what? I left him behind. I mean, wouldn't I look like a total weirdo if people saw me with him... huh?'

Raiven rolled his eyes, and stood up, grunting. 'I'm going to check up on Val.'

'You do that, Rai. I'm hungry. I feel like... mmm... pancakes.'

'Oh no,' Raiven said to himself.


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Zoe soon got up once breakfast was ready and started to eat as well, eating as if she hadn't had anything to eat in a few days, probabally eating more like a pig that how Whisper was eating.

"Oh? I think he's nice, he helped me along with Firefly" Zoe replied back, food in her mouth still and thought to ask something else as well "But um, reason I was asking that question before, about if you liked me, cause when I uh, kissed you, you were blushing....and was wondering that....hasn't anyone kissed you before?" she asked with a small smile, wiping off some of the syrup from her mouth.

"I only asked, because, well, um...." Zoe begun, looking to Whisper still, actually shifting a bit closer to her as well before she was practically right in front of her "I'm not good with this, I told myself I wouldn't say anything else on it, but I just have to now, because it wont stop buzzing around in my mind, but here's the truth" she let off an annoyed groan as well and took a deep breath before speaking "I really, like you, I mean, um, I like you more than a friend, but I only said I wouldn't say that because then you would think I'm just weird for falling in love with you, so that's why I didn't want to say anything else about it either" she seemed to then gasp for air at that point, after having more or less spoke the sentence rather quickly as well.

That's when she went rather quiet after that, looking down a bit as well, her two index fingers went together as she just stared at them at that point.


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Isodor was not happy with the news that his pancakes had been pilfered. 'Argh, she's like a little rat,' he said with a slight hint of anger. 'Ooh, I'll show her for taking MY pancakes and eating them.'

He rushed for the door, his back leg still numb.

'Might want to put Ember down, Iso,' Raiven said.

It was at that point Isodor realized he still held Ember. He faced Raiven, looking just a little embarrassed, and throwing his stuffed dragon aside. 'Aw crap. Pretend you didn't see him, okay?'

Raiven rolled his eyes. 'Whatever, Iso.'

Whisper was in silence, and not just because her mouth was full. She swallowed her breakfast, even though it suddenly felt heavy in her stomach. She was about to reply about how her father had obviously thought the two of them were more than friends.

Wow, she really was shocked. Whisper didn't turn red, more a pale white than red.

That explained a lot about why Zoe seemed so close to her. Was this some sort of effect from being a slave for most her life? She would ask, but to say such a thing at this point...

She didn't know what to say. She'd never fallen in love with any of the men in the army corps with her. They were all brutish thugs in her opinion. Ugly and stupid things, just like apes. However, she had never taken a liking to the other females in the corps, either.

...That was a lie. There had been one...

I'm going to regret this, Whisper thought. She raised Zoe's head with a hand, so that she looked her in the eyes.

And that's pretty much when she leaned over across the table and kissed her right on the lips.

Isodor watched from the door, mouth wide open. 'Okay,' he said to himself, 'I think I just crossed a dimension or something.'


  • Littlefoot
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Zoe's eyes seemed to widen at that point, she hadn't actually expected Whisper to kiss her.  However, she seemed to try and hold out the kiss for a bit longer before she had finally broke from it and spoke up " uh....well...I didn't expect you to actually kiss me....I thought that you'd think I was just weird and all" she was indeed, still rather quiet about it, looking at her fingers again "You think I'm weird, don't you?"

Valria on the other hand, was still sitting up, opened up her banadages a little bit to take a look at her wounds before doing it back up, pulling the covers up to at least cover up her bottom half.

She may be an alien, but she still tried to keep some form of decency regardless if anyone was in the room or not.  However, she was just quiet still, glancing around the room, her suit was gone, nowhere to be seen, nor had it even been retrieved from the warship either.  She knew she had to get another suit together, perhaps even a more durable one as well.


  • Petrie
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'I think you're both weird,' Isodor said from the doorway, getting Whispers attention. Her eyes widened.

Isodor continued. 'You can keep the pancakes, I just lost my appetite... thank you very much.' With that, he left the doorway, leaving Whisper speechless.

She turned back to Zoe, only now really realizing what she had done. 'Oh crap, I'm so sorry. I just kind of... acted. Uh... please excuse me,' she said, making her way quickly for the door, her face red once again. She needed somewhere quiet, to think.

Raiven, meanwhile, made his way slowly to Valria's room. 'Damn foot,' he muttered. Finally, he got to the sealed door and knocked with a few taps of his knuckle.


  • Littlefoot
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Zoe looked over to Whisper before she got up "Wait!" she called out as she headed off after her to catch up to her.

Once Zoe had caught up to Whisper, she spoke straight away "I just want to know, if you were acting....why did you kiss me in the first place? I'm sorry that I had said it, I just really needed to get it off my mind....but if you...don't like me cause of that, I understand" she looked to Whisper one last time before she decided to just head back to her room for the time being, laying back down onto the bed.

Valria on the other hand, heard the knock on her door and spoke up "Come in" she spoke, making no real effort to hide her....assets at the moment as she just leaned up against the wall that her bed was up against, still covering her bottom half with the sheets at least.


  • Petrie
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Raiven opened the door, and nearly fell backwards at what he saw. 'Oh, crap. My... apologies, I didn't even know.'

He stuck himself behind the wall of the door, so that he couldn't see Valria. That was the first time he had seen alien... erm... assets. 'Uh... well,' he said, clearing his throat and regaining himself. 'I just wanted to see if everything was alright with you. You got banged up pretty bad back there, and just wanted to make sure you were doing well.'

Whisper, meanwhile, had hidden herself in the cargo storage. It was a quiet place, save for the hum of the engines as the Athos made its way through space. It was a place she could truly think about what had just happen, and perhaps make up her mind.

Except... she wasn't alone.

'And one... and two... and...'



'Isodor?' Whisper asked.

'Whisper?' The squibs head poked around a crate, antenna pointed straight at her. 'What are you doing here?'

'I would ask the same of you.'

Isodor looked around, and then leaned in. 'I'm testing my back leg. It's getting worse. I just tried to do one of my long pounces and screwed up big time.' He rubbed an elbow as he said this.

'Sit down with me, Iso,' Whisper replied, patting a spot next to her by a crate.

'Yeah, okay. This better not be about that-'

'It is.'

'Thought as much,' he said with a groan.

They shared a moment of silence. 'What do you think, Iso?' Whisper finally asked.

'Me?! I'm a squib, Whisper, not a love guru. I don't even have a p-'

'Yes, yes. I get it,' Whisper replied, shaking her head. 'Look, I just don't know. My heart says one thing and my head says another.'

Isodor looked at her for a long time. 'What does Zoe say?' He asked.

Whisper stared back, and it all clicked together at last. 'Oh... my god. I do love her.'

Isodor rolled his eyes, but what he probably didn't expect was a kiss on his head. 'Hey!'

'Thank you, Iso,' Whisper said, before getting up to her feet... and heading for the exit. Now she just needed to find Zoe and sort this out once and for all.


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Valria seemed to let off a bit of a sigh with what Raiven had done and shook her head a little bit "Yes, I am doing much better than earlier on, thank you for checking up on me" she then paused "Look, if you wish, you can still enter, I don't really care if you're loking at my chest of not, I know that's what humans are like....all the same, thinking that all there is to a women is their chest or whatever else"

Zoe on the other hand was just laying on the bed, giving off a rather heavy sounding sigh as well "Perhaps saying all of that was a bad idea after all" she just shook her head a little bit as well, just burrying her face in the pillow in the process, seeming to sniffle a bit as well.


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Delta and Omega finally managed to enter the Athos. The two guardians were grateful as a robot could get for finally catching up, yet mindful that their leader was still unaccounted for. Approaching the bridge, they didn't find anyone. Scanning the ship for sentient life was most fruitful, as two of the biological units were found in the kitchen.

"Ah, guardians. Good to see you." It was Heron again. Always him. An omnipresent 'voice' in their heads. He was getting annoying. "We are now approaching expected velocity as we continue to make our escape from the enemy warship. It was quite an escape if I say so myself. Some of my best work. Would you like to see the relevant data?"

"No, Heron. We want an update on Alpha." Delta replied in numbers. If he could have expressed annoyance in the digits, he certainly would have.

"Well, at the moment, the ship isn't traveling so fast that he will be left behind, yet we are still getting farther away from the warship. Eventually, he will be out of range from our current position."

"How long will it be before he is out of range of us?"

"About 15 earth minutes, Delta. We would have been beyond his range long ago if not for the pilot giving instructions to decrease velocity to-"

"Keep the ship as it is" Delta replied. "Omega, go check on the crew."

"Affirmative." Delta was the second-in command, although this only held any weight if Alpha was missing. Omega could feel no jealously of its inferior rank relative to the other two guardians. Such emotions would only get in the way of their missions. Approaching the kitchen, he found no one. Moving on, Delta detected the biosignatures of Zoe and Isidor. The former was in her room, the latter was in the cargo bay.

Moving over to her room, Delta initiated protocol and knocked gently on the door.


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Zoe just sniffled as she heard the knock on her door, but yet, seemed to just linger on, but it didn't seem to stop as she let off a heavy sigh "Yeah, okay....come in" she had said in a muffled voice as her face was still burried in the pillow.

Meanwhile, T-5.0 glanced over to Omega and spoke to him "So, what's going to be happening with the other one?" she asked in regards to Alpha "I have not moved the ship much as Heron hasn't even given me an update on what's been happening"


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Delta entered the room and politely addresses Zoe.

"Forgive the intrusion, but I simply must know what has happened in my absence. And where's Alpha?"


Alpha continued his struggle against Blackboard, but it was a stalemate, as 'he' knew it would be. Blackbeard could not sufficiently damage Alpha's armor, nor could the guardian damage the pirate's malleable liquid form enough to prevent it from reforming. Something had to give.

And something did. Alpha's sensors began to lose track of the Athos. He was nearly out of range from the ship. If the leader of the guardian robots was going to rendezvous with his comrades, he had to move immediately.

"We'll finish this another time, pirate" he said, extending his wings and firing his engines.

"Had enough?! I'm just getting warmed up! Come back here and fight like a machine!" Blackbeard shouted, full of his usual bravado.

"I'll deal with you soon enough." Alpha told his foe with a monotonous tone in his voice. That's right, his voice. Blackbeard lacked the capacity to receive numbers beamed into his CPU, so Alpha was forced to use words and sound to communicate. He hated that.

Firing his jets and smashing out of an airlock, the race was on for the robot to catch up with the Athos.


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Zoe glanced over at Delta "Not much really, nothing interesting anyway, but as for Alpha, I don't know, maybe T-5.0 knows where he is, she's been piloting the ship as of late...." she paused for a moment before speaking again "Sorry, but I would rather be alone at the moment...."

Blackbeard just watched on as Alpha took off and just smirked to himself, he had other things he needed to get done.  The first thing was, setting the self-destruct for the ship before heading off towards his ship, stepping inside it and glancing around before walking over to where Zarcon was kept.

Zarcon was kept on a machine, the machine in question seemed to be working at Zarcon, but what it was doing, on Blackbeard knew.  Blackbeard walked over to whom was at the pilot's wheel and ordered him to take off.

T-5.0 on the other hand, scanned the area in front of the ship as she saw something approaching the ship "Is that him by any chance?" she asked the ship itself rather curiously.


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Alpha raced towards the Athos, firing his jets as fast as he could.

Meanwhile. Omega had reached the bridge and was speaking to T-5.0.

"So, T, may I call you that? Anyway, do you know what happened while I was away on patrol with Alpha and Delta?"

Delta, for "his" part, was still with Zoe.

"How did a nice girl like yourself ever get into this kind of situation?" The robot asked, immediately wondering if that sort of question was considered impolite. His memory files were empty on that point.


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"Not much has happened, I believe you are aware that Zarcon was killed, Blackbeard had arrived, but I do not know what has happened to him, as for on the ship here, not a lot of interest really, most of the crew have been getting some sleep, I've only been the one awake, if humans would call it that" T-5.0 replied back to Omega.

Zoe just shook her head "I don't want to talk about that myself....I don't like talking about it, it's not pleasent....not a subject I do wish to talk about anymore....but you can ask say, Firefly if you want, she knows....I just, well, don't want to talk about it" she told Delta rather polietly.


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Raiven took in a deep breath, and entered Valria's room. 'Well, it is good to see you awake and rather well,' he said, his eyes focussed on hers as best he could muster. He wasn't like most human men, it was just that he felt rather, awkward. It would probably be worse if it weren't for the fact that he had spent a good deal of time in the police force with a squib who was typically half to fully naked... depending on the little buggers mood.

'Look. Please accept my... uh... apologies for that rather rude entrance. I should be more formal to friends, though I must admit I'm just not used to walking in on people like that.'

The last time he had, it had been with a human female named Ellen. She had slapped him rather hard in the face shortly after he had stumbled upon her in a dressing room... which he had thought to be empty...

...and then they had married five months later, go figure.

Raiven shook his head, and said what he had intended to say. 'Well, Zarcon is dead. I... must apologise for that also. I was the one responcible for his death... with help from that robot... T something. I knew you had said you wanted to be the one to take him down, but after seeing what he was doing to you... I couldn't help myself.'

He breathed a sigh. 'I hate seeing companions hurt, it angers me. I figure it kinda comes from working in a force where everyone you know becomes a close friend.'

Whisper was at the door of Zoe's room. She was just about to knock when she overheard the conversation between her and Delta.

She wants to be alone, Whisper thought. Just leave her alone, you've already caused her enough grief for the day, silly girl.

She sighed, and left for her own room.

Isodor continued to run about the cargo room, pouncing about this way and that... and hitting the floor several times.

'Ow,' he grumbled, lifting his head off the cold floor. 'Poetry at its best.'

He decided that he had done enough for the day, having figured that he would certainly need to see a doctor or similar to check his leg and back. Instead, he thought to have a peek at all the strange cargo that lie about the bay.

'Funny that none of this stuff got taken out before we took the ship,' he said to himself. He tugged at one metal container in a far corner, pulling harder and harder... until he fell backwards.

'Sealed tight,' he said to himself. 'Might be something like food in there, too.' He rubbed a growling belly, his mood shifting to desire... a desire for something to eat.

He made his way towards the exit of the cargo bay, when he spotted a metal crate with a lid that wasn't bolted down. 'Hello, hello,' he said, rubbing his hands together. 'Just one little peek, and then eating time.'


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It had been a few minutes before Zoe got up and shook her head lightly.  She thought it would be best to try and talk to Whisper again, looking to Delta "Sorry, I need to go and talk to someone" she spoke as she walked past him and headed out down the hallway.

She cam upon Whisper's door and knocked on it "Um, Whisper....can I...can I come in? I uh...." she let off a sigh "I want to talk to you again.....please?"

Valria gave a nod to Raiven "I understand, and I have to say, it was probabaly better that way too, otherwise, well, I probabally wouldn't be alive right now, so....I do thank you for that" she added on with a smile as well.

"How are you holding up anyway?" she then decided to ask him.


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Delta knew when he was not wanted. "I see. Good day, Zoe." Turning on the heel of his artificial leg, the guardian hastily departed. Maybe Isodor knew more about the situation. But first...

"Heron. Come in Heron. This is Delta. Heron! Why won't you come in?"

"Ah, there you are, guardian. I was wondering where you-"

"Don't give me that" Delta replied, slightly irate. "You are an A.I. that is embedded with the computer system of the ship. There's nothing that you don't know about the Athos or what goes on inside of it."

"Very perceptive of you." Replied the savant series program. "I was hoping that you wouldn't know that."

"You admit to hiding something from me?" Delta replied, slightly taken off-guard.

"Well, yes. It is in my best interests to keep the secrets of this ship as off-limits to outsiders as possible. It is part of my security protocols. After all, the Athos contains many technologically sensitive components and modules, none of which can be allowed to fall into the wrong hands."

"So... how does any of that relate to pretending not to detect my communications? It doesn't compute." Logically, it was not right. How could Delta not figure it out? Was Heron still hiding something?

"I was testing you. Had you not figured out that I can indeed tell what goes on in the ship at all times, I would have noted it and adjusted my strategies to it. I only tell you all of this because the probability that you already know it and will needlessly repeat it to me are 95.33452432..."

Pausing for a moment, the guardian considered a very dark thought. Could it be that Heron was assigned by the government to spy on the crew? It didn't seem normal that a random group of self-styled heroes should be entrusted with such a sensitive piece of highly advanced technology. Something was very fishy here.

"...4563%. Would you like to see the relevant data?"

"Maybe later. I should just ask you what I was going to ask you in the first place, Heron. Is Isidor still in the cargo bay?"

"Yes, and he is about to open a container of spoiled food."


"The human appeared to be hungry, as biological units often are, and he is about to eat from something that is no longer biologically safe for him to do so. A pity, really. It will be most interesting to see how this turns out. I don't imagine it will cause him to permanently cease to function, but..."

Delta was already rushing towards the cargo room as Heron spoke.

"... if he needs to regurgitate, he shall find ample opportunity in any one of the five sanitation units aboard the Athos."

"You saw him about to do that and you didn't stop him?!"

"Correct, Delta."

"Why not?!"

"It was not deemed critical to the mission."

Delta hastily opened the doors to the cargo bay and, using his voice for the first time since he was with Zoe, shouted at Isidor to-

"STOP! That's spoiled food!"


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'Apart from a sore foot, and hip,' Raiven began, '...yeah, I'm doing fine. I hate being shot, though it does come with the job, so it seems. We might need to refine our planning skills, though... I'd hate to go though what we jsut did over and over again.'

He leaned against the wall, taking some pressure off his injuries, and letting out a grumble. 'I saw Blackbeard whilst I was down there. The bastard showed up whilst I was inspecting Zarcon's body. The ugly lizard is dead, but that... pirate certainly ain't. Once of those Guardians was fighting him, just before we escaped the warship.'

He looked Valria in the eyes. 'To be honest, I have no idea what we plan to do next. Zarcon is dead, but his invasion fleet still looms over Earth. We're all pretty battered, so I'm not even sure we'll be able to do any more good for now.'

He sighed, head lowered. 'I hope what we did do has some effect... I'd hate to have done all that for nothing.'

Whisper stood up and answered her door personally. 'Zoe,' she said. 'We both need to talk.'

She closed her eyes, and took in a deep breath. 'There is one thing you need to know before you come in... and... th... that is, well...'

Whisper opened her eyes, and looked deep into Zoe's. 'I think I'm in love with you.'

Isodor, meanwhile, stuck his fingers under the creak of the metal crate that wasn't bolted down... and opened it with a strain. The metal lid slid off the top, and struck the floor with a metallic clang.

He lifted himself up, and looked inside. 'Holy moley!'

And that's pretty much when Delta barged in.