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Getting to know you - LBT Style

Petrie. · 182 · 73497


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I am a big fan of SpongeBob!  The End!!!!


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Most liked Land Before Time character - CERA!:) I know she's not exactly nice at times, but I love her. I guess one reason is she's my favourite planet eating dinosaur, a triceratops. I also part of me like tomboyish girls.
I must admit though I liked her more when she was voiced by Candace Hutson in the first 4 films, she was a lot cuter back then.

Least liked Land Before Time character - Dinah and sodding Dana. Followed by Cera's dad. He his one of the worst dad's I've even seen in any media. All he dose is set really bad examples to Cera. I personally blame him for the way Cera is.

Most liked Land Before Time song - It takes all sorts and if we hold on together.

Least liked Land Before Time song - The mad song, friends for dinner and Big water.

Most liked Land Before Time film- The 4th film. It actually has some edge to it what with Littlefoot's grandpa becoming deathly ill. Also it was sadly the last one I actually enjoyed and had no problems with. Also the last one were Cera was voiced by her original VA Candy Hutson:(
Also another good thing for me is that Cera's bloody dad is not in it!:D Well sort of.

Least liked Land Before Time film - LBT 6, core reason the 2 annoying little sods Dinah and Dana. And what get me even more is the 6th film was originally going to be the last one! I also didn't like the 5th and 8th film much.

Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Now this is a tricky one, well once I can think up at the moment are the don't step on a crack scene from the 1st film, and the scene at the start of the 4th film were Cera butts a tree and all the leafs fall off she gives an embarrassed grin and "Hee".


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Feb 5 2014 on  10:12 AM
What does sodding mean? Or did you mean sobbing?
It's a British slang word.


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Quote from: Dalekdino,Feb 6 2014 on  04:49 AM
Quote from: DarkHououmon,Feb 5 2014 on  10:12 AM
What does sodding mean? Or did you mean sobbing?
It's a British slang word.
Lol, that's one my favorite slang words XDD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

Littlefoot fan 1990

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Most liked Land Before Time character: Littlefoot is my favorite character. Even though he acted out of character in The Land Before Time 11, he was still shown to be a great leader in the other films. I like that he was willing to risk his neck for his friends.

Least liked Land Before Time character: I can't think of one character I don't like since I like all of them.

Most liked Land Before Time song(s):
The only song I like from Land Before Time 1: If We Hold On Together
Songs from Land Before Time 2: Eggs and the end credits version of Peaceful Valley
Songs from Land Before Time 3: When You're Big, Standing Tough and Kids Like Us
The only song I like from Land Before Time 4: Who Needs You?
Songs from Land Before Time 5: Big Water and Always There
The only song I like from Land Before Time 6: Bad Luck
Songs from Land Before Time 7: Beyond The Mysterious Beyond, Good Inside and Very Important Creature
The only song I like from Land Before Time 8: Family
Songs from Land Before Time 9: The Boring song and No One Has To Be Alone (movie version)
Songs from Land Before Time 10: Adventuring and Bestest Friends
The only song I like from Land Before Time 11: Girls and Dads
The only song I like from Land Before Time 12: Things Change
The only song I like from Land Before Time 13: How Do You Know?

Least liked (kinda hate) Land Before Time song(s): It Takes All Sorts, Creepy Crawlies, Say So, Yellow Belly Dance.

Most liked Land Before Time film(s): Land Before Time 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Least liked Land Before Time film: Land Before Time 11

Most memorable Land Before Time moment(s): The entire first Land Before Time movie is memorable for me.  :p  :wave  :)


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Quote from: Petrie,Feb 15 2010 on  02:52 PM
Yeah, the board has been here, what like six years and there is no thread like this? :p Figured better late than never. This should give us all the info we need about new members joining our board. :)

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character -

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -   Chomper (hero)/ Sierra (villain)  

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Rhett (he gets in the way of Ali) (heroish) / Rinkus (villain)   (Note, not too thrilled with Bron and his disappearing act either)  

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -  It Takes All Sorts  or Friends for Dinner (not sure which one I like more)  

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -  Eggs (perhaps, as I didn't like the tune)

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -  Mysterious Island

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -  Secret of Saurus Rock

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -  There are many.   I'll have my top 10.  

1.)  One of my favorites is when Guido tells Topps to not keep going forward, Topps says he doesn't care and will go anyway and does and falls into mud.  Topps gets laughed at and then glares at Guido.  Guido, wanting to please Topps, jumps into the mud himself.  Topps, annoyed, says "Great, just what we need, another weirdo."  and then Grandpa Longneck says that he wishes Grandma had been here to see this.

2.) Littlefoot going to save Chomper in the water.

3.)  Petrie (to Pterano): "I no understand why you do this!"
Rinkus: "None of your business you little gnat, now buzz off!" (Rinkus knocks Petrie out of the sky) "He he he-" (Pterano whaps him)
Pterano: "If there's one thing I will not tolerate, it's violence!"
Rinkus: "Then why are you hitting me?"
Pterano: "Right, make that two things. Violence, and stupid questions." (Whaps Rinkus again)

4.)  Ducky going Gollum on Sky Color Stones.  That is just so not like her that it sticks out in my memory.  

5.)  Cera : So bye.  I'm heading out to the Mysteirous Beyond to see if I can get eaten by a Sharptooth.
Topps : Ok, don't be late.

Tria : Have fun.

6.)  Ichy: How nice! Dessert! Head for the shore; my sweet tooth called.
Dil: Ichy, you know the routine. Dinner first, then dessert!
Ichy: What are you, my mother?

7.)  When they are arguing about whether to jump on a "log" that is actually a belly dragger.

8.)  Chomper being nice to Thud and helping him out and then Thud returns the favor

9.)  Cera:  Longnecks saved the world... this is gonna kill my dad!

10.)  After Chomper's mother leaves, Littlefoot asked Chomper what she said and Chomper says "She told me not to play with my food."


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^He's a fan of Littlefoot and Ali becoming a couple so, since Rhett kind of demands Ali's full attention so that Littlefoot and Ali can't really spend time together, he really prevents that they can become a couple (which is more than unlikely to happen in any future movie anyway... it's not that I wouldn't like to see that happen though....). Just my guess. At least that's how I perceive it as I do like Ali and Littlefoot as a pairing too...
Inactive, probably forever.


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot for sure, if any of them could be said to be 'dragon hearted' its him, strong willed, brave but not recklass, and also loyal.
Chomper is cool to but if ti weren't for Littlefoot he'd just be another sharptooth.

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character - hard to say not really sure  :confused

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song - Probably if we hold on together

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song - Not really sure been too long since i watched them to say which was the worst maybe that one Hyp did about being big in III oh and the lone dinosaur one in VI :confused

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film - oh boy this is a toughy I cant say for sure which is at the very top but of the ones I've seen I,II,IV,V are my favorites

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film - 13 I haven't nor do I ever want to see it

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment -  Littlefoot first finding the Great Valley in I and finding the nightflowers in IV

The Lone Dragon

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Favourite LBT character: Littlefoot and Ducky. Littlefoot because he is a great leader he is also selfless and a true friend. Ducky because she is loyal, innocent and funny.

Least Favourite LBT character: Haven't exactly got a least favourite character

Favourite LBT song: bestest Friends and If We Hold On Together

Least Liked LBT song: When You're Big

Most liked film: Apart from the original it would be film number 7

Least Liked Film: 13, the songs are good though

Most Memorable Moment: The gang defeating Sharptooth and the finding of the Great Valley
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Quote from: LandBeforeTimeLover on  
  2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - I hate sharpteeth of any kind , but especially the original one. I don't care if they're killing to live or not. The original sharptooth killed Littlefoot's mother, and there's no way in hell I can ever forgive him for that  

Chomper:  Hmmmmphhhhh!


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1.  Favorite LBT song: none really

2. Top 13 Movies:
13. LBT 13
12. LBT 12
11. LBT 9
10. LBT 1 (Yes, you won't believe it)
9. LBT 7
8. LBT 4
7. LBT 2
6. LBT 3
5. LBT 11
4. LBT 8
3. LBT 5
2. LBT 6
1. LBT 10 (I loved the climax with the Sharpteeth and the solar eclipse, as well as the story.)

3. Favorite Antagonist: Crusher from LBT 10/Orange-Brown Sharptooth.

4. Favorite Protagonist: either Bron or Littlefoot.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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1) Cera, she's awesome
2) Of the main 5, Petrie. He's sort of annoying to me. Of the more minor characters, I hated the teredactyls from 7.
3) Love so many, my top 3 are probably Adventuring, Always There, and Bestest Friends
4) Hmm, probably Flip Flap and Fly, Good Inside, and Very Important Creature. It's been a long long time since I've seen 8 but I don't remember the songs in it being very good either.
5) Love 5 and 10, 9 is pretty good too
6) 12 bored me a lot but the song "Things Change" made it manageable. I think 7 is my least favorite.
7) Not sure, but what I remembered best from my childhood before getting back into LBT recently was the "Friends For Dinner" song haha


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1) Chomper
2) Yellow Bellies
3) Bestest Friends (movie version)
4) Yellow Belly Bounce
5) LBT 5
6) LBT 13
7) I honestly can't think of any
Life Is Good


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character -

Tough one! Really close call for me between Littlefoot and Cera. Littlefoot because he's so compassionate and thoughtful and always tries to be open and nonjudgmental. Cera because I love her attitude and complex character, not to mention she always gives me a laugh. Oh, and Ducky too....I love her cheerfulness and optimism!

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character -

Hmm...well Sharptooth from Land Before Time 1 for killing Littlefoot's mom.

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song -

Probably "If We Hold Together", especially when its sung by Anndi and Aria. My other favorites include "It Takes All Sorts", "Always There", "Bestest Friends". I frequently listen to these songs while not watching the movies.

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song -

Definitely "Oops Eeps" from the TV series. But from the movies, probably "The Lone Dinosaur" or "When You're Big". They just don't do anything for me and sometimes I skip through them.

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film -

Tie for me between Journey of the Mists and Mysterious Island, primarily because I love the plots and mood of both movies. Great Valley Adventure, Big Freeze, and Great Longneck Migration are my other favorite sequels.

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film -

Invasion of the Tinysauruses, I think--I didn't care for the songs, thought the plot was pretty weak, and I thought the characters acted really out of character. I haven't watched Wisdom of Friends though, and I'm not sure if I ever want to.

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment -

Littlefoot finding the Great Valley for sure; that scene made me tear up with happiness. From the sequels it would probably be Ali and Cera singing together in "It Takes All Sorts".

Dr. Rex

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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot for me. His brave, adventurous, and fun-loving attitude has always been an inspiration to me in my childhood and I always strove to be like him back then. I still have a bit of that attitude in me.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - The Yellowbellies, all group in one. Nothing else to say about that.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Honestly, I've always skipped over the songs back in my LBT heyday and I've only started paying attention to them recently whenever I re-watch my old movies. So, this has been selected from an awfully small pool of songs, but "Adventuring" from LBT 10 will have to do. It's always been catchy to me in my childhood.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - None so far. Like I said, the pool of songs I can remember is pretty small.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - LBT 10. It was and is my favorite LBT film. I can still remember how shocked I was when Bron was revealed to be Littlefoot's father. It made the film even more interesting to me. Plus, I felt it had the most action and adventure out of all the LBT films (excluding the first one, but the whole Bron reveal thing put it on the top of the list over the first one in my opinion) and that made it even more appealing to me.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - LBT 13. Such a big letdown, especially with the Yellowbellies.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The death of Littlefoot's mother. I remember being so confused on exactly how she died, over any other emotion. Now that I watch it again, it's such a sad scene to me.


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Quote from: Dr. Rex,Aug 5 2015 on  05:18 PM
1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot for me. His brave, adventurous, and fun-loving attitude has always been an inspiration to me in my childhood and I always strove to be like him back then. I still have a bit of that attitude in me.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - The Yellowbellies, all group in one. Nothing else to say about that.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Honestly, I've always skipped over the songs back in my LBT heyday and I've only started paying attention to them recently whenever I re-watch my old movies. So, this has been selected from an awfully small pool of songs, but "Adventuring" from LBT 10 will have to do. It's always been catchy to me in my childhood.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - None so far. Like I said, the pool of songs I can remember is pretty small.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - LBT 10. It was and is my favorite LBT film. I can still remember how shocked I was when Bron was revealed to be Littlefoot's father. It made the film even more interesting to me. Plus, I felt it had the most action and adventure out of all the LBT films (excluding the first one, but the whole Bron reveal thing put it on the top of the list over the first one in my opinion) and that made it even more appealing to me.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - LBT 13. Such a big letdown, especially with the Yellowbellies.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The death of Littlefoot's mother. I remember being so confused on exactly how she died, over any other emotion. Now that I watch it again, it's such a sad scene to me.
Very interesting post :)

Welcome to the gof btw  :yes
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Quote from: chomperrules1993,Aug 5 2015 on  05:23 PM
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Aug 5 2015 on  05:18 PM
1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot for me. His brave, adventurous, and fun-loving attitude has always been an inspiration to me in my childhood and I always strove to be like him back then. I still have a bit of that attitude in me.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - The Yellowbellies, all group in one. Nothing else to say about that.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Honestly, I've always skipped over the songs back in my LBT heyday and I've only started paying attention to them recently whenever I re-watch my old movies. So, this has been selected from an awfully small pool of songs, but "Adventuring" from LBT 10 will have to do. It's always been catchy to me in my childhood.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - None so far. Like I said, the pool of songs I can remember is pretty small.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - LBT 10. It was and is my favorite LBT film. I can still remember how shocked I was when Bron was revealed to be Littlefoot's father. It made the film even more interesting to me. Plus, I felt it had the most action and adventure out of all the LBT films (excluding the first one, but the whole Bron reveal thing put it on the top of the list over the first one in my opinion) and that made it even more appealing to me.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - LBT 13. Such a big letdown, especially with the Yellowbellies.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The death of Littlefoot's mother. I remember being so confused on exactly how she died, over any other emotion. Now that I watch it again, it's such a sad scene to me.
Very interesting post :)

Welcome to the gof btw  :yes
Thank you! It's good to be here. :)


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - It's hard to pick just one, haha...probably Sierra. I've always loved his "I'm evil and proud of it!" attitude, especially considering the unfortunate lack of competent antagonists in the sequels. The way that he just casually suggests feeding the main 5 to the sharpteeth was pretty damn creepy; LBT really needs more villains like him. And he's a major badass, lol.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - The yellow bellies...ugh. Dinah and Dana were also pretty obnoxious, and I'm not fond of Mr. Threehorn, either.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - "If We Hold On Together," "Very Important Creature," "Always There," and "Who Needs You?"

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - "Imaginary Friends" is cringeworthy tbh; same goes for "Yellow Belly Bounce."

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Nothing beats the original, obviously. Out of the sequels, my favorites are VII and IV.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - XIII

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - When Littlefoot sees the vision of his mother in the clouds in the first movie