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Mass Effect 2


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While it is still just a few days away from coming to American shores, this game is SO anticipated, that it may as well be here now.

Now, for those of you willing to get this, there is one STRONG reminder I must give you.  What you did in the first game effects what happens in the second game.  So by all means, perfect the original first before playing this game.

Also, much like the first game, what choices you make in Mass Effect 2 effect the storyline.  This time though, it is said to be much more varied.  There's even said to be a choice within the game that could effect the life of General Shepard. (The hero of the original game.)

I cannot say much more of this, save that many are looking for this to be THE Game of the Year.

I'll just keep an open mind and see how well that holds up. ;)


  • Petrie
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I plan to buy it off Steam before the release day. I enjoyed the first enough to play through it twice (once as a Paragon and once as an absolute bastard :lol).

I wasn't too impressed with class selection and the combat, but it looks like they've fixed that. Now I'm just hoping for a good story and interesting companions. I mostly enjoy Bioware games based on how interesting your companions are, and how much influence they have during the game... whether they just sit there, or actually participate in conversations and such.

I also hope you'll be able to punch more people in the face. Fun times!

Game of the Year? Maybe not, still a long way to go for this year... and we've got Bioshock 2 to come, but that's another story...


  • Littlefoot
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I may hire it out myself, as it doesn't look too bad at all, but I'm still holding out for other games myself.

I do wonder what would happen if in the game, who you ended up with has some sort of affect on the game as well, like being with that Liara chick for example XD

So yeah, hire out for me at least ^^


  • Petrie
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I don't think what you did in the previous game is going to have a major impact on the game, to be honest. There was way too many factors, such as who lived... whether the council survived, and who you fell in loved with.

Considering we have new companions, I'm certain the romantic subplot of ME1 will have little impact. Hopefully, however, the romance will be better in this game... rather than something that felt like an afterthought.


  • Cera
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I loved the first game and can't wait to play the second. This game is definitely going to be a contender for Game of the Year as well as Bioshock 2.


  • The Circle
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Mass Effect is one of the few games I'd actually want to own a 360 for. My bro's got it for PC but my poor lappy wouldn't stand a chance of loading something that graphically demanding. Mass Effect 2 looks to be every bit as huge and immersive as its former title. Might bug my friend to see if he will get it so I can have a go on it!  :p  :DD


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I have officially beaten the game.  What do I think of it?  I can only ask one question.  How can this NOT be game of the year?

Yes, I understand that it is only the start of the year, but this game is so good, it just deserves it.

The storyline is far more emotional than before.  This game uses the story you created in the first to finish the second.  Old crew members return, so your choices from the first game really do effect it.  Mass Effect 2 has even got a few side stories that differentiate depending on key choices from the first game.

Also, the choices near the end have a MAJOR impact with the third game.  Yes, despite my achievement, it's not over yet.  The Reapers are coming in droves to take humans down.  It's war now!  There's no turning back.

I lost some valiant lives in the final battle.  More than half of my team was lost.  All those who lost their lives will not be forgotten.  Their deaths shall not be in vain.

Now, because of the final battle, this does effect the third installment.  I lost some of the best ones out there.  They will not be joining me in the final fight.

It is possible that this is the best game of the year, but it is without a doubt, the saddest.

Great job, Bioware!  Keep up the great work. :)


  • Cera
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This game is easily one of if not the best I have ever played on the 360. Everything about it is so compelling you don't want to stop playing. If there was anything I didn't like about this game, but this doesn't really matter too much, scanning can sometimes get boring.

Otherwise, amazing game and great contender for Game of the Year.


  • Ducky
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I got the game when it came out and I was most impressed with it. Here's my review:


*Outstanding story. Far more emotional this time around. Not just the main quest this time. The party character side missions are much more thought out this time and they do a great job at fleshing out their back-stories and personalities.

*Much larger improvement on combat. It feels a lot more like a third person shooter this time, but they still manage to keep the role playing game elements to it. Great improvements to biotic powers. The biotic charge move is my absolute favorite of the bunch.

*You really get a sense of emotional attachment to the other characters. Especially in the romance sub-plot. It's not lustful this time, you actually feel like you can connect with whoever you decide to hook up with. (I started to get annoyed with Ashley). My next play-through I'll play as the female Shepard; just to see how different that experience is. I hooked up with Tali...  :lol

*It's so much more fun to play the sequel with your character from the first game. I was truly surprised to see the familiar faces and results of my actions. And I'm not just talking about my first game team, but characters from the side missions as well! I kept Wrex alive so it was just awesome to see him as a big clan chief on the Krogan home-world.


*The planet mining is very tedious and boring. I know I need those resources to upgrade my stuff but come on... they could have tried to make it slightly more entertaining.

*The end boss just weirded  me out.

*Occasional bugs or glitches here and there.

But I can easily overlook all of that.


First play-through, I got my team's loyalty so I managed to keep my whole team alive but I lost half of the Normandy crew because I didn't go through the Omega 4 Relay immediately. And I kept my Shepard alive as well. But I screwed something up on my second play-through on the same file so I'm doing it over and making the same decisions I made; then I'll work on another file for a different experience.

This is how I did it:

Vents: Legion

1st Squad Leader: Garrus

Biotic: Samara

Crew Escort: Thane

2nd Squad Leader: Jacob

Final Party Group: Garrus and Tali

Collector Ship: Blew it up


I think it's safe to say that we both already have a contender for Game of the Year and it's solid competition for the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII. I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT FOR THE THIRD IN THE TRILOGY!!!!


10 OUT OF 10[/B]


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"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite game on the Citadel."


  • Cera
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One major improvement in this game was the inventory system. It is nowhere near as confusing as in the first game, and I am glad. A lot of people complained that this took away from the RPG aspect of the game, but in my opinion there are plenty of RPG aspects in this game that minimizing the inventory system won't have an effect on it. The biotics were also so much better in this game, and I like how the special ammo could be learned and you could have multiple choices for one weapon instead of only one type.


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With my second playthrough of the game, I have gotten the Cain weapon, and only ONCE have I been able to use it effectively.  Every other time, I just kill myself and freeze the game.  What's the secret to it anyways?  It's got me baffled.


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With my second playthrough of the game, I have gotten the Cain weapon, and only ONCE have I been able to use it effectively. Every other time, I just kill myself and freeze the game. What's the secret to it anyways? It's got me baffled.

all i know is that you have to have 100% or more to fire it, otherwise it doesn't fire. I've only used it on the last boss and it takes about half its health off on veteran.


  • Petrie
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I loved this game. Although, I didn't get to keep my Shepard from the first game 'cause I played the first one on Xbox, and I played ME2 on my computer.

The only thing I really disliked is that credits were really useless to me, and my first play through, I didn't get a different assault rifle the entire time.

The best part about the game was Thane, though. I wanted to play as him instead of Shepard. Even though he died at the end of my game :p. So I'm playing it through a second time to make him survive so I can have him in ME3 (assuming he's still alive by then). But unless the reapers waited a year to begin their invasion, I think he'll be in ME3.

Bottom line: Best game ever.


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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Good news for all PS3 owners. Bioware have announced that Mass Effect 2 is getting ported with additional content over to the PS3. It's pencilled in for the first quarter of 2011. Anyone I've spoken to with a 360 who has this game has given it nothing but praise (I've only played about 2 hours on a friends console and I enjoyed it). Gotta say I'm looking forward to this. :)


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Good news for all PS3 owners. Bioware have announced that Mass Effect 2 is getting ported with additional content over to the PS3. It's pencilled in for the first quarter of 2011. Anyone I've spoken to with a 360 who has this game has given it nothing but praise (I've only played about 2 hours on a friends console and I enjoyed it). Gotta say I'm looking forward to this.
Unfortunately though the first one isnt being ported though. I highly recommend playing the first game first.


  • The Circle
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As with any great gaming series, it's always wise to check out the previous installments before jumping into the sequels but having said that, sometimes going for a sequel first for a game you've never experienced can still bring about enough curiosity to want to obtain the previous ones. For instance, for me, the first Resi Evil game I played was RE3, only from there did I look to seek out the older ones. Granted there were elements to the newer one that the olders games lacked (like the sodding 180 quick turn from the first one....I didn't realise how much I used that move til it was taken away from me  :lol )

As I said before, ME2 was one of the few games I'd consider getting a 360 for. But looks like this is one game I don't have to worry about anymore ;)